Instance Antiquity

Revision as of 16:49, 13 February 2025 by Tmisn (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Category:Instances {| class="wikitable" ! Instance || Antiquity |- | Airship Crash || {{#item:102573}} |- | Airship Destruction || {{#item:102564}} |- | Airship Destruction (First Class) || {{#item:102565}} |- | Bioresearch Laboratory || {{#item:102571}} |- | Cor Mission || {{#item:102557}} |- | Fall of Glastheim || {{#item:102550}} |- | Fall of Glastheim (Hard) || {{#item:102551}} |- | Hey! Sweety! || {{#item:102559}} |- | Immortal...")
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Instance Antiquity
Airship Crash 102573.png Antiquity Crash Site (Unidentified Creature) (102573)
Airship Destruction 102564.png Antiquity Isgard (Aquila) (102564)
Airship Destruction (First Class) 102565.png Antiquity Isgard (Aquila (First Class) (102565)
Bioresearch Laboratory 102571.png Antiquity Somatology Dungeon (Unknown Swordsman) (102571)
Cor Mission 102557.png Antiquity Cor (EL-A17T) (102557)
Fall of Glastheim 102550.png Antiquity Glast Heim (Cursed King Schmidt) (102550)
Fall of Glastheim (Hard) 102551.png Antiquity Glast Heim (Cursed King Schmidt (Hard)) (102551)
Hey! Sweety! 102559.png Antiquity Mansion (Sweety) (102559)
Immortal 102567.png Antiquity Isgard (Ultimate Lasgand) (102567)
Immortal (Hard) 102568.png Antiquity Isgard (Ultimate Lasgand (Hard)) (102568)
Horror Toy Factory 102569.png Antiquity Toy Factory (Celine Kimi) (102569)
Lost in Time 102558.png Antiquity Mansion (Meow) (102558)
Memories of Thanatos 102572.png Antiquity Thanatos Tower (Memory of Thanatos) (102572)
Old Glast Heim 102554.png Antiquity Glast Heim (Amdarais) (102554)
102555.png Antiquity Glast Heim (Realized Amdarais) (102555)
Old Glast Heim Challenge Mode 102552.png Antiquity Glast Heim (Phantom of Amdarais) (102552)
102553.png Antiquity Glast Heim (Phantom of Himmelmez) (102553)
OS Mission 102556.png Antiquity Cor (Miguel) (102556)
Hidden Flower Garden (Security Area 1) 102560.png Antiquity Mansion (Red Pepper (Kappa)) (102560)
Hidden Flower Garden (Security Area 2) 102561.png Antiquity Mansion (Red Pepper (Lambda)) (102561)
Simulation Battle 102563.png Antiquity Isgard (Juncea) (102563)
Sticky Sea 102566.png Antiquity Isgard (Fallen Angel Slug) (102566)
Tomb of Remorse 102570.png Antiquity Remorse (Sakray) (102570)
Villa of Deception 102562.png Antiquity Villa (Twisted God) (102562)
Villa of Deception (Hard)