Sarah's Memory

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  • To enter this instance, talk to the Warper NPC and select Instances > Sara's Memory.
  • Talk to Leon the Adventurer, and he will give you a quest. Then, the party leader must talk to the Dimensional Device nearby and select "Boot up the Device" to generate the instance. Talk to the device again and select "Enter" to enter the instance. You have 1 hour to complete this instance.
  • Base Level 99
  • 1 day cooldown


Preparation: It is recommended to do this instance with a party if you are low leveled or have basic gear.

  1. You arrive in Payon Town. Talk to the girl standing near you. She will introduce herself as Sara Irene.
  2. As the conversation goes on, Sara's father, Doyen Irene, will appear. They soon leave, and you will overhear people talking from inside the building.
  3. Go into the portal to the southwest.
  4. You arrive in front of the Palace. Talk to Sara and watch as she finds her mother seemingly killed by Doyen.
  5. Doyen will call on the guards and Sara will run away.
  6. You will need to follow Sara while killing the guards and their dogs. There are 5 enclosed areas to go through. Each time you clear an area, a portal will appear, marked on your mini-map. Most of the mobs are demi-human. Using Hydra Card and Thara Frog Card is effective here.
  7. In the fifth area, you return to the palace. Doyen will call one last group of guards, and finally face you himself.
  8. Defeat Doyen Irene, and listen as he tells you what truly happened.
  9. A portal will appear to the west. Continue going west, down the log stairs and find Sara on the bridge at (1@sara 40, 140)
  10. Before you could tell her the truth, two mysterious figures incapacitate you and takes Sara away.
  11. Exit the instance through the portal to the west.
  12. Return to Leon the Adventurer and tell him what you saw. You will be rewarded with Experience.

Common Food Drops

Name Effect Name Effect
12043.png Bomber Steak (12043)

12058.png Tentacle Cheese Gratin (12058)

12053.png Clam Soup (12053)

12048.png Honey Herbal Tea (12048)

12063.png Fruit Mix (12063)

12068.png Fried Sweet Potato (12068)

+3 STR

+3 AGI

+3 VIT

+3 INT

+3 DEX

+3 LUK

12045.png Lutie Lady's Pancake (12045)

12060.png Steamed Bat Wing in Pumpkin (12060)

12055.png Spicy Fried Bao (12055)

12050.png Mastela Fruit Wine (12050)

12065.png Green Salad (12065)

12070.png Fried Scorpion Tails (12070)

+5 STR

+5 AGI

+5 VIT

+5 INT

+5 DEX

+5 LUK

12044.png Herb Marinade Beef (12044)

12059.png Lutie Cold Noodle (12059)

12054.png Seasoned Jellyfish (12054)

12049.png Morocc Fruit Wine (12049)

12064.png Cream Sandwich (12064)

12069.png Steamed Ancient Lips (12069)

+4 STR

+4 AGI

+4 VIT

+4 INT

+4 DEX

+4 LUK

12071.png Shiny Marinade Beef (12071)

12086.png Chile Shrimp Gratin (12086)

12081.png Awfully Bitter Bracer (12081)

12076.png Red Mushroom Wine (12076)

12091.png Peach Cake (12091)

12096.png Lucky Soup (12096)

+6 STR

+6 AGI

+6 VIT

+6 INT

+6 DEX

+6 LUK

MvP Food Drops

Name Effect
12072.png Whole Roast (12072)

12087.png Steamed Alligator with Vegetable (12087)

12082.png Sumptuous Feast (12082)

12077.png Special Royal Jelly Herbal Tea (12077)

12092.png Soul Haunted Bread (12092)

12097.png Assorted Shish Kebob (12097)

+7 STR

+7 AGI

+7 VIT

+7 INT

+7 DEX

+7 LUK


Monster Level HP Size / Race / Element
1st Guard Dog (2545)
101 20,099 Medium / Beast / Earth1
1st Payon Soldier (2543)
101 20,099 Medium / Demi-Human / Neutral 1
2nd Guard Dog (2546)
101 21,099 Medium / Beast / Fire 1
2nd Payon Soldier (2544)
101 21,099 Medium / Demi-Human / Neutral 1
Irene High Elder (2542)
101 433,110 Medium / Demi-Human / Neutral 1

You may also obtain these cards from Sara's Memory.

Card Description
27169.png Payon Soldier Card (27169) ATK +5
When compounded with Spear class weapon:
Refine Level +10:
ATK +20
MATK +20

Refine Level +14:
ATK +20
MATK +20

Type: Card
Compound on: Right Hand
Weight: 1
27168.png Irene High Elder Card (27168) HIT +10
For each 3 Refine Levels:
HIT +5
When equipped with Sarah Card:
ATK +100
Random chance to transform user into Sarah for 60 sec when dealing physical attacks.

Type: Card
Compound on: Garment
Weight: 1