16.1 Banquet for Heroes

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Before starting any quest, do the New World Quest!
Temporal Tina is an NPC who sells Episode Clear Tickets. She is located in Prontera (prontera 140, 174) and the Main Office (main_office 94, 59).

(prontera 140, 174) (main_office 94, 59)
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Episode Clear Tickets

An Episode Clear Ticket is a consumable item that allows you to skip the main quest of an episode. By using it, you will gain instant access to all NPCs, dungeons, and equipment shops that would normally require you to complete the episode or fulfill certain quests to unlock.

Please note that by using an Episode Clear Ticket, you will miss out on quest rewards such as EXP, Zeny, reputation, and items.

Some Episode Clear Tickets have prerequisites. If it's your first character on the server, you will still have to progress from Episode 17.2 to the last episode normally.

Check the table below to see the requirements and prices for each ticket.

Episode Clear Tickets
Episode Ticket Zeny Costs Prerequisites
1000284.png Episode 14 Clear Ticket (1000284) 1,000,000 None
1000286.png Episode 15 Clear Ticket (1000286) 1,000,000 None
1000282.png Episode 16 Clear Ticket (1000282) 1,000,000 None
1000285.png Episode 17.1 Clear Ticket (1000285) 2,000,000 None
1000287.png Episode 17.2 Clear Ticket (1000287) 4,000,000 The current character has cleared Episode 17.1
1000288.png Episode 18 Clear Ticket (1000288) 9,000,000 The current character has cleared Episode 17.2 AND one character in the master account has cleared Episode 18
1000988.png Episode 19 Clear Ticket (1000988) 12,000,000 The current character has cleared Episode 18 AND one character in the master account has cleared Episode 19 and the side quests "Purification Saint" and "Frozen Sea"
1001214.png Episode 20 Clear Ticket (1001214) 16,000,000 The current character has cleared Episode 19 AND one character in the master account has cleared Episode 20

Learning About the Families

  1. Speak with the Royal Messenger (prontera 163, 326) in Prontera to start the quest. He will give you a 6933.png Party Invitation (6933) .
  2. Talk to him again and he will warp you to the castle, else type (@go woe, then walk north). Upon entering the castle, Chamberlain Bell will ask to follow him.
  3. Walk towards the left wing and enter the portal. Keep going forward to enter your room and Chamberlain Bell will be waiting for you inside.
  4. Speak with Chamberlain Bell, he asks you meet with all the members of the other families. You can always come back to him to know which family you haven't talked to yet.
 (Note: If you do NOT want to do 16.1 or 16.2 you can skip the entire questline and start with 17.1 here)
    1. The Heine (left wing, bottom room): Walk near the table and a cutscene will start.(Clicking the NPC does not work for the 1st conversation.)Speak with Kronecker G. Heine afterwards.
    2. The Nerius (left wing, middle room): A cutscene will trigger when you leave the Heine room. Enter the Nerius room and speak with Spica Nerius.
    3. The Walthers (left wing, top room): Speak with Ian Walther and then Isenhonor Walther. You can now start The Walthers storyline.
    4. The Wigners (right wing, bottom room): Speak with Levuiere Wigner and then Jurgen Wigner. You can now start The Wigners storyline.
    5. The Richards (right wing, middle room): Speak with Butler for the Richards and then Po Richard right next to him. You can speak with Po Richard again to unlock the The Royal Richard daily quest.
    6. The Geoborgs (right wing, middle room): Enter the Geoborgs's room and a scene will trigger. Speak with the Queen and select Ask about the Geoborg family. You can now start The Geoborgs storyline.
    7. The Roegenburg (right wing, top room): Speak with the Bodyguard, Maximilian Roegenburg and then Wolf Roegenburg. You can now start The Roegenburgs storyline.
  1. Once you've visited all the families, come back to your room and talk with Chamberlain Bell. He will reward you with 10 6919.png Token of Honor (6919) and some experience.
  2. You can continue the quest with the Ritual of Blessing.

Ritual of Blessing

  • Base Level 100
  • Starting point Chamberlain Bell
  • Reward 20 6919.png Token of Honor (6919)
  1. Bell has asked you to participate in the event and meet with Spica in the Banquet Hall. On your way there (prt_cas 174, 163), you will trigger a cutscene.
  2. Go find Spica Nerius in the Banquet Hall and she'll ask you to follow Nyhill since he was acting strange.
  3. Leave the Banquet Hall and on your way back to your room, you will trigger another cutscene.
  4. Go in the room right below the cutscene to meet with Skia Nerius and Nyhill.
  5. Speak with Nyhill in the room. You'll have to go back to your room and speak with Chamberlain Bell afterwards.
  6. Talk with Chamberlain Bell and Nillem will appear next to you. After the cutscene, you'll be warped to the Past Memories of the Royal Family.
  7. While in a party, speak with Mage Nillem and choose Generate instance to attend the Ritual of Blessing. Then talk to the Ritual of Blessing warper.
    1. Speak with Nyhill at the entrance to start the ritual.
    2. Take your position in the empty space, on the right side.
    3. Enjoy the cutscene...! Walk up a bit to watch the important part.
    4. The Ritual of Blessing is under attack by intruders, fight them off.
    5. Speak with Kronecker G. Heine to finish up the quest and then leave the room by walking down towards the exit.
  8. Back in the Past Memories of the Royal Family, you'll see all the family members waiting for you.
  9. Speak with Ian Walther to know more about what's going on.
  10. After the members leave, talk to Mage Nillem. He wants you to take a look at the royal document Kronecker was looking at.
  11. Speak with Lindt the Librarian and then talk with Mage Nillem again.
  12. Leave the Past Memories of the Royal Family by speaking with the Guardian Knight on the left side. Select Get out now and you'll be warped into the prison.
  13. Talk to Overwatcher Terketh to get you out of the cell. You can talk with him again to be warped back inside the Past Memories of the Royal Family at any moment.
  14. Go back to Chamberlain Bell in your room and tell him what happened.
  15. You'll be invited to the Nerius family, go to their room and speak with 'Spica Nerius'.
  16. Go visit the Heine in the room below. Speak to Kronocker G. Heine and listen to what he has to say. You'll be rewarded with 20 6919.png Token of Honor (6919) and some experience.
  17. You can continue the quest with Room of Consciousness.

Room of Consciousness

  • Base Level 100
  • Starting point Chamberlain Bell
  • Reward 30 6919.png Token of Honor (6919)
  1. Summon the Court Mage Nillem by talking with Chamberlain Bell back in your room.
  2. Speak with the mage and he will warp you in the Past Memories of the Royal Family once more.
  3. Talk to the mage again and this time, he will open a Dimension Warper that you have to use to go in the past.
  4. Talk to Nillem and he will connect you to the Room of Consciousness. Speak to the Swaying Space when you're ready.
  5. You will be warped into the Room of Consciousness. The mechanics of this instance are explained in its own page.
  6. Once you've completed the instance, speak with Nillem again. He'll allow you to move to the Prontera of the past! You have gained access to the Invaded Prontera. Simply walk to the portal at the end of the corridor.
  7. Speak with Nillem in the Invaded Prontera and he will warp you back to the current Past Memories of the Royal Family.
  8. Speak with Nillem in the room and Kronecker G. Heine will appear on his left side.
  9. Speak with Kronecker G. Heine and tell him what you've seen. You will be rewarded with 30 6919.png Token of Honor (6919) and some experience.
  10. You now have to wait for Nillem to recover before he can connect to the Room of Consciousness once more. You have unlocked the Room of Consciousness daily quest.

Invaded Prontera

  1. To reach the Invaded Prontera from the past, go in the Prontera Castle inside your room.
  2. Speak with Chamberlain Bell and summon Nillem. He will warp you to the Past Memories of the Royal Family.
  3. Speak with Nillem again and he will make a Dimension Warper appear. Use it to go back in time.
  4. Head towards the left corridor and use the portal below and you'll be warped to the Invaded Prontera map.
  5. Monsters drop 6919.png Token of Honor (6919)

Daily Quests

Daily Quests can be found here.

Obtainable Gear

  • Noblesse set can be found here.
  • Other items can be found here.