Malangdo Culvert

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Duration Price
16740.png Seagod's Protection Box (16740) 6909.png Nyangvine Fruit (6909)
16763.png Seagod's Protection Box2 (16763) 6909.png Nyangvine Fruit (6909)
16764.png Seagod's Protection Box3 (16764) 6909.png Nyangvine Fruit (6909)

Obtainable Rewards

12636.png Malangdo Special Can (12636) 6423.png Seagod's Anger (6423) 6418.png A Class Coin (6418) 6419.png B Class Coin (6419)
12615.png Poor Coin Bag (12615) 12614.png Normal Coin Bag (12614) 12617.png A Grade Coin Bag (12617) 12618.png B Grade Coin Bag (12618)
12619.png C Grade Coin Bag (12619) 12620.png D Grade Coin Bag (12620) 12621.png E Grade Coin Bag (12621) 12623.png High Weapon Box (12623)


  • Use the Warper > Instances > Malangdo Culvert.
  • Talk to Missing, the Cleaner. (mal_in01 160, 34)

  • Choose the options Are you ok? and I will help...
  • Talk to Albo (mal_in01 172, 28) and take the quests. (General for Normal mode, Hard for Hard mode.)

  • Talk to Missing, the Cleaner again with the Seagod Protection in your inventory. Choose Aragam insulted me.
  • You'll get warped into a room. Talk to Missing, the Cleaner.
  • Choose I'm pretty good at delivering bread. for Normal mode.
  • Choose I know how to fight. for Hard mode.
  • Select the following options to start the instance:
  • As you wish~
  • Yes, I see them.
  • Let's start!

Inside Instance

  • There will be an announcement whenever a drain appears. The map indicates them with a yellow cross.
  • At the drain, a group of aggressive monsters appear.

They are all Water property. Bring a converter for maximum damage.

  • The drain will shine in a big, blue light. Click on it to deactivate them. (Getting hit will cancel the process.)

If you can't kill the monsters in time, the drain will close and a Contaminated Stem appears.

If 6 Stems are present, the party will be kicked out.

  • Repeat the process until the following message appears: Contaminated Seaweed: X stem. Missing will come and inspect the results of the cleaning soon.
  • Soon after this announcement, the MVP starts around the center.

Normal Mode: Gloomy Ceolecanth or Weird Ceolecanth

Hard Mode: Violent Ceolecanth or Mutant Ceolecanth.

  • Look out for the following skills:

Break Armor: Can break Marc carded armors.

Frost Diver: Try to get a Marc card against Freezing.

Jupitel Thunder: Tank it next to a wall to avoid knockback.

Waterball: Either get water resistance or constant heal.

  • Upon defeating the boss, random loot appears around the room. Be sure to grab them before leaving the instance!
  • Leave the instance and talk to Madeca (mal_in01 172, 26) to receive the reward for your quests.

Normal Daily: 2 6419.png B Class Coin (6419)

Normal Weekly: 1 6423.png Seagod's Anger (6423)

Hard Daily: 1 12619.png C Grade Coin Bag (12619)

Hard Weekly: 5 6423.png Seagod's Anger (6423)


Monster Level HP Size/Race/Element
Hydra (1068)
34 854 Small / Plant / Water 2
Ancient Crustacean (2174)
95 120,000 Small / Fish / Water 1
Deep Sea Crab (2176)
95 120,000 Small / Fish / Water 1
Deep Sea Cornutus (2177)
100 160,000 Small / Fish / Water 1
Deep Sea Shellfish (2178)
100 160,000 Small / Fish / Water 2
Ancient Kukre (2179)
100 160,000 Small / Fish / Water 2
Seaweed (2191)
100 100,000 Small / Fish / Water 1
Dark Coelacanth (2187)
100 2,200,00 Large / Fish / Water 2
Coelacanth (2186)
100 1,200,000 Large / Fish / Water 2
Weird Coelacanth (2188)
100 2,200,000 Large / Fish / Water 2
Mutant Coelacanth (2189)
155 5,200,000 Large / Fish / Water 2
Violent Coelacanth (2190)
155 5,200,000 Large / Fish / Water 2


Name Description
4035.png Hydra Card (4035) Increases Physical Damage against Demi-Human race by 20%.

Type: Card
Compound on: Right Hand
Weight: 1
4527.png [MVP] Dark Coelacanth Card (4527) MaxHP +10%
DEF +100

Type: Card
Compound on: Armor
Weight: 1
4526.png [MVP] Weird Coelacanth Card (4526) MaxSP +5%
MDEF +50

Type: Card
Compound on: Armor
Weight: 1
4528.png [MVP] Mutant Coelacanth Card (4528) MATK +2%
For each 2 Refine Levels:
MATK +1%
MaxHP -1%

Type: Card
Compound on: Head Top
Weight: 1
4529.png [MVP] Violent Coelacanth Card (4529) Increases physical damage against all classes by 2%
For each 2 Refine Levels:
MaxSP -1%
Increases physical damage against all classes by 1%

Type: Card
Compound on: Head Top
Weight: 1