Autoloot setups

Because i didn't find any general topic about autoloot setups i decided to create a quick overview.
Below you can find some of my sets of autoloot useful to farm zeny, food or other useful stuff.

Quick facts

Commands step by step

If you want to setup, save and then load specific autoloot setup, proceed as follows:

  1. Make sure you turned your autoloot OFF - @autoloot or @al and reset your autoloot lists using commands @alootid reset @nolootid reset.
  2. Type the autoloot command sequence of your choice (e.g. for Geffenia: @alootid reset|+13313|+526|+2613|+2610|+522|+1039|+984|+12370|+1939|+2865 followed by @nolootid reset|+15014|+1974 and lastly followed by @al 1)
  3. Save the autoloot setup - @alootconfig or @alc
  4. Load your desired autoloot setup - @alootset 1 or @als 1 where the number refers to position of your autoloot setup in your autoloot list

1.png Important Notes

  • Maximum of items in the autoloot list is 30.
  • You can add (whitelist) item to the list by the command @alootid +itemID (or @alootid +itemNAME).
  • You can remove item from the list by the command @alootid -itemID (or @alootid -itemNAME).
  • You can prevent (blacklist) item from looting by the command @nolootid +itemID.
  • If you want to clear (reset) your autoloot list, type @alootid reset. If you want to clear your blacklisted items, type @nolootid reset
  • You can use @aloottype command to set autolooting only specific item category (for example only cards).
  • @alc will NOT save your @aloottype so you have to pre-set this after login (see below) or run @aloottype every time you login!
  • If you want to check your current autoloot options use commands @alootid list, @aloottype list, @nolootid list.
  • Loading another autoloot setup (list) will rewrite the current autoloot setup (list) and it can rewrite even your percentage autoloot setup - always check your chat log after you run @als 1 to verify that all of your desired options were loaded.

You can preset your percentual autoloot, looting type and autoloot list after login.
Just click on this lass in the Main Office (main_office 109, 59) - top right corner.

I highly recommend to pre-set looting type for cards after login (@aloottype +6). Make sure you done this especially when using autoloot setups for #Illusion Dungeons and #Bloody Branch farm Nifflheim F2 (Option 2.2) below. Cause for this setup autoloot percentage is completely off!

25223.png Autoloot farming setups

100392.png Illusion Dungeons 100392.png

1st Command:
@alootid reset|+25271|+100391|+100392|+100414|+100415|+100416|+9785|+100417|+100418|+100419|+100420|+100421|+100422|+100423|+100424|+100425|+100426|+100699|+100700
2nd Command:
@aloottype +6

List of items:
25271.png Illusion Stone (25271)
100391.png 100392.png Illusion Refinement Boxes

Blacklisted items:
All other items (make sure you set @aloottype +6 for looting cards!)

1.png Note:
This autoloot setup is primarily for farming 25271.png Illusion Stone (25271) and refinement boxes. It includes all 100391.png Illusion Refinement Boxes and 100392.png Illusion Special Refinement Boxes listed here.
All other items are NOT looted.
@alc will NOT save your @aloottype +6 so you have to pre-set it to load after login (see above) or run @aloottype +6 every time after you use @als 1. Otherwise you will not be looting cards!

Check more informations about Illusion Dungeons here.

12103.png Bloody Branch farm 1001072.png Nifflheim F2 12103.png

1st Command:
@alootid reset|+25730|+25728|+25729|+25731|+1000322|+1001072|+12103|+604|+7019

2.1 Optional Command:
@al 1
if you WANT to LOOT WEAPONS AND ARMORS (Relapse, Toy Syringe etc.).

2.2 Optional Command:
@aloottype +6

List of items:
25730.png Zelunium Ore (25730)
25728.png Shadowdecon Ore (25728)
25729.png Shadowdecon (25729)
25731.png Zelunium (25731)
1000322.png Etel Dust (1000322)
1001072.png Wicked Orb (1001072)
12103.png Bloody Branch (12103)
604.png Dead Branch (604)
7019.png Loki's Whispers (7019)

12103.png Bloody Branch farm 1001204.png Mjolnir Underground Cave 12103.png

1st Command:
@alootid reset|+25730|+25728|+25729|+25731|+1000322|+12103|+604|+1000430|+1001204|+1001203|+1001135

2nd Command:
@al 1

List of items:
25730.png Zelunium Ore (25730)
25728.png Shadowdecon Ore (25728)
25729.png Shadowdecon (25729)
25731.png Zelunium (25731)
1000322.png Etel Dust (1000322)
12103.png Bloody Branch (12103)
604.png Dead Branch (604)
1000430.png Weapon Upgrade Stone (Low) (1000430)
1001204.png Mjolnir's Energy (1001204)
1001203.png Mjolnir's Treasure (1001203)
1001135.png Hard Ice (1001135)

2613.png Geffenia 2613.png

1st Command:
@alootid reset|+13313|+526|+2613|+2610|+522|+1039|+984|+12370|+1939|+2865
2nd Command:
@nolootid reset|+15014|+1974
3rd Command:
@al 1

List of items:
13313.png Huuma Swirling Petal [2] (13313)
526.png Royal Jelly (526)
2613.png Diamond Ring (2613)
2610.png Gold Ring (2610)
522.png Mastela Fruit (522)
1039.png Little Evil Wing (1039)
984.png Oridecon (984)
12370.png Girl's Naivety (12370)
1939.png Crimson Violin [2] (1939)
2865.png Seal of Basilica (2865) (can be recycled for 6380.png Mora Coin (6380) , see Mora Equipment)

Blacklisted items:
15014.png Ebone Armor [1] (15014) (sooo heavy)
1974.png Carrot Whip (1974) (drops a lot and have no price)
Consider blacklisting 984.png Oridecon (984) , which is heavy and drops a lot.

Consider whitelisting following items:
985.png Elunium (985)
12020.png Cursed Water (12020)
509.png White Herb (509)
1009.png Hand of God (1009)

731.png Thanatos Tower F8 (after Thanatos Tower rework) 731.png

1st Command:
@alootid reset|+731|+728|+7435|+12040|+723|+7015|+732|+616|+7442
2nd Command:
@al 1

List of items:
731.png 2carat Diamond (731)
728.png Topaz (728)
12040.png Stone of Sage (12040)
723.png Ruby (723)
7015.png Bookclip in Memory (7015)
732.png 3carat Diamond (732)
616.png Old Card Album (616)
7435.png Golden Ornament (7435)
7442.png Cursed Seal (7442)

Consider whitelisting following items:
21015.png Crimson Two-Handed Sword [2] (21015)

After Thanatos Tower rework there are really lots of Thanatos mobs in F8. It is possible to farm there with autoloot on 100% and selling all Goibnes and Crimson armor as soon as you are overweighted. However, you will be overweighted really fast. It's about 700K zeny per turn (only for gear, other loot not included).

722.png Thanatos Tower mainly F9-F12 (before Thanatos Tower rework) 722.png

1st Command:
@alootid reset|+731|+728|+12040|+722|+723|+1158|+1909|+1910|+718|+732|+616|+2506|+644
2nd Command:
@al 1

List of items:
731.png 2carat Diamond (731)
728.png Topaz (728)
12040.png Stone of Sage (12040)
722.png Pearl (722)
723.png Ruby (723)
1158.png Two-Handed Sword [2] (1158)
1909.png Harp [1] (1909)
1910.png Harp [2] (1910)
718.png Garnet (718)
732.png 3carat Diamond (732)
616.png Old Card Album (616)
2506.png Manteau [1] (2506)
644.png Gift Box (644)

Consider whitelisting following items:
7435.png Golden Ornament (7435)
21015.png Crimson Two-Handed Sword [2] (21015)
1939.png Crimson Violin [2] (1939)

1.png Note:
This setup can be also used in F7 after Thanatos Tower rework but i recommend also whitelist 7015.png Bookclip in Memory (7015)

7136.png Genetic cooking material 1.0 7136.png

1st Command
@alootid reset|+25730|+25728|+25729|+25731|+50034|+507|+509|+508|+510|+511|+6259|+6254|+6252|+6257|+6256|+6253|+6260|+6249|+950|+1061|+952|+972|+970|+514|+518|+929|+1044|+522|+607|+608
2nd Command:
@al 1

List of items:
25730.png Zelunium Ore (25730)
25728.png Shadowdecon Ore (25728)
25729.png Shadowdecon (25729)
25731.png Zelunium (25731)
50034.png Shadow Crate (50034)
507.png Red Herb (507)
509.png White Herb (509)
508.png Yellow Herb (508)
510.png Blue Herb (510)
511.png Green Herb (511)
6259.png Drosera Tentacle (6259)
6254.png Beef Head (6254)
6252.png Blood of Wolf (6252)
6257.png Ice Crystal (6257)
6256.png Ice Piece (6256)
6253.png Cold Ice (6253)
6260.png Petite's Tail (6260)
6249.png Savage Meat (6249)
950.png Heart of Mermaid (950)
1061.png Witch Starsand (1061)
952.png Cactus Needle (952)
972.png Karvodailnirol (972)
970.png Alcohol (970)
514.png Grape (514)
518.png Honey (518)
929.png Immortal Heart (929)
1044.png Zenorc's Fang (1044)
522.png Mastela Fruit (522)
607.png Yggdrasil Berry (607)
608.png Yggdrasil Seed (608)

Non-included items for which there was no room left:
526.png Royal Jelly (526)
704.png Aloe (704)
708.png Ment (708)
1017.png Mole Whiskers (1017)
905.png Stem (905)
7033.png Poison Spore (7033)
1059.png Fabric (1059)
921.png Mushroom Spore (921)
525.png Panacea (525)

1.png Note:
This setup is mainly for +20 genetic foods and some other useful items like CWP, Red Herb Activators etc.
You can buy herbs and lots of food stuff at Paradise Market (paramk 78, 96) but bear in mind that especially food material is often sold out.

616.png General farm, expensive items 616.png

1st Command:
@alootid reset|+25730|+25728|+25729|+25731|+50034|+1000322|+731|+728|+749|+12040|+722|+747|+721|+617|+607|+718|+732|+616|+720|+969|+7444|+984|+726|+644|+719|+748|+608|+706|+723|+725
2nd Command:
@al 1

List of items:
25730.png Zelunium Ore (25730)
25728.png Shadowdecon Ore (25728)
25729.png Shadowdecon (25729)
25731.png Zelunium (25731)
50034.png Shadow Crate (50034)
1000322.png Etel Dust (1000322)
731.png 2carat Diamond (731)
728.png Topaz (728)
749.png Frozen Rose (749)
12040.png Stone of Sage (12040)
722.png Pearl (722)
747.png Crystal Mirror (747)
721.png Emerald (721)
617.png Old Purple Box (617)
607.png Yggdrasil Berry (607)
718.png Garnet (718)
732.png 3carat Diamond (732)
616.png Old Card Album (616)
720.png Aquamarine (720)
969.png Gold (969)
7444.png Treasure Box (7444)
984.png Oridecon (984)
726.png Sapphire (726)
644.png Gift Box (644)
719.png Amethyst (719)
748.png Witherless Rose (748)
608.png Yggdrasil Seed (608)
706.png Four Leaf Clover (706)
723.png Ruby (723)
725.png Sardonyx (725)

Consider blacklisting 984.png Oridecon (984) , which is heavy and drops a lot.

Non-included items for which there was no room left:

727.png Opal (727)
739.png Rouge (739)
729.png Zircon (729)
1000.png Star Crumb (1000)
603.png Old Blue Box (603)
12128.png Royal Cooking Kit (12128)
526.png Royal Jelly (526)
522.png Mastela Fruit (522)
985.png Elunium (985) Heavy and drops a lot.

1.png Note:
This setup is mainly for casual maps or you can use it in Endless Tower, Endless Cellar, MVP/BB killing etc.
For Endless Tower, Endless Cellar consider using of command @nodrop (it will prevent you from annoying random pick ups through the run).

50034.png MVPs Farm - Shadow Gear items 50034.png

1st Command:
@alootid reset|+50034|+616|+7444|+6326|+7211|+7566|+6649|+968|+7510|+7754|+7020|+7450|+7109|+751|+7036|+7513|+750|+25622|+7300|+7018|+7169|+7024|+7562|+6091|+7114|+7113|+7451|+25629|+7108|+23817
2nd Command:
@al 1

List of items:
50034.png Shadow Crate (50034)
616.png Old Card Album (616)
7444.png Treasure Box (7444)
6326.png Piece of Queen's Wing (6326)
7211.png Rosetta Stone Piece (7211)
7566.png Will of Red Darkness (7566)
6649.png Broken Horn (6649)
968.png Heroic Emblem (968)
7510.png Valhala's Flower (7510)
7754.png Broken Crown (7754)
7020.png Mother's Nightmare (7020)
7450.png Skeletal Armor Piece (7450)
7109.png Shining Spear Edge (7109)
751.png Osiris Doll (751)
7036.png Fang of Hatii (7036)
7513.png Pocket Watch (7513)
750.png Baphomet Doll (750)
25622.png White Snake's Tear (25622)
7300.png Gemstone (7300)
7018.png Young Twig (7018)
7169.png Taeguk Plate (7169)
7024.png Bloody Edge (7024)
7562.png Ice Scale (7562)
6091.png Dark Red Scale Piece (6091)
7114.png Mask of Tutankhamen (7114)
7113.png Broken Pharaoh Emblem (7113)
7451.png Fire Dragon Scale (7451)
25629.png Knot Letter (25629)
7108.png Broken Shield Piece (7108)
23817.png Mysterious Combination Scroll Bundle (23817)

Non-included items for which there was no room left:

7019.png Loki's Whispers (7019)
1030.png Tiger's Footskin (1030)
25508.png Orc Warlord Token (25508)

You can buy MVP items used for Shadow Gear crafting in (paramk 116, 100) but they are quite expensive (150K/piece).

12735.png Rune material farming 12735.png

1st Command:
@alootid reset|+25730|+25728|+25729|+25731|+50034|+1000322|+12738|+12735|+12736|+12734|+1034|+7030|+7097|+7938|+7221|+1035|+1096|+7123|+7002|+1048|+518|+7069|+7099|+7210|+969|+7939
2nd Command:
@al 1

List of items:
25730.png Zelunium Ore (25730)
25728.png Shadowdecon Ore (25728)
25729.png Shadowdecon (25729)
25731.png Zelunium (25731)
50034.png Shadow Crate (50034)
1000322.png Etel Dust (1000322)
12738.png Rare Rough Runestone (12738)
12735.png Ancient Rough Runestone (12735)
12736.png Mystic Rough Runestone (12736)
12734.png Quality Rough Runestone (12734)
1034.png Blue Hair (1034)
7030.png Claw of Desert Wolf (7030)
7097.png Burning Heart (7097)
7938.png Light Granule (7938)
7221.png Tangled Chains (7221)
1035.png Dragon Canine (1035)
1096.png Round Shell (1096)
7123.png Dragon Skin (7123)
7002.png Ogre Tooth (7002)
969.png Gold (969)
1048.png Horrendous Hair (1048)
518.png Honey (518)
7069.png Destroyed Armor (7069)
7099.png Worn-out Magic Scroll (7099)
7210.png Armor Piece of Dullahan (7210)
7939.png Elder Branch (7939)

There are 4 slots remaining. Feel free to add items of your choice to this autoloot list or leave it empty, suit yourself. ^^

You can buy Runes and some other stuff for rune crafting in (main_office 48, 59).

12114.png EDP and converters material farming 12114.png

1st Command:
@alootid reset|+25730|+25728|+25729|+25731|+50034|+1000322|+904|+946|+947|+1013|+6032|+937|+939|+952|+972|+7033|+993|+992|+991|+990|+997|+996|+995|+994|+6086|+7939
2nd Command:
@al 1

List of items:
25730.png Zelunium Ore (25730)
25728.png Shadowdecon Ore (25728)
25729.png Shadowdecon (25729)
25731.png Zelunium (25731)
50034.png Shadow Crate (50034)
1000322.png Etel Dust (1000322)
904.png Scorpion Tail (904)
946.png Snail's Shell (946)
947.png Horn (947)
1013.png Rainbow Shell (1013)
6032.png Horn of Hillslion (6032)
937.png Venom Canine (937)
939.png Bee Sting (939)
952.png Cactus Needle (952)
972.png Karvodailnirol (972)
7033.png Poison Spore (7033)
993.png Green Live (993)
992.png Wind of Verdure (992)
991.png Crystal Blue (991)
990.png Red Blood (990)
997.png Great Nature (997)
996.png Rough Wind (996)
995.png Mystic Frozen (995)
994.png Flame Heart (994)
6086.png Withered Flower (6086)
7939.png Elder Branch (7939)

There are 4 slots remaining. Feel free to add items of your choice to this autoloot list or leave it empty, suit yourself. ^^

You can break large elemental stones into smaller ones in Umbala (see Ore Downgrading) or using sorcerer skill 2462.png 4 Elemental Analysis
You can buy 678.png Poison Bottle (678) at (paramk 100, 33), 12114.png Elemental Converters at (paramk 101, 102) and 993.png Small Rune Stones at (paramk 53, 102).

In conclusion

I hope you find some of these setups useful. If i will be in the mood i'll add some more in the future.
In conclusion just promise me one thing guys - be nice to others and don't killsteal! Thank you.
For any suggestions or questions feel free to contact me.
Enjoy, take care, and see you in the game!^^
Velda aka JohnnyG aka Alisea aka Lune Soul
Visit my YouTube channel or Twitch channel.

See Also