Fantasy Resonance Stone of Illusion (100003)
Fantasy Resonance Stone at Dawn (100004)
Line Option 1
ATK + 5 ~ 50
MATK + 5 ~ 50
ATK + 1% ~ 10%
MATK + 1% ~ 10%
MHP + 100 ~ 5000
MHP + 100 ~ 5000
Physical Damage to Earth Property Monsters + 1% ~ 20%
Variable cast Time - 1% ~20%
Magical Damage to Earth Property Monsters + 1% ~ 20%
Physical Damage to Fire Property Monsters + 1% ~ 20%
Magical Damage to Fire Property Monsters + 1% ~ 20%
Physical Damage to Ghost Property Monsters + 1% ~ 20%
Magical Damage to Ghost Property Monsters + 1% ~ 20%
Physical Damage to Holy Property Monsters + 1% ~ 20%
Magical Damage to Holy Property Monsters + 1% ~ 20%
Physical Damage to Neutral Property Monsters + 1% ~ 20%
Magical Damage to Neutral Property Monsters + 1% ~ 20%
Physical Damage to Poison Property Monsters + 1% ~ 20%
Magical Damage to Poison Property Monsters + 1% ~ 20%
Physical Damage to Shadow Property Monsters + 1% ~ 20%
Magical Damage to Shadow Property Monsters + 1% ~ 20%
Physical Damage to Undead Property Monsters + 1% ~ 20%
Magical Damage to Undead Property Monsters + 1% ~ 20%
Physical Damage to Water Property Monsters + 1% ~ 20%
Magical Damage to Water Property Monsters + 1% ~ 20%
Physical Damage to Wind Property Monsters + 1% ~ 20
Magical Damage to Wind Property Monsters + 1% ~ 20
Reduces SP Consumption of Skill by 1% ~ 15%
Reduces SP Consumption of Skill by 1% ~ 15%
Line Option 2
FLEE + 5 ~ 50
FLEE + 5 ~ 50
Critical Damage + 1% ~ 10%
Heal Recovery + 10% ~ 30%
Attack Speed + 1% ~ 10%
Reduces SP Consumption of Skills by 1% ~ 15%
Ranged Physical Damage + 1% ~ 10%
Magical Damage to Angel Monsters + 1% ~ 20%
Physical Damage to Angel Monsters + 1% ~ 20%
Magical Damage to Brute Monsters + 1% ~ 20%
Physical Damage to Brute Monsters + 1% ~ 20%
Magical Damage to Demi-Human Monsters + 1% ~ 20%
Physical Damage to Demi-Human Monsters + 1% ~ 20%
Magical Damage to Demon Monsters + 1% ~ 20%
Physical Damage to Demon Monsters + 1% ~ 20%
Magical Damage to Dragon Monsters + 1% ~ 20%
Physical Damage to Dragon Monsters + 1% ~ 20%
Magical Damage to Fish Monsters + 1% ~ 20%
Physical Damage to Fish Monsters + 1% ~ 20%
Magical Damage to Formless Monsters + 1% ~ 20%
Physical Damage to Formless Monsters + 1% ~ 20%
Magical Damage to Insect Monsters + 1% ~ 20%
Physical Damage to Insect Monsters + 1% ~ 20%
Magical Damage to Plant Monsters + 1% ~ 20%
Physical Damage to Plant Monsters + 1% ~ 20%
Magical Damage to Undead Monsters + 1% ~ 20%
Physical Damage to Undead Monsters + 1% ~ 20%
After Cast Delay - 1% ~ 10%
After Cast Delay - 1% ~ 10%
Magical Damage to Large Monsters + 1% ~ 10%
Physical Damage to Large Monsters + 1% ~ 10%
Magical Damage to Medium Monsters + 1% ~ 10%
Physical Damage to Medium Monsters + 1% ~ 10%
Magical Damage to Small Monsters + 1% ~ 10%
Physical Damage to Small Monsters + 1% ~ 10%
Line Option 3
Ignore Physical Defense of Angel Monsters + 5% ~ 20%
Ignore Magical Defense of Angel Monsters + 5% ~ 20%
Ignore Physical Defense of Brute Monsters + 5% ~ 20%
Ignore Magical Defense of Brute Monsters + 5% ~ 20%
Ignore Physical Defense of Demi-Human Monsters + 5% ~ 20%
Ignore Magical Defense of Demi-Human Monsters + 5% ~ 20%
Ignore Physical Defense of Demon Monsters + 5% ~ 20%
Ignore Magical Defense of Demon Monsters + 5% ~ 20%
Ignore Physical Defense of Dragon Monsters + 5% ~ 20%
Ignore Magical Defense of Dragon Monsters + 5% ~ 20%
Ignore Physical Defense of Fish Monsters + 5% ~ 20%
Ignore Magical Defense of Fish Monsters + 5% ~ 20%
Ignore Physical Defense of Formless Monsters + 5% ~ 20%
Ignore Magical Defense of Formless Monsters + 5% ~ 20%
Ignore Physical Defense of Insect Monsters + 5% ~ 20%
Ignore Magical Defense of Insect Monsters + 5% ~ 20%
Ignore Physical Defense of Plant Monsters + 5% ~ 20%
Ignore Magical Defense of Plant Monsters + 5% ~ 20%
Ignore Physical Defense of Undead Monsters + 5% ~ 20%
Ignore Magical Defense of Undead Monsters + 5% ~ 20%
Line Option 4
Ignore Physical Defense of Boss Monsters + 5% ~ 15%
Ignore Magical Defense of Boss Monsters + 5% ~ 15%
Ignore Physical Defense of Normal Monsters + 5% ~ 15%
Ignore Magical Defense of Normal Monsters + 5% ~ 15%
Physical Damage to Boss Monsters + 1% ~ 15%
Magical Damage to Boss Monsters + 1% ~ 15%
Physical Damage to Normal Monsters + 1% ~ 15%
Magical Damage to Normal Monsters + 1% ~ 15%