Penghaw's Night Watch Guide


  1. This is a WIP.
  2. Last updated: 2023-08-28
  4. Most of the contents here are just me sharing my thoughts and experience.


In this guide I will be using various keywords which are commonly known throughout the game.

Keyword Acronym For Notes
NW Night Watch The class you're reading this guide for
DPS Damage Per Second How much damage you can dish out in 1 second.

Also how some people measure their e-peen with.

AOE Area Of Effect Unit is measured in cell count from edge to edge.
E.g. 11x11 = 5 cells to the left/above + 1 center + 5 cells to the right/below
ASPD Attack Speed Max value is 193.

Formula: 50 / (200-FinalASPD) = Attacks per second.
E.g. 193 ASPD = 50 / (200 - 193) = 7 attacks per second.
This and ACD also determines how many skills you can cast per second.

GL Grenade Launcher One of NW's weapon options
GG Gatling Gun One of NW's weapon options
VITN The Vigilante at Night One of NW's GG skills. Sometimes also just referred as Vigilante.
FCT Fixed Cast Time One of two element that determines how long it takes to cast your skill
VCT Variable Cast Time The other element that determines how long it takes to cast your skill
ACD After Cast Delay Determines how long your character is stuck after cast.

Can be reduced with ACD reduction effects.
Needs the necessary ASPD to utilize properly.


Night Watch is one of the extended classes available in Ragnarok Online.
They specialize in doing damage from a distance, be it single-target or area.
There are 5 different types of guns available for them, each useful for various situations.
They cannot farm or do MVPs as efficient as other classes designed for them, but they can do a pretty good job at it.

Pros & Cons


  • Extended class means no rebirth hassle and less EXP required to level compared to the main classes
  • Extended class also means easy access to 100% DEF Bypass in form of Shadow Gears
  • Able to farm relatively well thanks to large AOE skills
  • Able to do MVPs relatively well thanks to skills that can crit
  • Guns deal 100% damage to all size, meaning you have an extra Shadow Gear slot by skipping Infinity Shadow Gear
  • Almost all skills have 0 VCT, and you only need to worry about FCT after you become Night Watch


  • Extended class also means lower total stats
  • Due to how their skill is distributed, you will most likely need 2 weapons - 1 for farming and 1 for doing MVPs
  • Above is also the reason why you will most likely need 2 sets of gears to optimize
  • Not the best class at farming or doing MVPs
  • Small HP pool - meaning you are squishy and dies easily without correct positioning
  • Need to invest in 50% ACD reduction to spam skills optimally
  • Suffers from CONundrum™ like Wind Hawks and bow-build Abyss Chasers
    • CONundrum™ - a situation where you are forced to spend points into CON while other crit-based classes can optimally go for POW and CRT

Weapon Options

Your weapon choice will determine your playstyle.
Here's a simple breakdown of each gun and what skills you get.


Capable of dealing the highest damage in one skill amongst the Night Watch's arsenal.
Can deal with most MVPs swiftly.
Sadly only have single target skills, so you will need to pair this with another gun.

Skill Properties Summary
5406.png Only One Bullet
  • Single-target
  • Bypass Defense
  • 1s FCT
  • 0.35s Cooldown
  • 0.5s ACD
  • Deals significantly less damage compared to 5408.png Magazine for One.
  • Innate bonus doesn't matter because you will not be using pistols before getting 100% DEF Bypass.
  • Don't bother using.
5408.png Magazine for One
  • Single-target
  • Can crit
  • 1s FCT
  • 0.5s Cooldown
  • 1s ACD
  • Capable of dealing over 1 billion damage when properly geared in 1 cast.
  • However requires a lot of investment to do so.
  • Needs 50% ACD reduction and 175 ASPD to spam efficiently (twice per second).


The very weapon that relates with NW's identity as being mediocre.
Capable of competing with Pistol in terms of single-target DPS.
Allows you to use 2569.png Anti-Material Blast (Obliterator) which has a 70% chance to reduce target's resistance by 50% for 10s.
Can deal the highest AOE DPS, but middling cast range and AOE makes it clunky.

Skill Properties Summary
5406.png Only One Bullet
  • Single-target
  • Can crit
  • 1s FCT
  • 0.35s Cooldown
  • 0.5s ACD
  • Requires 31% ACD reduction and 183 ASPD to spam efficiently.
  • Capable of doing DPS on par with pistol's 5408.png Magazine for One when spammed to the limit.
5407.png Spiral Shooting
  • Single-target
  • 7x7 AOE
  • Can crit
  • 1s FCT
  • 0.5s Cooldown
  • 1s ACD
  • The only crit skill that deals AOE damage in NW's arsenal.
  • However cast range is relatively short, AOE is middling, and needs to target an enemy.
  • Needs 50% ACD reduction and 175 ASPD to spam efficiently (twice per second).


Honestly I never tried this weapon, because its skills are bad.
GL has significantly wider AOE with Wild Fire.
GG has significantly wider AOE with Vigilante In The Night AND bypasses defense.
Also has big ASPD penalty.

Skill Properties Summary
5409.png Wild Fire
  • Ground-target
  • 7x7 AOE
  • 1s FCT
  • 0.5s Cooldown
  • 1s ACD
  • Deals more damage at the cost of smaller AOE compared to GL.
  • Needs 50% ACD reduction and 175 ASPD to spam efficiently (twice per second).
5405.png The Vigilante at Night
  • No target
  • 7x7 AOE
  • 1.5s FCT
  • 0.5s Cooldown
  • 1s ACD
  • Deals more damage at the cost of smaller AOE compared to GG.
  • Needs 50% ACD reduction and 175 ASPD to spam efficiently (twice per second).

Gatling Gun

One of the best weapon options for NW.
Gets innate DEF Bypass and deals damage in a massive AOE.
Also capable of dealing the most single-target damage excluding crit skills.

Skill Properties Summary
5408.png Magazine for One
  • Single-target
  • 1s FCT
  • 0.5s Cooldown
  • 1s ACD
  • Deals massive single-target damage even though it cannot crit.
  • Needs 50% ACD reduction and 175 ASPD to spam efficiently (twice per second).
5405.png The Vigilante at Night
  • No target
  • 11x11 AOE
  • 1.5s FCT
  • 0.5s Cooldown
  • 1s ACD
  • Deals deals damage in a massive 11x11 AOE around the caster.
  • Has innate 100% DEF Bypass, good for early-mid game.
  • Needs 50% ACD reduction and 175 ASPD to spam efficiently (twice per second).

Grenade Launcher

Has the highest base weapon damage among NW's weapon options.
Also has the highest ASPD penalty, making it somewhat hard to spam skills with.
Very effective at clearing enemy clusters from a distance.

Skill Properties Summary
5409.png Wild Fire
  • Ground-target
  • 11x11 AOE
  • 1s FCT
  • 0.5s Cooldown
  • 1s ACD
  • Deals massive damage in a 11x11 AOE.
  • Ignores terrain, meaning enemies behind a wall but still within the AOE will take damage.
  • Needs 50% ACD reduction and 175 ASPD to spam efficiently (twice per second).
5407.png Spiral Shooting
  • Single-target
  • 1s FCT
  • 0.5s Cooldown
  • 1s ACD
  • Deals deals damage in a massive 11x11 AOE around the target.
  • Needs 50% ACD reduction and 175 ASPD to spam efficiently (twice per second).

Status & Skill Build


Stats Points Explanation
STR 100 Gives immunity to stun, adds damage slightly, and increase weight limit.
AGI 2 Leftover points. I don't need it since I already have 193 ASPD thanks to my armor.
VIT 120 Helps your HP problem and gives DEF and MDEF.
INT 120 Gives immunity to silence, increase SP and MDEF.
DEX 120 Primary damage stats. Can get to 130 if you want.
LUK 54 Get in multiples of 3 until you can reach 144-150 Crit. Can settle for less since 5403.png Intensive Aim gives 30 Crit.
POW 100 Ideally get it to a multiple of 3 since 3 POW = 1 P.ATK.
CON 100 Max it since I use CON items and your skill scales with it (unfortunately).
CRT 35 Leftover points. Gives bonus Critical Damage.

Skill Build

I will only be listing skills that are good and give explanation on why you should take them.
You can spend leftover points however you see fit.


Skill Recommended Lv Notes
509.png Single Action 10 Free bonus stats.
510.png Snake Eyes 10 Free bonus stats.
500.png Coin Flip 5 Required for 2552.png .
506.png Increase Accuracy 1 Minor bonus stats.
511.png Chain Action 10 Helps your leveling early game.
Required for 515.png Rapid Shower (Trigger Happy Shot).
515.png Rapid Shower (Trigger Happy Shot) 10 Helps your leveling early game.
Required for 516.png Desperado.
516.png Desperado 5 AOE skill with radius too small to make use of.
Required for 517.png Gatling Fever.
517.png Gatling Fever 1 Required for 2567.png Fire Rain (Fire Deluge).


Skill Recommended Lv Notes
2567.png Fire Rain (Fire Deluge) 1 or 5 Gives bonus damage when using 1001048.png Rebellion Stone (1001048) .
Required for 2565.png Round Trip (Circle Dance).
2565.png Round Trip (Circle Dance) 10 Rebellion's best skill.
Allows you to farm effectively even at early levels.
Only usable when using GG.
2552.png 1 Instantly gives you 10 coins which will be spent to cast some of your skills.
2564.png Fallen Angel (Nephilim) 0 or 1 Optional.
Only usable when using Pistol.
Allows you to teleport to a cell at the cost of 1 coin.
2563.png Platinum Alter 5 Only usable when using Holy bullet.
Removed when you change bullets.
Gives you a barrier based on your max HP, and gives you an ATK boost.
Consumes all your coins to give stronger buff.
Cannot be used together with 2568.png Heat Barrel (Acceleration Bullet).
2568.png Heat Barrel (Acceleration Bullet) 5 Reduces FCT and gives bonus ATK at the cost of reducing HIT.
Consumes all your coins to give stronger buff.
Cooldown is longer than duration.
Cannot be used together with 2563.png Platinum Alter.
2569.png Anti-Material Blast (Obliterator) 0 or 5 Optional.
Only usable when using Rifle.
Has a 70% chance to reduce enemy resistance by 50% for 10s.

Night Watch

Skill Recommended Lv Notes
5401.png P.F.I 10 Free MASSIVE damage boost.
5402.png Grenade Mastery 10 Free MASSIVE CON boost.
5403.png Intensive Aim 1 What makes you capable of doing over 1 billion damage in a single skill.
Moving with 2564.png Fallen Angel (Nephilim) does not cancel the status.
5414.png Hidden Card 10 One of the most powerful buffs in-game.
Early game this skill alone easily doubles your damage output or more.
5405.png The Vigilante at Night 0 or 5 Optional.
Mandatory if using GG.
An amazing skill that helps you retain the 2565.png Round Trip (Circle Dance) spam playstyle.
5406.png Only One Bullet 0 or 5 Optional.
Mandatory if using Rifle.
Meant to be spammed, so you will need to stack some ACD reduction and ASPD.
5407.png Spiral Shooting 0 or 5 Optional.
Mandatory if using Rifle.
Rifle's only farming skill.
5408.png Magazine for One 0 or 5 Optional.
Mandatory if using Pistol or GG.
Single-target massive damage that can be spammed up to twice per second.
5409.png Wild Fire 0 or 5 Optional.
Mandatory if using GL.
The best farming skill IMO.


Road to Night Watch

Early Game

You spin me right round baby right 2565.png Round Trip (Circle Dance).
Leveling from Gunslinger until Rebellion will be a breeze since we don't have to do rebirth.
From then you will start spamming 2565.png Round Trip (Circle Dance) all the way until you become NW.


Slot Gear Enchants How to get Notes
Headgear - Top 400049.png Stripe Hat [1] (400049)
400061.png Sagittarius Celestial Coronet [1] (400061)
400022.png Ignis Cap [1] (400022)
OS / OS-LT Headgears Any of these are very good early game headgears that provides extra FCT.
Headgear - Middle 410093.png Sealed Chain (410093)
410094.png Sealed Chain [1] (410094)
Nifleheim F2 Decent stats boost, usable until late game.
Often sold in market for less than 5m.
Headgear - Lower 420076.png Bondage Necklace (420076) Nifleheim F2 Decent stats boost, usable until late game.
Often sold in market for less than 5m.
Headgear - Lower 420030.png Feather in Mouth (420030) Amicitia F2 Decent stats boost, usable until late game.
Headgear - Lower 18754.png Blood Sucker (18754) Equipment Crafting Provides sustain so you can save zeny from buying potions.
Armor 450108.png Grace Trip Suit [1] (450108) Grace Set Gives massive bonus when equipped as a set and increases 2565.png Round Trip (Circle Dance) significantly.
Get this to +9 with the certificate.
Weapon 28254.png Illusion Butcher [2] (28254) Any
Ranged Physical Damage
Ignore Physical of Normal Monsters OR Physical Damage to Normal Monsters
Illusion of Labyrinth Get this to at least +10 and put 2x 27307.png Mutant Heart Hunter Bellare Card (27307) on it.
Garment 480018.png Grace Attack Manteau [1] (480018) Grace Set Good bonus and easy to +9 with the certificate.
Shoes 470020.png Grace Attack Boots [1] (470020) Grace Set Good bonus and easy to +9 with the certificate.
Accessory - Pendant 28495.png Sheriff's Left Badge [1] (28495) Complete Fistful of Zeny Quest Very easy to get and gives decent bonus for early game.
Accessory - Ring 490019.png Grace Attack Ring [1] (490019) Grace Set Good bonus for early game.
Shadow Gear - Weapon 24711.png Rebellion Advanced Paradise Shadow Weapon (24711) Eden Gear Very easy to get, just rent it since it lasts for 1 month.
Shadow Gear - Shield 24693.png Advanced Paradise Shadow Shield (24693) Eden Gear Very easy to get, just rent it since it lasts for 1 month.
Shadow Gear - Armor 24694.png Advanced Paradise Shadow Armor (24694) Eden Gear Very easy to get, just rent it since it lasts for 1 month.
Shadow Gear - Shoes 24695.png Advanced Paradise Shadow Shoes (24695) Eden Gear Very easy to get, just rent it since it lasts for 1 month.
Shadow Gear - Pendant 24697.png Advanced Paradise Shadow Pendant (24697) Eden Gear Very easy to get, just rent it since it lasts for 1 month.
Shadow Gear - Earring 24696.png Advanced Paradise Shadow Earring (24696) Eden Gear Very easy to get, just rent it since it lasts for 1 month.
Pet 9052.png Incubus Egg (9052) Pet System Helps sustain your SP meaning you save tons of zeny in the long run.


Location Loot Setup Notes
Gefenia F3 @autoloot 100
@nolootid +932|+2864|+1919|+5072|+1974|+2866|+2865
  • You can start farming here with just 2565.png Round Trip (Circle Dance).
  • Make sure to sell loot with 38.png Overcharge.
  • 12370.png Girl's Naivety (12370) can translate to a lot of money since taming is super easy here and there's a high demand of 9052.png Incubus Egg (9052) .
    • Read Pet System Taming Chance section for details.
    • Demand might change depending on player population.
  • Requires a bit of walking from F1.
    • Alternatively you can also farm in F1 with less yield or use 12211.png Kafra Card (12211) to reduce back and forth.

Mid Game

At this point you should already be a NW.
Time to figure out which farming weapon you prefer.
Common choices are GG (5405.png The Vigilante at Night) or GL (5409.png Wild Fire).
Rifle (5407.png Spiral Shooting) is also available but it is significantly worse than the other 2 and you will be needing tons of CRIT.
At this point you can also start looking up for costume enchants using your fashion points or from market.


Slot Gear Enchants How to get Notes
Headgear - Top 400049.png Stripe Hat [1] (400049)
400061.png Sagittarius Celestial Coronet [1] (400061)
400022.png Ignis Cap [1] (400022)
OS / OS-LT Headgears Any of these are very good early game headgears that provides extra FCT.
Headgear - Top 19344.png Illusion Hot-Blooded Headband [1] (19344) 4995.png Rune of Strength Lv2 (4995)
4995.png Rune of Strength Lv2 (4995)
Illusion of Teddy Bear If you don't need extra FCT this is a really good headgear IF you get it to +11 with the listed enchants.
Headgear - Middle 410093.png Sealed Chain (410093)
410094.png Sealed Chain [1] (410094)
Nifleheim F2 Decent stats boost, usable until late game.
Often sold in market for less than 5m.
Headgear - Lower 420076.png Bondage Necklace (420076) Nifleheim F2 Decent stats boost, usable until late game.
Often sold in market for less than 5m.
Headgear - Lower 420030.png Feather in Mouth (420030) Amicitia F2 Decent stats boost, usable until late game.
Headgear - Lower 18754.png Blood Sucker (18754) Equipment Crafting Provides sustain so you can save zeny from buying potions.
Armor 450177.png Gray Wolf Suit [1] (450177) 310533.png Wolf Orb (Angle Shot) (310533)
310508.png Wolf Orb (Shooter) Lv.3 (310508)
310505.png Wolf Orb (Shooter) Lv.2 (310505)
Gray Wolf Equipment Get this to +11 with the listed enchants.
Gives significant upgrade and usable until you can switch to Nebula armor.
Armor 450182.png Illusion Sprint Mail [1] (450182) 4995.png Rune of Strength Lv2 (4995)
4995.png Rune of Strength Lv2 (4995)
Illusion of Twins Get this to +11 with the listed enchants.
Cheaper but worse than Gray Wolf Armor.
Must be equipped alongside +11 470066.png Illusion Sprint Shoes [1] (470066) .
Weapon 840009.png Glacier Launcher (840009) 311329.png Glacier Flower Spell (Wild Fire) (311329)
311352.png Glacier Flower Spell (Physical - Element) (311352)
311348.png Glacier Flower Spell (Physical - Race) (311348)
311342.png Glacier Flower Spell (ATK) (311342)
Glacier Weapons Get this to +9 with the listed enchants.
Usually there are people in trade channel selling this at +0 for 20m.
Weapon 830013.png Glacier Gatling (830013) 311325.png Glacier Flower Spell (The Vigilante at Night) (311325)
311352.png Glacier Flower Spell (Physical - Element) (311352)
311348.png Glacier Flower Spell (Physical - Race) (311348)
311342.png Glacier Flower Spell (ATK) (311342)
Glacier Weapons Get this to +9 with the listed enchants.
Usually there are people in trade channel selling this at +0 for 20m.
Garment 480174.png Pirate Captain's Coat [1] (480174) Equipment Crafting Provides decent bonus at +9.
Later on you will upgrade it to A +12 and will be usable until late game.
Shoes 470087.png Gray Wolf Boots [1] (470087) 310602.png Wolf Orb (Fixed Casting) Lv.3 (310602)
Gray Wolf Equipment Get this to +7 with 310602.png Wolf Orb (Fixed Casting) Lv.3 (310602) .
The FCT is useful until you can switch to Ice Rune Boots.
Shoes 470066.png Illusion Sprint Shoes [1] (470066) 4995.png Rune of Strength Lv2 (4995)
4995.png Rune of Strength Lv2 (4995)
Illusion of Twins Get this to +11 with the listed enchants.
Cheaper but worse than Gray Wolf Boots.
Must be equipped alongside +11 450182.png Illusion Sprint Mail [1] (450182) .
Accessory - Pendant 490024.png Automatic Booster R [1] (490024) 310093.png Automatic Modification Orb (Attack Speed) (310093)
310120.png Automatic Modification Orb (All Force) (310120)
310095.png Automatic Modification Orb (Expert Archer) (310095)
Automatic Equipment (17.2) Tons of bonus and usable until you can afford Varmundt or Stellar Seal.
Accessory - Pendant 490045.png Sinful Ruby Necklace [1] (490045) Sinful Accessories The only accessory combo that gives FCT.
Must be equipped alongside 490044.png Sinful Ruby Ring [1] (490044) .
Accessory - Ring 490025.png Automatic Booster L [1] (490025) 310093.png Automatic Modification Orb (Attack Speed) (310093)
310120.png Automatic Modification Orb (All Force) (310120)
310095.png Automatic Modification Orb (Expert Archer) (310095)
Automatic Equipment (17.2) Tons of bonus and usable until you can afford Varmundt or Stellar Seal.
Accessory - Ring 490044.png Sinful Ruby Ring [1] (490044) Sinful Accessories The only accessory combo that gives FCT.
Must be equipped alongside 490045.png Sinful Ruby Necklace [1] (490045) .
Shadow Gear - Weapon 24607.png God Hammer Shadow Weapon (24607) Shadow Gear Upgrade it until you have a total of +20 with the other Shadow Gear pieces to get 100% DEF Bypass.
Shadow Gear - Armor 24402.png Rebellion Shadow Armor (24402) Shadow Gear Upgrade it until you have a total of +20 with the other Shadow Gear pieces to get 100% DEF Bypass.
Shadow Gear - Shoes 24405.png Rebellion Shadow Shoes (24405) Shadow Gear Upgrade it until you have a total of +20 with the other Shadow Gear pieces to get 100% DEF Bypass.
Shadow Gear - Pendant 24143.png Teleport Shadow Pendant (24143) Shadow Gear Upgrade it until you have a total of +20 with the other Shadow Gear pieces to get 100% DEF Bypass.
Pet 9052.png Incubus Egg (9052) Pet System Helps sustain your SP meaning you save tons of zeny in the long run.


Location Loot Setup Notes
Oz Labyrinth F2 @autoloot 20
  • The best place to farm 1000405.png Amethyst Fragment (1000405) .
  • 1000405.png Amethyst Fragment (1000405) has 0 weight so you can farm almost indefinitely.
  • Bring Water ammo if you're having trouble 1-shotting.
  • Cannot warp directly so you have to walk a bit from F1.
Snake God's Warmth F2 @autoloot 100
  • Easily accessible by warping to Dungeons > Snake's Nest.
  • Good place if you want to start building your Dim Glacier weapon early.
  • Monsters here have a chance between 4.62% to 9% to drop 1000322.png Etel Dust (1000322) .
  • All loots are decent, so you can just pick up everything.
  • Not as good as Abandoned Pit F1 but this place has lower entry barrier.
Thanatos Tower Revamp F12 @autoloot 100
@nolootid +7054
  • The best place to farm raw zeny.
  • Need to clear Thanatos Tower to access.
  • Cannot warp directly, so you'll have to walk all the way up from F9.
  • Requires you to have 12211.png Kafra Card (12211) otherwise you will go back and forth a lot.
  • Use either Water or Holy ammo.
  • Monsters there can cast 30.png Decrease Agility, so it is highly recommended to use 12710.png Guyak Pudding (12710) .
  • Monsters there can cast SP drain, so bring your SP restoration items.
  • Highly recommend you to have 4119.png Bathory Card (4119) .
    • It will change your property to Shadow.
    • All monsters there cast Shadow-property spells, meaning you are now immune.
    • SP drain IS NOT a shadow-property spell so it will still affect you.
  • 7054.png Brigan (7054) has the worst weight to zeny ratio, so you can opt to skip it.

End Game

Min-maxing time Painchamp


Get Full Penet SG to free up slots for Max Mammoth SG Remaining weapon and shield SG are free Get Dim glacier A +12 Temporal Circlet Wolf Acc for crit Pirate cap coat nebula? ice rune boots


Location Loot ID Notes
Abandoned Pit F1 @autoloot 100
@nolootid +620019|+587
  • Best place to farm Dim Glacier weapon as most monsters here also have a 11.96% chance to drop 1000322.png Etel Dust (1000322) .
  • Blacklist 620019.png Dim Glacier Mechanic Axe [1] (620019) because it is EXTREMELY heavy at 700. 587.png Red Prickly Fruit (587) is worthless and weights 5.
  • Can opt for Wind ammo as 2 monsters here are Water. But you have to ignore the Earth monsters then.
Clock Tower Unknown Basement @autoloot 100
@nolootid +641|+508|+525|+15282|+1259|+1258|+962|+938|+999|+1006|+997+|+637|+1611

Costume Enchants

You can start working towards these since early game since they will be usable until late game.
Either frequently check out the market and/or the trade channel, or try your luck with the costume enchant boxes.

Slot Enchant Best Odds Notes
Top 1001047.png Rebellion Stone (Top) (1001047) 101675.png Costume Enchant Stone Box 28 (101675) Gives 10% bonus damage against all size.
Must have 2563.png Platinum Alter at level 5.
Top 1000222.png Assassin Cross Stone II (Top) (1000222) 100202.png Costume Enchant Stone Box 20 (100202) Gives 5% ATK and 15% Crit Damage.
Must be equipped alongside 1000221.png Guillotine Cross Stone II (Garment) (1000221) .
Top 1000375.png Ranged Stone (Top) (1000375) 100502.png Costume Enchant Stone Box 22 (100502) Gives 3% bonus long-range damage.
Only worthwhile if you use the full combo.
Mid 1001048.png Rebellion Stone (1001048) 101675.png Costume Enchant Stone Box 28 (101675) Gives 10% bonus long-range damage.
Must have 2567.png Fire Rain (Fire Deluge) at level 5.
Mid 25061.png Ranged Stone (25061) 100502.png Costume Enchant Stone Box 22 (100502) Gives 3% bonus long-range damage.
Only worthwhile if you use the full combo.
Low 1000224.png Assassin Cross Stone II (Low) (1000224) 100202.png Costume Enchant Stone Box 20 (100202) Gives 5% ACD.
Must be equipped alongside 1000221.png Guillotine Cross Stone II (Garment) (1000221) .
Low 1000976.png Guillotine Cross Stone (Low) (1000976) 101416.png Costume Enchant Stone Box 27 (101416) Gives 15% bonus damage against all race.
Must be equipped alongside 1000221.png Guillotine Cross Stone II (Garment) (1000221) .
Low 1000376.png Ranged Stone (Low) (1000376) 100502.png Costume Enchant Stone Box 22 (100502) Gives 3% bonus long-range damage.
Only worthwhile if you use the full combo.
Garment 1000221.png Guillotine Cross Stone II (Garment) (1000221) 100202.png Costume Enchant Stone Box 20 (100202) Gives 15% Crit Damage.
Gives more bonus when equipped alongside 1000222.png Assassin Cross Stone II (Top) (1000222) and 1000224.png Assassin Cross Stone II (Low) (1000224) .
Garment 1001054.png Range Physical Attack Stone (Garment) (1001054) 101675.png Costume Enchant Stone Box 28 (101675)
102193.png Costume Enchant Stone Box 30 (102193)
Gives 3 P.ATK.
Only worthwhile if you use the full combo.
Dual 1000855.png Critical Stone (Dual) (1000855) 101271.png Costume Enchant Stone Box 26 (101271)
102193.png Costume Enchant Stone Box 30 (102193)
Gives 10 Critical and 10% Crit Damage.
Dual 1000856.png Concentration Stone (Dual) (1000856) 101271.png Costume Enchant Stone Box 26 (101271)
101675.png Costume Enchant Stone Box 28 (101675)
Gives 5 CON.
Dual 1001055.png Power Stone(Dual) (1001055) 101675.png Costume Enchant Stone Box 28 (101675) Gives 5 POW.


You can start working towards these since early game since they will be usable until late game.
Either frequently check out the market and/or the trade channel, hunt the related monsters, or try your luck with the old card albums.

Slot Card Notes
Headgear 300363.png Limacina Card (300363) Gives most damage on headgear slot.
Headgear 300150.png Abysmal King Dramoh Card (300150) Gives some ATK%.
Must be equipped alongside 300144.png Abysmal Merman Card (300144) .
Headgear 4524.png King Dramoh Card (4524) Gives some STR and Max HP.
Must be equipped alongside 300150.png Abysmal King Dramoh Card (300150) .
Headgear 27396.png Isaac Wigner Card (27396) Gives 5% ACD.
Headgear 300244.png Disguiser Card (300244) Gives 1% long range physical damage at +9 and additional 2% at +11.
Armor 4392.png Observation Card (4392) Gives some DEX based on VIT.
Must be equipped alongside 300270.png Empathize Card (300270) .
Armor 300310.png Helmut Lugenburg Card (300310) Gives most damage after 4392.png Observation Card (4392) 300270.png Empathize Card (300270) combo.
Useful if you want to use other Garment card.
Weapon 27361.png Polluted Wander Man Card (27361) Best generic physical damage card in weapon slot.
Weapon 4140.png Abysmal Knight Card (4140) Best card for MVP hunting.
Garment 300270.png Empathize Card (300270) Gives most damage on garment slot.
Must be equipped alongside 4392.png Observation Card (4392) .
Garment 300426.png Crux Findel Card (300426) Gives most damage after 4392.png Observation Card (4392) 300270.png Empathize Card (300270) combo.
Useful if you want to use other Armor card.
Shoes 300144.png Abysmal Merman Card (300144) Gives most Crit Damage.
Must be equipped alongside 300150.png Abysmal King Dramoh Card (300150) .
Shoes 300380.png Entangled Intermediate Rgan Card (300380) Best card for crit build.
Must be equipped on +12 Lv 2 equipment.
Shoes 300184.png Midnight Blut Hase Card (300184) Gives most damage for non-crit build.
Very hard to get.
Shoes 27256.png Blut Hase Card (27256) Gives most damage for non-crit build after 300184.png Midnight Blut Hase Card (300184) .
Shoes 300187.png Midnight Odorico Card (300187) Alternative for 300184.png Midnight Blut Hase Card (300184) .
Very hard to get.
Shoes 27260.png Odorico Card (27260) Alternative for 27256.png Blut Hase Card (27256) .
Accessory - Left 300447.png Aferde Card (300447) Gives most damage for non-crit build.
Must be equipped with 300449.png Timbers Card (300449) .
Accessory - Right 300449.png Timbers Card (300449) Gives most damage for non-crit build.
Must be equipped with 300447.png Aferde Card (300447) .
Accessory 300278.png Void Mimic Card (300278) Gives most damage for crit build.
Accessory - Left 300368.png Intermediate Rgan Card (300368) Gives Critical and Crit Damage.
Must be equipped with 300366.png Lowest Rgan Card (300366) .
Accessory - Right 300366.png Lowest Rgan Card (300366) Gives Critical and Crit Damage.
Must be equipped with 300368.png Intermediate Rgan Card (300368) .

My Gear Progression

How I went with my NW. You don't have to 100% copy, this is just a reference.

Early Game

I played 2565.png Round Trip (Circle Dance) until I become NW.
After that I started building up 1.5s FCT for 5405.png The Vigilante at Night.

Slot Gear Grade/Refine Enchants Cards Notes
Headgear - Top 400049.png Stripe Hat [1] (400049) 11 0.2s + 1s (Wolf Boots FCT) + 0.3s (Sinful Ruby combo) = 1.5s FCT for 5405.png The Vigilante at Night.
Headgear - Middle
Headgear - Lower 18754.png Blood Sucker (18754)
Armor 450108.png Grace Trip Suit [1] (450108) 9
Weapon 28254.png Illusion Butcher [2] (28254) 10 27307.png Mutant Heart Hunter Bellare Card (27307)
27307.png Mutant Heart Hunter Bellare Card (27307)
Garment 480018.png Grace Attack Manteau [1] (480018) 9
Shoes 470020.png Grace Attack Boots [1] (470020) 9 Later on I switched to 470087.png Gray Wolf Boots [1] (470087) (310602.png Wolf Orb (Fixed Casting) Lv.3 (310602) ).
Accessory - Pendant 28495.png Sheriff's Left Badge [1] (28495) Later on I switched to 490045.png Sinful Ruby Necklace [1] (490045) .
Accessory - Ring 490019.png Grace Attack Ring [1] (490019) Later on I switched to 490044.png Sinful Ruby Ring [1] (490044) .
Costume - Top
Costume - Middle
Costume - Lower
Costume - Garment
Shadow Gear - Weapon 24711.png Rebellion Advanced Paradise Shadow Weapon (24711) 0
Shadow Gear - Shield 24693.png Advanced Paradise Shadow Shield (24693) 0
Shadow Gear - Armor 24694.png Advanced Paradise Shadow Armor (24694) 0
Shadow Gear - Shoes 24695.png Advanced Paradise Shadow Shoes (24695) 0
Shadow Gear - Pendant 24697.png Advanced Paradise Shadow Pendant (24697) 0
Shadow Gear - Earring 24696.png Advanced Paradise Shadow Earring (24696) 0
Pet 9052.png Incubus Egg (9052)

Mid Game

I felt that 5405.png The Vigilante at Night is too clunky since I need to get up close, which takes time.
5409.png Wild Fire on the other hand can be cast from afar, has 11x11 AOE, and ignores terrain.
Also at that time someone was selling fully enchanted glacier weapons for 10m.
So I switched to GL and built the DEF Bypass Shadow Gear combo.
It was the easiest decision of my life.

Slot Gear Grade/Refine Enchants Cards Notes
Headgear - Top 400110.png Crown of Beelzebub [1] (400110) C 11 I got lucky and made this almost effortlessly.
Headgear - Middle 400002.png Victory Wing Ears [1] (400002) Long range physical attack +2%
After cast delay -3%
In hindsight 400001.png Victory Wing Ears (400001) would be better since I didn't have any good cards.
Headgear - Lower 18754.png Blood Sucker (18754)
Armor 450177.png Gray Wolf Suit [1] (450177) 11 310533.png Wolf Orb (Angle Shot) (310533)
310515.png Wolf Orb (After Cast Delay) (310515)
310505.png Wolf Orb (Shooter) Lv.2 (310505)
4392.png Observation Card (4392) 310515.png Wolf Orb (After Cast Delay) (310515) can be swapped with 310508.png Wolf Orb (Shooter) Lv.3 (310508) if you don't need ACD.
Weapon 840009.png Glacier Launcher (840009) 9 311329.png Glacier Flower Spell (Wild Fire) (311329)
311352.png Glacier Flower Spell (Physical - Element) (311352)
311348.png Glacier Flower Spell (Physical - Race) (311348)
311342.png Glacier Flower Spell (ATK) (311342)
Garment 480174.png Pirate Captain's Coat [1] (480174) 9 300270.png Empathize Card (300270)
Shoes 470087.png Gray Wolf Boots [1] (470087) 7 310602.png Wolf Orb (Fixed Casting) Lv.3 (310602)
310588.png Wolf Orb (Health) Lv.1 (310588)
27260.png Odorico Card (27260) The FCT goes a long mile until you can get Ice Rune Boots.
Accessory - Pendant 490024.png Automatic Booster R [1] (490024) 310093.png Automatic Modification Orb (Attack Speed) (310093)
310120.png Automatic Modification Orb (All Force) (310120)
310095.png Automatic Modification Orb (Expert Archer) (310095)
300449.png Timbers Card (300449) Tons of bonus and usable until you can afford Varmundt or Stellar Seal.
Accessory - Ring 490025.png Automatic Booster L [1] (490025) 310093.png Automatic Modification Orb (Attack Speed) (310093)
310120.png Automatic Modification Orb (All Force) (310120)
310095.png Automatic Modification Orb (Expert Archer) (310095)
300447.png Aferde Card (300447) Tons of bonus and usable until you can afford Varmundt or Stellar Seal.
Costume - Top
Costume - Middle
Costume - Lower
Costume - Garment
Shadow Gear - Weapon 24607.png God Hammer Shadow Weapon (24607) 9 I had this at +5, then decided to go +9 for the extra bonus.
Shadow Gear - Shield
Shadow Gear - Armor 24402.png Rebellion Shadow Armor (24402) 5 Set to +5 to gain 100% DEF Bypass before I refined the weapon to +9.
Shadow Gear - Shoes 24405.png Rebellion Shadow Shoes (24405) 5 Set to +5 to gain 100% DEF Bypass before I refined the earring to +9.
Shadow Gear - Pendant 24143.png Teleport Shadow Pendant (24143) 0 Helps save money and weight.
Shadow Gear - Earring 24604.png Flare Dance Shadow Earring (24604) 9 I had this at +5, then decided to go +9 for the extra bonus.
Pet 9052.png Incubus Egg (9052)

Current Setup

At this point I have 2 sets of gears, most are shared between them.
Farming build is for clearing mobs as efficiently as possible.
Crit build is specifically for MVPs, thus why I use 4140.png Abysmal Knight Card (4140) .

Farming Build

Planned upgrades:

  • Beelzebub Crown to A 12
  • Sealed Chain to Battle Processor with Long-range 9~10% damage enchant
  • Pirate Captain Coat to A 12
  • Accessories to Varmundt
  • Shadow Gear - Weapon to Mega Blitz
Slot Gear Grade/Refine Enchants Cards
Headgear - Top 400110.png Crown of Beelzebub [1] (400110) C 11 300363.png Limacina Card (300363)
Headgear - Middle 410094.png Sealed Chain [1] (410094) 300363.png Limacina Card (300363)
Headgear - Lower 18754.png Blood Sucker (18754)
Armor 450171.png Nebula Suit of Concentration [1] (450171) A 12 310682.png Star Cluster of Concentration Lv.3 (310682)
310732.png Nebula of Expert Archer Lv.3 (310732)
4723.png DEX+4 (4723)
4392.png Observation Card (4392)
Weapon 840010.png Dim Glacier Grenade Launcher [1] (840010) A 12 311453.png Glacier Flower Spell (Physical Grade) Lv5 (311453)
311329.png Glacier Flower Spell (Wild Fire) (311329)
311329.png Glacier Flower Spell (Wild Fire) (311329)
27361.png Polluted Wander Man Card (27361)
Garment 480174.png Pirate Captain's Coat [1] (480174) A 11 300270.png Empathize Card (300270)
Shoes 470175.png Ice Rune Boots [1] (470175) A 12 311867.png Varmundt's Crystal(Ice) Lv1 (311867)
310928.png Concentration of Varmundt Lv3 (310928)
4722.png DEX+3 (4722)
300380.png Entangled Intermediate Rgan Card (300380)
Accessory - Pendant 490024.png Automatic Booster R [1] (490024) 310093.png Automatic Modification Orb (Attack Speed) (310093)
310120.png Automatic Modification Orb (All Force) (310120)
310095.png Automatic Modification Orb (Expert Archer) (310095)
300449.png Timbers Card (300449)
Accessory - Ring 490025.png Automatic Booster L [1] (490025) 310093.png Automatic Modification Orb (Attack Speed) (310093)
310120.png Automatic Modification Orb (All Force) (310120)
310095.png Automatic Modification Orb (Expert Archer) (310095)
300447.png Aferde Card (300447)
Costume - Top 311463.png Rebellion Stone (Top) (311463)
Costume - Middle 311464.png Rebellion Stone (311464)
Costume - Lower 311435.png Guillotine Cross Stone (Low) (311435)
Costume - Garment 310188.png Guillotine Cross Stone II (Garment) (310188)
Shadow Gear - Weapon 24751.png Physical Power Shadow Weapon (24751) 9
Shadow Gear - Shield 24746.png Separate Reload Shadow Shield (24746) 9
Shadow Gear - Armor 24663.png Full Penetration Shadow Armor (24663) 10
Shadow Gear - Shoes 24664.png Full Penetration Shadow Shoes (24664) 9
Shadow Gear - Pendant 24682.png Maximum Mammoth Shadow Pendant (24682) 10
Shadow Gear - Earring 24681.png Maximum Mammoth Shadow Earring (24681) 10
Pet 9052.png Incubus Egg (9052)

Crit Build

Planned upgrades:

  • Acute Lv 6 to Lv 8~10 COPIUM
  • Pirate Captain Coat to A 12
  • Accessories to Varmundt and Stellar Seal
  • Shadow Gear - Weapon to Mega Blitz
  • Pet to Abysmal Knight
Slot Gear Grade/Refine Enchants Cards
Headgear - Top 19488.png Temporal Circlet (Rebellion) [1] (19488) 12 29086.png Acute Lv6 (29086)
29689.png Temporal Jewel (LUK) Lv 3 (29689)
4701.png STR+2 (4701)
300363.png Limacina Card (300363)
Headgear - Middle 410094.png Sealed Chain [1] (410094) 300363.png Limacina Card (300363)
Headgear - Lower 420076.png Bondage Necklace (420076)
Armor 450171.png Nebula Suit of Concentration [1] (450171) A 12 310682.png Star Cluster of Concentration Lv.3 (310682)
310732.png Nebula of Expert Archer Lv.3 (310732)
4723.png DEX+4 (4723)
4392.png Observation Card (4392)
Weapon 800015.png Dim Glacier Revolver [1] (800015) A 12 311453.png Glacier Flower Spell (Physical Grade) Lv5 (311453)
311328.png Glacier Flower Spell (Magazine for One) (311328)
311328.png Glacier Flower Spell (Magazine for One) (311328)
4140.png Abysmal Knight Card (4140)
Garment 480174.png Pirate Captain's Coat [1] (480174) A 11 300270.png Empathize Card (300270)
Shoes 470175.png Ice Rune Boots [1] (470175) A 12 311867.png Varmundt's Crystal(Ice) Lv1 (311867)
310928.png Concentration of Varmundt Lv3 (310928)
4722.png DEX+3 (4722)
300380.png Entangled Intermediate Rgan Card (300380)
Accessory - Pendant 490106.png Gray Wolf Pendant [1] (490106) 310632.png Wolf Orb (Critical) Lv.4 (310632)
310632.png Wolf Orb (Critical) Lv.4 (310632)
310488.png Wolf Orb (VIT) Lv.2 (310488)
300278.png Void Mimic Card (300278)
Accessory - Ring 490107.png Gray Wolf Ring [1] (490107) 310632.png Wolf Orb (Critical) Lv.4 (310632)
310632.png Wolf Orb (Critical) Lv.4 (310632)
310479.png Wolf Orb (DEX) Lv.1 (310479)
300278.png Void Mimic Card (300278)
Costume - Top 310191.png Assassin Cross Stone II (Top) (310191)
Costume - Middle 311464.png Rebellion Stone (311464)
Costume - Lower 311435.png Guillotine Cross Stone (Low) (311435)
Costume - Garment 310188.png Guillotine Cross Stone II (Garment) (310188)
Shadow Gear - Weapon 24751.png Physical Power Shadow Weapon (24751) 9
Shadow Gear - Shield 24746.png Separate Reload Shadow Shield (24746) 9
Shadow Gear - Armor 24663.png Full Penetration Shadow Armor (24663) 10
Shadow Gear - Shoes 24664.png Full Penetration Shadow Shoes (24664) 9
Shadow Gear - Pendant 24682.png Maximum Mammoth Shadow Pendant (24682) 10
Shadow Gear - Earring 24681.png Maximum Mammoth Shadow Earring (24681) 10
Pet 9052.png Incubus Egg (9052)

Damage Tests

Farming Build without Hidden Card

Nearly ~80m per skill

Farming Build with Hidden Card

Roughly 100~110m per skill

Crit Build with Hidden Card and Max Intensive Aim

1.196b per skill, does more to bosses since I use 4140.png Abysmal Knight Card (4140) .