|When equipped with Hunting Arrow , increases long ranged physical damage by 50%.<br />CRIT + 1 per refine rate.<br />If the refine rate is 7 or higher, increases attack speed by 10% (reduces after attack delay by 10%).<br />If the refine rate is 9 or higher, increases critical damage by 15%.<br />If the refine rate is 11 or higher, increases physical damage against Insect and Brute race monsters by 30%.<br /> + Illusion Boots [1] <br />ATK + 10%.<br />If the refine rate of both is 7 or higher, ASPD + 2.<br />If the sum of their refine rates is 18 or higher, increases critical damage by 10%.<br />If the sum of their refine rates is 22 or higher, has a chance to activate Hunter's Sight for 10 seconds when dealing normal long ranged physical damage.<br />[Hunter's Sight] ATK + 100, increases critical damage by 15%, increases physical damage against Insect and Brute race monsters by 50%.<br />Class: Bow<br />Attack: 165<br />Weight: 150<br />Weapon Level: 4<br />Required Level: 120<br />Usable Jobs: Ranger.
|VIT + 3, MDEF + 3.<br />If the refine rate is 7 or higher, VIT + 5.<br />If the refine rate is 9 or higher, reduces after cast delay by 12%.<br /> + Illusion Goibne's Armor [1], Illusion Goibne's Spaulders [1] and Illusion Goibne's Greaves [1]]<br />VIT + 5, MaxHP + 15%, MaxSP + 5%, DEF + 5, MDEF + 15.<br />Reduces damage taken from Water, Wind, Earth and Fire properties by 10%. If the refine rate of each is 7 or higher, additional MaxHP + 10%.<br />If the sum of their refine rates is 32 or higher, reduces fixed casting time by 0.7 seconds.<br />If the sum of their refine rates is 36 or higher, reduces after cast delay by 20%.<br />Class: Headgear<br />Defense: 25<br />Location: Upper<br />Weight: 100<br />Required Level: 130<br />Usable Jobs: All except Novice.
|MaxHP + 5%, MaxSP + 5%. If the refine rate is 7 or higher, reduces variable casting time by 5%. If the refine rate is 9 or higher, increases long ranged physical damage by 10%.<br />Class: Shoes<br />Defense: 42<br />Weight: 120<br />Required Level: 130<br />Usable Jobs: All except Novice.
|VIT + 1, MDEF + 2.<br />If the refine rate is 7 or higher, increases physical damage against Water, Wind, Earth and Fire property monsters by 5%.<br />If the refine rate is 9 or higher, further increases physical damage against Water, Wind, Earth and Fire property monsters by 10%.<br />Class: Garment<br />Defense: 47<br />Weight: 100<br />Required Level: 130<br />Usable Jobs: All except Novice.
| +7 Goibne's Spaulders<br /> 120 Illusion Stones<br /> 7 Fragments of Lightning Stone<br /> 150 Tokens of Bigstone
|MaxHP + 150.<br />Increases attack speed by 1% (reduces after attack delay by 1%) for every 10 base VIT.<br />If base VIT is 120 or higher, reduces after cast delay by 3%.
|Increases critical damage by 1% and increases attack speed by 1% (reduces delay after attack by 1%) for every 10 base LUK. If base LUK is 120 or higher, further increases critical damage by 5%.
|Increases damage with Bows by 1% and increases attack speed by 1% (reduces delay after attack by 1%) for every 10 base DEX. If base DEX is 120 or higher, ATK + 40.
|Reduces physical damage taken from boss monsters by 30%.<br />If the refine rate is 10 or higher, further reduces the physical damage taken from boss monsters by 20%.
The monsters in the area are split in two clans: the Wootan clan and the Megalith clan. You can only fight against one clan at a time. So if the Megalith clan is active on the map, you will only see the following mobs:
Ancient Tri Joints
Ancient Stalactic Golems
Ancient Megaliths
On the other hand, if the Wootan clan is active, you will only see the following mobs:
Ancient Stone Shooters
Ancient Wootan Shooters
Ancient Wootan Fighters
After killing 1200 mobs of a clan, the MVP of the clan will appear: Ancient Tao Gunka or Ancient Wootan Defender.
After defeating a clan's MVP, all the mobs on the map will rotate to the other clan.
Illusion Gear
Speak with Village Soap Artisan (com_d02_i 234, 266) inside the Illusion of Luanda dungeon, next to the Bulletin Board.
You need to equip the base item to be able to craft its Illusion counterpart.
More information about these Illusion Enchants can be found in this page.
Since it is a stone that is said to contain wise words, the weight is naturally heavy, and if it is correct, it is hard to keep up. _______________________ Increases Physical Damage against Shadow, Undead, Poison and Ghost elemental enemies by 10%. _______________________ For each 3 Refine Levels: Increases Physical Damage against Shadow, Undead, Poison and Ghost elemental enemies by additional 10% (up to Refine Level 10). _______________________ Increases Physical Damage taken from Shadow elemental enemies by 30%. _______________________ When equipped with Illusion Ring: Decreases After Attack Delay by 8% _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels of Illusion Tablet: Increases Critical Damage by 5% _______________________ Refine Level +9: CRI +15 _______________________ Refine Level +11: ATK +100 _______________________ Class Restrictions: Sage, Priest and Star Gladiator classes _______________________ Type: Book Position: Right Hand Physical Attack: 170 Weapon Level: 4 Refinable Weight: 80 Required Level: 100
It is said to be mainly used by hunters, but it is difficult to use, but when used, precise shooting and destructive damage are enough to crush the user. _______________________ When equipped with Hunting Arrow: Increases long range physical damage by 50%. _______________________ For each Refine Level: CRI +1. _______________________ Refine Level +7: Decreases After Attack Delay by 10%. _______________________ Refine Level +9: Increases Critical Damage by 15%. _______________________ Refine Level +11: Increases Physical Damage gainst Insect and Brute race by 30%. _______________________ When equipped with Illusion Boots: ATK +10% _______________________ Refine Level of Illusion Hunter Bow and Illusion Boots each is +7 or higher: ASPD +2 _______________________ Total Refine Level of entire set at least +18: Increases Critical Damage by 10%. _______________________ Total Refine Level of entire set at least +22: Long range physical attacks have a chance to activate Hunter's Sight for 10 seconds. _______________________ [Hunter's Sight]: ATK +100 Increases Critical Damage by 15%. Increases Physical Damage gainst Insect and Brute race by 50%. _______________________ Class Restrictions: Ranger _______________________ Type: Bow Position: Right Hand Physical Attack: 165 Weapon Level: 4 Refinable Weight: 150 Required Level: 120
One of Goibne's few armors which made weapons the most. The gods rated Gebne's armor better than weapons. _______________________ VIT +3, MDEF +3 _______________________ Refine Level +7: VIT +5 _______________________ Refine Level +9: Decreases After Cast Delay by 12%. _______________________ When equipped with Illusion Goibne's Armor, Illusion Goibne's Spaulder and Illusion Goibne's Greaves: VIT +5, MaxHP +15%, MaxSP +5% DEF +5, MDEF +15, _______________________ Decreases damage taken from Water, Wind, Earth and Fire elemental attacks by 10%. _______________________ Refine Level of Illusion Goibne's Armor, Illusion Goibne's Spaulder and Illusion Goibne's Greaves each is +7 or higher: MaxHP +10% _______________________ Total Refine Level of entire set at least +36: Decreases Fixed Casting Time by 0.7 seconds. _______________________ Total Refine Level of entire set at least +40: Decreases After Cast Delay by 20%. _______________________ Class Restrictions: All Jobs except Novice _______________________ Type: Armor Position: Head Top Defense: 25 Armor Level: 1 Refinable Weight: 100 Required Level: 130
A suit of armor that was accidentally enchanted by Goibne the blacksmith when he spilled the mystic ale of life all over it. _______________________ MaxHP +10% _______________________ Refine Level +7: DEF +50 _______________________ Refine Level +9: DEF +100 _______________________ Class Restrictions: All Jobs except Novice _______________________ Type: Armor Position: Armor Defense: 158 Armor Level: 1 Refinable Weight: 350 Required Level: 130
Shoe that Goibne made for a bet against his rival Dulb. _______________________ MaxHP +5%, MaxSP +5%. _______________________ Refine Level +7: Decreases Variable Casting Time by 5%. _______________________ Refine Level +9: Increases Ranged Physical Damage by 10%. _______________________ Class Restrictions: All Jobs except Novice _______________________ Type: Armor Position: Shoes Defense: 42 Armor Level: 1 Refinable Weight: 120 Required Level: 130
The first armor made by Goibne. He loved the shoulder straps very much. _______________________ VIT +1 MDEF +2 _______________________ Refine Level +7: Increases Physical Damage against Water, Wind, Earth and Fire elemental enemies by 5%. _______________________ Refine Level +9: Increases Physical Damage against Water, Wind, Earth and Fire elemental enemies by additional 5%. _______________________ Class Restrictions: All Jobs except Novice _______________________ Type: Armor Position: Garment Defense: 47 Armor Level: 1 Refinable Weight: 100 Required Level: 130
For each 10 base VIT: MaxHP +150 Increases Attack Speed by 1%. _______________________ Base VIT at least 120: Decreases After Cast Delay by additional 3%.
_______________________ Type: Card Compound on: Garment Weight: 1
For each 10 base LUK: Increases Critical Damage by 1%. Increases Attack Speed by 1%. _______________________ Base LUK at least 120: Increases Critical Damage by 5%.
_______________________ Type: Card Compound on: Garment Weight: 1
For each 10 base DEX: Increases damage inflicted with Bow class weapon by 1%. Increases Attack Speed by 1%. _______________________ Base DEX at least 120: ATK +40
_______________________ Type: Card Compound on: Garment Weight: 1