The Performer's Life By Conga Lyne


Hi, I'm Conga Lyne, a performer main, hopefully this guide will help you along your journey playing the performer classes!
Take note, I haven't achieve complete endgame gears as of writing and will update this guide periodically as I progress.
This guide will also focus on magical dps Performer, specifically the skill Metallic Fury, I will be focusing on the skill as it is spammable, has a large AoE, can be any element and has low entry requirements.
If you need any direct help, you can most likely find me in the #archer channel on discord or as "Conga lyne MtF" ingame, I might take a while to respond so sending an RODex may be more convenient for both of us.

With all that said, let's get into it.


This guide is currently work in progress, check back soon for a more complete guide!


Going from level 0 to 200 is your first major goal, silver arrows will be the most useful throughout most areas of play.

Something that will help you significantly early on is eden group gear, you can attain eden group equipment by first joining the eden group after talking to Secretary Lime Evenor (moc_para01 27, 35), and then talking to the various equipment masters at (moc_para01 107, 79).
Start from the bottom and work your way towards the top, I recommend gathering the items for Louis's free advanced items, but find it easier to spend 10 eden group coins on Labraham's advanced weapon.
You can use the @wd <item name>, and @wi <monster name> commands to find where to locate the required materials.

You can get normal eden group equipment at any level and advanced eden group equipment at level 100.

Level Map Quests Notes
0-10 Prontera Plains (prt_fild08 340, 215) None
10-40 Ant Hell

(anthell01 35, 262)

none Focus on killing the eggs as they won't fight back.
40-70 Orc Dungeon

(orcsdun01 32, 170)

70-99 Glastheim Monastery

(gl_church 156, 7)

Eden Board level 70-99 board quest (15x Wraith & Evil Druid)

(moc_para01 40, 38)

100-130 Illusion of Moonlight

(pay_d03_i 140, 44)

100x of any type in Illusion of Moonlight

(pay_d03_i 153, 33)

130-160 Illusion of Vampire

(gef_d01_i 115, 216)

100x of any type in Illusion of Vampire

(gef_d01_i 124, 237)

160-200 Verus Outskirts

(ver_tunn 13, 35)

Hunt 50x recon robot

(moc_para01 52, 37)

If you find someone offering a level 180+ leech and you're level 180 or above, I recommend taking their offer.

When this happens, you want to accept the illusion of underwater board quests in the main office (main_office 123, 36), go to illusion of underwater floor 2 (speak to Jerry in illusion of underwater floor 1), wait until the quest is finished, turn in your quest for exp, and repeat until the leech is finished or you reach your desired level. Remember to change your job at level 200!

If they specifically say they're doing einbech 3 instead, then just navigate to einbech 3. (ein_dun02 25, 250)

200-240 Illusion of Underwater Floor 2

(iz_d05_i 142, 188)

100x of any type in Illusion of Underwater Floor 2

(main_office 123, 36)

240+ Abyss Lakes Floor 4

(abyss_04 169, 160)

All Abyss Lakes 4 quests

(main_office 123, 36)

Hunt 240x of any type in Abyss floor 4 (moc_para01 52, 37)

This is also a convenient way to farm eden coins

Once you have proper endgame gear, you can farm Varmundt Depths floor 1 when you're level 250

Recommended leveling skills:

  • 1st job: Double Strafe
  • 2nd job: Throw Arrow, Arrow Vulcan
  • 3rd job: Reverberation
  • 4th job: Metallic Fury

Stat Goals

Most classes will need to hit certain amounts of fixed cast time or after cast delay before maximizing their damage, but performers only need 20% After Cast Delay (ACD) to get the most out of their main dps skill Metallic Fury.
Poem of Bragi can provide 30% for free, but is only accessible to male performers.
If you are pursuing the path of being a Trouvere rather than a Troubadour, you will need to find a way to achieve 20% ACD through equipment alone.

New Wave Sunglasses are very useful for giving 10% ACD and an illusion Silver Guard can provide an additional 5% if refined to +10 using Illusion Refinement Boxes. The remaining after cast delay reduction can be achieve through dim glacier weapons, but can prove to be very expensive to obtain early on.
A cheaper option to consider might be the Sinful accessories as their set bonus provides 5% ACD reduction and do not need to be enchanted to provide this effect.

Combining New Wave Sun Glasses, Sinful Accessories and a +10 Illusion Silver Guard, you can achieve 20% ACD as a trouvere without Poem of Bragi.

After achieving 20% After Cast Delay reduction you're free to pump damage as high as you can, which is exactly what we'll be doing.

Gear Progression

Based off Celery's Gear Progression Table

Gear Slots Beginner Early Game Mid Game Endgame Post-Endgame
Upper Headgear Advanced Eden Headgear Wickebine's Black Cat Ears-LT Wickebine's Black Cat Ears-LT Vesper Helm Note: You should only switch off of wickebine's black cat ears after obtaining full tempest shadow gear, as you will otherwise loose damage from not having mdef pierce to get through monster's defenses. Vesper Helm
Middle Headgear New Wave Sunglasses (If female)

Sealed Chain (If male, any card or EoE Int3)

New Wave Sunglasses (If female)

Sealed Chain (If male, any card or EoE Int3)

New Wave Sunglasses (If female and can't reach 20% acd without)

Gambler's Seal Gambler's Seal

Lower Headgear Poring Family Balloon Poring Family Balloon Ace of Spades

Happy Balloon

Ace of Spades

Happy Balloon

Armor Advanced Eden Armor Gray Wolf Robe Gray Wolf Robe

Snow Flower Robe

Nebula Robe

Depth Rune Armor

Depth Rune Armor
Weapon Advanced Eden Weapon Advanced Eden Weapon

Glacier Weapon

Glacier Weapon

Dim Glacier Weapon

Dim Glacier Weapon Dim Glacier Weapon
Shield illusion Silver Guard Mad Bunny

illusion Silver Guard (If female)

Mad Bunny - LT Mad Bunny - LT
Garment Advanced Eden Garment Gray Wolf Robe Temporal Manteau

Gray Wolf Manteau Snow Flower Manteau

Varmundt Rune Manteau Varmundt Rune Manteau
Footgear Advanced Eden Footgear Gray Wolf Footgear Moan of Corruption Moan of Corruption Moan of Corruption
Accessory Right Advanced Eden Accessory Right Sinful or Brilliant Light accessories Sinful or Brilliant Light accessories Varmundt Rings
Accessory Left Advanced Eden Accessory Left Sinful or Brilliant Light accessories Sinful or Brilliant Light accessories Varmundt Rings
Pet Egg
Shadow Gear Full Tempest Shadow Gear Full Tempest Shadow Gear
Costume Enchants Arch Bishop Stones in Top, Low and Garment 1 slots Arch Bishop Stones in Top, Low and Garment 1 slots Arch Bishop Stones in Top, Low and Garment 1 slots