Faceworms Nest

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  • Base Level 140
  • Here you get Giant Faceworm Skin and Queen drop 1000874.png Enchant Ticket (1000874)
  • 1 Hour to complete this instance.
  • 1 day cooldown
  • Use Warper > Instances > Faceworm's Nest
  • Talk to the Magic Scholar to create the intance.


  1. The nest is divided into five main parts. When the section's boss is killed, a treasure chest will appear that drops the Giant Faceworm Skin.
  2. Once you are inside the instance, go south and talk to Chaos and Iris. Faceworms will appear (alongside with other monsters that can be ignored).
  3. Kill all Faceworms. A Dark Faceworm will spawn at the south-east part of the map. The Faceworm Eggs around it regularly cast Heal on it thus it's advised to eliminate them.
  4. After eliminating the Dark Faceworm, a Treasure Chest will appear containing a Giant Faceworm Skin and the party can proceed.
  5. Talk to Iris and Chaos again. Faceworms spawn again. Mounds appear around the map spawning Faceworm Larvas on touch. They can be skipped. The same boss fight occurs as in the previous section. A new portal opens up in the south.
  6. Poison traps appear everywhere, try to kill them as soon as possible because several sacks can deal fatal damage. Proceed to the north and kill all Faceworms.
  7. This Dark Faceworm has no healing eggs but damaging poison traps. Kill the boss again.
  8. At the next section, another kind of traps, poison clouds are present. These ones are stronger than the previous one thus it's advised to avoid them or spam Kyrie Eleison to lower the damage.
  9. The 4th boss fight will now combine healing eggs and poison clouds. Defeat the boss once again.
  10. Talk to Iris and Chaos again. After that, the Faceworm Queen will spawn.
  11. The Queen's HP varies (28m + (2m * party member)). Her noteable spells are Earthquake, Stormgust and Waterball and she changes her element to either Fire, Water, Wind or Earth.
  12. When she does it, an announcement is made. All three adds (healing eggs, poison traps and poison clouds) aid her in battle.
  13. Defeating the Faceworm Queen the fifth treasure box appears that contains two Giant Faceworm Skins.


Note that Faceworm Queen's HP increases with more people in the party, and she changes her element during the battle.

Monster Level HP Size/Race/Element
Faceworm Egg (2540)
140 10 Medium / Insect / Poison 1
Faceworm Larva (2541)
145 260,380 Medium / Insect / Poison 2
Faceworm (2528)
140 482,427 Large / Insect / Poison 1
Dark Faceworm (2530)
144 5,000,000 Large / Insect / Poison 2
Faceworm Queen (2529)
155 28,000,000 + (2,000,000 x number of party members) Large / Insect / Poison 4


Card Description
27166.png Faceworm Egg Card (27166) Decreases damage taken from Fire elemental enemies by 2%.
Refine Level +7:
Decreases damage taken from Fire elemental enemies by additional 1%.
Refine Level +9:
Decreases damage taken from Fire elemental enemies by additional 2%.
When equipped with Faceworm Larva Card:
Increases Magical Damage against Fire elemental enemies by 10%.

Type: Card
Compound on: Shoes
Weight: 1
27167.png Faceworm Larva Card (27167) Decreases damage taken from Neutral elemental attacks by 15%.
For each Refine Level:
Increases Magical Damage with Water element by 3%.
When equipped with Faceworm Egg Card:
Decreases damage taken from Neutral elemental attacks by 5%.

Type: Card
Compound on: Garment
Weight: 1
27163.png Faceworm Card (27163) AGI -1
DEX -1
Increases Attack Speed by 3%.
When equipped with Dark Faceworm Card:
Decreases After Cast Delay by 3%.

Type: Card
Compound on: Accessory
Weight: 1
27165.png Dark Faceworm Card (27165) VIT -1
INT -1
Decreases After Cast Delay by 3%.
When equipped with Faceworm Card:
VIT +2
INT +2
AGI +2
DEX +2

Type: Card
Compound on: Accessory
Weight: 1
27164.png [MVP] Faceworm Queen Card (27164) MaxHP -10%
CRI +15
For each Refine Level:
CRI +1
Increases Critical Damage by 1%.

Type: Card
Compound on: Shoes
Weight: 1

Gigant Snake Skin

Gigant Snake Skins dropping in Faceworms Nest Instance with Enchants.
These cannot be reset or enchanted.

Item Description
20717.png Gigant Snake Skin (20717) A head scales of Wormface which defeated in distorted dimension. This demon once called as Jormungandr's reincarnate.
MDEF +10
When equipped with any type of Temporal Boots:
MaxHP +15%
MaxSP +5%
Enchantable: Yes

Type: Armor
Position: Garment
Defense: 38
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 40
20718.png Gigant Snake Skin [1] (20718) A head scales of Wormface which defeated in distorted dimension. This demon once called as Jormungandr's reincarnate.
MDEF +10
When equipped with any type of Temporal Boots:
MaxHP +15%
MaxSP +5%
Enchantable: Yes

Type: Armor
Position: Garment
Defense: 38
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 40

Possible enchants

The skin can have up to 3 enchants of STR/AGI/VIT/INT/DEX/LUK +1 up to +5.

The stronger skins will instead have a Special Stat enchant on the 2nd slot and 2 regular stat enchants on the 3rd and 4th slots.

Skins dropped by the Faceworm Queen can have the stat enchants go up to Stat +7.

Special Stat Enchant

"Special" Stat enchants have the following effect:

Str Agi Dex Int Vit Luk
Special Str SpecialAgi Special Dex Special int Special Vit Special Luk
STR +1


Refine Level +8:

STR +3


Refine Level +9:

Increases physical damage against all classes by 1%


Refine Level +12:

Decreases After Attack Delay by 1%.

Decreases Fixed Casting Time by 7%.

AGI +1


Refine Level +8:

AGI +3


Refine Level +9:

Increases physical damage against all classes by 1%


Refine Level +12:

Decreases After Attack Delay by 1%.

Decreases Fixed Casting Time by 7%.

DEX +1


Refine Level +8:

DEX +3


Refine Level +9:

MATK +1%


Refine Level +12:

Decreases After Attack Delay by 1%.

Decreases Fixed Casting Time by 7%.

INT +1


Refine Level +8:

INT +3


Refine Level +9:

MATK +1%


Refine Level +12:

Decreases After Attack Delay by 1%.

Decreases Fixed Casting Time by 7%.

VIT +1


Refine Level +8:

VIT +3


Refine Level +9:

MaxSP +1%


Refine Level +12:

Decreases After Attack Delay by 1%.

Decreases Fixed Casting Time by 7%.

LUK +1


Refine Level +8:

LUK +3


Refine Level +9:

MaxHP +1%


Refine Level +12:

Decreases After Attack Delay by 1%.

Decreases Fixed Casting Time by 7%.