Choi's Guide To Late Game Instances


The main purpose of this guide is to provide information and tips on the main party-focused late-game instances for the game, as these will generally be the most difficult instances. My hope is that this will provide useful strategies and guidelines, so that everyone can find success and enjoy these instances. Please keep in mind that there are many different solutions to clear these instances, and the ones listed here is not the only one!

This guide will go into detail about key points about the instances and strategies. However, it won't cover all the details and mechanics, as they can be read in the related instance pages.

Constellation Tower

Constellation Tower

Recommended Classes - CT

Recommended Classes
Class Role Guides
Elemental Master Provides Land Protector to the team and serves as the main tank with the Dragon Resist Build. It can also use 277.png Spell Breaker and 289.png Dispell Max Pain Lxna's Elemental Master of Puppets Build Guide
Cardinal Provides powerful supportive buffs and heals and can resurrect fallen members. 78.png Lex Aeterna is also a powerful debuff that it can spam on Betel. It can also serve as a tank. Choi's Magic and Support Cardinal Guide
Shadow Cross/Ninja (Optional) Removes the reflect effect from Betelguese when he uses Max Pain through the Shadow Cross skill 5001.png Dark Claw and Ninja skill 3024.png Empty Shadow. If either of these aren't on your team, the team should be careful when DPSing to make sure that Max Pain hasn't been casted or that it has already been dispelled.
DPS Kill Betel!

Key Mechanics - CT

Climbing the Tower
There isn't too much to cover for climbing the tower. Generally, just kill the mobs and move onto the next floor. On floor 25, you can fight Naght Sieger (20996) or move on. On floor 50, you can choose to fight Betelgeuse (20994) or continue to fight a stronger version of Betelgeuse (20994) for more rewards. Additionally, you can choose to skip 4 levels by talking with the blue brazier on every 5th level. The total cost to use skips until level 75 is 2975 1000372.png Meteorite Powder (1000372) which equates to 75 1000373.png Meteorite Fragment (1000373) .

Difficulty/Star Levels
The difficulty of the Boss Fight with Betelgeuse (20994) depends on the Star Levels you set at the fountain. These Star levels determine its Health, Attack, HP Recovery, Defense, and the strength of its Traps. At floor 50, the total stars it can have is 15. At floor 75, the total stars it can have is 25.
My recommendation when rolling for maximum star level is to roll randomly until you get 3 maximum star level stats and then roll the maximum stars for the remaining stats.

Battle with Betelguese
The boss fight with Betelguese is split into 3 phases.

There are not too many mechanics in the boss fight with Betelguese. Key things to note are that it won't take damage when a party member is dead, so you will need to make sure everyone is alive, and the boss can cast Max Pain after a long cast time that will reflect all damage it takes which will essentially wipe your team. Max Pain is important to play around so make sure you have a way to remove the buff and not to hit it when it is in Max Pain status. It also casts a very powerful comet that will do significant damage to your team.

Starting on its second phase, the map will have traps that move across the map vertically to deal significant fixed damage on the player when they are hit by them. The traps don't do enough damage to kill you but will do about 80% of your hp in damage. These traps will still occur again in the third phase. Additionally, in the second phase, dead souls will spawn across the map which will prevent Betelguese from taking any damage until all of them are dead. These dead souls will have to be killed to progress in the fight.

Strategy - CT

With this positioning, the traps won't hurt the rest of your team
Since Betelguese is Dragon, Dragon Tank EMs are a very cheap and effective tank against Betel, as they will take 1 damage from its skills and attacks if they have 100% dragon resist. Also note that Betelguese is neutral property, so the 27109.png Jitterbug Card (27109) , 27107.png Playing Pere Card (27107) , and 27108.png Singing Pere Card (27108) Combo is a very useful against it.

The main strategy for the fight mainly focuses on avoiding both the powerful traps and Betel's powerful skills. Luckily, while the traps spawn in the middle corridor of the map, the rest of the map is not affected by the traps. As such, there are safe zones on the map for the party to sit while your tank lures Betelguese to you and tanks it. Particularly, the location on the bottom left is a great spot for the team to hang out.

At the start of the fight, have your EM cast Land Protector on the bottom left area for your team to stand on. LP will prevent AOE skills like Comet from dealing damage to your team. Please note that the edges of LP do not provide any protection, so you will want to place it one cell up and one cell right, as you see in the images.

Additionally, Betelguese casts Max Pain which reflects all damage taken to your team and will effectively wipe your whole time if they damage it while it is in Max Pain. The cast can be interrupted and the skill can be dispelled. However, skills like Shadow Cross' 5001.png Dark Claw and Ninja's 3024.png Empty Shadow will nullify the reflect as well. If Betelguese starts to cast Max Pain, stop hitting it until these skills are cast.

First Phase
While your team stands on the LP, the EM should hug the left side wall to mitigate knock back.

When the fight starts, the EM should cast skills to get aggro from Betelguese and lure it to the left until the EM is standing against the left wall where the team can hit it safely from LP and where the knockback from Betelguese will only push it against the wall. The DPS should avoid hitting the boss until it is fully lured as to avoid drawing aggro. This process should be repeated for all three phases. Once the boss is lured and the team is in a safe position, the DPS should damage it to finish the phase.

Second Phase
After the first phase is completed, the team will be moved to the middle of the map, and they should move quickly back into position. In the second phase, the traps will appear and the team should be in the safe area to avoid them. Additionally, dead souls will spawn around the map, and members of your party should go around the map to try to kill them until all dead souls are dead. Dead souls are Plant Protocol, so multi hit skills will be the most effective against it. Once all dead souls are dead, the DPS should damage it to complete the phase.

Third Phase
After the second phase is completed, the team will be moved to the middle of the map, and they should move quickly back into position. There are no dead souls in this phase, but the traps still exist. The team should move back to the safe zone on the LP and DPS it down to complete the boss fight.

Overall Tips

  • EMs should have both 1100005.png Concentrated Golden Syrup Potion (1100005) and 607.png Yggdrasil Berry (607) to tank the boss. While they won't take much damage from Betel, the traps will do significant damage to the EM. Whenever it is hit by the traps, the EM should use the ygg berry, and they should use other consumables for any chip damage they might take during the fight.
  • 6293.png Token of Siegfried (6293) is a very useful item, especially in cases where you die further away from your cardinals (e.g. when trying to kill the dead souls).
  • Betel has long cast times for some of its skills. As such, 277.png Spell Breaker is a useful skill to spam on Betel to cancel some of its skills (including Max Pain and Comet).
  • As the Cardinal will be with the stack, they can cast 5269.png Mediale Votum on themself to heal the stack while focusing on healing the EM or Lexing Betel.

Alice Twisted Madness

Alice Twisted Madness

Recommended Classes - Alice

Recommended Classes
Class Role Guides
Cardinal Provides powerful supportive buffs and heals and can resurrect fallen members. 78.png Lex Aeterna is also a powerful debuff that it can spam on the bosses. It can also serve as a tank. Choi's Magic and Support Cardinal Guide
Elemental Master Provides Land Protector to the team and can spell break the bosses casts. Lxna's_Elemental_Master_of_Puppets_Build_Guide
The Complete Elemental Master Guide by Goldie
Melee DPS Kill Nightmare Key Holder!
Magic DPS Kill Jabberwocky in its first phase!
Ranged DPS Kill Jabbawocky in its second phase!

Key Mechanics - Alice

Strategy - Alice

Hall of Life

Hall of Life

Recommended Classes - HoL

Recommended Classes
Class Role Guides
Cardinal Provides powerful supportive buffs and heals and can resurrect fallen members. 78.png Lex Aeterna is also a powerful debuff that it can spam on the bosses. Choi's Magic and Support Cardinal Guide
Devo IG (1-3) Absorbs damage for lower HP members of your team by casting 255.png Devotion on them. Also, provides supportive buffs like 5256.png Guardian Shield and 5262.png Holy Shield. The number of Devo IG required depends on how many squishy members you have on your team. Ideally, each IG should devo 3-4 people, but they can devo a maximum of 5. I'LL MAKE A GUIDE RELAX
Arch Mage Alongside its DPS, provides strong debuffs on the boss through 2213.png Comet and Level 4 5232.png Climax 5222.png All Bloom. The rest of the team should use Fire element to make use of the 2x damage boost from Level 4 All Bloom Choi's SVS Arch Mage Guide
Elemental Master Alongside its DPS, provides great supportive abilities that will boost your damage. The EM should cast 285.png Volcano where the party is stacked and cast 2468.png Earth Insignia on the boss. It also has strong supportive abilities in and 5366.png Spell Enchanting Lxna's_Elemental_Master_of_Puppets_Build_Guide
The Complete Elemental Master Guide by Goldie
Performer Alongside its DPS, can provide many supportive buffs to the team. Particularly, 322.png Apple of Idun and 5007.png are very useful to provide your team some extra tankiness. If you have a trouvere, you should make sure it is Soul Linked. The Performer's Life By Conga Lyne
Soul Ascetic Alongside its DPS, can provide many supportive buffs to the team. Particularly, 5423.png Talisman of Five Elements will provide a significant buff against Rigel Choi's Soul Ascetic Guide
DPS Kill Rigel!

Key Mechanics - HoL

HoL has a lot of mechanics to be aware of. Overall, it is just a boss fight in two phases. One key factor for HoL is that the fight can become very snowbally, as Rigel gains stacking health regen after a player dies. That means that once a player dies, Rigels HP regen gets higher, so the fight gets longer and more players die, and so rigels HP regen gets higher, and so on until the HP regen makes the boss unkillable.

Overall Mechanics
The safety walls indicate the positions where the player will get grasped. The player will get grasped to the location they are closest to

During the fight, Rigel will cast many different skills, but here's how I would organize them:

  • God's Shadow - Deals fixed damage in an area and knocks back the players that get hit. As this damage is powerful and fixed, players will want to have a certain threshold of HP (based on HoL level) or be consistently on Devo. The knock-back can be prevented by knock-back prevention effects such as the effect from Maximum Mammoth
  • Wide Grasp of Death - Pulls players to one of four locations that are in each corner of the map. The grasp will move the players to the location closest to them. As such, it is important to stay together in quadrants, so you will get pulled together, especially if you are devod. The knock-back cannot be prevented by knock-back prevention effects.
  • Scattered Yellow Squares - Casts many yellow squares that will be scattered across the map. After a short delay, you will take very high damage. These yellow squares should be avoided.
  • Big Yellow Square - Casts a single big block of yellow squares that will cast 1 of 2 skills. One skill will damage you and cause the frost debuff on you. The other skill will damage you, but will also gain significantly stronger if you have the frost debuff on you. However, players can use the 102434.png Warm Shield Scroll (102434) to remove the frost debuff and also gain immunity to the debuff for 60 seconds.
  • Even Bigger Yellow Square - Casts a single bigger block of yellow squares that will lift players into a bubble after a short delay. All players that are still in bubbles at the end of its duration will take significant damage in an explosion. However, a 102433.png Unsealing Scroll (102433) can be used to remove the bubble and prevent the explosion damage

Phase 1
There are two main mechanics in Phase 1: the Portals and The Phantom Space.

  • Portals spawn over time in the instance that move back and forth starting from the outer rings. These portals when touched by a player will deal damage but also increase Rigel's damage overall. This is also a huge snowball mechanic as once the portals start increasing Rigel's damage, more players will die and her regen will increase, so it is very important to dodge the portals. Additionally, more portals will continue to spawn over time, so the first phase is a bit of a DPS check, as the sooner you beat the first phase, the less portals will spawn. However, the Phantom Space should help for lower DPS runs.
  • The Phantom Space is an area that can be accessed only in Phase One through the portal at the top of the map every minute. Phantoms of Rigel appear in the 4 corners and more per death thus far. Killing the Phantoms and clearing the Phantom Space will reset Rigel's HP recovery from player deaths and her damage increase from Portals.

Phase 2
In Phase 2, the Portals and the Phantom Space is gone. However, Rigel will cast Sanctuary on itself after a certain amount of time. While she is on Sanctuary, she won't take any damage, so she has to be moved out of the sanctuary to damage her.

Strategy - HoL

Overall Strategy

Stay together in the specific quadrants to mitigate positioning errors from grasp

The fight with Rigel punishes positioning quite heavily through the use of Grasp and knockbacks. As such, to mitigate positioning errors you will want to stay stacked and in quadrants. As the grasp, will pull players to the nearest location in each corner, it is crucial to stay in the same quadrant, so that players can stay together when they are grasped. This is especially important for players that are devoed, as if they are grasped and damaged the devo tether range will break first and then they will get hit (and likely die).

As positioning is important, do not get baited to dodge the big block of yellow squares. Both effects from both the big yellow square and the bigger yellow square can be mitigated through the use of the 102434.png Warm Shield Scroll (102434) and 102433.png Unsealing Scroll (102433) . It is better to just get hit by the big yellow squares than to break positioning. On the other hand, the small scattered yellow squares do significant damage and cannot be mitigated by any scrolls. As such, players should try to avoid the scattered yellow squares while also staying as stacked as possible.

Phase 1
In this phase, the party should stay stacked close to Rigel in a specific quadrant to DPS her down. The portals spawn from the outer edge, so try to stay away from the outer edge and reposition together based off where the portals spawn. Staying closer to the center will help avoid portals.

  • EM should cast Earth Insignia on Rigel and Volcano on the party.
  • AM should cast Climax 4 All Bloom and Comet on Rigel every 20 seconds.
  • IG should spam devo on their designated party members.

The Phantom Space should not be necessary if you have enough DPS to pass the first phase without a lot of portals spawning. However, in lower DPS runs, the Phantom Phase can be super helpful. In order to use the Phantom Phase effectively, it is best to use it as early as possible rather than waiting for Rigel's stats to get out of hand. Designate one or two specific players that will break out of the stack to enter and clear the Phantom Phase while the rest of the team continues to DPS Rigel in the main map. Once the Phantom Phase is cleared, the portals and any stat increases that Rigel might have gained will be reset.

Phase 2
Once Phase 1 is completed, the portals and phantom space will disappear and the party will be moved to the center of the map. The party should quickly position back to their original position to damage Rigel while it is still on Earth Insignia. The main mechanic in Phase 2 is that it casts Sanctuary on itself and needs to be moved out, so the party will need to stay coordinated in which direction to move so they can stay positioned together and reduce the time Rigel spends on sanctuary. As such, I recommend that the party either moves clockwise in unison or counter-clockwise in unison. As mentioned before, the big yellow blocks can be tanked so long as you use the scrolls. As such, do not move based on the big yellow blocks, as that will cause coordination issues. Instead, tank the yellow blocks and continue to move in the direction set. While moving, continue to stay stacked in the same quadrant to mitigate mispositioning from grasp.

  • EM should cast Earth Insignia on Rigel when it is off cooldown. Each time the party moves, the EM should cast Volcano on the party.
  • AM should continue to cast Climax 4 All Bloom and Comet on Rigel every 20 seconds.
  • IG should continue to spam devo on their designated party members, especially when the party moves due to sanctuary.

Overall Tips

  • 12710.png Guyak Pudding (12710) is especially useful in HoL as repositioning and moving rigel quickly is crucial
  • 6293.png Token of Siegfried (6293) is useful especially when you are grasped far away from the cardinal.
  • Once too many deaths occur, Rigel's HP regen will be too much for the party's DPS. Know when to call it quits and reset!