Main Office

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Our Main Office is in Prontera, a massive building divided in three distinct floors, where lots of convenience NPCs reside.


On the basement you will find dummies for testing your damage output, Shadow Gear NPCs, Healer, Cardremover, Tool Dealer, Reseter and a Storage Box.

Training Dummies

Here you have 3 different dummies to choose from: Small Lvl 50, Medium Lvl 100 and Large Lvl 150.

Shadow Gear NPCs:

Here you can buy Shadow Gear with Shadows, trade or upgrade them. More informations here.

Main Floor

On the Main Floor (First Floor and Entrance ) you will find the necessary NPCs.


Seller for class-specific items: Thief, Knight, Archer, Gunslinger, Ninja, Merchant, Magician, Doram Class.

Necessary NPCs

Wise Old Woman (Card Remover), Job Master, Reseter Edga, Universal Rental NPC, Platinum Skill NPC, Coin to Cash Cow, Muh Coin Shop.

Other usefull NPCs

Healer, Tool Dealer, Instance Cooldown, Setting, Channels, Kafra and Storage Box.

Pet Shop

Do not try to kill our Aliza's which trying to do their jobs and hold the Main Office clean! And our pets in the "pet kindergarden"!

Our Café

Visit our café which is made for you and your friends.

Second Floor

On the Second Floor you will find the Copy Cat, Stylist Room, Fashion Room, Clan Room.


(Be careful our Stylist is CRAZY!)

Copy Cat

Copy Cat is for the classes Rogue, Stalker, Shadow Chaser to copy skills instead of searching for players.

Fashion Room

Fashion Room to enchant Costumes, buy or destroy costumes for fashion points. More informations here.

Clan Room

Here you can join additionial to your guild to a clan.

Other NPCs

Note: In our Main Office are some NPCs which have special quests, if you have some time, talk to them, maybe you are interested in some creepy adventures.