Current Cannon Meat's DPS Tier List (EP 18)
Last Updated: "4.1.2023" by Cannon Meat
(Side Note: Not all classes are properly tested and may be in the wrong tier please consider sharing some of your opinions if you have played one for longer)
Needs to be reevaluated after skill rework! (please make sure to leave your thoughts in #Tier-List)
- The Following Classes are designated by their " DPS (M = Magic DPS / P = Physical DPS) | Difficulty to play | Versatility | Charakter Limitations "
- on a scala from 1 -10, 1 is bad | 10 is good.
- (Disclaimer: If your favorite class is lower than you think please consider the decisions made, all classes can be played, some are just stronger/more versitale than others. Also this should NOT be seen as which class is the best to start with!)
- If you think a class should be higher/lower in the tier list feel free to discuss it in the discord channel #Tier-List.
- Detailed player Guides can be found here.
S Tier |
M/P DPS:1/10|Diff:8|Vers:10|Limits:10 |
M/P DPS:1/9|Diff:9|Vers:10|Limits:10
- Changed DPS into Physical & Magical DPS
- 11,11,2022 upgraded Arch Mage to B Tier | DPS from 6->8 | Vers 5--->6
- 2,10,22: added scala to the classes