Armor Weapon Tickets
Mit dem Zertifikat „Safe Refine Ticket“ (Ticket) kann der Spieler sofort „Nicht-Level-2-Rüstung/Level-5-Waffe“ auf die auf dem Ticket angegebene Verfeinerungsstufe verfeinern. (Beispiel: Safe to +10 Armor Certificate (6994) verfeinert jede Level-1-Rüstung von jeder beliebigen Verfeinerungsstufe direkt auf +10.) Der NPC „Refine Master“ (prontera 189, 175) nimmt dieses Ticket und ermöglicht Ihnen, eine Ihrer aktuell angelegten Ausrüstungen zu verfeinern.
The core design of Safe to Refine Certificates (Tickets) in MuhRO is meant to smoothen out the early game progression. Most End Game gears are normally Lv2 Armor and Lv5 Weapons. So these tickets do NOT work with them.
How to Get Refine Tickets
You need to convert upgraded weapons/armors to get the refine tickets. By having a specific weapon/armor upgraded high enough and buying an Exchange Hammer from NPC Red Hugo, you can DESTROY the weapon / armor and get an upgrade certificate. Make sure to only convert items that you not using. You can also exchange several certificates for a higher one.
Gears Allowed to be Converted into Refine Tickets
Not every single gear is allowed to be converted into refine tickets. Down below is the list of gears that can be converted into refine tickets.
Only upgraded Level 3 Crimson Weapons, Level 4 Thanatos, Illusion Lvl 4 and Level 4 Vicious Mind Weapons can be used for Weapon Refine Exchange Hammer.
All upgraded equipments which are dropped from: