18 Direction of Prayer
Temporal Tina is an NPC who sells Episode Clear Tickets. She is located in Prontera (prontera 140, 174) and the Main Office (main_office 94, 59).
(prontera 140, 174) | (main_office 94, 59) |
Episode Clear Tickets
An Episode Clear Ticket is a consumable item that allows you to skip the main quest of an episode. By using it, you will gain instant access to all NPCs, dungeons, and equipment shops that would normally require you to complete the episode or fulfill certain quests to unlock.
Please note that by using an Episode Clear Ticket, you will miss out on quest rewards such as EXP, Zeny, reputation, and items.
Some Episode Clear Tickets have prerequisites. If it's your first character on the server, you will still have to progress from Episode 17.2 to the last episode normally.
Check the table below to see the requirements and prices for each ticket.
Episode Clear Tickets | ||
Episode Ticket | Zeny Costs | Prerequisites |
Episode 14 Clear Ticket (1000284) | 1,000,000 | None |
Episode 15 Clear Ticket (1000286) | 1,000,000 | None |
Episode 16 Clear Ticket (1000282) | 1,000,000 | None |
Episode 17.1 Clear Ticket (1000285) | 2,000,000 | None |
Episode 17.2 Clear Ticket (1000287) | 4,000,000 | The current character has cleared Episode 17.1 |
Episode 18 Clear Ticket (1000288) | 9,000,000 | The current character has cleared Episode 17.2 AND one character in the master account has cleared Episode 18 |
Episode 19 Clear Ticket (1000988) | 12,000,000 | The current character has cleared Episode 18 AND one character in the master account has cleared Episode 19 and the side quests "Purification Saint" and "Frozen Sea" |
Episode 20 Clear Ticket (1001214) | 16,000,000 | The current character has cleared Episode 19 AND one character in the master account has cleared Episode 20 |
Episode 18: Direction of Prayer
Nachdem es Ihnen gelungen ist, die Macht der Illusion in Varmundts Villa zu analysieren, führt Sie Ihre Reise zurück in die Hauptstadt von Arunafeltz, um eine gesellschaftliche Spaltung unter der Bevölkerung aufzudecken. Rachel wurde von den Missionaren gegründet, die einwanderten und die Göttin Freya predigten. Der Glaube konnte die Konflikte zwischen den Migranten und den Einheimischen jedoch nicht lösen.
- Erforderliches Level: 170
- Quest-Voraussetzung:
- Episode 17.2 (Tracking Illusion)
- Erforderliche Gegenstände:
- 1x Meat (517)
- 3x Steel (999)
- 1x Tough Vines (7197)
Teil 1
- (ba_in01 26, 266) - Sprich mit Elly (Hinweis: Du musst möglicherweise zweimal mit Elly sprechen) in Varmundts Villa und erhalte ein Mini Elly (400127) und ziehe es für die gesamte Quest an. Mit dieser Kopfbedeckung kannst du während deiner Ermittlungen in Rachel mit Elly kommunizieren, um die Präsenz von Illusionskräften zu überprüfen.
- (rachel 182, 176) - Sprich mit dem maskierten Mädchen in Rachel. Du und Elly werden einen Streit unter den Bürgern aufdecken. Immer mehr Menschen tauchen auf und protestieren für die Vereinigung von Arunafeltz, auch mit den Eingeborenen.
- (rachel 183, 170) - Sprich mit der Priesterin, die auftaucht, um die Menschen zu beruhigen. Sprich noch einmal mit ihr, die dich bittet, den Ursprung dieses Konflikts herauszufinden. Als Belohnung erhältst du 20x Amethyst Fragment (1000405) .
- (ra_temp 72, 54) - Sprich mit dem männlichen Priester Junok vor Rachels Tempel, um ihn nach den Auseinandersetzungen zu fragen, die du in der Stadt miterlebt hast. Er erklärt, dass es einen andauernden Konflikt zwischen den Einheimischen und den Migranten gibt. Wächter Gala erklärt die Situation, dass mehrere Versuche unternommen wurden, in Rachels Tempel einzubrechen. Ein anderer Wächter erscheint und informiert Junok, dass gerade weitere Eindringlinge aus dem Westen gesichtet wurden.
- (ra_temp 30, 142) - Folge Junok und den Wächtern, die die Eindringlinge gefangen genommen haben, und du hast bemerkt, dass es sich um Herzjäger handelte. Gala nimmt sie in Gewahrsam und bittet dich, dich in Rachels Tempel zu treffen, um Bericht zu erstatten. Belohnt mit 30x Amethyst Fragment (1000405) .
- (ra_temin 173, 40) - Sprich mit Wächter Dent, der erklärt, dass diese Eindringlinge immer schlimmer werden.
- (ra_temin 174, 38) - Sprich mit Marschall Neil, um seine Haltung zur Situation zu erfahren.
- (ra_temin 172, 36) - Sprich mit Priesterin Freya, die sagt, dass die Leute, die in letzter Zeit in den Tempel kommen, eher Kämpfe anzetteln als zu beten. Hohepriesterin Niren taucht auf, um ihre Bedenken bezüglich der Kämpfe im Göttlichen Tempel mitzuteilen. Sie bittet um ein Gespräch unter vier Augen.
- (ra_temin 213, 87) - Sprich heimlich mit Hohepriesterin Niren in der Nähe der Treppe. Sie erklärt, sie wisse, dass die Herzjäger hinter Ymirs Herzstück her seien, aber die Sicherheitsvorkehrungen seien angesichts des jüngsten Aufruhrs zwischen den Migranten und den Einheimischen zu dünn gesät.
- (ra_temin 174, 38) - Kehre zu Marshall Neil zurück, der sagt, sein Sohn Maram könne helfen.
- (rachel 137, 135) - Gehe zu einem Dorfbewohner in Rachel und frage ihn, ob er Maram gesehen habe, aber er ist keine Hilfe.
- (rachel 105, 134) - Sprich mit einem anderen Dorfbewohner, aber auch er ist keine Hilfe.
- (rachel 69, 117) - Sprechen Sie mit einem anderen Dorfbewohner, der sagt, er habe Maram zu einem Treffen nördlich von hier gehen sehen.
- (rachel 70, 147) - Sprechen Sie mit Maram. Er erklärt die Situation aus Rachels Vergangenheit, als Gläubige Freyas hierher migrierten und die Eingeborenen verdrängten. Die Eingeborenen versuchten, beim Tempel zu bleiben, hassten ihn aber letztendlich und gingen. Er lässt Sie auch wissen, dass er von Niren adoptiert wurde. Als seine Mutter Hohepriesterin wurde, leitete sie ein Programm, um die wohlhabenden Einwanderer Rachels zu ermutigen, genau wie sie zu adoptieren. Niren hatte die Idee, dass die Adoption von Kindern der Eingeborenen helfen könnte, die Kluft zwischen den beiden Gruppen zu überbrücken. Stattdessen wurden die Eingeborenenkinder ausgestoßen und diskriminiert, bekannt als „Graue Kinder“. Maram bittet Sie, mit ihm zu warten, damit Sie mit anderen Eingeborenen sprechen können, um die Umstände besser kennenzulernen.
- (rachel 62, 144) - Sprechen Sie mit Miriam. Miriam und Maram geben Ihnen eine Liste mit Artikeln, die Sie von Händlern in Rachel kaufen können.
- (rachel 87, 122) - Fragen Sie den Händler, ob er etwas zu verkaufen hat, aber er ist zu nervös, um Ihnen etwas zu verkaufen.
- (rachel 107, 102) - Sprechen Sie mit Händler Sannat. Sie zeigen ihm die Liste, aber er hat keinen dieser Artikel auf Lager.
- (rachel 117, 104) - Sprechen Sie mit Miriam, die frustriert ist, weil die Händler „Graue Kinder“ meiden und plötzlich keine Produkte mehr anbieten können.
- (rachel 119, 103) - Sprechen Sie mit Maram. Er hat eine Idee, wo Sie und er über Ihren Hintergrund lügen werden. Auf diese Weise werden die Verkäufer nicht misstrauisch.
- (rachel 137, 85) - Sprechen Sie mit dem Händler Rencia. Maram stellt Sie als einen anderen Händler in einem benachbarten Dorf vor, der Nachschub braucht. Wählen Sie: „Er ist in der Bar.“ Rencia sieht Ihre Liste und sagt, dass er die gewünschten Artikel liefern kann. Er bemerkt jedoch, dass Sie keinen Wagen mitgebracht haben und bietet einen Lieferservice an.
- (rachel 120, 79) - Sprechen Sie mit Miriam. Sie ist besorgt, dass diese Lüge auffliegt, wenn Rencia die Lieferung macht. Maram schlägt Verkleidungen vor, die er als einen Typen kennt. Er wird Essen in einer Bar bestellen und sein Freund wird Sie dort kontaktieren.
- (rachel 108, 73) - Setz dich auf den Barhocker und iss den Knödelgs, die Maram für Sie bestellt hat. Tamarin erscheint und stellt sich vor. Sie erhalten Verkleidungen von ihm. Dann bittet er Sie, ihn auf Rachels Platz zu treffen, um Mark und Maggi für die Reise zu rekrutieren.
- (rachel 122, 120) - Sprechen Sie mit Mark auf dem Platz. Tamarin sagt, Sie sollen zum Treffpunkt gehen.
- (rachel 70, 147) - Sprechen Sie mit Maram. Er sagt, jetzt ist alles für die Reise vorbereitet. Er verrät Ihnen nicht, wohin Sie gehen, sondern Sie sollen einfach seinem Beispiel folgen. Er bittet Sie, nach Rencia zurückzukehren, um Zeit und Ort der Lieferung zu vereinbaren.
- (rachel 137, 85) - Sprechen Sie mit Händler Rencia. Sie sagen ihm, er soll die Waren auf der Westseite von Rachel abliefern.
- (rachel 41, 132) - Gehen Sie zu den Holzkisten, um die Waren abzuholen.
- (ra_fild11 354, 235) - Haben Sie mit Maram gesprochen, der als Händler verkleidet war. Er sagt, dass Sie sich Ihnen nicht anschließen können, ohne dass andere misstrauisch werden oder Sie bis zum Ziel verfolgt werden. Maram wird sich später mit Ihnen und der Gruppe treffen, um Sie durch die Oz-Schlucht zu führen.
- (ra_fild10 179, 176) - Treffen Sie Maram am Eingang zum Oz-Labyrinth, um eine Instanz zu starten, in der Sie die Schlucht überqueren können. Diese Instanz ist nur für Solospieler verfügbar und Sie können keine Gruppenmitglieder mitbringen.
- Folgen Sie dem kürzesten Weg zum Ausgang, der auf der Minikarte der Instanz „Oz Labyrinth, Ebene 1“ gelb markiert ist. Sie müssen unterwegs Monster ausschalten, damit der Tamarin und die anderen sicher reisen können.
- (gw_fild01 273, 339) - Sprechen Sie mit Maram, der froh ist, dass wir es alle geschafft haben. Er sagt, das Dorf sei in der Nähe und Sie sollten nach Westen gehen.
- (gw_fild01 35, 102) - Sprechen Sie mit Maram, der sagt, dies sei der Eingang des Dorfes. Imril erscheint.
- (gw_fild01 37, 105) - Sprechen Sie mit Imril. Er ist extrem wütend auf Maram, weil er die Regel gebrochen hat, dass keine Außenstehenden (Sie) hineingelassen werden. Maram fleht Imril an und sagt, dass Sie den gesamten Prozess der Warenbeschaffung und der Überquerung der Oz-Schlucht unterstützt haben. Imril sagt, dass Suad die endgültige Entscheidung treffen wird und bittet uns, zu warten, bis er ihn bekommt.
- (gw_fild01 35, 102) - Sprechen Sie mit Maram. Suad erscheint und Maram erklärt die ganze Situation. Weniger Händler in Rachel verkaufen an Einheimische. Das Oz-Labyrinth wird aufgrund überlaufender Lava bald unpassierbar sein. Maram sagt, sie sollten sich glücklich schätzen, dass ihnen ein Abenteurer hilft. Er bittet Suad, Ihnen eine Chance zu geben, so wie Niren ihm eine Chance gegeben hat. Suad erlaubt Ihnen schließlich, das Dorf zu betreten.
- (wolfvill 143, 113) - Sprechen Sie mit Imril und Maram. Sie sind froh, dass Suad Ihnen erlaubt hat, das Dorf der Grauwölfe zu betreten. Sie zeigen Ihnen, wie bedrückend die aktuelle Situation mit dem Mangel an Nahrung und der rauen Umgebung ist. Maram erwähnt, dass man beim nächsten Mal vielleicht nicht so leicht ins Dorf der Grauwölfe darf und schlägt vor, mit den anderen Dorfbewohnern zu sprechen, um vertrauenswürdiger zu werden. Als Belohnung erhält man 50x Amethyst Fragment (1000405) und Nebenquests werden freigeschaltet.
Teil 2
Um mit der Hauptstory-Quest fortzufahren, benötigst du 900 Ansehen bei Wolf Village, das du erhältst, wenn du alle Tagesquests freischaltest. Alternativ kannst du einige Tagesquests wiederholen, bis du das erforderliche Ansehen erreichst.
Sie müssen außerdem die Quest Untersuchung des Oz-Labyrinths abschließen
Teil 3
- (wolfvill 180, 179) - Mit dem Dorfjungen sprechen. Er sagt, die Konferenz beginnt bald.
- (wolfvill 144, 151) - Sich mit Suad auf der Konferenz im Zentrum des Dorfes Grey Wolf treffen.
- (wolfvill 145, 146) - Den radikalen Mann belauschen, der erklärt, wir sollten alle Tempel von Freya zerstören.
- (wolfvill 139, 148) - Dem alten Eingeborenen zuhören, der zustimmt.
- (wolfvill 150, 147) - Mit dem anderen Teilnehmer sprechen, der zum Krieg aufruft.
- (wolfvill 152, 145) - Dem skeptischen jungen Mann zuhören. Er macht sich Sorgen über die schiere Zahl der Rachel-Wächter, falls das Dorf sich zum Angriff entschließt.
- (wolfvill 144, 151) - Sprechen Sie mit Suad, der die Konferenz beginnt. Er teilt seine Bedenken mit, die Oz-Schlucht zu überqueren, um Vorräte zu beschaffen. Die Zukunft des Dorfes Grey Wolf sieht düster aus. Die Menschen beginnen zu schreien und fordern Krieg gegen Rachel, damit das Dorf das Land zurückerobern kann. Suad wird zu einem bewaffneten Aufstand gedrängt. Ein Dorfbewohner erwähnt Ihnen gegenüber, dass er die Waffen aus ihrem Versteck holen wird. Dies erregt Marams Aufmerksamkeit und sagt, wir sollten den Ort untersuchen, um herauszufinden, woher die Waffen kommen.
- (wolfvill 148, 153) - Sprechen Sie mit Miriam. Sie stimmt auch zu, dass Sie und Maram die Quelle der Waffen finden sollten. Maram bringt den Plan vor, erneut zu lügen und so zu tun, als wären sie Teil des bewaffneten Aufstands. Belohnt mit 40x Amethyst Fragment (1000405) .
- (wolfvill 143, 145) - Lügen Sie den Radical Man an. Er verrät, dass er die Waffe von Bearded Jack in Rachel bekommen hat.
- (rachel 75, 44) - Sie kommen zu etwas, das wie ein Baumarkt aussieht. Sprechen Sie mit Bearded Jack und fragen Sie nach „Smelly Dandelion“. Jack sagt Ihnen, Sie sollen jemanden bei Veins treffen, wenn wir Waffen brauchen.
- (veins 293, 282) - Sprechen Sie mit Dandelion und erwähnen Sie „Smelly Dandelion“. Er ärgert sich über Jack, weil er ein falsches Passwort gewählt hat. Maram fragt nach dem Lieferanten dieser Waffen und Dandelion sagt, dass er sie in einer geheimen Basis in Thors Vulkan erwirbt.
- (thor_v01 169, 169) - Sprich mit Maram in der Mitte von Thors Vulkan, Ebene 1. Er hat einen Weg in die geheime Basis gefunden.
- (que_thr 133, 53) - Sprich am Eingang der geheimen Basis noch einmal mit Maram. Du betrittst die Basis als Instanz (nicht gezwungenermaßen alleine).
- Folge deinem Weg durch die Instanz, die als roter Pfad markiert ist. Maram wird dir helfen, die violett markierten Barrikaden zu öffnen. Pass auf die Alarmkristalle auf, die Wachen hervorbringen. Sammle am Ende alle 5 orange markierten Dokumentdateien.
- (1@tcamp 34, 100) - Sprich mit Miriam, die ebenfalls die geheime Basis gefunden hat. Maram ist überrascht, dass Miriam dir folgt und bemerkt, dass diese Waffen sehr alt sind. Sie erwähnt, dass dies eine der Militärbasen ist, die einst von ihrem Stiefvater, Priester Amal, verwaltet wurden. Den Dokumenten nach zu urteilen, die du gefunden hast, scheint es sich jedoch um eine andere Art von Korruption zu handeln, wenn diese Waffen verkauft werden.
- (1@tcamp 32, 102) - Sprich mit Maram, die sich über die Korruption Sorgen macht. Miriam sagt, sie werde zu Rachel zurückkehren, um die Beweise zu zeigen, und du entscheidest dich, ebenfalls zu gehen. Als Belohnung erhältst du 50x Amethyst Fragment (1000405)
- (wolfvill 140, 112) - Sprich mit Suad und teile ihm deine Erkenntnisse mit. Elly mischt sich ein und erwähnt, dass diese Waffen Teil eines größeren Problems sind. Ihre Analyse zeigt, dass die Waffen bei Verwendung von altem Schießpulver und ohne Wartung eine Genauigkeit von 9,72 % haben. Miriam und Maram tauchen auf und sind bekümmert, weil die Waffen die Rebellion dem Abschlachten überlassen.
- (wolfvill 131, 257) - Gehe zur Waffenkiste. Miriam warnt die Dorfbewohner davor, sich mit diesen Waffen zu bewaffnen und bittet Suad, etwas zu unternehmen.
- (wolfvill 131, 252) - Sprich mit dem bewaffneten Dorfbewohner. Sie sind jetzt bereit für die Rebellion. Suad geht weiter und sagt, er wird dich in Rachel treffen, um in den Tempel einzudringen. Er bittet Maram, im Notfall im Dorf der Grauwölfe zu bleiben. Als Belohnung erhältst du 30x Amethyst Fragment (1000405)
- (rachel 169, 245) - Sprich mit der gewöhnlichen Person in Rachel, um eine Story-Instanz zu betreten (nicht erzwungener Solo-Einsatz).
- Folge Miriam zum Ort des Protests. Du wirst den Protest des bewaffneten Aufstands gegen die Rachel-Wächter sehen. Miriam verschwindet schnell, um in den Tempel zu gehen.
- Folge der Navigation, um in den Tempel zu gehen. Miriam ist von deiner Anwesenheit überrascht und sagt, wir müssen ruhig bleiben. Die Instanz hat ein ähnliches Layout wie Sanctuary Purification.
- Nachdem du alle Räume geräumt hast, findest du und Miriam Schulang und Illusionist Bagot, die ihren Plan besprechen, die Illusionskraft in Rachel einzusetzen, aber beide gehen schnell wieder.
- Folge Miriam aus dem Tempel und du wirst feststellen, dass der Aufstand den Eingang des Tempels erreicht hat. Sie beginnen zu schießenoting, aber ihre fehlerhaften Waffen verursachen viele Opfer. Stoppen Sie die Rebellion und verlassen Sie die Instanz. Wiederholbare Instanz Sanctuary Purification freigeschaltet.
- Sprechen Sie mit Miriam und nach dem Gespräch werden die Wachen erscheinen, um Sie anzugreifen.
- Nachdem Sie alle Räume geräumt haben, folgen Sie der Navigation (2@nyr 59, 104) und betreten Sie das Portal. Gehen Sie zur Gruppe und sprechen Sie mit Ramachus, um das Gespräch auszulösen. Einige Wachen werden Sie angreifen.
- Nachdem Sie die Wachen beseitigt haben, navigieren Sie zu (2@nyr 46, 55) und betreten Sie das Portal.
- Gehen Sie weiter zum nächsten Raum in (2@nyr 118, 76). Halten Sie sich links und gehen Sie weiter, bis Sie die Gruppe in (2@nyr 88, 46) treffen. Sprechen Sie mit Ramachus, um ein weiteres Gespräch auszulösen und von Wachen angegriffen zu werden.
- Kehre zum Portal zurück, von dem du gekommen bist, und folge der Navigation zu (2@nyr 180, 104) , geh die Treppe hinunter, um die Gruppe zu treffen, und sprich erneut mit Ramachus.
- Du und Miriam finden Schulang und Illusionist Bagot, die ihren Plan besprechen, die Macht der Illusion in Rachel einzusetzen, aber beide gehen schnell wieder. Folge Miriam weiter, um fortzufahren.
- Folge Miriam aus dem Tempel und du wirst sehen, dass die Rebellion den Eingang des Tempels erreicht hat. Sie beginnen zu schießen, aber ihre fehlerhaften Waffen verursachen viele Opfer. Stoppe die Rebellion und verlasse die Instanz. Wiederholbare Instanz „Reinigung des Heiligtums“ freigeschaltet.
- (rachel 116, 200) - Sprich mit Hohepriesterin Niren. Sie, Hohepriester Zhed, Miriam und Suad erkennen den Ernst der Lage. Suad ist besorgt, dass Neuigkeiten bis nach Grey Wolf Village gelangen, aber Niren und Zhed kümmern sich um die Öffentlichkeitsarbeit. Niren fragt, ob Miriam sicher ist, dass ihr Adoptivvater, Hohepriester Amal, in die Sache verwickelt war. Miriam erwähnt, dass ihr schwacher Vater aus unbekannten Gründen plötzlich extrem motiviert war. Erst dann begann der Konflikt zwischen den Eingeborenen und den Arunafeltz-Einwanderern. Elly bemerkt, dass diese Zeitlinie mit der Flucht der Herzjäger aus Varmundts Villa übereinstimmt. Niren kommt zu dem Schluss, dass die beiden Gruppen zusammenarbeiten und untersucht werden müssen. Belohnung: 60x Amethyst Fragment (1000405)
- (oz_dun01 223, 116) – Gehen Sie zum Standort der Villa. Dort finden Sie Maram, Miriam und Aira. Sie erwähnen, dass dies der Ort ist, an dem Amal seine Arbeit verrichtet. Maram muss zum Dorf der Grauwölfe zurückkehren, sagt Ihnen jedoch, dass Aira Ihnen den Weg weisen wird.
- (oz_dun01 219, 117) - Sprich mit Aira, um eine Story-Instanz zu betreten (nicht gezwungenermaßen alleine).
- Sprich mit Miriam und allen NPCs in der Instanz. Du musst alle Herzjäger besiegen, um in den nächsten Bereich zu gelangen.
- Sprich mit Miriam und folge ihr zu einem der Angestellten im Inneren. Du musst andere NPCs finden, um weiterzukommen (1@adv 101, 24), kehre zu Miriam zurück. Du musst alle Herzjäger besiegen, damit Miriam sich bewegt. Folge ihr und sprich schließlich mit ihr. Sie wird dir sagen, dass du auf die linke Seite des Raums gehen sollst, während sie auf die rechte Seite geht. Töte alle Herzjäger, während du weitergehst.
- Sie finden den silbernen Schlüssel am Ende des Flurs, indem Sie mit dem leuchtenden Punkt sprechen (1@adv 68, 182). Benutzen Sie den silbernen Schlüssel für die verschlossene Tür und betreten Sie das Portal (1@adv 66, 142).
- Töten Sie alle Herzjäger im Inneren und finden Sie den goldenen Schlüssel. Verlassen Sie den Raum und finden Sie Miriam auf der rechten Seite des Flurs (1@adv 181, 143), sprechen Sie mit ihr und betreten Sie das Portal.
- Sprechen Sie mit dem Mitarbeiter der Villa und holen Sie sich den Ersatzschlüssel. Verlassen Sie den Raum und sprechen Sie erneut mit Miriam. Jetzt können Sie den nächsten Raum mit dem gefundenen Schlüssel betreten.
- Töten Sie alle Herzjäger im Inneren und gehen Sie zur bunten Tür (1@adv 124, 207) Die Tür ist verschlossen. Sie werden einen leuchtenden Punkt in beiden Ritterstatuen in der Nähe der Tür bemerken. Klicken Sie darauf, bis angezeigt wird: „Die Magie des prächtigen Ritters ist bereits verschwunden“. Anschließend können Sie die Tür öffnen, indem Sie darauf klicken.
- Sie gelangen in den nächsten Raum. Erkunden Sie ihn, bis Sie das „Blumenförmige Gerät“ finden, einen leuchtenden kleinen anklickbaren NPC. Finden Sie das richtige, das die nächste Tür öffnen kann.
- Sie werden Schulang finden, der versucht, Sie davon abzuhalten, die letzte Kammer zu betreten. Besiegen Sie ihn, um fortzufahren.
- Treffen Sie sich mit Hohepriester Amal und Illusion Bagot, der sagt, dass Sie zu spät sind und dass sie die Göttin Freya mit der Kraft der Illusion neu erschaffen.
- Besiegen Sie die falsche Göttin Freya und der Embryo fällt heraus.
- Sprechen Sie mit Miriam. Amal ist wütend auf Sie, weil Sie sein Werk zerstört haben. Miriam sagt ihrem Vater, dass Sie nur hier sind, um zu helfen. Die Göttin, die er zu erschaffen versuchte, kann der echten Göttin Freya niemals nahe kommen. Verlasse die Instanz durch das Südportal.
- (oz_dun01 225 119, ) - Sprich mit Maram und erkläre die Situation. Er erzählt dir, dass Amal und Miriam zum Tempel gegangen sind.
- (ra_temin 254, 117) - Lege Mini Elly ab und triff dich mit Miriam, Niren, Zhed, Suad und Maram. Sie sind entsetzt darüber, wie die YmirsHerzstück wurde gestohlen und für diesen Zweck verwendet.
- (ra_temin 258, 117) - Sprechen Sie mit Elly. Sie erklärt allen, dass die Proben, die sie in der Villa gesammelt hat, dieselben Moleküle sind, die für Homunkulus-Embryonen verwendet werden. Bagot wird ebenfalls aus einem Embryo geboren, der auf dem Aussehen des Papstes basiert. Später wird Bagot zu einer Chimäre mit der Kraft der Illusion. Miriam fragt Suad nach der Zukunft des Dorfes der Grauen Wölfe. Elly gibt auch Aufschluss darüber, wie dieses Problem gelöst werden kann. Sie erklärt Niren und Zhed eine Idee zur Integration der Einheimischen und Migranten, indem den Einheimischen Rechtsstatus und Macht in Rachel verliehen werden. Niren stimmt zu und wird sofort mit der Umsetzung beginnen. Sie fragen, wohin Bagot mit Ymirs Herzstück geht. Miriam sagt, dass ihr Vater und Bagot zum nördlichen Kontinent gehen. Elly erklärt, dass dies das Gebiet ist, in dem Jörmungandr versiegelt ist. Bagot ist daran interessiert, andere Gottheiten wiederzubeleben. Als Belohnung erhält er 500x Amethyst Fragment (1000405) .
Tägliche Questreihe
Tabelle der täglichen Quests
Instances Table
NPC | Instance | Level Requirement | Party Count | Cooldown | Prerequisite | Possible Rewards |
(rachel 169, 245) |
Sanctuary Purification | 170 | 1+ | 1 Day | Episode 18 Main Story Step 58 | Amethyst Fragment (1000405) EXP |
(wolfvill 79, 260) |
Villa of Deception (Normal) | 170 | 2+ | 1 Day | Episode 18 Main Story | Amethyst Fragment (1000405) Pontifex Courage (100650) Pontifex Wisdom (100651) Villa Basement Key (1000471) Adulter Weapons |
(wolfvill 79, 260) |
Villa of Deception (Advanced) | 200 | 2+ | 1 Day | Episode 18 Main Story Villa Basement Key (1000471) |
Amethyst Fragment (1000405) Pontifex Tenacity (100652) Pontifex Belief (100653) Holy Oil of Purification (1000501) Sabbatical Handkerchief (1000503) Holy Water of Purification (1000502) Cleansing Blueprint Bundle (100655) Vivatus Weapons |
Map | Monsters |
Grey Wolf Forest gw_fild01 |
Ashhopper (21302) |
Ashring (21303) | |
Grey Wolf (21304) | |
Grey Wolf Forest gw_fild02 |
Ashring (21303) |
Grey Wolf (21304) | |
Tumble Ring (21305) | |
Firewind Kite (21306) | |
Phantom Wolf (21307) | |
Oz Labyrinth Floor 1 oz_dun01 |
Rakehand (21296) |
Ash Toad (21295) | |
Spark (21297) | |
Oz Labyrinth Floor 2 oz_dun02 |
Spark (21297) |
Hot Molar (21298) | |
Volcaring (21299) | |
Lava Toad (21300) | |
Burning Fang (21301) | |
Rachel Oz Gorge ra_fild10 |
Grey Wolf Baby (21324) |
Grey Goat (21323) | |
Rakehand (21296) | |
Rachel Ida Plains ra_fild11 |
Grey Wolf Baby (21324) |
Grey Goat (21323) | |
Rakehand (21296) |
Card | Description |
Ashhopper Card (300218) | ItemID: 300218 _______________________ Increases Magical Damage with Neutral element by 35%. Increases SP Consumption by 10%. _______________________ Type: Card Compound on: Accessory (Left) Weight: 1 |
Ashring Card (300219) | ItemID: 300219 _______________________ When compounded on either One-Handed Staff or Two-Handed Staff: Increases Magical Damage with Shadow element by 10%. Refine Level +10: Increases Magical Damage with Shadow element by additional 10%. Refine Level +14: Increases Magical Damage with Shadow element by additional 10%. _______________________ Type: Card Compound on: Weapon Weight: 1 |
Gray Wolf Card (300220) | ItemID: 300220 _______________________ Increases Melee Physical Damage by 6%. _______________________ When equipped with Phantom Wolf Card: Increases Melee Physical Damage by additional 8%. _______________________ Type: Card Compound on: Accessory (Left) Weight: 1 |
Tumblering Card (300221) | ItemID: 300221 _______________________ Increases Magical Damage with Neutral and Shadow element by 5%. _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: Increases Magical Damage with Neutral and Shadow element by 1%. _______________________ Type: Card Compound on: Shoes Weight: 1 |
Firewind Kite Card (300222) | ItemID: 300222 _______________________ Increases Magical Damage with Wind element by 35%. Increases SP Consumption by 10%. _______________________ Type: Card Compound on: Accessory (Left) Weight: 1 |
Phantom Wolf Card (300223) | ItemID: 300223 _______________________ Increases Melee Physical Damage by 6%. _______________________ Type: Card Compound on: Accessory (Right) Weight: 1 |
Rakehand Card (300212) | ItemID: 300212 _______________________ DEF +50 _______________________ Decreases damage taken from Shadow elemental attacks by 10%. _______________________ Type: Card Compound on: Armor Weight: 1 |
Ash Toad Card (300211) | ItemID: 300211 _______________________ Increases Magical Damage with Earth element by 35%. Increases SP Consumption by 10%. _______________________ Type: Card Compound on: Accessory (Left) Weight: 1 |
Spark Card (300213) | ItemID: 300213 _______________________ ATK +5 _______________________ Increases Physical Damage against Fire elemental enemies by 10%. Increases Critical against Undead and Demon race by 15%. _______________________ Type: Card Compound on: Garment Weight: 1 |
Hot Molar Card (300214) | ItemID: 300214 _______________________ When compounded on Katar: Increases Melee Physical Damage by 10%. For each 2 Refine Levels: Increases Melee Physical Damage by additional 1%. _______________________ Type: Card Compound on: Weapon Weight: 1 |
Volcaring Card (300215) | ItemID: 300215 _______________________ Increases Magical Damage with Fire and Earth element by 5%. _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: Increases Magical Damage with Fire and Earth element by additional 1%. _______________________ Type: Card Compound on: Shoes Weight: 1 |
Lava Toad Card (300216) | ItemID: 300216 _______________________ Increases Magical Damage with Fire element by 35%. Increases SP Consumption by 10%. _______________________ Type: Card Compound on: Accessory (Left) Weight: 1 |
[MVP] Burning Fang Card (300217) | ItemID: 300217 _______________________ Increases Melee Physical Damage by 20%. Increases damage taken from all elemental attacks by 15%. _______________________ Type: Card Compound on: Shoes Weight: 1 |
Jede Reputationsstufe erfordert 1.000 Punkte. Punkte können über Tägliche Quests erhalten werden.
Reputationsstufe | Freischalten |
1 | Kann Gray Wolf +7 Refinement Box (100626) für 1050x Amethyst Fragment (1000405) von NPC Assad (wolfvill 167, 135) kaufen. |
2 | Kann Gray Wolf +9 Refinement Box (100627) für 2250x Amethyst Fragment (1000405) von NPC Assad (wolfvill 167, 135) kaufen. |
3 | Tägliche Quests aus dem Dorf der Grauen Wölfe geben zusätzlich 1x Amethyst Fragment (1000405) Die Belohnung für die Instanz Villa der Täuschung wurde auf 10x Amethyst Fragment (1000405) erhöht |
4 | Helms of Faith können von NPC Assad (wolfvill 167, 135) gekauft werden. |
5 | Vivatus / Helm des Glaubens-Verfeinerungshämmer |
Sprich mit NPC Assad (wolfvill 167, 135), um Amethystfragmente gegen Grauwolfausrüstung, Grauwolf-Veredelungskiste und Helme des Glaubens einzutauschen
Austausch von Grauwolf-Rüstungsteilen (jeweils 350x Amethyst Fragment (1000405) )
Item | Description |
Gray Wolf Suit [1] (450177) | ItemID: 450177 _______________________ A suit given to those who have been recognized by the Gray Wolf Clan. _______________________ ATK +130 _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: ATK +15 _______________________ Refine Level +7: Increases Attack Speed by 15%. _______________________ When equipped with Gray Wolf Manteau: ATK +50 _______________________ When equipped with Gray Wolf Muffler: Decreases After Cast Delay by 10%. _______________________ Type: Armor Defense: 160 Weight: 100 Armor Level: 1 _______________________ Requirement: Base Level 190 |
Gray Wolf Robe [1] (450178) | ItemID: 450178 _______________________ A robe given to those who have been recognized by the Gray Wolf Clan. _______________________ MATK +130 _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: MATK +15 _______________________ Refine Level +7: Decreases Variable Casting Time by 15%. _______________________ When equipped with Gray Wolf Manteau: Increases Attack Speed by 10%. _______________________ When equipped with Gray Wolf Muffler: MATK +50 _______________________ Type: Armor Defense: 160 Weight: 100 Armor Level: 1 _______________________ Requirement: Base Level 190 |
Gray Wolf Manteau [1] (480091) | ItemID: 480091 _______________________ A manteau given to those who have been recognized by the Gray Wolf Clan. _______________________ MaxHP +2500 _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: MaxHP +150 _______________________ Refine Level +7: Increases Attack Speed by 7%. _______________________ When equipped with Gray Wolf Boots: Increases Critical Damage by 15%. _______________________ When equipped with Gray Wolf Shoes: Decreases Variable Casting Time by 15%. _______________________ Type: Garment Defense: 70 Weight: 90 Armor Level: 1 _______________________ Requirement: Base Level 190 |
Gray Wolf Muffler [1] (480090) | ItemID: 480090 _______________________ A scarf given to those who have been recognized by the Gray Wolf Clan. _______________________ MaxHP +1500 _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: MaxHP +100 _______________________ Refine Level +7: Decreases Variable Casting Time by 7%. _______________________ When equipped with Gray Wolf Boots: Increases Ranged Physical Damage by 7%. _______________________ When equipped with Gray Wolf Shoes: Increases Magical Damage with every element by 15%. _______________________ Type: Garment Defense: 70 Weight: 90 Armor Level: 1 _______________________ Requirement: Base Level 190 |
Gray Wolf Boots [1] (470087) | ItemID: 470087 _______________________ A pair of boots given to those who have been recognized by the Gray Wolf Clan. _______________________ MaxSP +300 _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: MaxSP +50 _______________________ Refine Level +7: Increases Ranged Physical Damage by 7%. _______________________ When equipped with Gray Wolf Suit: ATK +7% _______________________ When equipped with Gray Wolf Robe: Increases Attack Speed by 7%. _______________________ Type: Shoes Defense: 70 Weight: 50 Armor Level: 1 _______________________ Requirement: Base Level 190 |
Gray Wolf Shoes [1] (470088) | ItemID: 470088 _______________________ A pair of shoes given to those who have been recognized by the Gray Wolf Clan. _______________________ MaxSP +250 _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: MaxSP +20 _______________________ Refine Level +7: Increases Magical Damage with every element by 7%. _______________________ When equipped with Gray Wolf Suit: MaxSP +7% _______________________ When equipped with Gray Wolf Robe: MATK +7% _______________________ Type: Shoes Defense: 70 Weight: 50 Armor Level: 1 _______________________ Requirement: Base Level 190 |
Gray Wolf Pendant [1] (490106) | ItemID: 490106 _______________________ A pendant given to those who have been recognized by the Gray Wolf Clan. _______________________ ATK +7% MaxHP +5% _______________________ Type: Accessory Position: Right Defense: 0 Weight: 10 Armor Level: 1 _______________________ Requirement: Base Level 190 |
Gray Wolf Ring [1] (490107) | ItemID: 490107 _______________________ A ring given to those recognized by the Gray Wolf Clan. _______________________ ATK +7% MaxSP +5% _______________________ Type: Accessory Position: Left Defense: 0 Weight: 10 Armor Level: 1 _______________________ Requirement: Base Level 190 |
Gray Wolf Earring [1] (490108) | ItemID: 490108 _______________________ Earrings given to those recognized by the Gray Wolf Clan. _______________________ MATK +7% MaxHP +5% _______________________ Type: Accessory Position: Right Defense: 0 Weight: 10 Armor Level: 1 _______________________ Requirement: Base Level 190 |
Gray Wolf Necklace [1] (490109) | ItemID: 490109 _______________________ A necklace given to those recognized by the Gray Wolf Clan. _______________________ MATK +7% MaxSP +5% _______________________ Type: Accessory Position: Left Defense: 0 Weight: 10 Armor Level: 1 _______________________ Requirement: Base Level 190 |
Helm of Faith Exchange (1250x Amethyst Fragment (1000405) each)
Item | Description |
Helm of Faith II (Kagerou & Oboro) [1] (400236) | ItemID: 400236 _______________________ A helm with the power of faith. It has the effect of amplifying the effects of Vivatus and Adulter weapons. _______________________ Base Level at least 210: POW +2, P.ATK +1. _______________________ Base Level at least 230: POW +3, P.ATK +2. _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: ATK +10 _______________________ For each 3 Refine Levels: Increases damage of Cross Slash by 15%. _______________________ For each 4 Refine Levels: Increases Ranged Physical Damage by 7%. _______________________ Refine Level +7: Increases Physical Damage against enemies of every size by 5%. _______________________ Refine Level +9: Decreases Fixed Casting Time by 0.2 seconds. _______________________ Refine Level +11: ATK +5% Decreases Fixed Casting Time by additional 0.3 seconds. _______________________ When equipped with Adulter Fides Cross Huuma Shuriken: Increases Ranged Physical Damage by 10%. For each 3 Refine Levels: Increases damage of Cross Slash by 5%. _______________________ When equipped with Vivatus Fides Cross Huuma Shuriken: Increases Ranged Physical Damage by 10%. For each 3 Refine Levels: Increases damage of Cross Slash by 5%. Increases damage of Kunai - Distortion by 7%. If the Weapon's Grade is C or higher: Increases damage of Kunai - Distortion by additional 15%. _______________________ Type: Headgear Defense: 10 Position: Top Weight: 10 Armor Level: 2 _______________________ Requirement: Base Level 180 Kagerou / Oboro |
Helm of Faith (Kagerou & Oboro) [1] (400235) | ItemID: 400235 _______________________ A helm with the power of faith. It has the effect of amplifying the effects of Vivatus and Adulter weapons. _______________________ Base Level at least 210: POW +2, P.ATK +1. _______________________ Base Level at least 230: POW +3, P.ATK +2. _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: ATK +10 _______________________ For each 3 Refine Levels: Increases damage of Swirling Petal by 15%. _______________________ For each 4 Refine Levels: Increases Ranged Physical Damage by 7%. _______________________ Refine Level +7: Increases Physical Damage against enemies of every size by 5%. _______________________ Refine Level +9: Decreases Fixed Casting Time by 0.2 seconds. _______________________ Refine Level +11: ATK +5% Decreases Fixed Casting Time by additional 0.3 seconds. _______________________ When equipped with Adulter Fides Huuma Shuriken: Increases Ranged Physical Damage by 10%. For each 3 Refine Levels: Increases damage of Swirling Petal by 5%. _______________________ When equipped with Vivatus Fides Huuma Shuriken: Increases Ranged Physical Damage by 10%. For each 3 Refine Levels: Increases damage of Swirling Petal by 5%. Increases damage of Huuma Shuriken - Grasp by 7%. If the Weapon's Grade is C or higher: Increases damage of Huuma Shuriken - Grasp by additional 15%. _______________________ Type: Headgear Defense: 10 Position: Top Weight: 10 Armor Level: 2 _______________________ Requirement: Base Level 180 Kagerou / Oboro |
Helm of Faith II (Rebellion) [1] (400238) | ItemID: 400238 _______________________ A helm with the power of faith. It has the effect of amplifying the effects of Vivatus and Adulter weapons. _______________________ Base Level at least 210: POW +2, P.ATK +1. _______________________ Base Level at least 230: POW +3, P.ATK +2. _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: ATK +10 _______________________ For each 3 Refine Levels: Increases damage of Hammer of God, Fire Dance and Dragon Tail by 15%. _______________________ For each 4 Refine Levels: Increases Ranged Physical Damage by 7%. _______________________ Refine Level +7: Increases Physical Damage against enemies of every size by 5%. _______________________ Refine Level +9: Decreases Fixed Casting Time by 0.2 seconds. _______________________ Refine Level +11: ATK +5% Decreases Fixed Casting Time by additional 0.3 seconds. _______________________ When equipped with Adulter Fides Shotgun: Increases Ranged Physical Damage by 10%. For each 3 Refine Levels: Increases damage of Shatter Storm by 5%. _______________________ When equipped with Adulter Fides Gatling Gun: Increases Ranged Physical Damage by 10%. For each 3 Refine Levels: Increases damage of Round Trip by 5%. _______________________ When equipped with Vivatus Fides Shotgun: Increases Ranged Physical Damage by 10%. For each 3 Refine Levels: Increases damage of Shatter Storm by 5%. Increases damage of Wildfire by 7%. If the Weapon's Grade is C or higher: Increases damage of Wildfire by additional 15%. _______________________ When equipped with Vivatus Fides Gatling Gun: Increases Ranged Physical Damage by 10%. For each 3 Refine Levels: Increases damage of Round Trip by 5%. Increases damage of The Vigilante at Night by 7%. If the Weapon's Grade is C or higher: Increases damage of The Vigilante at Night by additional 15%. _______________________ Type: Headgear Defense: 10 Position: Top Weight: 10 Armor Level: 2 _______________________ Requirement: Base Level 180 Rebellion |
Helm of Faith (Rebellion) [1] (400237) | ItemID: 400237 _______________________ A helm with the power of faith. It has the effect of amplifying the effects of Vivatus and Adulter weapons. _______________________ Base Level at least 210: POW +2, P.ATK +1. _______________________ Base Level at least 230: POW +3, P.ATK +2. _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: ATK +10 _______________________ For each 3 Refine Levels: Increases damage of Hammer of God, Fire Dance and Dragon Tail by 15%. _______________________ For each 4 Refine Levels: Increases Ranged Physical Damage by 7%. _______________________ Refine Level +7: Increases Physical Damage against enemies of every size by 5%. _______________________ Refine Level +9: Decreases Fixed Casting Time by 0.2 seconds. _______________________ Refine Level +11: ATK +5% Decreases Fixed Casting Time by additional 0.3 seconds. _______________________ When equipped with Adulter Fides Rifle: Decreases Hammer of God skill cooldown by 10 seconds. For each 3 Refine Levels: Increases damage of Hammer of God by 5%. _______________________ When equipped with Adulter Fides Revolver: Increases Ranged Physical Damage by 10%. For each 3 Refine Levels: Increases damage of Fire Dance by 5%. _______________________ When equipped with Adulter Fides Launcher: Decreases Dragon Tail skill cooldown by 2 seconds. For each 3 Refine Levels: Increases damage of Dragon Tail by 5%. _______________________ When equipped with Vivatus Fides Rifle: Decreases Hammer of God skill cooldown by 10 seconds. For each 3 Refine Levels: Increases damage of Hammer of God by 5%. Increases damage of Only One Bullet by 7%. If the Weapon's Grade is C or higher: Increases damage of Only One Bullet by additional 15%. _______________________ When equipped with Vivatus Fides Revolver: Increases Ranged Physical Damage by 10%. For each 3 Refine Levels: Increases damage of Fire Dance by 5%. Increases damage of Magazine for One by 7%. If the Weapon's Grade is C or higher: Increases damage of Magazine for One by additional 15%. _______________________ When equipped with Vivatus Fides Launcher: Decreases Dragon Tail skill cooldown by 2 seconds. For each 3 Refine Levels: Increases damage of Dragon Tail by 5%. Increases damage of Spiral Shooting by 7%. If the Weapon's Grade is C or higher: Increases damage of Spiral Shooting by additional 15%. _______________________ Type: Headgear Defense: 10 Position: Top Weight: 10 Armor Level: 2 _______________________ Requirement: Base Level 180 Rebellion |
Helm of Faith II (Soul Reaper) [1] (400240) | ItemID: 400240 _______________________ A helm with the power of faith. It has the effect of amplifying the effects of Vivatus and Adulter weapons. _______________________ Base Level at least 210: SPL +2, S.MATK +1. _______________________ Base Level at least 230: SPL +3, S.MATK +2. _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: MATK +10 _______________________ For each 3 Refine Levels: Increases damage of Curse Explosion by 15%. _______________________ For each 4 Refine Levels: Increases all elemental magical damage by 7%. _______________________ Refine Level +7: Decreases Variable Casting Time by 10%. _______________________ Refine Level +9: Decreases Fixed Casting Time by 0.2 seconds. _______________________ Refine Level +11: MATK +5% Decreases Fixed Casting Time by additional 0.3 seconds. _______________________ When equipped with Adulter Fides Dark Wand: Decreases Evil Spirit's Curse skill cooldown by 2 seconds. For each 3 Refine Levels: Increases damage of Curse Explosion by 5%. _______________________ When equipped with Vivatus Fides Dark Wand: Decreases Evil Spirit's Curse skill cooldown by 2 seconds. For each 3 Refine Levels: Increases damage of Curse Explosion by 5%. Increases damage of Exorcism of Malicious Soul by 7%. If the Weapon's Grade is C or higher: Increases damage of Exorcism of Malicious Soul by additional 15%. _______________________ Type: Headgear Defense: 10 Position: Top Weight: 10 Armor Level: 2 _______________________ Requirement: Base Level 180 Soul Reaper |
Helm of Faith (Soul Reaper) [1] (400239) | ItemID: 400239 _______________________ A helm with the power of faith. It has the effect of amplifying the effects of Vivatus and Adulter weapons. _______________________ Base Level at least 210: SPL +2, S.MATK +1. _______________________ Base Level at least 230: SPL +3, S.MATK +2. _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: MATK +10 _______________________ For each 3 Refine Levels: Increases damage of Eswhoo and Espa by 15%. _______________________ For each 4 Refine Levels: Increases all elemental magical damage by 7%. _______________________ Refine Level +7: Decreases Variable Casting Time by 10%. _______________________ Refine Level +9: Decreases Fixed Casting Time by 0.2 seconds. _______________________ Refine Level +11: MATK +5% Decreases Fixed Casting Time by additional 0.3 seconds. _______________________ When equipped with Adulter Fides Soul Stick: Increases all elemental magical damage by 10%. For each 3 Refine Levels: Increases damage of Eswhoo and Espa by 5%. _______________________ When equipped with Vivatus Fides Soul Stick: Increases all elemental magical damage by 10%. For each 3 Refine Levels: Increases damage of Eswhoo and Espa by 5%. Increases damage of Talisman of Red Phoenix and Talisman of Black Tortoise by 7%. If the Weapon's Grade is C or higher: Increases damage of Talisman of Red Phoenix and Talisman of Black Tortoise by additional 15%. _______________________ Type: Headgear Defense: 10 Position: Top Weight: 10 Armor Level: 2 _______________________ Requirement: Base Level 180 Soul Reaper |
Helm of Faith II (Star Emperor) [1] (400242) | ItemID: 400242 _______________________ A helm with the power of faith. It has the effect of amplifying the effects of Vivatus and Adulter weapons. _______________________ Base Level at least 210: POW +2, P.ATK +1. _______________________ Base Level at least 230: POW +3, P.ATK +2. _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: ATK +10 _______________________ For each 3 Refine Levels: Increases damage of Falling Star by 15%. _______________________ For each 4 Refine Levels: Increases Melee Physical Damage by 7%. _______________________ Refine Level +7: Increases Physical Damage against enemies of every size by 5%. _______________________ Refine Level +9: Decreases Fixed Casting Time by 0.2 seconds. _______________________ Refine Level +11: ATK +5% Decreases Fixed Casting Time by additional 0.3 seconds. _______________________ When equipped with Adulter Fides Stardust Book: Increases Melee Physical Damage by 10%. For each 3 Refine Levels: Increases damage of Falling Star by 5%. _______________________ When equipped with Vivatus Fides Stardust Book: Increases Melee Physical Damage by 10%. For each 3 Refine Levels: Increases damage of Falling Star by 5%. Increases damage of Star Cannon by 7%. If the Weapon's Grade is C or higher: Increases damage of Star Cannon by additional 15%. _______________________ Type: Headgear Defense: 10 Position: Top Weight: 10 Armor Level: 2 _______________________ Requirement: Base Level 180 Star Emperor |
Helm of Faith (Star Emperor) [1] (400241) | ItemID: 400241 _______________________ A helm with the power of faith. It has the effect of amplifying the effects of Vivatus and Adulter weapons. _______________________ Base Level at least 210: POW +2, P.ATK +1. _______________________ Base Level at least 230: POW +3, P.ATK +2. _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: ATK +10 _______________________ For each 3 Refine Levels: Increases damage of New Moon Kick and Full Moon Kick by 15%. _______________________ For each 4 Refine Levels: Increases Melee Physical Damage by 7%. _______________________ Refine Level +7: Increases Physical Damage against enemies of every size by 5%. _______________________ Refine Level +9: Decreases Fixed Casting Time by 0.2 seconds. _______________________ Refine Level +11: ATK +5% Decreases Fixed Casting Time by additional 0.3 seconds. _______________________ When equipped with Adulter Fides Moon Book: Increases Melee Physical Damage by 10%. For each 3 Refine Levels: Increases damage of New Moon Kick and Full Moon Kick by 5%. _______________________ When equipped with Vivatus Fides Moon Book: Increases Melee Physical Damage by 10%. For each 3 Refine Levels: Increases damage of New Moon Kick and Full Moon Kick by 5%. Increases damage of Midnight Kick by 7%. If the Weapon's Grade is C or higher: Increases damage of Midnight Kick by additional 15%. _______________________ Type: Headgear Defense: 10 Position: Top Weight: 10 Armor Level: 2 _______________________ Requirement: Base Level 180 Star Emperor |
Helm of Faith II (Summoner) [1] (400244) | ItemID: 400244 _______________________ A helm with the power of faith. It has the effect of amplifying the effects of Vivatus and Adulter weapons. _______________________ Base Level at least 210: SPL +2, S.MATK +1. _______________________ Base Level at least 230: SPL +3, S.MATK +2. _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: MATK +10 _______________________ For each 3 Refine Levels: Increases damage of Silvervine Stem Spear and Catnip Meteor by 15%. _______________________ For each 4 Refine Levels: Increases all elemental magical damage by 7%. _______________________ Refine Level +7: Decreases Variable Casting Time by 10%. _______________________ Refine Level +9: Decreases Fixed Casting Time by 0.2 seconds. _______________________ Refine Level +11: MATK +5% Decreases Fixed Casting Time by additional 0.3 seconds. _______________________ When equipped with Adulter Fides Foxtail Wand: Increases all elemental magical damage by 10%. For each 3 Refine Levels: Increases damage of Silvervine Stem Spear and Catnip Meteor by 5%. _______________________ When equipped with Vivatus Fides Foxtail Wand: Increases all elemental magical damage by 10%. For each 3 Refine Levels: Increases damage of Silvervine Stem Spear and Catnip Meteor by 5%. Increases damage of Hyunrok Breeze by 7%. If the Weapon's Grade is C or higher: Increases damage of Hyunrok Breeze by additional 15%. _______________________ Type: Headgear Defense: 10 Position: Top Weight: 10 Armor Level: 2 _______________________ Requirement: Base Level 180 Summoner |
Helm of Faith II (Genetic) [1] (400234) | ItemID: 400234 _______________________ A helm with the power of faith. It has the effect of amplifying the effects of Vivatus and Adulter weapons. _______________________ Base Level at least 210: POW +2, P.ATK +1. _______________________ Base Level at least 230: POW +3, P.ATK +2. _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: ATK +10 _______________________ For each 3 Refine Levels: Increases damage of Cart Tornado by 15%. _______________________ For each 4 Refine Levels: Increases Melee Physical Damage by 7%. _______________________ Refine Level +7: Increases Physical Damage against enemies of every size by 5%. _______________________ Refine Level +9: Decreases Fixed Casting Time by 0.2 seconds. _______________________ Refine Level +11: ATK +5% Decreases Fixed Casting Time by additional 0.3 seconds. _______________________ When equipped with Adulter Fides Scepter: Decreases Cart Tornado skill cooldown by 0.15 seconds. For each 3 Refine Levels: Increases damage of Cart Tornado by 5%. _______________________ When equipped with Vivatus Fides Scepter: Decreases Cart Tornado skill cooldown by 0.3 seconds. For each 3 Refine Levels: Increases damage of Cart Tornado by 5%. Increases damage of Hell's Plant by 7%. If the Weapon's Grade is C or higher: Increases damage of Hell's Plant by additional 15%. _______________________ Type: Headgear Defense: 10 Position: Top Weight: 10 Armor Level: 2 _______________________ Requirement: Base Level 180 Genetic |
Helm of Faith (Genetic) [1] (400233) | ItemID: 400233 _______________________ A helm with the power of faith. It has the effect of amplifying the effects of Vivatus and Adulter weapons. _______________________ Base Level at least 210: POW +2, P.ATK +1. _______________________ Base Level at least 230: POW +3, P.ATK +2. _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: ATK +10 _______________________ For each 3 Refine Levels: Increases damage of Cart Cannon by 15%. _______________________ For each 4 Refine Levels: Increases Ranged Physical Damage by 7%. _______________________ Refine Level +7: Increases Physical Damage against enemies of every size by 5%. _______________________ Refine Level +9: Decreases Fixed Casting Time by 0.2 seconds. _______________________ Refine Level +11: ATK +5% Decreases Fixed Casting Time by additional 0.3 seconds. _______________________ When equipped with Adulter Fides Rapier: Increases Ranged Physical Damage by 10%. For each 3 Refine Levels: Increases damage of Cart Cannon by 5%. _______________________ When equipped with Vivatus Fides Rapier: Increases Ranged Physical Damage by 10%. For each 3 Refine Levels: Increases damage of Cart Cannon by 5%. Increases damage of Acidified Zone (Water/Wind/Ground/Fire) by 7%. If the Weapon's Grade is C or higher: Increases damage of Acidified Zone Water, Acidified Zone Wind, Acidified Zone Ground and Acidified Zone Fire by additional 15%. _______________________ Type: Headgear Defense: 10 Position: Top Weight: 10 Armor Level: 2 _______________________ Requirement: Base Level 180 Genetic |
Helm of Faith II (Mechanic) [1] (400231) | ItemID: 400231 _______________________ A helm with the power of faith. It has the effect of amplifying the effects of Vivatus and Adulter weapons. _______________________ Base Level at least 210: POW +2, P.ATK +1. _______________________ Base Level at least 230: POW +3, P.ATK +2. _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: ATK +10 _______________________ For each 3 Refine Levels: Increases damage of Vulcan Arm by 15%. _______________________ For each 4 Refine Levels: Increases Ranged Physical Damage by 7%. _______________________ Refine Level +7: Increases Physical Damage against enemies of every size by 5%. _______________________ Refine Level +9: Decreases Fixed Casting Time by 0.2 seconds. _______________________ Refine Level +11: ATK +5% Decreases Fixed Casting Time by additional 0.3 seconds. _______________________ When equipped with Adulter Fides Mace: Increases Ranged Physical Damage by 10%. For each 3 Refine Levels: Increases damage of Vulcan Arm by 5%. _______________________ When equipped with Vivatus Fides Mace: Increases Ranged Physical Damage by 10%. For each 3 Refine Levels: Increases damage of Vulcan Arm by 5%. Increases damage of Activation Attack Machine by 7% (only applies to yourself). If the Weapon's Grade is C or higher: Increases damage of Activation Attack Machine by additional 15% (only applies to yourself). _______________________ Type: Headgear Defense: 10 Position: Top Weight: 10 Armor Level: 2 _______________________ Requirement: Base Level 180 Mechanic |
Helm of Faith (Mechanic) [1] (400230) | ItemID: 400230 _______________________ A helm with the power of faith. It has the effect of amplifying the effects of Vivatus and Adulter weapons. _______________________ Base Level at least 210: POW +2, P.ATK +1. _______________________ Base Level at least 230: POW +3, P.ATK +2. _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: ATK +10 _______________________ For each 3 Refine Levels: Increases damage of Axe Boomerang and Axe Tornado by 15%. _______________________ For each 4 Refine Levels: Increases Melee Physical Damage by 7%. _______________________ Refine Level +7: Increases Physical Damage against enemies of every size by 5%. _______________________ Refine Level +9: Decreases Fixed Casting Time by 0.2 seconds. _______________________ Refine Level +11: ATK +5% Decreases Fixed Casting Time by additional 0.3 seconds. _______________________ When equipped with Adulter Fides Axe: Increases Physical Damage by 10%. For each 3 Refine Levels: Increases damage of Axe Boomerang and Axe Tornado by 5%. _______________________ When equipped with Vivatus Fides Axe: Increases Physical Damage by 10%. For each 3 Refine Levels: Increases damage of Axe Boomerang and Axe Tornado by 5%. Increases damage of Axe Stomp by 7%. If the Weapon's Grade is C or higher: Increases damage of Axe Stomp by additional 15%. _______________________ Type: Headgear Defense: 10 Position: Top Weight: 10 Armor Level: 2 _______________________ Requirement: Base Level 180 Mechanic |
Helm of Faith II (Minstrel & Wanderer) [1] (400229) | ItemID: 400229 _______________________ A helm with the power of faith. It has the effect of amplifying the effects of Vivatus and Adulter weapons. _______________________ Base Level at least 210: POW +2, P.ATK +1. _______________________ Base Level at least 230: POW +3, P.ATK +2. _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: ATK +10 _______________________ For each 3 Refine Levels: Increases damage of Severe Rainstorm by 15%. _______________________ For each 4 Refine Levels: Increases Ranged Physical Damage by 7%. _______________________ Refine Level +7: CRI +15 _______________________ Refine Level +9: Decreases Fixed Casting Time by 0.2 seconds. _______________________ Refine Level +11: ATK +5% Decreases Fixed Casting Time by additional 0.3 seconds. _______________________ When equipped with Adulter Fides Violin or Adulter Fides Chain Rope: Increases Ranged Physical Damage by 10%. For each 3 Refine Levels: Increases damage of Severe Rainstorm by 5%. _______________________ When equipped with Vivatus Fides Violin or Vivatus Fides Chain Rope: Increases Ranged Physical Damage by 10%. For each 3 Refine Levels: Increases damage of Severe Rainstorm by 5%. Increases damage of Rythm Shooting by 7%. If the Weapon's Grade is C or higher: Increases damage of Rythm Shooting by additional 15%. _______________________ Type: Headgear Defense: 10 Position: Top Weight: 10 Armor Level: 2 _______________________ Requirement: Base Level 180 Minstrel, Wanderer |
Helm of Faith (Minstrel & Wanderer) [1] (400228) | ItemID: 400228 _______________________ A helm with the power of faith. It has the effect of amplifying the effects of Vivatus and Adulter weapons. _______________________ Base Level at least 210: SPL +2, S.MATK +1. _______________________ Base Level at least 230: SPL +3, S.MATK +2. _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: MATK +10 _______________________ For each 3 Refine Levels: Increases damage of Metallic Sound by 15%. _______________________ For each 4 Refine Levels: Increases Magical Damage with Neutral element by 7%. _______________________ Refine Level +7: Decreases Variable Casting Time by 5%. _______________________ Refine Level +9: Decreases Fixed Casting Time by 0.2 seconds. _______________________ Refine Level +11: MATK +5% Decreases Fixed Casting Time by additional 0.3 seconds. _______________________ When equipped with Adulter Fides Harp or Adulter Fides Ribbon: Increases Magical Damage with Neutral element by 10%. For each 3 Refine Levels: Increases damage of Metallic Sound by 5%. _______________________ When equipped with Vivatus Fides Harp or Vivatus Fides Ribbon: Increases Magical Damage with Neutral element by 10%. For each 3 Refine Levels: Increases damage of Metallic Sound by 5%. Increases damage of Metallic Fury by 7%. If the Weapon's Grade is C or higher: Increases damage of Metallic Fury by additional 15%. _______________________ Type: Headgear Defense: 10 Position: Top Weight: 10 Armor Level: 2 _______________________ Requirement: Base Level 180 Minstrel, Wanderer |
Helm of Faith II (Rune Knight) [1] (400227) | ItemID: 400227 _______________________ A helm with the power of faith. It has the effect of amplifying the effects of Vivatus and Adulter weapons. _______________________ Base Level at least 210: POW +2, P.ATK +1. _______________________ Base Level at least 230: POW +3, P.ATK +2. _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: ATK +10 _______________________ For each 3 Refine Levels: Increases damage of Hundred Spear by 15%. _______________________ For each 4 Refine Levels: Increases Ranged Physical Damage by 7%. _______________________ Refine Level +7: Increases Physical Damage against enemies of every size by 5%. _______________________ Refine Level +9: Decreases Fixed Casting Time by 0.2 seconds. _______________________ Refine Level +11: ATK +5% Decreases Fixed Casting Time by additional 0.3 seconds. _______________________ When equipped with Adulter Fides Lance: Decreases Hundred Spear skill cooldown by 0.2 seconds. For each 3 Refine Levels: Increases damage of Hundred Spear by 5%. _______________________ When equipped with Vivatus Fides Lance: Decreases Hundred Spear skill cooldown by 0.5 seconds. For each 3 Refine Levels: Increases damage of Hundred Spear by 5%. Increases damage of Madness Crusher by 7%. If the Weapon's Grade is C or higher: Increases damage of Madness Crusher by additional 15%. _______________________ Type: Headgear Defense: 10 Position: Top Weight: 10 Armor Level: 2 _______________________ Requirement: Base Level 180 Rune Knight |
Helm of Faith (Rune Knight) [1] (400226) | ItemID: 400226 _______________________ A helm with the power of faith. It has the effect of amplifying the effects of Vivatus and Adulter weapons. _______________________ Base Level at least 210: POW +2, P.ATK +1. _______________________ Base Level at least 230: POW +3, P.ATK +2. _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: ATK +10 _______________________ For each 3 Refine Levels: Increases damage of Wind Cutter and Ignition Break by 15%. _______________________ For each 4 Refine Levels: Increases Melee Physical Damage by 7%. _______________________ Refine Level +7: Increases Physical Damage against enemies of every size by 5%. _______________________ Refine Level +9: Decreases Fixed Casting Time by 0.2 seconds. _______________________ Refine Level +11: ATK +5% Decreases Fixed Casting Time by additional 0.3 seconds. _______________________ When equipped with Adulter Fides Two-Handed Sword: Decreases Ignition Break skill cooldown by 0.5 seconds. For each 3 Refine Levels: Increases damage of Wind Cutter and Ignition Break by 5%. _______________________ When equipped with Vivatus Fides Two-Handed Sword: Decreases Ignition Break skill cooldown by 1 second. For each 3 Refine Levels: Increases damage of Wind Cutter and Ignition Break by 5%. Increases damage of Storm Slash by 7%. If the Weapon's Grade is C or higher: Increases damage of Storm Slash by additional 15%. _______________________ Type: Headgear Defense: 10 Position: Top Weight: 10 Armor Level: 2 _______________________ Requirement: Base Level 180 Rune Knight |
Helm of Faith II (Sorcerer) [1] (400219) | ItemID: 400219 _______________________ A helm with the power of faith. It has the effect of amplifying the effects of Vivatus and Adulter weapons. _______________________ Base Level at least 210: SPL +2, S.MATK +1. _______________________ Base Level at least 230: SPL +3, S.MATK +2. _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: MATK +10 _______________________ For each 3 Refine Levels: Increases damage of Psychic Wave by 15%. _______________________ For each 4 Refine Levels: Increases Magical Damage with Neutral, Wind and Earth element by 7%. _______________________ Refine Level +7: Decreases Variable Casting Time by 5%. _______________________ Refine Level +9: Decreases Fixed Casting Time by 0.2 seconds. _______________________ Refine Level +11: MATK +5% Decreases Fixed Casting Time by additional 0.3 seconds. _______________________ When equipped with Adulter Fides Magic Book: Increases Magical Damage with Neutral element by 10%. For each 3 Refine Levels: Increases damage of Psychic Wave by 5%. _______________________ When equipped with Vivatus Fides Magic Book: Increases Magical Damage with Neutral, Wind and Earth element by 10%. For each 3 Refine Levels: Increases damage of Psychic Wave by 5%. Increases damage of Lightning Land and Terra Drive by 7%. If the Weapon's Grade is C or higher: Increases damage of Lightning Land and Terra Drive by additional 15%. _______________________ Type: Headgear Defense: 10 Position: Top Weight: 10 Armor Level: 2 _______________________ Requirement: Base Level 180 Sorcerer |
Helm of Faith (Sorcerer) [1] (400218) | ItemID: 400218 _______________________ A helm with the power of faith. It has the effect of amplifying the effects of Vivatus and Adulter weapons. _______________________ Base Level at least 210: SPL +2, S.MATK +1. _______________________ Base Level at least 230: SPL +3, S.MATK +2. _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: MATK +10 _______________________ For each 3 Refine Levels: Increases damage of Poison Buster by 15%. _______________________ For each 4 Refine Levels: Increases Magical Damage with Fire and Poison element by 7%. _______________________ Refine Level +7: Decreases Variable Casting Time by 5%. _______________________ Refine Level +9: Decreases Fixed Casting Time by 0.2 seconds. _______________________ Refine Level +11: MATK +5% Decreases Fixed Casting Time by additional 0.3 seconds. _______________________ When equipped with Adulter Fides Poison Book: Increases Magical Damage with Poison element by 10%. For each 3 Refine Levels: Increases damage of Poison Buster by 5%. _______________________ When equipped with Vivatus Fides Poison Book: Increases Magical Damage with Fire and Poison element by 10%. For each 3 Refine Levels: Increases damage of Poison Buster by 5%. Increases damage of Conflagration and Venom Swamp by 7%. If the Weapon's Grade is C or higher: Increases damage of Conflagration and Venom Swamp by additional 15%. _______________________ Type: Headgear Defense: 10 Position: Top Weight: 10 Armor Level: 2 _______________________ Requirement: Base Level 180 Sorcerer |
Helm of Faith II (Guillotine Cross) [1] (400217) | ItemID: 400217 _______________________ A helm with the power of faith. It has the effect of amplifying the effects of Vivatus and Adulter weapons. _______________________ Base Level at least 210: POW +2, P.ATK +1. _______________________ Base Level at least 230: POW +3, P.ATK +2. _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: ATK +10 _______________________ For each 3 Refine Levels: Increases damage of Rolling Cutter by 15%. _______________________ For each 4 Refine Levels: Increases Melee Physical Damage by 7%. _______________________ Refine Level +7: CRI +15 _______________________ Refine Level +9: Decreases Fixed Casting Time by 0.2 seconds. _______________________ Refine Level +11: ATK +5% Decreases Fixed Casting Time by additional 0.3 seconds. _______________________ When equipped with Adulter Fides Chakram: Increases Melee Physical Damage by 10%. For each 3 Refine Levels: Increases damage of Rolling Cutter by 5%. _______________________ When equipped with Vivatus Fides Chakram: Increases Melee Physical Damage by 10%. For each 3 Refine Levels: Increases damage of Rolling Cutter by 5%. Increases damage of Impact Crater by 7%. If the Weapon's Grade is C or higher: Increases damage of Impact Crater by additional 15%. _______________________ Type: Headgear Defense: 10 Position: Top Weight: 10 Armor Level: 2 _______________________ Requirement: Base Level 180 Guillotine Cross |
Helm of Faith (Guillotine Cross) [1] (400216) | ItemID: 400216 _______________________ A helm with the power of faith. It has the effect of amplifying the effects of Vivatus and Adulter weapons. _______________________ Base Level at least 210: POW +2, P.ATK +1. _______________________ Base Level at least 230: POW +3, P.ATK +2. _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: ATK +10 _______________________ For each 3 Refine Levels: Increases damage of Counter Slash by 15%. _______________________ For each 4 Refine Levels: Increases Melee Physical Damage by 7%. _______________________ Refine Level +7: Increases Physical Damage against enemies of every size by 5%. _______________________ Refine Level +9: Decreases Fixed Casting Time by 0.2 seconds. _______________________ Refine Level +11: ATK +5% Decreases Fixed Casting Time by additional 0.3 seconds. _______________________ When equipped with Adulter Fides Katar: Increases Melee Physical Damage by 10%. For each 3 Refine Levels: Increases damage of Counter Slash by 5%. _______________________ When equipped with Vivatus Fides Katar: Increases Melee Physical Damage by 10%. For each 3 Refine Levels: Increases damage of Counter Slash by 5%. Increases damage of Eternal Slash by 7%. If the Weapon's Grade is C or higher: Increases damage of Eternal Slash by additional 15%. _______________________ Type: Headgear Defense: 10 Position: Top Weight: 10 Armor Level: 2 _______________________ Requirement: Base Level 180 Guillotine Cross |
Helm of Faith II (Royal Guard) [1] (400201) | ItemID: 400201 _______________________ A helm with the power of faith. It has the effect of amplifying the effects of Vivatus and Adulter weapons. _______________________ Base Level at least 210: POW +2, P.ATK +1. _______________________ Base Level at least 230: POW +3, P.ATK +2. _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: ATK +10 _______________________ For each 3 Refine Levels: Increases damage of Overbrand by 15%. _______________________ For each 4 Refine Levels: Increases Melee Physical Damage by 7%. _______________________ Refine Level +7: Increases Physical Damage against enemies of every size by 5%. _______________________ Refine Level +9: Decreases Fixed Casting Time by 0.2 seconds. _______________________ Refine Level +11: ATK +5% Decreases Fixed Casting Time by additional 0.3 seconds. _______________________ When equipped with Adulter Fides Guardian Spear: Increases Melee Physical Damage by 10%. For each 3 Refine Levels: Increases damage of Overbrand by 5%. _______________________ When equipped with Vivatus Fides Guardian Spear: Increases Melee Physical Damage by 10%. For each 3 Refine Levels: Increases damage of Overbrand by 5%. Increases damage of Overslash by 7%. If the Weapon's Grade is C or higher: Increases damage of Overslash by additional 15%. _______________________ Type: Headgear Defense: 10 Position: Top Weight: 10 Armor Level: 2 _______________________ Requirement: Base Level 180 Royal Guard |
Helm of Faith (Royal Guard) [1] (400200) | ItemID: 400200 _______________________ A helm with the power of faith. It has the effect of amplifying the effects of Vivatus and Adulter weapons. _______________________ Base Level at least 210: SPL +2, S.MATK +1. _______________________ Base Level at least 230: SPL +3, S.MATK +2. _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: MATK +10 _______________________ For each 3 Refine Levels: Increases damage of Genesis Ray by 15%. _______________________ For each 4 Refine Levels: Increases Magical Damage with Neutral and Holy element by 7%. _______________________ Refine Level +7: Decreases Variable Casting Time by 5%. _______________________ Refine Level +9: Decreases Fixed Casting Time by 0.2 seconds. _______________________ Refine Level +11: MATK +5% Decreases Fixed Casting Time by additional 0.3 seconds. _______________________ When equipped with Adulter Fides Guardian Sword: Increases Magical Damage with Neutral and Holy element by 10%. For each 3 Refine Levels: Increases damage of Genesis Ray by 5%. _______________________ When equipped with Vivatus Fides Guardian Sword: Increases Magical Damage with Neutral and Holy element by 10%. For each 3 Refine Levels: Increases damage of Genesis Ray by 5%. Increases damage of Cross Rain by 7%. If the Weapon's Grade is C or higher: Increases damage of Cross Rain by additional 15%. _______________________ Type: Headgear Defense: 10 Position: Top Weight: 10 Armor Level: 2 _______________________ Requirement: Base Level 180 Royal Guard |
Helm of Faith II (Ranger) [1] (400199) | ItemID: 400199 _______________________ A helm with the power of faith. It has the effect of amplifying the effects of Vivatus and Adulter weapons. _______________________ Base Level at least 210: POW +2, P.ATK +1. _______________________ Base Level at least 230: POW +3, P.ATK +2. _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: ATK +10 _______________________ For each 3 Refine Levels: Increases damage of Aimed Bolt by 15%. _______________________ For each 4 Refine Levels: Increases Ranged Physical Damage by 7%. _______________________ Refine Level +7: CRI +15 _______________________ Refine Level +9: Decreases Fixed Casting Time by 0.2 seconds. _______________________ Refine Level +11: ATK +5% Decreases Fixed Casting Time by additional 0.3 seconds. _______________________ When equipped with Adulter Fides Aiming Bow: Increases Ranged Physical Damage by 10%. For each 3 Refine Levels: Increases damage of Aimed Bolt by 5%. _______________________ When equipped with Vivatus Fides Aiming Bow: Increases Ranged Physical Damage by 10%. For each 3 Refine Levels: Increases damage of Aimed Bolt by 5%. Increases damage of Crescive Bolt by 7%. If the Weapon's Grade is C or higher: Increases damage of Crescive Bolt by additional 15%. _______________________ Type: Headgear Defense: 10 Position: Top Weight: 10 Armor Level: 2 _______________________ Requirement: Base Level 180 Ranger |
Helm of Faith (Ranger) [1] (400198) | ItemID: 400198 _______________________ A helm with the power of faith. It has the effect of amplifying the effects of Vivatus and Adulter weapons. _______________________ Base Level at least 210: POW +2, P.ATK +1. _______________________ Base Level at least 230: POW +3, P.ATK +2. _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: ATK +10 _______________________ For each 3 Refine Levels: Increases damage of Arrow Storm by 15%. _______________________ For each 4 Refine Levels: Increases Ranged Physical Damage by 7%. _______________________ Refine Level +7: Increases Physical Damage against enemies of every size by 5%. _______________________ Refine Level +9: Decreases Fixed Casting Time by 0.2 seconds. _______________________ Refine Level +11: ATK +5% Decreases Fixed Casting Time by additional 0.3 seconds. _______________________ When equipped with Adulter Fides Ballista: Increases Ranged Physical Damage by 10%. For each 3 Refine Levels: Increases damage of Arrow Storm by 5%. _______________________ When equipped with Vivatus Fides Ballista: Increases Ranged Physical Damage by 10%. For each 3 Refine Levels: Increases damage of Arrow Storm by 5%. Increases damage of Gale Storm by 7%. If the Weapon's Grade is C or higher: Increases damage of Gale Storm by additional 15%. _______________________ Type: Headgear Defense: 10 Position: Top Weight: 10 Armor Level: 2 _______________________ Requirement: Base Level 180 Ranger |
Helm of Faith II (Shadow Chaser) [1] (400192) | ItemID: 400192 _______________________ A helm with the power of faith. It has the effect of amplifying the effects of Vivatus and Adulter weapons. _______________________ Base Level at least 210: POW +2, P.ATK +1. _______________________ Base Level at least 230: POW +3, P.ATK +2. _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: ATK +10 _______________________ For each 3 Refine Levels: Increases damage of Triangle Shot by 15%. _______________________ For each 4 Refine Levels: Increases Ranged Physical Damage by 7%. _______________________ Refine Level +7: CRI +15 _______________________ Refine Level +9: Decreases Fixed Casting Time by 0.2 seconds. _______________________ Refine Level +11: ATK +5% Decreases Fixed Casting Time by additional 0.3 seconds. _______________________ When equipped with Adulter Fides Crossbow: Increases Ranged Physical Damage by 10%. For each 3 Refine Levels: Increases damage of Triangle Shot by 5%. _______________________ When equipped with Vivatus Fides Cross Bow: Increases Ranged Physical Damage by 10%. For each 3 Refine Levels: Increases damage of Triangle Shot by 5%. Increases damage of Frenzy Shot by 7%. If the Weapon's Grade is C or higher: Increases damage of Frenzy Shot by additional 15%. _______________________ Type: Headgear Defense: 10 Position: Top Weight: 10 Armor Level: 2 _______________________ Requirement: Base Level 180 Shadow Chaser |
Helm of Faith (Shadow Chaser) [1] (400191) | ItemID: 400191 _______________________ A helm with the power of faith. It has the effect of amplifying the effects of Vivatus and Adulter weapons. _______________________ Base Level at least 210: POW +2, P.ATK +1. _______________________ Base Level at least 230: POW +3, P.ATK +2. _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: ATK +10 _______________________ For each 3 Refine Levels: Increases damage of Fatal Menace by 15%. _______________________ For each 4 Refine Levels: Increases Melee Physical Damage by 7%. _______________________ Refine Level +7: Increases Physical Damage against enemies of every size by 5%. _______________________ Refine Level +9: Decreases Fixed Casting Time by 0.2 seconds. _______________________ Refine Level +11: ATK +5% Decreases Fixed Casting Time by additional 0.3 seconds. _______________________ When equipped with Adulter Fides Dagger: Increases Melee Physical Damage by 10%. For each 3 Refine Levels: Increases damage of Fatal Menace by 5%. _______________________ When equipped with Vivatus Fides Dagger: Increases Melee Physical Damage by 10%. For each 3 Refine Levels: Increases damage of Fatal Menace by 5%. Increases damage of Abyss Dagger by 7%. If the Weapon's Grade is C or higher: Increases damage of Abyss Dagger by additional 15%. _______________________ Type: Headgear Defense: 10 Position: Top Weight: 10 Armor Level: 2 _______________________ Requirement: Base Level 180 Shadow Chaser |
Helm of Faith II (Archbishop) [1] (400190) | ItemID: 400190 _______________________ A helm with the power of faith. It has the effect of amplifying the effects of Vivatus and Adulter weapons. _______________________ Base Level at least 210: POW +2, P.ATK +1. _______________________ Base Level at least 230: POW +3, P.ATK +2. _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: ATK +10 _______________________ For each 3 Refine Levels: Increases damage of Duple Light by 15%. _______________________ For each 4 Refine Levels: Increases Melee and Ranged Physical Damage by 7%. _______________________ Refine Level +7: CRI +15 _______________________ Refine Level +9: Decreases Fixed Casting Time by 0.2 seconds. _______________________ Refine Level +11: ATK +5% Decreases Fixed Casting Time by additional 0.3 seconds. _______________________ When equipped with Adulter Fides Bible: Increases Melee Physical Damage by 10%. For each 3 Refine Levels: Increases damage of Duple Light by 5%. _______________________ When equipped with Vivatus Fides Bible: Increases Melee Physical Damage by 10%. For each 3 Refine Levels: Increases damage of Duple Light by 5%. Increases damage of Petitio by 7%. If the Weapon's Grade is C or higher: Increases damage of Petitio by additional 15%. _______________________ Type: Headgear Defense: 10 Position: Top Weight: 10 Armor Level: 2 _______________________ Requirement: Base Level 180 Archbishop |
Helm of Faith (Archbishop) [1] (400189) | ItemID: 400189 _______________________ A helm with the power of faith. It has the effect of amplifying the effects of Vivatus and Adulter weapons. _______________________ Base Level at least 210: SPL +2, S.MATK +1. _______________________ Base Level at least 230: SPL +3, S.MATK +2. _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: MATK +10 _______________________ For each 3 Refine Levels: Increases damage of Adoramus by 15%. _______________________ For each 4 Refine Levels: Increases Magical Damage with Neutral and Holy element by 7%. _______________________ Refine Level +7: Decreases Variable Casting Time by 5%. _______________________ Refine Level +9: Decreases Fixed Casting Time by 0.2 seconds. _______________________ Refine Level +11: MATK +5% Decreases Fixed Casting Time by additional 0.3 seconds. _______________________ When equipped with Adulter Fides Wand: Increases Magical Damage with Neutral and Holy element by 10%. For each 3 Refine Levels: Increases damage of Adoramus by 5%. _______________________ When equipped with Vivatus Fides Wand: Increases Magical Damage with Neutral and Holy element by 10%. For each 3 Refine Levels: Increases damage of Adoramus by 5%. Increases damage of Arbitrium by 7%. If the Weapon's Grade is C or higher: Increases damage of Arbitrium by additional 15%. _______________________ Type: Headgear Defense: 10 Position: Top Weight: 10 Armor Level: 2 _______________________ Requirement: Base Level 180 Archbishop |
Helm of Faith II (Sura) [1] (400181) | ItemID: 400181 _______________________ A helm with the power of faith. It has the effect of amplifying the effects of Vivatus and Adulter weapons. _______________________ Base Level at least 210: POW +2, P.ATK +1. _______________________ Base Level at least 230: POW +3, P.ATK +2. _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: ATK +10 _______________________ For each 3 Refine Levels: Increases damage of Rampage Blaster by 15%. _______________________ For each 4 Refine Levels: Increases Ranged Physical Damage by 7%. _______________________ Refine Level +7: MaxSP +5% _______________________ Refine Level +9: Decreases Fixed Casting Time by 0.2 seconds. _______________________ Refine Level +11: ATK +5% Decreases Fixed Casting Time by additional 0.3 seconds. _______________________ When equipped with Adulter Fides Claw: Increases Ranged Physical Damage by 10%. For each 3 Refine Levels: Increases damage of Rampage Blaster by 5%. _______________________ When equipped with Vivatus Fides Claw: Increases Ranged Physical Damage by 10%. For each 3 Refine Levels: Increases damage of Rampage Blaster by 5%. Increases damage of Explosion Blaster by 7%. If the Weapon's Grade is C or higher: Increases damage of Explosion Blaster by additional 15%. _______________________ Type: Headgear Defense: 10 Position: Top Weight: 10 Armor Level: 2 _______________________ Requirement: Base Level 180 Sura |
Helm of Faith (Sura) [1] (400180) | ItemID: 400180 _______________________ A helm with the power of faith. It has the effect of amplifying the effects of Vivatus and Adulter weapons. _______________________ Base Level at least 210: POW +2, P.ATK +1. _______________________ Base Level at least 230: POW +3, P.ATK +2. _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: ATK +10 _______________________ For each 3 Refine Levels: Increases damage of Tiger Cannon by 15%. _______________________ For each 4 Refine Levels: Increases Melee Physical Damage by 7%. _______________________ Refine Level +7: MaxHP +5% _______________________ Refine Level +9: Decreases Fixed Casting Time by 0.2 seconds. _______________________ Refine Level +11: ATK +5% Decreases Fixed Casting Time by additional 0.3 seconds. _______________________ When equipped with Adulter Fides Knuckle: Increases Melee Physical Damage by 10%. For each 3 Refine Levels: Increases damage of Tiger Cannon by 5%. _______________________ When equipped with Vivatus Fides Knuckle: Increases Melee Physical Damage by 10%. For each 3 Refine Levels: Increases damage of Tiger Cannon by 5%. Increases damage of Third Flame Bomb by 7%. If the Weapon's Grade is C or higher: Increases damage of Third Flame Bomb by additional 15%. _______________________ Type: Headgear Defense: 10 Position: Top Weight: 10 Armor Level: 2 _______________________ Requirement: Base Level 180 Sura |
Helm of Faith II (Warlock) [1] (400179) | ItemID: 400179 _______________________ A helm with the power of faith. It has the effect of amplifying the effects of Vivatus and Adulter weapons. _______________________ Base Level at least 210: SPL +2, S.MATK +1. _______________________ Base Level at least 230: SPL +3, S.MATK +2. _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: MATK +10 _______________________ For each 3 Refine Levels: Increases damage of Comet by 15%. _______________________ For each 4 Refine Levels: Increases Magical Damage with Neutral and Shadow element by 7%. _______________________ Refine Level +7: Decreases Variable Casting Time by 10%. _______________________ Refine Level +9: Decreases Fixed Casting Time by 0.2 seconds. _______________________ Refine Level +11: MATK +5% Decreases Fixed Casting Time by additional 0.3 seconds. _______________________ When equipped with Adulter Fides Two-Handed Staff: Increases Magical Damage with Neutral and Shadow element by 10%. For each 3 Refine Levels: Increases damage of Comet by 5%. _______________________ When equipped with Vivatus Fides Two-Handed Staff: Increases Magical Damage with Neutral and Shadow element by 10%. For each 3 Refine Levels: Increases damage of Comet by 5%. Increases damage of Mystery Illusion by 7%. If the Weapon's Grade is C or higher: Increases damage of Mystery Illusion by additional 15%. _______________________ Type: Headgear Defense: 10 Position: Top Weight: 10 Armor Level: 2 _______________________ Requirement: Base Level 180 Warlock |
Helm of Faith (Warlock) [1] (400178) | ItemID: 400178 _______________________ A helm with the power of faith. It has the effect of amplifying the effects of Vivatus and Adulter weapons. _______________________ Base Level at least 210: SPL +2, S.MATK +1. _______________________ Base Level at least 230: SPL +3, S.MATK +2. _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: MATK +10 _______________________ For each 3 Refine Levels: Increases damage of Soul Expansion by 15%. _______________________ For each 4 Refine Levels: Increases Magical Damage with Ghost element by 7%. _______________________ Refine Level +7: Decreases Variable Casting Time by 10%. _______________________ Refine Level +9: Decreases Fixed Casting Time by 0.2 seconds. _______________________ Refine Level +11: MATK +5% Decreases Fixed Casting Time by additional 0.3 seconds. _______________________ When equipped with Adulter Fides Rod: Increases Magical Damage with Ghost element by 10%. For each 3 Refine Levels: Increases damage of Soul Expansion by 5%. _______________________ When equipped with Vivatus Fides Rod: Increases Magical Damage with Ghost element by 10%. For each 3 Refine Levels: Increases damage of Soul Expansion by 5%. Increases damage of Soul Vulcan Strike by 7%. If the Weapon's Grade is C or higher: Increases damage of Soul Vulcan Strike by additional 15%. _______________________ Type: Headgear Defense: 10 Position: Top Weight: 10 Armor Level: 2 _______________________ Requirement: Base Level 180 Warlock |
Vivatus / Helm of Faith Equipment Hammer (1700x Amethyst Fragment (1000405) each)
Item | Description |
Vivatus Weapon Refine Hammer (101077) | ItemID: 101077 _______________________ A refine hammer that increases the refinement level of a specific Vivatus Fides Weapon by +1. It can only be used on Vivatus Fides Weapon with refine level between +9 and +11. Each time it is used, 40 Holy Oil of Purification, 40 Holy Water of Purification and 40 Sbbatical Handkerchief are consumed as materials. _______________________ [Target Items] Vivatus Fides Magic Book Vivatus Fides Poison Book Vivatus Fides Bible Vivatus Fides Ribbon Vivatus Fides Harp Vivatus Fides Claw Vivatus Fides Chain Rope Vivatus Fides Violin Vivatus Fides Aiming Bow Vivatus Fides Ballista Vivatus Fides Knuckle Vivatus Fides Wand Vivatus Fides Rod Vivatus Fides Two-Handed Staff Vivatus Fides Cross Bow Vivatus Fides Chakram Vivatus Fides Scepter Vivatus Fides Dagger Vivatus Fides Katar Vivatus Fides Rapier Vivatus Fides Mace Vivatus Fides Guardian Sword Vivatus Fides Axe Vivatus Fides Guardian Spear Vivatus Fides Lance Vivatus Fides Two-Handed Sword Vivatus Fides Dark Wand Vivatus Fides Soul Stick Vivatus Fides Foxtail Wand Vivatus Fides Foxtail Model Vivatus Fides Stardust Book Vivatus Fides Moon Book Vivatus Fides Gatling Gun Vivatus Fides Launcher Vivatus Fides Rifle Vivatus Fides Shotgun Vivatus Fides Revolver Vivatus Fides Cross Huuma Shuriken Vivatus Fides Huuma Shuriken _______________________ Weight: 1 |
Helm of Faith Refine Hammer (101389) | ItemID: 101389 _______________________ A refine hammer that increases the refinement level of Helms of Faith by +1. It can be used for Helm of Faith with refine level between +9 and +11. Each time it is used, 1500 Amethyst Fragments are consumed as materials. _______________________ This item will be consumed after performing the item reform. _______________________ [Target Items] Helm of Faith (Warlock) Helm of Faith II (Warlock) Helm of Faith (Sura) Helm of Faith II (Sura) Helm of Faith (Archbishop) Helm of Faith II (Archbishop) Helm of Faith (Shadow Chaser) Helm of Faith II (Shadow Chaser) Helm of Faith (Ranger) Helm of Faith II (Ranger) Helm of Faith (Royal Guard) Helm of Faith II (Royal Guard) Helm of Faith (Guillotine Cross) Helm of Faith II (Guillotine Cross) Helm of Faith (Sorcerer) Helm of Faith II (Sorcerer) Helm of Faith (Rune Knight) Helm of Faith II (Rune Knight) Helm of Faith (Minstrel & Wanderer) Helm of Faith II (Minstrel & Wanderer) Helm of Faith (Mechanic) Helm of Faith II (Mechanic) Helm of Faith (Genetic) Helm of Faith II (Genetic) Helm of Faith (Kagerou & Oboro) Helm of Faith II (Kagerou & Oboro) Helm of Faith (Rebellion) Helm of Faith II (Rebellion) Helm of Faith (Soul Reaper) Helm of Faith II (Soul Reaper) Helm of Faith (Star Emperor) Helm of Faith II (Star Emperor) Helm of Faith (Summoner) Helm of Faith II (Summoner) _______________________ Weight: 1 |
Gray Wolf Armor Refine Boxes
Item | Description | Price |
Gray Wolf +7 Refinement Box (100626) | ItemID: 100626 _______________________ A magic box that can refine Gray Wolf equipment. If you put Gray Wolf armor, you can get +7 refined Gray Wolf armor. _______________________ [Target Items] Gray Wolf Suit, Gray Wolf Robe, Gray Wolf Manteau, Gray Wolf Muffler, Gray Wolf Boots, Gray Wolf Shoes. _______________________ Weight: 1 |
x1050 Amethyst Fragment (1000405) |
Gray Wolf +9 Refinement Box (100627) | ItemID: 100627 _______________________ A magic box that can refine Gray Wolf equipment. If you put Gray Wolf armor, you can get +9 refined Gray Wolf armor. _______________________ [Target Items] Gray Wolf Suit, Gray Wolf Robe, Gray Wolf Manteau, Gray Wolf Muffler, Gray Wolf Boots, Gray Wolf Shoes. _______________________ Weight: 1 |
x2250 Amethyst Fragment (1000405) |
Gray Wolf Armor
Talk to NPC Emmett (wolfvill 164, 137) in Gray Wolf Village to enchant.
Target Items | Slot Order | Refine | Reset Process |
Gray Wolf Suit [1] (450177) ItemID: 450177 _______________________ A suit given to those who have been recognized by the Gray Wolf Clan. _______________________ ATK +130 _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: ATK +15 _______________________ Refine Level +7: Increases Attack Speed by 15%. _______________________ When equipped with Gray Wolf Manteau: ATK +50 _______________________ When equipped with Gray Wolf Muffler: Decreases After Cast Delay by 10%. _______________________ Type: Armor Defense: 160 Weight: 100 Armor Level: 1 _______________________ Requirement: Base Level 190 |
4>3>2 | 7 | 25x Amethyst Fragment (1000405) 100,000z |
Gray Wolf Robe [1] (450178) ItemID: 450178 _______________________ A robe given to those who have been recognized by the Gray Wolf Clan. _______________________ MATK +130 _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: MATK +15 _______________________ Refine Level +7: Decreases Variable Casting Time by 15%. _______________________ When equipped with Gray Wolf Manteau: Increases Attack Speed by 10%. _______________________ When equipped with Gray Wolf Muffler: MATK +50 _______________________ Type: Armor Defense: 160 Weight: 100 Armor Level: 1 _______________________ Requirement: Base Level 190 |
Gray Wolf Armor Enchantments
Talk to NPC Emmett (wolfvill 164, 137) in Gray Wolf Village to enchant.
Slot 2 | Slot 3 | Slot 4 |
50x Amethyst Fragment (1000405) 200,000z |
25x Amethyst Fragment (1000405) 150,000z |
15x Amethyst Fragment (1000405) 100,000z |
Note: choose your desired Enchant for: 2250x / 1150x / 700x Amethyst Fragment (1000405) and 10,000,000z | ||
100% Success Chance | ||
Wolf Orb (Reflection Reject) Lv.1 (310511) (1,85%) ItemID: 310511 |
Wolf Orb (STR) Lv.1 (310478) (10,00%) ItemID: 310478 |
Wolf Orb (STR) Lv.1 (310478) (9,90%) ItemID: 310478 |
Wolf Orb (Reflection Reject) Lv.2 (310512) (0,50%) ItemID: 310512 |
Wolf Orb (DEX) Lv.1 (310479) (10,00%) ItemID: 310479 |
Wolf Orb (DEX) Lv.1 (310479) (9,90%) ItemID: 310479 |
Wolf Orb (Reflection Reject) Lv.3 (310513) (0,10%) ItemID: 310513 |
Wolf Orb (AGI) Lv.1 (310480) (10,00%) ItemID: 310480 |
Wolf Orb (AGI) Lv.1 (310480) (9,90%) ItemID: 310480 |
Wolf Orb (Power Force) (310514) (1,88%) ItemID: 310514 |
Wolf Orb (INT) Lv.1 (310481) (10,00%) ItemID: 310481 |
Wolf Orb (INT) Lv.1 (310481) (9,90%) ItemID: 310481 |
Wolf Orb (Dragon Breath) (310516) (1,88%) ItemID: 310516 |
Wolf Orb (VIT) Lv.1 (310482) (10,00%) ItemID: 310482 |
Wolf Orb (VIT) Lv.1 (310482) (9,90%) ItemID: 310482 |
Wolf Orb (Cutter Break) (310517) (1,88%) ItemID: 310517 |
Wolf Orb (LUK) Lv.1 (310483) (10,00%) ItemID: 310483 |
Wolf Orb (LUK) Lv.1 (310483) (9,90%) ItemID: 310483 |
Wolf Orb (Hundred Wave) (310518) (1,88%) ItemID: 310518 |
Wolf Orb (STR) Lv.2 (310484) (2,00%) ItemID: 310484 |
Wolf Orb (STR) Lv.2 (310484) (2,50%) ItemID: 310484 |
Wolf Orb (Brand Drive) (310519) (1,88%) ItemID: 310519 |
Wolf Orb (DEX) Lv.2 (310485) (2,00%) ItemID: 310485 |
Wolf Orb (DEX) Lv.2 (310485) (2,50%) ItemID: 310485 |
Wolf Orb (Banishing Cannon) (310520) (1,88%) ItemID: 310520 |
Wolf Orb (AGI) Lv.2 (310486) (2,00%) ItemID: 310486 |
Wolf Orb (AGI) Lv.2 (310486) (2,50%) ItemID: 310486 |
Wolf Orb (Genesis Pressure) (310521) (1,88%) ItemID: 310521 |
Wolf Orb (INT) Lv.2 (310487) (2,00%) ItemID: 310487 |
Wolf Orb (INT) Lv.2 (310487) (2,50%) ItemID: 310487 |
Wolf Orb (Boost Cannon) (310522) (1,88%) ItemID: 310522 |
Wolf Orb (VIT) Lv.2 (310488) (2,00%) ItemID: 310488 |
Wolf Orb (VIT) Lv.2 (310488) (2,50%) ItemID: 310488 |
Wolf Orb (Vulcan Boomerang) (310523) (1,88%) ItemID: 310523 |
Wolf Orb (LUK) Lv.2 (310489) (2,00%) ItemID: 310489 |
Wolf Orb (LUK) Lv.2 (310489) (2,50%) ItemID: 310489 |
Wolf Orb (Tornado Swing) (310524) (1,88%) ItemID: 310524 |
Wolf Orb (STR) Lv.3 (310490) (0,40%) ItemID: 310490 |
Wolf Orb (Defense) Lv.1 (310496) (9,90%) ItemID: 310496 |
Wolf Orb (Hell Tornado) (310525) (1,88%) ItemID: 310525 |
Wolf Orb (DEX) Lv.3 (310491) (0,40%) ItemID: 310491 |
Wolf Orb (Magical Defense) Lv.1 (310497) (9,90%) ItemID: 310497 |
Wolf Orb (Crazy Cannon) (310526) (1,88%) ItemID: 310526 |
Wolf Orb (AGI) Lv.3 (310492) (0,40%) ItemID: 310492 |
Wolf Orb (Defense) Lv.2 (310498) (2,50%) ItemID: 310498 |
Wolf Orb (Acid Explosion) (310527) (1,88%) ItemID: 310527 |
Wolf Orb (INT) Lv.3 (310493) (0,40%) ItemID: 310493 |
Wolf Orb (Magical Defense) Lv.2 (310499) (2,50%) ItemID: 310499 |
Wolf Orb (Sonic Impact) (310528) (1,88%) ItemID: 310528 |
Wolf Orb (VIT) Lv.3 (310494) (0,40%) ItemID: 310494 |
Wolf Orb (Shooter) Lv.1 (310502) (0,23%) ItemID: 310502 |
Wolf Orb (Cutter Slasher) (310529) (1,88%) ItemID: 310529 |
Wolf Orb (LUK) Lv.3 (310495) (0,40%) ItemID: 310495 |
Wolf Orb (Warrior) Lv.1 (310503) (0,23%) ItemID: 310503 |
Wolf Orb (Soul Slash) (310530) (1,88%) ItemID: 310530 |
Wolf Orb (Defense) Lv.1 (310496) (10,00%) ItemID: 310496 |
Wolf Orb (Mage) Lv.1 (310504) (0,23%) ItemID: 310504 |
Wolf Orb (Fatal Raid) (310531) (1,88%) ItemID: 310531 |
Wolf Orb (Magical Defense) Lv.1 (310497) (10,00%) ItemID: 310497 |
Wolf Orb (Shooter) Lv.2 (310505) (0,03%) ItemID: 310505 |
Wolf Orb (Shadow Spell) (310532) (1,88%) ItemID: 310532 |
Wolf Orb (Defense) Lv.2 (310498) (2,00%) ItemID: 310498 |
Wolf Orb (Warrior) Lv.2 (310506) (0,03%) ItemID: 310506 |
Wolf Orb (Angle Shot) (310533) (1,88%) ItemID: 310533 |
Wolf Orb (Magical Defense) Lv.2 (310499) (2,00%) ItemID: 310499 |
Wolf Orb (Mage) Lv.2 (310507) (0,03%) ItemID: 310507 |
Wolf Orb (Crimson Strain) (310534) (1,88%) ItemID: 310534 |
Wolf Orb (Defense) Lv.3 (310500) (0,40%) ItemID: 310500 |
Wolf Orb (Jack Lightning) (310535) (1,88%) ItemID: 310535 |
Wolf Orb (Magical Defense) Lv.3 (310501) (0,40%) ItemID: 310501 |
Wolf Orb (Comet Vortex) (310536) (1,88%) ItemID: 310536 |
Wolf Orb (Shooter) Lv.1 (310502) (0,20%) ItemID: 310502 |
Wolf Orb (Cloud Buster) (310537) (1,88%) ItemID: 310537 |
Wolf Orb (Warrior) Lv.1 (310503) (0,20%) ItemID: 310503 |
Wolf Orb (Varetyr Wave) (310538) (1,88%) ItemID: 310538 |
Wolf Orb (Mage) Lv.1 (310504) (0,20%) ItemID: 310504 |
Wolf Orb (Diamond Grave) (310539) (1,88%) ItemID: 310539 |
Wolf Orb (Shooter) Lv.2 (310505) (0,05%) ItemID: 310505 |
Wolf Orb (Magnusmus) (310540) (1,88%) ItemID: 310540 |
Wolf Orb (Warrior) Lv.2 (310506) (0,05%) ItemID: 310506 |
Wolf Orb (Holy Judex) (310541) (1,88%) ItemID: 310541 |
Wolf Orb (Mage) Lv.2 (310507) (0,05%) ItemID: 310507 |
Wolf Orb (Melee Duple) (310542) (1,88%) ItemID: 310542 |
Wolf Orb (Shooter) Lv.3 (310508) (0,01%) ItemID: 310508 |
Wolf Orb (Tiger Empire) (310543) (1,88%) ItemID: 310543 |
Wolf Orb (Warrior) Lv.3 (310509) (0,01%) ItemID: 310509 |
Wolf Orb (Lightning Blaster) (310544) (1,88%) ItemID: 310544 |
Wolf Orb (Mage) Lv.3 (310510) (0,01%) ItemID: 310510 |
Wolf Orb (Hell Arrow) (310545) (1,88%) ItemID: 310545 |
Wolf Orb (After Cast Delay) (310515) (0,01%) ItemID: 310515 |
Wolf Orb (Cluster) (310546) (1,88%) ItemID: 310546 |
Wolf Orb (Breeze Shooting) (310547) (1,88%) ItemID: 310547 |
Wolf Orb (Aimed Storm) (310548) (1,88%) ItemID: 310548 |
Wolf Orb (Sound Metal) (310549) (1,88%) ItemID: 310549 |
Wolf Orb (Reverb) (310550) (1,88%) ItemID: 310550 |
Wolf Orb (Vulcanstorm) (310551) (1,88%) ItemID: 310551 |
Wolf Orb (Red Flame Explosion) (310552) (1,88%) ItemID: 310552 |
Wolf Orb (Moon) (310553) (1,88%) ItemID: 310553 |
Wolf Orb (Flash Fall) (310554) (1,88%) ItemID: 310554 |
Wolf Orb (Shoo) (310555) (1,88%) ItemID: 310555 |
Wolf Orb (Spa) (310556) (1,88%) ItemID: 310556 |
Wolf Orb (Curse Explosion) (310557) (1,88%) ItemID: 310557 |
Wolf Orb (Death Hammer Dance) (310558) (1,88%) ItemID: 310558 |
Wolf Orb (Fire Howling Tail) (310559) (1,88%) ItemID: 310559 |
Wolf Orb (Storm Buster Trip) (310560) (1,88%) ItemID: 310560 |
Wolf Orb (Flame Ice Wind) (310561) (1,88%) ItemID: 310561 |
Wolf Orb (Cross Petal) (310562) (1,88%) ItemID: 310562 |
Wolf Orb (Exploding Flake Wind) (310563) (1,88%) ItemID: 310563 |
Wolf Orb (Power of Sea) (310564) (1,88%) ItemID: 310564 |
Wolf Orb (Power of Land) (310565) (1,88%) ItemID: 310565 |
Wolf Orb (Power of Life) (310566) (1,88%) ItemID: 310566 |
Gray Wolf Garment
Talk to NPC Emmett (wolfvill 164, 137) in Gray Wolf Village and select Option 2 to enchant.
Target Items | Slot Order | Refine | Reset Process |
Gray Wolf Manteau [1] (480091) ItemID: 480091 _______________________ A manteau given to those who have been recognized by the Gray Wolf Clan. _______________________ MaxHP +2500 _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: MaxHP +150 _______________________ Refine Level +7: Increases Attack Speed by 7%. _______________________ When equipped with Gray Wolf Boots: Increases Critical Damage by 15%. _______________________ When equipped with Gray Wolf Shoes: Decreases Variable Casting Time by 15%. _______________________ Type: Garment Defense: 70 Weight: 90 Armor Level: 1 _______________________ Requirement: Base Level 190 |
4>3>2 | 7 | 25x Amethyst Fragment (1000405) 100,000z |
Gray Wolf Muffler [1] (480090) ItemID: 480090 _______________________ A scarf given to those who have been recognized by the Gray Wolf Clan. _______________________ MaxHP +1500 _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: MaxHP +100 _______________________ Refine Level +7: Decreases Variable Casting Time by 7%. _______________________ When equipped with Gray Wolf Boots: Increases Ranged Physical Damage by 7%. _______________________ When equipped with Gray Wolf Shoes: Increases Magical Damage with every element by 15%. _______________________ Type: Garment Defense: 70 Weight: 90 Armor Level: 1 _______________________ Requirement: Base Level 190 |
Gray Wolf Garment Enchantments
Talk to NPC Emmett (wolfvill 164, 137) in Gray Wolf Village and select Option 2 to enchant.
Slot 2 | Slot 3 | Slot 4 |
50x Amethyst Fragment (1000405) 200,000z |
25x Amethyst Fragment (1000405) 150,000z |
15x Amethyst Fragment (1000405) 100,000z |
Note: You can also choose your desired Enchant for: 1500x / 750x / 500x Amethyst Fragment (1000405) and 10,000,000z | ||
100% Success Chance | ||
Wolf Orb (Above All) Lv.1 (310579) (30,03%) ItemID: 310579 |
Wolf Orb (Fast) Lv.1 (310567) (20,00%) ItemID: 310567 |
Wolf Orb (STR) Lv.1 (310478) (13,67%) ItemID: 310478 |
Wolf Orb (Above All) Lv.2 (310580) (3,00%) ItemID: 310580 |
Wolf Orb (Caster) Lv.1 (310568) (20,00%) ItemID: 310568 |
Wolf Orb (DEX) Lv.1 (310479) (13,67%) ItemID: 310479 |
Wolf Orb (Above All) Lv.3 (310581) (0,30%) ItemID: 310581 |
Wolf Orb (Critical) Lv.1 (310569) (20,00%) ItemID: 310569 |
Wolf Orb (AGI) Lv.1 (310480) (13,67%) ItemID: 310480 |
Wolf Orb (Powerful) Lv.1 (310582) (30,03%) ItemID: 310582 |
Wolf Orb (Guided Attack) Lv.1 (310570) (20,00%) ItemID: 310570 |
Wolf Orb (INT) Lv.1 (310481) (13,67%) ItemID: 310481 |
Wolf Orb (Powerful) Lv.2 (310583) (3,00%) ItemID: 310583 |
Wolf Orb (Fast) Lv.2 (310571) (4,50%) ItemID: 310571 |
Wolf Orb (VIT) Lv.1 (310482) (13,67%) ItemID: 310482 |
Wolf Orb (Powerful) Lv.3 (310584) (0,30%) ItemID: 310584 |
Wolf Orb (Caster) Lv.2 (310572) (4,50%) ItemID: 310572 |
Wolf Orb (LUK) Lv.1 (310483) (13,67%) ItemID: 310483 |
Wolf Orb (Mirror Counter) Lv.1 (310585) (30,03%) ItemID: 310585 |
Wolf Orb (Critical) Lv.2 (310573) (4,50%) ItemID: 310573 |
Wolf Orb (STR) Lv.2 (310484) (2,50%) ItemID: 310484 |
Wolf Orb (Mirror Counter) Lv.2 (310586) (3,00%) ItemID: 310586 |
Wolf Orb (Guided Attack) Lv.2 (310574) (4,50%) ItemID: 310574 |
Wolf Orb (DEX) Lv.2 (310485) (2,50%) ItemID: 310485 |
Wolf Orb (Mirror Counter) Lv.3 (310587) (0,30%) ItemID: 310587 |
Wolf Orb (Fast) Lv.3 (310575) (0,50%) ItemID: 310575 |
Wolf Orb (AGI) Lv.2 (310486) (2,50%) ItemID: 310486 |
Wolf Orb (Caster) Lv.3 (310576) (0,50%) ItemID: 310576 |
Wolf Orb (INT) Lv.2 (310487) (2,50%) ItemID: 310487 | |
Wolf Orb (Critical) Lv.3 (310577) (0,50%) ItemID: 310577 |
Wolf Orb (VIT) Lv.2 (310488) (2,50%) ItemID: 310488 | |
Wolf Orb (Guided Attack) Lv.3 (310578) (0,50%) ItemID: 310578 |
Wolf Orb (LUK) Lv.2 (310489) (2,50%) ItemID: 310489 | |
Wolf Orb (STR) Lv.3 (310490) (0,50%) ItemID: 310490 | ||
Wolf Orb (DEX) Lv.3 (310491) (0,50%) ItemID: 310491 | ||
Wolf Orb (AGI) Lv.3 (310492) (0,50%) ItemID: 310492 | ||
Wolf Orb (INT) Lv.3 (310493) (0,50%) ItemID: 310493 | ||
Wolf Orb (VIT) Lv.3 (310494) (0,50%) ItemID: 310494 | ||
Wolf Orb (LUK) Lv.3 (310495) (0,50%) ItemID: 310495 |
Gray Wolf Footgear
Talk to NPC Emmett (wolfvill 164, 137) in Gray Wolf Village and select Option 2 to enchant.
Target Items | Slot Order | Refine | Reset Process |
Gray Wolf Boots [1] (470087) ItemID: 470087 _______________________ A pair of boots given to those who have been recognized by the Gray Wolf Clan. _______________________ MaxSP +300 _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: MaxSP +50 _______________________ Refine Level +7: Increases Ranged Physical Damage by 7%. _______________________ When equipped with Gray Wolf Suit: ATK +7% _______________________ When equipped with Gray Wolf Robe: Increases Attack Speed by 7%. _______________________ Type: Shoes Defense: 70 Weight: 50 Armor Level: 1 _______________________ Requirement: Base Level 190 |
4>3>2 | 7 | 25x Amethyst Fragment (1000405) 100,000z |
Gray Wolf Shoes [1] (470088) ItemID: 470088 _______________________ A pair of shoes given to those who have been recognized by the Gray Wolf Clan. _______________________ MaxSP +250 _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: MaxSP +20 _______________________ Refine Level +7: Increases Magical Damage with every element by 7%. _______________________ When equipped with Gray Wolf Suit: MaxSP +7% _______________________ When equipped with Gray Wolf Robe: MATK +7% _______________________ Type: Shoes Defense: 70 Weight: 50 Armor Level: 1 _______________________ Requirement: Base Level 190 |
Gray Wolf Footgear Enchantments
Talk to NPC Emmett (wolfvill 164, 137) in Gray Wolf Village and select Option 2 to enchant.
Slot 2 | Slot 3 | Slot 4 |
50x Amethyst Fragment (1000405) 200,000z |
25x Amethyst Fragment (1000405) 150,000z |
15x Amethyst Fragment (1000405) 100,000z |
Note: You can also choose your desired Enchant for: 1500x / 750x / 500x Amethyst Fragment (1000405) and 10,000,000z | ||
100% Success Chance | ||
Wolf Orb (Unlimited Vitality) (310609) (16,67%) ItemID: 310609 _______________________ Physical attacks have a 3% chance to increase VIT by 50 and ATK by 25% for 10 seconds. |
Wolf Orb (Fixed Casting) Lv.1 (310600) (30,03%) ItemID: 310600 _______________________ Decreases Fixed Casting Time by 0.5 seconds. |
Wolf Orb (Health) Lv.1 (310588) (21,50%) ItemID: 310588 _______________________ MaxHP +5%, MaxHP +1500 _______________________ Refine Level +7: MaxHP +2% _______________________ Refine Level +9: MaxHP +2% _______________________ Refine Level +11: MaxHP +3% |
Wolf Orb (Spell Buster) (310610) (16,67%) ItemID: 310610 _______________________ Magical attacks have a 3% chance to increase INT by 50 and MATK by 25% for 10 seconds. |
Wolf Orb (Fixed Casting) Lv.2 (310601) (3,00%) ItemID: 310601 _______________________ Decreases Fixed Casting Time by 0.7 seconds. |
Wolf Orb (Mental Power) Lv.1 (310589) (21,50%) ItemID: 310589 _______________________ MaxSP +5%, MaxSP +300 _______________________ Refine Level +7: MaxSP +2% _______________________ Refine Level +9: MaxSP +2% _______________________ Refine Level +11: MaxSP +3% |
Wolf Orb (Firing Shot) (310611) (16,67%) ItemID: 310611 _______________________ Physical attacks have a 3% chance to increase DEX by 50 and Ranged Physical Damage by 15% for 10 seconds. |
Wolf Orb (Fixed Casting) Lv.3 (310602) (0,30%) ItemID: 310602 _______________________ Decreases Fixed Casting Time by 1 second. |
Wolf Orb (Heal) Lv.1 (310590) (21,50%) ItemID: 310590 _______________________ Increases Healing skills effectiveness by 3%. _______________________ Refine Level +7: Increases Healing skills effectiveness by additional 4%. _______________________ Refine Level +9: Increases Healing skills effectiveness by additional 5%. _______________________ Refine Level +11: Increases Healing skills effectiveness by additional 5%. |
Wolf Orb (Over Power) (310612) (16,67%) ItemID: 310612 _______________________ Physical attacks have a 3% chance to increase STR by 50 and Melee Physical Damage by 15% for 10 seconds. |
Wolf Orb (Magical Force) Lv.1 (310603) (30,03%) ItemID: 310603 _______________________ Increases Magic Damage against all sizes by 2%. _______________________ Refine Level +7: Increases Magic Damage against all sizes by additional 2%. _______________________ Refine Level +9: Increases Magic Damage against all sizes by additional 2%. _______________________ Refine Level +11: Increases Magic Damage against all sizes by additional 2%. |
Wolf Orb (Health) Lv.2 (310591) (3,00%) ItemID: 310591 _______________________ MaxHP +5%, MaxHP +2000 _______________________ Refine Level +7: MaxHP +3% _______________________ Refine Level +9: MaxHP +4% _______________________ Refine Level +11: MaxHP +5% |
Wolf Orb (Fatal Flash) (310613) (16,67%) ItemID: 310613 _______________________ Physical attacks have a 3% chance to increase AGI by 50 and Critical Damage by 25% for 10 seconds. |
Wolf Orb (Physical Force) Lv.1 (310604) (30,03%) ItemID: 310604 _______________________ Increases Physical Damage against all sizes by 2%. _______________________ Refine Level +7: Increases Physical Damage against all sizes by additional 2%. _______________________ Refine Level +9: Increases Physical Damage against all sizes by additional 2%. _______________________ Refine Level +11: Increases Physical Damage against all sizes by additional 2%. |
Wolf Orb (Mental Power) Lv.2 (310592) (%) ItemID: 310592 _______________________ MaxSP +5%, MaxSP +400 _______________________ Refine Level +7: MaxSP +3% _______________________ Refine Level +9: MaxSP +4% _______________________ Refine Level +11: MaxSP +5% |
Wolf Orb (Lucky Strike) (310614) (16,67%) ItemID: 310614 _______________________ Physical attacks have a 3% chance to increase LUK by 50 and Magical Damage with every element by 15% for 10 seconds. |
Wolf Orb (Magical Force) Lv.2 (310605) (3,00%) ItemID: 310605 _______________________ Increases Magic Damage against all sizes by 3%. _______________________ Refine Level +7: Increases Magic Damage against all sizes by additional 3%. _______________________ Refine Level +9: Increases Magic Damage against all sizes by additional 3%. _______________________ Refine Level +11: Increases Magic Damage against all sizes by additional 3%. |
Wolf Orb (Heal) Lv.2 (310593) (3,00%) ItemID: 310593 _______________________ Increases Healing skills effectiveness by 5%. _______________________ Refine Level +7: Increases Healing skills effectiveness by additional 5%. _______________________ Refine Level +9: Increases Healing skills effectiveness by additional 5%. _______________________ Refine Level +11: Increases Healing skills effectiveness by additional 5%. |
Wolf Orb (Physical Force) Lv.2 (310606) (3,00%) ItemID: 310606 _______________________ Increases Physical Damage against all sizes by 3%. _______________________ Refine Level +7: Increases Physical Damage against all sizes by additional 3%. _______________________ Refine Level +9: Increases Physical Damage against all sizes by additional 3%. _______________________ Refine Level +11: Increases Physical Damage against all sizes by additional 3%. |
Wolf Orb (Health) Lv.3 (310594) (0,50%) ItemID: 310594 _______________________ MaxHP +5%, MaxHP +2500 _______________________ Refine Level +7: MaxHP +5% _______________________ Refine Level +9: MaxHP +5% _______________________ Refine Level +11: MaxHP +5% | |
Wolf Orb (Magical Force) Lv.3 (310607) (0,30%) ItemID: 310607 _______________________ Increases Magic Damage against all sizes by 4%. _______________________ Refine Level +7: Increases Magic Damage against all sizes by additional 4%. _______________________ Refine Level +9: Increases Magic Damage against all sizes by additional 4%. _______________________ Refine Level +11: Increases Magic Damage against all sizes by additional 4%. |
Wolf Orb (Mental Power) Lv.3 (310595) (0,50%) ItemID: 310595 _______________________ MaxSP +5%, MaxSP +450 _______________________ Refine Level +7: MaxSP +5% _______________________ Refine Level +9: MaxSP +5% _______________________ Refine Level +11: MaxSP +5% | |
Wolf Orb (Physical Force) Lv.3 (310608) (0,30%) ItemID: 310608 _______________________ Increases Physical Damage against all sizes by 4%. _______________________ Refine Level +7: Increases Physical Damage against all sizes by additional 4%. _______________________ Refine Level +9: Increases Physical Damage against all sizes by additional 4%. _______________________ Refine Level +11: Increases Physical Damage against all sizes by additional 4%. |
Wolf Orb (Heal) Lv.3 (310596) (0,50%) ItemID: 310596 _______________________ Increases Healing skills effectiveness by 5%. _______________________ Refine Level +7: Increases Healing skills effectiveness by additional 5%. _______________________ Refine Level +9: Increases Healing skills effectiveness by additional 7%. _______________________ Refine Level +11: Increases Healing skills effectiveness by additional 7%. | |
Wolf Orb (Robust) Lv.1 (310597) (21,50%) ItemID: 310597 _______________________ MaxHP +5%, MaxSP +5%, MaxHP +1200, MaxSP +250 _______________________ Refine Level +7: MaxHP +1%, MaxSP +1% _______________________ Refine Level +9: MaxHP +2%, MaxSP +2% _______________________ Refine Level +11: MaxHP +2%, MaxSP +2% | ||
Wolf Orb (Robust) Lv.2 (310598) (3,00%) ItemID: 310598 _______________________ MaxHP +5%, MaxSP +5%, MaxHP +1500, MaxSP +300 _______________________ Refine Level +7: MaxHP +2%, MaxSP +2% _______________________ Refine Level +9: MaxHP +3%, MaxSP +3% _______________________ Refine Level +11: MaxHP +4%, MaxSP +4% | ||
Wolf Orb (Robust) Lv.3 (310599) (0,50%) ItemID: 310599 _______________________ MaxHP +5%, MaxSP +5%, MaxHP +2000, MaxSP +350 _______________________ Refine Level +7: MaxHP +3%, MaxSP +3% _______________________ Refine Level +9: MaxHP +4%, MaxSP +4% _______________________ Refine Level +11: MaxHP +5%, MaxSP +5% |
Gray Wolf Accessories
Talk to NPC Emmett (wolfvill 164, 137) in Gray Wolf Village and select Option 2 to enchant.
Target Items | Slot Order | Refine | Reset Process |
Gray Wolf Pendant [1] (490106) | 4>3>2 | 0 | 25x Amethyst Fragment (1000405) 100,000z |
Gray Wolf Earring [1] (490108) | |||
Gray Wolf Necklace [1] (490109) | |||
Gray Wolf Ring [1] (490107) |
Item Description | |
Gray Wolf Pendant [1] (490106) ItemID: 490106 _______________________ A pendant given to those who have been recognized by the Gray Wolf Clan. _______________________ ATK +7% MaxHP +5% _______________________ Type: Accessory Position: Right Defense: 0 Weight: 10 Armor Level: 1 _______________________ Requirement: Base Level 190 |
Gray Wolf Earring [1] (490108) ItemID: 490108 _______________________ Earrings given to those recognized by the Gray Wolf Clan. _______________________ MATK +7% MaxHP +5% _______________________ Type: Accessory Position: Right Defense: 0 Weight: 10 Armor Level: 1 _______________________ Requirement: Base Level 190 |
Gray Wolf Necklace [1] (490109) ItemID: 490109 _______________________ A necklace given to those recognized by the Gray Wolf Clan. _______________________ MATK +7% MaxSP +5% _______________________ Type: Accessory Position: Left Defense: 0 Weight: 10 Armor Level: 1 _______________________ Requirement: Base Level 190 |
Gray Wolf Ring [1] (490107) ItemID: 490107 _______________________ A ring given to those recognized by the Gray Wolf Clan. _______________________ ATK +7% MaxSP +5% _______________________ Type: Accessory Position: Left Defense: 0 Weight: 10 Armor Level: 1 _______________________ Requirement: Base Level 190 |
Gray Wolf Accessories Enchantments
Talk to NPC Emmett (wolfvill 164, 137) in Gray Wolf Village and select Option 2 to enchant.
Slot 2 | Slot 3 | Slot 4 |
50x Amethyst Fragment (1000405) 200,000z |
25x Amethyst Fragment (1000405) 150,000z |
15x Amethyst Fragment (1000405) 100,000z |
Note: You can also choose your desired Enchant for: 2250x / 1150x / 700x Amethyst Fragment (1000405) and 10,000,000z | ||
100% Success Chance | ||
Wolf Orb (Archer) Lv.1 (310616) (19,20%) ItemID: 310616 _______________________ HIT +8 Increases Ranged Physical Damage by 4%. |
Wolf Orb (Archer) Lv.1 (310616) (13,80%) ItemID: 310616 _______________________ HIT +8 Increases Ranged Physical Damage by 4%. |
Wolf Orb (STR) Lv.1 (310478) (13,62%) ItemID: 310478 _______________________ STR +1 _______________________ Refine Level +7: STR +1 _______________________ Refine Level +9: STR +1 _______________________ Refine Level +11: STR +1 |
Wolf Orb (Critical) Lv.1 (310617) (19,20%) ItemID: 310617 _______________________ CRI +6 _______________________ Increases Critical Damage by 6%. |
Wolf Orb (Critical) Lv.1 (310617) (13,80%) ItemID: 310617 _______________________ CRI +6 _______________________ Increases Critical Damage by 6%. |
Wolf Orb (DEX) Lv.1 (310479) (13,62%) ItemID: 310479 _______________________ DEX +1 _______________________ Refine Level +7: DEX +1 _______________________ Refine Level +9: DEX +1 _______________________ Refine Level +11: DEX +1 |
Wolf Orb (Fighting Spirit) Lv.1 (310618) (19,20%) ItemID: 310618 _______________________ Perfect HIT +2% Increases Melee Physical Damage by 4%. |
Wolf Orb (Fighting Spirit) Lv.1 (310618) (13,80%) ItemID: 310618 _______________________ Perfect HIT +2% Increases Melee Physical Damage by 4%. |
Wolf Orb (AGI) Lv.1 (310480) (13,62%) ItemID: 310480 _______________________ AGI +1 _______________________ Refine Level +7: AGI +1 _______________________ Refine Level +9: AGI +1 _______________________ Refine Level +11: AGI +1 |
Wolf Orb (Magic Power) Lv.1 (310619) (19,20%) ItemID: 310619 _______________________ MATK +18 Decreases Variable Casting Time by 4%. |
Wolf Orb (Magic Power) Lv.1 (310619) (13,80%) ItemID: 310619 _______________________ MATK +18 Decreases Variable Casting Time by 4%. |
Wolf Orb (INT) Lv.1 (310481) (13,62%) ItemID: 310481 _______________________ INT +1 _______________________ Refine Level +7: INT +1 _______________________ Refine Level +9: INT +1 _______________________ Refine Level +11: INT +1 |
Wolf Orb (After Attack Delay) Lv.2 (310620) (2,00%) ItemID: 310620 _______________________ ATK +22 Increases Attack Speed by 6%. |
Wolf Orb (After Attack Delay) Lv.2 (310620) (2,01%) ItemID: 310620 _______________________ ATK +22 Increases Attack Speed by 6%. |
Wolf Orb (VIT) Lv.1 (310482) (13,62%) ItemID: 310482 _______________________ VIT +1 _______________________ Refine Level +7: VIT +1 _______________________ Refine Level +9: VIT +1 _______________________ Refine Level +11: VIT +1 |
Wolf Orb (Archer) Lv.2 (310621) (2,00%) ItemID: 310621 _______________________ HIT +12 Increases Ranged Physical Damage by 6%. |
Wolf Orb (Archer) Lv.2 (310621) (2,01%) ItemID: 310621 _______________________ HIT +12 Increases Ranged Physical Damage by 6%. |
Wolf Orb (LUK) Lv.1 (310483) (13,62%) ItemID: 310483 _______________________ LUK +1 _______________________ Refine Level +7: LUK +1 _______________________ Refine Level +9: LUK +1 _______________________ Refine Level +11: LUK +1 |
Wolf Orb (Critical) Lv.2 (310622) (2,00%) ItemID: 310622 _______________________ CRI +9 _______________________ Increases Critical Damage by 8%. |
Wolf Orb (Critical) Lv.2 (310622) (2,01%) ItemID: 310622 _______________________ CRI +9 _______________________ Increases Critical Damage by 8%. |
Wolf Orb (STR) Lv.2 (310484) (2,55%) ItemID: 310484 _______________________ STR +2 _______________________ Refine Level +7: STR +1 _______________________ Refine Level +9: STR +1 _______________________ Refine Level +11: STR +2 Increases Melee Physical Damage by 1%. |
Wolf Orb (Fighting Spirit) Lv.2 (310623) (2,00%) ItemID: 310623 _______________________ Perfect HIT +3% Increases Melee Physical Damage by 6%. |
Wolf Orb (Fighting Spirit) Lv.2 (310623) (2,01%) ItemID: 310623 _______________________ Perfect HIT +3% Increases Melee Physical Damage by 6%. |
Wolf Orb (DEX) Lv.2 (310485) (2,55%) ItemID: 310485 _______________________ DEX +2 _______________________ Refine Level +7: DEX +1 _______________________ Refine Level +9: DEX +1 _______________________ Refine Level +11: DEX +2 Increases Ranged Physical Damage by 1%. |
Wolf Orb (Magic Power) Lv.2 (310624) (2,00%) ItemID: 310624 _______________________ MATK +22 Decreases Variable Casting Time by 6%. |
Wolf Orb (Magic Power) Lv.2 (310624) (2,01%) ItemID: 310624 _______________________ MATK +22 Decreases Variable Casting Time by 6%. |
Wolf Orb (AGI) Lv.2 (310486) (2,55%) ItemID: 310486 _______________________ AGI +2 _______________________ Refine Level +7: AGI +1 _______________________ Refine Level +9: AGI +1 _______________________ Refine Level +11: AGI +2 Perfect HIT +1% |
Wolf Orb (After Attack Delay) Lv.3 (310625) (0,40%) ItemID: 310625 _______________________ ATK +26 Increases Attack Speed by 8%. |
Wolf Orb (After Attack Delay) Lv.3 (310625) (0,40%) ItemID: 310625 _______________________ ATK +26 Increases Attack Speed by 8%. |
Wolf Orb (INT) Lv.2 (310487) (2,55%) ItemID: 310487 _______________________ INT +2 _______________________ Refine Level +7: INT +1 _______________________ Refine Level +9: INT +1 _______________________ Refine Level +11: INT +2 Increases Magical Damage with every element by 1%. |
Wolf Orb (Archer) Lv.3 (310626) (0,40%) ItemID: 310626 _______________________ HIT +16 Increases Ranged Physical Damage by 8%. |
Wolf Orb (Archer) Lv.3 (310626) (0,40%) ItemID: 310626 _______________________ HIT +16 Increases Ranged Physical Damage by 8%. |
Wolf Orb (VIT) Lv.2 (310488) (2,55%) ItemID: 310488 _______________________ VIT +2 _______________________ Refine Level +7: VIT +1 _______________________ Refine Level +9: VIT +1 _______________________ Refine Level +11: VIT +2 Decreases After Cast Delay by 1%. |
Wolf Orb (Critical) Lv.3 (310627) (0,40%) ItemID: 310627 _______________________ CRI +12 Increases Critical Damage by 10%. |
Wolf Orb (Critical) Lv.3 (310627) (0,40%) ItemID: 310627 _______________________ CRI +12 Increases Critical Damage by 10%. |
Wolf Orb (LUK) Lv.2 (310489) (2,55%) ItemID: 310489 _______________________ LUK +2 _______________________ Refine Level +7: LUK +1 _______________________ Refine Level +9: LUK +1 _______________________ Refine Level +11: LUK +2 Increases Critical Damage by 1%. |
Wolf Orb (Fighting Spirit) Lv.3 (310628) (0,40%) ItemID: 310628 _______________________ Perfect HIT +4% Increases Melee Physical Damage by 8%. |
Wolf Orb (Fighting Spirit) Lv.3 (310628) (0,40%) ItemID: 310628 _______________________ Perfect HIT +4% Increases Melee Physical Damage by 8%. |
Wolf Orb (STR) Lv.3 (310490) (2,55%) ItemID: 310490 _______________________ STR +3 _______________________ Refine Level +7: STR +1 _______________________ Refine Level +9: STR +1 _______________________ Refine Level +11: STR +2 Increases Melee Physical Damage by 3%. |
Wolf Orb (Magic Power) Lv.3 (310629) (0,40%) ItemID: 310629 _______________________ MATK +26 Decreases Variable Casting Time by 8%. |
Wolf Orb (Magic Power) Lv.3 (310629) (0,40%) ItemID: 310629 _______________________ MATK +26 Decreases Variable Casting Time by 8%. |
Wolf Orb (DEX) Lv.3 (310491) (0,50%) ItemID: 310491 _______________________ DEX +3 _______________________ Refine Level +7: DEX +1 _______________________ Refine Level +9: DEX +1 _______________________ Refine Level +11: DEX +2 Increases Ranged Physical Damage by 3%. |
Wolf Orb (After Attack Delay) Lv.4 (310630) (0,08%) ItemID: 310630 _______________________ ATK +30 Increases Attack Speed by 10%. |
Wolf Orb (After Attack Delay) Lv.4 (310630) (0.05%) ItemID: 310630 _______________________ ATK +30 Increases Attack Speed by 10%. |
Wolf Orb (AGI) Lv.3 (310492) (0,50%) ItemID: 310492 _______________________ AGI +3 _______________________ Refine Level +7: AGI +1 _______________________ Refine Level +9: AGI +1 _______________________ Refine Level +11: AGI +2 Perfect HIT +3% |
Wolf Orb (Archer) Lv.4 (310631) (0,08%) ItemID: 310631 _______________________ HIT +20 Increases Ranged Physical Damage by 10%. |
Wolf Orb (Archer) Lv.4 (310631) (0.05%) ItemID: 310631 _______________________ HIT +20 Increases Ranged Physical Damage by 10%. |
Wolf Orb (INT) Lv.3 (310493) (0,50%) ItemID: 310493 _______________________ INT +3 _______________________ Refine Level +7: INT +1 _______________________ Refine Level +9: INT +1 _______________________ Refine Level +11: INT +2 Increases Magical Damage with every element by 3%. |
Wolf Orb (Critical) Lv.4 (310632) (0,08%) ItemID: 310632 _______________________ CRI +15 Increases Critical Damage by 12%. |
Wolf Orb (Critical) Lv.4 (310632) (0.05%) ItemID: 310632 _______________________ CRI +15 Increases Critical Damage by 12%. |
Wolf Orb (VIT) Lv.3 (310494) (0,50%) ItemID: 310494 _______________________ VIT +3 _______________________ Refine Level +7: VIT +1 _______________________ Refine Level +9: VIT +1 _______________________ Refine Level +11: VIT +2 Decreases After Cast Delay by 3%. |
Wolf Orb (Fighting Spirit) Lv.4 (310633) (0,08%) ItemID: 310633 _______________________ Perfect HIT +5% Increases Melee Physical Damage by 10%. |
Wolf Orb (Fighting Spirit) Lv.4 (310633) (0.05%) ItemID: 310633 _______________________ Perfect HIT +5% Increases Melee Physical Damage by 10%. |
Wolf Orb (LUK) Lv.3 (310495) (0,50%) ItemID: 310495 _______________________ LUK +3 _______________________ Refine Level +7: LUK +1 _______________________ Refine Level +9: LUK +1 _______________________ Refine Level +11: LUK +2 Increases Critical Damage by 3%. |
Wolf Orb (Magic Power) Lv.4 (310634) (0,08%) ItemID: 310634 _______________________ MATK +30 Decreases Variable Casting Time by 10%. |
Wolf Orb (Magic Power) Lv.4 (310634) (0.05%) ItemID: 310634 _______________________ MATK +30 Decreases Variable Casting Time by 10%. |
Wolf Orb (All Force) (310647) (3,60%) ItemID: 310647 _______________________ Increases melee and Ranged Physical Damage by 7%. Increases Magical Damage with every element by 7%. |
Wolf Orb (HP Recovery) Lv.1 (310635) (13,80%) ItemID: 310635 _______________________ Increases HP Recovery Rate by 20%. |
Wolf Orb (SP Recovery) Lv.1 (310636) (13,80%) ItemID: 310636 _______________________ Increases SP Recovery Rate by 20%. |
Wolf Orb (HP Recovery) Lv.2 (310637) (2,01%) ItemID: 310637 _______________________ Increases HP Recovery Rate by 30%. |
Wolf Orb (SP Recovery) Lv.2 (310638) (2,01%) ItemID: 310638 _______________________ Increases SP Recovery Rate by 30%. |
Wolf Orb (HP Recovery) Lv.3 (310639) (0,40%) ItemID: 310639 _______________________ Increases HP Recovery Rate by 40%. |
Wolf Orb (SP Recovery) Lv.3 (310640) (0,40%) ItemID: 310640 _______________________ Increases SP Recovery Rate by 40%. |
Wolf Orb (HP Recovery) Lv.4 (310641) (0,05%) ItemID: 310641 _______________________ Increases HP Recovery Rate by 50%. |
Wolf Orb (SP Recovery) Lv.4 (310642) (0,05%) ItemID: 310642 _______________________ Increases SP Recovery Rate by 50%. |
Only Right Accessory: | ||
Wolf Orb (Drain Life) (310643) (3,60%) ItemID: 310643 _______________________ Physical attacks have a 4% chance to absorb 2% of the inflicted damage as HP. |
Wolf Orb (Magic Healing) (310645) (3,60%) ItemID: 310645 _______________________ Magical attacks have a 4% chance to recover 700 HP every 0.5 seconds for 19 times. |
Only Left Accessory: | ||
Wolf Orb (Drain Soul) (310644) (3,60%) ItemID: 310644 _______________________ Physical attacks have a 1% chance to absorb 3% of the inflicted damage as SP. |
Wolf Orb (Magic Soul) (310646) (3,60%) ItemID: 310646 _______________________ Magical attacks have a 2% chance to recover 100 SP every 0.5 seconds for 19 times. |