Choi's Magic and Support Cardinal Guide

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The main purpose of this guide is to provide information on the gear progression for Magic Damage and Full Support Cardinal Builds. For Magic builds, this guide should be read in tandem with Choi's Guide To Magic which provides more general information about magic classes. However, as the gear and concepts are similar across different builds, this guide should also be helpful for other magic builds. Please feel free to reach out to me (IGN: Choi or Tokki) for any questions or feedback!

Also, I wanted to say thank you to everyone who has helped me, as I learned and continue to learn Cardi!


Cardinal is one of the most popular Support Builds with very useful supportive abilities and powerful heals. However, it also has strong magic builds and can be used for solo play and farming. It also has a physical build, but I won't be covering that.

This build will have two full sections for Support and Magic. Expand the sections below for more information!

Full Support

Full Support


Cardinal is one of the most popular support builds in the game, as it provides a plethora of supportive buffs and has strong heals. Additionally, due to 5269.png Mediale Votum scaling off the target's HP, Cardinal can work very effectively as a tank. However, as solo farming is the main activity people do and party play is limited, you will have difficulty gearing or leveling, so I don't recommend this as your first class unless you are playing with a group of friends or a guild.

Due to it being full support, Cardinal focuses more heavily on stats and bonuses that other classes might not focus as much on. Cardinal is also a pretty flexible build, so you can adjust your build according to what works best for you! Whether you want to be the tankiest cardinal on the server, buff your friends 10 times per second, or have the strongest heal you can have, it's totally up to you. However, here is how I, personally, prioritize my stats:

  1. Cast Time Reduction: Generally, your goal will be to reach instant cast or near instant cast in the end game, so you will want to make sure you have enough FCT Reduction and VCT Reduction. Due to the +17 int and dex provided by 2041.png Clementia and the stats you can afford not indexing into damage, so I opt for VCT reduction through Stats rather than gear. This means you will want reduction by getting your ((Dex x 2) + INT) = 530. However, 100% VCT reduction through gear is just as viable, and you can opt for this route as well.
  2. Tankiness: Overall, HP and resists, are super effective on Cardinal. Since 5269.png Mediale Votum scales off the target's HP, your healing will scale off your own HP if you cast it on yourself. Additionally, since you won't be sacrificing stats for damage, you can afford to invest in tank stats.
  3. After Cast Delay Reduction: Many of a Cardinal's main supportive abilities have zero to low cooldowns but high after cast delay. For example, 54.png Resurrection has 0 cooldown but 3s After Cast Delay. As such, After Cast Delay Reduction is a stat that I index very highly into.
  4. Attack Speed: Attack Speed decreases the animation delay of your skills. Once you hit enough After Cast Delay Reduction, your skills will start being gated by your attack speed. As such, Attack Speed is a very useful stat for Cardinals
  5. Healing Effectiveness and H.Plus: Boosts the strength of your heals. If you think you are already tanky enough and have enough ACD and ASPD, then healing effectiveness will help boost your support abilities.

Also big shout out to Miku Kitsune for his recommendations on this.

Relevant Skills

  • 5269.png Mediale Votum: One of the most powerful new abilities as a Cardinal. The ability heals in a 9x9 area based on a percentage of the target's max HP. If you go a tankier build, you'll be able to heal your team solely based on your HP.
  • 5280.png Dilectio Heal: Mediale requires your team members to be next to you. Dilectio Heal provides a powerful targeted heal in a 7x7 area around the target.
  • 2051.png Highness Heal: An incredibly strong single target heal. By default, it has a long 3s cooldown. However, with 2864.png Light Of Cure (2864) and 4803.png Cure Lv1 (4803) the skill cooldown will go to 0.
  • 54.png Resurrection: The reason that Priest classes have been coveted in party play since second classes were introduced. The skill will resurrect your party member.
  • 1014.png Redemptio: The Panic button. Sacrifices your HP to resurrect all fallen party members on screen. Make sure to carry around 607.png Yggdrasil Berry (607) for this.
  • 5268.png Reparatio: Fully Restores the target's HP which will be useful for you or other tanky members if they become low HP.
  • 78.png Lex Aeterna: A Targeted debuff that makes the target take double the damage.
  • 5072.png Vituperatum: Gives 78.png Lex Aeterna effect in an AOE. However, the cooldown is significantly longer.
  • 2041.png Clementia: Provides Blessing effect to your whole party. At Max skill level, Clementia provides a bigger buff than blessing, granting 17 STR, INT, and DEX.
  • 2042.png Cantocandidus: Provides Increase Agi effect to your whole party. At Max skill level, Cantocandidus provides 19 AGI.
  • 2045.png Praefatio: Provides Kyrie Eleison effect to your whole party. At Max skill level, Praefatio blocks 16 hits.
  • 5281.png Religio: Gives SPL/WIS/STA to a target.
  • 5282.png Benedictum: Gives POW/CRT/CON to a target.
  • 5278.png Competentia: Restores HP and SP in an AOE and provides a huge 50 P.ATK and S.ATK buff.
  • 5271.png Argutus Vita: Provides a buff to the target that allows them to ignore 25% MRES.
  • 5272.png Argutus Telum: Provides a buff to the target that allows them to ignore 25% RES.
  • 5275.png Presens Acies: Provides a buff to the target that gives 10 C.Rate.
  • 5011.png Offertorium: Self Buff that increases your Healing Power but increases your SP costs by 300%
  • 2047.png Lauda Agnus: Recovers Freezing, Stone Curse, Dark Curse, Frozen, Crystallization, and Burning status effects of all party members and gives a Max HP buff. However, it should be noted that status effects are much rarer in fourth classes.
  • 2048.png Lauda Ramus: Recovers Silence, Sleep, Stun Curse, Howling, and Deep Sleep status effects of all party members and gives a critical damage buff. However, it should be noted that status effects are much rarer in fourth classes.

There are other useful abilities, but these are the ones that I use the most often. In general, playing Cardinal may feel like playing the piano with all the keys you will press!

Stats and Traits

Generally, Stats should be based on what best suits you. As such, I won't provide my exact Stat distribution, as you should update yours accordingly. Instead, I'll provide my priority and the benefits of each Stat:

  1. Dex: Provides the highest reduction in Variable Cast Time from stats. It also provides the third-highest bonus in StatusMATK. You will want enough Dex to reach full VCT reduction.
  2. Int: Provides the the second-highest reduction in Variable Cast Time. It also provides the highest bonus in StatusMATK. You will want enough Int to reach full VCT reduction.
  3. Vit: Provides a lot of tankiness through HP, SoftDEF, and SoftMDEF.
  4. Agi: Provides some additional tankiness by providing FLEE, and the ATKSPD improves cast speed by reducing Cast animation.
  5. Str: Provides additional weight capacity which will help for farming.
  6. Luk: Provides the second-highest bonus in StatusMATK.

Note: If you opt to go for VCT Reduction through gear rather than stats, you can reduce your DEX significantly.

Traits are additional stats that provide bonuses for fourth classes. Traits are bit more straightforward:

  1. WIS (72-110): Provides Magical Resistance which I prioritize over Physical Resistance, as you will have a lot of Flee for physical damage.
  2. STA (72-110): Provides Physical Resistance.
  3. CRT (72-110): Provides H.Plus. Generally, I prioritize STA and WIS over CRT, but if you want very strong heals, feel free to max this.

Gear Progression

Madame Celery's Guide to MuhRO has a very useful section for Gear Progression and Useful Cards, so please check that out! The information I will provide for Gear Progression will be more specific to Full Support Cardinal.

It may be tempting starting out to want to rush your end-game gear. However, I do not recommend doing this and instead recommend improving your gear gradually, so you can farm more effectively.

Phase Eden

At Level 100, you can talk with Labraham and Louis at @go Eden to get your Advanced Paradise Gear. These gears will require 7318.png Old Pick (7318) , 1034.png Blue Hair (1034) , and 7200.png Elastic Band (7200) .
Additionally, you can talk with Lucy in the same room to receive your Advanced Paradise Shadow Gear by renting it for 20 Eden Coins for 3 days or buying the set permanently for 230 in total.

Phase One

Moving forward, your main priority is to see where you can reduce your fixed cast time, and your second priority will be increasing your tankiness.
Abilities will have a specific Fixed Cast Time and Variable Cast Time. For Cardinal, 1.5s Fixed Cast Reduction should be enough for the majority of your skills. However, some of your abilities will have 2s Fixed Cast, but you can aim for 1s or 1.5s for now. In general, some cast time is less punishing for Cardinals. Fixed Cast Time can be reduced by equipment (Most often through Shoes, Costume Enchant Stones, Accessories, and Higher Level Headgear).
Variable Cast Time can be reduced by gear (all types of gear) and stats. The formula to calculate your Variable Cast Time Reduction is 1 -((1-((Int + (Dex*2))/530)) * (1 - Bonus VCT from gear)).
For now, just assume that your VCT will come in time and go full int and dex for your stats.

At Level 150, you can start using 470021.png Grace Magic Boots [1] (470021) , which can be obtained after completing the 17.1 Questline from the Sentinel NPC. The boots are the easiest way to obtain some Fixed Cast Reduction, providing .5s at Refine Level 7.
At Level 160, you will have access to Illusion of Luanda's Goibne Gear and Illusion of Twins' Sprint Gear. Both sets are very useful and the full combos can provide a mix of tankiness, ACD reduction, and .7s FCT reduction. For FCT reduction, you can also use 1000857.png Archbishop Stone (Top) (1000857) for .5s FCT reduction and 25170.png Minor Casting Stone (Garment) (25170) or 25067.png Cast Stone (Garment) (25067) for .3s or .5s FCT reduction respectively.

Of the two Illusion sets, I recommend the Illusion Sprint Set as the transition to Phase Two will be the smoothest. However, both are powerful, and you will also be using pieces of both sets.

For all of the Illusion Gear, if you plan on using them for a while, you can enchant them with double 29010.png Rune of Vitality Lv2 (29010) 29010.png Rune of Vitality Lv2 (29010) and upgrade them to +11 for a big boost in HP.

Phase 1 Gear
Type Item Notes
Upper +9 to +10 19366.png Illusion Goibne's Helm [1] (19366)
Middle 410091.png Cor Core Booster (410091) or 410092.png Cor Core Booster [1] (410092) Depending on if you have a card or not.
Lower There's no good lower headgear worth getting at this point.
Armor +9 to +11 450182.png Illusion Sprint Mail [1] (450182)
+9 to +10 15348.png Illusion Goibne's Armor [1] (15348)
Weapon 16063.png Illusion Long Mace [2] (16063) or 590029.png Paradise Archbishop Mace (590029)
Shield +10 460018.png Illusion Silver Guard [1] (460018) If you plan to use the ISG for a while, you can enchant it with 2x 29010.png Rune of Vitality Lv2 (29010)
Garment +9 to +10 20923.png Illusion Goibne's Spaulders [1] (20923)
480106.png Advanced Paradise Muffler (480106)
Only use the Goibne's Spaulders if you're using the full Goibne's Combo
Shoe +9 to +11 470066.png Illusion Sprint Shoes [1] (470066)
+7 to +10 22192.png Illusion Goibne's Greaves [1] (22192)
+7 470021.png Grace Magic Boots [1] (470021)
Early on you can use Grace Shoes, but you will want to get the Gray Wolf or Glacier Shoes quickly.
Accessory (Right) 490120.png Illusion Sprint Ring [1] (490120)
Accessory (Left) 490121.png Illusion Sprint Glove [1] (490121)

Phase Two

Phase Two is a very serviceable and budget-friendly build, and this is the build that I would recommend for players who are just making an alt cardi. With Phase Two, you should be very comfortable with joining public parties to support.
The Illusion Goibne and Illusion Sprint Combo from the previous Phase are quite strong and provide a lot of After Cast Delay Reduction, HP, and Fixed Cast Reduction that you will need, so I would pivot off of these slowly. Instead, the first upgrade you should focus on is the 16099.png Rubber Hammer [2] (16099) which will give you a big bonus in After Cast Delay.
Afterwards, if you were using the Goibne's Set, then you should focus on getting your shoes of choice, as you will need the FCT reduction before switching out other gear. If you were using Sprint Set then you can go for the 19439.png Vicious Mind Aura (19439) and 20749.png Fallen Warrior Manteau [1] (20749) combo and 18972.png Old Mitra [1] (18972) before working on your shoes.

After finishing your shoes and obtaining the FCT requirement, you can start replacing other pieces of your gear.

2864.png Light Of Cure (2864) is an interesting item, as with the 4803.png Cure Lv1 (4803) enchant, the cooldown on 2051.png Highness Heal will be reduced to 0. If you are finding yourself healing others often, I would recommend this item. If you are mainly supporting through buffs, then the Safety Combo will be best.

The 15399.png VIT Soutane [1] (15399) and the 32248.png Safety Pendant R [1] (32248) /32249.png Safety Pendant B [1] (32249) and 32251.png Safety Epaulet B [1] (32251) will provide much more tanky stats. The 450182.png Illusion Sprint Mail [1] (450182) 490120.png Illusion Sprint Ring [1] (490120) 490121.png Illusion Sprint Glove [1] (490121) will provide more ACD Reduction.

Also big shout out to Soothing and Fuka's Serious Guide for FS Cardinal both of whom I used as a reference for this phase.

Phase 2 Gear
Type Item Notes
Upper +10 to +12 18972.png Old Mitra [1] (18972)
+11 400465.png Drooping Thanatos's Dolor-LT [1] (400465)
Old Mitra: Obtained in Nightmare Biolabs. 29101.png Adamantine Lv1 (29101) , 4724.png DEX+5 (4724) or 4744.png VIT+5 (4744)
Thanatos: Obtained through item reform. Sacrifices tanky stats for more ACD Reduction. 29103.png Adamantine Lv3 (29103)
Middle 400002.png Victory Wing Ears [1] (400002)
410091.png Cor Core Booster (410091)
Victory Wing Ears can be enchanted
Cor Core Booster is a fine option if you don't have a card.
Lower 19439.png Vicious Mind Aura (19439) Obtained from Bioresearch Laboratory. The 19439.png Vicious Mind Aura (19439) combos with the 20749.png Fallen Warrior Manteau [1] (20749) .
Armor +10 to +12 15399.png VIT Soutane [1] (15399)
+11 450182.png Illusion Sprint Mail [1] (450182)
Obtained from Odin's Past. 310078.png VIT Blessing (310078) , 4900.png MaxHP+5% (4900) or 4747.png VIT+8 (4747) , 4900.png MaxHP+5% (4900) or 4747.png VIT+8 (4747)
Sprint: 2x 29010.png Rune of Vitality Lv2 (29010)
Weapon +11 16099.png Rubber Hammer [2] (16099) To Obtain the Rubber Hammer. The Rubber Hammer can be enchanted as well.
Shield +11 460018.png Illusion Silver Guard [1] (460018)
+10 [D] 460040.png Glacier Guard [1] (460040)
ISG: 2x 29010.png Rune of Vitality Lv2 (29010)
Glacier: Your choice for Slot 2 and 3. 312094.png Glacier Flower Meow Power (Guardian) (312094) for Slot 3.
Garment +10 20749.png Fallen Warrior Manteau [1] (20749) Obtained in Nightmare Biolabs. The 20749.png Fallen Warrior Manteau [1] (20749) needs to be the slotted version
Shoe +11 470094.png Hero Boots-LT [1] (470094)
9 to +11 470116.png Snow Flower Shoes [1] (470116)
+11 470066.png Illusion Sprint Shoes [1] (470066)
Hero: Obtained in Bioresearch Labs 310912.png Vigor of Warlord (310912) , 4812.png Spell Lv4 (4812) , 4744.png VIT+5 (4744) or 4714.png INT+5 (4714)
SF: Obtained through Episode 19. 1000736.png Ice Magic Stone (Fixed Casting) (1000736) and your choice for Slot 4. Slot 2 can be ignored.
Sprint: 2x 29010.png Rune of Vitality Lv2 (29010) . Can be used if you continue to use the full Sprint combo.
Accessory (Right) 2864.png Light Of Cure (2864)
32248.png Safety Pendant R [1] (32248) /32249.png Safety Pendant B [1] (32249)
490120.png Illusion Sprint Ring [1] (490120)
LoC: Obtained in Mora 4803.png Cure Lv1 (4803) , 4721.png DEX+2 (4721)
Safety: Obtained in Einbech Dungeons.
Sprint: The Sprint Accessory combo can be continued to use if you are using 450182.png Illusion Sprint Mail [1] (450182)
Accessory (Left) 490163.png Hero's Badge [1] (490163)
32251.png Safety Epaulet B [1] (32251)
490121.png Illusion Sprint Glove [1] (490121)
Hero: Obtained from Biolabs 3 or 4 MVPs. To be paired with 470094.png Hero Boots-LT [1] (470094) . 310918.png Vitality (310918) , 4812.png Spell Lv4 (4812) , 4744.png VIT+5 (4744) or 4714.png INT+5 (4714)
Safety: Obtained in Einbech Dungeons. Paired with Safety Pendant
Sprint: The Sprint Accessory combo can be continued to use if you are using 450182.png Illusion Sprint Mail [1] (450182)

Phase Three

You should feel overall pretty good with your build after Phase Two. However, there are a lot of ways you can improve your gear greatly. After Phase Three you should feel comfortable tanking the hardest MvPs and dungeons.

The biggest bonus will be from the Nebula and Stellar Seal combo or the Glade Rune Gear. The Nebula combo will provide more HP than the Glade Rune Combo, but the Glade Rune Armor will provide more ACD Reduction. Stamina Nebula: 133% bonus HP and 40% healing effectiveness as well as some resistances while the Glade Rune Armor + Combo will provide 95% bonus HP and 15% ACD Reduction as well as some STA. Both are great options. During Phase Two, I highly recommend joining public Constellation Tower and Alice runs or running them with your friends to start getting the materials for CT and Alice gear.

In this phase, I would consider whether you will go for VCT Reduction through Stats or through Gears.

  • For VCT through Stats, you can ignore any enchants that provide VCT reduction %. Instead, lean more towards Dex over Vit enchants, but having some Vit enchants is not bad. You will want to find a balance though. Generally, if you are using more DEX than VIT in your base stats VIT to get instant cast, then DEX enchants are better and vis-versa.
  • For VCT through Gear, you will forgo any DEX enchants and opt for VIT instead. Additionally, you should look for more VCT Reduction %, but just make sure that you aren't wasting any enchants or gears after you hit 100% VCT Reduction.

Some gears and enchants to consider when going through VCT through Gear:

Phase 3 Gear
Type Item Notes
Upper +10 to +12 18972.png Old Mitra [1] (18972)
+11 [C] 400537.png Time Dimensions Rune Crown (Cardinal) [1] (400537)
+10 to +12 19480.png Temporal Circlet (Archbishop) [1] (19480)
+11 [C] 400465.png Drooping Thanatos's Dolor-LT [1] (400465)
Mitra: 29101.png Adamantine Lv1 (29101) , 4724.png DEX+5 (4724) or 4744.png VIT+5 (4744)
TD: Obtained in Depth 2. 312779.png Adamantine Jewel Lv1 (312779) , 312706.png Time Dimension Jewel (Vitality) Lv3 (312706) or 312700.png Time Dimension Jewel (Agility) Lv3 (312700) , 4714.png INT+5 (4714) or 4744.png VIT+5 (4744)
Temporal: Obtained through Old Glast Heim Challenge Mode. 29101.png Adamantine Lv1 (29101) , 29680.png Temporal Jewel (VIT) Lv 3 (29680) or 29677.png Temporal Jewel (AGI) Lv 3 (29677) , 4743.png VIT+4 (4743) or 4713.png INT+4 (4713)
Thanatos: Obtained through item reform. Sacrifices tanky stats for more ACD Reduction. 29103.png Adamantine Lv3 (29103)
Middle 410233.png Gambler's Seal [1] (410233) HP or ACD reduction enchants should be the main focus.
Lower 420269.png Ace of Clovers in Mouth (Defense) (420269)
19244.png Rosary's Necklace (19244)
Ace: Resistances (DEF, MDEF, RES, MRES), attack speed, or healing effectiveness enchants should be the main focus. I recommend using 102677.png Loki's Advice (Defense) (102677) or 100488.png Loki's Advice (Magical) (100488) .
Rosary: Can be obtained through Equipment Crafting
Armor +12 [A] 450170.png Nebula Armor of Stamina [1] (450170)
+12 [A] 450243.png Glade Rune Armor [1] (450243)
Nebula: Obtained through Constellation Tower. I highly recommend Stamina over Wisdom. 310679.png Star Cluster of Stamina Lv.3 (310679) , 310744.png Nebula of Health Lv.3 (310744) or 310741.png Nebula of Healing Lv.3 (310741) , 4723.png DEX+4 (4723) or 4744.png VIT+5 (4744)
Glade: The full Glade combo will provide less HP than the nebula combo, but the Armor should provide more ACD Reduction.
Weapon +11 16099.png Rubber Hammer [2] (16099)
+11 590049.png Flush Rubber Hammer [2] (590049)
+10 to +12 1659.png Light of Recovery [1] (1659)
+10 to +12 [A] 590036.png Wicked Cross [2] (590036)
Rubber: To Obtain the Rubber Hammer. The Rubber Hammer can be enchanted as well.
Flush: Obtained through Einbech Exchanger. 311394.png Attack Delay Lv. 5 (311394) or 311404.png Caster Lv. 5 (311404) . The Flush Rubber Hammer provides more healing effectiveness at the cost of some ACD reduction
LoR: Dropped by Magaleta in Bio 3. Should be paired with 19244.png Rosary's Necklace (19244)
Wicked: Obtained through Clock Tower Unknown Basement 311020.png Clockwork (After Cast Delay) (311020) , 311050.png Arbitrium Tuning Device (311050) .
Shield +10 to +12 460018.png Illusion Silver Guard [1] (460018)
+10 to +12 [D] 460040.png Glacier Guard [1] (460040)
+7 to +12 [A] 460020.png Mad Bunny-LT [1] (460020)
ISG: 2x 29010.png Rune of Vitality Lv2 (29010)
Glacier: Your choice for Slot 2 and 3. 312094.png Glacier Flower Meow Power (Guardian) (312094) for Slot 3.
Bunny: Obtained through Alice Twisted Madness. 310853.png After Cast Delay Lv.3 (310853) , 310875.png HP Lv.3 (310875) , or 310860.png Variable Casting (Magical) Lv.3 (310860)
Garment +9 to +12 [A] 480231.png Glade Rune Manteau [1] (480231) Obtained in Biosphere. 310938.png Stamina of Varmundt Lv3 (310938) or 310935.png Wisdom of Varmundt Lv3 (310935) , 4723.png DEX+4 (4723) or 4744.png VIT+5 (4744)
Shoe +11 to +13 [A] 470094.png Hero Boots-LT [1] (470094)
+11 [A] 470174.png Glade Rune Boots [1] (470174)
Hero: Obtained in Bioresearch Labs 310912.png Vigor of Warlord (310912) , 4812.png Spell Lv4 (4812) , 4744.png VIT+5 (4744) or 4714.png INT+5 (4714)
Glade: Obtained in Biosphere. 310938.png Stamina of Varmundt Lv3 (310938) or 310935.png Wisdom of Varmundt Lv3 (310935) , 4723.png DEX+4 (4723) or 4744.png VIT+5 (4744)
Accessory (Right) 490133.png Stellar Stamina Seal [1] (490133) Obtained through Constellation Tower. You should still use this even without the 450170.png Nebula Armor of Stamina [1] (450170) combo.
310721.png Star of Vital Lv.5 (310721) or 310726.png Star of Spirit Lv.5 (310726)
Accessory (Left) 490163.png Hero's Badge [1] (490163)
2864.png Light Of Cure (2864)
32231.png King Schmidt's Rigid Body Insignia [1] (32231)
Hero: Obtained from Biolabs 3 or 4 MVPs. To be paired with 470094.png Hero Boots-LT [1] (470094) . 310918.png Vitality (310918) , 4812.png Spell Lv4 (4812) , 4744.png VIT+5 (4744) or 4714.png INT+5 (4714)
LoC: Obtained in Mora 4803.png Cure Lv1 (4803) , 4721.png DEX+2 (4721)
King Schmidt: Obtained as part of Fall of Glast Heim. 4826.png Spell Lv5 (4826) , 4744.png VIT+5 (4744) or 4724.png DEX+5 (4724)


Shadow Gear

Some great options for mixed Blue Shadow Gear are:

Costume Stones and Pets

Costume Stones: Arch Bishop Combo: 1000857.png Archbishop Stone (Top) (1000857) , 1000858.png Archbishop Stone (Mid) (1000858) , 1000859.png Archbishop Stone (Low) (1000859) or 25708.png High Priest Stone (Low) (25708) , and 25709.png Archbishop Stone (Garment) (25709)
If you need more FCT Reduction, 25067.png Cast Stone (Garment) (25067) or the 25170.png Minor Casting Stone (Garment) (25170) 1000521.png Minor Casting Stone (Dual) (1000521) combo can be used.

Cute Pets: 9140.png Blue Moon Loli Ruri Egg (9140) , 9120.png Aliza Egg (9120) , and 9115.png Bacsojin Egg (9115) are good choices.


You can find a great list of cards to use in Celery's Guide.

Type Item Notes
Upper 300174.png Melted Poring Card (300174) , 4582.png Bungisngis Card (4582) , or 300456.png Icewind Egg Card (300456)
Middle 300174.png Melted Poring Card (300174) , 27351.png Rigid Sky Deleter Card (27351) , or 27396.png Isaac Wigner Card (27396)
Armor 300376.png Two Eyes Dollocaris (300376) or 27114.png Ominous Solider Card (27114) 300376.png Two Eyes Dollocaris (300376) should be used on a +12 armor
Weapon 27308.png Heart Hunter Sanare Card (27308) or 31021.png Dancing Marionette Card (31021)
Shield 300379.png Renovated Upper Rgan (300379) or 300465.png Elite Rgan Guardian Card (300465) 300379.png Renovated Upper Rgan (300379) should be used on a +12 shield
Garment 27292.png Ancient Stalactic Golem Card (27292)
Shoe 300095.png Papila Cae Card (300095) /300091.png Papila Card (300091) or 300188.png Midnight Rechenier Card (300188)
Accessory (Right) 300077.png Broken Omega Cleaner Card (300077)
Accessory (Left) 300077.png Broken Omega Cleaner Card (300077) or 27343.png Acolyte of Chaos Card (27343)

Magic DPS

Magic DPS


DPS Cardinal is a very fun build that provides a mix of supportive abilities and damage that allows you to thrive in both solo play and group play. While you won't be as tanky or have as many supportive abilities as the Full Support Cardinal, you will still have access to some useful buffs and skills like 2041.png Clementia or 54.png Resurrection. Additionally, Arch Bishop's zero to low fixed cast requirements on Adoramus and Arbitrium make it fairly newbie friendly. However, due to its main fourth class damage skill being Holy element, you will have to be careful where you level and farm, as you won't be able to damage holy element with it. However, Cardinal's newest skill 6518.png Divinus Flos should help greatly with this, as you can turn it neutral.

Big shout out to Chyester for helping me test a few Cardinal builds.

Relevant Skills

  • 5273.png Arbitrium: Your main damaging abilities. Provides very strong damage to a target in a 9x9 AOE. This will be your highest DPS skill.
  • 6518.png Divinus Flos: Your secondary damaging ability. Provides very strong damage to a target in a 7x7 AOE. This skill can be turned into Neutral element with 12333.png Ancilla (12333) .
  • 5279.png Pneumaticus Procella: A very powerful ground targeted ability with a 11x11 AOE. It does neutral damage which will be helpful against holy mobs. However, this skill has a 5s cooldown, so it should not be your main skill.
  • 5284.png Framen: Provides decent damage to a target in a 7x7 AOE. It does significantly less damage than Arbitrium, but this skill only has a shorter .3s cooldown.
  • 2046.png Oratio: Decreases Holy resistances of all enemies on screen with a 90% chance.
  • 5281.png Religio: Gives SPL/WIS/STA to a target.
  • 5271.png Argutus Vita: Provides a buff to the target that allows them to ignore 25% MRES.
  • 5278.png Competentia: Restores HP and SP in an AOE and provides a huge 50 P.ATK and S.ATK buff.
  • 2040.png Adoramus: For early leveling, Adoramus will be your main skill before you become a cardinal. 12333.png Ancilla (12333) will make the skill do neutral damage.

Stats and Traits

Generally, Stats should be based on what best suits you. As such, I won't provide my exact Stat distribution, as you should update yours accordingly. Instead, I'll provide my priority and the benefits of each Stat:

  1. Int: Provides the highest bonus in StatusMATK. It also provides the second-highest reduction in Variable Cast Time.
  2. Dex: Provides the third-highest bonus in StatusMATK. It also provides the highest reduction in Variable Cast Time from stats. Early on, you will want a lot of Dex, as your gear may not provide the VCT reduction you need. Later on, it will be a lower priority. However, I tend to keep a lot of dex in my full build, as I don't always use my full build in lieu of item drop rate gear.
  3. Vit: Provides a lot of tankiness through HP, SoftDEF, and SoftMDEF.
  4. Agi: Provides some additional tankiness by providing FLEE, and the ATKSPD improves DPS by reducing Cast animation.
  5. Str: Provides additional weight capacity which will help for farming.
  6. Luk: Provides the second-highest bonus in StatusMATK. However, I use more Dex than Luk because of the cast time reduction.

Traits are additional stats that provide bonuses for fourth classes. Traits are bit more straightforward:

  1. SPL (110): Provides the highest bonus in S.MATK and your abilities will additionally scale off SPL.
  2. CON (100-110): Provides the second-highest bonus in S.MATK.
  3. WIS (50-82): Provides Magical Resistance which I prioritize over Physical Resistance, as you will have a lot of Flee for physical damage.
  4. STA (0-32): Provides Physical Resistance.

Gear Progression

Madame Celery's Guide to MuhRO has a very useful section for Gear Progression and Useful Cards, so please check that out! The information I will provide for Gear Progression will be more specific to Magic Damage Classes, particularly for DPS Cardinal. As you read through, you can look at the Magic Gear Progression Table on my Guide to Magic. This table will have links that will guide you to the relevant pages.

It may be tempting starting out to want to rush your end-game gear. However, I do not recommend doing this and instead recommend improving your gear gradually, so you can farm more effectively.

Phase Eden

At Level 100, you can talk with Labraham and Louis at @go Eden to get your Advanced Paradise Gear. These gears will require 7318.png Old Pick (7318) , 1034.png Blue Hair (1034) , and 7200.png Elastic Band (7200) .
Additionally, you can talk with Lucy in the same room to receive your Advanced Paradise Shadow Gear by renting it for 20 Eden Coins for 3 days or buying the set permanently for 230 in total.

Phase One

Moving forward, your main priority is to see where you can reduce your fixed cast time, and your second priority will be increasing your damage output (for now).
Abilities will have a specific Fixed Cast Time and Variable Cast Time. For Arbitrium your fixed cast time is 1s and your Variable Cast time is 4s.
Fixed Cast Time can be reduced by equipment (Most often through Shoes, Costume Enchant Stones, Accessories, and Higher Level Headgear).
Variable Cast Time can be reduced by gear (all types of gear) and stats. The formula to calculate your Variable Cast Time Reduction is 1 -((1-((Int + (Dex*2))/530)) * (1 - Bonus VCT from gear)).
For now, just assume that your VCT will come in time and go full int and dex for your stats.

At Level 150, you can start using 470021.png Grace Magic Boots [1] (470021) , which can be obtained after completing the 17.1 Questline from the Sentinel NPC. The boots are the easiest way to obtain some Fixed Cast Reduction, providing .5s at Refine Level 7. As both of your damaging abilities only have a 1s Fixed Cast Time, the Grace Boots should be enough for now.
At Level 170, you will have access to the Illusion of Labyrinth and its related equipment. The Illusion Morpheus Set will provide a good boost in damage, and a +9 19428.png Illusion Morpheus's Hood [1] (19428) will give you Skill Cast Interruption Protection.
Lastly, the Advanced Paradise Equipment does not provide a Middle or Lower Headgear, so getting middle and lower headgears will provide an easy upgrade.

Additionally, while you are leveling as an Arch Bishop, you may want to invest in 24305.png Archbishop Shadow Shield (24305) and 24292.png Archbishop Shadow Weapon (24292) as well as 25709.png Archbishop Stone (Garment) (25709) and 25707.png High Priest Stone (Mid) (25707) , as both combos will reduce Adoramus Cooldown by 1s each. If you don't want to break the Advanced Paradise Shadow Combo, then you can just get the 25709.png Archbishop Stone (Garment) (25709) and 25707.png High Priest Stone (Mid) (25707) combo.

Phase 1 Gear
Type Item Notes
Upper +9 to +11 19428.png Illusion Morpheus's Hood [1] (19428) You can use 29001.png Rune of Intellect Lv2 (29001) 29001.png Rune of Intellect Lv2 (29001) depending on how long you plan on staying on Illusion Morpheus Hood. Make it +11 if you decide to enchant it.
Middle 410091.png Cor Core Booster (410091) or 410092.png Cor Core Booster [1] (410092) Depending on if you have a card or not.
Lower 420003.png CD in Mouth (420003)
Armor +7 to +11 450144.png Illusion Saint Robe [1] (450144) or +7 to +9 450094.png Grace Adora Robe [1] (450094)
Weapon +7 to +11 550031.png Illusion Dea Staff [2] (550031) or +7 to +11 550030.png Illusion Thorny Staff of Darkness [2] (550030) The benefit of the illusion weapons is the card slots. Early on, I recommend 300442.png Deadsera Card (300442) as a cheaper card option.
Shield 460018.png Illusion Silver Guard [1] (460018)
Garment +9 to +11 20948.png Illusion Morpheus's Shawl [1] (20948) or +7 or +9 480019.png Grace Magic Manteau [1] (480019) You can use 29001.png Rune of Intellect Lv2 (29001) 29001.png Rune of Intellect Lv2 (29001) depending on how long you plan on staying on Illusion Morpheus Shawl. Make it +11 if you decide to enchant it.
Shoe +7 to +9 470021.png Grace Magic Boots [1] (470021)
Accessory (Right) 32238.png Illusion Morpheus's Ring [1] (32238) or 490020.png Grace Magic Ring [1] (490020) Use the Grace Ring if you're using the Grace Set.
Accessory (Left) 32239.png Illusion Morpheus's Bracelet [1] (32239)

Zeny Tip: Illusion of Underwater 2 and Illusion of Labyrinth are great places to farm zeny starting out, and you'll be able to get 100425.png Underwater Refinement Box (100425) and 100423.png Labyrinth Refinement Box (100423) to upgrade your gear or to make Safe to Refine tickets!

Phase Two

1s Fixed Cast Reduction is what you need. However, 1.5s is better since some of your supportive skills have 1.5s Fixed Cast. It's up to you to decide whether you want to upgrade to 1.5s by getting the 470088.png Gray Wolf Shoes [1] (470088) with the 310602.png Wolf Orb (Fixed Casting) Lv.3 (310602) or whether you want to sit on the 470021.png Grace Magic Boots [1] (470021) until Phase Three. 5279.png Pneumaticus Procella has a 2s Fixed Cast time, but you can worry about that later.

The Brilliant/ Sinful Sapphire Accessory Pairs give a good amount of damage and provide .2s and .3s FCT reduction respectively. With the 25170.png Minor Casting Stone (Garment) (25170) that gives .3s FCT reduction, you'll have a total of 1s or 1.1s FCT reduction. Additionally, you can get a 1000859.png Archbishop Stone (Low) (1000859) for .5s FCT reduction. I do not recommend getting a 25067.png Cast Stone (Garment) (25067) if it's too expensive, as you'll already have enough FCT!
Moving forward, we're just working on damage; let's up those numbers!!

Between the 450178.png Gray Wolf Robe [1] (450178) and the 450207.png Snow Flower Robe [1] (450207) , both options are great. 450178.png Gray Wolf Robe [1] (450178) provides more damage and 450207.png Snow Flower Robe [1] (450207) provides more tankiness. Generally, 450207.png Snow Flower Robe [1] (450207) will be cheaper, as you can buy the necessary enchantment stones from other players. However, this requires other players to have and be willing to sell those stones, which may not always be the case. 450178.png Gray Wolf Robe [1] (450178) , however, requires farming of 1000405.png Amethyst Fragment (1000405) which may be grindier but more reliable. My recommendation if you plan on going the snow flower route is to make sure that the stones you need for the 450207.png Snow Flower Robe [1] (450207) are available.

The Vesper Headgear is time-gated, requiring mysterious ores from a 24hr cooldown instance. You can try to farm these if you would like or buy these from a vendor.

Phase 2 Gear
Type Item Notes
Upper +9 to +11 400154.png Survival Circlet-LT [1] (400154) or +9 400111.png Vesper Headgear [1] (400111) To Craft and To Reform the Survival Circlet. To Craft the Vesper Helmet
Middle 410017.png Battle Processor [1] (410017) or 410092.png Cor Core Booster [1] (410092) Unslotted versions are fine if you don't have a card to use.
Lower 420066.png Orbs of Survival-LT (420066)
420022.png Young Leaf of World Tree (Intelligence) (420022)
420003.png CD in Mouth (420003)
OoS: To Craft and To Reform. Use OoS if you're using Survival Circlet.
YL: 311081.png SPL Lv2 (311081) or 310985.png S.MATK Lv.2 (310985) , 4814.png Spell Lv2 (4814) or 310989.png MATK Lv.2 (310989) , 4712.png INT+3 (4712) . Use Young Leaf if you are using Vesper Helm. Any Young Leaf is fine; it's the enchants that matter.
Alternatively, you can continue to use CD in mouth combo for a while.
Armor +9 to +11 450178.png Gray Wolf Robe [1] (450178)
+9 to +11 450207.png Snow Flower Robe [1] (450207)
+9 to +11 450265.png Glacier Robe [1] (450265)
GW: 310532.png Wolf Orb (Shadow Spell) (310532) 310510.png Wolf Orb (Mage) Lv.3 (310510) 310507.png Wolf Orb (Mage) Lv.2 (310507) . Gray Wolf Gear can be obtained after completing Episode 18

SF: 1000717.png Ice Magic Stone (Defense) (1000717) or 1000718.png Ice Magic Stone (Magic Defense) (1000718) , 1000721.png Ice Magic Stone (Mage) (1000721) , 1000773.png Ice Magic Stone (Shadow Spell) (1000773) . Snow Flower gear can be obtained after completing Episode 19 . Only get Snow Flower if the related Ice Flower Magic Stones are easily obtainable (available in vend).
Glacier: 312066.png Glacier Flower Meow Power (Grand Mage) (312066) , 312063.png Glacier Flower Meow Power (Mage) (312063) or 312067.png Glacier Flower Meow Power (Power Force) (312067) , 312059.png Glacier Flower Meow Power (SPL & WIS) (312059) . Glacier gear can be obtained after completing Episode 20 .

Weapon +9 640033.png Glacier Staff (640033) 311353.png Glacier Flower Spell (Magical-Element) (311353) 311351.png Glacier Flower Spell (Magical-Size) (311351) 311349.png Glacier Flower Spell (Magical-Race) (311349) 311343.png Glacier Flower Spell (MATK) (311343) Just buy this from a seller!
Shield N/A
Garment +9 or +11 20948.png Illusion Morpheus's Shawl [1] (20948) You can use 29001.png Rune of Intellect Lv2 (29001) 29001.png Rune of Intellect Lv2 (29001) depending on how long you plan on staying on Illusion Morpheus Shawl. Make it +11 if you decide to enchant it.
Shoe +7 to +9 470021.png Grace Magic Boots [1] (470021)
+7 470088.png Gray Wolf Shoes [1] (470088)
+7 450268.png Glacier Shoes [1] (450268)

GW: 310602.png Wolf Orb (Fixed Casting) Lv.3 (310602) . The other enchants don't matter.
Glacier: 312076.png Glacier Flower Meow Power (Fixed Casting) (312076)
Accessory (Right) 490064.png Brilliant Light Sapphire Ring [1] (490064)
490052.png Sinful Sapphire Ring [1] (490052)
For Brilliant Enchants: Any Happiness, Any Destructive Evil.
For Sinful Enchants: Any Horror, Any Dragon Scale. I recommend at least level 3 for both.
Accessory (Left) 490065.png Brilliant Light Sapphire Necklace [1] (490065)
490053.png Sinful Sapphire Necklace [1] (490053)
For Brilliant Enchants: Any Happiness, Any Destructive Evil.
For Sinful Enchants: Any Horror, Any Dragon Scale. I recommend at least level 3 for both.

In terms of Priority:

  1. Shoes and Weapon
  2. Accessories and Minor Cast Stone
  3. Armor and Headgears
  4. Garment and Shoes.

Zeny Tip: Thanatos 11 and 12 are great places to farm at this point and in general, and you'll be able to farm the materials for your accessories. 12710.png Guyak Pudding (12710) will help tremendously to prevent the 30.png Decrease Agility debuff effect.

Phase Three

You can sit pretty comfortably on the Phase Two gears for a while. The best spots to upgrade are probably the Garment and Shoes if you're still on Grace. Now would be a good time to start farming your Shadow gear as well!

Dim Glacier Weapons are a great place to start dipping your toes into the painful world of item grading! Luckily, the 101637.png Dim Glacier Reinforcement Device (101637) helps ease you in. Dim Glacier and Snow equipment can be obtained after completing Episode 19.

Phase 3 Gear
Type Item Notes
Upper +9 to +11 400154.png Survival Circlet-LT [1] (400154) or +9 400111.png Vesper Headgear [1] (400111) To Craft and To Reform the Survival Circlet. To Craft the Vesper Helmet
Middle 410017.png Battle Processor [1] (410017) or 410080.png Deep Blue Sunglasses [1] (410080)
Lower 420066.png Orbs of Survival-LT (420066)
420022.png Young Leaf of World Tree (Intelligence) (420022)
OoS: To Craft and To Reform. Use OoS if you're using Survival Circlet.
YL: 311081.png SPL Lv2 (311081) or 310985.png S.MATK Lv.2 (310985) , 4814.png Spell Lv2 (4814) or 310989.png MATK Lv.2 (310989) , 4712.png INT+3 (4712) . Use Young Leaf if you are using Vesper Helm. Any Young Leaf is fine; it's the enchants that matter.
Armor +11 450178.png Gray Wolf Robe [1] (450178)
+9 to +11 450207.png Snow Flower Robe [1] (450207)
+9 to +11 450265.png Glacier Robe [1] (450265)
GW: 310532.png Wolf Orb (Shadow Spell) (310532) 310510.png Wolf Orb (Mage) Lv.3 (310510) 310507.png Wolf Orb (Mage) Lv.2 (310507)
SF: 1000717.png Ice Magic Stone (Defense) (1000717) or 1000718.png Ice Magic Stone (Magic Defense) (1000718) , 1000721.png Ice Magic Stone (Mage) (1000721) , 1000773.png Ice Magic Stone (Shadow Spell) (1000773)
Glacier: 312066.png Glacier Flower Meow Power (Grand Mage) (312066) , 312063.png Glacier Flower Meow Power (Mage) (312063) or 312067.png Glacier Flower Meow Power (Power Force) (312067) , 312059.png Glacier Flower Meow Power (SPL & WIS) (312059)
Weapon +12 [A] 550089.png Dim Glacier Wand [1] (550089) Arbitrium: 311458.png Glacier Flower Spell (Magical Grade) Lv5 (311458) 311301.png Glacier Flower Spell (Arbitrium) (311301) 311301.png Glacier Flower Spell (Arbitrium) (311301)
Shield +11 460018.png Illusion Silver Guard [1] (460018)
+10 460040.png Glacier Guard [1] (460040)
ISG: 29001.png Rune of Intellect Lv2 (29001) 29001.png Rune of Intellect Lv2 (29001)
Glacier: Your choice on the enchants for the Glacier Guard.
Garment +11 480125.png Convertible Magical Wing [1] (480125)
+9 or +10 450267.png Glacier Muffler [1] (450267)
CMW: Please see below notes for more information on the convertible Wing
Glacier: 312070.png Glacier Flower Meow Power (Caster) (312070) for Slot 2
Shoe +7 to +9 [C] 470204.png Moan of Corruption [1] (470204) to craft it
Accessory (Right) 490064.png Brilliant Light Sapphire Ring [1] (490064)
490052.png Sinful Sapphire Ring [1] (490052)
For Brilliant Enchants: Any Happiness, Any Destructive Evil.
For Sinful Enchants: Any Horror, Any Dragon Scale. I recommend at least level 3 for both.
Accessory (Left) 490065.png Brilliant Light Sapphire Necklace [1] (490065)
490053.png Sinful Sapphire Necklace [1] (490053)
For Brilliant Enchants: Any Happiness, Any Destructive Evil.
For Sinful Enchants: Any Horror, Any Dragon Scale. I recommend at least level 3 for both.

To craft the 480125.png Convertible Magical Wing [1] (480125) , you'll need a +7 20732.png Supplement Part VIT [1] (20732) , a +7 20733.png Upgrade Part - Engine [1] (20733) , a +7 16030.png Pile Bunker S [1] (16030) , 5 727.png Opal (727) , and 3 27015.png Repair Robot Turbo Card (27015) .

Zeny Tip: You should be able to farm comfortably at Clock Tower Basement and Niflheim 2 now, and they'll provide a lot of great end-game material as well. As mentioned, now would be a great time to work on your shadow gear, as both those maps provide 25729.png Shadowdecon (25729) .

Phase Four

We're almost at End Game. Time to make some of the tougher gears. You can skip to Phase Five if you think you can comfortably get the Equipment from Constellation Tower (Hard), Alice Twisted Madness (Hard) and Depth 1 and 2.

For Arbitrium, the Time Dimension Combo will be the biggest upgrade for the build, and you will be dropping Vesper Helm for the TD Crown. However, Depth 2 is a very difficult map, so you won't be able to farm there until Phase 5. That being said, feel free to Grade and upgrade your Vesper Helm or keep it at +9 or +12 or continue to use the Survival Circlet-LT until you can get to the TD Combo.

Phase 4 Gear
Type Item Notes
Upper +9 to +11 400154.png Survival Circlet-LT [1] (400154)
+9 to +11 400111.png Vesper Headgear [1] (400111)
Middle 410017.png Battle Processor [1] (410017) or 410080.png Deep Blue Sunglasses [1] (410080)
Lower 420066.png Orbs of Survival-LT (420066)
420022.png Young Leaf of World Tree (Intelligence) (420022)
OoS: To Craft and To Reform. Use 420066.png Orbs of Survival-LT (420066) if you are using the Survival Circlet-LT
YL: 311081.png SPL Lv2 (311081) or 310985.png S.MATK Lv.2 (310985) , 4814.png Spell Lv2 (4814) or 310989.png MATK Lv.2 (310989) , 4712.png INT+3 (4712) . Do not change to Young Leaf until you switch to the Vesper Headgear. Any Young Leaf is fine; it's the enchants that matter.
Armor +11 450178.png Gray Wolf Robe [1] (450178)
+9 to +11 450207.png Snow Flower Robe [1] (450207)
+9 to +11 450265.png Glacier Robe [1] (450265)
GW: 310532.png Wolf Orb (Shadow Spell) (310532) 310510.png Wolf Orb (Mage) Lv.3 (310510) 310507.png Wolf Orb (Mage) Lv.2 (310507)
SF: 1000717.png Ice Magic Stone (Defense) (1000717) or 1000718.png Ice Magic Stone (Magic Defense) (1000718) , 1000721.png Ice Magic Stone (Mage) (1000721) , 1000773.png Ice Magic Stone (Shadow Spell) (1000773)
Glacier: 312066.png Glacier Flower Meow Power (Grand Mage) (312066) , 312063.png Glacier Flower Meow Power (Mage) (312063) or 312067.png Glacier Flower Meow Power (Power Force) (312067) , 312059.png Glacier Flower Meow Power (SPL & WIS) (312059)
Weapon +12 [A] 550089.png Dim Glacier Wand [1] (550089) Dim: 311458.png Glacier Flower Spell (Magical Grade) Lv5 (311458) 311301.png Glacier Flower Spell (Arbitrium) (311301) 311301.png Glacier Flower Spell (Arbitrium) (311301)
Shield +11 460018.png Illusion Silver Guard [1] (460018) or
+10 or +11 [C] 460040.png Glacier Guard [1] (460040)
ISG: 29001.png Rune of Intellect Lv2 (29001) 29001.png Rune of Intellect Lv2 (29001)
Glacier: Your choice on the enchants for the Glacier Guard.
Garment +11 480125.png Convertible Magical Wing [1] (480125)
+9 or +10 450267.png Glacier Muffler [1] (450267)

Glacier: 312070.png Glacier Flower Meow Power (Caster) (312070) for Slot 2
Shoe +12 [A] 470204.png Moan of Corruption [1] (470204)
Accessory (Right) 490304.png Temple Rune Ring [1] (490304) 311958.png Intelligence of Varmundt Lv5 (311958) 311998.png Fragment of Varmundt (SPL) Lv5 (311998) Second Slot Enchant is your choice. Best is 311943.png Brilliant Biosphere Gem (Boss Type) (311943) but its a .05% chance.
Accessory (Left) 490307.png Temple Magic Ring [1] (490307) 311958.png Intelligence of Varmundt Lv5 (311958) 311998.png Fragment of Varmundt (SPL) Lv5 (311998) Second Slot Enchant is your choice. Best is 311943.png Brilliant Biosphere Gem (Boss Type) (311943) but it's a .05% chance.

Phase Five

AKA the final phase. Phase Five revolves around the gear you get from Constellation Tower, Alice Twisted Madness, and Biosphere Depths and Depths 2. The Enchants on the Stellar Spell Seal provide a large boost in VCT reduction that you'll need after losing the Convertible Magical Wing and Wolf Robe. I don't recommend switching out of the Convertible Magical Wing until you get the Stellar Spell Seal fully enchanted and upgraded.

The 450284.png Engraved Soul Purification Rune Robe [1] (450284) is the better armor, particularly against bosses. However, you will still likely need 450173.png Nebula Robe of Spell [1] (450173) before being able to farm Biosphere Depths effectively.

The Items from Alice Twisted Madness can provide S.Matk and Magic Damage with Element or provide a lot of VCT Reduction. You should get enchants according to the amount of VCT reduction you need for your build.

Phase 5 Gear
Type Item Notes
Upper +12 [A]400537.png Time Dimensions Rune Crown (Cardinal) [1] (400537) 4714.png INT+5 (4714) , 312718.png Time Dimension Jewel (Wisdom) Lv3 (312718) or 312700.png Time Dimension Jewel (Agility) Lv3 (312700) or 312709.png Time Dimension Jewel (Intelligence) Lv3 (312709) , 312759.png Magic Essence Jewel Lv1 (312759)
Middle 410233.png Gambler's Seal [1] (410233)
Lower 420213.png Ace of Spades in Mouth (Magical) (420213)
Armor +12 [A]450173.png Nebula Robe of Spell [1] (450173)
+11 to +12 [A]450284.png Engraved Soul Purification Rune Robe [1] (450284)
Nebula: 310688.png Star Cluster of Spell Lv.3 (310688) ,310738.png Nebula of Spell Lv.3 (310738) or 310744.png Nebula of Health Lv.3 (310744) , 4714.png INT+5 (4714)
Depth: 312374.png Soul Purification Rune Lv10 (312374) , 312364.png Purification Rune Lv5 (312364) , 312359.png Soul Rune Lv5 (312359)
Weapon +12 [A] 550130.png Dimensions Saint Rod [2] (550130) For the Dimensions Weapon, use the enchant you prefer.
Shield +9 to +12 [A] 460020.png Mad Bunny-LT [1] (460020)
+10 to +12 [C] 460040.png Glacier Guard [1] (460040)
MB: 310860.png Variable Casting (Magical) Lv.3 (310860) or 310872.png Magical Lv.3 (310872) .
Glacier: Your choice on the enchants for the Glacier Guard.
Garment +11 [A] 480233.png Death Rune Manteau [1] (480233)
+11 [A] 480284.png Dim Glacier Muffler [1] (480284)
DRM: 310925.png Spell of Varmundt Lv3 (310925) 4714.png INT+5 (4714) Second Slot Enchant is your choice.
Dim: 312157.png Grace of the Snake God (312157) , 312156.png Malice of the Snake God (Matk) Lv10 (312156) , 312136.png Malice of the Snake God (Def) Lv10 (312136)
Shoe +12 [A] 470204.png Moan of Corruption [1] (470204)
Accessory (Right) 490136.png Stellar Spell Seal [1] (490136)
490304.png Temple Rune Ring [1] (490304)
SSS: 310711.png Star of Spell Lv.5 (310711) 310711.png Star of Spell Lv.5 (310711) 313038.png Star Cluster of Intelligence Lv5 (313038)
TRR: 311958.png Intelligence of Varmundt Lv5 (311958) 311998.png Fragment of Varmundt (SPL) Lv5 (311998) If you don't need the VCT Reduction from Stellar Spell Seal you can use a Temple Rune Ring instead.
Accessory (Left) 490307.png Temple Magic Ring [1] (490307) TMR: 311958.png Intelligence of Varmundt Lv5 (311958) 311998.png Fragment of Varmundt (SPL) Lv5 (311998) Second Slot Enchant is your choice. Best is 311943.png Brilliant Biosphere Gem (Boss Type) (311943)

For pure damage, 490304.png Temple Rune Ring [1] (490304) is better than 490136.png Stellar Spell Seal [1] (490136) due to the power of the Second Slot Enchant. However, the Second Slot Enchant is limited to two races (unless you get the normal/boss enchant). Additionally, the Stellar Seal gives 30% variable cast reduction from a single accessory which is very powerful.

490052.png Sinful Sapphire Ring [1] (490052) and 490053.png Sinful Sapphire Necklace [1] (490053) will still be useful to have due to its race modifiers against dragon which will be very strong against Betelgeuse and Jabberwocky.


Shadow Gear

For more information on Magic Shadow Gear, please check out the Shadow Gear section on the Guide to Magic.

Some great options for mixed Blue Shadow Gear are:

Costume Stones and Pets

Costume Stones:

Cute Pets: 9134.png White Knight Egg (9134) and Icewind Egg (9147) are good choices.


You can find a list of cards to use in my Guide to Magic.

Type Item Notes
Upper 27309.png Mutant Heart Hunter Sanare Card (27309) or 4366.png Katrinn Card (4366) Depends on how much VCT you need
Middle 300252.png Deadre Card (300252) or 4169.png Dark Illusion Card (4169) Depends on how much VCT you need
Armor 300376.png Two Eyes Dollocaris (300376) , 300308.png Meyer Lugenburg Card (300308) , or 4409.png Agav Card (4409)
Weapon 27384.png Mutating White Knight Card (27384) , 300455.png Copo Card (300455) , or 4394.png Solace Card (4394) 300455.png Copo Card (300455) Pairs with 300458.png Icewind Card (300458)
Shield 27385.png Mutating Khalitzburg Card (27385) or 300379.png Renovated Upper Rgan (300379) 300379.png Renovated Upper Rgan (300379) should be used on a +12 shield
Garment 300375.png One Eye Dollocaris Card (300375) , 300424.png Friedrich S. Heine Card (300424) , 300122.png Yellow Pitaya Card (300122) , or 300272.png Pray Card (300272) 300272.png Pray Card (300272) pairs with 4394.png Solace Card (4394)
Shoe 4658.png Nightmare Verit Card (4658) , 300458.png Icewind Card (300458) , or 300188.png Midnight Rechenier Card (300188) 300455.png Copo Card (300455) Pairs with 300458.png Icewind Card (300458)
Accessory (Right) 300464.png Elite Rgan Warlock Card (300464)
Accessory (Left) 300448.png Dispol Card (300448)