Farming Items

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Creator and Daily Update all this Dungeons is Latte Macchiato aka Schuuuubiiii
If u see me Online, send me a Hello :)
I Farm with my Biolo and Gympass lvl 20 and Str 130 = 13100 Weight
BUT im Melee and do only 9m DMG in a 7x7 AoE around the Caster, i use Teleport and only Explosion Powder!
U can earn MORE or Less, but is an AVG for u, if u dont know where to farm what you need :)

This is a List of Farming for Mats on 30mins only with 12264.png [Bound] Bubble Gum (12264)
Last Update 03/23/2025 (US)
Last Update 23/03/2025 (EU)

Normal Dungeons
Abandoned Pit 01
  • @alootid +50034|+25728|+1000322|+41246|+1000707|+1000608
Name Time 12210.png 587.png 41246.png 1000322.png 25728.png 1000826.png 7565.png 1000825.png 7326.png 1000829.png 943.png 930.png 1000822.png 1000823.png 1000707.png 1000608.png Zeny
Monster Kill
Box Sell
(jor_ab01 113, 10) 30min yes 168 258 312 536 284 646 360 358 318 332 390 452 726 420 76 3.28m 3.99m
Item IDs
587.png Red Prickly Fruit (587) 41246.png Dim Glacier Weapon Box (41246) 1000322.png Etel Dust (1000322) 25728.png Shadowdecon Ore (25728) 1000826.png Prickly Shell (1000826) 7565.png Sticky Poison (7565) 1000825.png Cacalapy (1000825) 7326.png Fluorescent Liquid (7326) 1000829.png Bait Bellflower (1000829) 943.png Solid Shell (943) 930.png Rotten Bandage (930) 1000822.png Rgan Shell (1000822) 1000823.png Monstrous Cell (1000823) 1000707.png Low-quality Rgan Magic Core (1000707) 1000608.png Flower Petals (1000608)
Abandoned Pit 02
  • @alootid +50034|+25728|+1000322|+41246|+1000707|+1000608
Name Time 12210.png 587.png 41246.png 1000322.png 25728.png 1000826.png 7565.png 930.png 1000822.png 1000823.png 1000827.png 7125.png 960.png 943.png 1000707.png 1000608.png Zeny
Monster Kill
Box Sell
(jor_ab02 281, 87) 30min yes 198 214 323 444 230 237 270 325 316 429 425 427 590 312 64 4.35m 6.63m
Item IDs
587.png Red Prickly Fruit (587) 41246.png Dim Glacier Weapon Box (41246) 1000322.png Etel Dust (1000322) 25728.png Shadowdecon Ore (25728) 1000826.png Prickly Shell (1000826) 7565.png Sticky Poison (7565) 930.png Rotten Bandage (930) 1000822.png Rgan Shell (1000822) 1000823.png Monstrous Cell (1000823) 1000827.png Thin Nipper (1000827) 7125.png Scorpion Claw (7125) 960.png Nipper (960) 943.png Solid Shell (943) 1000707.png Low-quality Rgan Magic Core (1000707) 1000608.png Flower Petals (1000608)
Amicitia Dungeon 1
  • @alootid +25730|+25731|+25728|+25729|+100322
Name Time 12210.png 25728.png 25729.png 25730.png 25731.png 757.png 985.png 756.png 984.png 1000103.png 1000322.png 12103.png Zeny
(amicitia1 , ) 30min yes 327 63 303 36 231 17m
Item IDs
12210.png Bubble Gum (12210) 25728.png Shadowdecon Ore (25728) 25729.png Shadowdecon (25729) 25730.png Zelunium Ore (25730) 25731.png Zelunium (25731) 757.png Rough Elunium (757) 985.png Elunium (985) 756.png Rough Oridecon (756) 984.png Oridecon (984) 1000103.png Varmeal Ticket (1000103) 1000322.png Etel Dust (1000322) 12103.png Bloody Branch (12103)
Clock Tower Basement
  • @alootid +25730|+25731|+25728|+25729|+100322|+984|+985|+50034
Name Time 12210.png 25728.png 25729.png 25730.png 25731.png 757.png 985.png 756.png 984.png 1000103.png 1000322.png 12103.png Zeny
(clock_01 , ) 30min yes 466 144 244 107 56 81 315 10,64m
Item IDs
12210.png Bubble Gum (12210) 25728.png Shadowdecon Ore (25728) 25729.png Shadowdecon (25729) 25730.png Zelunium Ore (25730) 25731.png Zelunium (25731) 757.png Rough Elunium (757) 985.png Elunium (985) 756.png Rough Oridecon (756) 984.png Oridecon (984) 1000103.png Varmeal Ticket (1000103) 1000322.png Etel Dust (1000322) 12103.png Bloody Branch (12103)
Istana Cave
  • @alootid +50034|+756|+985
Name Time 12210.png 12008.png 520.png 517.png 912.png 1003.png 938.png 756.png 985.png Zeny
Monster Kill
(dew_dun02 302, 30) 30min yes 94 366 253 1314 871 936 984 902 466k
Item IDs
12008.png Fire Arrow Quiver (12008) 520.png Hinalle Leaflet (520) 517.png Meat (517) 912.png Zargon (912) 1003.png Coal (1003) 938.png Sticky Mucus (938) 756.png Rough Oridecon (756) 985.png Elunium (985)
Mjolnir Underground Cave 01
  • @alootid +25728|+25729|+25730|+25731|+100322|+12103
Name Time 12210.png 25728.png 25729.png 25730.png 25731.png 757.png 985.png 756.png 984.png 1000103.png 1000322.png 12103.png Zeny
(mjo_wst01 , ) 60min yes 442 90 443 127 247 15 6,89m
Item IDs
12210.png Bubble Gum (12210) 25728.png Shadowdecon Ore (25728) 25729.png Shadowdecon (25729) 25730.png Zelunium Ore (25730) 25731.png Zelunium (25731) 757.png Rough Elunium (757) 985.png Elunium (985) 756.png Rough Oridecon (756) 984.png Oridecon (984) 1000103.png Varmeal Ticket (1000103) 1000322.png Etel Dust (1000322) 12103.png Bloody Branch (12103)
Niflheim Dungeon 01
  • @alootid +50034|+25728|+25729|+25730|+25731|+1000322|+41080
Name Time 12210.png 25728.png 25729.png 25730.png 25731.png 757.png 985.png 756.png 984.png 1000103.png 1000322.png 12103.png 41080.png Zeny
Crap Sell
Box Sell
Monster Kill
(Nif_dun01 , ) 30min yes 416 60 454 69 236 m 14.63m m
Item IDs
12210.png Bubble Gum (12210) 25728.png Shadowdecon Ore (25728) 25729.png Shadowdecon (25729) 25730.png Zelunium Ore (25730) 25731.png Zelunium (25731) 757.png Rough Elunium (757) 985.png Elunium (985) 756.png Rough Oridecon (756) 984.png Oridecon (984) 1000103.png Varmeal Ticket (1000103) 1000322.png Etel Dust (1000322) 12103.png Bloody Branch (12103) 41080.png Niflheim Equipment Box (41080)
Niflheim Dungeon 02
  • @alootid +50034|+25728|+25729|+25730|+25731|+1000322|+12103|+41080
Name Time 12210.png 25728.png 25729.png 25730.png 25731.png 757.png 985.png 756.png 984.png 1000103.png 1000322.png 12103.png 41080.png Zeny
Crap Sell
Box sell
(Nif_dun02 , ) 30min yes 247 83 223 69 319 13 236 1.67m 14.6m 5.33m
Item IDs
12210.png Bubble Gum (12210) 25728.png Shadowdecon Ore (25728) 25729.png Shadowdecon (25729) 25730.png Zelunium Ore (25730) 25731.png Zelunium (25731) 757.png Rough Elunium (757) 985.png Elunium (985) 756.png Rough Oridecon (756) 984.png Oridecon (984) 1000103.png Varmeal Ticket (1000103) 1000322.png Etel Dust (1000322) 12103.png Bloody Branch (12103) 41080.png Niflheim Equipment Box (41080)
Rudus Dungeon 04
  • @alootid +50034|+25728|+25729|+25730|+25731|+41076
Name Time 12210.png 25728.png 25729.png 25730.png 25731.png 757.png 985.png 756.png 984.png 1000103.png 1000322.png 12103.png 41076.png Zeny
Crap Sell
Box Sell
Monster Kill
(Rudus_sp04 , ) 30min yes 551 93 513 65 279 997k 23.13m 5.77m
Item IDs
12210.png Bubble Gum (12210) 25728.png Shadowdecon Ore (25728) 25729.png Shadowdecon (25729) 25730.png Zelunium Ore (25730) 25731.png Zelunium (25731) 757.png Rough Elunium (757) 985.png Elunium (985) 756.png Rough Oridecon (756) 984.png Oridecon (984) 1000103.png Varmeal Ticket (1000103) 1000322.png Etel Dust (1000322) 12103.png Bloody Branch (12103) 41076.png Rudus Equipment Box (41076)
Varmundt Dungeons - Biosphere 2nd Plant
Name Time 12210.png 25728.png 25730.png 1000103.png 911.png 7123.png 1000225.png 25159.png 7326.png 716.png 715.png Zeny
Monster Kill
Weapons Sell
(ba_pw03 13, 115) 30min yes 273 299 609 499 268 318 292 110 95 72 2.52m 1.17m
Item IDs
25728.png Shadowdecon Ore (25728) 25730.png Zelunium Ore (25730) 1000103.png Varmeal Ticket (1000103) 911.png Scell (911) 7123.png Dragon Skin (7123) 1000225.png Potato Chips (1000225) 25159.png Seal of Heart Hunter (25159) 7326.png Fluorescent Liquid (7326) 716.png Red Gemstone (716) 715.png Yellow Gemstone (715)
Illusion Dungeons
Illusion Dungeon of Moonlight
  • @alootid +100421|+50034|+6223|+6224|+12196|+41081|+100391
Name Time 12210.png 6223.png 6224.png 25271.png Moonlight
100391.png 604.png 12197.png 12196.png Zeny
(pay_d03_i , ) 30min no 45 3 184 13 4 35 65 116 1,90m
(pay_d03_i , ) 30min yes
Item IDs
12210.png Bubble Gum (12210) 6223.png Carnium (6223) 6224.png Bradium (6224) 25271.png Illusion Stone (25271) 41081.png Illusion Moonlight Box (41081) 100391.png Moonlight Refinement Box (100391) 604.png Dead Branch (604) 12197.png Salty Rice Cake (12197) 12196.png Hearty Rice Cake (12196)
Illusion Dungeon of Frozen
  • @alootid +100421|+50034|+6224|+41082|+9785
Name Time 12210.png 6224.png 25271.png Frozen
9785.png Zeny
(Ice_d03_i , ) 30min no 82 94 4 11 3,60m
(Ice_d03_i , ) 30min yes
Item IDs
12210.png Bubble Gum (12210) 6224.png Bradium (6224) 25271.png Illusion Stone (25271) 41082.png Illusion Frozen Box (41082) 9785.png Frozen Refine Box (9785)
Illusion Dungeon of Vampire
  • @alootid +100421|+50034|+41083|+100414|+6223|+6224
Name Time 12210.png 6223.png 6224.png 25271.png Vampire
9785.png Zeny
(Gef_d01_i , ) 30min no 357 30 108 24 7 3,27m
(Gef_d01_i , ) 30min yes
Item IDs
12210.png Bubble Gum (12210) 6223.png Carnium (6223) 6224.png Bradium (6224) 25271.png Illusion Stone (25271) 41083.png Illusion Vampire Box (41083) 100414.png Vampire Refinement Box (100414)
Illusion Dungeon of Abyss
  • @alootid +100421|+50034|+100417|+|+41084
Name Time 12210.png 100417.png Abyss
(Tur_d03_i , ) 30min no 30 12 2,36m
(Tur_d03_i , ) 30min yes
Item IDs
12210.png Bubble Gum (12210) 100417.png Turtle Island Refinement Box (100417) 41084.png Illusion Abyss Box (41084)
Illusion Dungeon of Underwater
  • Use Navi Link or Use Warper -> Illusion Dungeon of Underwater
  • @alootid +100421|+50034|+41089|+100425
Name Time 12210.png Underwater
100425.png 962.png 1024.png 991.png 25892.png 963.png 25899.png 25893.png 951.png 25895.png 960.png 943.png 25896.png 25894.png 720.png 995.png 956.png Zeny
(iz_d05_i 139, 184) 30min yes 30 7 280 246 40 273 540 596 276 606 376 340 336 326 256 13 83 87 5,85m
Item IDs
41089.png Illusion Underwater Box (41089) 100425.png Underwater Refinement Box (100425) 962.png Tentacle (962) 1024.png Squid Ink (1024) 991.png Crystal Blue (991) 25892.png Deep Sea Shells (25892) 963.png Sharp Scale (963) 25899.png Abyssal Essence (25899) 25893.png Tail of Deep Sea Fish (25893) 951.png Fin (951) 25895.png Deep Sea Starfish (25895) 960.png Nipper (960) 943.png Solid Shell (943) 25896.png Deep Sea Crab (25896) 25894.png Decayed Deep Sea Fish (25894) 720.png Aquamarine (720) 995.png Mystic Frozen (995) 956.png Gill (956)
Illusion Dungeon of Teddy Bear
  • Use Navi Link or Use Warper -> Illusion Dungeon of Teddy Bear
  • @alootid +25271|+984|+985|+41085|+100419|+50034
Name Time 12210.png Teddy
100417.png 984.png 985.png 25271.png Zeny
(ein_dun01 187, 79) 30min yes 45 22 176 202 127 7,34m
Item IDs
12210.png Bubble Gum (12210) 41085.png Illusion Teddy Bear Box (41085) 100419.png Teddy Bear Refinement Box (100419) 984.png Oridecon (984) 985.png Elunium (985) 25271.png Illusion Stone (25271)
Illusion Dungeon of Luanda
  • Use Navi Link or Use Warper -> Illusion Dungeon of Luanda
  • @alootid +41086|+100421|+25271|+50034
Name Time 12210.png Luanda
100421.png 25271.png 25635.png 7196.png 7939.png 25633.png 7201.png 25637.png 7203.png 7195.png 7200.png 7182.png 25636.png 7198.png 7188.png 25272.png 513.png Zeny
Crap Sell
Monster Kill
(com_d02_i 231, 261) 30min yes 28 12 155 388 412 365 287 155 316 296 405 628 631 233 285 449 20 605 1.52m 1.73m
Item IDs
41086.png Illusion Luanda Box (41086) 100421.png Luanda Refinement Box (100421) 25271.png Illusion Stone (25271) 25635.png Wootan Warrior's Fur (25635) 7196.png Shoulder Protector (7196) 7939.png Elder Branch (7939) 25633.png Wootan's Token (25633) 7201.png Log (7201) 25637.png Leaf-like Hair (25637) 7203.png Strong Branch (7203) 7195.png Slingshot (7195) 7200.png Elastic Band (7200) 7182.png Cacao (7182) 25636.png Shooting Stone (25636) 7198.png Huge Leaf (7198) 7188.png Brown Root (7188) 25272.png Illusion Gemstone (25272) 513.png Banana (513)
Illusion Dungeon of Twins
  • Use Navi Link or Use Warper -> Illusion Dungeon of Twins
  • @alootid +100699|+50034|+41087|+25271
Name Time 12210.png Twins
100699.png 507.png 1040.png 1000517.png 913.png 1000506.png 1000511.png 955.png 938.png 1000505.png 1000510.png 935.png 1010.png 909.png 25271.png 1000504.png 1003.png 911.png 1000516.png 1000513.png 1000514.png 1000515.png Zeny
Crap Sell
Monster Kill
(ant_d02_i 171, 183) 30min yes 22 10 112 108 68 168 1442 162 1032 980 430 144 112 66 108 200 110 32 40 22 14 8 12 438k 1.21m
Item IDs
41087.png Illusion Twins Box (41087) 100699.png Twins Refinement Box (100699) 507.png Red Herb (507) 1040.png Elder Pixie's Moustache (1040) 1000517.png Bat Fur (1000517) 913.png Tooth of Bat (913) 1000506.png Shell of Awareness (1000506) 1000511.png Ant Legs (1000511) 955.png Worm Peeling (955) 938.png Sticky Mucus (938) 1000505.png Opaque Liquid (1000505) 1000510.png Ant Antennae (1000510) 935.png Shell (935) 1010.png Phracon (1010) 909.png Jellopy (909) 25271.png Illusion Stone (25271) 1000504.png Dry Sand (1000504) 1003.png Coal (1003) 911.png Scell (911) 1000516.png Bat Jawbone (1000516) 1000513.png Dangerous Acid (1000513) 1000514.png Gaia's Worn Hat (1000514) 1000515.png Small Shovel (1000515)
Nightmare Dungeons
  • @alootid +25728|+1001217|+41246
Name Time 12210.png 25728.png 41246.png 1001217.png 1001233.png 1000823.png 1052.png 1001232.png 938.png 1001234.png 919.png 1001231.png Zeny
Monster Kill
Box Sell
(jor_root3 100, 100) 30min yes 176 191 65 470 507 172 346 69 72 68 153 933k 5.92m
Item IDs
25728.png Shadowdecon Ore (25728) 41246.png Dim Glacier Weapon Box (41246) 1001217.png Sacred Cat Whiskers (1001217) 1001233.png Fluorescent Fluorescent Cell (Daldal) (1001233) 1000823.png Monstrous Cell (1000823) 1052.png Single Cell (1052) 1001232.png Soft Fluorescent Cell (salty) (1001232) 938.png Sticky Mucus (938) 1001234.png Bear Hide (1001234) 919.png Animal Skin (919) 1001231.png Soft Fluorescent Cell (Sour) (1001231)