Automated Events

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Every full hour (servertime) our automated events will start for you at Neustadt (go 52).

Our automated events are:

  • Poring Catcher
  • Cluckers (You simply walk a few steps up in Neustadt, where cluckers will take place.)
  • Dice and Reverse Dice
  • Find the Cowring(s)
  • Find the Treasure Box
  • Bombring

GM Events

GM events are:

  • Dart (join the city which will be announced and try to teleport into the safty walls around the GM)
  • Bombring (click on the colorful bombring, this event has 3 rounds)
  • Poringsearch (click on the colorful bombring and click on the right spelled poring)
  • Findme (join the city which will be announced and search for the GM, go near him to activate the reward)
  • Disguise
  • Bloody Orc Run
  • Dodgeball
  • Falling Floors
  • Slot Machine

At Neustadt there is also an Stylist at (neustadt 183, 116)


At NPC Caprice you can spend your 50000.png Muh Coin (50000) for costumes.

Category 1:
19569 19666 19723 19842 20009
19574 19689 19724 19883 20068
19627 19695 19727 19934 20127
19653 19716 19811 19951 20135
Category 2:
20201 20377 31173 31372 31530
20208 20498 31290 31388 31704
20296 31133 31291 31392 31762
20346 31147 31309 31409 400124

|19569.png Costume Sprout Hat (19569) |19666.png Costume Cookie Hat (19666) |19723.png Costume Sacred Torch Coronet (19723) |19842.png Costume Puppy Hat (19842) |20009.png Costume Dragon Skull Hat (20009) |- |19574.png Costume Lord of Death Helm (19574) |19689.png Costume Ati Atihan (19689) |19724.png Costume Deprotai Doll (19724) |19883.png Costume Piamette Hood (19883) |20068.png Costume Black Rabbit Headband (20068) |- |19627.png Costume Satellite Hairband (19627) |19695.png Costume Kettle Hat (19695) |19727.png Costume Deviling Hat (19727) |19934.png Costume Flaming Ten Gallon Hat (19934) |20127.png Costume Helm of Abyss (20127) |- |19653.png Costume Marcher Hat (19653) |19716.png Costume Alice Doll (19716) |19811.png Costume Beer Cap (19811) |19951.png Costume Cardboard Box (19951) |20135.png Costume 12th Anniversary Crown (20135) |- style="background-color: #BA55D3" | colspan="5" |Category 2: |- |20201.png Costume Banshee Master Kiss (20201) |20377.png Costume Flight Cap (20377) |31173.png Costume Oyster Parakeet (31173) |31372.png Costume Kafra Maid Doll (31372) |31530.png Costume Great Dracula Horns (31530) |- |20208.png Costume Necktie (20208) |20498.png Costume Elephant Hat (20498) |31290.png Costume Angel's Feather Cap (31290) |31388.png Costume Garden of Eden (31388) |31704.png Costume Sweet Valentine Hat (31704) |- |20296.png Costume Yoyo Hat (20296) |31133.png Costume Gambler Seal (31133) |31291.png Costume Devil's Feather Cap (31291) |31392.png Costume Radio Antenna (31392) |31762.png Costume Heart-Shaped Ace (31762) |- |20346.png Costume Drooping Permeter (20346) |31147.png Costume Drooping Domovoi (31147) |31309.png Costume Pure White Marching Hat (31309) |31409.png Costume Barrel Helm (31409) |400124.png Costume Majestic Goat of Dawn (400124) |}