Choi's Guide To Late Game Instances

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The main purpose of this guide is to provide information and tips on the main party-focused late-game instances for the game, as these will generally be the most difficult instances. My hope is that this will provide useful strategies and guidelines, so that everyone can find success and enjoy these instances. Please keep in mind that there are many different solutions to clear these instances, and the ones listed here is not the only one!

This guide will go into detail about key points about the instances and strategies. However, it won't cover all the details and mechanics, as they can be read in the related instance pages.

Constellation Tower

Constellation Tower

Recommended Classes - CT

Recommended Classes
Class Role Guides
Elemental Master Provides Land Protector to the team and serves as the main tank with the Dragon Resist Build. It can also spell break casts and dispell Max Pain Lxna's Elemental Master of Puppets Build Guide
Cardinal Provides powerful supportive buffs and heals and resurrects fallen members. Can also serve as a tank. Choi's Magic and Support Cardinal Guide
Shadow Cross/Ninja (Optional) Removes the reflect effect from Betelguese when he uses Max Pain through the skills Dark Claw or Empty Shadow. If either of these aren't on your team, the team should be careful when DPSing to make sure that Max Pain hasn't been casted or has been dispelled.
DPS Kill Betel!

Key Mechanics - CT

Climbing the Tower
There isn't too much to cover for climbing the tower. Generally, just kill the mobs and move onto the next floor. On floor 25, you can fight Naght Sieger (20996) or move on. On floor 50, you can choose to fight Betelgeuse (20994) or continue to fight a stronger version of Betelgeuse (20994) for more rewards. Additionally, you can choose to skip 4 levels by talking with the blue brazier on every 5th level. The total cost to use skips until level 75 is 2975 1000372.png Meteorite Powder (1000372) which equates to 75 1000373.png Meteorite Fragment (1000373) .

Difficulty/Star Levels
The difficulty of the Boss Fight with Betelgeuse (20994) depends on the Star Levels you set at the fountain. These Star levels determine its Health, Attack, HP Recovery, Defense, and the strength of its Traps. At floor 50, the total stars it can have is 15. At floor 75, the total stars it can have is 25.
My recommendation when rolling for maximum star level is to roll randomly until you get 3 maximum star level stats and then roll the maximum stars for the remaining stats.

Battle with Betelguese
The boss fight with Betelguese is split into 3 phases.

There are not too many mechanics in the boss fight with Betelguese. Key things to note are that it won't take damage when a party member is dead, so you will need to make sure everyone is alive, and the boss can cast Max Pain after a long cast time that will reflect all damage it takes which will essentially wipe your team. Max Pain is important to play around so make sure you have a way to remove the buff and not to hit it when it is in Max Pain status. It also casts a very powerful comet that will do significant damage to your team.

Starting on its second phase, the map will have traps that move across the map vertically to deal significant fixed damage on the player when they are hit by them. The traps don't do enough damage to kill you but will do about 80% of your hp in damage. These traps will still occur again in the third phase. Additionally, in the second phase, dead souls will spawn across the map which will prevent Betelguese from taking any damage until all of them are dead. These dead souls will have to be killed to progress in the fight.

Strategy - CT

Alice Twisted Madness

Alice Twisted Madness

Recommended Classes - Alice

Recommended Classes
Class Role Guides
Cardinal Provides powerful supportive buffs and heals and resurrects fallen members. Can also serve as a tank. Choi's Magic and Support Cardinal Guide
Elemental Master Provides Land Protector to the team and can spell break the bosses casts. Lxna's_Elemental_Master_of_Puppets_Build_Guide
The Complete Elemental Master Guide by Goldie
Melee DPS Kill Nightmare Key Holder!
Magic DPS Kill Jabberwocky!
Ranged DPS Kill Jabbawocky!

Key Mechanics - Alice

Strategy - Alice

Hall of Life

Hall of Life

Recommended Classes - HoL

Recommended Classes
Class Role Guides
Cardinal Provides powerful supportive buffs and heals and resurrects fallen members. Choi's Magic and Support Cardinal Guide
Devo IG (1-3) Absorbs damage for lower HP members of your team by casting 255.png Devotion on them. Also, provides supportive buffs like 5256.png Guardian Shield and 5262.png Holy Shield. The number of Devo IG required depends on how many squishy members you have on your team. Ideally, each IG should devo 3-4 people, but they can devo a maximum of 5.
Arch Mage Alongside its DPS, provides strong debuffs on the boss through 2213.png Comet and Level 4 5232.png Climax 5222.png All Bloom. The rest of the team should use Fire element to make use of the 2x damage boost from Level 4 All Bloom
Elemental Master Alongside its DPS, provides great supportive abilities that will boost your damage. The EM should cast 285.png Volcano where the party is stacked and cast 2468.png Earth Insignia on the boss. It also has strong supportive abilities in and 5366.png Spell Enchanting
Performer Alongside its DPS, can provide many supportive buffs to the team. Particularly, 322.png Apple of Idun and 5007.png are very useful to provide your team some extra tankiness. If you have a trouvere, you should make sure it is Soul Linked.
Soul Ascetic Alongside its DPS, can provide many supportive buffs to the team. Particularly, 5423.png Talisman of Five Elements will provide a significant buff against Rigel
DPS Kill Betel!

Key Mechanics - HoL

Strategy - HoL