Acolyt de

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Basis Job: Novice
Job Typ: 1. Klasse
min. Job Level: 40
max. Job Level: 50
Job Bonus
+3 +2 +3 +3 +3 +4


Akolythen sind aufmerksame Beschützer und Heiler von allem, was in Rune Midgards gut ist. Obwohl sie noch neu in der heiligen Magie sind, sind ihre Fähigkeiten "Heilen(Heal)", "Segnen(Blessing)" und "Geschwindigkeit erhöhen(Agi UP)" unerlässlich, um das Blatt in der Schlacht zu wenden. Sie wuchsen in der Hauptstadt Prontera auf und lernten dort, wie ihre Fähigkeiten andere Abenteurer vor dem Bösen schützen können.

Akolythen sind nicht in der Lage, Klingenwaffen zu tragen, aber ihre Hingabe an das Gute erlaubt es ihnen, andere in allen Situationen zu unterstützen. Mit dem richtigen Attribut und der richtigen Rüstung können sie solide Kämpfer sein.


Main Office (Hauptbüro) in Prontera beim NPC Jobmaster.




Dieser Build konzentriert sich darauf, deine Gruppenmitglieder im Kampf durch Heilung, Segen und Erhöhen von Agi zu unterstützen. Es ist wichtig, die MATK von INT und Ausrüstung zu erhöhen, um die Effektivität der Suport-Skills zu erhöhen. Mit Heal kann er untote Monster töten und auf diese Weise seine Gruppenmitglieder direkt unterstüzen.

Verteilung der Statuspunkte

Die Zuweisung der Statuspunkte ist abhängig von den Monstern die du töten willst, deiner Überlebensfähigkeit, deinen Fähigkeiten das Spiel zu spielen und dem geplanten Charakteraufbau.

  • STR.: 1
  • AGI: 1
  • VIT: 1
  • INT: 53
  • DEX: 30
  • LUK: 1



Dieser Build konzentriert sich darauf, Monster mit Waffen der Mace-Klasse zu schlagen. Da Acolyteklassen keine scharfen Waffen (z. B. Dolche, einhändige Schwerter, Axt) führen dürfen. Er tötet die Monster selbst und nutzt seine Unterstützungsfähigkeiten (z. B. Heilung, Segen und Erhöhen von Agi) um sich selbst am Leben zu erhalten. Ein hoher AGI für hohe ASPD macht diesen Build effizient.

  • Dieser Build eignet sich gut als Vorstufe für den Monk!

Verteilung der Statuspunkte

Die Zuweisung der Statuspunkte ist abhängig von den Monstern die du töten willst, deiner Überlebensfähigkeit, deinen Fähigkeiten das Spiel zu spielen und dem geplanten Charakteraufbau.

  • STR.: 10
  • AGI: 40
  • VIT: 1
  • INT: 34
  • DEX: 20
  • LUK: 1


22.png Divine Protection
Max Level: 10
Requirement: Cure 1
Skill Form: Passive
Description: Reduce incoming damage taken
Demon and Undead race enemies.
This reduction is a flat amount applied after
your other damage reduction effects.
This reduction is increased by 1 for every
Base Levels.
[Lv 1]: Base Reduction: 3
[Lv 2]: Base Reduction: 6
[Lv 3]: Base Reduction: 9
[Lv 4]: Base Reduction: 12
[Lv 5]: Base Reduction: 15
[Lv 6]: Base Reduction: 18
[Lv 7]: Base Reduction: 21
[Lv 8]: Base Reduction: 24
[Lv 9]: Base Reduction: 27
[Lv 10]: Base Reduction: 30
23.png Demon Bane
Max Level: 10
Requirement: Divine Protection 3
Skill Form: Passive
Description: Increase your Mastery ATK against
Demon and Undead race enemies.
Mastery ATK is increased by 1 for every 20
Base Levels.
[Lv 1]: Mastery ATK +3
[Lv 2]: Mastery ATK +6
[Lv 3]: Mastery ATK +9
[Lv 4]: Mastery ATK +12
[Lv 5]: Mastery ATK +15
[Lv 6]: Mastery ATK +18
[Lv 7]: Mastery ATK +21
[Lv 8]: Mastery ATK +24
[Lv 9]: Mastery ATK +27
[Lv 10]: Mastery ATK +30
24.png Ruwach
Max Level: 1
Skill Form: Active
Type: Supportive
Target: Caster
Cast Time: None
After Cast Delay: None
Cool Down: None
Description: Uses 10 SP to summon Holy
Spirit that will detect hidden
characters in 5x5 cells area around the
caster for 10 sec. If target is enemy,
this skill will inflict
Holy elemental
magic damage that equal to 145%
25.png Pneuma
Max Level: 1
Requirement: Warp Portal 4
Skill Form: Active
Type: Supportive
Target: Ground
Cast Time: None
After Cast Delay: None
Cool Down: None
Description: Uses 10 SP to create
barrier in 3x3 cells around targeted
cell that for 10 sec will protect
anyone inside it from long range
physical attacks.
26.png Teleport
Max Level: 2
Requirement: Ruwach 1
Skill Form: Active
Type: Supportive
Target: Caster
Cast Time: None
After Cast Delay: None
Cool Down: 0.2s
Description: Teleports caster to other
area. Can't be used in an area that
protected by
Land Protector.
[Lv 1]: Random spot, SP Consumption: 10
[Lv 2]: Save point, SP Consumption: 9
27.png Warp Portal
Max Level: 4
Requirement: Teleport 2
Skill Form: Active
Type: Supportive
Target: Ground
Cast Time: 1s Fixed / 0s Variable
After Cast Delay: 1s
Cool Down: None
Description: Creates a Warp Portal that
will teleport those who enter it to
another area. Each
Warp Portal can
teleport up to 8 people. Can't be used
in an area that protected by
Consumes 1
Blue Gemstone.
[Lv 1]: Back to caster's Save Point
[Lv 2]: Enables 1 Memo point
[Lv 3]: Enables 2 Memo points
[Lv 4]: Enables 3 Memo points
[Memo Point]: Specific map area
memorized as a destination for a Warp
/memo to set current location
as a Memo Point.
28.png Heal
Max Level: 10
Skill Form: Active
Type: Recovery
Property: Holy
Target: Ally
Cast Time: None
After Cast Delay: 1s
Cool Down: None
Description: Restore the HP of target friendly
character. Strength of the healing is increased
based on your
Base Level, INT, Healing Power,
Weapon MATK, and Status MATK.

The amount of HP restored is based
on this formula:
[ SkillLv x ((BaseLv + INT) / 5) x 3 ]
This value is then multiplied by:
[ 1 + (Healing Power / 100) ]
Finally, your Weapon MATK, and Status MATK
are then added to this value.
29.png Increase Agility
Max Level: 10
Requirement: Heal 3
Skill Form: Active
Type: Supportive
Target: 1 Character
Cast Time: 0.2s Fixed / 0.8s Variable
After Cast Delay: 1s
Cool Down: None
Description: Increases targeted
Movement and Attack Speed
for the duration of skill. Drains 15
HP from the caster after each cast.
When used on target that affected by
Decrease Agility status, this skill will
release target from that status then
give target an
Increase Agility status.
[Lv 1]: AGI +3, ASPD +1%, Lasts 60 sec
[Lv 2]: AGI +4, ASPD +2%, Lasts 80 sec
[Lv 3]: AGI +5, ASPD +3%, Lasts 100 sec
[Lv 4]: AGI +6, ASPD +4%, Lasts 120 sec
[Lv 5]: AGI +7, ASPD +5%, Lasts 140 sec
[Lv 6]: AGI +8, ASPD +6%, Lasts 160 sec
[Lv 7]: AGI +9, ASPD +7%, Lasts 180 sec
[Lv 8]: AGI +10, ASPD +8%, Lasts 200 sec
[Lv 9]: AGI +11, ASPD +9%, Lasts 220 sec
[Lv 10]: AGI +12, ASPD +10%, Lasts 240 sec
30.png Decrease Agility
Max Level: 10
Requirement: Increase Agility 1
Skill Form: Active
Type: Debuff
Target: 1 Character
Cast Time: 0.25s Fixed / 0.75s Variable
After Cast Delay: 1s
Cool Down: None
Description: Reduces target's Movement
and AGI stat for the skill's

[Lv 1]: AGI -3, 53% chance, Lasts 20 sec
[Lv 2]: AGI -4, 56% chance, Lasts 25 sec
[Lv 3]: AGI -5, 59% chance, Lasts 30 sec
[Lv 4]: AGI -6, 62% chance, Lasts 35 sec
[Lv 5]: AGI -7, 65% chance, Lasts 40 sec
[Lv 6]: AGI -8, 68% chance, Lasts 45 sec
[Lv 7]: AGI -9, 71% chance, Lasts 50 sec
[Lv 8]: AGI -10, 74% chance, Lasts 55 sec
[Lv 9]: AGI -11, 77% chance, Lasts 60 sec
[Lv 10]: AGI -12, 80% chance, Lasts 65 sec
31.png Aqua Benedicta
Max Level: 1
Skill Form: Active
Type: Crafting
Target: Caster
Cast Time: 0.20s Fixed / 0.80s Variable
After Cast Delay: 0.5s
Cool Down: None
Description: Creates Holy Water with
Empty Bottle while standing in water.
32.png Signum Crucis
Max Level: 10
Requirement: Demon Bane 3
Skill Form: Active
Type: Debuff
Target: Enemies around the caster
Cast Time: 0.15s Fixed / 0.35s Variable
After Cast Delay: 2s
Cool Down: None
Description: Reduces physical defense of
Undead elemental and Demon monsters in
the caster's vicinity.

[Lv 1]: DEF -14%, 27% chance
[Lv 2]: DEF -18%, 31% chance
[Lv 3]: DEF -22%, 35% chance
[Lv 4]: DEF -26%, 39% chance
[Lv 5]: DEF -30%, 43% chance
[Lv 6]: DEF -34%, 47% chance
[Lv 7]: DEF -38%, 51% chance
[Lv 8]: DEF -42%, 55% chance
[Lv 9]: DEF -46%, 59% chance
[Lv 10]: DEF -50%, 63% chance
33.png Angelus
Max Level: 10
Requirement: Divine Protection 3
Skill Form: Active
Type: Supportive
Target: Caster and Party Members
Cast Time: 0.15s Fixed / 0.35s Variable
After Cast Delay: 3.5s
Cool Down: None
Description: Increases MaxHP and
physical defense from
VIT of all party
members including caster, for the
skill's duration.

[Lv 1]: DEF +5%, HP +50, Lasts 30 sec
[Lv 2]: DEF +10%, HP +100, Lasts 60 sec
[Lv 3]: DEF +15%, HP +150, Lasts 90 sec
[Lv 4]: DEF +20%, HP +200, Lasts 120 sec
[Lv 5]: DEF +25%, HP +250, Lasts 150 sec
[Lv 6]: DEF +30%, HP +300, Lasts 180 sec
[Lv 7]: DEF +35%, HP +350, Lasts 210 sec
[Lv 8]: DEF +40%, HP +400, Lasts 240 sec
[Lv 9]: DEF +45%, HP +450, Lasts 270 sec
[Lv 10]: DEF +50%, HP +500, Lasts 300 sec
34.png Blessing
Max Level: 10
Requirement: Divine Protection 5
Skill Form: Active
Type: Supportive
Target: 1 Character
Cast Time: None
After Cast Delay: None
Cool Down: None
Description: Temporarily increases STR,
INT, DEX and HIT rate of the specified
character. Can also be used to cure a
target from
Curse and Stone Curse status.
When used on
Undead and Demon monsters,
Blessing will reduce their STR, INT and
DEX by 50%.
[Lv 1]: STR,INT,DEX +1, HIT +2, 60 sec
[Lv 2]: STR,INT,DEX +2, HIT +4, 80 sec
[Lv 3]: STR,INT,DEX +3, HIT +6, 100 sec
[Lv 4]: STR,INT,DEX +4, HIT +8, 120 sec
[Lv 5]: STR,INT,DEX +5, HIT +10, 140 sec
[Lv 6]: STR,INT,DEX +6, HIT +12, 160 sec
[Lv 7]: STR,INT,DEX +7, HIT +14, 180 sec
[Lv 8]: STR,INT,DEX +8, HIT +16, 200 sec
[Lv 9]: STR,INT,DEX +9, HIT +18, 220 sec
[Lv 10]: STR,INT,DEX +10, HIT +20, 240 sec
35.png Cure
Max Level: 1
Requirement: Heal 2
Requirement: Faith 5
Requirement: Heal 2
Skill Form: Active
Type: Supportive
Target: Ally
Cast Time: None
After Cast Delay: 1s
Cool Down: None
Description: Cure target friendly character from
Silence, Blind, Confusion, and Bitescar
status effects. (Bitescar is caused by the
Silvervine Root Twist skill).
156.png Holy Light
Requirement: Finish Quest
Skill Form: Active
Type: Magical
Target: 1 Character
Cast Time: (Lv10)0.2s Fixed / 0.8s Variable
After Cast Delay: None
Cool Down: None
Description: Summons a holy light to
inflict 125%
MATK as Holy
elemental magic damage to counter evil.
If the target had
Kyrie Eleison
effect active, it will be canceled.
Klassen & Berufe of Muh-Ragnarok Online
Starter Klassen Novice-Doram
Erste Klassen Schwertkämpfer/in-Magier/in-Händler/in--Heiler/in-Bogenschütze/n-Dieb/en
Alt. Erste Klassen Taekwon Kind/er-Ninja-Revolverheld/en
Zweite Klassen Ritter-Zauberer-Schmied/in-Priester-Attentäter-Jäger/in
Alt. Zweite Klassen Kreuzritter/in-Sage/n-Alchemist/in-Mönch-Schurke/n-Barde/n
Erste Transz. Klassen Königsritter-Hoher Zauberer-Meisterschmied-Hohepriester-Händler-Scharfschütze
Zweite Transz. Klassen Paladin-Gelehrte/r-Biochemiker/in-Champion-Stalker-Clown-Zigeuner/in
Dritte Klassen]] Runenritter/in-Hexer-Mechaniker/in-Erzbischof-Guillotine-Kreuz-Waldläufer
Alt. Dritte Klassen]] Königliche Wache-Hexenmeister-Genetiker-Sura-Schattenjäger-Meister-Wanderer
Vierte Klassen Drachenritter-Imperiale Garde-Erzmagier-Elementarmeister-Dichter-Komponist-Meister-Violine-Abgrundjäger-Untersuchungsrichter-Kardinal-Schattenkreuz
Alt. Vierte Klassen Himmelskaiser-Shinkiro-Shiranui-Nachtwächter-Wind Hawk-Seelenaskese
Spezial Klassen Super Novice-Hyper Novice-Spirit Händler