Translations:Miyu's Magical Adventures Mage Guide/408/en

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Instances Difficulty

Instances drops Antiquity! make sure to finish the dungeons!

Remember to buff yourselves before you enter! (even better if you have party or a guild friends to run with)

I've Listed all the possible instances that you might want to farm with as you progress the game

Instances 💰

  • Episodes are grouped roughly by their release timeline and game progression.
  • Instances within each tier are approximately ordered by when you should attempt them.
  • Red and Purple Tier (Nightmare/Extreme/Expert) are typically end-game contents.
  • Some instances may appear Easier or Harder because of Updates and buffs/Nerfs.
  • Consider your gear progression and party composition when attempting higher difficulties.
Instances you can farm by Episodes / Difficulty
Nightmare Mode
(Party is Required)
Tomb of RemorseConstellation TowerAirship DestructionSimulation BattleHall of LifeLake of FireFinal Battle
Extreme Mode
(Party is sometimes needed)
Memories of ThanatosGeffen Night ArenaImmortalAlice Twisted MadnessAirship CrashSunken Tower
Expert Mode
(Party only if Necessary)
Old Glast Heim Challenge ModeVilla of DeceptionSticky Sea
Very Hard Mode Fall of GlastheimWater GardenLost in TimeHidden Flower Garden
Hard Mode Old Glast HeimHorror Toy FactoryTemple GodMorses CaveBios IslandInfinite SpaceFaceworms NestEndless Cellar / Endless TowerGeffen Magic TournamentCor MissionOS Mission
Normal Mode Devil TowerGeffen Magic TournamentCentral LaboratoryLast RoomBioresearch LaboratoryCharleston CrisisFridayHeart Hunter War BaseSky FortressWolfchev's LaboratoryRoom of ConsciousnessKing's HeelsDreams and Shadows
Easy Mode Sealed ShrineSarah and FenrirSanctuary PurificationAirship RaidHey! Sweety!Nightmarish JitterbugSarah's MemoryWerner's LaboratoryHalf-Moon in the DaytimeDeserted Island
Novice Mode Nidhoggur's NestHazy ForestOctopus CaveIwin PatrolBakonawa LakeBuwaya CaveMalangdo CulvertOrc's MemoryBangungot HospitalOverlook Water Dungeon
Beginner Mode Poring VillageWave Mode

💡Don't forget to get instances Quest and Submit them after finishing it, you can check this at Daily Instance Board NPC located here:(main_office 123, 53)