Willkommen zu unserem Was-ist-zu-tun-/Wohin-Reiseführer.
Hier stellen wir Ihnen alle Möglichkeiten vor, falls Sie einmal Schwierigkeiten haben, einen Ort zu finden, an den Sie gehen können.
- You'll find a list of possible equips you'll be able to wear for any of the steps.
- Also you'll be directed to quests, dungeons and instances that you gain access to.
- Important information: Some equipment parts are available from a lower level, but the dungeons/instances can only be entered from a higher level.
- Up to level 10 you are welcome to do our beginner quest or hunt on the field south of Prontera Porings.
- Note: Of course, you can also simply level up with the board quests / item collection boards in @go eden.
Level 10+
- Cautious Village gives good EXP, you can unlock the Bangungot Hospital and Bakonawa Lake instance, if you complete the second part of the quest. You can find more information at the respective instances.
Level 45+
Level 99+
Level 100+
- Banquet of Heroes 16.1 gives good EXP and JXP, you can unlock the Room of Consciousness and Sky Fortress Instance.
- Terra Gloria 16.2 gives good EXP and JXP, you can unlock the Heart Hunter War Base and Werner Laboratory Central Room Instance.
Level 110+
- Illusion 17.1 gives good EXP and JXP, you can unlock the Cor Mission and OS Mission instance.
Level 120+
- Bakonawa Lake you can unlock the Bakonawa Extermination instance.
- Bio Laboratory Level 2 Dungeon
Level 125+
Level 130+
Level 150+
Level 160+
- Fire Basin gives good EXP and JXP, you can unlock Bios Island, Morse Cave and Temple of the Demon God
Level 170+
Level 175+
Level 180+
Level 190+