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<p style="font-size: 1.2em;">Alternativ kann die variable Zauberzeit auch durch die Verwendung von Ausrüstung, Zubehör oder Haustieren mit bestimmten VCT-Reduktionsboni reduziert werden. Diese Reduzierungen sind bis zu 100 % <strong>stapelbar</strong>, was zu einem <strong>sofortigen Zauber</strong> führt (entspricht 530 Statuspunkten).</p>
<p style="font-size: 1.2em;">Alternativ kann die variable Zauberzeit auch durch die Verwendung von Ausrüstung, Zubehör oder Haustieren mit bestimmten VCT-Reduktionsboni reduziert werden. Diese Reduzierungen sind bis zu 100 % <strong>stapelbar</strong>, was zu einem <strong>sofortigen Zauber</strong> führt (entspricht 530 Statuspunkten).</p>

<div class="mw-translate-fuzzy">
'''<p style="font-size: 1.5em;">Beispiel:</p>'''
<h3 style="font-size: 1.2em;">Beispiel:</h3>
<p style="font-size: 1.2em;">Wenn ein Spieler <strong>160 INT</strong> und <strong>160 DEX</strong> hat und Ausrüstung trägt, die VCT um <strong>90 %</strong> reduziert, wäre die Berechnung:</p>
<p style="font-size: 1.2em;">Wenn ein Spieler <strong>160 INT</strong> und <strong>160 DEX</strong> hat und Ausrüstung trägt, die VCT um <strong>90 %</strong> reduziert, wäre die Berechnung:</p>

<ul style="font-size: 1.2em;">
<ul style="font-size: 1.2em;">

Revision as of 13:15, 24 January 2025

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Miyu / Mio
Jobboni (@ Basislevel 200)
+1 +7 +6 +13 +8 +2
Boni für den 4. Job (@ Basislevel 260)
+0 +7 +6 +11 +8 +1

Willkommen zu Miyus umfassendem Magierhandbuch!

Lasst uns gemeinsam Magie lernen!

Von NovaRO: Wiki

안녕하세요! Hallo, Abenteurer! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
Mein Name ist Miyu ♥ und ich freue mich riesig, Sie in meinem Umfassenden Magierhandbuch begrüßen zu dürfen! ✨

  • 💫 Mechaniken – Lernen Sie die Geheimnisse der Präzision beim Zaubern.
  • 🔮 Builds – Passen Sie Ihren Magier für Spitzenleistungen an.
  • 🔥 Gameplays – Meistern Sie Strategien, um Ihre Feinde zu überlisten.
  • ⚔️ Ausrüstung – Rüsten Sie sich mit dem besten magischen Arsenal aus.
  • Tipps – Entdecken Sie die versteckten Tricks, um Ihr Magierspiel zu verbessern!

Über Arch Mage

Erzmagier sind die Krönung der Zaubererklasse in Ragnarok Online und stellen die höchste Berufsklasse dar.
Erzmagier, bekannt als die 4. Berufsklasse, sind die Nachfolger der 3. Berufsklasse, der Hexenmeister.

▶ Die Klasse des Erzmagiers ist exklusiv der Rasse der Normannen vorbehalten.

▶ Die Überlieferung legt nahe, dass Hexenmeister die Grenzen ihrer Macht überschritten und ihr wahres Potenzial freigesetzt haben. Durch jahrelanges rigoroses Studium, das Rezitieren uralter Beschwörungsformeln und die Beherrschung einer großen Anzahl von Zaubersprüchen haben sie tiefgreifende Zauberverbesserungen erreicht und ihre ultimative Form erreicht – die Macht des Höhepunkts. Befreit von der Notwendigkeit von Zauberbüchern können sie nun Magie ohne Einschränkungen kanalisieren und die traditionellen Grenzen der arkanen Künste überschreiten. Ihre Zaubersprüche schwingen mit einer solchen Kraft, dass sie magische Abwehrmechanismen durchbrechen können, einschließlich solcher, die durch Gegenstände wie die Golden Thief Bug Card gewährt werden. Mit dieser neu entdeckten Macht haben Hexenmeister eine beispiellose Beherrschung der Magie erreicht und setzen ihr volles zerstörerisches Potenzial ein.

  • Weitere Einzelheiten zur Erstveröffentlichung der 4. Berufsklasse finden Sie unter folgendem Link:

About Me

Magisches Telefon klingelt~

Meine Magierreise ☄️

📌Sie können mich hauptsächlich unter meinen Aliasnamen im Spiel finden: Phrixi Felatine

💬 „Ich bin seit meinen frühesten Tagen bei Ragnarok Online ein engagierter Magier. Meine Reise begann in KRO Korean Ragnarok Online (2005–2014), ging weiter in NovaRO Nova Ragnarok Online (2014–2022) und seit Anfang 2022 habe ich in MuHRO mein neues Zuhause gefunden. Magie ist nicht nur mein Spielstil – es ist meine Leidenschaft.“ – Miyu 2k25

▶ Niemand hat mir beigebracht, wie man die Magierklasse meistert; ich habe durch Ausprobieren gelernt und bin wie alle anderen durch das Spiel gestolpert. (Scheitern ist unvermeidlich) Aber durch zahllose Versuche habe ich unschätzbare Erfahrungen gesammelt. Jetzt bin ich hier, um alles, was ich gelernt habe, mit Ihnen zu teilen, damit Sie die Schwierigkeiten, mit denen ich konfrontiert war, überspringen und direkt zum Erfolg springen können!

Socials 🌐

My Discord: 민정#7897 / miyoung.
My Youtube: https://bit.ly/Miyu/ https://bit.ly/Miyu
My Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/miyuh2o


Ich respektiere dich, du respektierst mich~

Credits ⚖️

„Alle Anerkennung gebührt den jeweiligen Eigentümern. ♥ Dieser Leitfaden wurde mit Liebe und Leidenschaft erstellt, direkt aus meinem Herzen und meiner Seele.“
Dieser Leitfaden soll jedem in Not helfen und wird nicht für Profitzwecke oder illegale Verbreitung verwendet.
„Alle Rechte vorbehalten“ ©

Fair Use:

Urheberrechtsausschluss nach Abschnitt 107 des Copyright Act von 1976, Fair Use wird für Zwecke wie Kritik, Kommentare, Berichterstattung, Wissenschaft und Forschung gewährt. Fair Use ist eine durch das Urheberrechtsgesetz gestattete Nutzung, die andernfalls eine Verletzung darstellen könnte. Bei gemeinnütziger, pädagogischer oder persönlicher Nutzung spricht das für Fair Use.

  • Einige Tabellen und Informationen stammen aus externen Quellen, aber ich habe sie respektvoll neu gestaltet, verbessert und einzigartige Versionen davon erstellt.
  • Dieser Leitfaden ist noch in Arbeit. Alles, was Sie hier sehen, kann sich je nach zukünftigen Spielaktualisierungen ändern oder angepasst werden.
  • Dieser Leitfaden basiert auf meinen persönlichen Erfahrungen, Kenntnissen, Meinungen und Vorlieben im Spiel.
  • Dies ist ein Leitfaden. Es liegt an Ihnen, ob Sie ihn ganz oder teilweise befolgen oder überhaupt nicht.
  • Dieser Leitfaden unterstützt Sie von der Klasse des Magiers bis zur Klasse des Erzmagiers.
  • Ich werde mich bemühen, diesen Leitfaden auf dem neuesten Stand zu halten, solange ich das Spiel spiele.
  • Dieser Leitfaden kann Fehler oder Ungenauigkeiten enthalten. Wenn Sie welche entdecken, können Sie mich gerne kontaktieren. Ich würde mich über jede Korrektur sehr freuen!

Vor- und Nachteile

Dinge, bei denen Sie wissen sollten, was wir gut und was wir schlecht können.

Vorteile ✅

  • Außergewöhnlicher AoE-Schaden (Area of ​​Effect): Erzmagier sind bekannt für ihre mächtigen AoE-Zauber wie Kristallschlag und Astralschlag, die sie können mehreren Feinden gleichzeitig massiven Schaden zufügen.
  • Zauber mit großer Reichweite: Erzmagier können Feinde aus großer Entfernung mit Zaubern wie Komet, Alles blühen und Heftiges Beben angreifen, was sie im Fernkampf äußerst effektiv macht.
  • Elementare Vielseitigkeit: Mit Zugriff auf verschiedene Elemente (Feuer, Wasser, Wind, Erde, Geist, Untote, Schatten) können Erzmagier die Schwächen ihrer Feinde ausnutzen und sich an eine Vielzahl von Situationen anpassen.
  • Hoher DPS (Schaden pro Sekunde): Erzmagier gehören zu den stärksten DPS-Klassen und können sowohl im PvM (Spieler gegen Monster) als auch im PvP (Spieler gegen Spieler) enormen Schaden anrichten.
  • Massenkontrolle und Debuffs: Sie verfügen über eine Vielzahl von Massenkontrollfähigkeiten (z. B. Frost Misty, Quagmire) und starke Debuffs wie die magische Vergiftung von Comet, die Feinde schwächen und ihre Strategien durchkreuzen können.
  • Bevorzugt bei Party Runs: Erzmagier sind aufgrund ihrer AoE-Fähigkeiten und Kontrolle über das Schlachtfeld oft die Klasse der Wahl für Mobbing, Sweeping und Clean bei Party Runs.
  • Auffällige und zerstörerische Zauber: Die Zauber des Erzmagiers, insbesondere Soul Vulcan Strike + Telekinesis Intense, sind optisch auffällig und unglaublich zerstörerisch, was sie zu einer der aufregendsten Klassen macht.
  • Umgehung der Magieimmunität (Spätes Spiel): In späteren Phasen können Erzmagier bestimmte Fähigkeiten nutzen, um Magieimmunität zu umgehen (Tödliche Projektion), was sie zu einer beeindruckenden Kraft gegen Feinde macht, die normalerweise gegen Magie resistent sind.
  • Magie kann nicht verfehlen: Die Zaubersprüche von Magiern können normalerweise nicht verfehlen, was sie effektiv gegen Feinde mit hoher Flucht oder Verteidigungsfähigkeiten wie Wache oder Parieren macht.

Nachteile 🅾️

  • Geringer HP-Pool: Erzmagier haben einen der niedrigsten Gesundheitspools Pools zwischen allen Klassen, was sie anfällig für tödliche 1-Hitko-Angriffe macht und eine sorgfältige Positionierung erfordert.
  • Abhängigkeit von MDEF-Penetration: Ihr Schaden hängt stark von der MDEF-Penetration (Magic Defense) ab, sodass sie gegen Feinde mit hoher MDEF Probleme haben können, es sei denn, sie haben die richtige Ausrüstung oder Fähigkeiten, um diese zu umgehen.
  • Begrenzte Fähigkeitspunkte: Erzmagier sind aufgrund begrenzter Fähigkeitspunkte oft gezwungen, sich auf nur wenige Schlüsselfähigkeiten zu spezialisieren, was es schwierig macht, ihre Fähigkeiten auf verschiedene Builds zu verteilen.
  • Anfällig für reflektierten Schaden: Reflektierter Schaden ist eine der größten Bedrohungen für den Erzmagier, insbesondere durch Feinde, die Golden Thief Bug Card oder Reflect Magic oder Max Pain verwenden. Dies kann sowohl in PvP- als auch in PvM-Szenarien tödlich sein.
  • Hohe Ausrüstungsabhängigkeit: Magier müssen erheblich in Ausrüstung investieren, um ihre Leistung zu optimieren, einschließlich Ausrüstung mit variabler und fester Zauberzeit, Verzögerung nach dem Zaubern und MDEF-Penetration.
  • Elementare Einschränkungen: Einige ihrer mächtigsten Fähigkeiten sind an bestimmte Elemente gebunden (z. B. Soul Vulcan Strike, Mystery Illusion), was bedeutet, dass sie gegen Feinde mit Resistenzen oder Immunitäten gegen diese Elemente weniger effektiv sein können.
  • Keine Bewegungsverstärkungen: Anders als andere Klassen verfügen Erzmagier nicht über Fähigkeiten, die die Bewegungsgeschwindigkeit erhöhen, was sie im Vergleich zu anderen Klassen langsamer und weniger mobil machen kann.
  • Anfälligkeit für SP-Abfluss: Erzmagier sind beim Wirken von Zaubern stark auf SP angewiesen, was sie anfällig für SP macht Entzugseffekte und Debuffs, die ihre Fähigkeit, Fertigkeiten einzusetzen, einschränken.
  • Teuere Ausrüstung: Erzmagier benötigen für verschiedene Körperbauarten unterschiedliche Ausrüstungssets, was ihre vollständige Optimierung und Wartung zu einer teuren Klasse macht.

Statistiken und Eigenschaften

Wussten Sie, dass die Statistik Dex auch Angriffsgeschwindigkeit und Matk verleiht?

[Statistiken ]
STR 1-16+ Diese Statistik dient in erster Linie der Erhöhung der Gewichtskapazität. (Magier können standardmäßig keine schweren Lasten tragen.)
AGI 90-130 Angriffsgeschwindigkeit (AtkSpd/ASPD) hilft Ihnen, Zauber schneller zu wirken und kontinuierlich Fertigkeiten zu spammen. (Es reduziert auch Animationsverzögerungen.)
VIT 90-130 Vitalität (VIT) verbessert die Überlebensfähigkeit, aber Sie können etwas VIT gegen Beweglichkeit (AGI) oder Glück (LUK) eintauschen. (Zielen Sie auf mindestens 120, wenn Sie den Gefallenen-Krieger-Mantel und die Aura des bösartigen Geistes verwenden.)
INT 90-130 Intelligenz (INT) erhöht Matk und dient als Ihre Hauptquelle für Schaden und SP-Regeneration. (Bei Verwendung von Temporal INT Boots werden mindestens 120 INT empfohlen.)
DEX 0-120+ Geschicklichkeit (DEX) steigert auch Matk. Investitionen in DEX können dabei helfen, Sofortzauber durch Statistiken zu erreichen. (Wenn Sie sich auf Ausrüstung zur Reduzierung der variablen Zauberzeit (VCT) verlassen, können Sie DEX ganz überspringen. Streben Sie mindestens 120 DEX an, wenn Sie Temporal DEX Boots verwenden.)
LUK 1-100+ Glück (LUK) ist ein situationsbedingter Wert, der nur nützlich ist, wenn Sie freie Punkte für zusätzlichen Widerstand und Matk haben.
[ 4. Job-Merkmalstatistiken ]
POW 0 Magier verursachen keinen physischen Schaden und skalieren auch nicht mit diesem, daher bietet diese Statistik keinen Vorteil.
STA 30+ Obwohl Magier von Natur aus nicht sehr robust sind, kann dieser Wert für Hybrid-Builds nützlich sein, um physischen Schaden zu reduzieren.
WIS 30+ Ähnlich kann dieser Wert, obwohl Magiern die natürliche Widerstandsfähigkeit fehlt, Hybrid-Builds helfen, magischen Schaden zu reduzieren.
SPL 110 Dies ist der primäre Kernwert, der für alle 3 Punkte den höchsten Schadensschub bietet. (Beispielsweise gewähren 110 SPL 34 S.MATK.)
CON 110 Dies ist der sekundäre Kernwert, der alle 5 Punkte eine Schadenserhöhung bietet. (Beispielsweise ergibt 110 CON 20 S.MATK.)
CRT 0 Magierfertigkeiten und Magie führen im Allgemeinen nicht zu kritischen Treffern, daher bietet dieser Wert keinen Vorteil.

Stats 📀

Stärke (STR) [Optional]
▷ Dieser Wert erhöht in erster Linie Ihre Gewichtskapazität (zusätzlich zu Gym Passes). Er trägt auch zur Masquerade-Resistenz in PvP/WoE bei. Wenn Sie zusätzliche Punkte zu vergeben haben, ist ein STR-Bereich von 10-40 ausreichend.

Agilität (AGI) [Unverzichtbar]
▷ Agilität reduziert ASPD-Verzögerungen, gewährt +1 Flucht pro Punkt und erhöht ASPD. Alle 5 Punkte in AGI bieten auch 1 SoftDEF. AGI steigert Ihre Angriffsgeschwindigkeit, was Skill-Spam deutlich verbessert. Für die meisten Builds wird empfohlen, [90+ AGI oder höher] anzustreben, und ich schlage vor, mindestens 175+ ASPD zu erreichen, um Verzögerungen zu vermeiden.
Es verkürzt auch die Dauer von Maskeraden in PvP/WoE.

Vitalität (VIT) [Unverzichtbar]
▷ Vitalität erhöht Ihre maximalen HP um +1 % pro Punkt und steigert die Wirksamkeit von Tränken. Magier haben den niedrigsten HP-Modifikator aller Klassen (wenn auch nicht so niedrig wie Super-Novizen) und können sowohl in PvE- als auch in PvP-Szenarien recht zerbrechlich sein. Für eine verbesserte Überlebensfähigkeit wird empfohlen, in [70-90+ Gesamt-VIT] zu investieren.
VIT bietet auch Schutz vor Kristallisation, Einfrieren und Mandragora-Heulen in PvP/WoE.

Intelligenz (INT) [Unverzichtbar]
▷ Intelligenz erhöht Ihre MATK direkt um +1,5 pro Punkt und ist Ihre primäre Quelle der SP-Regeneration. Sie reduziert auch die Zauberzeit. INT ist Ihr Kernwert zur Maximierung des Schadensausstoßes und es wird empfohlen, [120+ INT] oder 130 zu haben, wenn Sie auf sofortigen Zauber per Wert abzielen.
Außerdem hilft INT, die Dauer von Debuffs wie Schlaf, Tiefschlaf und Vergessenheitsfluch zu reduzieren.

Geschicklichkeit (DEX) [Optional]
▷ Geschicklichkeit hilft, die Zauberzeit zu verkürzen, erhöht ASPD um einen kleinen Betrag und erhöht MATK um 1/5 pro Punkt. Aus Effizienzgründen ist es ideal, Ihre DEX in Vielfachen von 5 zu halten. Ein Minimum von [90-100+ DEX] und ein Maximum von 120-130 DEX werden empfohlen, oder 0 DEX, wenn VCT%-Ausrüstung für Sofortzauber verwendet wird.
DEX hilft auch, die Dauer von Gefriereffekten zu verkürzen.

Glück (LUK) [Optional]
▷ Alle 3 Punkte LUK liefern +1 MATK, was es zu einer wertvollen Option macht, um MATK in den späteren Phasen des Spiels zu erhöhen. Die Erhöhung von INT von 120 auf 130 erfordert 340 Stat-Punkte und gewährt +15 MATK, während die Erhöhung von LUK von 1 auf 30 nur 86 Stat-Punkte für einen +10 MATK-Boost erfordert. Glass Cannon und schadensorientierte Builds investieren normalerweise in 30 oder 60 LUK, je nach persönlicher Präferenz.

Traits 💿

Kraft (POW) [Nutzlos]
▷ Wie bereits erwähnt, bietet dieser Wert keinen praktischen Nutzen für Magier, daher ist es am besten, nicht darin zu investieren.
Der Status physischer Angriff erhöht sich um 5 pro Punkt.
P.ATK erhöht sich um 1 pro 3 Punkte.

Ausdauer (STA) [Optional]
▷ Dieser Eigenschaftswert erhöht die physische Resistenz (RES). Obwohl es nicht sehr empfehlenswert ist, kann es für Hybrid-Builds nützlich sein.
RES erhöht sich um 1 pro Punkt.
RES erhöht sich um 5 pro 3 Punkte.

Weisheit (WIS) [Optional]
▷ Dieser Eigenschaftswert erhöht die Magieresistenz (MRES). Ähnlich wie Ausdauer wird es nicht sehr empfohlen, kann aber für Hybrid-Builds nützlich sein.
MRES erhöht sich um 1 pro Punkt.
MRES erhöht sich um 5 pro 3 Punkte.

Zauber (SPL) [Essential]
▷ Dies ist Ihr primärer Eigenschaftswert, der Ihren Status-Magieangriff und Zauber-Magieangriff (S.MATK) direkt erhöht.
Status-Magieangriff erhöht sich um 5 pro Punkt.
S.MATK erhöht sich um 1 pro 3 Punkte.

Konzentration (CON) [Essential]
▷ Dieser sekundäre Eigenschaftswert erhöht Genauigkeit (HIT), Ausweichen (FLEE), physischen Angriff (P.ATK) und Zauber-Magieangriff (S.MATK).
S.MATK erhöht sich um 1 pro 5 Punkte.

Kreativ (CRT) [Nutzlos]
▷ Wie bei Power bietet dieser Wert keinen nennenswerten Vorteil für Magier, daher ist es am besten, ihn zu vermeiden.
H.PLUS erhöht sich um 1 pro Punkt.
C.RATE erhöht sich um 1 pro 3 Punkte.

Erklärung 📁

[ Über die Eigenschaftenstatistiken des 4. Jobs ]

★ Es gibt 6 Haupteigenschaftenstatistiken, die ein Spieler zuweisen kann in Richtung:


★ Jede dieser Haupteigenschaftsstatistiken kann verschiedene Untereigenschaftsstatistiken gewähren:


★ Alle Level ab 200 und darüber gewähren Eigenschaftsstatistiken anstelle der normalen Primärstatistiken.

  • Ein Job auf dem 4. Level der höchsten Stufe (Stufe 250) hat 197 Eigenschaftsstatuspunkte, die verwendet werden können.
  • Zuwenden zu Der 4. Job gibt Ihnen 7 Eigenschaftsstatuspunkte.
  • Dann gibt Ihnen jedes Level 3 Eigenschaftsstatuspunkte.
  • Für jedes Level, das durch 5 teilbar ist (Beispiel: 200, 205, 210…), erhalten Sie 7 Eigenschaftsstatuspunkte.
[Über 4. Job-Sub-Trait-Statistik]

Körperliche Kraft (P.ATK)

Der physische Angriff im Endstatus und der Angriff der letzten Ausrüstung erhöhen sich um %.

Magischer Zauberangriff (S.MATK)

Der magische Angriff im Endstatus und der magische Angriff der letzten Ausrüstung erhöhen sich um %.

Physischer Widerstand (RES)

Vorher Bei der Berechnung der physischen Verteidigung wird der normale erlittene physische Schaden um % reduziert. (Nur bis zu 50%)

Magieresistenz (MRES)

Vor der Berechnung der magischen Verteidigung wird der normale erlittene magische Schaden um % reduziert. (Nur bis zu 50%)

Heilung Plus (H.PLUS)

Erhöht die endgültige Heilungserholung um %. Diese Erhöhung wird nach normalen, die Heilungserholung steigernden Effekten angewendet.

Kritische Rate (C.RATE)

Erhöht den Prozentsatz des kritischen Schadens um %.
  • Neues Statussystem!

▶ Wenn Sie die 4. Jobstufe erreichen, werden keine Statuspunkte für bestehende (STR , AGI , VIT , INT , DEX , LUK ) vergeben. Stattdessen werden neue Eigenschaftsstatuspunkte vergeben, und diese sechs neuen Statuseigenschaftsstatistiken sind (POW, STA, WIS, SPL, CON und CRT).

▶ Talentstatuspunkte erhöhen die Anzahl zusätzlicher Punkte nicht schrittweise, wenn die Stufe steigt. Pro Levelaufstieg wird ein bestimmter Punkt vergeben und für jedes spezifische Einheitenlevel werden Bonuspunkte vergeben.

▶ Jeder neue Eigenschaftsstatus hat im Gegensatz zum bestehenden Status feste Punktinvestitionskosten von 1 Punkt. Durch die Schwerkraft war es möglich, die Punktinvestition intuitiver zu überprüfen.

Kraft (POW)

Hauptmerkmal für physische, Nah- und Fernkampf-Schadensverursacher.
⇒ Fügt Kraftangriff (P.ATK) und Stat-ATK (ATK) hinzu.
⇒ Kraftangriff ist eine endgültige prozentuale Erhöhung, die Waffen- und Statusangriff um denselben Wert steigert.
⇒ Beispiel: 10 P.ATK bedeutet 10 % zusätzlichen Waffen-ATK (200 -> 220) und 10 % Statusangriff (300 -> 330).

Ausdauer (STA)

Hauptmerkmal für Spieler, die mehr Überlebenschancen gegen physischen Schaden haben möchten.
⇒ Fügt Widerstand (RES) hinzu.
⇒ Widerstand funktioniert wie Steel Body, als Prozentwert, gegenüber dem Schaden, den Sie erleiden würden, aber vor allem anderen.
⇒ Widerstand hat eine Obergrenze von 50 Punkten, alles darüber bedeutet also 0.
⇒ Beispiel: 2000 Schaden mit 25 RES bedeutet, dass Sie stattdessen 1500 Schaden als anfänglichen Schaden erleiden (2000 * (100 % - 25 %) = 2000 * 75 % = 2000 * 0,75 = 1500),
dann führen Sie die üblichen Berechnungen für Hard- und Soft-DEF durch.

Weisheit (WIS)

Hauptmerkmal für Spieler, die mehr Überlebenschancen gegen magischen Schaden haben möchten.
⇒ Weisheit funktioniert wie Steel Body, als Prozentwert, gegenüber dem Schaden, den Sie erleiden würden, aber vor allem anderen.
⇒ Weisheit hat eine Obergrenze von 50 Punkten, alles darüber bedeutet also 0.
⇒ Beispiel: 2000 Schaden mit 25 WIS bedeutet, dass Sie stattdessen 1500 Schaden als anfänglichen Schaden erleiden (2000 * (100 % - 25 %) = 2000 * 75 % = 2000 * 0,75 = 1500), dann führen Sie die üblichen Berechnungen für Hard- und Soft-MDEF durch.

Zauber (SPL)

Hauptmerkmal für magische Schadensverursacher.
⇒ Fügt Zauber-Magieangriff (S.MATK) und Magischen Angriff (MATK) hinzu.
⇒ Zauber-Magieangriff ist eine endgültige prozentuale Erhöhung, die die Summe Ihres MATK um denselben Wert erhöht.
⇒ Beispiel: 10 S.ATK bedeutet 10 % zusätzliches MATK (2000 -> 2200).

Konzentration (CON)

Sekundäre Eigenschaft für Spieler, die HIT brauchen, um Schaden zu verursachen.
Auch nützlich für Spieler, die zusätzliche Punkte haben, die sie irgendwo ausgeben können und ein bisschen mehr Schaden wollen.
⇒ CON fügt HIT, FLEE, P.ATK und S.MATK hinzu.
⇒ Es ist sehr nützlich, wenn Ihre Fähigkeiten von HIT abhängen, um Schaden zu verursachen, oder Sie ein bisschen mehr FLEE wollen, um physischem Schaden auszuweichen.
⇒ Dank dieser Eigenschaft ist es sehr einfach, bei diesen beiden absurde Zahlen zu erreichen.

Kreativ (CRT)

Hauptmerkmal für Spieler, die Fähigkeiten haben, die kritische Treffer verursachen oder Heil-Builds spielen.
⇒ CRT fügt Critical Rate (C.RATE) und Heal Plus (H.PLUS) hinzu.
⇒ C.RATE erhöht den 40 % zusätzlichen Schaden, den anfänglichen Boost eines physischen Treffers, egal ob auf lange oder kurze Distanz, um kritisch zu sein.
⇒ Wenn Ihre kritischen Treffer 1000 Schaden ohne kritische Treffer verursacht haben, verursachen sie 1400, wenn sie kritische Treffer verursachen (1000 + 40 % = 1000 * 1,4 = 1400).
⇒ Wenn Sie 10 C.RATE haben, verursachen sie stattdessen 1500. Aus den 40 % wird ein Bonus von 50 % (40 % + 10 % von den 10 C.RATE).
⇒ Dies ist nicht mit Modifikatoren für kritischen Schaden kumulativ, diese gelten noch immer in einem anderen Slot von Modifikatoren, was bedeutet, dass sie sich damit multiplizieren.
⇒ H.PLUS steigert die Heilung durch Heilfertigkeiten, nachdem alle anderen Mods berücksichtigt wurden.
⇒ Wenn Sie eine Heilfertigkeit verwenden und diese 20.000 HP heilt, heilen Sie stattdessen 24.000 HP, wenn Sie 20 H.PLUS hinzufügen.

Statistikzuweisungen 📋

💡[1. Bild]: Dieser 1. Build konzentriert sich hauptsächlich auf Schaden oder Matk-Stacking, während er über ausreichend Vit/Agi/Luk verfügt. (Max. SPL/CON für Schaden und ein Gleichgewicht von STA und WIS für die Verteidigung)

💡[2. Bild]: Dieser 2. Build konzentriert sich hauptsächlich auf HP-Stacking/Tank- und ASPD-Stacking, während er gleichzeitig über ausreichend Int/Luk verfügt. (Max. SPL/CON für Schaden und ein Gleichgewicht von STA und WIS für die Verteidigung)

💡[3. Bild]: Dieser 3. Build konzentriert sich hauptsächlich auf ASPD/Spamming, während er gleichzeitig über ausreichend Agi/Vit/Int verfügt. (Max. SPL/CON für Schaden und ein Gleichgewicht von STA und WIS für die Verteidigung)

Aktivitätspunkt (AP)

Wenn du stirbst, geht dein gespeicherter AP verloren. Hmpf!

Aktivitätspunkt 📈

▶ Aktivitätspunkt (AP) ist eine neue Ressourcenmechanik, die exklusiv für Fähigkeiten des 4. Jobs gilt.
Er ist in deinem HUD sichtbar und erscheint unter deiner SP-Leiste als dritter Ressourcenpool.
Standardmäßig ist ein nicht ausgefüllter AP-Pool transparent schwarz schattiert und eine ausgefüllte AP-Poolleiste beige gefärbt.

💡[Ähnlichkeiten zwischen Ragnarok und Tekken]: Die einfachste Erklärung für AP aus RO ist die Superleiste aus dem berühmten Tekken-Spiel! (Sie sammeln und erhalten genug, um die Leiste zu füllen und Ihre ultimative Fähigkeit einzusetzen)

▶ Ragnaroks Version von Super-/Spezialbewegungen. Jeder 4. Job hat Fähigkeiten, die AP aufbauen (wie z. B. das Gewinnen einiger AP pro Einsatz bestimmter Fähigkeiten) und Spezialfähigkeiten, die AP verbrauchen und etwa 150–200 AP pro Einsatz kosten.

Die Idee ist, die Fähigkeiten zu verwenden, die AP aufladen, und wenn Sie genug AP angesammelt haben, verwenden Sie diese für eine große, mächtige Spezialfähigkeit. Viele dieser Fähigkeiten sind extrem stark, aber einige sind besonders einzigartig, wie die Fähigkeit des Erzmagiers, die Funktionen seiner Fähigkeiten zu ändern, wie z. B. Climax.

  • Es gibt normalerweise zwei Super-/Spezialfähigkeiten, die den Großteil Ihrer AP verbrauchen.
  • Die maximale Menge an AP, die Sie halten können, beträgt 200 AP, unabhängig von der Klasse.
  • Jeder 4. Job hat Fähigkeiten, die AP generieren oder gewähren. (Sie können die Beschreibung der Fähigkeit überprüfen) Schlüsselwort ▷ AP-Wiederherstellung

▶ Beispiel: Die Fertigkeit Gefrorener Hieb des Erzmagiers gibt 2 AP pro Einsatz (geringe Abklingzeit).
▶ Beispiel: Die Fertigkeit Höhepunkt des Erzmagiers verbraucht 125 AP pro Einsatz (lange Abklingzeit).

AP-Gewinne und -Verluste 🧺

  • Wenn du stirbst, wird dein AP auf 0 % zurückgesetzt. Anders als HP oder SP regeneriert sich AP nicht passiv, kann aber von einem Heiler-NPC wiederhergestellt werden.
  • Es gibt zwei Fähigkeiten, die auch andere Klassen nutzen können, um AP zu erhalten: EMs5368.png Increasing Activity und SHs5442.png Kisul Rampage

AP-Fähigkeiten 🔮

▶ Liste aller AP-bezogenen Fähigkeiten des Erzmagiers und deren AP-Wiederherstellungs-/Verbrauchsmengen:

  • 5217.png Mystery Illusion= Stellt 5 AP wieder her
  • 5235.png Crimson Arrow= Stellt 2 AP wieder her
  • 5237.png Frozen Slash= Stellt 2 wieder her AP
  • 5234.png Storm Cannon= Stellt 2 AP wieder her
  • 5233.png Rock Down= Stellt 2 AP wieder her
  • 5232.png Climax= Verbraucht 125 AP
  • 5230.png Astral Strike= Verbraucht 25 AP
  • 6516.png Energy Conversion= Verbraucht 22/19/16/13/10 AP

Zauberzeit / Variable Zauberzeit / Feste Zauberzeit / Zauberverzögerung

„Ich liebe Dex und Int, sie helfen mir, schneller zu zaubern!“ (◕‿◕)


Die Zauberzeit ist die Zeitspanne, die zum Ausführen einer Fertigkeit erforderlich ist. Dies ist eine wichtige Überlegung bei der Planung von Builds, insbesondere für Magierklassen, da sie die Auswahl der Statistiken, der Fertigkeitsauswahl und der Ausrüstung beeinflusst.

Bei Renewal wird die Zauberzeit in zwei Komponenten aufgeteilt:

  • Variable Zauberzeit (VCT)
  • Feste Zauberzeit (FCT)

Fertigkeiten haben normalerweise eine Kombination aus beidem, manche haben jedoch nur eine dieser Komponenten.

Die Standardeinheit zur Messung der Zauberzeit sind Sekunden.

- Wenn eine Fertigkeit keine Basis-Zauberzeit hat oder Modifikatoren sie auf 0 oder weniger reduzieren, wird die Zauberphase vollständig übersprungen und es wird kein Zauberbalken angezeigt.
- Während des Zauberns kann sich der Charakter nicht bewegen, angreifen oder andere Fertigkeiten verwenden, Verbrauchsgüter können jedoch weiterhin verwendet werden. Wenn der Charakter während des Zauberns Schaden nimmt, wird die Fertigkeit abgebrochen, sofern keine besonderen Bedingungen vorliegen (z. B. Verwendung eines 4077.png Phen Card (4077) Phen oder 255.png Devotion von einem Kreuzritter).


Der Zauberbalken (oder „Zauberbalken“ oder CB) wird als Fortschrittsanzeige über dem Kopf des Charakters angezeigt. Es beginnt als leerer schwarzer Balken und füllt sich mit fortschreitendem Zaubern allmählich grün. Sobald der Balken voll ist, ist der Zauber abgeschlossen. Bei manchen Fertigkeiten wird möglicherweise kein Zauberbalken angezeigt, obwohl sie eine Zauberzeit haben (z. B. 10.png Sight oder 92.png Quagmire).

Variable Zauberzeit⌛️

Die variable Zauberzeit ist die flexibelste Art der Zauberzeit und kann durch verschiedene Methoden reduziert werden. Die allgemeine Formel zur Berechnung der VCT lautet:

Endgültiger VCT = Skill VCT × (Stat-Reduktion) × (1 - [Sum of Percentage VCT Reductions]) Sekunden

Wobei die Stat-Reduktion wie folgt berechnet wird:

Stat-Reduzierung = 1 − √([DEX × 2 + INT] ÷ 530)

Um die variable Zauberzeit mithilfe von Statistiken effektiv zu reduzieren, benötigen Sie eine Kombination aus DEX und INT, sodass DEX × 2 + INT = 530.

Alternativ kann die variable Zauberzeit auch durch die Verwendung von Ausrüstung, Zubehör oder Haustieren mit bestimmten VCT-Reduktionsboni reduziert werden. Diese Reduzierungen sind bis zu 100 % stapelbar, was zu einem sofortigen Zauber führt (entspricht 530 Statuspunkten).


Wenn ein Spieler 160 INT und 160 DEX hat und Ausrüstung trägt, die VCT um 90 % reduziert, wäre die Berechnung:

  • Stat-Reduktion = 1 - √([160 × 2 + 160] ÷ 530) ≈ 0,048
  • Endgültige VCT = 10 s × 0,048 × (1 - 0,90) = 0,048 s

Diese Reduzierung kann mit dem Befehl @Battlestats oder @BS überprüft werden, der Einzelheiten zu den gesamten VCT-Reduktionen von Statistiken, Fähigkeiten und Ausrüstung liefert.

Sie können es auch in den Ausrüstungsstatistiken unter ALT+Q (unten rechts) überprüfen.

Wichtige Hinweise:

  • Sie können 0 VCT erreichen, indem Sie Statistiken allein oder über prozentuale Reduzierungen verwenden, aber aufgrund der Funktionsweise der Formel nicht durch die Kombination beider Methoden.
  • Einige Effekte, wie 321.png Poem of Bragi, stapeln sich mit VCT-Reduktionen, während dies bei anderen, wie 67.png Suffragium, nicht der Fall ist.

Letzter Tipp:
Für eine effiziente VCT-Reduzierung wird empfohlen, DEX und INT auszugleichen, um den Aufwand an Fertigkeitspunkten zu minimieren und so effizient wie möglich 0 VCT zu erreichen.

Fixed Cast Time ⌛️

▶ Fixed cast time is in a more complicated side when taken in account than VCT, being totally unaffected by stats. The formula for FCT is as follows:

Final FCT = ( Skill FCT - [ Sum of Flat FCT Mods] ) × ( 1 - [ Max of Percentage FCT Decrease ] + [ Max of Percentage FCT Increase ] )

▶ Fixed cast time can only be reduced by buffs from a skill, an item consumable and from equipments.

Percentage based reductions do not stack here, only the strongest one is applied.

Percentage based reduction effects do not stack no matter the source. If a player is under multiple FCT percentage reduction effects, only the highest value will take effect.
📌 Highest Percentage will overwrite and hinder the lower ones useless.

  • Example (1): Having 2208.png Radius at level 3 reduces your fixed cast time by 20% (Warlock Skill), but your Archbishop friend casts 2515.png Sacrament on you, which reduces your fixed cast time by 50%. Since only the strongest one applies, your fixed cast time will be reduced only by 50% and will overwrite the 20% from 2208.png Radius.
However, fixed (flat) reduction does stack with percentage reduction, and also with itself. This makes it possible to reduce fixed cast time to zero.
  • Example (2): A player has a headgear compounded with a 4556.png [MVP] Fenrir Card (4556) equipped and then has 2515.png Sacrament cast upon them. As Sacrament's bonus of 50% is less than Fenrir's 70%, Sacrament does nothing, and the player's FCT reduction remains at 70%.
  • Example (3): A player has two 2907.png Buwaya Agimat Tattoo (2907) equipped. Their FCT would be reduced by 7%, not 14%, as it does not stack (but they would get MATK +14% as expected).
  • Example (4): A player has one 2907.png Buwaya Agimat Tattoo (2907) equipped and is under the effect of 2515.png Sacrament. As Sacrament's bonus of 50% reduction is the larger bonus compared to Buwaya's 7%, the player has their FCT reduced by 50%.

▶ However, flat reductions like:

Do stack with other flat reduction effects. Stacking flat reductions is the only possible way of removing a skill's fixed cast time because there exists no single source of 100% FCT reduction. The only exception are the Oboro / Kagerou classes, who have the skill 3022.png 16th Night which removes fixed cast time entirely.

  • 2202.png Soul Expansion: This skill doesn't have any FCT (you could ditch FCT gears and wear damage gears for more damage on this build).
  • 157.png Energy Coat: This skill only has FCT and it's the highest FCT requisite among Warlock skills (a big whopping 5.0 secs of FCT).
  • 366.png Mystical Amplification: This skill now has an un-reducible amount of fixed cast time (impossible to instant-cast by any means).

Cast Delay ⏳

Cast Delay refers to the time after using a skill during which you cannot use the same or other skills. This mechanic was relatively obscure in Pre-Renewal but became more significant in Renewal. Cast Delay is now divided into two distinct types:

  • Cast Delay: Prevents all skills from being cast. Some skills, such as 89.png Storm Gust, have longer Cast Delays, while others, like 14.png Cold Bolt, have shorter ones. Cast Delay can be reduced by specific equipment, such as the 2703.png Expert Ring [1] (2703) , 4403.png [MVP] Kiel Card (4403) , or through a Bard's 321.png Poem of Bragi skill.
  • Cooldown: Prevents the specific skill from being used again until the cooldown period ends.

Types of Delays

  • After Cast Delay: The period during which all skills are temporarily unavailable after casting a skill.
  • Skill Delay: A delay specific to the skill itself, preventing its immediate reuse.
  • Animation Delay: The visual animation time that affects the ability to chain skills.

The ability to spam a skill is limited by the highest of these factors. For example:

  • If the After Cast Delay of a skill that has no Skill Delay is reduced to a value smaller than its Animation Delay, increasing ASPD (Attack Speed) or using Animation Delay Cancel will allow you to reuse the skill more frequently.
  • Some skills lose their Animation Delay entirely when Instant Cast (265 DEX or 100% Cast Time Reduction) is achieved. Examples include 89.png Storm Gust and 83.png Meteor Storm.
  • However, skills like 84.png Jupitel Thunder are oddly more effective when cast with 264 DEX instead of 265, due to better animation timing. The same behavior is observed with 2214.png Chain Lightning from the Warlock skill tree.

List of Notable Skills and Their Required After-Cast Delay (ACD) to Fully Utilize Skill Spam

⚠️ Skills not included in this list has longer cooldowns or do not require (ACD) at all.

🧮 These given percentages are also dependent on your ASPD (you might have a different outcome).


11.png Napalm Beat (72% ACD)

13.png Soul Strike (90% ACD)

14.png Cold Bolt (53% ACD)

15.png Frost Diver (72% ACD)

17.png Fire Ball (80% ACD)

19.png Fire Bolt (53% ACD)

20.png Lightning Bolt (53% ACD)

21.png Thunder Storm (93% ACD)

Wizard/High Wizard

81.png Sightrasher (93% ACD)

80.png Fire Pillar (86% ACD)

84.png Jupitel Thunder (96% ACD)

88.png Frost Nova (29% ACD)

90.png Earth Spike (90% ACD)

91.png Heaven's Drive (72% ACD)

92.png Quagmire (86% ACD)


2205.png Marsh of Abyss (86% ACD)

2207.png Sienna Execrate (93% ACD)

2202.png Soul Expansion (72% ACD)

2214.png Chain Lightning (97% ACD)

2216.png Earth Strain (72% ACD)

2211.png Crimson Rock (72% ACD) Using 100071.png Spell Book (Crimson Rock) (100071)

2204.png Jack Frost (86% ACD) Using 100069.png Spell Book (Jack Frost) (100069)

2213.png Comet (91% ACD) Using 100073.png Spell Book (Comet) (100073)

Arch Mage

5235.png Crimson Arrow (40% ACD)

5237.png Frozen Slash (10% ACD)

5234.png Storm Cannon (40% ACD)

5233.png Rock Down (40% ACD)

Reading Spell Books / Mind Slots / Releasing

I love reading novels! *cough* i mean spell books!

Reading Spell Book 📚

  • This skill allows you to instantly cast previously stored spells by 2231.png Reading Spell Book like 100073.png Spell Book (Comet) (100073) , which can later be released using the 2230.png Release skill.
  • There are a total of 17 (Old Spell Books) and 9 (New Spell Books); the rest of the spell books have been discontinued and are no longer available.
  • Once a spell is sealed or after reading the spellbook, the corresponding SP cost is immediately applied.
  • Skills cast through this method can be enhanced by 366.png Mystical Amplification, as the 2230.png Release skill no longer consumes the effect as it did in the past.
  • If you attempt to read a Spell Book for a skill you haven't learned, the attempt will fail and the caster will be put to Sleep. (Make sure you've allocated skill points to those skills first!)

Old Behavior:❌

To store a spell, you must have the specific spellbook in your inventory. A Spell Storing tab will appear, allowing you to select which spell you wish to store. By left-clicking it, each spellbook has a “mind slot” cost – the more powerful the spell, the more slots it occupies.

New Behavior:✔️

With the new update and the introduction of the new spellbooks, to store a spell, you simply need to read and consume the book. There is no longer a Spell Storing tab, making the process much faster and more convenient. Spells are now automatically stored once you read the book, removing the need for the previous manual process.

Mind Slots 🌌

  • Mind Slots are a limited resource that determines how many spells you can memorize at any given time. The number of available slots is influenced by your Base Level, INT, and the level of 2232.png Freezing Spell if you've learned it. This determines how many spells you can store.
  • Note that this mechanic is implicit and there is no visible indicator of how many spells you have memorized or how many slots are available.

📌 However, thanks to Muh (exclusive to MuhRO), you can visually track how many spells you can store.
You can check this by using the (@spellbook) command in-game.


  • The number of spells you can store is determined by the following formula:

Old Formula:❌

Slots = (4 * Freezing Spell Lv) + floor(BLv/10) + floor(INT/10)

New Formula:✔️

With the updated system, the mind slot cost per skill level has been increased from 4 to 8. However, the maximum number of spells you can memorize is capped at 7.

Slots = (8 * Freezing Spell Lv) + floor(BLv/10) + floor(INT/10)

Releasing 🌠

▶ Inflicts MATK|Magic Damage to a single target one or multiple times by using the elemental orbs summoned through their respective skills (Fire, Water, Lightning, Stone). This skill can also be used to quickly let out one of the sealed spells at random through Reading Spell Book.

▶ For released ground spells like Storm Gust and Comet, the target will be the center of the Area of Effect. The exception to this is Earth Strain, where the location of the target only indicates the direction the spell will travel to.

2230.png Release [Level 1]✔️ 2230.png Release [Level 2]

Lvl 1 Release = Releases the Stored Spells that you read from a Spellbook
Lvl 2 Release = Releases Elemental orbs from Summon Fire Ball, Summon Water Ball, Summon Lightning Ball, Summon Stone Ball

Always check your Release Level as they have different function on each level.

[ Old Spell Books ] >>>>>>>> [ New Spell Books ]

▶ There are new versions of these mage spellbooks but the lower ones got discontinued because of inefficiency and ineffectiveness

 ❌ = Discontinued ✔️ = Has Newer Versions

♣ Beginner's Spell Books

♦ Intermediate Spell Books

♠ Superior Spell Books

♥ Ultimate Magic Books

Purchasing Spell Books 📖

  • You can purchase spell books at the [MainOffice.] from the Magician Dealer NPC (main_office 63, 59).
  • Each Spell Book has a cost, dependent on the level/Tier of the Spell Book.

Soft Mdef / Hard Mdef / Mres / Magic Penetrations

Did you know flee's are useless against mages?

Magic Defense 🔰

  • The total magical defense that is factored upon magic damage, which is generally based on MATK as a whole or partially. However, there are exceptions.
  • To obtain the final damage, apply Hard MDEF first and then apply Soft MDEF.

Soft Magic Defense 🔰

  • Soft magic defense, also known as "INT" magic defense, reduces incoming magic damage directly.
SoftMDEF      = INT + VIT ÷ 5 + DEX ÷ 5 + BaseLv ÷ 4
TotalSoftMDEF = [(SoftMDEF + BonusA) × (1 + BonusB ÷ 100)]
  • BonusA is the sum of additive bonuses.
  • BonusB is the sum of multiplicative bonuses.
  • Monsters use a different SoftMDEF formula.
SoftMDEF      = floor(Lvl ÷ 4) + floor(VIT ÷ 10) + floor(INT ÷ 5)

Hard Magic Defense 🔰

  • Hard magic defense, also known as "armor" or "equipment" magic defense, reduces incoming magic damage multiplicatively.
  • Hard magic defense has a base value of 0, and is increased by equipment, some skills, and items.
  • Damage after Hard MDEF = Damage × [(1000 + HardMDEF) ÷ (1000 + HardMDEF × 10)]

⚠️ This indicates that as Hard MDEF increases, the percentage of magic damage reduced also increases, but with diminishing returns. For example:

🔮 20 Hard MDEF provides approximately 15% damage reduction.
🔮 40 Hard MDEF provides approximately 25% damage reduction.
🔮 125 Hard MDEF provides approximately 50% damage reduction.

(It is shown as A + B in the Status Window, where A represents the Soft Mdef and B represents the Hard Mdef.)

  • The Magical Defense (MDEF) system was revamped in the Renewal Update. HardDEF/MDEF is no longer limited into a 1-100 point system, with 100 being full immunity. Instead, the effect of HardMDEF is now reduced exponentially as the number goes up (i.e. the higher the number, the less effect every single point adds);
  • SoftDEF/MDEF, which is mostly based on VIT and INT respectively, did not go through a lot of change from Pre-Renewal. They reduce damage subtractively, removing flat amounts from the final damage after the HardDEF/MDEF reductions are applied.

(While introducing the 4th job trait/status seen as C in the lower Status Window as Mres

Magic Resistance 🔰(MRES)

  • Magic Resistance (MRES) is a defensive stat that reduces incoming magic damage multiplicatively.
  • MRES is primarily increased through equipment, buffs, skills, and certain consumable items.
  • Formula: The final damage reduction is calculated as:
        Damage after MRES = Damage × [(2000 + MRES) ÷ (2000 + MRES × 5)
  • Similar to Hard MDEF, MRES provides significant reductions as it increases, but its effectiveness diminishes at higher values due to diminishing returns.
  • The Effectiveness amount is at 50%

MRES Penetration 🎯

  • MRES Penetration is an offensive stat that reduces the target's Magic Resistance (MRES), allowing for higher magic damage output.
  • This stat is crucial for magic classes, such as Arch Mage, to deal consistent damage against high-MRES targets like bosses or heavily geared players.
  • Formula: The effective MRES after penetration is calculated as:
        Effective MRES = Max(0, Target's MRES - MRES Penetration)
  • MRES Penetration can be obtained through equipment effects, enchantments, and certain skills.

The bypass amount is capped at 50%, and Magic Resist Penetration effects cannot exceed this limit..

Example (1): Cardinal's skill 5271.png Argutus Vita provides 25% bypass.

5271.png Argutus Vita
Max Level: 5
Requirement: Mediale Votum 3, Reparatio 3
Skill Form: Active
Type: Supportive
Target: Caster and Party Members
Cast Time: 1.5s Fixed / 2s Variable
After Cast Delay: 1s
Cool Down: None
Description: Grants the ability to ignore
magical resistance (
MRES) to a single
party member or the caster.

[Lv 1]: Ignore Mres: 5%, Duration: 120 seconds
[Lv 2]: Ignore Mres: 10%, Duration: 150 seconds
[Lv 3]: Ignore Mres: 15%, Duration: 180 seconds
[Lv 4]: Ignore Mres: 20%, Duration: 210 seconds
[Lv 5]: Ignore Mres: 25%, Duration: 240 seconds

Example (2): Master Shadow gears like 24800.png Master Shadow Armor (24800) also provides 20% bypasss, when worn completely with others.

ItemID: 24800
A suit of armor worn on top of normal armor for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect.
When equipped with Master Shadow Shield:
All Traits +2
When equipped with Master Shadow Shield and Master Shadow Shoes:
P.ATK +1, S.MATK +1

Total Refine Level of entire set is at least +27:
Ignores physical and magical defense of every race, except Players, by 50%.
When equipped with Master Shadow Weapon, Master Shadow Shield, Master Shadow Shoes, Master Shadow Earring and Master Shadow Pendant:
Ignores physical and magical resistance of every race, except Players, by 20%.
Type: Shadow Armor
Base Level 200
4th and High Expanded Classes

MDEF Penetration 🎯

MDEF (Magic Defense) is a significant barrier for Magic classes in Ragnarok Online, as it reduces the damage dealt by magic attacks. For years, Magic classes struggled because MDEF made it difficult to deal high damage to enemies with strong defense. However, recent updates have introduced various gear and abilities that help bypass or reduce MDEF, allowing Magic classes to deal more damage. With the right setup, you can achieve up to 100% MDEF bypass.

The formula for calculating the final MDEF after accounting for reductions and bypass percentages is as follows:

Final MDEF = (Total_Mdef - Sum_MdefReduceValues) × (1 − Sum_MdefBypassPercent ÷ 100)

  • Total_Mdef = The total Hard MDEF value displayed in the Status Window.
  • Sum_MdefReduceValues = The sum of all flat MDEF reductions applied to the enemy, such as the effects of skills like Odin Power.
  • Sum_MdefBypassPercent = The sum of all percentage-based MDEF bypass effects, such as those from skills like Expiatio or equipment bonuses.

To better understand this, consider the following example: Suppose a player has the following:

The enemy has 100 Hard MDEF. To calculate the final MDEF, we apply the formula:

Final MDEF = (100 - 40) × (1 − (25 + 20) ÷ 100)

This means the enemy's MDEF will be reduced by the flat 40 MDEF from Odin Power, and then further reduced by 45% due to the MDEF bypass effects. The resulting value will determine how much of the magic damage actually goes through the enemy’s defense.

It may seem a bit complex at first, but the key takeaway is this: MDEF bypass allows a portion of your magic damage to go through without being reduced by the enemy’s defense. The higher the MDEF bypass percentage, the less damage is blocked by MDEF, and the more effective your magic attacks become.

At 100% Full MDEF Bypass: All of your magic damage will bypass the enemy’s MDEF, dealing full damage without any reduction.
  • MDEF Penetration can also be obtained through equipment effects, enchantments, and certain skills.

Modifier stacking

To spread and not to stack, got it!

How Does Diminishing Return Work in Ragnarok Online? 🔎

  • The law of diminishing marginal returns states that, at some point, adding more of a particular input (such as stat points or resources) will result in progressively smaller increases in output (such as damage or effectiveness).
In simpler terms: "Too much of something can be counterproductive, leading to higher costs and reduced effectiveness."
This concept becomes clear when applied to Ragnarok Online, where the following examples are commonly experienced by all players:

Raising Stats (Str, Agi, Vit, Int, Dex, Luk)

  • Raising a stat from 1-10 (Output) costs 2 points (Factor of Production).
  • Raising a stat from 81-90 (Output) costs 10 points (Factor of Production).
  • Raising a stat from 126-130 (Output) costs 36 points (Factor of Production).

As you continue to raise the same stat, you will need to allocate more and more points (factor of production) to gain just one more point in the stat (output). This is a clear example of how diminishing returns work in Ragnarok Online.

  • Whether 1 additional point in the 126-130 range is more valuable than 1 point in the 1-10 range depends on your individual goals. However, if you decide to invest in gear that boosts another stat, that's also a viable option.

Stacking Modifiers 📐

Modifiers in the game come in several types: (Race, Size, Element Property, Boss, Normal, Skill)
  • General Rule of Thumb:

It is better to distribute modifiers across different types rather than stacking multiple copies of the same modifier. "Diminishing returns" sets in once you apply multiple instances of the same modifier.

Although it's possible to exceed 100% for a single modifier, this is only effective if the modifiers are balanced with other types.

(Example: 120% Neutral Property + 50% Medium + 30% Boss) is more effective than (Example: 200% Neutral Property + 10% Medium + 10% Boss)


Modifier Effectiveness Meter 📏

▶ In late-game, it’s common to achieve high percentages for modifiers (e.g., 200% or more) due to new cards and equipment introduced in updates.
However, to maximize damage, it's important to balance modifiers across different types.

▶ Stacking the same modifier type excessively leads to reduced overall efficiency, as modifiers of the same type are additive, while different types are multiplicative.

  • Raising a Racial Modifier in this manner: 100%200%300%400%500%+
  • Raising an Elemental Modifier in this manner: 100%200%300%400%500%+
  • Raising a Size Modifier in this manner: 100%200%300%400%500%+
  • Raising a Special Modifier in this manner: 100%200%300%400%500%+
  • Raising a Skill Modifier in this manner: 100%200%300%400%500%+

    Efficiency tiers for stacking modifiers:
    ⬤ Balanced distribution: Good
    ⬤ Minor imbalance: Okay
    ⬤ Heavy stacking of one type: Bad
    ⬤ Extreme stacking: Worst
    ⬤ Neglecting other types: Futile💀
    ⚠️Key Tip: Always aim for a balanced approach by distributing modifiers evenly across Race, Element, Size, Special, and Skill types to maximize total damage.

Modifier Types:

Race: (Angel, Demon, Demi-Human, etc.)
Element: (Wind, Fire, Water, earth, etc.)
Size: (Small, Medium, Large)
Special: (MVP, Mini-bosses, Non-boss)
Skill: (Comet, Soul Expansion, etc.) Skill Modifiers are treated as "Final" Modifiers.
Modifiers of the same type are additive, while modifiers of different types are multiplicative.

To determine the total damage increase from your card combo, follow this formula:

Race x Element x Size x Special x Skill Modifiers = Total Damage Increase %

(1) x (1) x (1) x (1) = 1 or 100%


(1 + Race Modifier) × (1 + Element Modifier) × (1 + Size Modifier) × (1 + Special Modifier) × Skill Modifiers


We’ll be using these cards as example:

We’ll be using (Demi-Human / Player) as our Target:

  • Properties: [Demi-Human, Medium, Neutral]

Tip: Players are considered as Demi-Human in race and medium size monsters and are neutral property by default

Using the cards above, we'll have the following formula when you compound those cards in your 4-slotted weapon:

    (1 + 0.1 + 0.1 + 0.1 + 0.1) x (1) x (1) x (1) = 1.40 or 140% Increased in Damage
    (1 + 0.1 + 0.1 + 0.1) x (1) x (1 + 0.25) x (1) = 1.625 or 162.5% Increased in Damage
    (1 + 0.1 + 0.1) x (1 + 0.3) x (1 + 0.25) x (1) = 1.95 or 195% Increased in Damage
    (1 + 0.1 + 0.1) x (1 + 0.6) x (1) x (1) = 1.92 or 192% Increased in Damage

So we can therefore conclude that using a maximum of 2 cards per modifier type is more effective than using 4 of the same cards.

Game Commands and Settings

Did you know !vysnc helps alot when you are on Directx7?

Game Commands for Mages ⚙️

Festgelegte Zauberzeit

▶ Die feste Zauberzeit ist komplizierter als die VCT, da sie von Statistiken überhaupt nicht beeinflusst wird. Die Formel für FCT lautet wie folgt:

Endgültige FCT = (Fertigkeits-FCT - [Summe der pauschalen FCT-Mods]) × (1 - [Maximale prozentuale FCT-Verringerung] + [Maximale prozentuale FCT-Erhöhung])

▶ Feste Zauberzeit kann nur durch Buffs einer Fertigkeit, eines Verbrauchsgegenstands und von Ausrüstung reduziert werden.

Prozentuale Reduzierungen werden hier nicht gestapelt, nur die stärkste wird angewendet.

Prozentuale Reduzierungseffekte werden unabhängig von der Quelle nicht gestapelt. Wenn ein Spieler mehreren Effekten zur Reduzierung des FCT-Prozentsatzes ausgesetzt ist, wird nur der höchste Wert wirksam.
Der höchste Prozentsatz überschreibt die niedrigeren und macht sie nutzlos.

  • Beispiel (1): Wenn Sie 2208.png Radius auf Stufe 3 haben, wird Ihre feste Zauberzeit um 20 % reduziert (Hexenmeister-Fähigkeit), aber Ihr Freund, der Erzbischof, wirkt 2515.png Sacrament auf Sie, was Ihre feste Zauberzeit um 50 % reduziert. Da nur die stärkste gilt, wird Ihre feste Zauberzeit nur um 50 % reduziert und überschreibt die 20 % von 2208.png Radius.
Die feste (flache) Reduzierung ist jedoch mit der prozentualen Reduzierung und auch mit sich selbst stapelbar. Dadurch ist es möglich, die feste Zauberzeit auf Null zu reduzieren.
  • Beispiel (2): Ein Spieler hat eine Kopfbedeckung mit einem 4556.png [MVP] Fenrir Card (4556) angelegt und dann wird 2515.png Sacrament darauf gewirkt. Da der Bonus von Sacrament von 50 % geringer ist als Fenrirs 70 %, bewirkt Sacrament nichts und die FCT-Reduktion des Spielers bleibt bei 70 %.
  • Beispiel (3): Ein Spieler hat zwei 2907.png Buwaya Agimat Tattoo (2907) ausgerüstet. Seine FCT würde um 7 % und nicht um 14 % reduziert, da sie nicht stapelbar ist (aber er würde wie erwartet MATK +14 % erhalten).
  • Beispiel (4): Ein Spieler hat ein 2907.png Buwaya Agimat Tattoo (2907) ausgerüstet und steht unter dem Effekt von 2515.png Sacrament. Da der Bonus von Sacrament in Höhe von 50 % Reduzierung der größere Bonus ist als Buwayas 7 %, wird die FCT des Spielers um 50 % reduziert.

Zauberbücher lesen / Freigeben / Gedankenplätze

Mdef / Soft Mdef / Hard Mdef / Penetrationen umgehen

Abnehmende Erträge / Stapelmodifikatoren

Spielbefehle und -einstellungen

Magische Karten







Sprites / Outfits / Paletten


Verbrauchsgüter / Wesentliches

Haustiere / Begleiter

Akronyme / Abkürzungen / Terminologie


Profi-Tipps und Tricks

FAQ (häufig gestellte Fragen)

▶ Allerdings flache Reduzierungen wie:

  • 2202.png Soul Expansion: Diese Fertigkeit hat keine FCT (Sie könnten FCT-Ausrüstung weglassen und Schadensausrüstung tragen, um bei diesem Build mehr Schaden zu verursachen).
  • 157.png Energy Coat: Diese Fertigkeit hat nur FCT und es ist die höchste FCT-Anforderung unter den Warlock-Fertigkeiten (satte 5,0 Sekunden FCT).
  • 366.png Mystical Amplification: Diese Fertigkeit hat jetzt eine nicht reduzierbare Menge an fester Zauberzeit (es ist unmöglich, sie auf irgendeine Weise sofort zu wirken).

Stapeln Sie mit anderen pauschalen Reduktionseffekten. Das Stapeln pauschalen Reduktionen ist die einzige Möglichkeit, die feste Zauberzeit einer Fertigkeit zu entfernen, da es keine einzelne Quelle für eine 100%ige FCT-Reduzierung gibt. Die einzige Ausnahme sind die Oboro-/Kagerou-Klassen, die über die Fertigkeit 16. Nacht verfügen, die die feste Zauberzeit vollständig entfernt.

Commands 📜 Example 💡 Description 📃
@lgp - Enables/Disables LGP
@cooldown - Displays the user's Instance cooldown timers
@showdelay - Displays Cast Delay or Cooldown for skills, requires Skill Failure Display option to be on
@lastwarp @lw - Teleports you to the last location you visited via Warper NPC
@battlestats2 @bs2 - Displays in-depth defensive character stats
@killcounter mobid killcounterlist - You can count 5 different mobs at the same time. So you type @kc >mobid< >1 (first position of 5)<
@showzeny - Displays gained zeny.
@unequipall - Takes off the gear you wearing.
@hold - Movement by clicking will be ignored
@noattack - Autoattack action will be ignored (your character will still stand within attack range when clicking on an enemy)
@hidepet @hidepets - Pets will no longer be shown.
@hidehateffects - Turns off all headgear/garment effects on Player Characters
@autoloot @al - Automatically loots drop rate below the rate selected
@restock - Restock allows you to automatically draw a set of registered items from the current opened Storage.
@storeall - Stores all Items into an opened storage.
@getall - Moves all Items from an opened storage into inventory
@stockall - Moves all items from cart to inventory

Types: -1 = All (default), 0 = Healing, 2 = Usable, 3 = Etc, 4 = Armor, 5 = Weapon, 6 = Card, 7 = Pet Egg, 8 = Pet Armor, 10 = Ammunition

@dropall - Drops all items from inventory except equipped or favourited items

Types: -1 = All (default), 0 = Healing, 2 = Useable, 3 = Etc, 4 = Armor, 5 = Weapon, 6 = Card, 7 = Pet Egg, 8 = Pet Armor, 10 = Ammunition

Elemental Tables

Overcome the weakness! (yes i know more memorizing again...)

Element System 🔥

Mastering the elemental system in Renewal is key to maximizing damage output and reducing incoming damage. Whether you're battling through dungeons, fighting bosses, or engaging in PvP,
understanding the elemental relationships allows players to tailor their gear and skills to exploit their opponents' weaknesses.

Level 1 📗

🔰Defensive → 🔘Neutral 🔵Water 🟤Earth 🔴Fire 🟢Wind 🟣Poison ⚪️Holy ⚫️Shadow 🟠Ghost 🟡Undead
⚔️Offensive ↓

Level 2 📘

🔰Defensive → 🔘Neutral 🔵Water 🟤Earth 🔴Fire 🟢Wind 🟣Poison ⚪️Holy ⚫️Shadow 🟠Ghost 🟡Undead
⚔️Offensive ↓

Level 3 📙

🔰Defensive → 🔘Neutral 🔵Water 🟤Earth 🔴Fire 🟢Wind 🟣Poison ⚪️Holy ⚫️Shadow 🟠Ghost 🟡Undead
⚔️Offensive ↓

Level 4 📕

🔰Defensive → 🔘Neutral 🔵Water 🟤Earth 🔴Fire 🟢Wind 🟣Poison ⚪️Holy ⚫️Shadow 🟠Ghost 🟡Undead
⚔️Offensive ↓


Blue eyes white dragon on attack mode! oops wrong game~

Elemental Cards 🃏

Only the Mage's Elements are included in this list (Normal,Boss and Sealed) (Fire, Water, Wind, Earth, Ghost, Undead, Shadow)

Up to date until EP21 (Episode 21)

Neutral Wind Fire Water Earth Ghost Shadow Undead
Armor 300308.png Meyer Lugenburg Card (300308)
  • 4586.png Rebellion Dien Card
  • 4586.png Rebellion Dien Card

Doomsday Pianist Build 🎹

You aren't sure which element to play as a mage? no worries i got the best set up for you!

I call it, The DPB or the "Doomsday Pianist Build" muhahahaha!

🎹 The Jack of all trades 🎹
Top 300456.png Icewind Egg Card (300456)
Mid 27109.png Jitterbug Card (27109)
Armor 300308.png Meyer Lugenburg Card (300308)
Weapon 300455.png Copo Card (300455) + 27384.png Mutating White Knight Card (27384)
Shield 27385.png Mutating Khalitzburg Card (27385)
Garment 300424.png Friedrich S. Heine Card (300424)
Shoes 300458.png Icewind Card (300458)
Accessory R 27108.png Singing Pere Card (27108)
Accessory L 27107.png Playing Pere Card (27107)

Also good against End-game MVP's Like:

End-game MVP Counters
Rigel (22174)
Betelgeuse (20994)
Juncea (21532)
Aquila (21531)
Unidentified Life Forms (21062)
The One (20928)
Sakray (20892)
Broken Thanatos (20785)
Cursed King Schmidt (20387)
Sarah (3190)


So much skills to choose from... T - T

Mage 1️⃣

Mage Skills 📗
9.png Increase SP Recovery
Max Level: 10
Skill Form: Passive
Description: Restores SP every 10 sec
while idle.
MaxSP affects how much SP
restoration is increased by this skill.

[Lv 1]: Restores (5+0.2% of MaxSP) SP
[Lv 2]: Restores (10+0.4% of MaxSP) SP
[Lv 3]: Restores (15+0.6% of MaxSP) SP
[Lv 4]: Restores (20+0.8% of MaxSP) SP
[Lv 5]: Restores (25+1.0% of MaxSP) SP
[Lv 6]: Restores (30+1.2% of MaxSP) SP
[Lv 7]: Restores (35+1.4% of MaxSP) SP
[Lv 8]: Restores (40+1.6% of MaxSP) SP
[Lv 9]: Restores (45+1.8% of MaxSP) SP
[Lv 10]: Restores (50+2.0% of MaxSP) SP
10.png Sight
Max Level: 1
Skill Form: Active
Type: Supportive
Target: Caster
Cast Time: None
After Cast Delay: None
Cool Down: None
Description: Uses 10 SP to summon a fire
ball that for 10 seconds will detect hidden
characters in 7x7 AoE around the caster.
11.png Napalm Beat
Max Level: 10
Skill Form: Active
Type: Magical
Target: 1 Character
Cast Time: (Lv10)0.1s Fixed / 0.4s Variable
After Cast Delay: (Lv10)0.5s
Cool Down: None
Description: Uses telekinesis power to
attack a target and 3x3 cells around it
Ghost elemental magic. The damage
portion is divided among the targets.

[Lv 1]: 80% MATK
[Lv 2]: 90% MATK
[Lv 3]: 100% MATK
[Lv 4]: 110% MATK
[Lv 5]: 120% MATK
[Lv 6]: 130% MATK
[Lv 7]: 140% MATK
[Lv 8]: 150% MATK
[Lv 9]: 160% MATK
[Lv 10]: 170% MATK
12.png Safety Wall
Max Level: 10
Requirement: Napalm Beat 7, Soul Strike 5
Requirement: Napalm Beat 7, Soul Strike 5
Requirement: Aspersio 4, Sanctuary 3
Skill Form: Active
Type: Supportive
Target: Ground
Cast Time: (Lv10)0.08s Fixed / 0.32s Variable
After Cast Delay: (Lv10)None
Cool Down: None
Description: Creates a magic barrier on
a targeted spot that will block certain
number of physical melee attacks and damage.
The barrier will disappear after a
period of time.
Consumes 1
Blue Gemstone.
[Lv 1]: Barrier: 300, Blocks 2 Hits
[Lv 2]: Barrier: 600, Blocks 3 Hits
[Lv 3]: Barrier: 900, Blocks 4 Hits
[Lv 4]: Barrier: 1200, Blocks 5 Hits
[Lv 5]: Barrier: 1500, Blocks 6 Hits
[Lv 6]: Barrier: 1800, Blocks 7 Hits
[Lv 7]: Barrier: 2100, Blocks 8 Hits
[Lv 8]: Barrier: 2400, Blocks 9 Hits
[Lv 9]: Barrier: 2700, Blocks 10 Hits
[Lv 10]: Barrier: 3000, Blocks 11 Hits
13.png Soul Strike
Max Level: 10
Requirement: Napalm Beat 4
Skill Form: Active
Type: Magical
Target: 1 Character
Cast Time: (Lv10)0.1s Fixed / 0.4s Variable
After Cast Delay: (Lv10)1.4s
Cool Down: None
Description: Summons holy spirit to
inflict 100%
MATK Ghost elemental
magical damage per Hit on a target.
This skill inflicts additional damage
Undead monster.
[Lv 1]: 1 Hit, Undead +5%,
18 SP Consumption

[Lv 2]: 1 Hit, Undead +10%,
14 SP Consumption

[Lv 3]: 2 Hits, Undead +15%,
24 SP Consumption

[Lv 4]: 2 Hits, Undead +20%,
20 SP Consumption

[Lv 5]: 3 Hits, Undead +25%,
30 SP Consumption

[Lv 6]: 3 Hits, Undead +30%,
26 SP Consumption

[Lv 7]: 4 Hits, Undead +35%,
36 SP Consumption

[Lv 8]: 4 Hits, Undead +40%,
32 SP Consumption

[Lv 9]: 5 Hits, Undead +45%,
42 SP Consumption

[Lv 10]: 5 Hits, Undead +50%,
38 SP Consumption
14.png Cold Bolt
Max Level: 10
Skill Form: Active
Type: Magical
Target: Enemy
Cast Time: (Lv10)1.2s Fixed / 3.2s Variable
After Cast Delay: 0.3s
Cool Down: None
Description: Summons bolts of frigid ice
to strike at an enemy which inflicts 100%
MATKWater elemental magic damage per Hit.
[Lv 1]: 1 Hit, 12 SP Consumption
[Lv 2]: 2 Hits, 14 SP Consumption
[Lv 3]: 3 Hits, 16 SP Consumption
[Lv 4]: 4 Hits, 18 SP Consumption
[Lv 5]: 5 Hits, 20 SP Consumption
[Lv 6]: 6 Hits, 22 SP Consumption
[Lv 7]: 7 Hits, 24 SP Consumption
[Lv 8]: 8 Hits, 26 SP Consumption
[Lv 9]: 9 Hits, 28 SP Consumption
[Lv 10]: 10 Hits, 30 SP Consumption
15.png Frost Diver
Max Level: 10
Requirement: Cold Bolt 5
Skill Form: Active
Type: Magical, Debuff
Target: 1 Character
Cast Time: (Lv10)0.16s Fixed / 0.64s Variable
After Cast Delay: (Lv10)0.5s
Cool Down: None
Description: Inflicts Water magic
damage on a target, which has a chance to
Freezing status. The Freezing
chance and duration are affected by target's
Level, MDEF and LUK stats.
[Lv 1]: 110% MATK, Frozen Chance: 38%
[Lv 2]: 120% MATK, Frozen Chance: 41%
[Lv 3]: 130% MATK, Frozen Chance: 44%
[Lv 4]: 140% MATK, Frozen Chance: 47%
[Lv 5]: 150% MATK, Frozen Chance: 50%
[Lv 6]: 160% MATK, Frozen Chance: 53%
[Lv 7]: 170% MATK, Frozen Chance: 56%
[Lv 8]: 180% MATK, Frozen Chance: 59%
[Lv 9]: 190% MATK, Frozen Chance: 62%
[Lv 10]: 200% MATK, Frozen Chance: 65%
16.png Stone Curse
Max Level: 10
Skill Form: Active
Type: Debuff
Target: 1 Character
Description: Inflicts Stone Curse to a
target. Consumes 1
Red Gemstone.
Cast Time:
(Lv10)0.2s Fixed / 0.8s Variable
After Cast Delay: None
Cool Down: None
From level 6, Red Gemstone is consumed
only when the skill is successfull.
Stone Curse chance and duration are
affected by target's
Level, MDEF
LUK stats.
[Lv 1]: Stone Curse chance: 24%
[Lv 2]: Stone Curse chance: 28%
[Lv 3]: Stone Curse chance: 32%
[Lv 4]: Stone Curse chance: 36%
[Lv 5]: Stone Curse chance: 40%
[Lv 6]: Stone Curse chance: 44%
[Lv 7]: Stone Curse chance: 48%
[Lv 8]: Stone Curse chance: 52%
[Lv 9]: Stone Curse chance: 56%
[Lv 10]: Stone Curse chance: 60%
17.png Fire Ball
Max Level: 10
Requirement: Fire Bolt 4
Skill Form: Active
Type: Magical, AoE
Target: 1 Character
Cast Time: (Lv10)0.2s Fixed / 0.8s Variable
After Cast Delay: 0.7s
Cool Down: None
Description: Summons a fire ball to
damage a target and all enemies within
5x5 cells area with
Fire elemental
magical damage. Inner area (3x3) and
outer area (5x5) receive different

[Lv 1]: Inner: 160% MATK, Outer: 120% MATK
[Lv 2]: Inner: 180% MATK, Outer: 135% MATK
[Lv 3]: Inner: 200% MATK, Outer: 150% MATK
[Lv 4]: Inner: 220% MATK, Outer: 165% MATK
[Lv 5]: Inner: 240% MATK, Outer: 180% MATK
[Lv 6]: Inner: 260% MATK, Outer: 195% MATK
[Lv 7]: Inner: 280% MATK, Outer: 210% MATK
[Lv 8]: Inner: 300% MATK, Outer: 225% MATK
[Lv 9]: Inner: 320% MATK, Outer: 240% MATK
[Lv 10]: Inner: 340% MATK, Outer: 255% MATK
18.png Fire Wall
Max Level: 10
Requirement: Sight 1, Fire Ball 5
Skill Form: Active
Type: Magical
Target: Ground
Cast Time: (Lv10)0.14s Fixed / 0.56s Variable
After Cast Delay: None
Cool Down: None
Description: Uses 40 SP to create a fire
barrier that inflicts 50%
elemental magic damage on upcoming enemies
and knock them 2 cells backward.

[Lv 1]: Each Wall: 3 Hits, lasts 5 seconds
[Lv 2]: Each Wall: 4 Hits, lasts 6 seconds
[Lv 3]: Each Wall: 5 Hits, lasts 7 seconds
[Lv 4]: Each Wall: 6 Hits, lasts 8 seconds
[Lv 5]: Each Wall: 7 Hits, lasts 9 seconds
[Lv 6]: Each Wall: 8 Hits, lasts 10 seconds
[Lv 7]: Each Wall: 9 Hits, lasts 11 seconds
[Lv 8]: Each Wall: 10 Hits, lasts 12 seconds
[Lv 9]: Each Wall: 11 Hits, lasts 13 seconds
[Lv 10]: Each Wall: 12 Hits, lasts 14 seconds
19.png Fire Bolt
Max Level: 10
Skill Form: Active
Type: Magical
Target: 1 Character
Cast Time: (Lv10)1.2s Fixed / 3.2s Variable
After Cast Delay: 0.3s
Cool Down: None
Description: Attacks a target with arrow
made of fire inflicting 100%
elemental magic damage per Hit.

[Lv 1]: 1 Hit, SP Consumption: 12
[Lv 2]: 2 Hits, SP Consumption: 14
[Lv 3]: 3 Hits, SP Consumption: 16
[Lv 4]: 4 Hits, SP Consumption: 18
[Lv 5]: 5 Hits, SP Consumption: 20
[Lv 6]: 6 Hits, SP Consumption: 22
[Lv 7]: 7 Hits, SP Consumption: 24
[Lv 8]: 8 Hits, SP Consumption: 26
[Lv 9]: 9 Hits, SP Consumption: 28
[Lv 10]: 10 Hits, SP Consumption: 30
20.png Lightning Bolt
Max Level: 10
Skill Form: Active
Type: Magical
Target: 1 Character
Cast Time: (Lv10)1.2s Fixed / 3.2s Variable
After Cast Delay: 0.3s
Cool Down: None
Description: Drops lightning on target
inflicting 100%
MATK Wind elemental
magic damage per Hit.

[Lv 1]: 1 Hit, SP Consumption: 12
[Lv 2]: 2 Hits, SP Consumption: 14
[Lv 3]: 3 Hits, SP Consumption: 16
[Lv 4]: 4 Hits, SP Consumption: 18
[Lv 5]: 5 Hits, SP Consumption: 20
[Lv 6]: 6 Hits, SP Consumption: 22
[Lv 7]: 7 Hits, SP Consumption: 24
[Lv 8]: 8 Hits, SP Consumption: 26
[Lv 9]: 9 Hits, SP Consumption: 28
[Lv 10]: 10 Hits, SP Consumption: 30
21.png Thunder Storm
Max Level: 10
Requirement: Lightning Bolt 4
Skill Form: Active
Type: Magical
Target: Ground
Cast Time: (Lv10)1.5s Fixed / 4.5s Variable
After Cast Delay: 2s
Cool Down: None
Description: Drops lightning bolt on
specific location, inflicting 100%
elemental magic per Hit in a 5x5 cell area.

[Lv 1]: 1 Hit, SP Consumption: 29
[Lv 2]: 2 Hits, SP Consumption: 34
[Lv 3]: 3 Hits, SP Consumption: 39
[Lv 4]: 4 Hits, SP Consumption: 44
[Lv 5]: 5 Hits, SP Consumption: 49
[Lv 6]: 6 Hits, SP Consumption: 54
[Lv 7]: 7 Hits, SP Consumption: 59
[Lv 8]: 8 Hits, SP Consumption: 64
[Lv 9]: 9 Hits, SP Consumption: 69
[Lv 10]: 10 Hits, SP Consumption: 74
Quest Skills
157.png Energy Coat
Requirement: Finish Quest
Skill Form: Active
Type: Supportive
Target: Caster
Cast Time: (Lv10)5s Fixed / 0s Variable
After Cast Delay: None
Cool Down: None
Description: Creates a barrier of
spiritual energy that will buffer
attacks at the caster. Caster's
SP affects the amount of
damage reduced by the barrier. Higher damage
means more
SP will be drained
by the barrier.

[SP 100~81%]: -30% Damage,
SP Consumption: 3.0%

[SP 80~61%]: -24% Damage,
SP Consumption: 2.5%

[SP 60~41%]: -18% Damage,
SP Consumption: 2.0%

[SP 40~21%]: -12% Damage,
SP Consumption: 1.5%

[SP 20~1%]: -6% Damage,
SP Consumption: 1.0%

Wizard 2️⃣

Wizard Skills 📘
80.png Fire Pillar
Max Level: 10
Requirement: Fire Wall 1
Skill Form: Active
Type: Magical
Target: Ground
Cast Time: (Lv10)0,048s Fixed / 0,192s Variable
After Cast Delay: 1s
Cool Down: None
Description: Summons a pillar of flame
on a targeted spot that will deal
elemental magic damage to enemies that come
into contact with it. If no one steps on it
for 30 seconds, it will disappear.
You can place up to 5
Fire Pillars
at once and consumes 1
Blue Gemstone
with level 6 and above. Also it can't be placed
if there is an enemy standing on that cell already.

[Lv 1]: Hits: 3, AoE: 3x3 cells
[Lv 2]: Hits: 4, AoE: 3X3 cells
[Lv 3]: Hits: 5, AoE: 3X3 cells
[Lv 4]: Hits: 6, AoE: 3X3 cells
[Lv 5]: Hits: 7, AoE: 3X3 cells
[Lv 6]: Hits: 8, AoE: 7x7 cells
[Lv 7]: Hits: 9, AoE: 7x7 cells
[Lv 8]: Hits: 10 AoE: 7x7 cells
[Lv 9]: Hits: 11, AoE: 7x7 cells
[Lv 10]: Hits: 12, AoE: 7x7 Cells
81.png Sightrasher
Max Level: 10
Requirement: Sight 1, Lightning Bolt 1
Skill Form: Active
Type: Magical
Target: Enemies around the caster
Cast Time: (Lv10)0.08s Fixed / 0.32s Variable
After Cast Delay: 2s
Cool Down: None
Description: Attacks enemies by shooting
fireballs, which are first summoned by the
Sight skill, in 8 directions that radiate
away from the caster and inflicting
elemental magic damage as well as
knockback the enemies by 2 cells.

[Lv 1]: MATK 120%
[Lv 2]: MATK 140%
[Lv 3]: MATK 160%
[Lv 4]: MATK 180%
[Lv 5]: MATK 200%
[Lv 6]: MATK 220%
[Lv 7]: MATK 240%
[Lv 8]: MATK 260%
[Lv 9]: MATK 280%
[Lv 10]: MATK 300%
83.png Meteor Storm
Max Level: 10
Requirement: Thunder Storm 1, Sightrasher 2
Skill Form: Active
Type: Magical
Target: Ground
Cast Time: (Lv10)1.5s Fixed / 6.3s Variable
After Cast Delay: 1s
Cool Down: 7s
Description: Summons meteors towards a
targeted area to inflict 125%
elemental magic damage upon enemies in an
13x13 area and have a chance to cause
Each meteorite has a range of 7x7 cells and
depending on skill level, the number of
falling meteorites and the number of hits per
meteorite are increased.

[Lv 1]: Meteorites: 2, Hits: 1, Stun Chance: 3%
[Lv 2]: Meteorites: 3, Hits: 1, Stun Chance: 6%
[Lv 3]: Meteorites: 3, Hits: 2, Stun Chance: 9%
[Lv 4]: Meteorites: 4, Hits: 2, Stun Chance: 12%
[Lv 5]: Meteorites: 4, Hits: 3, Stun Chance: 15%
[Lv 6]: Meteorites: 5, Hits: 3, Stun Chance: 18%
[Lv 7]: Meteorites: 5, Hits: 4, Stun Chance: 21%
[Lv 8]: Meteorites: 6, Hits: 4, Stun Chance: 24%
[Lv 9]: Meteorites: 6, Hits: 5, Stun Chance: 27%
[Lv 10]: Meteorites: 7, Hits: 5, Stun Chance: 30%
84.png Jupitel Thunder
Max Level: 10
Requirement: Napalm Beat 1,
Lightning Bolt 1

Skill Form: Active
Type: Magical
Target: 1 Character
Cast Time: (Lv10)0.5s Fixed / 3.8s Variable
After Cast Delay: 3s
Cool Down: None
Description: Fires a ball of crackling
lightning that inflicts 100%
elemental magic damage and knock back
the targeted enemy. The number of hits
increases with the skill level.

[Lv 1]: Hits: 3
[Lv 2]: Hits: 4
[Lv 3]: Hits: 5
[Lv 4]: Hits: 6
[Lv 5]: Hits: 7
[Lv 6]: Hits: 8
[Lv 7]: Hits: 9
[Lv 8]: Hits: 10
[Lv 9]: Hits: 11
[Lv 10]: Hits: 12
85.png Lord of Vermilion
Max Level: 10
Requirement: Thunder Storm 1,
Jupitel Thunder 5

Skill Form: Active
Type: Magical
Target: Ground
Cast Time: (Lv10)1.5s Fixed / 4.5s Variable
After Cast Delay: 1s
Cool Down: 5s
Description: Collects and drops lightning
strikes on the ground in an 13x13 area around
a designated cell, inflicting
Wind elemental
magic damage and probably cause
Blind status.
The chance of causing
Blind status is reduced
by the immunity of the targets.

[Lv 1]: MATK 500%, Blind Chance: 15%
[Lv 2]: MATK 600%, Blind Chance: 20%
[Lv 3]: MATK 700%, Blind Chance: 25%
[Lv 4]: MATK 800%, Blind Chance: 30%
[Lv 5]: MATK 900%, Blind Chance: 35%
[Lv 6]: MATK 1000%, Blind Chance: 40%
[Lv 7]: MATK 1100%, Blind Chance: 45%
[Lv 8]: MATK 1200%, Blind Chance: 50%
[Lv 9]: MATK 1300%, Blind Chance: 55%
[Lv 10]: MATK 1400%, Blind Chance: 60%
86.png Water Ball
Max Level: 5
Requirement: Cold Bolt 1, Lightning Bolt 1
Skill Form: Active
Type: Magical
Target: 1 Character
Cast Time: (Lv5)0.8s Fixed / 3.2s Variable
After Cast Delay: None
Cool Down: None
Description: Hurls spheres of water at
high velocity at a targeted enemy.
Caster must be standing in
Water in
order to cast
Water Ball and cannot be
used in an underwater map. Detection
range of
Water cells increases
with skill level and can be used on skill
effects such as
[Lv 1]: MATK 130% each Hit, Water Cells: 1x1
[Lv 2]: MATK 160% each Hit, Water Cells: 3x3
[Lv 3]: MATK 190% each Hit, Water Cells: 3x3
[Lv 4]: MATK 220% each Hit, Water Cells: 5x5
[Lv 5]: MATK 250% each Hit, Water Cells: 5x5
87.png Ice Wall
Max Level: 10
Requirement: Stone Curse 1, Frost Diver 1
Skill Form: Active
Type: Supportive
Target: Ground
Cast Time: None
After Cast Delay: None
Cool Down: None
Description: Creates a frozen wall
of ice in 1x5 cells that will block enemies,
but it can be destroyed using attacks.
HP of the Ice Wall depends
on skill level and when placed, it's
HP is
reduced by 50 per second. It will disappear
when it's
HP reaches zero.
[Lv 1]: Ice Wall HP: 400
[Lv 2]: Ice Wall HP: 600
[Lv 3]: Ice Wall HP: 800
[Lv 4]: Ice Wall HP: 1000
[Lv 5]: Ice Wall HP: 1200
[Lv 6]: Ice Wall HP: 1400
[Lv 7]: Ice Wall HP: 1600
[Lv 8]: Ice Wall HP: 1800
[Lv 9]: Ice Wall HP: 2000
[Lv 10]: Ice Wall HP: 2200
88.png Frost Nova
Max Level: 10
Requirement: Frost Diver 1, Ice Wall 1
Skill Form: Active
Type: Magical
Target: Enemies around the caster
Cast Time: (Lv10)0,096s Fixed / 0,384s Variable
After Cast Delay: 0.2s
Cool Down: None
Description: Inflicts Water elemental
magical damage to enemies within 5x5 cells
of the caster and inflicts
Freezing status.
Freezing chance and duration increases
with the skill level.

[Lv 1]: Freezing Time: 1.5 seconds,
Freeing Chance: 38%

[Lv 2]: Freezing Time: 3.0 seconds,
Freeing Chance: 43%

[Lv 3]: Freezing Time: 4.5 seconds,
Freeing Chance: 48%

[Lv 4]: Freezing time: 6.0 seconds,
Freeing Chance: 53%

[Lv 5]: Freezing Time: 7.5 seconds,
Freeing Chance: 58%

[Lv 6]: Freezing Time: 9.0 seconds,
Freeing Chance: 63%

[Lv 7]: Freezing Time: 10.5 seconds,
Freeing Chance: 68%

[Lv 8]: Freezing Time: 12.0 seconds,
Freeing Chance: 73%

[Lv 9]: Freezing Time: 13.5 seconds,
Freeing Chance: 78%

[Lv 10]: Freezing Time: 15.0 seconds,
Freeing Chance: 83%
89.png Storm Gust
Max Level: 10
Requirement: Frost Diver 1,
Jupitel Thunder 3

Skill Form: Active
Type: Magical
Target: Ground
Cast Time: (Lv10)1.5s Fixed / 6.3s Variable
After Cast Delay: 1s
Cool Down: 6s
Description: Summons a blizzard on the ground
in an 11x11 area around an designated cell
to inflict
Water elemental magic damage on
enemies. The blizzard lasts for 4.5 seconds
hitting once every 0.45 seconds and knocking
back enemies by 2 cells. Damaged targets have
a certain chance to be inflicted with
Freezing status and do not take damage while
Freezing status is active.
[Lv 1]: MATK 120% each Hit
[Lv 2]: MATK 170% each Hit
[Lv 3]: MATK 220% each Hit
[Lv 4]: MATK 270% each Hit
[Lv 5]: MATK 320% each Hit
[Lv 6]: MATK 370% each Hit
[Lv 7]: MATK 420% each Hit
[Lv 8]: MATK 470% each Hit
[Lv 9]: MATK 520% each Hit
[Lv 10]: MATK 570% each Hit
90.png Earth Spike
Max Level: 5
Requirement: Stone Curse 1
Requirement: Stone Curse 1
Requirement: Seismic Weapon 1
Skill Form: Active
Type: Magical
Target: 1 Character
Cast Time: (Lv5)1.2s Fixed / 3.2s Variable
After Cast Delay: 1.4s
Cool Down: None
Description: Commands the ground
beneath a targeted enemy to rise into
spikes inflicting 200%
MATK Earth
elemental magic damage. The number of hits
increases with the skill level.

[Lv 1]: Hits: 1
[Lv 2]: Hits: 2
[Lv 3]: Hits: 3
[Lv 4]: Hits: 4
[Lv 5]: Hits: 5
91.png Heaven's Drive
Max Level: 5
Requirement: Earth Spike 3
Requirement: Earth Spike 3
Requirement: Earth Spike 1
Skill Form: Active
Type: Magical
Target: Ground
Cast Time: (Lv5)0.8s Fixed / 1.9s Variable
After Cast Delay: 0.5s
Cool Down: None
Description: Commands the ground in a
targeted area to rise into spikes in
order to deal
Earth elemental magic damage
enemies within a 5x5 area. If there is a target
hidden in the ground within that range, it also
deals damage to that target and releases
it from
[Lv 1]: MATK 125%
[Lv 2]: MATK 250%
[Lv 3]: MATK 375%
[Lv 4]: MATK 500%
[Lv 5]: MATK 625%
92.png Quagmire
Max Level: 5
Requirement: Heaven's Drive 1
Skill Form: Active
Type: Debuff
Target: Ground
Cast Time: None
After Cast Delay: 1s
Cool Down: None
Description: Temporarily converts
targeted area into marshland that will
reduce the
Movement Speed, AGI and DEX
of all targets by half.
can be reduced maximum by 50. Players
will only receive half of the effect.

[Lv 1]: Lasts 5 seconds, AGI/DEX -10%
[Lv 2]: Lasts 10 seconds, AGI/DEX -20%
[Lv 3]: Lasts 15 seconds, AGI/DEX -30%
[Lv 4]: Lasts 20 seconds, AGI/DEX -40%
[Lv 5]: Lasts 25 seconds, AGI/DEX -50%
93.png Sense
Max Level: 1
Skill Form: Active
Type: Supportive
Target: 1 Character
Cast Time: None
After Cast Delay: None
Cool Down: None
Description: Reveals detailed information
about a targeted monster to the caster
and members in caster's party.
Quest Skills
1006.png Sight Blaster
Requirement: Finish Quest
Skill Form: Active
Type: Magical
Target: Caster
Cast Time: 0.32s Fixed / 1.28s Variable
After Cast Delay: None
Cool Down: None
Description: Summons a protective fire
ball that will encircle the caster for 2
minutes. When an enemy approaches the
caster, the fire ball will inflict
damage equal to caster's
MATK, push the
enemy backward, then the skill will
Sight Blaster's knockback effect
has no effect during WoE.

High Wizard 3️⃣

High Wizard Skills 📒
364.png Soul Drain
Max Level: 10
Requirement: Increase SP Recovery 5,
Soul Strike 7

Skill Form: Passive
Description: Increases MaxSP. Whenever
you defeat an enemy with magical or
physical attack, you will gain certain
amount of
SP depend on monster's level.
(does not work on ground targeted skills)
[Lv 1]: MaxSP +2%
[Lv 2]: MaxSP +4%
[Lv 3]: MaxSP +6%
[Lv 4]: MaxSP +8%
[Lv 5]: MaxSP +10%
[Lv 6]: MaxSP +12%
[Lv 7]: MaxSP +14%
[Lv 8]: MaxSP +16%
[Lv 9]: MaxSP +18%
[Lv 10]: MaxSP +20%
365.png Magic Crasher
Max Level: 1
Requirement: Increase SP Recovery 1
Skill Form: Active
Type: Magical
Target: 1 Character
Cast Time: 0.06s Fixed / 0.24s Variable
After Cast Delay: 0.3s
Cool Down: None
Description: Inflicts Neutral elemental
damage that is equal to the
MATK of the
caster and is affected by the
366.png Mystical Amplification
Max Level: 10
Skill Form: Active
Type: Supportive
Target: Caster
Cast Time: 0.7s Fixed / 0s Variable
After Cast Delay: None
Cool Down: None
Description: Amplifies MATK for 60 seconds.
[Lv 1]: MATK +5%
[Lv 2]: MATK +10%
[Lv 3]: MATK +15%
[Lv 4]: MATK +20%
[Lv 5]: MATK +25%
[Lv 6]: MATK +30%
[Lv 7]: MATK +35%
[Lv 8]: MATK +40%
[Lv 9]: MATK +45%
[Lv 10]: MATK +50%
400.png Napalm Vulcan
Max Level: 5
Requirement: Napalm Beat 5
Skill Form: Active
Type: Magical
Target: 1 Character
Cast Time: 0.2s Fixed / 0.8s Variable
After Cast Delay: 0.5s
Cool Down: 1s
Description: Delivers multiple
psychokinetic blows at an enemy in an 3x3 area
with a low chance of causing an
status. This skill's level affects the number
of hits from
Napalm Vulcan.
Damage additionally increases according
to the caster's
Base Level.
[Lv 1]: MATK 70%, Hits: 1
[Lv 2]: MATK 140%, Hits: 2
[Lv 3]: MATK 210%, Hits: 3
[Lv 4]: MATK 280%, Hits: 4
[Lv 5]: MATK 350%, Hits: 5
483.png Ganbantein
Max Level: 1
Requirement: Sense 1, Ice Wall 1
Skill Form: Active
Type: Supportive
Target: Ground
Cast Time: 3s Fixed / 0s Variable
After Cast Delay: 5s
Cool Down: None
Description: Enables the chance of
canceling ground targeting magic spell
cast on a 3x3 cell area around the
targeted spot. This skill will cancel
Land Protector on areas that have been
enchanted by that skill. This skill is
unaffected by items or skills that
Gemstone requirements.
Has 5 second cast delay.
Consumes 1
Blue Gemstone and
Yellow Gemstone.
484.png Gravitational Field
Max Level: 5
Requirement: Quagmire 1,
Magic Crasher 1,
Mystical Amplification 10

Skill Form: Active
Type: Magical
Target: Ground
Cast Time: 1s Fixed / 5s Variable
After Cast Delay: 1s
Cool Down: 5s
Description: Increases the gravity in a
5x5 area inflicting
Neutral elemental
magical damage. As skill level increases, the
number of hits and the damage increases. The
Base Level affects also
the damage inflicted.

[Lv 1]: MATK 100%, Hits: 2
[Lv 2]: MATK 200%, Hits: 4
[Lv 3]: MATK 300%, Hits: 6
[Lv 4]: MATK 400%, Hits: 8
[Lv 5]: MATK 500%, Hits: 10

Warlock 4️⃣

Warlock Skills 📙
2216.png Earth Strain
Max Level: 5
Requirement: Sienna Execrate 2
Skill Form: Active
Type: Magical
Target: Ground
Cast Time: (Lv5)2s Fixed / 6s Variable
After Cast Delay: 0.5s
Cool Down: 7s
Description: Uplifts a wide land and
Earth elemental magic damage
to all enemies within skill range.

[Lv 1]: 1600% MATK
[Lv 2]: 2200% MATK
[Lv 3]: 2800% MATK
[Lv 4]: 3400% MATK
[Lv 5]: 4000% MATK
2201.png White Imprison
Max Level: 5
Requirement: Soul Expansion 3
Skill Form: Active
Type: Supportive
Target: 1 Character
Cast Time: None
After Cast Delay: None
Cool Down: 4s
Description: Locks a target in a
transparent box that prevents damage
except from
Ghost elemental damage. Can
be casted on oneself, when the duration
is finished, the caster loses
HP. Has no
effect on
Boss monsters.
[Lv 1]: 50% success rate, 10 sec. duration
[Lv 2]: 60% success rate, 12 sec. duration
[Lv 3]: 70% success rate, 14 sec. duration
[Lv 4]: 80% success rate, 16 sec. duration
[Lv 5]: 90% success rate, 18 sec. duration
2202.png Soul Expansion
Max Level: 5
Requirement: Drain Life 1
Skill Form: Active
Type: Magical
Target: 1 Character
Cast Time: (Lv10)0.5s Fixed / 2s Variable
After Cast Delay: 0.5s
Cool Down: None
Description: Deals 2 hits of Ghost
elemental magic damage to a target and
surrounding. If the target is in the
White Imprison it deals double damage.
Damage additionally increases according
to the caster's
Base Level and INT.
[Lv 1]: 1200% MATK
[Lv 2]: 1400% MATK
[Lv 3]: 1600% MATK
[Lv 4]: 1800% MATK
[Lv 5]: 2000% MATK
2203.png Frost Misty
Max Level: 5
Requirement: Summon Water Ball 1
Skill Form: Active
Type: Debuff
Target: Ground
Cast Time: (Lv5)0.5s Fixed / 4s Variable
After Cast Delay: 1s
Cool Down: 4s
Description: Releases freezing mist over
the ground, dealing damage and
Frost status on all
enemies. Targets affected by
will receive reduced
DEF, Movement
Speed, Attack Speed
and increased
Fixed Casting Time.
[Lv 1]: 30% Frost Chance, 300% MATK, 1 Hit
[Lv 2]: 35% Frost Chance, 400% MATK, 2 Hit
[Lv 3]: 40% Frost Chance, 500% MATK, 3 Hit
[Lv 4]: 45% Frost Chance, 600% MATK, 4 Hit
[Lv 5]: 50% Frost Chance, 700% MATK, 5 Hit
2204.png Jack Frost
Max Level: 5
Requirement: Frost Misty 2
Skill Form: Active
Type: Magical, Debuff
Target: 1 Character
Cast Time: (Lv5)0.5s Fixed / 4s Variable
After Cast Delay: 1s
Cool Down: 4s
Description: Deals Water elemental
damage to a target and surrounding targets.
Enemies affected by
Frost status will
receive additional damage.
Damage additionally increases according
to the caster's
Base Level.
[Lv 1]: 1300% MATK, Frost MATK 1800%
[Lv 2]: 1600% MATK, Frost MATK 2400%
[Lv 3]: 1900% MATK, Frost MATK 3000%
[Lv 4]: 2200% MATK, Frost MATK 3600%
[Lv 5]: 2500% MATK, Frost MATK 4200%
2205.png Marsh of Abyss
Max Level: 5
Requirement: Quagmire 1
Skill Form: Active
Type: Debuff
Target: Ground
Cast Time: 0.5s Fixed / 2.5s Variable
After Cast Delay: 1s
Cool Down: None
Description: Curses a target, reducing
Movement Speed, Defense and Flee
rate. Caster's
INT and Job Level affect
it's effectiveness.

[Lv 1]: -50% Movement Speed
[Lv 2]: -60% Movement Speed
[Lv 3]: -70% Movement Speed
[Lv 4]: -80% Movement Speed
[Lv 5]: -90% Movement Speed
2206.png Recognized Spell
Max Level: 5
Requirement: Release 2, Stasis 1,
White Imprison 1

Skill Form: Active
Type: Supportive
Target: Caster
Cast Time: 1s Fixed / 1s Variable
After Cast Delay: 1s
Cool Down: 170s
Description: Maximizes one's own magical
potential, dealing maximum damage with
magical attacks for the skill duration.
SP cost by 25%.
[Lv 1]: 60 sec. duration
[Lv 2]: 90 sec. duration
[Lv 3]: 110 sec. duration
[Lv 4]: 140 sec. duration
[Lv 5]: 170 sec. duration
2207.png Sienna Execrate
Max Level: 5
Requirement: Summon Stone 1
Skill Form: Active
Type: Debuff
Target: 1 Character
Cast Time: 0s Fixed / 2s Variable
After Cast Delay: 2s
Cool Down: None
Description: Curses a target and it's
surrounding with a
Stone Curse. Requires
Red Gemstones. Caster's Job Level
affect it's effectiveness.

[Lv 1]: 48% Curse Chance, 3x3 cells, 10 sec.
[Lv 2]: 56% Curse Chance, 5x5 cells, 12 sec.
[Lv 3]: 64% Curse Chance, 5x5 cells, 14 sec.
[Lv 4]: 72% Curse Chance, 7x7 cells, 16 sec.
[Lv 5]: 80% Curse Chance, 7x7 cells, 18 sec.
2208.png Radius
Max Level: 3
Requirement: Warlock Basic Skill
Skill Form: Passive
Description: Increases magic skill range
of the
Warlock and slightly reduces
Casting Time.
[Lv 1]: Casting range +1 Cell,
reduces Fixed Casting Time by 10%

[Lv 2]: Casting range +2 Cells,
reduces Fixed Casting Time by 15%

[Lv 3]: Casting Range +3 Cells,
reduces Fixed Casting Time by 20%
2209.png Stasis
Max Level: 5
Requirement: Drain Life 1
Skill Form: Active
Type: Debuff
Target: Caster
Cast Time: 1s Fixed / 3s Variable
After Cast Delay: 2s
Cool Down: (Lv5)220s
Description: Stops the air around the
Caster, all targets within skill range
will no longer be able to use magic
skills and some song and chorus skills.
The duration is reduced by
of target (Minimum duration is 10 sec).

[Lv 1]: 20 sec. duration, 19x19 AoE
[Lv 2]: 30 sec. duration, 21x21 AoE
[Lv 3]: 40 sec. duration, 23x23 AoE
[Lv 4]: 50 sec. duration, 25x25 AoE
[Lv 5]: 60 sec. duration, 27x27 AoE
2210.png Drain Life
Max Level: 5
Requirement: Radius 1
Skill Form: Active
Type: Recovery
Target: 1 Character
Cast Time: 1s Fixed / 4s Variable
After Cast Delay: None
Cool Down: 2s
Description: Deals magic damage on a
target, converting a certain amount of
damage into
HP. Chance of absorbing
damage affected by skill level and
and the amount of absorbed damage
is affected by skill level and
Base Level.
Base Level and INT affect
damage inflicted.

[Lv 1]: 200% Neutral Magic Damage,
8% Damage absorbed, 74% Absorb Chance

[Lv 2]: 400% Neutral Magic Damage,
16% Damage absorbed, 78% Absorb Chance

[Lv 3]: 600% Neutral Magic Damage,
24% Damage absorbed, 82% Absorb Chance

[Lv 4]: 800% Neutral Magic Damage,
32% Damage absorbed, 86% Absorb Chance

[Lv 5]: 1000% Neutral Magic Damage,
40% Damage absorbed, 90% Absorb Chance

2211.png Crimson Rock
Max Level: 5
Requirement: Summon Fireball 1
Skill Form: Active
Type: Magical
Target: 1 Character
Cast Time: 1s Fixed / 5s Variable
After Cast Delay: 0.5s
Cool Down: 5s
Description: Summons huge meteorites to
deal significant amount of
Fire elemental
magic damage on a target and it's surroundings.
When the meteorite hits the ground, all
targets will be knocked back.
Damage additionally increases according
to the caster's
Base Level.
[Lv 1]: 1600% MATK
[Lv 2]: 1900% MATK
[Lv 3]: 2500% MATK
[Lv 4]: 3100% MATK
[Lv 5]: 3700% MATK
2212.png Hell Inferno
Max Level: 5
Requirement: Crimson Rock 2
Skill Form: Active
Type: Magical
Target: 1 Character
Cast Time: 1s Fixed / 3s Variable
After Cast Delay: 0.5s
Cool Down: 3s
Description: Burns a target and it's surroundings
with fire from hell inflicting
Fire and
Shadow elemental magic damage.
Damage additionally increases according
to the caster's
Base Level.
[Lv 1]: 400% Fire/600% Shadow MATK,
3x3 AoE

[Lv 2]: 800% Fire/1200% Shadow MATK,
3x3 AoE

[Lv 3]: 1200% Fire/1800% Shadow MATK,
3x3 AoE

[Lv 4]: 1600% Fire/2400% Shadow MATK,
5x5 AoE

[Lv 5]: 2000% Fire/3000% Shadow MATK,
5x5 AoE

2213.png Comet
Max Level: 5
Requirement: Hell Inferno 3
Skill Form: Active
Type: Magical
Target: Ground
Cast Time: (Lv5)2s Fixed / 10s Variable
After Cast Delay: 1.5s
Cool Down: 20s
Description: Summons destructive comet
from space to attack all targets within
13x13 AoE that has chance of inflicting
Neutral elemental magic damage and
Magical Intoxication status, which
decreases the resistances against all
elemental attacks by 50% for 20 seconds.
Damage additionally increases according
to the caster's
Base Level.
[Lv 1]: 3200% MATK
[Lv 2]: 3900% MATK
[Lv 3]: 4600% MATK
[Lv 4]: 5300% MATK
[Lv 5]: 6000% MATK
2214.png Chain Lightning
Max Level: 5
Requirement: Summon Ball Lightning 1
Skill Form: Active
Type: Magical
Target: 1 Character
Cast Time: (Lv5)1s Fixed / 5.5s Variable
After Cast Delay: 3s
Cool Down: None
Description: Summons lightning to attack
a target. If there is another enemy near
the target that is hit by the lightning
Chain Lightning will
automatically finds and damages them.
If there are multiple targets, it will
attack at random. Skill level affects
the number of chain and damage
inflicted. If there are no other enemies
near the target, it will hit the target
three times.

[Lv 1]: 600% Wind Magic Damage, 5 chains
[Lv 2]: 700% Wind Magic Damage, 6 chains
[Lv 3]: 800% Wind Magic Damage, 7 chains
[Lv 4]: 900% Wind Magic Damage, 8 chains
[Lv 5]: 1000% Wind Magic Damage, 9 chains
2231.png Reading Spell Book
Max Level: 1
Requirement: Warlock Basic Skill
Skill Form: Passive
Description: Warlock can preserve their
magic by reading magic books and also
can release those preserved magic with
Release skill. However, Reading
Spell Books
can't save skills, which are
not learned yet.
2230.png Release
Max Level: 2
Requirement: Warlock Basic Skill
Skill Form: Active
Type: Magical
Target: 1 Character
Cast Time: None
After Cast Delay: None
Cool Down: None
Description: You can activate a spell,
which is saved via
Reading Spellbook or
release your active
Fire Balls, Lightning Balls,
Water Balls
and/or Stone Balls,
that are currently summoned to deal magical
damage to a single target.

[Lv 1]: Activate a saved spell
[Lv 2]: Release all current Summon Balls
2217.png Tetra Vortex
Max Level: 10
Requirement: Jack Frost 5,
Chain Lightning 5, Earth Strain 5, Hell Inferno 5

Skill Form: Active
Type: Magical, Debuff
Target: 1 Character
Cast Time: (Lv5+)2s Fixed / 9s Variable
After Cast Delay: 2s
Cool Down: 15s
Description: Summons 4 elements of
ether, to deal 4 hits of magic damage of each
element (
Fire, Water, Wind, Earth).
In order to use
Tetra Vortex, you have
to summon at least 4 of
Fire Ball,
Lightning Ball, Water Ball or Stone
before casting or the skill will fail.
Depending on which Summon skill is
used, the damage attribute of
changes. At Level 6 or higher Tetra Vortex
will also damage surrounding enemies.
Targets that has been damaged have a high
chance of being inflicted by
Freezing, Stun or Bleeding status.
[Lv 1]: 1200% Elemental Magic Damage x4
[Lv 2]: 1600% Elemental Magic Damage x4
[Lv 3]: 2000% Elemental Magic Damage x4
[Lv 4]: 2400% Elemental Magic Damage x4
[Lv 5]: 2800% Elemental Magic Damage x4
[Lv 6]: 3200% Elemental Magic Damage x4,
AoE: 3x3 cells

[Lv 7]: 3600% Elemental Magic Damage x4,
AoE: 3x3 cells

[Lv 8]: 4000% Elemental Magic Damage x4,
AoE: 5x5 cells

[Lv 9]: 4400% Elemental Magic Damage x4,
AoE: 5x5 cells

[Lv 10]: 4800% Elemental Magic Damage x4,
AoE: 7x7 cells
2232.png Freezing Spell
Max Level: 10
Requirement: Warlock Basic Skill
Skill Form: Passive
Description: To preserve magic by
Reading Spell Book, Warlock has to learn
the basic preserving skills. The number
of magic that can be maintained increases
depending on caster's
Base Level
INT. It consumes SP while
preserving magic and also consuming
amount is different depending on the
quantities and kinds of maintained magic.
2222.png Summon Fire Ball
Max Level: 2
Requirement: Meteor Storm 1
Skill Form: Active
Type: Supportive
Target: Caster
Cast Time: 0s Fixed / 2s Variable
After Cast Delay: None
Cool Down: None
Description: Summons up to 5 Fire Balls,
continuously consuming
SP for
280 seconds. For Level 2, removes all current
Summon Balls and summons 5 Fire Balls
instead. Increases the damage when using
Release according to the caster's
Base Level and Job Level.
[Lv 1]: Summon 1 Fire Balls
[Lv 2]: Summon 5 Fire Balls
2223.png Summon Lightning Ball
Max Level: 2
Requirement: Lord of Vermillion 1
Skill Form: Active
Type: Supportive
Target: Caster
Cast Time: 0s Fixed / 2s Variable
After Cast Delay: None
Cool Down: None
Description: Summons up to 5 Lightning Balls,
continuously consuming
SP for
280 seconds. For Level 2, removes all current
Summon Balls and summons 5 Lightning Balls
instead. Increases the damage when using
Release according to the caster's
Base Level and Job Level.
[Lv 1]: Summon 1 Lightning Balls
[Lv 2]: Summon 5 Lightning Balls
2224.png Summon Water Ball
Max Level: 2
Requirement: Storm Gust 1
Skill Form: Active
Type: Supportive
Target: Caster
Cast Time: 0s Fixed / 2s Variable
After Cast Delay: None
Cool Down: None
Description: Summons up to 5 Water Balls,
continuously consuming
SP for
280 seconds. For Level 2, removes all current
Summon Balls and summons 5 Water Balls
instead. Increases the damage when using
Release according to the caster's
Base Level and Job Level.
[Lv 1]: Summon 1 Water Balls
[Lv 2]: Summon 5 Water Balls
2229.png Summon Stone Ball
Max Level: 2
Requirement: Heaven's Drive 1
Skill Form: Active
Type: Supportive
Target: Caster
Cast Time: 0s Fixed / 2s Variable
After Cast Delay: None
Cool Down: None
Description: Summons up to 5 Stone Balls,
continuously consuming
SP for
280 seconds. For Level 2, removes all current
Summon Balls and summons 5 Stone Balls
instead. Increases the damage when using
Release according to the caster's
Base Level and Job Level.
[Lv 1]: Summon 1 Stone Balls
[Lv 2]: Summon 5 Stone Balls
5012.png Telekinesis Intense
Max Level: 5
Requirement: Soul Expansion 5
Skill Form: Active
Type: Supportive
Target: Caster
Cast Time: None
After Cast Delay: 0.5s
Cool Down: 300s
Description: Ghost magic enters caster's
circulatory system, increasing
magic damage and reducing
Cast Time
and SP cost of spells for 1 minute.
This skill cannot be removed by
[Lv 1]: Ghost Magic Damage x1.4,
-10% Variable Casting Time,
-10% Ghost Magic SP Cost

[Lv 2]: Ghost Magic Damage x1.8,
-20% Variable Casting Time,
-20% Ghost Magic SP Cost

[Lv 3]: Ghost Magic Damage x2.2,
-30% Variable Casting Time,
-30% Ghost Magic SP Cost

[Lv 4]: Ghost Magic Damage x2.6,
-40% Variable Casting Time,
-40% Ghost Magic SP Cost

[Lv 5]: Ghost Magic Damage x3,
-50% Variable Casting Time,
-50% Ghost Magic SP Cost

Arch Mage 5️⃣

Arch Mage Skills 📕
5214.png Deadly Projection
Max Level: 5
Requirement: Mystery Illusion 3
Skill Form: Active
Type: Magical
Target: 1 Character
Cast Time: 1.5s Fixed / 3s Variable
After Cast Delay: 0.5s
Cool Down: 2s
Description: Corrupts the target's somatic cells.
It negates the target's magic immunity for
the skills duration and inflicts
elemental magic damage. The damage
further increases based on the
Base Level and SPL.
[Lv 1]: MATK 2800%, Duration: 4 seconds
[Lv 2]: MATK 5600%, Duration: 5 seconds
[Lv 3]: MATK 8400%, Duration: 6 seconds
[Lv 4]: MATK 11200%, Duration: 7 seconds
[Lv 5]: MATK 14000%, Duration: 8 seconds
5215.png Destructive Hurricane
Max Level: 5
Requirement: Tornado Storm 3
Skill Form: Active
Type: Magical
Target: Enemies around the caster
Cast Time: 1.5s Fixed / 4s Variable
After Cast Delay: 0.5s
Cool Down: 2.5s
Dispellable: No
Description: Creates a strong wind around you
Wind elemental magic damage to
targets within range.
Damage additionally increases according
to the caster's
Base Level and SPL.
If you
Climax status active,
the effect will change according to
Climax skill level:
Level 1 Climax: Adds an additional hit which
inflicts 12500%
Wind elemental magic damage.
Level 2 Climax:
Adds an 2 cell knock-back effect.
Level 3 Climax: Increases damage
Destructive Hurricane by 150%.
Level 4 Climax: Destructive Hurricane
will not inflict damage, but increases
by 100 and
Wind elemental magic damage
by 30% for 900 seconds.
Level 5 Climax: Increases AoE to
19x19 cells and decreases the damage of
Destructive Hurricane by 20%.
[Lv 1]: MATK 3450%, AoE: 7x7 cells
[Lv 2]: MATK 6300%, AoE: 7x7 cells
[Lv 3]: MATK 9150%, AoE: 9x9 cells
[Lv 4]: MATK 12000%, AoE: 9x9 cells
[Lv 5]: MATK 14850%, AoE: 11x11 cells
5218.png Violent Quake
Max Level: 5
Requirement: Strantum Tremor 3
Skill Form: Active
Type: Magical
Target: Ground
Cast Time: 1.5s Fixed / 4s Variable
After Cast Delay: 1s
Cool Down: 6s
Description: Causes an earthquake at the
targeted area and rocks are rising randomly
during the skill duration inflicting
elemental magic damage to targets
within 7x7 cells.
Damage additionally increases according
to the caster's
Base Level and SPL.
If you
Climax status active,
the effect will change according to
Climax skill level:
Level 1 Climax: Decreases skill damage,
but let twice as many rocks rise.
Level 2 Climax: Increases the rocks
attack range to 9x9 cells.
Level 3 Climax: Increases damage
Violant Quake by 200%.
Level 4 Climax: Violant Quake
will not inflict damage, but all targets
within range will receive increased
elemental damage by 100% for 30 seconds.
Level 5 Climax: Fixes AoE to 7x7 cells.
[Lv 1]: MATK 1400%, Number of Rocks: 4,
AoE: 7x7 cells

[Lv 2]: MATK 2600%, Number of Rocks: 8,
AoE: 7x7 cells

[Lv 3]: MATK 3800%, Number of Rocks: 12,
AoE: 9x9 cells

[Lv 4]: MATK 5000%, Number of Rocks: 16,
AoE: 9x9 cells

[Lv 5]: MATK 6200%, Number of Rocks: 20,
AoE: 9x9 cells
5217.png Mystery Illusion
Max Level: 5
Requirement: Hell Inferno 3, Soul Vulcan Strike 3
Skill Form: Active
Type: Magical
Target: Ground
Cast Time: 1.5s Fixed / 4s Variable
After Cast Delay: 0.75s
Cool Down: 4s
AP Recovery: 5
Description: Casts unknown magic at the
specified target area. Inflicts
Shadow elemental
magic damage to targets within range during
the skills duration. The damage further
increases based on the caster's
Base Level and SPL.
[Lv 1]: MATK 950%, AoE: 9x9 cells
[Lv 2]: MATK 1900%, AoE: 9x9 cells
[Lv 3]: MATK 2850%, AoE: 11x11 cells
[Lv 4]: MATK 3800%, AoE: 11x11 cells
[Lv 5]: MATK 4750%, AoE: 13x13 cells
5216.png Rain of Crystal
Max Level: 5
Requirement: Frost Misty 3
Skill Form: Active
Type: Magical
Target: Enemies around the caster
Cast Time: 1.5s Fixed / 3s Variable
After Cast Delay: 0.75s
Cool Down: 5s
Description: Makes rain made of ice picks
fall around you and inflicting
Water elemental
magic damage to targets within range.
Damage additionally increases according
to the caster's
Base Level and SPL.
[Lv 1]: MATK 940%, AoE: 9x9 cells
[Lv 2]: MATK 1700%, AoE: 9x9 cells
[Lv 3]: MATK 2460%, AoE: 11x11 cells
[Lv 4]: MATK 3220%, AoE: 11x11 cells
[Lv 5]: MATK 3980%, AoE: 13x13 cells
5220.png Soul Vulcan Strike
Max Level: 5
Requirement: Soul Expansion 5,
Two-Handed Staff Mastery 3

Skill Form: Active
Type: Magical
Target: 1 Character
Cast Time: 1s Fixed / 3s Variable
After Cast Delay: 0.5s
Cool Down: 0.7s
Description: A powerful soul strike is fired
at one target and nearby targets dealing
Ghost elemental magic damage. The damage
further increases based on the caster's
Base Level and SPL.
[Lv 1]: MATK 300%, Hits: 3, AoE: 3x3 cells
[Lv 2]: MATK 600%, Hits: 4, AoE: 5x5 cells
[Lv 3]: MATK 900%, Hits: 5, AoE: 7x7 cells
[Lv 4]: MATK 1200%, Hits: 6, AoE: 9x9 cells
[Lv 5]: MATK 1500%, Hits: 7, AoE: 11x11 cells
5225.png Crystal Impact
Max Level: 5
Requirement: Rain of Crystal 3
Skill Form: Active
Type: Magical
Target: Enemies around the caster
Cast Time: 1.5s Fixed / 4s Variable
After Cast Delay: 0.5s
Cool Down: 2s
Dispellable: No
Description: Creates the powerful water wave
from the ground under the caster feet to inflict
Water elemental magical damage to all targets
within the skill range. Targets attacked by
the water wave will taken additional
elemental magical damage after a while.
Damage additionally increases according
to the caster's
Base Level and SPL.
If you
Climax status active,
the effect will change according to
Climax skill level:
Level 1 Climax: Decreases damage taken
Water elemental attacks by 30%,
increases DEF by 300, MDEF by 100 and
elemental magic damage by 30% for 900
seconds for all allies in the skills range.
Level 2 Climax: The water wave causes
1 additional hit.
Level 3 Climax: Increases damage
of the water wave by 50%.
Level 4 Climax: Decreases the damage
of the water wave, but the additional damage
is increased by 150%.
Level 5 Climax: The water wave damage is
expanded to 15x15 cells and a 5x5 cells
range is added to the additional damage.

[Lv 1]: MATK 1550%/Hit, AoE: 7x7 cells
[Lv 2]: MATK 2850%/Hit, AoE: 9x9 cells
[Lv 3]: MATK 4150%/Hit, AoE: 11x11 cells
[Lv 4]: MATK 5450%/Hit, AoE: 11x11 cells
[Lv 5]: MATK 6750%/Hit, AoE: 13x13 cells
5230.png Astral Strike
Max Level: 10
Requirement: Comet 5, Mystery Illusion 3,
Deadly Projection 3

Skill Form: Active(AP)
Type: Magical
Target: Ground
Cast Time: 2s Fixed / 4s Variable
After Cast Delay: 1s
Cool Down: 6s
AP Cost: 25
Description: Drops a powerful meteorite on the
ground to inflict
Neutral elemental
magic damage over time for 6 seconds.
The skill inflicts more damage increases
Undead and Dragon
race monsters.
Damage additionally increases according
to the caster's
Base Level and SPL.
[Lv 1]: MATK 2100%/2500%(Undead, Dragon),
Additional hits: MATK 650%, AoE: 5x5 cells

[Lv 2]: MATK 3900%/4600%(Undead, Dragon),
Additional hits: MATK 1300%, AoE: 5x5 cells

[Lv 3]: MATK 5700%/6700%(Undead, Dragon),
Additional hits: MATK 1950%, AoE: 5x5 cells

[Lv 4]: MATK 7500%/8800%(Undead, Dragon),
Additional hits: MATK 2600%, AoE: 7x7 cells

[Lv 5]: MATK 9300%/10900%(Undead, Dragon),
Additional hits: MATK 3250%, AoE: 7x7 cells

[Lv 6]: MATK 11100%/13000%(Undead, Dragon),
Additional hits: MATK 3900%, AoE: 7x7 cells

[Lv 7]: MATK 12900%/15100%(Undead, Dragon),
Additional hits: MATK 4550%, AoE: 9x9 cells

[Lv 8]: MATK 14700%/17200%(Undead, Dragon),
Additional hits: MATK 5200%, AoE: 9x9 cells

[Lv 9]: MATK 16500%/19300%(Undead, Dragon),
Additional hits: MATK 5850%, AoE: 9x9 cells

[Lv 10]: MATK 18300%/21400%(Undead, Dragon),
Additional hits: MATK 6500%, AoE: 11x11 cells
5222.png All Bloom
Max Level: 5
Requirement: Floral Flare Road 3
Skill Form: Active
Type: Magical
Target: Ground
Cast Time: 1.5s Fixed / 4s Variable
After Cast Delay: 1s
Cool Down: 6s
Description: A flower garden is created in the
targeted area and the fiery flower buds explode
randomly for the skill duration inflicting
Fire elemental magic damage to targets
within 7x7 cells.
Damage additionally increases according
to the caster's
Base Level and SPL.
If you
Climax status active,
the effect will change according to
Climax skill level:
Level 1 Climax: Decreases the spawn interval
of the flower buds by half.
Level 2 Climax: Twice as many flowers explode.
Level 3 Climax: Increases damage
All Bloom by 300%.
Level 4 Climax: All Bloom
will not inflict damage, but all targets
within range will receive increased
elemental damage by 100% for 30 seconds.
Level 5 Climax: Upon all flower buds exploded,
inflict 85000%
Fire elemantal magic damage to
all targets within flower garden.

[Lv 1]: MATK 1400%, Buds: 4, AoE: 7x7 cells
[Lv 2]: MATK 2600%, Buds: 8, AoE: 7x7 cells
[Lv 3]: MATK 3800%, Buds: 12, AoE: 9x9 cells
[Lv 4]: MATK 5000%, Buds: 16, AoE: 9x9 cells
[Lv 5]: MATK 6200%, Buds: 20, AoE: 9x9 cells
5229.png Floral Flare Road
Max Level: 5
Requirement: Crimson Rock 3
Skill Form: Active
Type: Magical
Target: Ground
Cast Time: 1.5s Fixed / 3s Variable
After Cast Delay: 0.75s
Cool Down: 5s
Description: Creates burning petals in
the direction the caster is facing, inflicting
Fire elemental magic damage to targets.
which enter the targeted area during
the skill duration.
Damage additionally increases according
to the caster's
Base Level and SPL.
[Lv 1]: MATK 790%, AoE: 3x3 cells
[Lv 2]: MATK 1530%, AoE: 5x5 cells
[Lv 3]: MATK 2270%, AoE: 7x7 cells
[Lv 4]: MATK 3010%, AoE: 9x9 cells
[Lv 5]: MATK 3750%, AoE: 11x11 cells
5227.png Tornado Storm
Max Level: 5
Requirement: Chain Lightning 3
Skill Form: Active
Type: Magical
Target: Ground
Cast Time: 1.5s Fixed / 3s Variable
After Cast Delay: 0.75s
Cool Down: 5s
Description: Creates a tornado accompanied by
a powerful lightning on the targeted area and
Wind elemental magic damage to
all targets withing the skills range.
Damage additionally increases according
to the caster's
Base Level and SPL.
[Lv 1]: MATK 860%, AoE: 5x5 cells
[Lv 2]: MATK 1620%, AoE: 5x5 cells
[Lv 3]: MATK 2380%, AoE: 7x7 cells
[Lv 4]: MATK 3140%, AoE: 7x7 cells
[Lv 5]: MATK 3900%, AoE: 9x9 cells
5228.png Two-Handed Staff Mastery
Max Level: 10
Skill Form: Passive
Description: Increases S.Matk and Magic Damage
when equipped with a
Two-Handed Staff.
[Lv 1]: S.Matk+2, Magic Damage +1%
[Lv 2]: S.Matk+4, Magic Damage +2%
[Lv 3]: S.Matk+6, Magic Damage +3%
[Lv 4]: S.Matk+8, Magic Damage +4%
[Lv 5]: S.Matk+10, Magic Damage +5%
[Lv 6]: S.Matk+12, Magic Damage +6%
[Lv 7]: S.Matk+14, Magic Damage +7%
[Lv 8]: S.Matk+16, Magic Damage +8%
[Lv 9]: S.Matk+18, Magic Damage +9%
[Lv 10]: S.Matk+20, Magic Damage +10%
5235.png Crimson Arrow
Max Level: 5
Requirement: Floral Flare Road 1
Skill Form: Active
Type: Magical
Target: 1 Character
Cast Time: 1.5s Fixed / 4s Variable
After Cast Delay: 0.5s
Cool Down: (Lv5) 0.3s
AP Recovery: 2
Description: Shoots a fire arrow in a
straight line to the target inflicting
elemental magic damage to the targets in
a straight line. The damage further increases
based on the caster's
Base Level and SPL.
[Lv 1]: MATK 400% Explosion damage : 750% Matk / AoE: 5x5 cells
[Lv 2]: MATK 800% Explosion damage : 1500% Matk / AoE: 5x5 cells
[Lv 3]: MATK 1200% Explosion damage : 2250% Matk / AoE: 5x5 cells
[Lv 4]: MATK 1600% Explosion damage : 3000% Matk / AoE: 7x7 cells
[Lv 5]: MATK 2000% Explosion damage : 3750% Matk / AoE: 7x7 cells
5221.png Strantum Tremor
Max Level: 5
Requirement: Sienna Execrate 3
Skill Form: Active
Type: Magical
Target: Ground
Cast Time: 1.5s Fixed / 3s Variable
After Cast Delay: 0.75s
Cool Down: 4s
Description: Shakes the ground to inflict
Earth elemental magical damage
to targets within skill range.
Damage additionally increases according
to the caster's
Base Level and SPL.
[Lv 1]: MATK 830%, AoE: 5x5 cells
[Lv 2]: MATK 1560%, AoE: 5x5 cells
[Lv 3]: MATK 2290%, AoE: 7x7 cells
[Lv 4]: MATK 3020%, AoE: 7x7 cells
[Lv 5]: MATK 3750%, AoE: 9x9 cells
5237.png Frozen Slash
Max Level: 5
Requirement: Rain of Crystal 1
Skill Form: Active
Type: Magical
Target: 1 Character
Cast Time: 1.5s Fixed / 4s Variable
After Cast Delay: 0.5s
Cool Down: 0.45s
AP Recovery: 2
Description: Use sharp ice to inflict
Water elemental damage to
targets within the caster's range.
The damage further increases based on the
Base Level and SPL.
While Climax buff is active, the skill will deal more damage.
[Lv 1]: MATK 1400%/1900% Matk (Climax) / AoE: 9x9 cells
[Lv 2]: MATK 2350%/3200% Matk (Climax) / AoE: 9x9 cells
[Lv 3]: MATK 3300%/4500% Matk (Climax) / AoE: 11x11 cells
[Lv 4]: MATK 4250%/5800% Matk (Climax) / AoE: 11x11 cells
[Lv 5]: MATK 5200%/7100% Matk (Climax) / AoE: 13x13 cells
5232.png Climax
Max Level: 5
Requirement: Tetra Vortex 5,
Two-Handed Staff Mastery 3

Skill Form: Active(AP)
Type: Magical
Target: Caster
Cast Time: 2.5s Fixed / 2s Variable
After Cast Delay: 0.5s
Cool Down: 60s
AP Cost: 125
Dispellable: No
Description: Grants a special effects to certain
skills for 300 seconds. The effects depends on
Climax skill level.
[Lv 1]: Grants Climax Level 1
[Lv 2]: Grants Climax Level 2
[Lv 3]: Grants Climax Level 3
[Lv 4]: Grants Climax Level 4
[Lv 5]: Grants Climax Level 5
5233.png Rock Down
Max Level: 5
Requirement: Strantum Tremor 1
Skill Form: Active
Type: Magical
Target: 1 Character
Cast Time: 1.5s Fixed / 4s Variable
After Cast Delay: 1s
Cool Down: (Lv5) 0.3s
AP Recovery: 2
Description: Drops a large rock on the target
and inflicts
Earth elemental magic damage
to the target and nearby targets within 3x3 cells
around the target. The damage further increases
based on the caster's
Base Level and SPL.
While Climax buff is active, the skill will deal more damage.
[Lv 1]: MATK 1550% / 1850% (Climax) / AoE: 5x5 cells
[Lv 2]: MATK 3100% / 3700% (Climax) / AoE: 5x5 cells
[Lv 3]: MATK 4650% / 5550% (Climax) / AoE: 5x5 cells
[Lv 4]: MATK 6200% / 7400% (Climax) / AoE: 7x7 cells
[Lv 5]: MATK 7750% / 9250% (Climax) / AoE: 7x7 cells
5234.png Storm Cannon
Max Level: 5
Requirement: Tornado Storm 1
Skill Form: Active
Type: Magical
Target: 1 Character
Cast Time: 1.5s Fixed / 4s Variable
After Cast Delay: 0.5s
Cool Down: (Lv5) 0.3s
AP Recovery: 2
Description: Shoots a vortex of wind in a
straight line to the target inflicting
elemental magic damage to the targets in
a straight line. The damage further increases
based on the caster's
Base Level and SPL.
While Climax buff is active, the skill will deal more damage.
[Lv 1]: MATK 1550% / 1850% (Climax)
[Lv 2]: MATK 3100% / 3700% (Climax)
[Lv 3]: MATK 4650% / 5550% (Climax)
[Lv 4]: MATK 6200% / 7400% (Climax)
[Lv 5]: MATK 7750% / 9250% (Climax)
6516.png Energy Conversion
Max Level: 5
Requirement: Recognized Spell 2, Climax 1
Skill Form: Active (AP)
Type: Supportive
Target: Caster
Cast Time: 1.2s Fixed / 0s Variable
After Cast Delay: None
Cool Down: 1s
AP Cost: 22 AP ~ 10
Description: Converts a portion of the caster's AP into SP through energy transference.
[Lv 1]: Consumes 22 AP / Recovers SP 40
[Lv 2]: Consumes 19 AP / Recovers SP 120
[Lv 3]: Consumes 16 AP / Recovers SP 240
[Lv 4]: Consumes 13 AP / Recovers SP 400
[Lv 5]: Consumes 10 AP / Recovers SP 600

Skill Allocations ♻️

This is an optimized skill build designed for maximum flexibility in endgame content.

Color Legend

Color Meaning
🔴 Red Required Pre-requisite Skills
🔵 Blue Skills for Efficient Leveling
🟢 Green Essential Core Skills

Key Features

  • All prerequisite skills are met for 4th job advancement
  • Balanced distribution for both leveling and endgame content
  • Flexible allocation in 4th job skills for different situations
  • Optimized skill point efficiency without wasted investments

Skill tree Samples

🔴 = Pre-requisites 🔵 = Leveling 🟢 = Important

Equipments & Enchants

Let me show you what's best in store!

(still under construction)

Main Gears 💣 (Headgear)

Main Gears 💣 (Armors)

Main Gears 💣 (Weapons)

Main Gears 💣 (Shield)

Main Gears 💣 (Garment)

Main Gears 💣 (Shoes)

Main Gears 💣 (Accessories)

Shadow Gears 🧨

+10 24883.png Full Spell Shadow Armor (24883) 4732.png AGI+3 (4732) 312664.png S. Magic Power Lv5 (312664)
+10 24884.png Full Spell Shadow Shoes (24884) 4732.png AGI+3 (4732) 312664.png S. Magic Power Lv5 (312664)
+10 24753.png Magical Spell Shadow Weapon (24753) Matk+3% SPL+5
+10 24754.png Magical Spell Shadow Shield (24754) Matk+3% SPL+5
+10 24665.png Full Tempest Shadow Earring (24665) Matk+3% SPL+5
+10 24668.png Full Tempest Shadow Pendant (24668) Matk+3% SPL+5
+10 24675.png True Gemstone Shadow Armor (24675) Attack Speed+5% SPL+5
+10 24676.png True Gemstone Shadow Shoes (24676) Attack Speed+5% SPL+5
+10 24768.png Mega Blitz Shadow Weapon (24768) Attack Speed+5% SPL+5
+10 24746.png Separate Reload Shadow Shield (24746) Attack Speed+5% SPL+5
+10 24665.png Full Tempest Shadow Earring (24665) Attack Speed+5% SPL+5
+10 24668.png Full Tempest Shadow Pendant (24668) Attack Speed+5% SPL+5
+10 24747.png Spell Caster Shadow Armor (24747) vct+3% SPL+5
+10 24748.png Spell Caster Shadow Shoes (24748) vct+3% SPL+5
+10 24736.png Clever Shadow Weapon (24736) vct+3% SPL+5
+10 24737.png Clever Shadow Shield (24737) vct+3% SPL+5
+10 24665.png Full Tempest Shadow Earring (24665) vct+3% SPL+5
+10 24668.png Full Tempest Shadow Pendant (24668) vct+3% SPL+5
+10 24800.png Master Shadow Armor (24800) 312244.png Arch Mage Soul(Crimson Arrow) (312244) 312192.png SPL+3 (312192)
+10 24801.png Master Shadow Shoes (24801) 312244.png Arch Mage Soul(Crimson Arrow) (312244) 312192.png SPL+3 (312192)
+10 24792.png Master Shadow Weapon (24792) 4734.png AGI+5 (4734) 312192.png SPL+3 (312192)
+10 24793.png Master Shadow Shield (24793) 4734.png AGI+5 (4734) 312192.png SPL+3 (312192)
+10 24802.png Master Shadow Earring (24802) 312244.png Arch Mage Soul(Crimson Arrow) (312244) 312192.png SPL+3 (312192)
+10 24803.png Master Shadow Pendant (24803) 312244.png Arch Mage Soul(Crimson Arrow) (312244) 312192.png SPL+3 (312192)

Gear Stages

For more informations on enchants check my Equipment and Enchant Section!

STAGE 1 🕐(Early Tier)

Suitable for early stages or initial progress. Offers basic utility but falls off as you advance.

Stage 1 Gears (Early Tier)
Type Gears Shadow Gears and Costume Stones
Upper 400140.png Advanced Paradise Hat (400140)
Middle 410091.png Cor Core Booster (410091) or 410092.png Cor Core Booster [1] (410092)
Lower 420003.png CD in Mouth (420003) 20307.png Costume Beginner Cap (20307)
Armor 450186.png Advanced Paradise Robe (450186) or +9 450110.png Grace Crimson Robe [1] (450110) 24689.png Paradise Shadow Armor (24689)
Weapon 640023.png Paradise Warlock Staff (640023) or 640024.png Paradise Warlock Wand (640024) 24687.png Paradise Shadow Weapon (24687)
Shield 2115.png Valkyrie Shield [1] (2115) or 2114.png Stone Buckler [1] (2114) 24688.png Paradise Shadow Shield (24688)
Garment 480106.png Advanced Paradise Muffler (480106) or +9 480019.png Grace Magic Manteau [1] (480019)
Shoe 470093.png Advanced Paradise Shoes (470093) or +9 470021.png Grace Magic Boots [1] (470021) 24690.png Paradise Shadow Shoes (24690)
Accessory (Right) 490129.png Advanced Paradise Necklace (490129) or 490020.png Grace Magic Ring [1] (490020) 24691.png Paradise Shadow Earring (24691)
Accessory (Left) 490128.png Advanced Paradise Magic Ring (490128) 24692.png Paradise Shadow Pendant (24692)

STAGE 2 🕑(Mid Tier)

Good for mid-game or intermediate stages. Balanced performance but not exceptional.

STAGE 3 🕒(Late Tier)

Starts to shine in the late stages or under specific conditions. Stronger than early or mid-tier options but not the ultimate choice.

Stage 3 Gears (Late Tier)
Type Gears Shadow Gears and Costume stones
Upper +11 400154.png Survival Circlet-LT [1] (400154) or +11 19428.png Illusion Morpheus's Hood [1] (19428) 1000528.png Magic Power Stone (Top) (1000528)
Middle 410017.png Battle Processor [1] (410017) or 410080.png Deep Blue Sunglasses [1] (410080) 1000529.png Magic Power Stone (1000529)
Lower 420066.png Orbs of Survival-LT (420066) or 420022.png Young Leaf of World Tree (Intelligence) (420022) 1000530.png Magic Power Stone (Low) (1000530)
Armor +11 450178.png Gray Wolf Robe [1] (450178) or +11 450128.png Automatic Armor Type B [1] (450128) +9 24800.png Master Shadow Armor (24800)
Weapon +9 640033.png Glacier Staff (640033) +9 24792.png Master Shadow Weapon (24792)
Shield +11 460018.png Illusion Silver Guard [1] (460018) or +11 460017.png Illusion Guard [1] (460017) +9 24793.png Master Shadow Shield (24793)
Garment +11 480125.png Convertible Magical Wing [1] (480125) or +11 480021.png Automatic Engine Wing Type B [1] (480021) 25067.png Cast Stone (Garment) (25067) and 1000527.png Magic Power Stone (Dual) (1000527)
Shoe +11 470088.png Gray Wolf Shoes [1] (470088) or +11 470023.png Automatic Leg Type B [1] (470023) +9 24801.png Master Shadow Shoes (24801)
Accessory (Right) 490106.png Gray Wolf Pendant [1] (490106) or 490026.png Automatic Battle Chip R [1] (490026) +9 24802.png Master Shadow Earring (24802)
Accessory (Left) 490108.png Gray Wolf Earring [1] (490108) or 490027.png Automatic Battle Chip L [1] (490027) +9 24803.png Master Shadow Pendant (24803)

STAGE 4 🕓(Strong Tier)

Consistently powerful and effective in most situations. Not quite the absolute best but close.

Stage 4 Gears (Strong Tier)
Type Gears Shadow Gears and Costume stones
Upper +10 [A] 400111.png Vesper Headgear [1] (400111) or +11 400154.png Survival Circlet-LT [1] (400154) 1000857.png Arch Bishop Stone (Top) (1000857)
Middle 410233.png Gambler's Seal [1] (410233) or 400002.png Victory Wing Ears [1] (400002) 1000614.png Warlock Stone (1000614)
Lower 420213.png Ace of Spades in Mouth (Magical) (420213) or 420022.png Young Leaf of World Tree (Intelligence) (420022) 1000859.png Arch Bishop Stone (Low) (1000859)
Armor +11 450265.png Glacier Robe [1] (450265) or +11 450207.png Snow Flower Robe [1] (450207) +9 24883.png Full Spell Shadow Armor (24883)
Weapon +12 [A] 550089.png Dim Glacier Wand [1] (550089) +9 24753.png Magical Spell Shadow Weapon (24753)
Shield +11 460040.png Glacier Guard [1] (460040) or +12 460018.png Illusion Silver Guard [1] (460018) +9 24754.png Magical Spell Shadow Shield (24754)
Garment +11 450267.png Glacier Muffler [1] (450267) or +11 480160.png Snow Flower Muffler [1] (480160) 1000019.png Archbishop Stone II (Garment) (1000019)
Shoe +11 450268.png Glacier Shoes [1] (450268) +11 470116.png Snow Flower Shoes [1] (470116) +9 24884.png Full Spell Shadow Shoes (24884)
Accessory (Right) 490052.png Sinful Sapphire Ring [1] (490052) or 490064.png Brilliant Light Sapphire Ring [1] (490064) +9 24665.png Full Tempest Shadow Earring (24665)
Accessory (Left) 490053.png Sinful Sapphire Necklace [1] (490053) or 490065.png Brilliant Light Sapphire Necklace [1] (490065) +9 24668.png Full Tempest Shadow Pendant (24668)

STAGE 5 🕔(Elite Tier)

The ultimate choice for maximum performance. Optimal for advanced scenarios and highly desirable.

Stage 5 Gears (Elite Tier)
Type Gears Shadow Gears and Costume stones
Upper +12 [A] 400111.png Vesper Headgear [1] (400111) or +12 [A] 400535.png Time Dimensions Rune Crown(Arch Mage) [1] (400535) 1000613.png Warlock Stone (Top) (1000613)
Middle 410233.png Gambler's Seal [1] (410233) or 400002.png Victory Wing Ears [1] (400002) 1000614.png Warlock Stone (1000614)
Lower 420213.png Ace of Spades in Mouth (Magical) (420213) 1000615.png Warlock Stone (Low) (1000615)
Armor +12 [A] 450284.png Engraved Soul Purification Rune Robe [1] (450284) or +12 [A] 450173.png Nebula Robe of Spell [1] (450173) or +12 [C] 450271.png Dim Glacier Robe [1] (450271) +10 24883.png Full Spell Shadow Armor (24883)
Weapon +12 [A] 550089.png Dim Glacier Wand [1] (550089) or +12 [A] 640049.png Dimensions Arch Staff [2] (640049) +10 24753.png Magical Spell Shadow Weapon (24753)
Shield +12 [A] 460020.png Mad Bunny-LT [1] (460020) or +11 [C] 460040.png Glacier Guard [1] (460040) +10 24754.png Magical Spell Shadow Shield (24754)
Garment +11 [A] 480233.png Death Rune Manteau [1] (480233) or +12 [C] 480284.png Dim Glacier Muffler [1] (480284) 1001787.png Arch Mage Stone (Garment) (1001787) and 1000921.png Spell Stone (Dual) (1000921)
Shoe +12 [A] 470204.png Moan of Corruption [1] (470204) or +12 [C] 470198.png Dim Glacier Shoes [1] (470198) +10 24884.png Full Spell Shadow Shoes (24884)
Accessory (Right) 490304.png Temple Rune Ring [1] (490304) or 490136.png Stellar Spell Seal [1] (490136) +10 24665.png Full Tempest Shadow Earring (24665)
Accessory (Left) 490307.png Temple Magic Ring [1] (490307) or 490329.png Glacier Earring [1] (490329) +10 24668.png Full Tempest Shadow Pendant (24668)

STAGE 6 🕕(Best in Slot)

The Current Meta breaking gear combo there is right now.

Stage 6 Gears (Best in Slot)
Type Gears Shadow Gears and Costume stones
Upper +15 [A] 400535.png Time Dimensions Rune Crown(Arch Mage) [1] (400535) or +15 [A] 400111.png Vesper Headgear [1] (400111) 1000613.png Warlock Stone (Top) (1000613)
Middle 410233.png Gambler's Seal [1] (410233) 1000529.png Magic Power Stone (1000529)
Lower 420213.png Ace of Spades in Mouth (Magical) (420213) 1000615.png Warlock Stone (Low) (1000615)
Armor +15 [A] 450173.png Nebula Robe of Spell [1] (450173) +10 24883.png Full Spell Shadow Armor (24883)
Weapon +15 [A] 640049.png Dimensions Arch Staff [2] (640049) or +15 [A] 550089.png Dim Glacier Wand [1] (550089) +10 24753.png Magical Spell Shadow Weapon (24753)
Shield +14 [A] 460020.png Mad Bunny-LT [1] (460020) +10 24754.png Magical Spell Shadow Shield (24754)
Garment +15 [A] 480351.png Circulation of Life: Autumn [1] (480351) 1001787.png Arch Mage Stone (Garment) (1001787) and 1000921.png Spell Stone (Dual) (1000921)
Shoe +15 [A] 470204.png Moan of Corruption [1] (470204) +10 24884.png Full Spell Shadow Shoes (24884)
Accessory (Right) 490136.png Stellar Spell Seal [1] (490136) +10 24665.png Full Tempest Shadow Earring (24665)
Accessory (Left) 490485.png Signet of Circulation: Autumn [1] (490485) +10 24668.png Full Tempest Shadow Pendant (24668)

For more informations on enchants check my Equipment and Enchant Section!

Ghost Build ⚫️

Ghost Build

Main Skill: 5220.png Soul Vulcan Strike,
Secondary skill: 5012.png Telekinesis Intense and 5217.png Mystery Illusion

⚠️ Click Expand to see full build ⚠️
Equipments ⚔️

Top || +12 [A] 400111.png Vesper Headgear [1] (400111)

Mid || 410233.png Gambler's Seal [1] (410233)

Armor || +12 [A] 450284.png Engraved Soul Purification Rune Robe [1] (450284)

Weapon || +12 [A] 550089.png Dim Glacier Wand [1] (550089)

Shield || +12 [A] 460020.png Mad Bunny-LT [1] (460020)

Garment || +12 [A] 480233.png Death Rune Manteau [1] (480233)

Shoes || +12 [A] 470204.png Moan of Corruption [1] (470204)

Accessory R || 490304.png Temple Rune Ring [1] (490304)

Accessory L || 490307.png Temple Magic Ring [1] (490307)

Shadow Gears + Costume Stones 🌌

Top || 1000613.png Warlock Stone (Top) (1000613)

Mid || 1000614.png Warlock Stone (1000614)

Low || 1000615.png Warlock Stone (Low) (1000615)

Armor || +10 24883.png Full Spell Shadow Armor (24883)

Weapon || +10 24753.png Magical Spell Shadow Weapon (24753)

Shield || +10 24754.png Magical Spell Shadow Shield (24754)

Garment || 1001787.png Arch Mage Stone (Garment) (1001787) and 1000921.png Spell Stone (Dual) (1000921)

Shoes || +10 24884.png Full Spell Shadow Shoes (24884)

Accessory R || +10 24665.png Full Tempest Shadow Earring (24665)

Accessory L || +10 24668.png Full Tempest Shadow Pendant (24668)

Cards 🎴

Top || 300247.png Pierrotzoist Card (300247)

Mid || 4598.png Lichtern Green Card (4598)

Low || None

Armor || 300308.png Meyer Lugenburg Card (300308)

Weapon || 300455.png Copo Card (300455)

Shield || 27385.png Mutating Khalitzburg Card (27385)

Garment || 300375.png One Eye Dollocaris Card (300375)

Shoes || 300458.png Icewind Card (300458)

Accessory R || 300470.png Icebear Card (300470)

Accessory L || 300370.png Wasted Intermediate Rgan Card (300370)

Fire Build 🔴

Fire Build

Main Skill: 5235.png Crimson Arrow,
Secondary skill: 5229.png Floral Flare Road and 5222.png All Bloom

⚠️ Click Expand to see full build ⚠️

Mid || 410233.png Gambler's Seal [1] (410233)

Armor || +12 [A] 450173.png Nebula Robe of Spell [1] (450173)

Weapon || +15 [A] 640049.png Dimensions Arch Staff [2] (640049)

Shield || None

Garment || +12 [A] 480351.png Circulation of Life: Autumn [1] (480351)

Shoes || +12 [A] 470204.png Moan of Corruption [1] (470204)

Accessory R || 490136.png Stellar Spell Seal [1] (490136)

Accessory L || 490485.png Signet of Circulation: Autumn [1] (490485)

Shadow Gears + Costume Stones 🌌

Top || 1000613.png Warlock Stone (Top) (1000613)

Mid || 1000529.png Magic Power Stone (1000529)

Low || 1000615.png Warlock Stone (Low) (1000615)

Armor || +10 24883.png Full Spell Shadow Armor (24883)

Weapon || +10 24753.png Magical Spell Shadow Weapon (24753)

Shield || +10 24754.png Magical Spell Shadow Shield (24754)

Garment || 1001787.png Arch Mage Stone (Garment) (1001787) and 1000921.png Spell Stone (Dual) (1000921)

Shoes || +10 24884.png Full Spell Shadow Shoes (24884)

Accessory R || +10 24665.png Full Tempest Shadow Earring (24665)

Accessory L || +10 24668.png Full Tempest Shadow Pendant (24668)

Cards 🎴

Top || 4599.png Lichtern Red Card (4599)

Mid || 300256.png Fillia Card (300256)

Low || None

Armor || 300308.png Meyer Lugenburg Card (300308)

Weapon || 300455.png Copo Card (300455) + 27384.png Mutating White Knight Card (27384)

Shield || 27385.png Mutating Khalitzburg Card (27385)

Garment || 4657.png Nightmare Ancient Mummy Card (4657)

Shoes || 300458.png Icewind Card (300458)

Accessory R || 300469.png Melibe Iceslug Card (300469)

Accessory L || 300216.png Lava Toad Card (300216)

Water Build 🔵

Water Build

Main Skill: 5237.png Frozen Slash,
Secondary skill: 5216.png Rain of Crystal and 5225.png Crystal Impact

⚠️ Click Expand to see full build ⚠️

Mid || 410233.png Gambler's Seal [1] (410233)

Armor || +12 [A] 450173.png Nebula Robe of Spell [1] (450173)

Weapon || +12 [A] 640050.png Dimensions Arch Rod [2] (640050)

Shield || None

Garment || +12 [A] 480351.png Circulation of Life: Autumn [1] (480351)

Shoes || +12 [A] 470204.png Moan of Corruption [1] (470204)

Accessory R || 490136.png Stellar Spell Seal [1] (490136)

Accessory L || 490485.png Signet of Circulation: Autumn [1] (490485)

Shadow Gears + Costume Stones 🌌

Top || 1000613.png Warlock Stone (Top) (1000613)

Mid || 1000529.png Magic Power Stone (1000529)

Low || 1000615.png Warlock Stone (Low) (1000615)

Armor || +10 24883.png Full Spell Shadow Armor (24883)

Weapon || +10 24753.png Magical Spell Shadow Weapon (24753)

Shield || +10 24754.png Magical Spell Shadow Shield (24754)

Garment || 1001787.png Arch Mage Stone (Garment) (1001787) and 1000921.png Spell Stone (Dual) (1000921)

Shoes || +10 24884.png Full Spell Shadow Shoes (24884)

Accessory R || +10 24665.png Full Tempest Shadow Earring (24665)

Accessory L || +10 24668.png Full Tempest Shadow Pendant (24668)

Cards 🎴

Top || 300359.png Ice Gangu Card (300359)

Mid || 300257.png Vanilaqus Card (300257)

Low || None

Armor || 300308.png Meyer Lugenburg Card (300308)

Weapon || 300455.png Copo Card (300455)

Shield || 27385.png Mutating Khalitzburg Card (27385)

Garment || 27167.png Faceworm Larva Card (27167)

Shoes || 300458.png Icewind Card (300458)

Accessory R || 300464.png Elite Rgan Warlock Card (300464)

Accessory L || 300364.png Calmaring Card (300364)

Wind Build 🟢

Wind Build

Main Skill: 5234.png Storm Cannon,
Secondary skill: 5227.png Tornado Storm and 5215.png Destructive Hurricane

⚠️ Click Expand to see full build ⚠️

Mid || 410233.png Gambler's Seal [1] (410233)

Armor || +12 [A] 450173.png Nebula Robe of Spell [1] (450173)

Weapon || +15 [A] 640049.png Dimensions Arch Staff [2] (640049)

Shield || None

Garment || +12 [A] 480351.png Circulation of Life: Autumn [1] (480351)

Shoes || +12 [A] 470204.png Moan of Corruption [1] (470204)

Accessory R || 490136.png Stellar Spell Seal [1] (490136)

Accessory L || 490485.png Signet of Circulation: Autumn [1] (490485)

Shadow Gears + Costume Stones

Top || 1000613.png Warlock Stone (Top) (1000613)

Mid || 1000529.png Magic Power Stone (1000529)

Low || 1000615.png Warlock Stone (Low) (1000615)

Armor || +10 24883.png Full Spell Shadow Armor (24883)

Weapon || +10 24753.png Magical Spell Shadow Weapon (24753)

Shield || +10 24754.png Magical Spell Shadow Shield (24754)

Garment || 1001787.png Arch Mage Stone (Garment) (1001787) and 1000921.png Spell Stone (Dual) (1000921)

Shoes || +10 24884.png Full Spell Shadow Shoes (24884)

Accessory R || +10 24665.png Full Tempest Shadow Earring (24665)

Accessory L || +10 24668.png Full Tempest Shadow Pendant (24668)


Top || 4586.png Tikbalang Card (4586)

Mid || 300255.png Litus Card (300255)

Low || None

Armor || 300308.png Meyer Lugenburg Card (300308)

Weapon || 300455.png Copo Card (300455)

Shield || 27385.png Mutating Khalitzburg Card (27385)

Garment || 300149.png Abysmal Phen Card (300149)

Shoes || 300458.png Icewind Card (300458)

Accessory R || 300469.png Melibe Iceslug Card (300469)

Accessory L || 300222.png Firewind Kite Card (300222)

Earth Build 🟤

Earth Build

Main Skill: 5233.png Rock Down,
Secondary skill: 5221.png Strantum Tremor and 5218.png Violent Quake

⚠️ Click Expand to see full build ⚠️

Mid || 410233.png Gambler's Seal [1] (410233)

Armor || +12 [A] 450173.png Nebula Robe of Spell [1] (450173)

Weapon || +12 [A] 640050.png Dimensions Arch Rod [2] (640050)

Shield || None

Garment || +12 [A] 480351.png Circulation of Life: Autumn [1] (480351)

Shoes || +12 [A] 470204.png Moan of Corruption [1] (470204)

Accessory R || 490136.png Stellar Spell Seal [1] (490136)

Accessory L || 490485.png Signet of Circulation: Autumn [1] (490485)

Shadow Gears + Costume Stones

Top || 1000613.png Warlock Stone (Top) (1000613)

Mid || 1000529.png Magic Power Stone (1000529)

Low || 1000615.png Warlock Stone (Low) (1000615)

Armor || +10 24883.png Full Spell Shadow Armor (24883)

Weapon || +10 24753.png Magical Spell Shadow Weapon (24753)

Shield || +10 24754.png Magical Spell Shadow Shield (24754)

Garment || 1001787.png Arch Mage Stone (Garment) (1001787) and 1000921.png Spell Stone (Dual) (1000921)

Shoes || +10 24884.png Full Spell Shadow Shoes (24884)

Accessory R || +10 24665.png Full Tempest Shadow Earring (24665)

Accessory L || +10 24668.png Full Tempest Shadow Pendant (24668)


Top || 4600.png Lichtern Yellow Card (4600)

Mid || 300259.png Fulgor Card (300259)

Low || None

Armor || 300308.png Meyer Lugenburg Card (300308)

Weapon || 300455.png Copo Card (300455) + 27384.png Mutating White Knight Card (27384)

Shield || 27385.png Mutating Khalitzburg Card (27385)

Garment || 4629.png Arc Elder Card (4629)

Shoes || 300458.png Icewind Card (300458)

Accessory R || 300469.png Melibe Iceslug Card (300469)

Accessory L || 300211.png Ash Toad Card (300211)

Neutral Build ⚪️

Neutral Build

Main Skill: 5230.png Astral Strike,
Secondary skill: 2213.png Comet and 5217.png Mystery Illusion

⚠️ Click Expand to see full build ⚠️

Top || +12 [A] 400111.png Vesper Headgear [1] (400111)

Mid || 410233.png Gambler's Seal [1] (410233)

Armor || +12 [A] 450284.png Engraved Soul Purification Rune Robe [1] (450284)

Weapon || +12 [A] 550089.png Dim Glacier Wand [1] (550089)

Shield || +12 [A] 460020.png Mad Bunny-LT [1] (460020)

Garment || +12 [A] 480233.png Death Rune Manteau [1] (480233)

Shoes || +12 [A] 470204.png Moan of Corruption [1] (470204)

Accessory R || 490304.png Temple Rune Ring [1] (490304)

Accessory L || 490307.png Temple Magic Ring [1] (490307)

Shadow gears + Costume Stones

Top || 1000613.png Warlock Stone (Top) (1000613)

Mid || 1000614.png Warlock Stone (1000614)

Low || 1000615.png Warlock Stone (Low) (1000615)

Armor || +10 24883.png Full Spell Shadow Armor (24883)

Weapon || +10 24753.png Magical Spell Shadow Weapon (24753)

Shield || +10 24754.png Magical Spell Shadow Shield (24754)

Garment || 1001787.png Arch Mage Stone (Garment) (1001787) and 1000921.png Spell Stone (Dual) (1000921)

Shoes || +10 24884.png Full Spell Shadow Shoes (24884)

Accessory R || +10 24665.png Full Tempest Shadow Earring (24665)

Accessory L || +10 24668.png Full Tempest Shadow Pendant (24668)


Top || 27310.png Plaga Card (27310)

Mid || 300251.png Plagarion Card (300251)

Low || None

Armor || 300308.png Meyer Lugenburg Card (300308)

Weapon || 300455.png Copo Card (300455)

Shield || 27385.png Mutating Khalitzburg Card (27385)

Garment || 300375.png One Eye Dollocaris Card (300375)

Shoes || 300458.png Icewind Card (300458)

Accessory R || 300470.png Icebear Card (300470)

Accessory L || 300218.png Ashhopper Card (300218)

Rune Tablet

We are now called Rune Mages! Ha! take that knights!

Magic Runes 🌌

🔑 Rune System is the new system in Ragnarok Online

📌Rune tablet gives the player additional effects beside from equipped items.

▶ Here are my best choices for mages listed all below:

Tablet list
Tablet set name Required rune pieces Activation cost Effects
Episode 17
Wing Set

Papila Triples
Garden Beautification
Heart Hunter Sanare

1500 x 1000103.png Varmeal Ticket (1000103)
7 x 1000104.png Magical Soapstone (1000104)
200 x 1001282.png Imperfect Rune (1001282)
3 x 1001283.png Perfect Rune (1001283)

2 pieces: Every 3 enhancement level: Atk + 3, Matk + 3; Every 5 enhancement level: MaxHP + 1%, MaxSP + 1%
4 pieces: Additional MaxHP + 1%, MaxSP + 1%, Atk + 15, Matk + 15
5 pieces: Additional MaxHP + 3%, MaxSP + 3%, Atk + 45, Matk + 45

Doubtful Components Set

Doubtful Components (Melee)
Doubtful Components (Long Ranged)
Doubtful Components (Magic)
Doubtful Components (Hidden Weapon)

75 x 25669.png Unknown Parts (25669)
35 x 25723.png Cor Core (25723)
5 x 25668.png Broken Weapon (25668)
150 x 1001282.png Imperfect Rune (1001282)
1 x 1001283.png Perfect Rune (1001283)

2 pieces: Every 3 enhancement level: Atk + 2, Matk + 2
4 pieces: Increases physical and magical damage against all size enemies by 1%, Atk + 10, Matk + 10

Mutant Set


80 x 25669.png Unknown Parts (25669)
35 x 25723.png Cor Core (25723)
15 x 25668.png Broken Weapon (25668)
150 x 1001282.png Imperfect Rune (1001282)
2 x 1001283.png Perfect Rune (1001283)

2 pieces: Every 5 enhancement level: Reduces variable cast time by 1%
3 pieces: Increases neutral property magical damage by 3%

Spell Addict Set

Hot Red Pepper
Spell Addict
Spell Sphere
Spell Overload

850 x 1000103.png Varmeal Ticket (1000103)
3 x 1000104.png Magical Soapstone (1000104)
150 x 1001282.png Imperfect Rune (1001282)
3 x 1001283.png Perfect Rune (1001283)

2 pieces: Matk + 15, every 3 enhancement level: Matk + 3
3 pieces: Increases all property magical damage by 1%
4 pieces: Increases all property magical damage by additional 4%

Episode 18
False Magician Set Adulter Fides Book

Adulter Fides Magical

Adulter Fides Rhythm

950 x 1000405.png Amethyst Fragment (1000405)

150 x 1001282.png Imperfect Rune (1001282)

1 x 1001283.png Perfect Rune (1001283)

2 pieces: For each 5 upgrades: Any Element Magic damage +1%

3 pieces: Any Element Magic damage +3%

Lava Zone Set Rakehand

Lava and Ash

Hot Volcaring

850 x 1000405.png Amethyst Fragment (1000405)

150 x 1001282.png Imperfect Rune (1001282)

1 x 1001283.png Perfect Rune (1001283)

2 pieces: Shadow Magic Damage +3%

3 pieces: Earth Magic Damage +3%, For each 3 upgrades: Fire Magic Damage +2%

Burning Fang Set Hot Volcaring

Burning Fang

Lava and Ash

1250 x 1000405.png Amethyst Fragment (1000405)

150 x 1001282.png Imperfect Rune (1001282)

1 x 1001283.png Perfect Rune (1001283)

2 pieces: When dealing damage: 2% chance to recover 200 SP per second for 4 seconds

3 pieces: SP Consumption -5%, For each 3 upgrades SP Consumption -2%

Demigod Set ⭐️ Demigod

Phantom Kite

Grey Wolf

1250 x 1000405.png Amethyst Fragment (1000405)

150 x 1001282.png Imperfect Rune (1001282)

2 x 1001283.png Perfect Rune (1001283)

2 pieces: Damage vs. Boss Class +10%

3 pieces: Damage vs. Boss Class +15%, For Each 3 upgrades: Damage vs. Boss Class +3%

Episode 19
Glacier Weapon Set Glacier Blade
Glacier Crusher
Glacier Graver
Glacier Piercer
Glacier Caster
Glacier Marksman
450 x 1000608.png Flower Petals (1000608)
75 x 1001282.png Imperfect Rune (1001282)
1 x 1001283.png Perfect Rune (1001283)
2 pieces: ATK +35, MATK +35

4 pieces: P.ATK +2, S.MATK +2, For each 5 upgrades: P.ATK +1, S.MATK +1
6 pieces: Melee physical damage +4%, Ranged physical damage +4%, All elemental Magic damage +3%

Fusion Set Fusion
1550x 1000608.png Flower Petals (1000608)
200 x 1001282.png Imperfect Rune (1001282)
1 x 1001283.png Perfect Rune (1001283)
2 pieces: S.MATK +15, All elemental resistance -15%, For each 3 upgrades: All elemental resistance +3%, Poison and Fire Magic damage +4%
Basement Set Family
850 x 1000608.png Flower Petals (1000608)
150 x 1001282.png Imperfect Rune (1001282)
1 x 1001283.png Perfect Rune (1001283)
2 pieces: S.MATK +3, SP cost for skills +5%, For each 5 upgrades: Water, poison Magic damage +1%, Dark, Fire Magic damage +1%

3 pieces: Water, Poison Magic damage +5%, Dark, Fire Magic damage +5%, SP cost for skills -5%

21st Anniversary Set Night Market Poring
Night Market Lunatic
Night Market Fabre
Night Market Food
21 x 1001282.png Imperfect Rune (1001282) 2 pieces: Every 3 enhancement level: Atk + 1, Matk + 1

3 pieces: Increases HP recovery rate of Monster Bread and Poring Kombucha by 100%
4 pieces: Additional Atk + 10, Matk + 10

22nd Anniversary Set Night Market Poring
Night Market Lunatic
Night Market Fabre
Night Market BeBe
Night Market Coco
Night Market Food
22 x 1001282.png Imperfect Rune (1001282) 2 pieces: Every 3 enhancement level: Atk + 1, Matk + 1

4 pieces: Atk +10, Matk +10
5 pieces: Every 5 enhancement level: Attack Speed +1%, Variable Casti Time -1%
6 pieces: MHP +1000 MSP +500, For Each 3 upgrades: MHP +100, MSP +10


Mages looooooooves potions, which one is your favorite?~

Consumables 🥃

Come on drink this~ uwu

🍾 These are all the Consumables that would favor us more into the winning battle!

List of all Essentials
Consumable 🧃 Description 📃 Where to Obtain ❓
657.png Berserk Potion (657) ItemID: 657
A very special potion that enrages the character and turns him into a berserker and increases the character's attack speed.
Type: Stat booster
Effect: Increases attack speed
Rental duration: 30 minutes
Weight: 20
Base Level 85
Swordsman, Merchant and Wizard classes; Rogue and Magician
Any Tool Dealer🥤
12437.png Enrich Celermine Juice (12437) ItemID: 12437
A juice that made of various potions.
Type: Stat booster
Effect: Reduces After Attack Delay by 10%
Rental duration: 500 seconds
Weight: 5
2497.png Special Pharmacy
100233.png Blue Herb Activator (100233) ItemID: 100233
A blue solution made by mixing a solution extracted from a Blue Herb with powder of a Seed of Yggdrasil.
Effect: Increases all elemental magical damage by 15%.
Duration: 500 seconds
Weight: 3
2497.png Special Pharmacy
12215.png Level 10 Blessing Scroll (12215) ItemID: 12215
A scroll in which a single use of Level 10 Blessing has been recorded.
Type: Magic scroll
Cast: Level 10 Blessing
Weight: 1
(moc_para01 52, 31) or Cash Shop💰
12216.png Level 10 Increase Agility Scroll (12216) ItemID: 12216
A scroll in which a single use of Level 10 Increase Agility has been recorded.
Type: Magic scroll
Cast: Level 10 Increase Agility
Weight: 1
(moc_para01 52, 31) or Cash Shop💰
12218.png Level 5 Assumptio Scroll (12218) ItemID: 12218
A scroll in which a single use of Level 5 Assumptio has been recorded.
Type: Magic scroll
Cast: Level 5 Assumptio
Weight: 1
Event Eggs🥚 or Cash Shop💰
22511.png Fenrir's Power Card (22511) ItemID: 22511
It temporarily endows its user with Fenrir's power.
MATK +25, -50% Fixed Casting.
Lasts for 5 minutes.
Weight: 1
(dali 97, 141) or (dali02 81, 61)
12710.png Guyak Pudding (12710) ItemID: 12710
Once eat the pudding while it's cold, it soothes summer heat for a while.
Increases movement speed 30 minutes.
Weight: 20
Event Eggs🥚 or Cash Shop💰 or Slots🎰
14601.png Tyr's Blessing (14601) ItemID: 14601
A potion that possesses the spirit of Tyr, the god of battle.
Increases ATK & 20 MATK for 30 minutes. HIT +30, FLEE +30
Warning! - If you are incapacitated or hit by the Dispell skill, the hit and flee effect will disappear.
Weight: 1
(moc_para01 52, 31) or Cash Shop💰
23204.png Brilliant Protection Scroll (23204) ItemID: 23204
A scroll that greatly increases the physical and magical defenses for a certain period of time, helping to increase the survival rate.
DEF +500 and MDEF +200 for 30 minutes.
The effect will not disappear even if the character dies.
Take it to the following NPC's below to craft a True Brilliant Protection Scroll:
<NAVI>[Nyan Time]<INFO>malangdo,208,163,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>
<NAVI>[Nyan Time]<INFO>moc_para01,26,174,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>
Weight: 1
(moc_para01 52, 31) or Event Eggs🥚 or Cash Shop💰
12414.png Guarana Candy (12414) ItemID: 12414
A candy made of guarana fruit. Don't eat too much at once beacuse it increases concentration.
Type: Stat booster
Effect: Reduces After Attack Delay by 10%, Cast Level 5 Increase Agi
Rental duration: 30 minutes
Weight: 1
(brasilis 187, 161)
22754.png Transformation Scroll (Necromancer) (22754) ItemID: 22754
Over a period of time this scroll transforms you into a Necromancer.
During transformation:
MATK +50
Weight: 1
(moc_para01 52, 31) or Cash Shop💰
22755.png Transformation Scroll (Wind Ghost) (22755) ItemID: 22755
Over a period of time this scroll transforms you into a Wind Ghost.
During transformation:
MATK +50
Weight: 1
(moc_para01 52, 31) or Cash Shop💰
22750.png Transformation Scroll (Horn Scaraba) (22750) ItemID: 22750
Over a period of time this scroll transforms you into a Horn Scaraba.
During transformation:
HIT +10
Weight: 1
(moc_para01 52, 31) or Cash Shop💰
22751.png Transformation Scroll (Wanderer) (22751) ItemID: 22751
Over a period of time this scroll transforms you into a Wanderer.
During transformation:
HIT +10
Weight: 1
(moc_para01 52, 31) or Cash Shop💰
11592.png Trans Candy Red (11592) ItemID: 11592
Transform user into Bloody Murderer for 10 minutes.
During transformation: MaxHP +20%.
Restores about 45 HP.
Weight: 3
(moc_para01 52, 31) or Event Eggs🥚
23016.png Grudge Fragment (23016) ItemID: 23016
Unstable material made up of powerful vicious mind. There are so many feelings mixed up, may cause problem if you touch it.
Weight: 0.1
(lighthalzen 320, 218)
12424.png HP Increase Potion (Large) (12424) ItemID: 12424
A big bottle of potion that can Increases MaxHP.
Type: Restorative
Heal: 5% HP
Effect: Considerably increases MaxHP
Rental duration: 500 sec
Weight: 8
2497.png Special Pharmacy
12427.png SP Increase Potion (Large) (12427) ItemID: 12427
A big bottle of potion that increases MaxSP.
Type: Restorative
Heal: 8% SP
Effect: Considerably increases MaxSP
Rental duration: 500 sec
Weight: 8
2497.png Special Pharmacy
14600.png Mental Potion (14600) ItemID: 14600
A potion that refill your spirit.
Type: Stat booster
Effect: MaxSP +10%
Reduces SP cost by 10%
Duration: 30 minutes
The effect will not disappear even if the character dies.
Weight: 1
(moc_para01 52, 31) or Cash Shop💰
14766.png Limited Power Booster (14766) ItemID: 14766
A booster that increases your power significantly.
Increases ATK and MATK by 30, ATK and MATK by 1%,
HIT and FLEE by 30, ASPD by 1,
Decreases SP Consumption by 5%,
Decreases Fixed Casting Time by 30%
(Only the highest effect of increase/decrease percentage effect is applied to Fixed Casting Time.)
Effect Duration: 30 minutes
The effect will not disappear even if the character dies.
Take it to the NPCs below to create a True Limited Power Booster.
<NAVI>[Nyan Time]<INFO>malangdo,208,163,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>
<NAVI>[Nyan Time]<INFO>moc_para01,26,174,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>
Weight: 1
(moc_para01 52, 31) or Cash Shop💰
23475.png Infinity Drink (23475) ItemID: 23475
An Infinity Drink which you can feel infinite energy from.
MaxHP +5%, MaxSP +5% for 30 minutes.
Increases critical, long range physical and Magical Damage with every element by 5%.
Casting cannot be interupted.
The effect will not disappear even if the character dies.
Take it to the following NPCs to make a True Infinity Drink.
<NAVI>[Nya Time]<INFO>malangdo,208,163,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>
<NAVI>[Nya Time]<INFO>moc_para01,26,174,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>
Weight: 1
(moc_para01 52, 31) or Cash Shop💰
12796.png Red Booster (12796) ItemID: 12796
A Magical booster which activates the body energy in order to combat better.
Increases ATK/MATK by 30,
Increases Attack Speed by 5%.,
Decreases Variable Casting Time by 5%
and decreases MaxHP/MaxSP by 10% for 30 minutes.
When attacking, Concentration Level 3 will be casted with a certain chance.
(If the character has the skill higher than Lv 3, the skill will be casted with the reached Level)
The effect will not disappear even if the character dies.
Follow the NPC below to make True Red Booster.
Nyan Time<INFO>malangdo,208,163,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>
<NAVI>Nyan Time<INFO>moc_para01,26,174,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>
Weight: 1
(moc_para01 52, 31) or Cash Shop💰
12684.png Enhanced ASPD Potion (12684) ItemID: 12684
The Bonus ASPD is affected by character's AGI point
If this potion is used with those other ASPD up potion, the effect will be maximized.
Increases ASPD for 30 minutes.
The effect will not disappear even if the character dies.
Follow the NPC below to make True Enhanced ASPD Potion.
<NAVI>Nyan Time<INFO>malangdo,208,163,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>
<NAVI>Nyan Time<INFO>moc_para01,26,174,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>
Weight: 1
(moc_para01 52, 31) or Cash Shop💰
50035.png The One Potion (50035) ItemID: 50035
A potion containing the condensed blessings of many gods.
MaxHP -5%, MaxSP +5%.
Restores 5% of your MaxSP and MaxHP every 5 seconds
DEF +500 and MDEF +200
All Basic Stats +10
ATK and MATK +80
ATK and MATK +1%
HIT and FLEE +60
Increases critical, long range physical and Magical Damage with every element by 5%.
Increases Attack Speed by 5%.,
The Bonus ASPD is affected by character's AGI points
If this potion is used with other ASPD up potions, the effect will be maximized.
Casting cannot be interupted.
Decreases SP Consumption by 15%.
Decreases Variable Casting Time by 5%,
Decreases Fixed Casting Time 30%.
Physical or magical attacks have a certain chance to auto cast Level 3 Improve Concentration. (If you learned a higher Level, it will auto cast that Level instead.)
Effect duration: 30 minutes
The effect will not disappear even if the character dies.
Take it to the following NPC's below to craft a True One Potion:
<NAVI>Nyan Time<INFO>malangdo,208,163,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>
<NAVI>Nyan Time<INFO>moc_para01,26,174,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>
Weight: 1
(moc_para01 52, 31) or Cash Shop💰
23203.png Small Mana Potion (23203) ItemID: 23203
A small bottle of sap from the petals of Yggdrasil. It is said to be effective in mana regeneration.
When consumed, it restores 5% of MaxSP every 5 seconds for 30 minutes.
The effect does not activate in Berserk.
The effect will not disappear even if the character dies.
Take it to the following NPC's below to craft a True Small Mana Potion:
<NAVI>[Nyan Time]<INFO>malangdo,208,163,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>
<NAVI>[Nyan Time]<INFO>moc_para01,26,174,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>
Weight: 1
(moc_para01 52, 31) or Cash Shop💰
14534.png Small Life Potion (14534) ItemID: 14534
A small bottle of Yggdrasil Tree Sap that is effective on healing wounds.
Restores an amount of HP equal of 5% of your MaxHP every 5 seconds for a 30 minute duration.
The effect will not disappear even if the character dies.
Follow the NPC below to make True Small Life Potion.
<NAVI>[Nyan Time]<INFO>malangdo,208,163,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>
<NAVI>Nyan Time<INFO>moc_para01,26,174,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>
Weight: 1
(moc_para01 52, 31) or Cash Shop💰
14535.png Medium Life Potion (14535) ItemID: 14535
A sizeable bottle of Yggdrasil Tree Sap that is effective on healing wounds.
Restores an amount of HP equal of 7% of your MaxHP every 4 seconds for a 30 minute duration.
The effect will not disappear even if the character dies.
Follow the NPC below to make True Medium Life Potion.
<NAVI>[Nyan Time]<INFO>malangdo,208,163,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>
<NAVI>Nyan Time<INFO>moc_para01,26,174,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>
Weight: 1
(moc_para01 52, 31) or Cash Shop💰
12832.png Mysterious Life Potion (12832) ItemID: 12832
A potion that created from concentrated Life Potion and other recovery potions.
Recover 4% of MaxHP every 3 seconds for 30 minutes.
This item cannot be used in Berserk state.
The effect will not disappear even if the character dies.
Follow the NPC below to make True Mysterious Life Potion.
<NAVI>[Nyan Time]<INFO>malangdo,208,163,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>
<NAVI>[Nyan Time]<INFO>moc_para01,26,174,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>
Weight: 5
(moc_para01 52, 31) or Cash Shop💰
12883.png Almighty (12883) ItemID: 12883
Created from all ultimate ingredients.
All Basic Stats +10, ATK +30, MATK +30 for 30 minutes.
The effect will not disappear even if the character dies.
Follow the NPC below to make True Almighty.
<NAVI>[Nyan Time]<INFO>malangdo,208,163,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>
<NAVI>[Nyan Time]<INFO>moc_para01,26,174,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>
Weight: 1
(moc_para01 52, 31) or Cash Shop💰
12430.png Warg Blood Cocktail (12430) ItemID: 12430
A deep red colored cocktail containing wolf's blood.
Type: Cooked Food
Effect: INT +20
Rental duration: 5 minutes
Weight: 5
2495.png Mix Cooking
12432.png Siroma Icetea (12432) ItemID: 12432
Fantastic combination of transparent ice and tea.
Type: Cooked Food
Effect: DEX +20
Rental duration: 5 minutes
Weight: 5
2495.png Mix Cooking
12433.png Drosera Herb Stew (12433) ItemID: 12433
One of the best delicacies in Arunafeltz that has a chewy texture.
Type: Cooked Food
Effect: AGI +20
Rental duration: 5 minutes
Weight: 5
2495.png Mix Cooking
12431.png Minor Brisket (12431) ItemID: 12431
Meat of a Minor's head. Famous for it's soft and tender textures.
Type: Cooked Food
Effect: VIT +20
Rental duration: 5 minutes
Weight: 5
2495.png Mix Cooking
12118.png Fireproof Potion (12118) ItemID: 12118
A potion that will
temporarily increase
the user's resistance
to the Fire element
at the cost of increasing
damage from the Water
element for the potion's active duration.
Type: Supportive
Fire resistances +20%
Water resistance -15%
Rental duration: 20 minutes
Weight: 1
228.png Pharmacy (Prepare Potion) or 4389.png Plasma Card (4389)
12119.png Coldproof Potion (12119) ItemID: 12119
A potion that will
temporarily increase
the user's resistance
to the Water element
at the cost of increasing
damage from the Wind
element for the potion's active duration.
Type: Supportive
Water resistances +20%
Wind resistance -15%
Rental duration: 20 minutes
Weight: 1
228.png Pharmacy (Prepare Potion) or 4389.png Plasma Card (4389)
12121.png Thunderproof Potion (12121) ItemID: 12121
A potion that will
temporarily increase
the user's resistance
to the Wind element
at the cost of increasing
damage from the earth
element for the potion's active duration.
Type: Supportive
Wind resistances +20%
Earth resistance -15%
Rental duration: 20 minutes
Weight: 1
228.png Pharmacy (Prepare Potion) or 4389.png Plasma Card (4389)
12120.png Earthproof Potion (12120) ItemID: 12120
A potion that will
temporarily increase
the user's resistance
to the earth element
at the cost of increasing
damage from the Fire
element for the potion's active duration.
Type: Supportive
Earth resistances +20%
Fire resistance -15%
Rental duration: 20 minutes
Weight: 1
228.png Pharmacy (Prepare Potion) or 4389.png Plasma Card (4389)
1100005.png Concentrated Golden Syrup Potion (1100005) ItemID: 1100005
Potion created by mixing White Syrup and Yellow Syrup and then
concentrating it once more.
It became lighter and the efficiency of use was also increased.
However, since it is a highly concentrated potion, there are some restrictions on taking it.
Effect: Recovers 2750 HP
Weight: 0.2
Base Level 180
2497.png Special Pharmacy
1100004.png Concentrated Blue Syrup Potion (1100004) ItemID: 1100004
Potion created by concentrating Blue Syrup once more.
It became lighter and the efficiency of use was also increased.
However, since it is a highly concentrated potion, there are some restrictions on taking it.
Effect: Recovers 360 SP
Weight: 0.2
Base Level 120
2497.png Special Pharmacy
607.png Yggdrasil Berry (607) ItemID: 607
Fruit from the Yggdrasil tree which brings life to our world. Its fantastic taste is full of life.
Type: Restorative
Heal: 100% HP, 100% SP
Weight: 30
(yuno 215, 344)
102803.png [1] (102803) Cash Shop💰
102985.png [2] (102985) Cash Shop💰


If you die, you'll lose intimacy D:

Companions 🐶

what kind of weird pet is this...

🐈 Make sure to keep your pets well fed, I've listed all the companions that is well suited for us mages!

Pet 🐸 Where to Obtain ❓ Description 📃
Abandoned Teddy Bear (2995)
Evolved Teddy Bear

300 7442.png Cursed Seal (7442)

50 724.png Cursed Ruby (724)

3 23189.png Small Doll Needle (23189)

1 4340.png Teddy Bear Card (4340)

ItemID: 9108
An egg in which an Abandoned Teddy Bear cute pet rests.
Can be hatched by using a Pet Incubator.
When intimacy is Awkward:
MaxSP +50
When intimacy is Neutral:
MaxSP +100
When intimacy is Cordial:
MaxSP +150
Random chance to restore 30 SP per second for 5 sec by when dealing magical damage.
When intimacy is Loyal:
MaxSP +150
Random chance to restore 40 SP per second for 5 sec by when dealing magical damage.
Type: Monster Egg
Diet: Pet Food
Am Mut (1301)
Evolved Dokebi

3 637.png Old Broom (637)

3 981.png Violet Dyestuffs (981)

300 1021.png Dokebi Horn (1021)

3 969.png Gold (969)

ItemID: 9089
An egg in which an Am Mut cute pet rests.
Can be hatched by using a Pet Incubator.
When intimacy is Awkward:
MATK +1%
When intimacy is Neutral:
MATK +2%
When intimacy is Cordial:
MATK +3%
When intimacy is Loyal:
MATK +4%
Type: Monster Egg
Diet: Pet Food
Alicel (1735)
Evolved Teddy Bear

100 518.png Honey (518)

50 7449.png Bloody Page (7449)

500 7317.png Rusty Screw (7317)

1 4340.png Teddy Bear Card (4340)

ItemID: 9119
An egg in which a Alicel pet rests.
Can be hatched by using a Pet Incubator.
When intimacy is Awkward:
Decreases Variable Casting Time by 2%.
When intimacy is Neutral:
Decreases Variable Casting Time by 3%.
When intimacy is Cordial:
Decreases Variable Casting Time by 4%.
Increases Magical Damage with Neutral element by 3%.
When intimacy is Loyal:
Decreases Variable Casting Time by 5%.
Increases Magical Damage with Neutral element by 5%.
Type: Monster Egg
Diet: Pet Food
Baby Desert Wolf (1107)
628.png Well-Dried Bone (628) ItemID: 9010
An egg in which a Baby Desert Wolf cute pet rests.
Can be hatched by using a Pet Incubator.
When intimacy is Cordial:
INT +1
MaxSP +50
When intimacy is Loyal:
INT +2
MaxSP +75
Type: Monster Egg
Diet: Pet Food
Bacsojin (21334)
Evolved Wicked Nymph

50 12002.png Level 5 Heal (12002)

3 4328.png Hyegun Card (4328)

3 4373.png Chung E Card (4373)

ItemID: 9115
An egg in which a Bacsojin pet rests.
Can be hatched by using a Pet Incubator.
When intimacy is Awkward:
MaxSP +2%
When intimacy is Neutral:
MaxSP +3%
Decreases After Cast Delay by 1%.
When intimacy is Cordial:
MaxSP +4%
Decreases After Cast Delay by 2%.
When intimacy is Loyal:
MaxSP +5%
Decreases After Cast Delay by 3%.
Type: Monster Egg
Diet: Luxurious Pet Food
Copo (21965)
102202.png Chubby Ice Gangu (102202) ItemID: 9145
An egg that contains a Copo Pet.
Can be hatched by using a Pet Incubator.
When intimacy is Cordial, Atk + 1%, Matk + 1%.
When intimacy is Loyal, Atk + 2%, Matk + 2%.
Type: Monster Egg
Diet: Pet Food
Dark Lord (1272)
Evolved Dark Illusion

10x 4169.png Dark Illusion Card (4169)
10x 4141.png Evil Druid Card (4141)
10x 4171.png Dark Priest Card (4171)
5x 7925.png Powerful Dimensional Essence (7925)

ItemID: 9148
An egg that contains a Dark Lord Pet.
Can be hatched by using a Pet Incubator.
When intimacy is Awkward or Shy
Increases shadow property magical damage by 3%.
When intimacy is Neutral
Increases shadow property magical damage by 5%.
When intimacy is Cordial
Increases shadow property magical damage by 7%.
When intimacy is Loyal
Increases shadow property magical damage by 7%
Increases movement speed.
Type: Monster Egg
Diet: Luxurious Pet Food
Dark Priest (1198)
100796.png Dark Bible (100796) ItemID: 9128
An egg that contains a Dark Priest Pet.
Can be hatched by using a Pet Incubator.
When intimacy is Cordial:
Int + 1
Increase magical damage against holy property enemies by 3%.
When intimacy is Loyal:
Int + 2
Increase magical damage against holy property enemies by 5%.
Type: Monster Egg
Diet: Evil Dark Water
Dark Illusion (1302)
Evolved Dark Priest

500x 7005.png Skull (7005)
1x 2608.png Rosary (2608)
5x 1009.png Hand of God (1009)
10x 4171.png Dark Priest Card (4171)

ItemID: 9139
An egg in which a Dark Illusion pet rests. Can be hatched by using a Pet Incubator.
When intimacy is Awkward:
Decreases Variable Casting Time by 2%.
When intimacy is Neutral:
Decreases Variable Casting Time by 3%.
When intimacy is Cordial:
Decreases Variable Casting Time by 4%.
Increases Magical Damage with Shadow element by 3%.
When intimacy is Loyal:
Decreases Variable Casting Time by 5%.
Increases Magical Damage with Shadow element by 5%.
Type: Monster Egg
Diet: Pet Food
Desert Wolf (1106)
Evolved Baby Desert Wolf

300 7030.png Claw of Desert Wolf (7030)

20 919.png Animal Skin (919)

3 628.png Well-Dried Bone (628)

1 4082.png Desert Wolf Card (4082)

ItemID: 9129
An egg in which a Desert Wolf pet rests.
Can be hatched by using a Pet Incubator.
When intimacy is Awkward or Shy:
Int + 1
MaxSP + 50
When intimacy is Neutral:
Int + 2
MaxSP + 75
When intimacy is Cordial:
Int + 3
MaxSP + 105
Increases earth property magical damage by 3%.
When intimacy is Loyal:
Int + 4
MaxSP + 130
Increases earth property magical damage by 5%.
Type: Monster Egg
Diet: Pet Food
Dokebi (1110)
637.png Old Broom (637) ItemID: 9019
An egg in which a Dokebi cute pet rests.
Can be hatched by using a Pet Incubator.
When intimacy is Cordial:
MATK +1%
When intimacy is Loyal:
MATK +2%
Type: Monster Egg
Diet: Pet Food
Familiar (1005)
101331.png Assorted Fruit Trap (101331) ItemID: 9138
An egg in which a Familiar pet rests. Can be hatched by using a Pet Incubator.
When intimacy is Cordial:
INT +3
Increases resistance to Curse status by 10%.
When intimacy is Loyal:
INT +5
Increases resistance to Curse status by 20%.
Type: Monster Egg
Diet: Complex Fruit Juice
Giant Hornet (1303)
Evolved Hornet
80x 518.png Honey (518)
50x 526.png Royal Jelly (526)
200x 7121.png Honey Pot (7121)
300x 7163.png Hard Feeler (7163)
10x 4019.png Hornet Card (4019)
ItemID: 9192
An egg that contains a Giant Hornet Pet.
Can be hatched by using a Pet Incubator.
When intimacy is Awkward or Shy
Decreases Variable Casting Time by 2%.
When intimacy is Neutral
Decreases Variable Casting Time by 3%.
When intimacy is Cordial
Decreases Variable Casting Time by 4%.
Increases Magical Damage with Wind element by 3%.
When intimacy is Loyal
Decreases Variable Casting Time by 5%.
Increases Magical Damage with Wind element by 5%.
Type: Monster Egg
Diet: Pet Food
Gloom Under Night (1768)
Evolved Hodremlin

3 4409.png Agav Card (4409)

3 4410.png Echio Card (4410)

3 4412.png Isilla Card (4412)

3 4413.png Hodremlin Card (4413)

3 4414.png Seeker Card (4414)

50 7340.png Will of the Darkness (7340)

ItemID: 9122
An egg in which a Gloom Under Night pet rests.
Can be hatched by using a Pet Incubator.
When intimacy is Awkward:
MATK +10
When intimacy is Neutral:
MATK +20
When intimacy is Cordial:
MATK +30
Increases Magical Damage with Ghost and Fire element by 5%.
When intimacy is Loyal:
MATK +40
Increases Magical Damage with Ghost and Fire element by 7%.
Type: Monster Egg
Diet: Luxurious Pet Food
Hornet (1004)
102723.png Beehive Box (102723) ItemID: 9155
An egg that contains a Giant Hornet Pet.
Can be hatched by using a Pet Incubator.
When intimacy is Cordial
Decreases Variable Casting Time by 1%.
Increases Magical Damage with Wind element by 1%.
When intimacy is Loyal
Decreases Variable Casting Time by 2%.
Increases Magical Damage with Wind element by 2%.
Type: Monster Egg
Diet: Apple Pudding
Copo (21965)
102202.png Chubby Ice Gangu (102202) ItemID: 9145
An egg that contains a Copo Pet.
Can be hatched by using a Pet Incubator.
When intimacy is Cordial, Atk + 1%, Matk + 1%.
When intimacy is Loyal, Atk + 2%, Matk + 2%.
Type: Monster Egg
Diet: Pet Food
Mutating White Knight (20574)
  1. OGH CM Machine
  2. Egg drops from Mutated White Knight
ItemID: 9133
An egg that contains a Mutating White Knight Pet.
Can be hatched by using a Pet Incubator.
When intimacy is Cordial, Atk + 1%, Matk + 1%.
When intimacy is Loyal, Atk + 2%, Matk + 2%.
Type: Monster Egg
Diet: Pet Food
Munak (1026)
636.png No Recipient (636) ItemID: 9018
An egg in which a Munak cute pet rests.
Can be hatched by using a Pet Incubator.
When intimacy is Cordial:
INT +1
DEF +1
When intimacy is Loyal:
INT +2
DEF +2
Type: Monster Egg
Diet: Pet Food
Miyabi Ningyo (1404)
12366.png Girl Doll (12366) ItemID: 9048
An egg in which a Miyabi Ningyo cute pet rests.
Can be hatched by using a Pet Incubator.
When intimacy is Cordial:
INT +1
Decreases Variable Casting Time by 3%.
When intimacy is Loyal:
INT +2
Decreases Variable Casting Time by 5%.
Type: Monster Egg
Diet: Well Ripened Berry
Rigid Nightmare Terror (20373)
Evolved Nightmare Terror

100 510.png Blue Herb (510)

100 935.png Shell (935)

500 7120.png Burning Horseshoe (7120)

1 4166.png Nightmare Terror Card (4166)

ItemID: 9116
An egg in which a Rigid Nightmare Terror pet rests.
Can be hatched by using a Pet Incubator.
When intimacy is Awkward:
INT +1
When intimacy is Neutral:
INT +2
When intimacy is Cordial:
INT +3
MaxSP +1%
Prevents Sleep status.
When intimacy is Loyal:
INT +4
MaxSP +3%
Prevents Sleep status.
Type: Monster Egg
Diet: Pet Food
Roween (1782)
23258.png Stinky Rotten Meat (23258) ItemID: 9104
An egg in which a Roween cute pet rests.
Can be hatched by using a Pet Incubator.
When intimacy is Cordial:
Increases Magical Damage with Wind element by 2%.
When intimacy is Loyal:
Increases Magical Damage with Wind element by 3%.
Type: Monster Egg
Diet: Rotten Meat
Willow (1010)
23257.png Old Tree's Dew (23257) ItemID: 9103
An egg in which a Willow cute pet rests.
Can be hatched by using a Pet Incubator.
When intimacy is Cordial:
INT +2
When intimacy is Loyal:
INT +3
Type: Monster Egg
Diet: Fine-grained Trunk
White Knight (20390) ⭐️
Evolved Mutated White Knight

100 25509.png Shiny Round Shell (25509)

100 1000831.png Shining Seaweed Stem (1000831)

200 1000263.png Fragment of Good Will (1000263)

ItemID: 9134
An egg that contains a White Knight Pet.
Can be hatched by using a Pet Incubator.
When intimacy is Awkward or Shy, Matk + 2%.
When intimacy is Neutral, Matk + 3%.
When intimacy is Cordial, Matk + 4%, S.Matk + 1
Increases magical damage against boss monsters by 3%.
When intimacy is Loyal, Matk + 5%, S.Matk + 2
Increases magical damage against boss monsters by 5%.
Type: Monster Egg
Diet: Pet Food


Dying Loses Experience points becareful!~

Leveling Locations 💡

You can get a 1 free beginner manual at the start so use it wisely!

Don't forget to bring and use 12208.png Battle Manual (12208)

Level ↗️ Dungeon 🌋 Available Quests 🧾
1 - 40 Anthell Dungeon 1 🦟 None
40 - 70 Orc Dungeon 1 👹 Eden Board Quest
70 - 99 Glastheim Monastery 👻 Eden Board Quest
100 - 130 Illusion of Moonlight 🦊 Main Office Board Quest
130 - 160 Illusion of Vampire 🦇 Main Office Board Quest
160 - 200 Illusion of Labyrinth 🐍 Main Office Board Quest
200 - 230 Illusion of Underwater 2 🦀 Main Office Board Quest
230 - 240 Abyss Lake 4 🐉 Main Office Board Quest & Eden Board Quest
240 - 250 Varmundt's Biosphere A & B 🦖 Main Office Board Quest & Eden Board Quest
250 - 260 Power Twisted Plains 🐎 Main Office Board Quest
260 - 275 Varmundt's Biosphere Depth or Varmundt's Biosphere Depth 2 🐊 Main-Office Board Quest

You can get Experience field manuals or 12263.png [Bound] Battle Manual (12263) at (moc_para01 52, 31) Eden Machine which cost x20 25223.png Eden Coin (25223)

💡You could also wait for the EXP Event (Bonus +50% more exp) you can check this at Capoo NPC located here:(neustadt 113, 116)

Instances Difficulty

Instances drops Antiquity! make sure to finish the dungeons!

Remember to buff yourselves before you enter! (even better if you have party or a guild friends to run with)

I've Listed all the possible instances that you might want to farm with as you progress the game

Instances 💰

  • Episodes are grouped roughly by their release timeline and game progression.
  • Instances within each tier are approximately ordered by when you should attempt them.
  • Red and Purple Tier (Nightmare/Extreme/Expert) are typically end-game contents.
  • Some instances may appear Easier or Harder because of Updates and buffs/Nerfs.
  • Consider your gear progression and party composition when attempting higher difficulties.
Instances you can farm by Episodes / Difficulty
Nightmare Mode
(Party is Required)
Tomb of RemorseConstellation TowerAirship DestructionSimulation BattleHall of LifeLake of FireFinal Battle
Extreme Mode
(Party is sometimes needed)
Memories of ThanatosGeffen Night ArenaImmortalAlice Twisted MadnessAirship CrashSunken Tower
Expert Mode
(Party only if Necessary)
Old Glast Heim Challenge ModeVilla of DeceptionSticky Sea
Very Hard Mode Fall of GlastheimWater GardenLost in TimeHidden Flower Garden
Hard Mode Old Glast HeimHorror Toy FactoryTemple GodMorses CaveBios IslandInfinite SpaceFaceworms NestEndless Cellar / Endless TowerGeffen Magic TournamentCor MissionOS Mission
Normal Mode Devil TowerGeffen Magic TournamentCentral LaboratoryLast RoomBioresearch LaboratoryCharleston CrisisFridayHeart Hunter War BaseSky FortressWolfchev's LaboratoryRoom of ConsciousnessKing's HeelsDreams and Shadows
Easy Mode Sealed ShrineSarah and FenrirSanctuary PurificationAirship RaidHey! Sweety!Nightmarish JitterbugSarah's MemoryWerner's LaboratoryHalf-Moon in the DaytimeDeserted Island
Novice Mode Nidhoggur's NestHazy ForestOctopus CaveIwin PatrolBakonawa LakeBuwaya CaveMalangdo CulvertOrc's MemoryBangungot HospitalOverlook Water Dungeon
Beginner Mode Poring VillageWave Mode

💡Don't forget to get instances Quest and Submit them after finishing it, you can check this at Daily Instance Board NPC located here:(main_office 123, 53)


Thanks for Watching owo

Mage Gameplays 🎥

Here's a lil Videos that i had with the class

0.jpg 0.jpg (Soon)
(Soon) (Soon) (Soon)
(Soon) (Soon) (Soon)


The beauty and the brains~

Mage Arts 📸

The Beauty and the Magestic Spell Wielders of Midgard!


You are a wizard! Memorize!

Glossary 📝

I think you might want to know what players or people call it as time goes on~ (RO TERMS)

Spell / Skill Acronyms:

Acronym Meaning Description
AMP Mystical Amplification Magic damage amplification skill
ACD After Cast Delay Time before next spell can be cast
SW Safety Wall Protective ground barrier spell
EC Energy Coat Defensive magic shield
QM Quagmire Ground-based movement debuff
CL Chain Lightning Lightning damage that chains between targets
CR Crimson Rock Fire-based area damage spell
SE Soul Expansion Ghost property magic damage
FM Frosty Misty Ice-based area control spell
SG Storm Gust Powerful ice storm area spell
JF Jack Frost Ice-based crowd control spell
ES Earth Strain Earth-based area damage
TV Tetra Vortex Multi-elemental powerful spell
IT Intense Telekinesis Psychic damage spell
FS Freezing Spell Ice-based crowd control
GAN Ganbantein Anti-magic field spell
WI White Imprison Target lockdown spell
MOA Marsh of Abyss Movement/attack speed debuff
DL Drain Life HP drain spell
LoV Lord of Vermilion Powerful lightning AoE spell
MS Meteor Storm Fire-based area damage
FW Fire Wall Fire barrier control spell
FB Fire Bolt Basic fire damage spell
CB Cold Bolt Basic ice damage spell
LB Lightning Bolt Basic lightning damage spell
FP Fire Pillar Fire-based control spell
JP Jupiter Thunder Advanced lightning spell series
WB Water Ball Water element damage spell

Class Names

Acronym Meaning Description
WL Warlock Advanced magic damage dealer
AM Arch Mage Advanced support/offensive caster
WIZ Wizard Basic magic class

Game Mechanics

Acronym Meaning Description
CD Cooldown/Cast Delay Spell reuse timer
AoE Area of Effect Spell affect area
ASPD Attack Speed per second Attack speed calculation
BiS Best in Slot Optimal equipment choice
CC Crowd Control Ability to control/restrict enemies
DEF Defense Physical defense stat
MDEF Magic Defense Magical defense stat
MOD Modifier/Modification Stat/damage adjustments
DPS Damage-Per-Second Damage output measure
FCT Fixed Cast Time Unchangeable cast time portion
VCT Variable Cast Time Reducible cast time portion
CB Cast Bar Casting progress indicator
FT Full Throttle Maximum performance state
HP Health Points Life points
MATK Magic Attack Magic damage stat
SP Spell Points/Mana Magic resource
RES Resistance Damage/effect resistance
MDB Magic Defense Bonus INT-based magic defense
HCT Hard Cast Time Total casting time (FCT + VCT)
MA Magic Amplification Magic damage increase
MSP Maximum SP Total mana pool
SMATK S.MATK 4th job Magic Damage trait
SPR SP Recovery SP regeneration rate
PPM Pots Per Minute Potion consumption rate

Equipment Terms

Acronym Meaning Description
ESD Elemental Staffs/Damage Element-based weapons
ROD Rod Basic mage weapon
2H Two-Handed Handed Staff Weapon
MS Magic Stone Equipment upgrade item

Status Effects

Acronym Meaning Description
SR Status Resistance CC resistance
Silence Silence Spell casting prevention
SB Spell Break Cast interruption
KB Knockback Forced movement
SA Status Ailment Negative effects

Character Stats

Stat Meaning Description
INT Intelligence Primary mage stat
AGI Agility Affects cast speed
VIT Vitality Health and defense stat


Term Meaning Description
YGG Yggdrasil Berry The fruit of life
Blue Syrup Blue Potion SP recovery item
Yellow Syrup White Potion HP recovery item

Tips and Tricks

Tricks up my sleeve ey?

Please don't forget about it...

Pro Tips 📌

  • Did you Know you can get 5232.png Climax Level 1's 5225.png Crystal Impact and 5232.png Climax Level 4's 5215.png Destructive Hurricane buffs active together?
  • Did you know Spellbook Spells from 2230.png Release will always be casted on the maximum range regardless of the spellbook tier?
  • Did you know you can use 2201.png White Imprison on yourself to negate Incoming Damage? (Make sure you press shift while aiming it at yourself)
  • Did you Know Using 2206.png Recognized Spell Level 1 is most efficient than a lvl 5 one?
  • Did you know you could Cancel Hard Animation 366.png Mystical Amplification by Using 142.png First Aid after?
  • Did you know we could bypass Magic Immunity via 5214.png Deadly Projection?
  • Did you know you only need a minimum of 185 ASPD and 40% ACD for most Arch mage skills?
  • Did you know that the damage reduction from 157.png Energy Coat is based off your current remaining SP and not the maximum amount of SP?
  • ⚠️ DO NOT INVEST ANY SKILL POINTS IN 6516.png Energy Conversion I REPEAT DO NOT! ⚠️
  • Attack Speed Modifiers

    We Shall Cast and Spam faster!

    Mage ASPD 🎈

    ASPD (Weight)
    Equip 🔮 Attack Speed 📈 From 2nd Class 2️⃣
    🖐 Bare-Handed 151 +5
    2142.png Shield -5 +3
    510035.png Dagger -7 -3
    8908.png Rod(1h) -5 -2
    2052.png Staff(2h) -11 -2
    ASPD (Tool Dealer Consumables)
    ASPD Potions 🧪 Usable ❔
    645.png Concentration Potion (645) ✔️
    656.png Awakening Potion (656) ✔️
    657.png Berserk Potion (657) ✔️

    FAQ (Häufig gestellte Fragen)

    [Häufig gestellte Fragen ]

    ▶ Macht es Spaß, die Klasse des Magiers zu spielen? Ja
    ▶ Werde ich es bereuen, diese Klasse zu spielen? Nein
    ▶ Sind wir im aktuellen Meta in einer guten Position? Ja
    ▶ Ist diese Klasse auch für PvP-Inhalte [Belagerung] geeignet? Ja
    ▶ Sind Zauberbücher obligatorisch? Ja
    ▶ Können Magier schweben oder fliegen? Nein
    ▶ Können Magier eine Tank-/Support-Rolle spielen? Ja
    ▶ Braucht man mehr als 2 Gehirnzellen, um diese Klasse zu spielen und zu verstehen? Ja
    ▶ Wie viel MATK/S.MATK sollte ich anstreben? Ja
    ▶ Soll ich Release Level 2 verwenden? Nein
    ▶ Ist Comet notwendig, auch bei 4. Jobs? Ja
    ▶ Sind Magier eine gute Anfänger- oder Farmerklasse? Nein
    ▶ Ist Magic Crasher gut? Nein
    ▶ Kann ich meine Mage-Ausrüstung für andere Magic-Klassen verwenden? Ja
    ▶ Kann ich DEX vollständig außer Acht lassen, wenn ich 100 % VCT habe? Ja
    ▶ Kann ich Mystical Amplification sofort wirken lassen? Nein
    ▶ Können wir auch ohne Sofortwirkung noch anständig sein? Ja
    ▶ Können wir MvPs alleine jagen? Ja
    ▶ Ist 100 % MDEF-Pierce erforderlich? Ja
    ▶ Ist 193 ASPD erforderlich? Nein

    Siehe auch

    📁 Miyu's Magical Adventures Mage Guide ✅ You are Currently Here!~ ♥