20 The Immortal/ru

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Temporal Tina is an NPC who sells Episode Clear Tickets. She is located in Prontera (prontera 140, 174) and the Main Office (main_office 94, 59).

(prontera 140, 174) (main_office 94, 59)

Episode Clear Tickets

An Episode Clear Ticket is a consumable item that allows you to skip the main quest of an episode. By using it, you will gain instant access to all NPCs, dungeons, and equipment shops that would normally require you to complete the episode or fulfill certain quests to unlock.

Please note that by using an Episode Clear Ticket, you will miss out on quest rewards such as EXP, Zeny, reputation, and items.

Some Episode Clear Tickets have prerequisites. If it's your first character on the server, you will still have to progress from Episode 17.2 to the last episode normally.

Check the table below to see the requirements and prices for each ticket.

Episode Clear Tickets
Episode Ticket Zeny Costs Prerequisites
1000284.png Episode 14 Clear Ticket (1000284) 1,000,000 None
1000286.png Episode 15 Clear Ticket (1000286) 1,000,000 None
1000282.png Episode 16 Clear Ticket (1000282) 1,000,000 None
1000285.png Episode 17.1 Clear Ticket (1000285) 2,000,000 None
1000287.png Episode 17.2 Clear Ticket (1000287) 4,000,000 The current character has cleared Episode 17.1
1000288.png Episode 18 Clear Ticket (1000288) 9,000,000 The current character has cleared Episode 17.2 AND one character in the master account has cleared Episode 18
1000988.png Episode 19 Clear Ticket (1000988) 12,000,000 The current character has cleared Episode 18 AND one character in the master account has cleared Episode 19 and the side quests "Purification Saint" and "Frozen Sea"
1001214.png Episode 20 Clear Ticket (1001214) 16,000,000 The current character has cleared Episode 19 AND one character in the master account has cleared Episode 20


  • Уровень 1:
  • Предыдущие задания:

Основная сюжетная линия

NOTE: Всегда будь чертовым Rgan! 101162.png Rgan Transformation Scroll (101162)

Main Story Quest

  1. NPC Horr (icecastle 27, 126) расскажет вам о том, как найти вход в змеиное логово. Он не смог его найти, поэтому ищет искателей приключений, для этого. Другие приключения ждут вас в ледяном замке.
  2. В (icas_in 261, 197), Поговорите с Leon. Они присоединятся к вам, так как здесь и так достаточно людей, чтобы защитить замок. Вы вместе отправитесь в древнее ледяное ущелье
  3. Древнее ледяное ущелье находиться в (jor_back5 353, 73) поговорите с Lehar, он перенесет вас в безопасное место.
  4. Когда прибудете в безопасное место, поговорите с Lehar снова. Он перенесет вас в другое безопасное место.
  5. Еще раз поговорите с Lehar. Он говорит, что так будет безопаснее. После небольшого диалога команда понимает, что Iwin был тут. Нужно найти другие следы его присутствия.
  6. В (jor_back5 355, 352) Miriam ждет вас и перенесет снова в безопасное место, после этого отправит вас обратно в Ice с информацией о посещении замка.
  7. Вернитесь в (icecastle 258, 192) команда будет ждать вас там. Vellugunde что он должен изучить новые результаты. Получите награду 20x 1001217.png Divine Cat Whiskers (1001217)
  8. Идите на север и поговорите с Horr, он расскажет вам, что нашел труп Ргана со следами ног и перьями, которые принадлежат Iwin. Он попросит вас обойти с ним ледяной замок и тайно выяснить, нет ли там пропавших людей.
  9. (icecastle 109, 38) поговорите с Horr.
  10. Следующая локация, это блестящее место, оно выглядит подозрительным в этих глухих переулках (icecastle 209, 237)
  11. Идите к Charr (icecastle 67, 222)
  12. Вернитесь к Horr (icas_in 259, 219), выберите первую строчку
  13. Расскажите Vellugunde что нашли магический предмет из jorback, который поглощает ману. Команда предпологает, что Bagot создал его. Получите награду 20x 1001217.png Divine Cat Whiskers (1001217)
  14. Покиньте замок, у входа вас будет ждать Lehar. Для дальнейшего прохождения вы должны быть лидером группы (но это не точно)
  15. Исследование Пайона:
  16. Поговорите с Lehar, он скажет вам отойти немного дальше, на 3 часа от вас
  17. Вы найдете 2 Iwins, поговорите с ними и они отправят вас в секретную комнату. Поговорите с Lehar снова.
  18. Вы услышите, как Bagot и Lasgand разговаривают. Поговорите с Bagot. После того, как Bagot исчезнет, поговорите с Lehar, в ходе разговора появится White Cat и перенесет вас в следующую зону.
  19. Поговорите с Lehar.
  20. Следуйте навигации и снова поговорите с Lehar, он снова вас телепортирует. Говорите с ним снова, до тех пор, пока вас не телепортируют в Ice.
  21. Вернитесь к(icas_in 259, 194) и поговорите с Miriam.
  22. Появятся остальные члены команды, поговорите с Lazy, он будет счастлив, что вы вернулись невредимыми. Похоже Rgans нашли способ превращаться в Iwin. Вас попросят найти Duck Ryo Mania. Получите награду 20x 1001217.png Divine Cat Whiskers (1001217)
  23. Duck Ryo Mania находится в (icas_in 100, 55) просто кликайте, пока не получите пароль
  24. Теперь вы получили доступ к ежедневному заданию "Today's Watchword".
  25. Для продолжения основной сюжетной линии, следуйте "Era of cold War and Espionage". Поговорите с Warper > dungeons > Snake's Nest. Следуйте навигации (jor_nest 37, 266)
  26. Поговорите с Lazy несколько раз, после этого поговорите с Horr,не забудьте, вы должны иметь форму Rgan. 101162.png Rgan Transformation Scroll (101162) .
  27. Вы будете перенесены в jor_root1, поговорите с NPC Rgan Shaman. Он даст вам задание убить несколько мобов:
    * 5x Great Rgan Shaman (level 1)
    * 5x Jormungand Church Shama (level 2)
  28. После того, как убьете их, идите к скрытому порталу, который находится справа сверху карты (jor_root2 234, 248).
  29. Внутри поговорите с Lazy, Он попросит вас найти вход. Получите награду 10x 1001217.png Divine Cat Whiskers (1001217)
  30. После этого, поговорите с Miriam.
  31. Далее должен появиться Horr, поговорите с ним. Вернитесь ко входу в jor sanctuary в верхней части карты.
  32. В (jor_sanct 155, 85) вас будет ждать Rgan, поговорите с ним дважды. Вы получите задание собрать 3x 1001154.png Snake Strawberry (1001154) .
  33. Вернитесь на карту назад и найдите Callout places (они отмечены плюсиками на миникарте), при нажатии на них есть шанс получить 1001154.png Snake Strawberry (1001154)
  34. Вернитесь назад к Rgan (jor_sanct 155, 85). обменяйте малину
  35. Поговорите со следующем Rgan в (jor_sanct 178, 125). Вы получите 1001218.png Power Recovery Device (1001218) .
  36. Поговорите с Rgan в левой части карты. Получите награду 20x 1001217.png Divine Cat Whiskers (1001217) .
  37. Вы должны поговорить со всеми NPC на карте:
    File 1 Eriligand
  38. Во втором диалоге, всегда выбирайте 2 вариант ответа.
  39. Вы можете выбрать
    * second option
    * second option
    * first opton
  40. Выбейти 30x 1001246.png Copo's Feathers (1001246) и принесите их ему.
  41. Take the second option at the last 2 dialogues.
    * choose second option and then spam enter. He wants 20x 1001244.png Large Gray Feather (1001244) .
  42. After bringing him, you talk to Dorily Logand, next to him, he gives you the Daily Quest "Example of Silent Answer".
    spam enter
  43. Walk to the left side and talk to Tower. (jor_sanct 92, 139)
  44. Get a daily? I dont know. "Numkasaigargand's Work"
  45. You have to complete the quest "I came all the way here" use the command alt+u to open the quest log. there you can choose the quest and use the navis. You need to be transformed!
  46. Warehouse is at (jor_safty2 314, 250)
  47. Mountain of Junk (jor_safty2 302, 355)
    File Mountain
  48. Dumb / garbage (jor_safty2 201, 361)
  49. After finishing that, it becomes a daily quest "I've come this far".
  50. go back to the jor sanctuary and talk to Sarekgand (jor_sanct 153, 171).
  51. Talk to Supervisor at (jor_sanct 26, 280).
  52. You have to hunt:
    * 2x Jormungand Guardian-P
    * 1x Jormungand Guardian-Y
  53. Enter the portal on the top. Kill them, and walk back. Reward 10x 1001217.png Divine Cat Whiskers (1001217)
  54. Enter the maze again and follow the navi: (jor_maze 15, 39).
  55. Talk to Miriam and leave the map.
  56. Search for the next location at (jor_maze 19, 146).
  57. Talk to Lehar and leave again the map and search for the Shaky Wall (142 63, ).
  58. Talk to Rgan Bishop and kill the monsters.
  59. Talk to Rgan Shaman and kill them.
  60. Talk again to Rgan Bishop and kill everything.
  61. Talk to Lehar and continue walking and killing on your way.
  62. Talk to Salekgandh and kill the Heart hunters. talk to him again.
  63. Talk to Lehar and follow the cat into the portal.
  64. Outside Lehar is waiting and reward you again with 20x 1001217.png Divine Cat Whiskers (1001217) .
  65. Walk back to the ice castle and talk to Lehar (icas_in 227, 260).
  66. Leave the castle and find Dive Iwin at (icecastle 140, 197). You have to kill 5x Ice Gangu and hunt 3x 1000832.png Frozen Worm Shell (1000832) . NAMING Reward 15x 1001217.png Divine Cat Whiskers (1001217) .
  67. After that you have to hunt 5x Shining Seaweed and collect 3x 1000831.png Shining Seaweed Stem (1000831) . NAMING If you bring him the items, he will warp twice you after talking to him.
  68. Follow the path till you reach Leon at (jor_twice 238, 323).
  69. Find Leon again at (jor_twice 159, 239) and talk to him.
  70. After Leon disappears talk to Lehar to open the instance Nest of Twigs.
  71. Inside the castle talk to Lehar and follow him, kill the monsters, talk to him again to continue and repeat till you reach the white cat.
  72. Talk to Lehar, he warps you out and reward you with 10x 1001217.png Divine Cat Whiskers (1001217) .
  73. Inside the save place talk to Aurelie, she will warp you back to the field with the order to hunt 5x Jormungand Church Shama.
  74. If you hunt them, visit Aurelie at (jor_twice 157, 237). Reward 20x 1001217.png Divine Cat Whiskers (1001217) .
  75. Leave the map on the bottom left side (jor_twice 43, 55)
  76. Talk to Lehar at the entrance.
  77. You get 3 Quests called
    * Gathering Rumors Among Yormungands 1 (jor_maze 45, 241) Talk to Hoton Lokengand.
    * Gathering Rumors Among Yormungands 2 (jor_maze 154, 235) Talk to Naaryugand.
    * Gathering Rumors Among Yormungands 3 (jor_maze 277, 184) Talk to Hanaungand.
  78. After talking to all those NPCs Miriam is waiting for you at (jor_maze 148, 28), she rewards you with 10x 1001217.png Divine Cat Whiskers (1001217) .
  79. You have to go through the whole maze to find Miriam again at (jor_maze 198, 44) and tp's you to a save area.
  80. Talk to Miriam inside the save place till the white cat will appears and you get warped out.
  81. Talk outside to the white cat and Lazy will appear, talk to him too.
  82. Head back to the ice castle and talk to Leon at (icas_in 110, 222).
  83. For the next step you need to use the warper> dungeons > Snake Nest and go to the top left where the door is.
  84. Walk a lil bit up to the Marker, it will warp you to Lehar, Talk to him, you have to investigate into 3 more Marks. Note: If you click on one mark, there will spawn one more behind, click on it too!
    Marker file
    marker on map
  85. After you clicked on all Marks, you have to go back to the jor sanctuary to talk to another mark (jor_sanct 140, 80). Reward 10x 1001217.png Divine Cat Whiskers (1001217) .
  86. Talk to Bishop at the top of the map.
  87. talk to the white cat and follow the part (jor_twig 175, 118) to the next white cat. talk to her too, and Lehar, Miriam, Bagot and Voglinde will appear.
  88. Continue walking (jor_twig 134, 155) and talk again to the white cat. talk then to leon and Aurelie to open the instance.
  89. Inside the instance talk to Aurelie and Lasgand to fight him.
  90. After the fight talk to Aurelie and you get 1x 1001254.png Corrupted Heart Fragment of Ymir (1001254) . Talk to Aurelie to leave the instance.
  91. Outside talk again to Aurelie and you will be warped to icecastle. Move to (icas_in2 248, 112) and talk to Voglinde. Reward 30x 1001217.png Divine Cat Whiskers (1001217) .

Side Quest

Copo's Secret Base

  1. Talk to Iwin Courier at (icecastle 109, 241) who struggling with alot of luggage. After offering help, the Courier wants you deliver a box to Frederike.
  2. After delivering the bos to Frederike at (icas_in 31, 114), you will see a dialog between them and a young Iwin, about manners and not eating snacks before meal. He tells you that the Iwin's in the north canyon lived once together but not anymore.
  3. Inside the house talk to all Cocopo's. Everyone one of them is going home to eat their meal. The youngest disappear fast and Frederike want to bring him home. Tamarin heared some rumors and asked you to go with Frederike.
  4. Leave the house and you will meet Frederike again who is not happy about the fact that everyone is overprotective.
  5. Follow the navigation to meet Chacoco at (icecastle 61, 160) who is glad that Frederike bring Capopo back home.
  6. Walk back to the house and Frederike will appear again (icecastle 65, 215) asking you to join her for some tea and snack. But the Iwin Laraha appears and ask about her Son Rorohu. Frederike decide to walk to the east and see if she can find him.
  7. Go back to Iwin Courier at (icecastle 109, 241). After asking about the whereabout of Rorohu he dont see him either. Frederike suggest to go the ice castle and look there.
  8. Iwin Guard is waiting for you at (icas_in 109, 38). He asks Frederike if she's waiting for Voglinde, but Frederike is waiting for Rorohu. He alert the other guards and Frederike is going into the village. (To safe some time, type @go ice.)
  9. Another Iwin Guard is at (icecastle 25, 124). Frederike asks him if he have seen Rorohu. He then says that Rorohu is there at the entrance.
  10. Talk to Cocopo, but it seems that its just a cluster of cotton made by Rorohu to sneak out of the village. While the Guard is alerting more guards, Frederike want to go with you to search for Rorohu.
  11. Enter the field and you find Rorohu Fluff at (jor_back1 316, 246). According where it felled, he must be in the north.
  12. You find another Fluff at (jor_back1 227, 387). It seems he is more in the north.
  13. The next one is at (jor_back2 17, 246). It leads you more into the north.
  14. Another one is at (jor_back3 94, 316). He tell's you again, that Rorohu must be somewhere in the north.
  15. You will find Cocopo at (jor_back4 98, 258). Frederike will appear and ask him, how he came that far away. Also they find some more feathers and are worry that something happend to Rorohu. Talk to Cocopo again.
    Sticky Sea
  16. Inside you finally meet Rorohu who is here in this place because of a friend who got taken by a monster. Kill monster on the way.
  17. You learned that the friend who got taken is Beep-Beep. Follow the way and kill all Delicious Snails on the way.
  18. At (1@slug 155, 302) Cocopo will appear, if you killed all the Delicious Snails. Move to the next location and kill a monster on the way again.
  19. After killing all Delicious Snails again, Cocopo will appear again. You learn that Beep-Beep is not from the ice castle but a ancient icewind. After entering the portal kill all Snails and then talk to the Cocopo. Note: If you talk to him, the MVP Fallen Angel Snail will appear, so prepare your buffs!
  20. Talk again to Cocopo and you successfully end the instance. After that you have to go back to ice and visit Laraha at (icecastle 65, 212), just use @go ice to safe some time.
    You will be rewarded with 10 Reputation and 10x 1001217.png Divine Cat Whiskers (1001217) .
    You have now access to the dailies
    ~ Escargo
    ~ It's dangerous!
    ~ I wish we could reconcile (1)
    ~ I wish we could reconcile (2)

A new home

  1. Talk to Iwin Soldier at (icecastle 46, 164) who is looking for you. He tells you that a Rgan is in the town and he needs you to deal with him.
  2. Go and find Nadyagand at (icas_in2 33, 114) who is hungry and feels like he is dying.
  3. Horr will appear in the same room, talk to him too. You need to collect 10x 1001154.png Snake Strawberry (1001154) for the Rgan so he dont starve to death.
  4. Collect 10x 1001154.png Snake Strawberry (1001154) at (jor_root2 , ) and head back to Nadyagand at (icas_in2 33, 114). Talk to Iwin Soldier at (icecastle 46, 164) to enter the house!. He is surprised about the plan to resurrect Jormungandr. He tells you that he has no family or friends to return so he wants to live at the ice castle now.
  5. After talking with Nadyagand, Lazy will appear. He sees the problem in the attidude, so he talks with the Rgan for some time. Talk to him again and you see that Nadyagand is like a different person, who just wants to do some fishing and starting a new life.

Daily Quests

For more details click here: Daily Quests.
Note: You will get 2x 1001217.png Divine Cat Whiskers (1001217) extra per 1000 White Cat Clan Reputation.

Where What Rewards Reputation

Fakes Feigning Help Exp -
(jor_sanct 26, 280)
Where the maze ends Exp -
jor_twice Uprooting Ragan Exp + 3x 1001217.png Divine Cat Whiskers (1001217) 5
icecastle town/in Collect soft delicacies Exp + 3x 1001217.png Divine Cat Whiskers (1001217) 5
Spy search Exp + 3x 1001217.png Divine Cat Whiskers (1001217) 5
Intelligence information collection Exp + 3x 1001217.png Divine Cat Whiskers (1001217) 5
Voglinde's Extermination Operation 1 Exp + 3x 1001217.png Divine Cat Whiskers (1001217) 5
Voglinde's Extermination Operation 2 Exp + 3x 1001217.png Divine Cat Whiskers (1001217) 5
Taste of hobby Exp + items ?
Iwin's Iwin Worries Exp + 3x 1001217.png Divine Cat Whiskers (1001217) ?
Escargo! Exp + 3x 1001217.png Divine Cat Whiskers (1001217) 5
Dangerous! Exp + 3x 1001217.png Divine Cat Whiskers (1001217) 5
I hope they reconcile (1) Exp + 3x 1001217.png Divine Cat Whiskers (1001217) 5
I wish we could reconcile (2) Exp + 3x 1001217.png Divine Cat Whiskers (1001217) 5
(jor_twig 116, 142)

Neutralize the Immortal (instance) Exp + items 20


Fields/Dungeons with Monsters

Where Monsters
Name Level HP Race/Element/Size
Icewind Egg (21984)
215 20 Formless/Neutral 1/Small
Copo (21965)
220 14,711,277 Brute/Neutral 1/Small
Copo Egg (21968)
222 16,739,740 Brute/Wind 1/Small
Grey Icewind (21966)
220 17,344,773 Brute/Dark 3/Large
Fake Iwin Soldier (21974)
220 15,888,468 Formless/Neutral 2/Medium
Fake Iwin Soldier (21975)
221 17,936,738 Formless/Earth 2/Medium
Snow Rabbit Iceslug (21969)
220 17,545,012 Formless/Water 1/Small
Angel Iceslug (21983)
222 16,734,483 Angel/Holy 1/Medium
Fake Iwin Soldier (21976)
223 19,746,167 Formless/Water 2/Medium
Fake Iwin Soldier (21977)
224 17,621,745 Formless/Wind 2/Medium
Fake Iwin Soldier (21978)
225 18,073,002 Formless/Fire 2/Medium
Snow Angel (21996)
235 180,000,000 Angel/Holy 4/Large


Fake Iwin Soldier (21978)
225 18,073,002 Formless/Fire 2/Medium
Icebear (21971)
243 25,609,178 Insect/Fire 2/Small
Armored Copo (23060)
243 34,890,060 Brute/Water 1/Small
Icewind (21967)
244 28,012,565 Brute/Wind 3/Medium
Snow Rabbit Iceslug (21969)
220 17,545,012 Formless/Water 1/Small
Jormungandr Guardian (21972)
222 18,988,110 Demon/Poison 2/Small
Jormungandr Guardian (21973)
222 17,847,680 Demon/Ghost 2/Small
Angel Iceslug (21983)
222 16,734,483 Angel/Holy 1/Medium
Elite Rgan Warlock (21987)
227 22,457,464 Formless/Wind 2/Medium
Jormungandr Guardian (21972)
222 18,988,110 Demon/Poison 2/Small
Jormungandr Guardian (21973)
222 17,847,680 Demon/Ghost 2/Small
Elite Rgan Guardian (21989)
225 20,506,906 Formless/Dark 2/Medium
Jormungandr Guardian (21972)
222 18,988,110 Demon/Poison 2/Small
Jormungandr Guardian (21973)
222 17,847,680 Demon/Ghost 2/Small
Superior Rgan Warlock (21985)
223 20,283,828 Formless/Poison 1/Medium
Superior Rgan Healer (21986)
223 20,291,081 Formless/Neutral 2/Medium
Elite Rgan Guardian (21989)
225 20,506,906 Formless/Dark 2/Medium
Jormungandr Guardian (21972)
222 18,988,110 Demon/Poison 2/Small
Jormungandr Guardian (21973)
222 17,847,680 Demon/Ghost 2/Small
Elite Rgan Guardian (21989)
225 20,506,906 Formless/Dark 2/Medium
Elite Rgan Warlock (21987)
227 22,457,464 Formless/Wind 2/Medium
Elite Rgan Healer (21988)
230 24,183,470 Formless/Holy 2/Medium
Rgan Chief Cleaner (21980)
250 275,042,400 Formless/Poison 4/Large


Icebear (21971)
243 25,609,178 Insect/Fire 2/Small
Melibe Iceslug (21970)
244 36,665,831 Fish/Wind 2/Medium
Elite Rgan Cleaner (21990)
244 39,954,819 Formless/Earth 2/Large
Jormungandr Guardian (21997)
222 18,988,110 Demon/Poison 2/Small
The Immortal Instance 21981.gif
Demigod Lasgand (21981)
215 2,000,000,000 Undead/Poison 4/Large
Sticky Sea Instance 21982.gif
Fallen Angel Iceslug (21982)
225 206,537,987 Angel/Water 4/Large


Pet Taming Description Evolution Requirements Description
Copo (21965)
102202.png Chubby Ice Gangu (102202) ItemID: 9145
An egg that contains a Copo Pet.
Can be hatched by using a Pet Incubator.
When intimacy is Cordial, Atk + 1%, Matk + 1%.
When intimacy is Loyal, Atk + 2%, Matk + 2%.
Type: Monster Egg
Diet: Pet Food
Grey Icewind (21966)
200x 1001244.png Large Gray Feather (1001244)
150x 1001247.png Copo's Eggshell Fragment (1001247)
150x 1001246.png Copo's Feathers (1001246)
1x 300457.png Grey Icewind Card (300457)
ItemID: 9146
An egg that contains a Grey Icewind Pet.
Can be hatched by using a Pet Incubator.
When intimacy is Awkward or Shy, Atk + 1%.
When intimacy is Neutral, Atk + 2%.
When intimacy is Cordial, Atk + 2%, POW + 1.
When intimacy is Loyal, Atk + 3%, POW + 2.
Type: Monster Egg
Diet: Pet Food
Icewind (21967)
200x 1001245.png Large White Feather (1001245)
150x 1001247.png Copo's Eggshell Fragment (1001247)
150x 1001246.png Copo's Feathers (1001246)
1x 300458.png Icewind Card (300458)
ItemID: 9147
An egg that contains a Icewind Pet.
Can be hatched by using a Pet Incubator.
When intimacy is Awkward or Shy, Matk + 1%.
When intimacy is Neutral, Matk + 2%.
When intimacy is Cordial, Matk + 2%, SPL + 1.
When intimacy is Loyal, Matk + 3%, SPL + 2.
Type: Monster Egg
Diet: Pet Food


300472.png [MVP] Demigod Lasgand Card (300472)
ItemID: 300472
Increases Magical Damage against monsters of Boss class by 40%.
MaxHP -15%
Refine Level +12:
S.MATK +15
Base Level at least 200:
SPL +15
Base SPL at least 90:
MATK +15%
Type: Card
Compound on: Armor
Weight: 1
300473.png [MVP] Snow Angel Card (300473)
ItemID: 300473
Increases Ranged Physical Damage by 30%.
For each 20 base LUK:
Critical -5
For each 3 Refine Levels:
Increases Ranged Physical Damage by additional 5%.
When Armor Level of compounded equipment is 2:
Increases Physical damage against monsters of Boss class by 10%.
Type: Card
Compound on: Garment
Weight: 1
300466.png Elite Rgan Cleaner Card (300466)
ItemID: 300466
ATK +40
Increases Ranged Physical Damage by 5%.
Refine Level +10:
Increases Ranged Physical Damage by additional 5%.
When Weapon Level of compounded equipment is 5:
Increases Ranged Physical Damage by additional 10%.
When equipped with Elite Rgan Healer Card:
Increases Ranged Physical Damage by additional 15%.
Type: Card
Compound on: Weapon
Weight: 1
300456.png Icewind Egg Card (300456)
ItemID: 300456
Decreases After Cast Delay by 3%.
Refine Level +10:
Decreases After Cast Delay by additional 2%.
When Armor Level of compounded equipment is 2:
Decreases After Cast Delay by additional 2%.
When equipped with Copo Card:
Decreases Variable Casting Time by 5%.
Type: Card
Compound on: Headgear
Weight: 1
300455.png Copo Card (300455)
ItemID: 300455
Increases Damage against monsters of Small size by 15%.
For each 4 Refine Levels:
Increases Damage against monsters of Small size by additional 5%.
When Weapon Level of compounded equipment is 5:
Increases Damage against monsters of Medium size by 12%.

For each 3 Refine Levels:
Increases Damage against monsters of Medium size by additional 4%.
Type: Card
Compound on: Weapon
Weight: 1
300457.png Grey Icewind Card (300457)
ItemID: 300457
ATK +5%
Decreases Variable Casting Time by 5%.
Increases SP Consumption by 7%.
When Armor Level of compounded equipment is 2:
POW +3, CON +3
Decreases Variable Casting Time by additional 3%.
When equipped with Copo Card:
Increases Physical Damage against monsters of Large size by 10%.

For each 2 Refine Levels:
Increases Physical Damage against monsters of Large size by additional 3%.
Type: Card
Compound on: Shoes
Weight: 1
300468.png Snow Rabbit Iceslug Card (300468)
ItemID: 300468
Increases Ranged Physical Damage by 15%.
Base LUK at least 90:
Critical -15
Type: Card
Compound on: Accessory(Right)
Weight: 1
300461.png Fake Iwin Soldier Card (300461)
ItemID: 300461
ATK +40
Increases Melee Physical Damage by 5%.
Refine Level +10:
Increases Melee Physical Damage by additional 5%.
When Weapon Level of compounded equipment is 5:
Increases Melee Physical Damage by additional 10%.
When equipped with Elite Rgan Healer Card:
Increases Melee Physical Damage by additional 15%.
Type: Card
Compound on: Weapon
Weight: 1
300460.png Jormungandr Guardian Card (300460)
ItemID: 300460
MATK +40
Increases Magical Damage with Neutral, Shadow and Ghost element by 5%.
Refine Level +10:
Increases Magical Damage with Neutral, Shadow and Ghost element by additional 5%.
When Weapon Level of compounded equipment is 5:
Increases Magical Damage with Neutral, Shadow and Ghost element by additional 10%.
When equipped with Elite Rgan Healer Card:
Increases Magical Damage with Neutral, Shadow and Ghost element by additional 15%.
Type: Card
Compound on: Weapon
Weight: 1
300467.png Angel Iceslug Card (300467)
ItemID: 300467
Increases Melee Physical Damage by 15%.
Base LUK at least 90:
Critical -15
Type: Card
Compound on: Accessory(Right)
Weight: 1
300462.png Superior Rgan Warlock Card (300462)
ItemID: 300462
MATK +40
Increases Magical Damage with Fire, Wind and Earth element by 5%.
Refine Level +10:
Increases Magical Damage with Fire, Wind and Earth element by additional 5%.
When Weapon Level of compounded equipment is 5:
Increases Magical Damage with Fire, Wind and Earth element by additional 10%.
When equipped with Elite Rgan Healer Card:
Increases Magical Damage with Fire, Wind and Earth element by additional 15%.
Type: Card
Compound on: Weapon
Weight: 1
300463.png Superior Rgan Healer Card (300463)
ItemID: 300463
MATK +40
Increases Magical Damage with Water, Poison and Holy element by 5%.
Refine Level +10:
Increases Magical Damage with Water, Poison and Holy element by additional 5%.
When Weapon Level of compounded equipment is 5:
Increases Magical Damage with Water, Poison and Holy element by additional 10%.
When equipped with Elite Rgan Healer Card:
Increases Magical Damage with Water, Poison and Holy element by additional 15%.
Type: Card
Compound on: Weapon
Weight: 1
300465.png Elite Rgan Guardian Card (300465)
ItemID: 300465
STR +10, VIT +15, LUK -25
Decreases damage taken from monsters of every size by 20%.
Decreases Magical Damage against monsters of Holy, Shadow, Ghost and Poison element by 25%.
For each Refine Level:
DEF +20, RES +5
Refine Level +7:
Increases Physical Damage against monsters of Water, Wind, Earth and Fire element by 25%.
Refine Level +10:
Increases Melee and Ranged Physical Damage by 10%.
Type: Card
Compound on: Shield
Weight: 1
300464.png Elite Rgan Warlock Card (300464)
ItemID: 300464
Increases Magical Damage with Water, Poison and Holy element by 25%.
Base INT at least 90:
Increases SP Consumption by 7%.
Type: Card
Compound on: Accessory(Right)
Weight: 1
300459.png Elite Rgan Healer Card (300459)
ItemID: 300459
P.ATK +2, S.MATK +2
Decreases Variable Casting Time by 3%.
Type: Card
Compound on: Headgear
Weight: 1
300470.png Icebear Card (300470)
ItemID: 300470
Increases Magical Damage with Neutral, Shadow and Ghost element by 25%.
Base INT at least 90:
Increases SP Consumption by 7%.
Type: Card
Compound on: Accessory(Right)
Weight: 1
300458.png Icewind Card (300458)
ItemID: 300458
MATK +5%
Decreases Variable Casting Time by 5%.
Increases SP Consumption by 7%.
When Armor Level of compounded equipment is 2:
SPL +3, CON +3
Decreases Variable Casting Time by additional 3%.
When equipped with Copo Card:
Increases Magical Damage against monsters of Large size by 10%.

For each 2 Refine Levels:
Increases Magical Damage against monsters of Large size by additional 3%.
Type: Card
Compound on: Shoes
Weight: 1
300469.png Melibe Iceslug Card (300469)
ItemID: 300469
Increases Magical Damage with Fire, Wind and Earth element by 25%.
Base INT at least 90:
Increases SP Consumption by 7%.
Type: Card
Compound on: Accessory(Right)
Weight: 1
300474.png [MVP] Rgan Chief Cleaner Card (300474)
ItemID: 300474
Increases Melee Physical Damage by 30%.
For each 20 base LUK:
Critical -5
For each 3 Refine Levels:
Increases Melee Physical Damage by additional 5%.
When Armor Level of compounded equipment is 2:
Increases Physical damage against monsters of Boss class by 10%.
Type: Card
Compound on: Garment
Weight: 1

Items and enchants

At NPC Pipiring (icas_in 165, 64) you can find all options you need for Episode 20, you need atleast 1000 Reputation, else he won't talk to you.

Reputation Status Shop
1000-1999 102202.png Chubby Ice Gangu (102202)
2000+ 61232.png Costume Starry Balloon Hat (61232)

61229.png Costume Smol Penguin (61229)
102227.png Glacier Armor +9 Refinement Cube (102227)


Glacier Armors

Target Items Slot Order Minimum Requirements Line Options Reset Process
Grade Refine
450264.png Glacier Armor [1] (450264) 3→2→1 No Grade 0 allowed No Reset
450265.png Glacier Robe [1] (450265)

Perfect Enchant (Slot 1)

Slot 1 Enchant Description Materials Zeny
312064.png Glacier Flower Meow Power(Berserker) (312064) ItemID: 312064
ATK +5%, ATK +75
Refine Level +7:
Increases Melee Physical Damage by 5%
Refine Level +9:
Increases Melee Physical Damage by additional 5%.
[Bonus by Equipment's Grade]
[Grade D]:
Increases Melee Physical Damage by 5%
[Grade C]:
Increases Melee Physical Damage by 5%
60x 1000812.png Snow Flower Stone (1000812)
20x 1000813.png Shining Snow Flower Heartstone (1000813)
10x 1000814.png Brilliant Snow Flower Manastone (1000814)
70x 1001217.png Divine Cat Whiskers (1001217)
312065.png Glacier Flower Meow Power(Marksman) (312065) ItemID: 312065
ATK +5%, ATK +75
Refine Level +7:
Increases Ranged Physical Damage by 5%.
Refine Level +9:
Increases Ranged Physical Damage by 5%.
[Bonus by Equipment's Grade]
[Grade D]:
Increases Ranged Physical Damage by 5%
[Grade C]:
Increases Ranged Physical Damage by 5%
60x 1000812.png Snow Flower Stone (1000812)
20x 1000813.png Shining Snow Flower Heartstone (1000813)
10x 1000814.png Brilliant Snow Flower Manastone (1000814)
70x 1001217.png Divine Cat Whiskers (1001217)
312066.png Glacier Flower Meow Power(Grand Mage) (312066) ItemID: 312066
MATK +5%, MATK +75
Refine Level +7:
Increases Magical Damage with every element by 5%.
Refine Level +9:
Increases Magical Damage with every element by 5%.
[Bonus by Equipment's Grade]
[Grade D]:
Magical Damage with every element +5%
[Grade C]:
Magical Damage with every element +5%
60x 1000812.png Snow Flower Stone (1000812)
20x 1000813.png Shining Snow Flower Heartstone (1000813)
10x 1000814.png Brilliant Snow Flower Manastone (1000814)
70x 1001217.png Divine Cat Whiskers (1001217)

Perfect Enchant (Slot 2)

Slot 2 Enchant Description Materials Zeny
312061.png Glacier Flower Meow Power(Warrior) (312061) ItemID: 312061
ATK +50
Refine Level +7:
Increases Melee Physical Damage by 5%.
Refine Level +9:
Increases Melee Physical Damage by 7%.
40x 1000812.png Snow Flower Stone (1000812)
10x 1000813.png Shining Snow Flower Heartstone (1000813)
50x 1001217.png Divine Cat Whiskers (1001217)
312062.png Glacier Flower Meow Power(Shooter) (312062) ItemID: 312062
ATK +50
Refine Level +7:
Increases Ranged Physical Damage by 5%.
Refine Level +9:
Increases Ranged Physical Damage by 7%.
40x 1000812.png Snow Flower Stone (1000812)
10x 1000813.png Shining Snow Flower Heartstone (1000813)
50x 1001217.png Divine Cat Whiskers (1001217)
312063.png Glacier Flower Meow Power(Mage) (312063) ItemID: 312063
MATK +50
Refine Level +7:
Increases Magical Damage with every element by 5%
Refine Level +9:
Increases Magical Damage with every element by 7%.
40x 1000812.png Snow Flower Stone (1000812)
10x 1000813.png Shining Snow Flower Heartstone (1000813)
50x 1001217.png Divine Cat Whiskers (1001217)
312067.png Glacier Flower Meow Power(Power Force) (312067) ItemID: 312067
ATK +2%, MATK +2%
Refine Level +7:
ATK +3%, MATK +3%
Refine Level +9:
ATK +3%, MATK +3%
Refine Level +11:
P.ATK +3, S.MATK +3
40x 1000812.png Snow Flower Stone (1000812)
10x 1000813.png Shining Snow Flower Heartstone (1000813)
50x 1001217.png Divine Cat Whiskers (1001217)

Perfect Enchant (Slot 3)

Slot 3 Enchant Description Materials Zeny
312058.png Glacier Flower Meow Power(POW&STA) (312058) ItemID: 312058
Refine Level +9:
[Bonus by Equipment's Grade]
[Grade D]:
[Grade C]:
POW/STA +1 per 3 Refine Levels
20x 1000812.png Snow Flower Stone (1000812)
30x 1001217.png Divine Cat Whiskers (1001217)
312059.png Glacier Flower Meow Power(SPL&WIS) (312059) ItemID: 312059
Refine Level +9:
[Bonus by Equipment's Grade]
[Grade D]:
[Grade C]:
SPL/WIS +1 per 3 Refine Levels
20x 1000812.png Snow Flower Stone (1000812)
30x 1001217.png Divine Cat Whiskers (1001217)
312060.png Glacier Flower Meow Power(CON&CRT) (312060) ItemID: 312060
Refine Level +9:
[Bonus by Equipment's Grade]
[Grade D]:
[Grade C]:
CON/CRT +1 per 3 Refine Levels
20x 1000812.png Snow Flower Stone (1000812)
30x 1001217.png Divine Cat Whiskers (1001217)
312068.png Glacier Flower Meow Power(After Cast Delay) (312068) ItemID: 312068
Decreases After Cast Delay by 4%
Refine Level +7:
Decreases After Cast Delay by additional 4%.
Refine Level +9:
Decreases After Cast Delay by additional 4%.
Refine Level +11:
Decreases After Cast Delay by additional 4%.
20x 1000812.png Snow Flower Stone (1000812)
30x 1001217.png Divine Cat Whiskers (1001217)

Glacier Garments

Target Items Slot Order Minimum Requirements Line Options Reset Process
Grade Refine
450266.png Glacier Manteau [1] (450266) 3→2→1 No Grade 0 allowed No Reset
450267.png Glacier Muffler [1] (450267)

Perfect Enchant (Slot 1)

Slot 1 Enchant Description Materials Zeny
312072.png Glacier Flower Meow Power(Above All) (312072) ItemID: 312072
Decreases damage taken from monsters of every element and every size by 3%.
Refine Level +7:
Decreases damage taken from monsters of every element by additional 7%.
Refine Level +9:
Decreases damage taken from monsters of every size by additional 7%.
60x 1000812.png Snow Flower Stone (1000812)
20x 1000813.png Shining Snow Flower Heartstone (1000813)
10x 1000814.png Brilliant Snow Flower Manastone (1000814)
70x 1001217.png Divine Cat Whiskers (1001217)
312073.png Glacier Flower Meow Power(Powerful) (312073) ItemID: 312073
Increases Physical Damage and Magical Damage with every element by 3%.
Refine Level +7:
Increases Physical Damage and Magical Damage with every element by additional 3%.
Refine Level +9:
Increases Physical Damage and Magical Damage with every element by additional 3%.
[Bonus by Equipment's Grade]
[Grade D]:
Physical Damage and Magical Damage with every element +3%
[Grade C]:
Physical Damage and Magical Damage with every element +3%
60x 1000812.png Snow Flower Stone (1000812)
20x 1000813.png Shining Snow Flower Heartstone (1000813)
10x 1000814.png Brilliant Snow Flower Manastone (1000814)
70x 1001217.png Divine Cat Whiskers (1001217)

Perfect Enchant (Slot 2)

Slot 2 Enchant Description Materials Zeny
312069.png Glacier Flower Meow Power(Fast) (312069) ItemID: 312069
FLEE +30
Refine Level +7:
Increases Attack Speed by 8%.
Refine Level +9:
Increases Attack Speed (Decreases After Attack Delay by additional 8%).
Refine Level +11:
Increases Attack Speed (Decreases After Attack Delay by additional 8%).
40x 1000812.png Snow Flower Stone (1000812)
10x 1000813.png Shining Snow Flower Heartstone (1000813)
50x 1001217.png Divine Cat Whiskers (1001217)
312070.png Glacier Flower Meow Power(Caster) (312070) ItemID: 312070
MATK +30
Decreases Variable Casting Time by 8%.
Refine Level +7:
Decreases Variable Casting Time by additional 8%.
Refine Level +9:
Decreases Variable Casting Time by additional 8%.
Refine Level +11:
Decreases Variable Casting Time by additional 8%.
40x 1000812.png Snow Flower Stone (1000812)
10x 1000813.png Shining Snow Flower Heartstone (1000813)
50x 1001217.png Divine Cat Whiskers (1001217)
312071.png Glacier Flower Meow Power(Guide Attack) (312071) ItemID: 312071
HIT +30
Refine Level +7:
Perfect HIT +8%
Refine Level +9:
Perfect HIT +8%
Refine Level +11:
Perfect HIT +8%
40x 1000812.png Snow Flower Stone (1000812)
10x 1000813.png Shining Snow Flower Heartstone (1000813)
50x 1001217.png Divine Cat Whiskers (1001217)

Perfect Enchant (Slot 3)

Slot 3 Enchant Description Materials Zeny
312056.png Glacier Flower Meow Power(Physical Defense) (312056) ItemID: 312056
DEF +250, RES +50
Refine Level +7:
DEF +100, RES +15
Refine Level +9:
DEF +100, RES +15
20x 1000812.png Snow Flower Stone (1000812)
30x 1001217.png Divine Cat Whiskers (1001217)
312057.png Glacier Flower Meow Power(Magical Defense) (312057) ItemID: 312057
MDEF +25, MRES +25
Refine Level +7:
MDEF +10, MRES +5
Refine Level +9:
MDEF +15, MRES +10
20x 1000812.png Snow Flower Stone (1000812)
30x 1001217.png Divine Cat Whiskers (1001217)

Glacier Footgear

Target Items Slot Order Minimum Requirements Line Options Reset Process
Grade Refine
470196.png Glacier Boots [1] (470196) 3→2→1 No Grade 0 allowed No Reset
450268.png Glacier Shoes [1] (450268)

Perfect Enchant (Slot 1)

Slot 1 Enchant Description Materials Zeny
312079.png Glacier Flower Meow Power(Over Power) (312079) ItemID: 312079
MaxHP -5%, MaxSP -5%
Physical attacks have a certain chance (3%) to increase STR +50, POW +15, STA +15 for 10 seconds.
[Bonus by Equipment's Grade]
[Grade D]:
Physical Damage +5%
[Grade C]:
Physical Damage +5%
60x 1000812.png Snow Flower Stone (1000812)
20x 1000813.png Shining Snow Flower Heartstone (1000813)
10x 1000814.png Brilliant Snow Flower Manastone (1000814)
70x 1001217.png Divine Cat Whiskers (1001217)
312080.png Glacier Flower Meow Power(Spell Buster) (312080) ItemID: 312080
MaxHP -5%, MaxSP -5%
Magical attacks have a certain chance (3%) to increase INT +50, SPL +15, WIS +15 for 10 seconds.
[Bonus by Equipment's Grade]
[Grade D]:
Magical Damage with every element +5%
[Grade C]:
Magical Damage with every element +5%
60x 1000812.png Snow Flower Stone (1000812)
20x 1000813.png Shining Snow Flower Heartstone (1000813)
10x 1000814.png Brilliant Snow Flower Manastone (1000814)
70x 1001217.png Divine Cat Whiskers (1001217)
312081.png Glacier Flower Meow Power(Firing Shot) (312081) ItemID: 312081
MaxHP -5%, MaxSP -5%
Physical attacks have a certain chance (3%) to increase DEX +50, CON +15, CRT +15 for 10 seconds.
[Bonus by Equipment's Grade]
[Grade D]:
Physical Damage +5%
[Grade C]:
Physical Damage +5%
60x 1000812.png Snow Flower Stone (1000812)
20x 1000813.png Shining Snow Flower Heartstone (1000813)
10x 1000814.png Brilliant Snow Flower Manastone (1000814)
70x 1001217.png Divine Cat Whiskers (1001217)

Perfect Enchant (Slot 2)

Slot 2 Enchant Description Materials Zeny
312075.png Glacier Flower Meow Power(Robust) (312075) ItemID: 312075
MaxHP/MaxSP +2%
Refine Level +7:
MaxHP/MaxSP +1%
Refine Level +9:
MaxHP/MaxSP +1%
Refine Level +11:
MaxHP/MaxSP +2%
40x 1000812.png Snow Flower Stone (1000812)
10x 1000813.png Shining Snow Flower Heartstone (1000813)
50x 1001217.png Divine Cat Whiskers (1001217)
312077.png Glacier Flower Meow Power(Physical Force) (312077) ItemID: 312077
Increases Physical Damage against enemies of every size by 5%.
Refine Level +7:
Increases Physical Damage against enemies of every size by additional 3%.
Refine Level +9:
Increases Physical Damage against enemies of every size by additional 2%.
Refine Level +11:
Increases Physical Damage against enemies of every size by additional 2%.
40x 1000812.png Snow Flower Stone (1000812)
10x 1000813.png Shining Snow Flower Heartstone (1000813)
50x 1001217.png Divine Cat Whiskers (1001217)
312078.png Glacier Flower Meow Power(Magical Force) (312078) ItemID: 312078
Increases Magical Damage against enemies of every size by 5%.
Refine Level +7:
Increases Magical Damage against enemies of every size by additional 3%.
Refine Level +9:
Increases Magical Damage against enemies of every size by additional 2%.
Refine Level +11:
Increases Magical Damage against enemies of every size by additional 2%.
40x 1000812.png Snow Flower Stone (1000812)
10x 1000813.png Shining Snow Flower Heartstone (1000813)
50x 1001217.png Divine Cat Whiskers (1001217)

Perfect Enchant (Slot 3)

Slot 3 Enchant Description Materials Zeny
300454.png Glacier Flower Meow Power(Vital) (300454) ItemID: 300454
MaxHP +2500
Refine Level +7:
MaxHP +5%
Refine Level +9:
MaxHP +5%
Refine Level +7:
MaxHP +5%
20x 1000812.png Snow Flower Stone (1000812)
30x 1001217.png Divine Cat Whiskers (1001217)
312074.png Glacier Flower Meow Power(Mental) (312074) ItemID: 312074
MaxSP +450
Refine Level +7:
MaxSP +5%
Refine Level +9:
MaxSP +5%
Refine Level +11:
MaxSP +5%
20x 1000812.png Snow Flower Stone (1000812)
30x 1001217.png Divine Cat Whiskers (1001217)
312076.png Glacier Flower Meow Power(Fixed Casting) (312076) ItemID: 312076
Decreases Fixed Casting Time by 1 second.
20x 1000812.png Snow Flower Stone (1000812)
30x 1001217.png Divine Cat Whiskers (1001217)

Glacier Shield

Target Items Slot Order Minimum Requirements Line Options Reset Process
Grade Refine
460040.png Glacier Guard [1] (460040) 3→2→1 No Grade 0 allowed No Reset

Perfect Enchant (Slot 1)

Slot 1 Enchant Description Materials Zeny
312094.png Glacier Flower Meow Power(Guardian) (312094) ItemID: 312094
DEF +100, RES +50
Refine Level +7:
Decreases physical damage taken from enemies of every element by 5%.
Refine Level +9:
Decreases physical damage taken from enemies of every size by 5%.
[Bonus by Equipment's Grade]
[Grade D]:
Variable Casting Time -5%
[Grade C]:
Variable Casting Time -5%
60x 1000812.png Snow Flower Stone (1000812)
20x 1000813.png Shining Snow Flower Heartstone (1000813)
10x 1000814.png Brilliant Snow Flower Manastone (1000814)
70x 1001217.png Divine Cat Whiskers (1001217)
312095.png Glacier Flower Meow Power(Intelligence) (312095) ItemID: 312095
Refine Level +7:
Increases Physical and Magical Damage against enemies of every element by 3%.
Refine Level +9:
Increases Physical and Magical Damage against enemies of every size by 3%.
Refine Level +11:
Increases Physical and Magical Damage against enemies of every race, except Players, by 3%.
[Bonus by Equipment's Grade]
[Grade D]:
Physical and Magical Damage against enemies of Normal and Boss class +2%
[Grade C]:
Physical and Magical Damage against enemies of Normal and Boss class +1%
60x 1000812.png Snow Flower Stone (1000812)
20x 1000813.png Shining Snow Flower Heartstone (1000813)
10x 1000814.png Brilliant Snow Flower Manastone (1000814)
70x 1001217.png Divine Cat Whiskers (1001217)

Perfect Enchant (Slot 2)

Slot 2 Enchant Description Materials Zeny
312092.png Glacier Flower Meow Power(Physical Resistance) (312092) ItemID: 312092
RES +25
Refine Level +7:
RES +15
Refine Level +9:
RES +10
40x 1000812.png Snow Flower Stone (1000812)
10x 1000813.png Shining Snow Flower Heartstone (1000813)
50x 1001217.png Divine Cat Whiskers (1001217)
312093.png Glacier Flower Meow Power(Magical Resistance) (312093) ItemID: 312093
MRES +15
Refine Level +7:
MRES +10
Refine Level +9:
40x 1000812.png Snow Flower Stone (1000812)
10x 1000813.png Shining Snow Flower Heartstone (1000813)
50x 1001217.png Divine Cat Whiskers (1001217)

Perfect Enchant (Slot 3)

Slot 3 Enchant Description Materials Zeny
312090.png Glacier Flower Meow Power(Defense) (312090) ItemID: 312090
DEF +100, MDEF +20
Refine Level +7:
DEF +50, MDEF +10
Refine Level +9:
DEF +25, MDEF +5
20x 1000812.png Snow Flower Stone (1000812)
30x 1001217.png Divine Cat Whiskers (1001217)
312091.png Glacier Flower Meow Power(Attack) (312091) ItemID: 312091
Refine Level +7:
Refine Level +9:
20x 1000812.png Snow Flower Stone (1000812)
30x 1001217.png Divine Cat Whiskers (1001217)

Glacier Accessories (Right)

Target Items Slot Order Minimum Requirements Line Options Reset Process
Grade Refine
490328.png Glacier Pendant [1] (490328) 3→2→1 No Grade 0 allowed No Reset
490330.png Glacier Necklace [1] (490330)

Perfect Enchant (Slot 1)

Slot 1 Enchant Description Materials Zeny
312087.png Glacier Flower Meow Power(Physical Power) (312087) ItemID: 312087
P.ATK +3
Increases Physical Damage against enemies of every element by 4%.
60x 1000812.png Snow Flower Stone (1000812)
20x 1000813.png Shining Snow Flower Heartstone (1000813)
10x 1000814.png Brilliant Snow Flower Manastone (1000814)
70x 1001217.png Divine Cat Whiskers (1001217)
312088.png Glacier Flower Meow Power(Magical Power) (312088) ItemID: 312088
Increases Magical Damage against enemies of every element by 4%.
60x 1000812.png Snow Flower Stone (1000812)
20x 1000813.png Shining Snow Flower Heartstone (1000813)
10x 1000814.png Brilliant Snow Flower Manastone (1000814)
70x 1001217.png Divine Cat Whiskers (1001217)
312089.png Glacier Flower Meow Power(All Force) (312089) ItemID: 312089
Increases Melee Physical Damage by 7%.
Increases Ranged Physical Damage by 7%.
Increases Magical Damage with every element by 7%.
60x 1000812.png Snow Flower Stone (1000812)
20x 1000813.png Shining Snow Flower Heartstone (1000813)
10x 1000814.png Brilliant Snow Flower Manastone (1000814)
70x 1001217.png Divine Cat Whiskers (1001217)

Perfect Enchant (Slot 2)

Slot 2 Enchant Description Materials Zeny
312083.png Glacier Flower Meow Power(Fighting Spirit) (312083) ItemID: 312083
Increases Melee Physical Damage by 12%.
40x 1000812.png Snow Flower Stone (1000812)
10x 1000813.png Shining Snow Flower Heartstone (1000813)
50x 1001217.png Divine Cat Whiskers (1001217)
312084.png Glacier Flower Meow Power(Expert Archer) (312084) ItemID: 312084
Increases Ranged Physical Damage by 12%.
40x 1000812.png Snow Flower Stone (1000812)
10x 1000813.png Shining Snow Flower Heartstone (1000813)
50x 1001217.png Divine Cat Whiskers (1001217)
312085.png Glacier Flower Meow Power(Spell) (312085) ItemID: 312085
Increases Magical Damage with every element by 12%.
40x 1000812.png Snow Flower Stone (1000812)
10x 1000813.png Shining Snow Flower Heartstone (1000813)
50x 1001217.png Divine Cat Whiskers (1001217)
312086.png Glacier Flower Meow Power(Fatal) (312086) ItemID: 312086
Increases Critical Damage by 12%.
40x 1000812.png Snow Flower Stone (1000812)
10x 1000813.png Shining Snow Flower Heartstone (1000813)
50x 1001217.png Divine Cat Whiskers (1001217)

Perfect Enchant (Slot 3)

Slot 3 Enchant Description Materials Zeny
312050.png Glacier Flower Meow Power(STR) (312050) ItemID: 312050
STR +5
Base STR at least 120:
STR +5
20x 1000812.png Snow Flower Stone (1000812)
30x 1001217.png Divine Cat Whiskers (1001217)
312051.png Glacier Flower Meow Power(DEX) (312051) ItemID: 312051
DEX +5
Base DEX at least 120:
DEX +5
20x 1000812.png Snow Flower Stone (1000812)
30x 1001217.png Divine Cat Whiskers (1001217)
312053.png Glacier Flower Meow Power(INT) (312053) ItemID: 312053
INT +5
Base INT at least 120:
INT +5
20x 1000812.png Snow Flower Stone (1000812)
30x 1001217.png Divine Cat Whiskers (1001217)
312082.png Glacier Flower Meow Power(Speed) (312082) ItemID: 312082
Increases Attack Speed by 10%.
Decreases Variable Casting Time by 10%.
20x 1000812.png Snow Flower Stone (1000812)
30x 1001217.png Divine Cat Whiskers (1001217)

Glacier Accessories (Left)

Target Items Slot Order Minimum Requirements Line Options Reset Process
Grade Refine
490327.png Glacier Ring [1] (490327) 3→2→1 No Grade 0 allowed No Reset
490329.png Glacier Earring [1] (490329)

Perfect Enchant (Slot 1)

Slot 1 Enchant Description Materials Zeny
312087.png Glacier Flower Meow Power(Physical Power) (312087) ItemID: 312087
P.ATK +3
Increases Physical Damage against enemies of every element by 4%.
60x 1000812.png Snow Flower Stone (1000812)
20x 1000813.png Shining Snow Flower Heartstone (1000813)
10x 1000814.png Brilliant Snow Flower Manastone (1000814)
70x 1001217.png Divine Cat Whiskers (1001217)
312088.png Glacier Flower Meow Power(Magical Power) (312088) ItemID: 312088
Increases Magical Damage against enemies of every element by 4%.
60x 1000812.png Snow Flower Stone (1000812)
20x 1000813.png Shining Snow Flower Heartstone (1000813)
10x 1000814.png Brilliant Snow Flower Manastone (1000814)
70x 1001217.png Divine Cat Whiskers (1001217)
312089.png Glacier Flower Meow Power(All Force) (312089) ItemID: 312089
Increases Melee Physical Damage by 7%.
Increases Ranged Physical Damage by 7%.
Increases Magical Damage with every element by 7%.
60x 1000812.png Snow Flower Stone (1000812)
20x 1000813.png Shining Snow Flower Heartstone (1000813)
10x 1000814.png Brilliant Snow Flower Manastone (1000814)
70x 1001217.png Divine Cat Whiskers (1001217)

Perfect Enchant (Slot 2)

Slot 2 Enchant Description Materials Zeny
312083.png Glacier Flower Meow Power(Fighting Spirit) (312083) ItemID: 312083
Increases Melee Physical Damage by 12%.
40x 1000812.png Snow Flower Stone (1000812)
10x 1000813.png Shining Snow Flower Heartstone (1000813)
50x 1001217.png Divine Cat Whiskers (1001217)
312084.png Glacier Flower Meow Power(Expert Archer) (312084) ItemID: 312084
Increases Ranged Physical Damage by 12%.
40x 1000812.png Snow Flower Stone (1000812)
10x 1000813.png Shining Snow Flower Heartstone (1000813)
50x 1001217.png Divine Cat Whiskers (1001217)
312085.png Glacier Flower Meow Power(Spell) (312085) ItemID: 312085
Increases Magical Damage with every element by 12%.
40x 1000812.png Snow Flower Stone (1000812)
10x 1000813.png Shining Snow Flower Heartstone (1000813)
50x 1001217.png Divine Cat Whiskers (1001217)
312086.png Glacier Flower Meow Power(Fatal) (312086) ItemID: 312086
Increases Critical Damage by 12%.
40x 1000812.png Snow Flower Stone (1000812)
10x 1000813.png Shining Snow Flower Heartstone (1000813)
50x 1001217.png Divine Cat Whiskers (1001217)

Perfect Enchant (Slot 3)

Slot 3 Enchant Description Materials Zeny
312052.png Glacier Flower Meow Power(AGI) (312052) ItemID: 312052
AGI +5
Base AGI at least 120:
AGI +5
20x 1000812.png Snow Flower Stone (1000812)
30x 1001217.png Divine Cat Whiskers (1001217)
312054.png Glacier Flower Meow Power(VIT) (312054) ItemID: 312054
VIT +5
Base VIT at least 120:
VIT +5
20x 1000812.png Snow Flower Stone (1000812)
30x 1001217.png Divine Cat Whiskers (1001217)
312055.png Glacier Flower Meow Power(LUK) (312055) ItemID: 312055
LUK +5
Base LUK at least 120:
LUK +5
20x 1000812.png Snow Flower Stone (1000812)
30x 1001217.png Divine Cat Whiskers (1001217)
312082.png Glacier Flower Meow Power(Speed) (312082) ItemID: 312082
Increases Attack Speed by 10%.
Decreases Variable Casting Time by 10%.
20x 1000812.png Snow Flower Stone (1000812)
30x 1001217.png Divine Cat Whiskers (1001217)

Dim Glacier Armors

Target Items Slot Order Minimum Requirements Line Options Reset Process Refinement Target Refinement Items Materials for Usage
Grade Refine
450270.png Dim Glacier Armor [1] (450270) 3→2→1 No Grade 0 allowed No Reset 102228.png Dim Glacier Armor Enhancer (102228) +9 ~ +11 10x 1001031.png Encroached Magical Crystal (1001031)
10x 1001032.png Neutralized Magical Crystal (1001032)
40x 1001217.png Divine Cat Whiskers (1001217)
10x 1001249.png Crystal of Pure Magic (1001249)
450271.png Dim Glacier Robe [1] (450271)

Perfect Enchant (Slot 1)

Slot 1 Enchant Description Materials Zeny
312126.png Blessing of the Snake God (312126) ItemID: 312126
Increases Physical and Magical Damage against enemies of every size by 10%.
When equipped with Warmth of the Snake God(DEF) Lv10:
Increases Physical and Magical Damage against enemies of every size by additional 10%.
When equipped with Warmth of the Snake God(ATK) Lv10:
Increases Physical Damage by 15%.
When equipped with Warmth of the Snake God(MATK) Lv10:
Increases Magical Damage with every element by 15%.
When equippes with Grace of the Snake God and Glory of the Snake God:
P.ATK +10, S.MATK +10
1x 1001033.png Poisonous Magic (1001033)
40x 1001250.png Pure Magic Extract (1001250)
2x 1001251.png Snake God's Scales (1001251)

Perfect Enchant (Slot 2)

Slot 2 Enchant Description Materials Zeny
312106.png Warmth of the Snake God(ATK) Lv1 (312106) ItemID: 312106
ATK +1
20x 1001031.png Encroached Magical Crystal (1001031)
20x 1001032.png Neutralized Magical Crystal (1001032)
20x 1001249.png Crystal of Pure Magic (1001249)
312115.png Warmth of the Snake God(ATK) Lv10 (312115) ItemID: 312115
ATK +55
312116.png Warmth of the Snake God(MATK) Lv1 (312116) ItemID: 312116
20x 1001031.png Encroached Magical Crystal (1001031)
20x 1001032.png Neutralized Magical Crystal (1001032)
20x 1001249.png Crystal of Pure Magic (1001249)
312125.png Warmth of the Snake God(MATK) Lv10 (312125) ItemID: 312125
MATK +55

Enchant Upgrade (Slot 2)

Slot 2 Upgrade Materials Zeny
312106.png Warmth of the Snake God(ATK) Lv1 (312106)312107.png Warmth of the Snake God(ATK) Lv2 (312107) 45x 1001031.png Encroached Magical Crystal (1001031)
45x 1001032.png Neutralized Magical Crystal (1001032)
45x 1001249.png Crystal of Pure Magic (1001249)
312107.png Warmth of the Snake God(ATK) Lv2 (312107)312108.png Warmth of the Snake God(ATK) Lv3 (312108) 50x 1001031.png Encroached Magical Crystal (1001031)
50x 1001032.png Neutralized Magical Crystal (1001032)
10x 1001034.png Snowflake Manastone Extract (1001034)
50x 1001249.png Crystal of Pure Magic (1001249)
312108.png Warmth of the Snake God(ATK) Lv3 (312108)312109.png Warmth of the Snake God(ATK) Lv4 (312109) 15x 1001034.png Snowflake Manastone Extract (1001034)
10x 1001037.png Glacia Extract (1001037)
55x 1001249.png Crystal of Pure Magic (1001249)
312109.png Warmth of the Snake God(ATK) Lv4 (312109)312110.png Warmth of the Snake God(ATK) Lv5 (312110) 20x 1001034.png Snowflake Manastone Extract (1001034)
15x 1001037.png Glacia Extract (1001037)
60x 1001249.png Crystal of Pure Magic (1001249)
312110.png Warmth of the Snake God(ATK) Lv5 (312110)312111.png Warmth of the Snake God(ATK) Lv6 (312111) 25x 1001034.png Snowflake Manastone Extract (1001034)
20x 1001037.png Glacia Extract (1001037)
4x 1001250.png Pure Magic Extract (1001250)
312111.png Warmth of the Snake God(ATK) Lv6 (312111)312112.png Warmth of the Snake God(ATK) Lv7 (312112) 10x 1001035.png Shining Snowflake Manastone Extract (1001035)
25x 1001037.png Glacia Extract (1001037)
9x 1001250.png Pure Magic Extract (1001250)
312112.png Warmth of the Snake God(ATK) Lv7 (312112)312113.png Warmth of the Snake God(ATK) Lv8 (312113) 15x 1001035.png Shining Snowflake Manastone Extract (1001035)
10x 1001036.png Brilliant Snowflake Manastone Extract (1001036)
15x 1001250.png Pure Magic Extract (1001250)
312113.png Warmth of the Snake God(ATK) Lv8 (312113)312114.png Warmth of the Snake God(ATK) Lv9 (312114) 20x 1001035.png Shining Snowflake Manastone Extract (1001035)
15x 1001036.png Brilliant Snowflake Manastone Extract (1001036)
22x 1001250.png Pure Magic Extract (1001250)
1x 1001251.png Snake God's Scales (1001251)
312114.png Warmth of the Snake God(ATK) Lv9 (312114)312115.png Warmth of the Snake God(ATK) Lv10 (312115) 1x 1001033.png Poisonous Magic (1001033)
25x 1001035.png Shining Snowflake Manastone Extract (1001035)
20x 1001036.png Brilliant Snowflake Manastone Extract (1001036)
30x 1001250.png Pure Magic Extract (1001250)
2x 1001251.png Snake God's Scales (1001251)
312116.png Warmth of the Snake God(MATK) Lv1 (312116)312117.png Warmth of the Snake God(MATK) Lv2 (312117) 45x 1001031.png Encroached Magical Crystal (1001031)
45x 1001032.png Neutralized Magical Crystal (1001032)
45x 1001249.png Crystal of Pure Magic (1001249)
312117.png Warmth of the Snake God(MATK) Lv2 (312117)312118.png Warmth of the Snake God(MATK) Lv3 (312118) 50x 1001031.png Encroached Magical Crystal (1001031)
50x 1001032.png Neutralized Magical Crystal (1001032)
10x 1001034.png Snowflake Manastone Extract (1001034)
50x 1001249.png Crystal of Pure Magic (1001249)
312118.png Warmth of the Snake God(MATK) Lv3 (312118)312119.png Warmth of the Snake God(MATK) Lv4 (312119) 15x 1001034.png Snowflake Manastone Extract (1001034)
10x 1001037.png Glacia Extract (1001037)
55x 1001249.png Crystal of Pure Magic (1001249)
312119.png Warmth of the Snake God(MATK) Lv4 (312119)312120.png Warmth of the Snake God(MATK) Lv5 (312120) 20x 1001034.png Snowflake Manastone Extract (1001034)
15x 1001037.png Glacia Extract (1001037)
60x 1001249.png Crystal of Pure Magic (1001249)
312120.png Warmth of the Snake God(MATK) Lv5 (312120)312121.png Warmth of the Snake God(MATK) Lv6 (312121) 25x 1001034.png Snowflake Manastone Extract (1001034)
20x 1001037.png Glacia Extract (1001037)
4x 1001250.png Pure Magic Extract (1001250)
312121.png Warmth of the Snake God(MATK) Lv6 (312121)312122.png Warmth of the Snake God(MATK) Lv7 (312122) 10x 1001035.png Shining Snowflake Manastone Extract (1001035)
25x 1001037.png Glacia Extract (1001037)
9x 1001250.png Pure Magic Extract (1001250)
312122.png Warmth of the Snake God(MATK) Lv7 (312122)312123.png Warmth of the Snake God(MATK) Lv8 (312123) 15x 1001035.png Shining Snowflake Manastone Extract (1001035)
10x 1001036.png Brilliant Snowflake Manastone Extract (1001036)
15x 1001250.png Pure Magic Extract (1001250)
312123.png Warmth of the Snake God(MATK) Lv8 (312123)312124.png Warmth of the Snake God(MATK) Lv9 (312124) 20x 1001035.png Shining Snowflake Manastone Extract (1001035)
15x 1001036.png Brilliant Snowflake Manastone Extract (1001036)
22x 1001250.png Pure Magic Extract (1001250)
1x 1001251.png Snake God's Scales (1001251)
312124.png Warmth of the Snake God(MATK) Lv9 (312124)312125.png Warmth of the Snake God(MATK) Lv10 (312125) 1x 1001033.png Poisonous Magic (1001033)
25x 1001035.png Shining Snowflake Manastone Extract (1001035)
20x 1001036.png Brilliant Snowflake Manastone Extract (1001036)
30x 1001250.png Pure Magic Extract (1001250)
2x 1001251.png Snake God's Scales (1001251)

Perfect Enchant (Slot 3)

Slot 3 Enchant Description Materials Zeny
312096.png Warmth of the Snake God(DEF) Lv1 (312096) ItemID: 312096
DEF +3
75x 1001029.png Encroached Magical Source Stone (1001029)
75x 1001030.png Neutralized Magical source Stone (1001030)
75x 1001248.png Source Stone of Pure Magic (1001248)
312105.png Warmth of the Snake God(DEF) Lv10 (312105) ItemID: 312105
DEF +165

Enchant Upgrade (Slot 3)

Slot 3 Upgrade Materials Zeny
312096.png Warmth of the Snake God(DEF) Lv1 (312096)312097.png Warmth of the Snake God(DEF) Lv2 (312097) 30x 1001031.png Encroached Magical Crystal (1001031)
30x 1001032.png Neutralized Magical Crystal (1001032)
30x 1001249.png Crystal of Pure Magic (1001249)
312097.png Warmth of the Snake God(DEF) Lv2 (312097)312098.png Warmth of the Snake God(DEF) Lv3 (312098) 35x 1001031.png Encroached Magical Crystal (1001031)
35x 1001032.png Neutralized Magical Crystal (1001032)
5x 1001034.png Snowflake Manastone Extract (1001034)
35x 1001249.png Crystal of Pure Magic (1001249)
312098.png Warmth of the Snake God(DEF) Lv3 (312098)312099.png Warmth of the Snake God(DEF) Lv4 (312099) 10x 1001034.png Snowflake Manastone Extract (1001034)
5x 1001037.png Glacia Extract (1001037)
40x 1001249.png Crystal of Pure Magic (1001249)
312099.png Warmth of the Snake God(DEF) Lv4 (312099)312100.png Warmth of the Snake God(DEF) Lv5 (312100) 15x 1001034.png Snowflake Manastone Extract (1001034)
10x 1001037.png Glacia Extract (1001037)
45x 1001249.png Crystal of Pure Magic (1001249)
312100.png Warmth of the Snake God(DEF) Lv5 (312100)312101.png Warmth of the Snake God(DEF) Lv6 (312101) 20x 1001034.png Snowflake Manastone Extract (1001034)
15x 1001037.png Glacia Extract (1001037)
2x 1001250.png Pure Magic Extract (1001250)
312101.png Warmth of the Snake God(DEF) Lv6 (312101)312102.png Warmth of the Snake God(DEF) Lv7 (312102) 5x 1001035.png Shining Snowflake Manastone Extract (1001035)
20x 1001037.png Glacia Extract (1001037)
5x 1001250.png Pure Magic Extract (1001250)
312102.png Warmth of the Snake God(DEF) Lv7 (312102)312103.png Warmth of the Snake God(DEF) Lv8 (312103) 10x 1001035.png Shining Snowflake Manastone Extract (1001035)
5x 1001036.png Brilliant Snowflake Manastone Extract (1001036)
9x 1001250.png Pure Magic Extract (1001250)
312103.png Warmth of the Snake God(DEF) Lv8 (312103)312104.png Warmth of the Snake God(DEF) Lv9 (312104) 15x 1001035.png Shining Snowflake Manastone Extract (1001035)
10x 1001036.png Brilliant Snowflake Manastone Extract (1001036)
14x 1001250.png Pure Magic Extract (1001250)
1x 1001251.png Snake God's Scales (1001251)
312104.png Warmth of the Snake God(DEF) Lv9 (312104)312105.png Warmth of the Snake God(DEF) Lv10 (312105) 20x 1001035.png Shining Snowflake Manastone Extract (1001035)
15x 1001036.png Brilliant Snowflake Manastone Extract (1001036)
20x 1001250.png Pure Magic Extract (1001250)
2x 1001251.png Snake God's Scales (1001251)

Dim Glacier Garments

Target Items Slot Order Minimum Requirements Line Options Reset Process Refinement Target Refinement Items Materials for Usage
Grade Refine
480283.png Dim Glacier Manteau [1] (480283) 3→2→1 No Grade 0 allowed No Reset 102228.png Dim Glacier Armor Enhancer (102228) +9 ~ +11 10x 1001031.png Encroached Magical Crystal (1001031)
10x 1001032.png Neutralized Magical Crystal (1001032)
40x 1001217.png Divine Cat Whiskers (1001217)
10x 1001249.png Crystal of Pure Magic (1001249)
480284.png Dim Glacier Muffler [1] (480284)

Perfect Enchant (Slot 1)

Slot 1 Enchant Description Materials Zeny
312157.png Grace of the Snake God (312157) ItemID: 312157
Increases Physical and Magical Damage against enemies of every element by 10%.
When equipped with Malice of the Snake God(DEF) Lv10:
Increases Physical and Magical Damage against enemies of every element by additional 10%.
When equipped with Malice of the Snake God(ATK) Lv10:
Increases Physical Damage by 15%.
When equipped with Malice of the Snake God(MATK) Lv10:
Increases Magical Damage with every element by 15%.
1x 1001033.png Poisonous Magic (1001033)
40x 1001250.png Pure Magic Extract (1001250)
2x 1001251.png Snake God's Scales (1001251)

Perfect Enchant (Slot 2)

Slot 2 Enchant Description Materials Zeny
312137.png Malice of the Snake God(ATK) Lv1 (312137) ItemID: 312137
ATK +1
20x 1001031.png Encroached Magical Crystal (1001031)
20x 1001032.png Neutralized Magical Crystal (1001032)
20x 1001249.png Crystal of Pure Magic (1001249)
312146.png Malice of the Snake God(ATK) Lv10 (312146) ItemID: 312146
ATK +55
312147.png Malice of the Snake God(MATK) Lv1 (312147) ItemID: 312147
20x 1001031.png Encroached Magical Crystal (1001031)
20x 1001032.png Neutralized Magical Crystal (1001032)
20x 1001249.png Crystal of Pure Magic (1001249)
312156.png Malice of the Snake God(MATK) Lv10 (312156) ItemID: 312156
MATK +55

Enchant Upgrade (Slot 2)

Slot 2 Upgrade Materials Zeny
312137.png Malice of the Snake God(ATK) Lv1 (312137)312138.png Malice of the Snake God(ATK) Lv2 (312138) 45x 1001031.png Encroached Magical Crystal (1001031)
45x 1001032.png Neutralized Magical Crystal (1001032)
45x 1001249.png Crystal of Pure Magic (1001249)
312138.png Malice of the Snake God(ATK) Lv2 (312138)312139.png Malice of the Snake God(ATK) Lv3 (312139) 50x 1001031.png Encroached Magical Crystal (1001031)
50x 1001032.png Neutralized Magical Crystal (1001032)
10x 1001034.png Snowflake Manastone Extract (1001034)
50x 1001249.png Crystal of Pure Magic (1001249)
312139.png Malice of the Snake God(ATK) Lv3 (312139)312140.png Malice of the Snake God(ATK) Lv4 (312140) 15x 1001034.png Snowflake Manastone Extract (1001034)
10x 1001037.png Glacia Extract (1001037)
55x 1001249.png Crystal of Pure Magic (1001249)
312140.png Malice of the Snake God(ATK) Lv4 (312140)312141.png Malice of the Snake God(ATK) Lv5 (312141) 20x 1001034.png Snowflake Manastone Extract (1001034)
15x 1001037.png Glacia Extract (1001037)
60x 1001249.png Crystal of Pure Magic (1001249)
312141.png Malice of the Snake God(ATK) Lv5 (312141)312142.png Malice of the Snake God(ATK) Lv6 (312142) 25x 1001034.png Snowflake Manastone Extract (1001034)
20x 1001037.png Glacia Extract (1001037)
4x 1001250.png Pure Magic Extract (1001250)
312142.png Malice of the Snake God(ATK) Lv6 (312142)312143.png Malice of the Snake God(ATK) Lv7 (312143) 10x 1001035.png Shining Snowflake Manastone Extract (1001035)
25x 1001037.png Glacia Extract (1001037)
9x 1001250.png Pure Magic Extract (1001250)
312143.png Malice of the Snake God(ATK) Lv7 (312143)312144.png Malice of the Snake God(ATK) Lv8 (312144) 15x 1001035.png Shining Snowflake Manastone Extract (1001035)
10x 1001036.png Brilliant Snowflake Manastone Extract (1001036)
15x 1001250.png Pure Magic Extract (1001250)
312144.png Malice of the Snake God(ATK) Lv8 (312144)312145.png Malice of the Snake God(ATK) Lv9 (312145) 20x 1001035.png Shining Snowflake Manastone Extract (1001035)
15x 1001036.png Brilliant Snowflake Manastone Extract (1001036)
22x 1001250.png Pure Magic Extract (1001250)
1x 1001251.png Snake God's Scales (1001251)
312145.png Malice of the Snake God(ATK) Lv9 (312145)312146.png Malice of the Snake God(ATK) Lv10 (312146) 1x 1001033.png Poisonous Magic (1001033)
25x 1001035.png Shining Snowflake Manastone Extract (1001035)
20x 1001036.png Brilliant Snowflake Manastone Extract (1001036)
30x 1001250.png Pure Magic Extract (1001250)
2x 1001251.png Snake God's Scales (1001251)
312147.png Malice of the Snake God(MATK) Lv1 (312147)312148.png Malice of the Snake God(MATK) Lv2 (312148) 45x 1001031.png Encroached Magical Crystal (1001031)
45x 1001032.png Neutralized Magical Crystal (1001032)
45x 1001249.png Crystal of Pure Magic (1001249)
312148.png Malice of the Snake God(MATK) Lv2 (312148)312149.png Malice of the Snake God(MATK) Lv3 (312149) 50x 1001031.png Encroached Magical Crystal (1001031)
50x 1001032.png Neutralized Magical Crystal (1001032)
10x 1001034.png Snowflake Manastone Extract (1001034)
50x 1001249.png Crystal of Pure Magic (1001249)
312149.png Malice of the Snake God(MATK) Lv3 (312149)312150.png Malice of the Snake God(MATK) Lv4 (312150) 15x 1001034.png Snowflake Manastone Extract (1001034)
10x 1001037.png Glacia Extract (1001037)
55x 1001249.png Crystal of Pure Magic (1001249)
312150.png Malice of the Snake God(MATK) Lv4 (312150)312151.png Malice of the Snake God(MATK) Lv5 (312151) 20x 1001034.png Snowflake Manastone Extract (1001034)
15x 1001037.png Glacia Extract (1001037)
60x 1001249.png Crystal of Pure Magic (1001249)
312151.png Malice of the Snake God(MATK) Lv5 (312151)312152.png Malice of the Snake God(MATK) Lv6 (312152) 25x 1001034.png Snowflake Manastone Extract (1001034)
20x 1001037.png Glacia Extract (1001037)
4x 1001250.png Pure Magic Extract (1001250)
312152.png Malice of the Snake God(MATK) Lv6 (312152)312153.png Malice of the Snake God(MATK) Lv7 (312153) 10x 1001035.png Shining Snowflake Manastone Extract (1001035)
25x 1001037.png Glacia Extract (1001037)
9x 1001250.png Pure Magic Extract (1001250)
312153.png Malice of the Snake God(MATK) Lv7 (312153)312154.png Malice of the Snake God(MATK) Lv8 (312154) 15x 1001035.png Shining Snowflake Manastone Extract (1001035)
10x 1001036.png Brilliant Snowflake Manastone Extract (1001036)
15x 1001250.png Pure Magic Extract (1001250)
312154.png Malice of the Snake God(MATK) Lv8 (312154)312155.png Malice of the Snake God(MATK) Lv9 (312155) 20x 1001035.png Shining Snowflake Manastone Extract (1001035)
15x 1001036.png Brilliant Snowflake Manastone Extract (1001036)
22x 1001250.png Pure Magic Extract (1001250)
1x 1001251.png Snake God's Scales (1001251)
312155.png Malice of the Snake God(MATK) Lv9 (312155)312156.png Malice of the Snake God(MATK) Lv10 (312156) 1x 1001033.png Poisonous Magic (1001033)
25x 1001035.png Shining Snowflake Manastone Extract (1001035)
20x 1001036.png Brilliant Snowflake Manastone Extract (1001036)
30x 1001250.png Pure Magic Extract (1001250)
2x 1001251.png Snake God's Scales (1001251)

Perfect Enchant (Slot 3)

Slot 3 Enchant Description Materials Zeny
312127.png Malice of the Snake God(DEF) Lv1 (312127) ItemID: 312127
DEF +3
75x 1001029.png Encroached Magical Source Stone (1001029)
75x 1001030.png Neutralized Magical source Stone (1001030)
75x 1001248.png Source Stone of Pure Magic (1001248)
312136.png Malice of the Snake God(DEF) Lv10 (312136) ItemID: 312136
DEF +165

Enchant Upgrade (Slot 3)

Slot 3 Upgrade Materials Zeny
312127.png Malice of the Snake God(DEF) Lv1 (312127)312128.png Malice of the Snake God(DEF) Lv2 (312128) 30x 1001031.png Encroached Magical Crystal (1001031)
30x 1001032.png Neutralized Magical Crystal (1001032)
30x 1001249.png Crystal of Pure Magic (1001249)
312128.png Malice of the Snake God(DEF) Lv2 (312128)312129.png Malice of the Snake God(DEF) Lv3 (312129) 35x 1001031.png Encroached Magical Crystal (1001031)
35x 1001032.png Neutralized Magical Crystal (1001032)
5x 1001034.png Snowflake Manastone Extract (1001034)
35x 1001249.png Crystal of Pure Magic (1001249)
312129.png Malice of the Snake God(DEF) Lv3 (312129)312130.png Malice of the Snake God(DEF) Lv4 (312130) 10x 1001034.png Snowflake Manastone Extract (1001034)
5x 1001037.png Glacia Extract (1001037)
40x 1001249.png Crystal of Pure Magic (1001249)
312130.png Malice of the Snake God(DEF) Lv4 (312130)312131.png Malice of the Snake God(DEF) Lv5 (312131) 15x 1001034.png Snowflake Manastone Extract (1001034)
10x 1001037.png Glacia Extract (1001037)
45x 1001249.png Crystal of Pure Magic (1001249)
312131.png Malice of the Snake God(DEF) Lv5 (312131)312132.png Malice of the Snake God(DEF) Lv6 (312132) 20x 1001034.png Snowflake Manastone Extract (1001034)
15x 1001037.png Glacia Extract (1001037)
2x 1001250.png Pure Magic Extract (1001250)
312132.png Malice of the Snake God(DEF) Lv6 (312132)312133.png Malice of the Snake God(DEF) Lv7 (312133) 5x 1001035.png Shining Snowflake Manastone Extract (1001035)
20x 1001037.png Glacia Extract (1001037)
5x 1001250.png Pure Magic Extract (1001250)
312133.png Malice of the Snake God(DEF) Lv7 (312133)312134.png Malice of the Snake God(DEF) Lv8 (312134) 10x 1001035.png Shining Snowflake Manastone Extract (1001035)
5x 1001036.png Brilliant Snowflake Manastone Extract (1001036)
9x 1001250.png Pure Magic Extract (1001250)
312134.png Malice of the Snake God(DEF) Lv8 (312134)312135.png Malice of the Snake God(DEF) Lv9 (312135) 15x 1001035.png Shining Snowflake Manastone Extract (1001035)
10x 1001036.png Brilliant Snowflake Manastone Extract (1001036)
14x 1001250.png Pure Magic Extract (1001250)
1x 1001251.png Snake God's Scales (1001251)
312135.png Malice of the Snake God(DEF) Lv9 (312135)312136.png Malice of the Snake God(DEF) Lv10 (312136) 20x 1001035.png Shining Snowflake Manastone Extract (1001035)
15x 1001036.png Brilliant Snowflake Manastone Extract (1001036)
20x 1001250.png Pure Magic Extract (1001250)
2x 1001251.png Snake God's Scales (1001251)

Dim Glacier Footgear

Target Items Slot Order Minimum Requirements Line Options Reset Process Refinement Target Refinement Items Materials for Usage
Grade Refine
470197.png Dim Glacier Boots [1] (470197) 3→2→1 No Grade 0 allowed No Reset 102228.png Dim Glacier Armor Enhancer (102228) +9 ~ +11 10x 1001031.png Encroached Magical Crystal (1001031)
10x 1001032.png Neutralized Magical Crystal (1001032)
40x 1001217.png Divine Cat Whiskers (1001217)
10x 1001249.png Crystal of Pure Magic (1001249)
470198.png Dim Glacier Shoes [1] (470198)

Perfect Enchant (Slot 1)

Slot 1 Enchant Description Materials Zeny
312188.png Glory of the Snake God (312188) ItemID: 312188
Increases Physical and Magical Damage against enemies of every race, except Players, by 10%.
When equipped with Mystery of the Snake God(DEF) Lv10:
Increases Physical and Magical Damage against enemies of every race, except Players, by additional 10%.
When equipped with Mystery of the Snake God(ATK) Lv10:
Increases Physical against enemies of every race, except Players, by additional 15%.
When equipped with Mystery of the Snake God(MATK) Lv10:
Increases Magical Damage against enemies of every race, except Players, by additional 15%.
1x 1001033.png Poisonous Magic (1001033)
40x 1001250.png Pure Magic Extract (1001250)
2x 1001251.png Snake God's Scales (1001251)

Perfect Enchant (Slot 2)

Slot 2 Enchant Description Materials Zeny
312168.png Mystery of the Snake God(ATK) Lv1 (312168) ItemID: 312168
ATK +1
20x 1001031.png Encroached Magical Crystal (1001031)
20x 1001032.png Neutralized Magical Crystal (1001032)
20x 1001249.png Crystal of Pure Magic (1001249)
312177.png Mystery of the Snake God(ATK) Lv10 (312177) ItemID: 312177
ATK +55
312178.png Mystery of the Snake God(MATK) Lv1 (312178) ItemID: 312178
20x 1001031.png Encroached Magical Crystal (1001031)
20x 1001032.png Neutralized Magical Crystal (1001032)
20x 1001249.png Crystal of Pure Magic (1001249)
312187.png Mystery of the Snake God(MATK) Lv10 (312187) ItemID: 312187
MATK +55

Enchant Upgrade (Slot 2)

Slot 2 Upgrade Materials Zeny
312168.png Mystery of the Snake God(ATK) Lv1 (312168)312169.png Mystery of the Snake God(ATK) Lv2 (312169) 45x 1001031.png Encroached Magical Crystal (1001031)
45x 1001032.png Neutralized Magical Crystal (1001032)
45x 1001249.png Crystal of Pure Magic (1001249)
312169.png Mystery of the Snake God(ATK) Lv2 (312169)312170.png Mystery of the Snake God(ATK) Lv3 (312170) 50x 1001031.png Encroached Magical Crystal (1001031)
50x 1001032.png Neutralized Magical Crystal (1001032)
10x 1001034.png Snowflake Manastone Extract (1001034)
50x 1001249.png Crystal of Pure Magic (1001249)
312170.png Mystery of the Snake God(ATK) Lv3 (312170)312171.png Mystery of the Snake God(ATK) Lv4 (312171) 15x 1001034.png Snowflake Manastone Extract (1001034)
10x 1001037.png Glacia Extract (1001037)
55x 1001249.png Crystal of Pure Magic (1001249)
312171.png Mystery of the Snake God(ATK) Lv4 (312171)312172.png Mystery of the Snake God(ATK) Lv5 (312172) 20x 1001034.png Snowflake Manastone Extract (1001034)
15x 1001037.png Glacia Extract (1001037)
60x 1001249.png Crystal of Pure Magic (1001249)
312172.png Mystery of the Snake God(ATK) Lv5 (312172)312173.png Mystery of the Snake God(ATK) Lv6 (312173) 25x 1001034.png Snowflake Manastone Extract (1001034)
20x 1001037.png Glacia Extract (1001037)
4x 1001250.png Pure Magic Extract (1001250)
312173.png Mystery of the Snake God(ATK) Lv6 (312173)312174.png Mystery of the Snake God(ATK) Lv7 (312174) 10x 1001035.png Shining Snowflake Manastone Extract (1001035)
25x 1001037.png Glacia Extract (1001037)
9x 1001250.png Pure Magic Extract (1001250)
312174.png Mystery of the Snake God(ATK) Lv7 (312174)312175.png Mystery of the Snake God(ATK) Lv8 (312175) 15x 1001035.png Shining Snowflake Manastone Extract (1001035)
10x 1001036.png Brilliant Snowflake Manastone Extract (1001036)
15x 1001250.png Pure Magic Extract (1001250)
312175.png Mystery of the Snake God(ATK) Lv8 (312175)312176.png Mystery of the Snake God(ATK) Lv9 (312176) 20x 1001035.png Shining Snowflake Manastone Extract (1001035)
15x 1001036.png Brilliant Snowflake Manastone Extract (1001036)
22x 1001250.png Pure Magic Extract (1001250)
1x 1001251.png Snake God's Scales (1001251)
312176.png Mystery of the Snake God(ATK) Lv9 (312176)312177.png Mystery of the Snake God(ATK) Lv10 (312177) 1x 1001033.png Poisonous Magic (1001033)
25x 1001035.png Shining Snowflake Manastone Extract (1001035)
20x 1001036.png Brilliant Snowflake Manastone Extract (1001036)
30x 1001250.png Pure Magic Extract (1001250)
2x 1001251.png Snake God's Scales (1001251)
312178.png Mystery of the Snake God(MATK) Lv1 (312178)312179.png Mystery of the Snake God(MATK) Lv2 (312179) 45x 1001031.png Encroached Magical Crystal (1001031)
45x 1001032.png Neutralized Magical Crystal (1001032)
45x 1001249.png Crystal of Pure Magic (1001249)
312179.png Mystery of the Snake God(MATK) Lv2 (312179)312180.png Mystery of the Snake God(MATK) Lv3 (312180) 50x 1001031.png Encroached Magical Crystal (1001031)
50x 1001032.png Neutralized Magical Crystal (1001032)
10x 1001034.png Snowflake Manastone Extract (1001034)
50x 1001249.png Crystal of Pure Magic (1001249)
312180.png Mystery of the Snake God(MATK) Lv3 (312180)312181.png Mystery of the Snake God(MATK) Lv4 (312181) 15x 1001034.png Snowflake Manastone Extract (1001034)
10x 1001037.png Glacia Extract (1001037)
55x 1001249.png Crystal of Pure Magic (1001249)
312181.png Mystery of the Snake God(MATK) Lv4 (312181)312182.png Mystery of the Snake God(MATK) Lv5 (312182) 20x 1001034.png Snowflake Manastone Extract (1001034)
15x 1001037.png Glacia Extract (1001037)
60x 1001249.png Crystal of Pure Magic (1001249)
312182.png Mystery of the Snake God(MATK) Lv5 (312182)312183.png Mystery of the Snake God(MATK) Lv6 (312183) 25x 1001034.png Snowflake Manastone Extract (1001034)
20x 1001037.png Glacia Extract (1001037)
4x 1001250.png Pure Magic Extract (1001250)
312183.png Mystery of the Snake God(MATK) Lv6 (312183)312184.png Mystery of the Snake God(MATK) Lv7 (312184) 10x 1001035.png Shining Snowflake Manastone Extract (1001035)
25x 1001037.png Glacia Extract (1001037)
9x 1001250.png Pure Magic Extract (1001250)
312184.png Mystery of the Snake God(MATK) Lv7 (312184)312185.png Mystery of the Snake God(MATK) Lv8 (312185) 15x 1001035.png Shining Snowflake Manastone Extract (1001035)
10x 1001036.png Brilliant Snowflake Manastone Extract (1001036)
15x 1001250.png Pure Magic Extract (1001250)
312185.png Mystery of the Snake God(MATK) Lv8 (312185)312186.png Mystery of the Snake God(MATK) Lv9 (312186) 20x 1001035.png Shining Snowflake Manastone Extract (1001035)
15x 1001036.png Brilliant Snowflake Manastone Extract (1001036)
22x 1001250.png Pure Magic Extract (1001250)
1x 1001251.png Snake God's Scales (1001251)
312186.png Mystery of the Snake God(MATK) Lv9 (312186)312187.png Mystery of the Snake God(MATK) Lv10 (312187) 1x 1001033.png Poisonous Magic (1001033)
25x 1001035.png Shining Snowflake Manastone Extract (1001035)
20x 1001036.png Brilliant Snowflake Manastone Extract (1001036)
30x 1001250.png Pure Magic Extract (1001250)
2x 1001251.png Snake God's Scales (1001251)

Perfect Enchant (Slot 3)

Slot 3 Enchant Description Materials Zeny
312158.png Mystery of the Snake God(DEF) Lv1 (312158) ItemID: 312158
DEF +3
75x 1001029.png Encroached Magical Source Stone (1001029)
75x 1001030.png Neutralized Magical source Stone (1001030)
75x 1001248.png Source Stone of Pure Magic (1001248)
312167.png Mystery of the Snake God(DEF) Lv10 (312167) ItemID: 312167
DEF +165

Enchant Upgrade (Slot 3)

Slot 3 Upgrade Materials Zeny
312158.png Mystery of the Snake God(DEF) Lv1 (312158)312159.png Mystery of the Snake God(DEF) Lv2 (312159) 30x 1001031.png Encroached Magical Crystal (1001031)
30x 1001032.png Neutralized Magical Crystal (1001032)
30x 1001249.png Crystal of Pure Magic (1001249)
312159.png Mystery of the Snake God(DEF) Lv2 (312159)312160.png Mystery of the Snake God(DEF) Lv3 (312160) 35x 1001031.png Encroached Magical Crystal (1001031)
35x 1001032.png Neutralized Magical Crystal (1001032)
5x 1001034.png Snowflake Manastone Extract (1001034)
35x 1001249.png Crystal of Pure Magic (1001249)
312160.png Mystery of the Snake God(DEF) Lv3 (312160)312161.png Mystery of the Snake God(DEF) Lv4 (312161) 10x 1001034.png Snowflake Manastone Extract (1001034)
5x 1001037.png Glacia Extract (1001037)
40x 1001249.png Crystal of Pure Magic (1001249)
312161.png Mystery of the Snake God(DEF) Lv4 (312161)312162.png Mystery of the Snake God(DEF) Lv5 (312162) 15x 1001034.png Snowflake Manastone Extract (1001034)
10x 1001037.png Glacia Extract (1001037)
45x 1001249.png Crystal of Pure Magic (1001249)
312162.png Mystery of the Snake God(DEF) Lv5 (312162)312163.png Mystery of the Snake God(DEF) Lv6 (312163) 20x 1001034.png Snowflake Manastone Extract (1001034)
15x 1001037.png Glacia Extract (1001037)
2x 1001250.png Pure Magic Extract (1001250)
312163.png Mystery of the Snake God(DEF) Lv6 (312163)312164.png Mystery of the Snake God(DEF) Lv7 (312164) 5x 1001035.png Shining Snowflake Manastone Extract (1001035)
20x 1001037.png Glacia Extract (1001037)
5x 1001250.png Pure Magic Extract (1001250)
312164.png Mystery of the Snake God(DEF) Lv7 (312164)312165.png Mystery of the Snake God(DEF) Lv8 (312165) 10x 1001035.png Shining Snowflake Manastone Extract (1001035)
5x 1001036.png Brilliant Snowflake Manastone Extract (1001036)
9x 1001250.png Pure Magic Extract (1001250)
312165.png Mystery of the Snake God(DEF) Lv8 (312165)312166.png Mystery of the Snake God(DEF) Lv9 (312166) 15x 1001035.png Shining Snowflake Manastone Extract (1001035)
10x 1001036.png Brilliant Snowflake Manastone Extract (1001036)
14x 1001250.png Pure Magic Extract (1001250)
1x 1001251.png Snake God's Scales (1001251)
312166.png Mystery of the Snake God(DEF) Lv9 (312166)312167.png Mystery of the Snake God(DEF) Lv10 (312167) 20x 1001035.png Shining Snowflake Manastone Extract (1001035)
15x 1001036.png Brilliant Snowflake Manastone Extract (1001036)
20x 1001250.png Pure Magic Extract (1001250)
2x 1001251.png Snake God's Scales (1001251)

Isgard Crowns

Target Items Slot Order Minimum Requirements Line Options Reset Process Refinement Target Refinement Items Materials for Usage
Grade Refine
400105.png Isgard Warrior Crown [1] (400105) 3→2→1 No Grade 0 allowed 1x 1000874.png Enchant Ticket (1000874)
Chance: 100.00%
102238.png Isgard Crown Refine Hammer (102238) +9 ~ +11 14x 6635.png Blacksmith's Blessing (6635)
400106.png Isgard Magician Crown [1] (400106)
400107.png Isgard Ranger Crown [1] (400107)

Perfect Enchant (Slot 1)

Slot 1 Enchant Description Materials Zeny
312311.png Isgard Crystal (Berserker) (312311) ItemID: 312311
Atk + 30.
If grade of enchanted equipment is D or higher
Increases Melee Physical Damage by 2%, additional Atk + 5.
If grade of enchanted equipment is C or higher
Increases Melee Physical Damage by additional 2%, additional Atk + 5.
If grade of enchanted equipment is B or higher
Increases Melee Physical Damage by additional 2%, additional Atk + 5.
If grade of enchanted equipment is A or higher
Increases Melee Physical Damage by additional 2%, additional Atk + 5.
When equipped with Glacier Flower Meow Power (Berserker):
Increases Melee Physical Damage by 5%.
When equipped with Glacier Flower Meow Power (Over Power):
P.Atk + 5, POW + 7, CON + 7.
500x 1000608.png Flower Petals (1000608)
10x 1001036.png Brilliant Snowflake Manastone Extract (1001036)
250x 1001217.png Divine Cat Whiskers (1001217)
312312.png Isgard Crystal (Marksman) (312312) ItemID: 312312
Atk + 30.
If grade of enchanted equipment is D or higher
Increases Ranged Physical Damage by 2%, additional Atk + 5.
If grade of enchanted equipment is C or higher
Increases Ranged Physical Damage by additional 2%, additional Atk + 5.
If grade of enchanted equipment is B or higher
Increases Ranged Physical Damage by additional 2%, additional Atk + 5.
If grade of enchanted equipment is A or higher
Increases Ranged Physical Damage by additional 2%, additional Atk + 5.
When equipped with Glacier Flower Meow Power (Marksman):
Increases Ranged Physical Damage by 5%.
When equipped with Glacier Flower Meow Power (Firing Shot):
P.Atk + 5, POW + 7, CON + 7.
500x 1000608.png Flower Petals (1000608)
10x 1001036.png Brilliant Snowflake Manastone Extract (1001036)
250x 1001217.png Divine Cat Whiskers (1001217)
312313.png Isgard Crystal (Executioner) (312313) ItemID: 312313
Atk + 30.
If grade of enchanted equipment is D or higher
Increases critical damage by 2%, additional Atk + 5.
If grade of enchanted equipment is C or higher
Increases critical damage by additional 2%, additional Atk + 5.
If grade of enchanted equipment is B or higher
Increases critical damage by additional 2%, additional Atk + 5.
If grade of enchanted equipment is A or higher
Increases critical damage by additional 2%, additional Atk + 5.
When equipped with Glacier Flower Meow Power (Berserker):
Increases Melee Physical Damage by 8%.
When equipped with Glacier Flower Meow Power (Marksman):
Increases Ranged Physical Damage by 8%.
When equipped with Glacier Flower Meow Power (Over Power):
C.Rate + 5, POW + 7, CRT + 7.
When equipped with Glacier Flower Meow Power (Firing Shot):
C.Rate + 5, POW + 7, CRT + 7.
500x 1000608.png Flower Petals (1000608)
10x 1001036.png Brilliant Snowflake Manastone Extract (1001036)
250x 1001217.png Divine Cat Whiskers (1001217)
312314.png Isgard Crystal (Grand Mage) (312314) ItemID: 312314
Matk + 30.
If grade of enchanted equipment is D or higher
Increases all elemental magic damage by 2%, additional Matk + 5.
If grade of enchanted equipment is C or higher
Increases all elemental magic damage by additional 2%, additional Matk + 5.
If grade of enchanted equipment is B or higher
Increases all elemental magic damage by additional 2%, additional Matk + 5.
If grade of enchanted equipment is A or higher
Increases all elemental magic damage by additional 2%, additional Matk + 5.
When equipped with Glacier Flower Meow Power (Grand Mage):
Increases all elemental magic damage by 4%.
When equipped with Glacier Flower Meow Power (Spell Buster):
S.Matk + 5, SPL + 7, CON + 7.
500x 1000608.png Flower Petals (1000608)
10x 1001036.png Brilliant Snowflake Manastone Extract (1001036)
250x 1001217.png Divine Cat Whiskers (1001217)

Perfect Enchant (Slot 2)

Slot 2 Enchant Description Materials Zeny
312307.png Isgard Crystal (Warrior) (312307) ItemID: 312307
Atk + 20.
If grade of enchanted equipment is D or higher
Increases Melee Physical Damage by 2%, additional Atk + 5.
If grade of enchanted equipment is C or higher
Increases Melee Physical Damage by additional 2%, additional Atk + 5.
If grade of enchanted equipment is B or higher
Increases Melee Physical Damage by additional 2%, additional Atk + 5.
If grade of enchanted equipment is A or higher
Increases Melee Physical Damage by additional 2%, additional Atk + 5.
When equipped with Glacier Flower Meow Power (Warrior):
Increases Melee Physical Damage by 4%.
When equipped with Glacier Flower Meow Power (Guide Attack):
Atk + 50, P.Atk + 5.
When equipped with Glacier Flower Meow Power (Fighting Spirit):
Atk + 10%
Increases Melee Physical Damage by 8%.
350x 1000608.png Flower Petals (1000608)
20x 1001035.png Shining Snowflake Manastone Extract (1001035)
200x 1001217.png Divine Cat Whiskers (1001217)
312308.png Isgard Crystal (Shooter) (312308) ItemID: 312308
Atk + 20.
If grade of enchanted equipment is D or higher
Increases Ranged Physical Damage by 2%, additional Atk + 5.
If grade of enchanted equipment is C or higher
Increases Ranged Physical Damage by additional 2%, additional Atk + 5.
If grade of enchanted equipment is B or higher
Increases Ranged Physical Damage by additional 2%, additional Atk + 5.
If grade of enchanted equipment is A or higher
Increases Ranged Physical Damage by additional 2%, additional Atk + 5.
When equipped with Glacier Flower Meow Power (Shooter):
Increases Ranged Physical Damage by 4%.
When equipped with Glacier Flower Meow Power (Guide Attack):
Atk + 50, P.Atk + 5.
When equipped with Glacier Flower Meow Power (Expert Archer):
Atk + 10%
Increases Ranged Physical Damage by 8%.
350x 1000608.png Flower Petals (1000608)
20x 1001035.png Shining Snowflake Manastone Extract (1001035)
200x 1001217.png Divine Cat Whiskers (1001217)
312309.png Isgard Crystal (Assassin) (312309) ItemID: 312309
Atk + 20.
If grade of enchanted equipment is D or higher
Increases critical damage by 2%, additional Atk + 5.
If grade of enchanted equipment is C or higher
Increases critical damage by additional 2%, additional Atk + 5.
If grade of enchanted equipment is B or higher
Increases critical damage by additional 2%, additional Atk + 5.
If grade of enchanted equipment is A or higher
Increases critical damage by additional 2%, additional Atk + 5.
When equipped with Glacier Flower Meow Power (Warrior):
Increases Melee Physical Damage by 5%.
When equipped with Glacier Flower Meow Power (Shooter):
Increases Ranged Physical Damage by 5%.
When equipped with Glacier Flower Meow Power (Fast):
Cri + 15
Increases critical damage by 4%.
When equipped with Glacier Flower Meow Power (Fatal):
Cri + 20
Increases critical damage by 8%.
350x 1000608.png Flower Petals (1000608)
20x 1001035.png Shining Snowflake Manastone Extract (1001035)
200x 1001217.png Divine Cat Whiskers (1001217)
312310.png Isgard Crystal (Mage) (312310) ItemID: 312310
Matk + 20.
If grade of enchanted equipment is D or higher
Increases all elemental magic damage by 2%, additional Matk + 5.
If grade of enchanted equipment is C or higher
Increases all elemental magic damage by additional 2%, additional Matk + 5.
If grade of enchanted equipment is B or higher
Increases all elemental magic damage by additional 2%, additional Matk + 5.
If grade of enchanted equipment is A or higher
Increases all elemental magic damage by additional 2%, additional Matk + 5.
When equipped with Glacier Flower Meow Power (Mage):
Increases all elemental magic damage by 4%.
When equipped with Glacier Flower Meow Power (Caster):
Matk + 50, S.Matk + 5.
When equipped with Glacier Flower Meow Power (Magical Power):
Matk + 10%
Increases all elemental magic damage by 8%.
350x 1000608.png Flower Petals (1000608)
20x 1001035.png Shining Snowflake Manastone Extract (1001035)
200x 1001217.png Divine Cat Whiskers (1001217)

Perfect Enchant (Slot 3)

Slot 3 Enchant Description Materials Zeny
312306.png Isgard Crystal (312306) ItemID: 312306
Def + 50, Mdef + 10.
If grade of enchanted equipment is D or higher
Decreases After Cast Delay by 2%, additional Def + 25, Mdef + 5.
If grade of enchanted equipment is C or higher
Decreases After Cast Delay by additional 1%, additional Def + 25, Mdef + 5.
If grade of enchanted equipment is B or higher
Decreases After Cast Delay by additional 1%, additional Def + 25, Mdef + 5.
If grade of enchanted equipment is A or higher
Decreases After Cast Delay by additional 1%, additional Def + 25, Mdef + 5.
When equipped with Glacier Flower Meow Power (After Cast Delay):
Decreases After Cast Delay by 3%.
When equipped with Glacier Flower Meow Power (Physical Defense):
Res + 30.
When equipped with Glacier Flower Meow Power (Magical Defense):
Mres + 20.
When equipped with Glacier Flower Meow Power (Fixed Casting):
Reduces fixed casting by 0.3 seconds.
250x 1000608.png Flower Petals (1000608)
30x 1001034.png Snowflake Manastone Extract (1001034)
150x 1001217.png Divine Cat Whiskers (1001217)