Die zweite Ausgabe des War of Emperium-Systems ist für alle Klassen außer dem 4. Beruf mit einem Höchstlevel von 200.
Durch die Teilnahme an WoE SE stimmen Sie den PvP-Rules zu.
- Burgregion 1 Andlangr: Sonntags 15:00 Serverzeit
Community und Anleitungen
Betreten Sie unseren PvP-Discord-Server, um die neuesten Informationen, bevorstehenden Änderungen und laufenden Diskussionen zu allen Themen rund um PvP zu erhalten.
Handbücher, die von der Community erstellt werden.
- N/A
Alle Schadensformeln und Verbündetenstatus sind gleich. Spieler dürfen nicht der 4. Klasse angehören oder höher als Level 200 sein.
Es folgen Listen mit Einschränkungen/deaktivierten Fertigkeiten/Gegenständen/Buffs.
- Eigenschaften (einschließlich erweiterter Statistiken wie P.ATK, S.MATK usw.) sind deaktiviert
- Keine Allianzen
- Charaktere pro Hauptkonto auf allen Burgkarten sind auf 1 begrenzt
- Charaktere pro Gilde auf allen Burgkarten sind auf 12 begrenzt
All MVP Cards
All Episode 20 Cards
Bloody Branch (12103)
Dead Branch (604)
Anodyne (605)
Level 5 Assumptio Scroll (12218)
Party Assumptio 5 Scroll (14590)
Guyak Pudding (12710)
Infinity Drink (23475)
True Infinity Drink (100008)
Limited Power Booster (14766)
True Limited Power Booster (100007)
Hero's Heirloom (50082)
The One Potion (50035) (and all Potions contained within)
True One Potion (50036) (and all Potions contained within)
- WoE TE-Ausrüstung ist deaktiviert
- Alle Waffen der Stufe 5 und Rüstungen der Stufe 2 sind deaktiviert
- Alle blauen Shadow Gears und Master Shadow-Ausrüstung sind jetzt deaktiviert
- Alle Haustiere sind deaktiviert
Disabled Skills | |||
![]() Max Level: 2 Requirement: Ruwach 1 Skill Form: Active Type: Supportive Target: Caster Cast Time: None After Cast Delay: None Cool Down: 0.22s Recover: AP AP Cost: Description: Teleports caster to other area. Can't be used in an area that protected by Land Protector. [Lv 1]: Random spot, SP Consumption: 10 [Lv 2]: Save point, SP Consumption: 9 |
![]() Max Level: 4 Requirement: Teleport 2 Skill Form: Active Type: Supportive Target: Ground Cast Time: 1.00s Fixed After Cast Delay: 1.00s Cool Down: None Recover: AP AP Cost: Description: Creates a Warp Portal that will teleport those who enter it to another area. Each Warp Portal can teleport up to 8 people. Can't be used in an area that protected by Land Protector. Consumes 1 Blue Gemstone. [Lv 1]: Back to caster's Save Point [Lv 2]: Enables 1 Memo point [Lv 3]: Enables 2 Memo points [Lv 4]: Enables 3 Memo points [Memo Point]: Specific map area memorized as a destination for a Warp Portal. Type /memo to set current location as a Memo Point. |
![]() Max Level: 10 Requirement: Stone Curse 1, Frost Diver 1 Skill Form: Active Type: Supportive Target: Ground Cast Time: None After Cast Delay: None Cool Down: None Recover: AP AP Cost: Description: Creates a frozen wall of ice in 1x5 cells that will block enemies, but it can be destroyed using attacks. The HP of the Ice Wall depends on skill level and when placed, it's HP is reduced by 50 per second. It will disappear when it's HP reaches zero. [Lv 1]: Ice Wall HP: 400 [Lv 2]: Ice Wall HP: 600 [Lv 3]: Ice Wall HP: 800 [Lv 4]: Ice Wall HP: 1000 [Lv 5]: Ice Wall HP: 1200 [Lv 6]: Ice Wall HP: 1400 [Lv 7]: Ice Wall HP: 1600 [Lv 8]: Ice Wall HP: 1800 [Lv 9]: Ice Wall HP: 2000 [Lv 10]: Ice Wall HP: 2200 |
![]() Requirement: Finish Quest Skill Form: Active Type: Supportive Target: Caster Description: Quickly move 5 cells backwards to position yourself safely away from threats. |
![]() Max Level: 5 Requirement: Back Stab 4, Raid 5 Skill Form: Active Type: Physical Melee Target: 1 Character Cast Time: None After Cast Delay: None Cool Down: None Recover: AP AP Cost: Description: Strikes a target and forcibly teleport it with the caster to a random location on the same map. This skill's success rate is affected by the level of the skill. Boss monsters are unaffected by Intimidate. [Lv 1]: ATK 130% [Lv 2]: ATK 160% [Lv 3]: ATK 190% [Lv 4]: ATK 220% [Lv 5]: ATK 250% |
![]() Skill Form: Active Type: Supportive Target: Caster Cast Time: None After Cast Delay: None Cool Down: None Recover: AP AP Cost: Description: Summon your spouse to your current location. This skill is disabled in certain places, such as WoE areas. |
![]() Max Level: 5 Requirement: Angelus 1, Increase SP Recovery 3, Impositio Manus 3 Skill Form: Active Type: Supportive Target: 1 Character Cast Time: None After Cast Delay: None Cool Down: None Recover: AP AP Cost: Description: Increases target's Defense and received Healing amount for the skill's duration. Can be used in conjunction with Kyrie Eleison. [Lv 1]: DEF +50, Healing +2%, Lasts 20 sec. [Lv 2]: DEF +100, Healing +4%, Lasts 40 sec. [Lv 3]: DEF +150, Healing +6%, Lasts 60 sec. [Lv 4]: DEF +200, Healing +8%, Lasts 80 sec. [Lv 5]: DEF +250, Healing +10%, Lasts 100 sec. |
![]() Max Level: 7 Requirement: Priest Spirit 1 Skill Form: Active Type: Supportive Target: Caster Cast Time: None After Cast Delay: None Cool Down: None Recover: AP AP Cost: [Ka-] Skills: Can only be used on family members and other Soul Linkers Description: Instantly revives a fallen character that will be in Kyrie Eleison status for 3 seconds upon revival. This revival lasts for 30 minutes and is canceled by resurrecting the target. This skill is disabled during WoE. [Lv 1]: 120 SP, Casting Time: 4.5 seconds, Recovers 10% MaxHP [Lv 2]: 110 SP, Casting Time: 4 seconds, Recovers 20% MaxHP [Lv 3]: 100 SP, Casting Time: 3.5 seconds, Recovers 30% MaxHP [Lv 4]: 90 SP, Casting Time: 3 seconds, Recovers 40% MaxHP [Lv 5]: 80 SP, Casting Time: 2.5 seconds, Recovers 50% MaxHP [Lv 6]: 70 SP, Casting Time: 2.5 seconds, Recovers 60% MaxHP [Lv 7]: 60 SP, Casting Time: 2.5 seconds, Recovers 70% MaxHP |
![]() Max Level: 5 Requirement: Musical Lesson 7, Requirement: Dancing Lesson 7, Improve Concentration 5 Skill Form: Active Type: Ensemble Skill Range: 5x5 AoE Target: Enemies around the caster Cast Time: None After Cast Delay: None Cool Down: None Recover: AP AP Cost: Description: Clown and Gypsy ensemble skill that creates an area around the casters where other players and monsters cannot enter. This skill cannot offer protection from magic or long ranged attacks. This skill cannot be cast in areas that are adjacent to obstacles. [Lv 1]: Lasts 20 seconds [Lv 2]: Lasts 25 seconds [Lv 3]: Lasts 30 seconds [Lv 4]: Lasts 35 seconds [Lv 5]: Lasts 40 seconds |
![]() Skill Form: Active Type: Supportive Target: Caster Cast Time: None After Cast Delay: None Cool Down: None Recover: AP AP Cost: Description: Summons parents to a spot that is adjacent to caster's current location. |
![]() Skill Form: Active Type: Supportive Target: Caster Cast Time: None After Cast Delay: None Cool Down: None Recover: AP AP Cost: Description: Parent summons adopted child to a spot adjacent to the parent's current location. |
![]() Max Level: 2 Skill Form: Active Type: Planting Target: Ground Cast Time: None After Cast Delay: None Cool Down: None Recover: AP AP Cost: Description: Initiates an attempt, which will have a 50% chance of success to create a random type of Mushroom from a Mushroom Spore or a Plant from a Stem. This skill is disabled during WoE. [Lv 1]: Cultivate Mushrooms Requires Mushroom Spore [Lv 2]: Cultivate Plants Requires Stem |
![]() Max Level: 5 Requirement: Haze Slasher 5 Skill Form: Active Type: Physical Melee Target: 1 Character Cast Time: None After Cast Delay: None Cool Down: None Recover: AP AP Cost: Description: Shadow Slash can only be performed during Hiding status, which can be enabled by the Haze Slasher skill. Strikes a target with an attack whose range is equal to the caster's Shadow Leap range. Casting this skill will cancel Hiding status. [Lv 1]: ATK 200%, Critical +30% [Lv 2]: ATK 350%, Critical +35% [Lv 3]: ATK 500%, Critical +40% [Lv 4]: ATK 650%, Critical +45% [Lv 5]: ATK 800%, Critical +50% |
![]() Max Level: 3 Requirement: Manhole 1 Skill Form: Active, Ground Cast Time: 1.00s Variable After Cast Delay: 2.00s Cool Down: None Recover: AP AP Cost: Description: Draws magic door on the ground and teleport the target who steps on it to a random location. Requires Paint Brush. Consumes 1 Surface Paint. [Lv 1]: Skill duration 4 sec. [Lv 2]: Skill duration 8 sec. [Lv 3]: Skill duration 12 sec. |
![]() Max Level: 1 Type: Supportive Cast Time: 1.50s Fixed / 1.50s Variable After Cast Delay: None Cool Down: None Recover: AP AP Cost: Description: Recalls family member in the same map. Family member must be in the same party. |
GvG Reduction
Type | % |
Normal Attacks | 92% |
Skills | 96% |
- Größe, Rasse, Klasse und Langstreckenresistenz sind auf 90 % begrenzt.
- Plant protocoll 700 HP
Angepasste Skill
Last Updated: Patch Notes #116
Cart Cannon will deal -50% Damage
Cart Boost will not increase speed movement past WoE Buff speed
Crazy Weed:
- Levels 1-5 will deal the same damage as levels 6-10, have a 2 second cooldown cap and will remove floor effects
- Levels 6-10 will have no cooldown cap and will not remove floor effects
Guillotine Cross
Cross Impact will deal -40% damage and has a cooldown of 1 second
Arm Cannon will deal -40% damage and have 11-cells Range
Aimed Bolt will deal -50% damage and have -4 cells range
Sharp Shooting will deal -30% damage
Unlimit can be removed by Dispell, Clearance, Banishing Buster
Rune Knight
Sonic Wave will deal -33% Damage
Ignition Break will deal -25% Damage
Dragon Breath will deal -60% Damage
Dragon Breath Water will deal -60% Damage
Shadow Chaser
Manhole releases its target the moment it gets removed by other skill
Extreme Vacuum releases its target the moment it gets removed by other skill
Diamond Dust Cooldown can not be reduced below 4 seconds
Star Emperor
Solar Burst will now deal -55% damage, the AoE splash damage will be reduced by additional -50%
Picky Peck will deal +25% damage
Gate of Hell will deal -30% damage
Cursed Circle can now be dispelled (all targets will be freed instantly)
Tiger Cannon will deal -60% damage and will deal increased damage to combo target only (other targets will receive base damage)
Wanderer / Minstrel
Metallic Sound will deal -40% damage
Reverberation will deal +40% damage
Gloomy Shyness duration and cooldown is 20 seconds
Comet will deal -70% damage
- Magical Intoxication status decreases the resistances against all elemental attacks by 5% for 20 seconds.
Chain Lightning will deal -30% damage
Soul Expansion will deal -50% damage
Die Teilnahme an WoE SE gewährt Spielern die folgenden Belohnungen:
- 5x
SE Treasure Box (50084) (je nach Teilnahme)
- bis zu 500x
War Badge (7773) (je nach Teilnahme)
Weitere SE Treasure Box (50084) werden je nach Folgendem belohnt:
- Emp Break
- Castle Defense Streak (+ extra, wenn Emp nicht gebrochen wurde)
„Um diese Teilnahmebelohnungen zu erhalten, gibt es noch immer eine Voraussetzung, z. B. die aktive Teilnahme an WoE und kein AFK-Zustand.“
Exklusives WoE-Kostüm
Durch den Handel mit Siege Guild Coin (6615) bei (bat_room 165, 144) können Spieler eines der folgenden Kostüme auswählen:
Diese Kostüme sind kontogebunden, ebenso wie die Kriegsabzeichen und Belagerungsmünzen.
Quests & Treasure Boxes
Der bestplatzierte Spieler in War of Emperium SE wird jetzt in Neustadt (neustadt 182, 141) neben dem bestplatzierten Spieler für Schlachtfelder angezeigt.
Die NPCs in Neustadt tragen die gleichen Kostüme und Stile wie die Spieler.
Sie steigen im Ranking auf, indem Sie WoE-Ziele erfüllen. Weitere Informationen hierzu, einschließlich der Web-Bestenliste, folgen zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt.