Melee Hyper Novice Guide by Jetago

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Hi~ I'm Jetago, a Hyper Novice Main~

And I decided to write this guide to provide a couple of tips based on my experience for anyone interested in following the path of the Physical Hyper Novice *-*

This guide will be focused on the Melee branch of the Hyper Novice

Double Bowling Bash and Mega Sonic Blow builds.

Hopefully it'll be helpful.

Stats and Traits

First of all, let's go over the basics, Stats, Traits and their benefits.

Stats and Traits
Stat Recommended Notes
Str 100-120 Primary damage stat, Increases Atk with Melee weapons, also increases weight limit.
Agi 90-100+ Increases Attack Speed, Flee and SoftDef, and enhances the effect of Attack Speed potions (100 total Agi grants Sleep status immunity).
Vit 90-100+ Increases MaxHP, SoftDef, SoftMdef and HP Recovery, and enhances the effect of HP Recovery consumables (100 total Vit grants Stun status immunity).
Int 50-90 Increases MaxSP, SoftMdef and SP Recovery, and enhances the effect of SP Recovery consumables (100 total Int grants Silence status immunity).
Dex 60-100 Increases Hit and SoftMdef, and reduces Variable Cast Time, and slightly increases Atk and Attack Speed.
Luk 60-90-120+ Increases Critical Rate, primary stat for critical builds, and slightly increases Atk, Hit, Flee and Perfect Dodge (100 total Luk grants Curse status immunity).
Trait Recommended Notes
Pow 110 Primary damage trait, Increases Atk, P.Atk and the base damage scaling of our skills.
Sta 0-70+ Increases Res, Optional, get some points if you want to be more resistant to Physical Attacks (close it preferably in multiples of 3).
Wis 0-70+ Increases Mres, Optional, get some points if you want to be more resistant to Magical Attacks (close it preferably in multiples of 3).
Spl 0 Increases Matk and S.Matk, not needed for physical damage dealers.
Con 0-70-110 Increases Hit, Flee and P.Atk, second best trait for no-critical builds (close it preferably in multiples of 5).
Crt 0-70-110 Increases C.Rate, second best trait for critical builds (close it preferably in multiples of 3).


Having such a wide variety of 1st and 2nd class skills, Hyper Novices can be built in many different ways, here i will just mention some of the skills that I personally consider useful and that you may want to keep in mind, but feel free to experiment and pick the ones that fit you best.

Super Novice
34.png Blessing 10 Increases Str, Int and Dex by 10 for 4 minutes.
29.png Increase Agility 10 Increases Agi by 12 and Attack Speed by 10% for 4 minutes.
45.png Improve Concentration 10 Increases Agi and Dex by 12% for 4 minutes.
27.png Warp Portal 4 Allows you to memorize up to 3 different locations (use /memo) and create portals to reach them quickly.
26.png Teleport 2 Basically an 12887.png Infinite Fly Wing (12887) put level 1 in your skill bar to avoid the window pop-up.
7.png Magnum Break 1 Damages and knocks back enemies in a 5x5 AoE around you and increases your damage for a short period after use.
36.png Enlarge Weight Limit 10 Increases Weight Limit by 2000.
37.png Discount 10 Buy items from Npcs for 24% less zeny.
38.png Overcharge 10 Sell items to Npcs for 24% more zeny.
39.png Pushcart 10 Enables using a pushcart with 8000 weight capacity.
Expanded Super Novice
248.png Faith 10 Increases MaxHP by 2000 and Holy element resistance by 50%.
249.png Auto Guard 10 Enables a 30% chance to block physical attacks.
66.png Impositio Manus 5 Increases Atk and Matk by 25 for you and your party members for 2 minutes.
68.png Aspersio 5 Enchants your weapon with Holy element, Holy deals increased damage against Shadow and Undead (and will do better than Neutral against Ghost) elements.
138.png Enchant Poison 5 Enchants your weapon with Poison element, Poison deals increased damage against Fire, Water, Wind and Earth elements.
5075.png Breakthrough 5 Increases Atk by 100, MaxHP by 2000, MaxSP by 200 and Healing received by 10%.
5077.png Transcendence 5 Increases Matk by 100, MaxHP by 2000, MaxSP by 200 and Healing received by 15%.
5076.png Angel, Help me! 1 Restores for you and your party members within an area of 15x15 cells around you 1000 HP and 350 SP per second for 20 seconds.
Hyper Novice
5449.png Self Study Tactics 10 Increases P.Atk and the base damage scaling of our skills.
5451.png Double Bowling Bash 10 Primary offensive skill, deals damage in a 9x9 AoE around the target and increases its damage with the number of enemies within the AoE.
5452.png Mega Sonic Blow 10 Primary offensive skill, single target, can Crit and its damage gets doubled when the target's HP is below 50%.
5453.png Shield Chain Rush 7-10 Secondary offensive skill, ranged, deals damage in a 9x9 AoE around the target, can be used to get rid of low HP enemies or for basic farming.
5461.png Breaking Limit 1 AP Buff, massively increases our skills final damage (+100% Mega Sonic Blow | +120% Double Bowling Bash and Shield Chain Rush) for 5 minutes.
5505.png Overcoming Crisis 5 AP Buff, increases our MaxHP by 75000 and P.Atk by 15 for 5 minutes.
Secret Skills
268.png Steel Body Upon dying for the first time after each login, Steel Body will be autocasted and your HP and SP fully restored, basically a "second oportunity"

Trigger Condition: your Base level experience is between 99% and 99.9% or you are at Max Level

270.png Explosion Spirits An improved version of the regular Explosion Spirits skill, equivalent to level 17 granting +50 Critical Rate for 3 minutes

can be used by entering the following phrases in the public chat, write these in the macro menu (Alt+M) to have easy access to them

  • Dear angel, can you hear my voice?
  • I am <your name> Super Novice~
  • Help me out~ Please~ T_T
  • <Random Text>

Spam this chant x5 to trigger the skill, if it doesn't work, wait for a few seconds or change maps and try again

Trigger Condition: your Base level experience is in a multiple of 10% (10.x%, 20.x%, 30.x% etc.) or you are at Max Level

Gear Progression - 5451.png Double Bowling Bash

Skill Notes: We're going to need at least 30% After Cast Delay reduction to get the max spam rate of DBB, Attack Speed doesn't need to be very high since it has a long cooldown, however higher numbers would help with with animation delay and cast delay of other skills/buffs.

Early Game Gear

Equipment Source Enchantment Notes
+9 400021.png Red Clark Casquette [1] (400021) Episode 17.1 - -
+11 19223.png Illusion Cap [1] (19223) Illusion of Frozen 4995.png Rune of Strength Lv2 (4995)

4995.png Rune of Strength Lv2 (4995)

Can be refined up to +10 with 9785.png Frozen Refine Box (9785)
410093.png Sealed Chain (410093)

410094.png Sealed Chain [1] (410094)

Niflheim - Obtainable as monster drop in Niflheim Dungeon F2
420031.png Ninja's Blue Mask (420031) -
+11 450182.png Illusion Sprint Mail [1] (450182) Illusion of Twins 4995.png Rune of Strength Lv2 (4995)

4995.png Rune of Strength Lv2 (4995)

Can be refined up to +10 with 100699.png Twins Refinement Box (100699)
+9 500007.png Hypocrisy Machine [3] (500007) Episode 17.2 - Can work decently until getting your next weapon thanks to its 3 card slots

Obtainable as monster drop in Varmundt's Tartaros Storage Dungeon

+9 510062.png Glacier Basic Knife (510062)

+9 500050.png Glacier Basic Sword (500050)

Episode 19 311335.png Glacier Flower Spell (Double Bowling Bash) (311335)

311348.png Glacier Flower Spell (Physical-Race) (311348)

311350.png Glacier Flower Spell (Physical-Size) (311350)

311342.png Glacier Flower Spell (ATK) (311342)

Can be bought from market for relatively cheap, usually around 10 to 20m Zeny or crafted at Ice Castle
+11 460017.png Illusion Guard [1] (460017) Illusion of Twins 4995.png Rune of Strength Lv2 (4995)

4995.png Rune of Strength Lv2 (4995)

Can be refined up to +10 with 100699.png Twins Refinement Box (100699)
+11 460018.png Illusion Silver Guard [1] (460018)
+11 20948.png Illusion Morpheus's Shawl [1] (20948) Illusion of Labyrinth 4995.png Rune of Strength Lv2 (4995)

4995.png Rune of Strength Lv2 (4995)

Can be refined up to +10 with 100423.png Labyrinth Refinement Box (100423)
+11 470066.png Illusion Sprint Shoes [1] (470066) Illusion of Twins 4995.png Rune of Strength Lv2 (4995)

4995.png Rune of Strength Lv2 (4995)

Can be refined up to +10 with 100699.png Twins Refinement Box (100699)
490044.png Sinful Ruby Ring [1] (490044)

490045.png Sinful Ruby Necklace [1] (490045)

Thanatos Tower 310201.png Anger Lv5 (310201) / Any Relatively cheap accessories, decent until getting something better
490024.png Automatic Booster R [1] (490024)

490025.png Automatic Booster L [1] (490025)

Episode 17.2 1000143.png Automatic Modification Module (All Force) (1000143)

1000116.png Automatic Modification Module (Attack Speed) (1000116)

1000136.png Automatic Modification Module (Drain Life) (1000136) (R)

1000137.png Automatic Modification Module (Drain Soul) (1000137) (L)

Drain Life and Drain Soul Modules can be replaced with 1000117.png Automatic Modification Module (Fatal) (1000117) if you'd like to use them also for Mega Sonic Blow build

Mid to Late Game Gear

Equipment Source Enchantment Notes
+11/12[C/A] 400110.png Crown of Beelzebub [1] (400110) Equipment Crafting - This is currently the strongest Upper Headgear for Double Bowling Bash build
410017.png Battle Processor [1] (410017) Rudus Melee Damage%

Melee Damage%

Obtainable as monster drop in Rudus Dungeon F4
420031.png Ninja's Blue Mask (420031) Niflheim - Still usable from the previous step
+11 450177.png Gray Wolf Suit [1] (450177) Episode 18 310542.png Wolf Orb (Melee Duple) (310542)

310509.png Wolf Orb (Warrior) Lv.3 (310509)

310506.png Wolf Orb (Warrior) Lv.2 (310506)

+11 450206.png Snow Flower Armor [1] (450206) Episode 19 311164.png Ice Flower Spell (Milliduple) (311164)

311101.png Ice Flower Spell (Warrior) (311101)

311098.png Ice Flower Spell (Defense) (311098)

+9 510062.png Glacier Basic Knife (510062)

+9 500050.png Glacier Basic Sword (500050)

Episode 19 311335.png Glacier Flower Spell (Double Bowling Bash) (311335)

311348.png Glacier Flower Spell (Physical-Race) (311348)

311350.png Glacier Flower Spell (Physical-Size) (311350)

311342.png Glacier Flower Spell (ATK) (311342)

Still usable from the previous step while you work on getting a fully enchanted and graded Dim Glacier Weapon
+12[A] 510076.png Dim Glacier Basic Knife [1] (510076)

+12[A] 500055.png Dim Glacier Basic Sword [1] (500055)

Episode 19 311453.png Glacier Flower Spell (Physical Grade) Lv5 (311453)

311335.png Glacier Flower Spell (Double Bowling Bash) (311335)

311335.png Glacier Flower Spell (Double Bowling Bash) (311335)

This is currently the strongest Weapon for Double Bowling Bash build
+11 460017.png Illusion Guard [1] (460017) Illusion of Twins 4995.png Rune of Strength Lv2 (4995)

4995.png Rune of Strength Lv2 (4995)

Still usable from the previous step
+11 460018.png Illusion Silver Guard [1] (460018)
+11 480124.png Convertible Physical Wing [1] (480124) Convertible Wings - -
+12[C] 480283.png Dim Glacier Manteau [1] (480283) Episode 20 312157.png Grace of the Snake God (312157)

312146.png Malice of the Snake God (Atk) Lv10 (312146)

312136.png Malice of the Snake God (Def) Lv10 (312136)

Just slightly weaker than 480230.png Flame Rune Manteau [1] (480230) in terms of damage (Not counting the Varmundt's Crystal enchantment) while providing a higher defense and being possibly far cheaper
+12[A] 480230.png Flame Rune Manteau [1] (480230) Varmundt's Biosphere 311881.png Varmundt's Crystal (Death) Lv5 (311881) Or Any

310922.png Power of Varmundt Lv3 (310922)

4704.png STR+5 (4704)

+11 470087.png Gray Wolf Boots [1] (470087) Episode 18 310612.png Wolf Orb (Over Power) (310612)

310608.png Wolf Orb (Physical Force) Lv.3 (310608)

310599.png Wolf Orb (Robust) Lv.3 (310599)

Note that these boots only surpass the damage of the 470066.png Illusion Sprint Shoes [1] (470066) from the previous step when the Over Power enchantments proc, if you don't want damage inconsistencies or don't need the extra HP and SP you can skip these.
+11 470115.png Snow Flower Boots [1] (470115) Episode 19 311123.png Ice Flower Spell (Overpower) (311123)

311119.png Ice Flower Spell (Physical Force) (311119)

311116.png Ice Flower Spell (Robust) (311116)

490106.png Gray Wolf Pendant [1] (490106)

490107.png Gray Wolf Ring [1] (490107)

Episode 18 310633.png Wolf Orb (Fighting Spirit) Lv.4 (310633)

310633.png Wolf Orb (Fighting Spirit) Lv.4 (310633)

490176.png Snow Flower Pendant [1] (490176)

490177.png Snow Flower Ring [1] (490177)

Episode 19 311129.png Ice Flower Spell (Fighting Spirit) (311129)

311137.png Ice Flower Spell (All Force) (311137)

311092.png Ice Flower Spell (STR) (311092) (R)

311096.png Ice Flower Spell (VIT) (311096) (L)

490303.png Venom Rune Ring [1] (490303)

490306.png Venom Magic Ring [1] (490306)

Varmundt's Biosphere 311943.png Brilliant Biosphere Gem (Boss Type) (311943)

311953.png Tenacity of Varmundt Lv5 (311953)

311978.png Fragment of Varmundt (POW) Lv5 (311978)

Feel free to keep Any Biosphere Gem of your preference, Boss or Normal Type Gems are just okay for general use but can be difficult to obtain

End Game Gear

Equipment Source Enchantment Notes
+12[A] 400110.png Crown of Beelzebub [1] (400110) Equipment Crafting - -
410233.png Gambler's Seal [1] (410233) Alice Twisted Madness Melee Damage%

Melee Damage%

420210.png Ace of Hearts in Mouth (Melee Physical) (420210) Str / Vit / Any

Melee Damage%

+11/12[A] 450282.png Engraved Flame Earth Rune Armor [1] (450282) Varmundt's Biosphere Depth 312334.png Flame Earth Rune Lv10 (312334)

312324.png Earth Rune Lv5 (312324)

312319.png Flame Rune Lv5 (312319)

On its own provides a great damage boost especially against Boss Class monsters
+12[A] 450169.png Nebula Armor of Power [1] (450169) Constellation Tower 310676.png Star Cluster of Power Lv.3 (310676)

310729.png Nebula of Fighting Lv.3 (310729)


310744.png Nebula of Health Lv.3 (310744)

4704.png STR+5 (4704)

Theoretically Best in Slot Armor thanks to its combos with Garden of Time / Hall of Life equipment
+12[A] 510076.png Dim Glacier Basic Knife [1] (510076)

+12[A] 500055.png Dim Glacier Basic Sword [1] (500055)

Episode 19 311453.png Glacier Flower Spell (Physical Grade) Lv5 (311453)

311335.png Glacier Flower Spell (Double Bowling Bash) (311335)

311335.png Glacier Flower Spell (Double Bowling Bash) (311335)

+11/12[C] 460040.png Glacier Guard [1] (460040) Episode 20 312095.png Glacier Flower Meow Power (Intelligence) (312095)

312093.png Glacier Flower Meow Power (Magical Resistance) (312093)

312091.png Glacier Flower Meow Power (Attack) (312091)

Provides slightly better damage than Illusion Shields and also a higher defense and potentially better utility
+12[A] 480349.png Circulation of Life Spring [1] (480349) Garden of Time 313012.png Life of Spring (Strength) (313012)

312538.png Physical Fruit Lv20 (312538)

312513.png Physical Flower Lv5 (312513)

New Best in Slot Garment with enchantments that combine with Constellation Tower equipment
+12[C] 470197.png Dim Glacier Boots [1] (470197) Episode 20 312188.png Glory of the Snake God (312188)

312177.png Mystery of the Snake God (Atk) Lv10 (312177)

312167.png Mystery of the Snake God (Def) Lv10 (312167)

Just slightly weaker than 470173.png Flame Rune Boots [1] (470173) in terms of damage (Not counting the Varmundt's Crystal enchantment) while providing a higher defense and being possibly far cheaper
+12[A] 470174.png Glade Rune Boots [1] (470174) Varmundt's Biosphere 311881.png Varmundt's Crystal (Death) Lv5 (311881) Or Any

310922.png Power of Varmundt Lv3 (310922)

4704.png STR+5 (4704)

Recent test: Glade Boots are just very slightly (around 1~2%) weaker in terms of damage than Flame Boots but also provide a higher MaxHP, perfect if you prefer extra tankiness
+12[A] 470173.png Flame Rune Boots [1] (470173)
490132.png Stellar Power Seal [1] (490132) Constellation Tower 313028.png Star Cluster of Strength Lv5 (313028)

310696.png Star of Mettle Lv.5 (310696)

310696.png Star of Mettle Lv.5 (310696)

490483.png Signet of Circulation Spring [1] (490483) Garden of Time 312986.png Signet of Power Lv5 (312986)

312981.png Token of Life (312981)

New Best in Slot Left Accessory with enchantments that combine with Constellation Tower equipment

Shadow Gear and Costume Stones

Shadow Gear Enchantment
+10 24679.png Maximum Mammoth Shadow Armor (24679) POW +5 as best enchantment option.

Melee Dmg% as best second attribute or alternative.

+10 24680.png Maximum Mammoth Shadow Shoes (24680)
+10 24386.png Infinity Shadow Weapon (24386)

+9/10 24425.png Perfect Size Shadow Weapon (24425)

+10 24735.png Durable Shadow Shield (24735)
+9/10 24661.png Full Penetration Shadow Earring (24661)
+9/10 24662.png Full Penetration Shadow Pendant (24662)
1000377.png Melee Stone (Top) (1000377)
1001328.png Super Novice Stone (Mid) (1001328)
1000976.png Guillotine Cross Stone (Low) (1000976) Or other Low + Garment combo with +15% Dmg vs All Race/Size/Element.

Ranger (Low) + (Garment) II / Shadow Chaser (Low) + (Garment) I or II

1000221.png Guillotine Cross Stone II (Garment) (1000221)
1001055.png Power Stone (Dual) (1001055)

Gear Progression - 5452.png Mega Sonic Blow

Skill Notes: We're going to need at least 30% After Cast Delay reduction and 183 Attack Speed to get the max spam rate of MSB, however higher numbers would help with with animation delay and cast delay of other skills/buffs, also we need around 150 to 160+ Critical Rate to always hit crit on any monster in general content, for newer content such as Varmundt's Depth and Garden of Time will be needed 200+ Critical Rate.

Early Game Gear

Equipment Source Enchantment Notes
+9 5897.png Ascendant Crown [1] (5897) Equipment Crafting - Provides various stats, will help with your Critical Rate
+11 19223.png Illusion Cap [1] (19223) Illusion of Frozen 4995.png Rune of Strength Lv2 (4995)


29007.png Rune of Luck Lv2 (29007)

Can be refined up to +10 with 9785.png Frozen Refine Box (9785)

Rune of Strength provides a higher damage, Rune of Luck will help with your Critical Rate

410093.png Sealed Chain (410093)

410094.png Sealed Chain [1] (410094)

Niflheim - Obtainable as monster drop in Niflheim Dungeon F2
420076.png Bondage Necklace (420076) -
+11 450182.png Illusion Sprint Mail [1] (450182) Illusion of Twins 4995.png Rune of Strength Lv2 (4995)


29007.png Rune of Luck Lv2 (29007)

Can be refined up to +10 with 100699.png Twins Refinement Box (100699)

Rune of Strength provides a higher damage, Rune of Luck will help with your Critical Rate

+9 500007.png Hypocrisy Machine [3] (500007) Episode 17.2 - Can work decently until getting your next weapon thanks to its 3 card slots

Obtainable as monster drop in Varmundt's Tartaros Storage Dungeon

+9 510062.png Glacier Basic Knife (510062)

+9 500050.png Glacier Basic Sword (500050)

Episode 19 311336.png Glacier Flower Spell (Mega Sonic Blow) (311336)

311348.png Glacier Flower Spell (Physical-Race) (311348)

311350.png Glacier Flower Spell (Physical-Size) (311350)

311344.png Glacier Flower Spell (CRI) (311344)

Can be bought from market for relatively cheap, usually around 10 to 20m Zeny or crafted at Ice Castle
+11 460017.png Illusion Guard [1] (460017) Illusion of Twins 4995.png Rune of Strength Lv2 (4995)


29007.png Rune of Luck Lv2 (29007)

Can be refined up to +10 with 100699.png Twins Refinement Box (100699)

Rune of Strength provides a higher damage, Rune of Luck will help with your Critical Rate

+11 460018.png Illusion Silver Guard [1] (460018)
+11 20948.png Illusion Morpheus's Shawl [1] (20948) Illusion of Labyrinth 4995.png Rune of Strength Lv2 (4995)


29007.png Rune of Luck Lv2 (29007)

Can be refined up to +10 with 100423.png Labyrinth Refinement Box (100423)

Rune of Strength provides a higher damage, Rune of Luck will help with your Critical Rate

+11 470066.png Illusion Sprint Shoes [1] (470066) Illusion of Twins 4995.png Rune of Strength Lv2 (4995)


29007.png Rune of Luck Lv2 (29007)

Can be refined up to +10 with 100699.png Twins Refinement Box (100699)

Rune of Strength provides a higher damage, Rune of Luck will help with your Critical Rate

490044.png Sinful Ruby Ring [1] (490044)

490045.png Sinful Ruby Necklace [1] (490045)

Thanatos Tower 310211.png Resentment Lv5 (310211) / Any Relatively cheap accessories, decent until getting something better
490024.png Automatic Booster R [1] (490024)

490025.png Automatic Booster L [1] (490025)

Episode 17.2 1000143.png Automatic Modification Module (All Force) (1000143)

1000116.png Automatic Modification Module (Attack Speed) (1000116)

1000117.png Automatic Modification Module (Fatal) (1000117)


Mid to Late Game Gear

Equipment Source Enchantment Notes
+11/12[C/A] 400109.png Boitata Hat [1] (400109) Equipment Crafting - Decent Upper Headgear in general for Critical builds
+11/12 19491.png Temporal Circlet (Super Novice) [1] (19491) Old Glast Heim Challenge Mode 29085.png Acute Lv5 (29085)

29689.png Temporal Jewel (LUK) Lv 3 (29689)

4703.png STR+4 (4703)

With proper enchantment and refinement it can deal a higher damage and provide a better Critical Rate than Boitata Hat but it'll be only usable for Novices while Boitata can be used for Any class
410017.png Battle Processor [1] (410017) Rudus Melee Damage%

Melee Damage%

Obtainable as monster drop in Rudus Dungeon F4
420017.png Young Leaf of World Tree (Strength) (420017) Fall of Glastheim 311089.png C.RATE Lv2 (311089)

310987.png ATK Lv.2 (310987)

4702.png STR+3 (4702)

Any variation of the leaf can be used, only the enchantments in it matter
+11 450177.png Gray Wolf Suit [1] (450177) Episode 18 310542.png Wolf Orb (Melee Duple) (310542)

310509.png Wolf Orb (Warrior) Lv.3 (310509)

310506.png Wolf Orb (Warrior) Lv.2 (310506)

+11 450206.png Snow Flower Armor [1] (450206) Episode 19 311164.png Ice Flower Spell (Milliduple) (311164)

311101.png Ice Flower Spell (Warrior) (311101)

311098.png Ice Flower Spell (Defense) (311098)

+9 510062.png Glacier Basic Knife (510062)

+9 500050.png Glacier Basic Sword (500050)

Episode 19 311336.png Glacier Flower Spell (Mega Sonic Blow) (311336)

311348.png Glacier Flower Spell (Physical-Race) (311348)

311350.png Glacier Flower Spell (Physical-Size) (311350)

311344.png Glacier Flower Spell (CRI) (311344)

Still usable from the previous step while you work on getting your next weapon
+12[A] 510076.png Dim Glacier Basic Knife [1] (510076)

+12[A] 500055.png Dim Glacier Basic Sword [1] (500055)

Episode 19 311453.png Glacier Flower Spell (Physical Grade) Lv5 (311453)

311336.png Glacier Flower Spell (Mega Sonic Blow) (311336)

311336.png Glacier Flower Spell (Mega Sonic Blow) (311336)

This one can be skiped if you'd want to get your endgame weapon from the market instead of farming
+11 460017.png Illusion Guard [1] (460017) Illusion of Twins 4995.png Rune of Strength Lv2 (4995)

4995.png Rune of Strength Lv2 (4995)

Still usable from the previous step
+11 460018.png Illusion Silver Guard [1] (460018)
+11 480197.png Convertible Critical Wing [1] (480197) Convertible Wings - -
+12[A] 480230.png Flame Rune Manteau [1] (480230) Varmundt's Biosphere 311881.png Varmundt's Crystal (Death) Lv5 (311881) Or Any

310922.png Power of Varmundt Lv3 (310922)


310932.png Creative of Varmundt Lv3 (310932)

4704.png STR+5 (4704)

Compared to 480174.png Pirate Captain's Coat [1] (480174) Fire Manteau only becomes stronger when fighting specific elemental monsters based on Varmundt's Crystal Enchantment
+12[A]480174.png Pirate Captain's Coat [1] (480174) Equipment Crafting - Provides a better general damage than 480230.png Flame Rune Manteau [1] (480230) and a more manageable Critical Rate and After Cast Delay reduction, additionally it can be used for any other critical class either ranged or melee
+11 470066.png Illusion Sprint Shoes [1] (470066) Illusion of Twins 4995.png Rune of Strength Lv2 (4995)

4995.png Rune of Strength Lv2 (4995)

Still usable from the previous step
+11 470087.png Gray Wolf Boots [1] (470087) Episode 18 310612.png Wolf Orb (Over Power) (310612)

310608.png Wolf Orb (Physical Force) Lv.3 (310608)

310599.png Wolf Orb (Robust) Lv.3 (310599)

Note that these boots only surpass the damage of the 470066.png Illusion Sprint Shoes [1] (470066) from the previous step when the Over Power enchantments proc, if you don't want damage inconsistencies or don't need the extra HP and SP you can skip these.
+11 470115.png Snow Flower Boots [1] (470115) Episode 19 311123.png Ice Flower Spell (Overpower) (311123)

311119.png Ice Flower Spell (Physical Force) (311119)

311116.png Ice Flower Spell (Robust) (311116)

490106.png Gray Wolf Pendant [1] (490106)

490107.png Gray Wolf Ring [1] (490107)

Episode 18 310632.png Wolf Orb (Critical) Lv.4 (310632)


310633.png Wolf Orb (Fighting Spirit) Lv.4 (310633)

490176.png Snow Flower Pendant [1] (490176)

490177.png Snow Flower Ring [1] (490177)

Episode 19 311128.png Ice Flower Spell (Fatal) (311128)

311137.png Ice Flower Spell (All Force) (311137)

311092.png Ice Flower Spell (STR) (311092) (R)

311097.png Ice Flower Spell (LUK) (311097) (L)

490303.png Venom Rune Ring [1] (490303)

490306.png Venom Magic Ring [1] (490306)

Varmundt's Biosphere 311943.png Brilliant Biosphere Gem (Boss Type) (311943)

311953.png Tenacity of Varmundt Lv5 (311953)


311963.png Focus of Varmundt Lv5 (311963)

311978.png Fragment of Varmundt (POW) Lv5 (311978)

Feel free to keep Any Biosphere Gem of your preference, Boss or Normal Type Gems are just okay for general use but can be difficult to obtain

End Game Gear

Equipment Source Enchantment Notes
+12[A] 400545.png Time Dimensions Rune Crown (Hyper Novice) [1] (400545) Varmundt's Biosphere Depth 2 312753.png Acute Jewel Lv5 (312753)

312712.png Time Dimension Jewel (Luck) Lv3 (312712)


312700.png Time Dimension Jewel (Agility) Lv3 (312700)

4704.png STR+5 (4704)

312712.png Time Dimension Jewel (Luck) Lv3 (312712) provides the highest damage

312700.png Time Dimension Jewel (Agility) Lv3 (312700) sacrifices some Critical Rate and Damage to provide a higher Attack Speed and After Cast Delay reduction

410233.png Gambler's Seal [1] (410233) Alice Twisted Madness Melee Damage%

Critical Damage%

After Cast Delay%


420210.png Ace of Hearts in Mouth (Melee Physical) (420210) Str / Vit / Any

Melee Damage%

+11/12[A] 450282.png Engraved Flame Earth Rune Armor [1] (450282) Varmundt's Biosphere Depth 312334.png Flame Earth Rune Lv10 (312334)

312324.png Earth Rune Lv5 (312324)

312319.png Flame Rune Lv5 (312319)

On its own provide a damage boost especially against Boss Class monsters, not so remarkable since the Max Level / Trait expansion which boosts Nebula enchantments

Flame Earth armor provides a slightly higher general damage than Corruption Poison but reduces Critical Rate

+11/12[A] 450285.png Engraved Corruption Poison Rune Cloth [1] (450285) 312394.png Corruption Poison Rune Lv10 (312394)

312384.png Poison Rune Lv5 (312384)

312379.png Corruption Rune Lv5 (312379)

+12[A] 450172.png Nebula Suit of Creative [1] (450172) Constellation Tower 310676.png Star Cluster of Power Lv.3 (310676)

310735.png Nebula of Sharp Lv.3 (310735)

4704.png STR+5 (4704)

Theoretically Best in Slot Armor thanks to its combos with Garden of Time / Hall of Life equipment
+12[A] 500094.png Dimensions Hyper Sword [2] (500094) Varmundt's Biosphere Depth 2 Any Gem and Crystal of your preference -
+11/12[C] 460040.png Glacier Guard [1] (460040) Episode 20 312095.png Glacier Flower Meow Power (Intelligence) (312095)

312093.png Glacier Flower Meow Power (Magical Resistance) (312093)

312091.png Glacier Flower Meow Power (Attack) (312091)

Provides slightly better damage than Illusion Shields and also a higher defense and potentially better utility
+12[A] 460020.png Mad Bunny-LT [1] (460020) Alice Twisted Madness 310863.png Defense Lv.3 (310863)

310866.png Physical Lv.3 (310866)

310856.png Attack Speed Lv.3 (310856)

310853.png After Cast Delay Lv.3 (310853)

Optional Shield, actually weaker in terms of damage than Illusion / Glacier Guards but provides great utility in Attack Speed, After Cast Delay, Critical Rate Etc

Choose the enchantment depending on your need or preference

+12[A] 480352.png Circulation of Life Winter [1] (480352) Garden of Time 313023.png Life of Winter (Creative) (313023)

312538.png Physical Fruit Lv20 (312538)

312513.png Physical Flower Lv5 (312513)

New Best in Slot Garment with enchantments that combine with Constellation Tower equipment
+12[A] 470174.png Glade Rune Boots [1] (470174) Varmundt's Biosphere 311881.png Varmundt's Crystal (Death) Lv5 (311881) Or Any

310922.png Power of Varmundt Lv3 (310922)

4704.png STR+5 (4704)

Recent test: Glade Boots are just very slightly (around 1~2%) weaker in terms of damage than Flame Boots but also provide a higher MaxHP, perfect if you prefer extra tankiness
+12[A] 470173.png Flame Rune Boots [1] (470173)
490135.png Stellar Creative Seal [1] (490135) Constellation Tower 313033.png Star Cluster of Luck Lv5 (313033)

310706.png Star of Sharp Lv.5 (310706)

310706.png Star of Sharp Lv.5 (310706)

310696.png Star of Mettle Lv.5 (310696) should also be viable (although i wouldn't recommend it) but still weaker than 310706.png Star of Sharp Lv.5 (310706) also it won't provide you with Critical Rate
490486.png Signet of Circulation Winter [1] (490486) Garden of Time 312986.png Signet of Power Lv5 (312986)

312981.png Token of Life (312981)

New Best in Slot Left Accessory with enchantments that combine with Constellation Tower equipment

Shadow Gear and Costume Stones

Shadow Gear Enchantment
+10 24679.png Maximum Mammoth Shadow Armor (24679) C.RATE +5 as best enchantment option or POW +5 as alternative.

Melee Dmg% or Critical Dmg% as best second attribute options.

+10 24680.png Maximum Mammoth Shadow Shoes (24680)
+10 24386.png Infinity Shadow Weapon (24386)

+9/10 24425.png Perfect Size Shadow Weapon (24425)

+10 24767.png Mega Blitz Shadow Shield (24767)
+9/10 24661.png Full Penetration Shadow Earring (24661)
+9/10 24662.png Full Penetration Shadow Pendant (24662)
1000222.png Assassin Cross Stone II (Top) (1000222)
1001328.png Super Novice Stone (Mid) (1001328)
1000976.png Guillotine Cross Stone (Low) (1000976)
1000221.png Guillotine Cross Stone II (Garment) (1000221)
1000855.png Critical Stone (Dual) (1000855)


Here's a list with some recommended cards for general use (No Mvps included)

Note: I recommend testing with different card sets so you can check what fits better on your preferences over damage, tankiness, versatility, Etc.

Card Effect Note
300360.png Shining Seaweed Card (300360) Atk +10, P.Atk +1, Melee Dmg +3%, if Headgear is +9 Melee Dmg +2% Best Headgear card for damage
300459.png Elite Rgan Healer Card (300459) P.Atk +2 Combo with 300461.png Fake Iwin Soldier Card (300461) : Melee Dmg +15%
300174.png Melted Poring Card (300174) MaxHp +10% If you prefer some extra tankiness
300150.png Abysmal King Dramoh Card (300150) Atk +1% per 3 refines Used for combos with 300144.png Abysmal Merman Card (300144) and 4524.png King Dramoh Card (4524)
4524.png King Dramoh Card (4524) Str +2 Combo with 300150.png Abysmal King Dramoh Card (300150) : Str +4, MaxHp +15%
300456.png Icewind Egg Card (300456) After Cast Delay -3%, if Headgear is +10 After Cast Delay -2%, if Headgear is Level 2 After Cast Delay -2% -
27396.png Isaac Wigner Card (27396) After Cast Delay -5% -
4393.png Shelter Card (4393) Int +1 per 18 base Str Combo with 300271.png Happy Card (300271) : Melee Dmg +15% per 40 base Str, best option for damage
300362.png Unfrost Flower Card (300362) P.Atk +1, Melee Dmg +4% per 3 refines Combo with 300360.png Shining Seaweed Card (300360) : Atk +10%
300376.png Two Eyes Dollocaris (300376) Def +100, Res +50, if Armor is +12 Atk +10%, MaxHp +30%, if Armor is level 2 Res +50 Alternative for a lot more tankiness, use only on a +12 Armor, otherwise you'll lose in stats
4608.png White Knight Card (4608) Atk +15, Dmg vs Medium and Large +20% Combo with 4609.png Khalitzburg Knight Card (4609) : Dmg vs Medium and Large +15%
27361.png Polluted Wander Man Card (27361) Dmg vs Medium and Large +30% -
300263.png Rekenber Guard Card (300263) Atk +5%, if compounded on Dagger or Sword Melee Dmg +10%, Melee Dmg +5% per 3 refines -
300455.png Copo Card (300455) Dmg vs Small +15%, Dmg vs Small +5% per 4 refines, if Weapon is level 5 Dmg vs Medium +12%, Dmg vs Medium +4% per 3 refines Combo with 300457.png Grey Icewind Card (300457) : Dmg vs Large +10%, Dmg vs Large +3% per 2 refines
300461.png Fake Iwin Soldier Card (300461) Atk +40, Melee Dmg +5%, if Weapon is +10 Melee Dmg +5%, if Weapon is level 5 Melee Dmg +10% Combo with 300459.png Elite Rgan Healer Card (300459) : Melee Dmg +15%
4609.png Khalitzburg Knight Card (4609) Def +20, Dmg taken from Medium and Large -25% Combo with 4608.png White Knight Card (4608) : Dmg taken from Medium and Large -5%
300379.png Renovated Upper Rgan (300379) Dmg taken from All Races -15%, if Shield is +12 Dmg taken from All Sizes -25%, if Shield is level 2 Res and Mres +50 Best option for defense, Use only on a +12 Shield, otherwise you'll lose in stats
300465.png Elite Rgan Guardian Card (300465) Str +10, Vit +15, Luk -25, Dmg taken from All Sizes -20%, Def +20 and RES +5 per refine, if Shield is +7 Dmg vs Water, Wind, Earth and Fire +25%, if Shield is +10 Melee Dmg +10% Best option for damage but less defensive
300271.png Happy Card (300271) Melee Dmg +10% Combo with 4393.png Shelter Card (4393) : Melee Dmg +15% per 40 base Str, Best option for damage
300422.png Catherine Gaebolg Card (300422) Melee Dmg +5%, Melee Dmg +4% per 2 refines -
300261.png Galensis Card (300261) Critical Rate +2 per 10 base Luk, if base Luk is 125 Critical Dmg +30% Alternative in case you need more Critical Rate
300380.png Piloted Midrange Rgan Card (300380) Critical Rate +5, if Footgear is +12 Critical Rate +15, Critical Dmg +10%, if Footgear is level 2 C.Rate +5 Best Footgear card for Critical build, use only on a +12 Footgear, otherwise you'll lose in stats
300457.png Grey Icewind Card (300457) Atk +5%, if Footgear is level 2 Pow +3, Con +3 Combo with 300455.png Copo Card (300455) : Dmg vs Large +10%, Dmg vs Large +3% per 2 refines
300144.png Abysmal Merman Card (300144) Atk +4 per 15 base Str Combo with 300150.png Abysmal King Dramoh Card (300150) : Critical Dmg +15%
300278.png Void Mimic Card (300278) Critical Dmg +15% -
300467.png Angel Iceslug Card (300467) (R) Melee Dmg +15%, if base Luk is 90 Critical Rate -15 -
300223.png Phantom Wolf Card (300223) (R) Melee Dmg +6% Combo Effect: Melee Dmg +8%
300220.png Gray Wolf Card (300220) (L) Melee Dmg +6%
300365.png Primitive Rgan Card (300365) (R) Melee Dmg +8% Combo Effect: Variable Cast Time -8%
300367.png Lower Rgan Card (300367) (L) Melee Dmg +8%
300366.png Lowest Rgan Card (300366) (R) Critical Rate +6, C.Rate +1 Combo Effect: Critical Dmg +8%
300368.png Midrange Rgan Card (300368) (L) Critical Rate +6, C.Rate +1


Pet Egg Source Effect Notes
9052.png Incubus Egg (9052) Pet System MaxSp +5%

Enable a chance to gain 1% of the damage dealt as Sp

Decent early pets for self sustain
9055.png Succubus Egg (9055) MaxHp +1%

Enable a chance to gain 5% of the damage dealt as Hp

9090.png Little Isis Egg (9090) Dmg vs All Classes +4% Decent Pets for General Use
9126.png Kiel-D-01 Egg (9126) Aspd +7% Hit +18

Melee Dmg +5%

9193.png Mistress Egg (9193) Nullifies Size Penalty

Dmg vs Normal Class +7%

Decent for hunting Normal mobs, not the big deal vs Bosses (Con: expensive to make)
9142.png Eddga Egg (9142) Critical Rate +8

C.Rate +3

Best pet if you need more Critical Rate
9132.png Abysmal Knight Egg (9132) Atk +5% P.Atk +2

Dmg vs Boss Class +5%

Best pet for killing Bosses/Mvps

Utility Equipment

Utility Equipment
Gear Source Effect / Notes
19204.png Racing Cap (Super Novice) [1] (19204) Hugel Race When enchanted with 29354.png Racing (Super Novice) Lv3 (29354) enables the use of Level 3 2478.png Cart Boost [Movement Speed +75%, Atk +30 for 90 Seconds]
28900.png Royal Guard Shield [1] (28900) Token of Honor Enables the use of Level 1 2315.png Shield Spell [Recovers 3% of Max Hp every 3 Seconds for 90 Seconds]
18754.png Blood Sucker (18754) Equipment Crafting Lower Headgear which enable a chance to drain 5% of the damage dealt to an enemy as Hp
19117.png Poring Sunglasses (19117) Poring Village Various equipments for Item Drop Rate and Experience Gain increase
19118.png Poring Sunglasses+ [1] (19118)
22101.png Angel Poring Boots [1] (22101)
19095.png Happy Balloon (19095) Slot Machine
19143.png Poring Balloon (19143)

And Variations

Wave Mode
22069.png Lian Shoes [1] (22069)

And Variations

Royal Hunting


Just some consumables you might (or might not) need~

Item Effect
1100005.png Concentrated Golden Syrup Potion (1100005) Recovers Hp
1100004.png Concentrated Blue Syrup Potion (1100004) Recovers Sp
100232.png Red Herb Activator (100232) Increases Melee Damage by 15%
12437.png Enrich Celermine Juice (12437) Increases Agi based Aspd by 10%
656.png Awakening Potion (656) Increases Agi based Aspd by 15%
12458.png Abrasive (12458) Critical Rate +30


Note: This is mostly a reference of a viable leveling path that I tried myself with a brand new Novice using only the free equipment provided by the Eden Group.

Leveling a Super Novice can be tedious, if by any chance you have better equipment, leveling will be smoother and you could even try harder dungeons with better Experience rewards.

Leveling Tools
Gear Effect
1001326.png Super Novice Stone (Garment) (1001326) When learned Level 5 5075.png Breakthrough Enables the use of Level 5 2005.png Wind Cutter.
510071.png Patent Blessed Knife [2] (510071) When refined to +7 or higher Enables the use of Level 10 2284.png Fatal Menace.
510070.png Blessed Knife [2] (510070) When refined to +11 or higher Enables the use of Level 7 2284.png Fatal Menace.
500007.png Hypocrisy Machine [3] (500007) When refined to +11 or higher Enables the use of 62.png Bowling Bash based on learned level of 2.png Sword Mastery.

Lv 1~10 - Starter Quest

Follow the MuhRO starter quest through Prontera field and the Main Office until you reach the Eden Group and get your Starting Gear from Lothaire and Shadow Gear from Lucy.

Lv 10~45 - Anthell

Once geared, pause the starter quest for a while and use the Warper to Anthell Dungeon and kill some Ant Egg, Andre, Deniro and Piere until you reach the Base level 45 required to change jobs, make sure to use your 7803.png Novice Battle Manual (7803) before you reach level 40.

  • Super Novice Priority Skills
    • 5.png Bash - As main attack skill.
    • 34.png Blessing - Stat Booster, increases Str/Dex/Int.
    • 29.png Increase Agility - Stat Booster, increases Agi/Aspd.
    • 45.png Improve Concentration - Stat Booster, increases Agi/Dex.
    • 28.png Heal - Self support, HP recovery.
    • 2.png Sword Mastery - Increases the damage dealt with Swords and Daggers.
    • 26.png Teleport - Mobility.

Lv 45~90 - Poring Village

Once reached level 45 return to the Main Office, change job to Super Novice, head back to Eden and get a 500035.png Paradise Super Novice Sword (500035) from Labraham, then continue with the starter quest, talk to Lunos to be taken to the Poring Village Instance and complete it.

Alternative: Level up in Orc Dungeon F1 killing Orc Zombies and Skeletons, and later on in Glast Heim Monastery with Evil Druids and Wraiths.

Lv 90~110 - Stapo Hunt

Get the Stapo hunt quest from the Lv 90 Eden Board, repeat this quest until reaching the level required for the next job change, Stapos are located one map south of Veins Town.

  • Lv 99 Stat distribution example
Str: 90 Agi: 90 Vit: 10 Int: 1 Dex: 50 Luk: 1

Once you reach 99/99 return to the Main Office and change jobs to Expanded Super Novice.

At this point you must get the Advanced Paradise Equipment Set from Louis and Labraham in Eden.

You will need the following materials.

  • 15x 7318.png Old Pick (7318) - Obtained from Pitmen in Einbech Dungeon.
  • 15x 7200.png Elastic Band (7200) - Obtained from Wootan Shooters, located two maps south of Umbala Town.
  • 3x 1034.png Blue Hair (1034) - Obtained from Kobolds, located two maps north of Lighthalzen Town.

You should also get a 2113.png Novice Shield [1] (2113) from the Lighthalzen Weapon Store, this will provide some resistances and allow you to use Auto Guard.

  • Expanded Super Novice Priority Skills
    • 212.png Back Stab - As next main damage skill. Alternative: 214.png Raid (Sightless Mind).
    • 5075.png Breakthrough - Passive Atk and MaxHP/SP increase.
    • 5077.png Transcendence - Passive MaxHP/SP increase.
    • 5076.png Angel, Help me! - Self Support, HP and SP recovery.
    • 249.png Auto Guard - Defensive buff, blocks enemy attacks.

Lv 110~150 - Illusion of Moonlight

Illusion Dungeon hunt quests give a great amount of Experience, and this one is especially easy.

Tip: Avoid the Wizard of Veritas mob, they have a larger HP pool and cast harmful magic spells.

  • Lv 130 Stat distribution example
Str: 100 Agi: 100 Vit: 80 Int: 10 Dex: 60 Luk: 10

Lv 150~170 - Illusion of Vampire

Get ready with some 523.png Holy Water (523) and 68.png Aspersio in your repertoire of skills, this will be of great help since almost all the monsters in this dungeon have Shadow and Undead elements, be careful when hitting the Black Mushrooms, they can cast Self Destruction which will surely insta-kill you if you are near.

Tip: Avoid the Sweet Nightmare mob, their Ghost element will make you deal less damage on them and their Soul Drain will be rather annoying.

  • Lv 170 Stat distribution example
Str: 110 Agi: 110 Vit: 100 Int: 60 Dex: 70 Luk: 60

Lv 170~180 - Recon Robot Hunt

Get the Recon Robot hunt quest from the Lv130~190 Eden Board (this quest is unlocked at Lv160), Recon Robots are located one map through the tunnel southeast of Verus Town.

Lv 180~200 - Thanatos Fragments

At this point, leveling may get slower, I highly recommend using the Thanatos Fragments hunt quests from the Main Office board, try buying the following items from the market (@ws ItemID).

(Or get them with an alt character?)

And turn them in at the Main Office board, these quests reward you with a great amount of Experience but can only taken once a day, combine delivering these fragments with the hunting quest from the previous step until you finally reach Lv 200.

  • Lv 200 Stat distribution example
Str: 120 Agi: 110 Vit: 110 Int: 80 Dex: 80 Luk: 89

Final Notes

Hey, you've reached the end~

That's all for now, If you have any question or suggestion, just let me know, send a dm or ping me in discord or ingame as Jetago

Thanks for reading ^^.