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<h3><span class="mw-headline" id="Traits" style="font-size: 1.5rem;">Explanation</span></h3>

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<ul><li><b>New status system!</b></li></ul>
<p style="font-size:1.1rem;">▶ When you reach the 4th job level, status points for existing <b><span style="color:Brown;">(STR , AGI , VIT , INT , DEX , LUK )</span></b> are not given. But new trait status points are given instead, and those six new status trait stats are <b><span style="color:Brown;">(POW, STA, WIS, SPL, CON and CRT)</span></b>.</p>
<p style="font-size:1.1rem;">▶ Talent status points do not increase the amount of additional points gradually as the level increases. A certain point is given per level up, and bonus points are given for each specific unit level.</p>
<p style="font-size:1.1rem;">▶ Each new characteristic status has a fixed point investment cost of 1 point, unlike the existing status. Gravity made it possible to check the point investment more intuitively.</p>
<pre style="font-size:1.1rem;">Power (POW)</pre>
<p style="font-size:1.1rem;"><b>Main Trait for Physical, melee and ranged, Damage Dealers.</b> <br>
⇒ Adds Power Attack (P.ATK) and Stat ATK (ATK). <br>
⇒ Power Attack is a final&nbsp;% increase that boosts Weapon and Status Attack by that same value. <br>
⇒ E.g.: 10 P.ATK means 10% of extra Weapon ATK (200 -&gt; 220) and 10% of Status Attack (300 -&gt; 330). <br>
<pre style="font-size:1.1rem;">Stamina (STA)</pre>
<p style="font-size:1.1rem;"><b>Main Trait for players that want more survival against physical damage.</b> <br>
⇒ Adds Resistance (RES). <br>
⇒ Resistance works like Steel Body, as a percentage value, against the damage you would take, but before anything else. <br>
⇒ Resistance has a hard cap of 50 points, so anything above that means 0. <br>
⇒ E.g.: 2000 damage with 25 RES means that you will take instead 1500 damage as the initial damage taken (2000 * (100% - 25%) = 2000 * 75% = 2000 * 0.75 = 1500),<br>
then you do the usual calculations for Hard and Soft DEF. <br>
<pre style="font-size:1.1rem;">Wisdom (WIS)</pre>
<p style="font-size:1.1rem;"><b>Main Trait for players that want more survival against magical damage.</b> <br>
⇒ Wisdom works like Steel Body, as a percentage value, against the damage you would take, but before anything else. <br>
⇒ Wisdom has a hard cap of 50 points, so anything above that means 0. <br>
⇒ E.g.: 2000 damage with 25 WIS means that you will take instead 1500 damage as the initial damage taken (2000 * (100% - 25%) = 2000 * 75% = 2000 * 0.75 = 1500), then you do the usual calculations for Hard and Soft MDEF. <br>
<pre style="font-size:1.1rem;">Spell (SPL)</pre>
<p style="font-size:1.1rem;"><b>Main Trait for Magical Damage Dealers.</b> <br>
⇒ Adds Spell Magic Attack (S.MATK) and Magical Attack (MATK). <br>
⇒ Spell Magic Attack is a final&nbsp;% increase that boosts the total of your MATK by that same value. <br>
⇒ E.g.: 10 S.ATK means 10% of extra MATK (2000 -&gt; 2200). <br>
<pre style="font-size:1.1rem;">Concentration (CON)</pre>
<p style="font-size:1.1rem;"><b>Secondary Trait for players that need HIT to deal damage. <br></b> Also useful for players that have extra points to spend somewhere and want a bit of extra damage.<b> <br></b>
⇒ CON adds HIT, FLEE, P.ATK, and S.MATK. <br>
⇒ It's very useful if your skills depend on HIT to cause damage or you want a bit of extra FLEE to dodge some physical damage. <br>
⇒ It's very easy to get absurd numbers on those two thanks to it. <br>
<pre style="font-size:1.1rem;">Creative (CRT)</pre>
<p style="font-size:1.1rem;"><b>Main Trait for players that have skills that deal Critical Hits or play Heal builds.</b> <br>
⇒ CRT adds Critical Rate (C.RATE) and Heal Plus (H.PLUS). <br>
⇒ C.RATE boosts the 40% extra damage, the initial boost, of a physical hit, long or short ranged, for being critical. <br>
⇒ If your critical hits did 1000 damage non-crits, they do 1400 when they do Critical Hits (1000 + 40% = 1000 * 1.4 = 1400). <br>
⇒ If you have 10 C.RATE, they do 1500 instead. The 40% becomes a 50% bonus (40% + 10% from the 10 C.RATE). <br>
⇒ This doesn't stack with Critical Damage modifiers, those still apply in a different slot of modifiers, which means that they multiply with this. <br>
<b>H.PLUS</b> <br>
⇒ H.PLUS boosts the heal done by healing skills after all the other mods are taken into consideration. <br>
⇒ If you use a healing skill and it heals 20000 HP, when you add 20 H.PLUS you will heal 24000 HP instead. <br>
<h3><span class="mw-headline" id="Traits" style="font-size: 1.5rem;">Personal Relocations</span></h3>



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