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=== Skills ===
=== Skills ===
* All Third class, Kagerou and Oboro supportive buff/debuff skills are disabled in WoE TE castles.
* All Third class, Kagerou and Oboro supportive buff/debuff skills are disabled in WoE TE castles.
* [[Leap]]
* {{#skillDesc:426}}
* [[Rapid Throw]]
* {{#skillDesc:3008}}
* [[Stealth]]
* {{#skillDesc:389}}
* [[Shadow Leap]]
* {{#skillDesc:529}}
* [[Frenzy]]
* {{#skillDesc:359}}
* [[Marionette Control]]
* {{#skillDesc:396}}
* [[Back Slide]]
* {{#skillDesc:150}}
* [[Deluge]] (iRO Only)
* {{#skillDesc:286}}

=== Items ===
=== Items ===

Revision as of 08:30, 14 August 2022


The training edition of the War of Emperium system is a smaller, more restricted version of WoE for Transcendent Classes and below. WoE TE recreates all 5 of the Valkyrie and Luina realm castles called Gloria and Kafragarten. The entrance of WoE TE castle realms are located in Valkyrie (prt_gld 120, 153) and Luina (alde_gld 225, 188)

Like WoE and War of Emperium 2|WoE2. WoE TE is a scheduled server-activated event enabled during certain periods of time.


The rules of battle are generally the same as the original War of Emperium. All damage formulas and ally statuses are the same. Players must be a Transcendent class or Expanded class. Third class, Expanded Super Novice, Kagerou and Oboro players cannot participate in WoE TE. In addition to the disabled skills of War of Emperium, the following are disabled or have no effect in WoE TE. Disabled buffs/debuffs are also stripped from the player when entering castles.


  • All Third class, Kagerou and Oboro supportive buff/debuff skills are disabled in WoE TE castles.
  • 426.png Leap
    Max Level: 5
    Skill Form: Active
    Type: Supportive
    Target: Caster
    Cast Time: (Lv6+)None
    After Cast Delay: None
    Cool Down: None
    Description: Leaps to a targeted cell
    within the skill's range. So long as the
    targeted cell is accessable, the caster
    can leap over walls and obstacles.
    cannot be used in areas where
    Fly Wings
    are disabled, except for WoE maps.

    Cast Time & Skill Range per Level
    [Lv 1]: 5 sec, 2 cells
    [Lv 2]: 4 sec, 4 cells
    [Lv 3]: 3 sec, 6 cells
    [Lv 4]: 2 sec, 8 cells
    [Lv 5]: 1 sec, 10 cells
  • 3008.png Rapid Throw
    Max Level: 10
    Requirement: Makibishi 3
    Skill Form: Active
    Type: Physical Ranged
    Target: 1 Character
    Cast Time: 0s Fixed / 1s Variable
    After Cast Delay: None
    Cool Down: 10s
    Description: A powerup version of the
    Ninja skill, Throw Coins. Throws up to
    100,000 Zeny that has a chance to
    inflict random splash damage that
    defense within a certain range.
    Only half of the damage is inflicted to
    Boss monsters.
    [Lv 1]: 10,000 Zeny, 5,000~10,000 Damage
    [Lv 2]: 20,000 Zeny, 10,000~20,000 Damage
    [Lv 3]: 30,000 Zeny, 15,000~30,000 Damage
    [Lv 4]: 40,000 Zeny, 20,000~40,000 Damage
    [Lv 5]: 50,000 Zeny, 25,000~50,000 Damage
    [Lv 6]: 60,000 Zeny, 30,000~60,000 Damage
    [Lv 7]: 70,000 Zeny, 35,000~70,000 Damage
    [Lv 8]: 80,000 Zeny, 40,000~80,000 Damage
    [Lv 9]: 90,000 Zeny, 45,000~90,000 Damage
    [Lv 10]: 100,000 Zeny, 50,000~100,000 Damage
  • 389.png Chase Walk (Stealth)
    Max Level: 5
    Requirement: Hiding 5, Tunnel Drive 3
    Skill Form: Active
    Type: Supportive
    Target: Caster
    Cast Time: 0.5s Fixed / 0.5s Variable
    After Cast Delay: None
    Cool Down: None
    Description: Enters a special Hiding
    status in which caster can move without
    being detected by skills. However, the
    caster will leave footprints and can be
    damaged by skills that target the
    ground. Ineffective against
    and Boss monsters. During WoE,
    this skill will consume 5 times as
    [Lv 1]: 70% Movement Speed,
    12 SP/10 sec, +1 STR after 10 seconds.

    [Lv 2]: 75% Movement Speed,
    14 SP/10 sec, +2 STR after 10 seconds.

    [Lv 3]: 80% Movement Speed,
    16 SP/10 sec, +4 STR after 10 seconds.

    [Lv 4]: 85% Movement Speed,
    18 SP/10 sec, +8 STR after 10 seconds.

    [Lv 5]: 90% Movement Speed,
    20 SP/10 sec, +16 STR after 10 seconds.
  • 529.png Shadow Leap
    Max Level: 5
    Requirement: Flip Tatami 1
    Skill Form: Active
    Type: Supportive
    Target: Ground
    Cast Time: None
    After Cast Delay: 1s
    Cool Down: None
    Description: Shadow Leap can only be
    performed when the caster is in
    status, which can be enabled by the
    Haze Slasher skill. This skill instantly
    moves the caster to a targeted cell,
    ignoring obstacles in the caster's way.

    [Lv 1]: Leap 6 cells
    [Lv 2]: Leap 7 cells
    [Lv 3]: Leap 8 cells
    [Lv 4]: Leap 9 cells
    [Lv 5]: Leap 10 cells
  • 359.png Berserk
    Max Level: 1
    Requirement: Lord Knight Over Job Level 50
    Skill Form: Active
    Type: Supportive
    Target: Self
    Cast Time: None
    After Cast Delay: None
    Cool Down: None
    Dispellable: Dispell, Clearance, Banishing
    Description: Enhance your physical ability to the
    limits for 300 seconds by using your rage.
    Upon casting
    Berserk, restore your HP to 100%,
    and reduce your
    SP to 0%.
    Effects of
    Berserk while it is active:
    [1]: Increase your MaxHP by 200%,
    [2]: Increase Normal attack damage by 200%,
    [3]: Increased Movement Speed,
    [4]: Increase ASPD by 30%,
    [5]: Ignore flinching effect when taking damage,
    [6]: Increase Scaling ASPD by 15,
    [7]: Can not use items,
    [8]: Chat is disabled,
    [9]: Can not change equipment.
    [10]: Can not cast skills (except autocasts),
    [11]: Can not be healed by most sources,
    [12]: Disable natural HP/SP regeneration,
    [13]: Lose 5% MaxHP every 10 seconds,
    [14]: Reduce Flee by 50%,
    [15]: Reduce DEF/MDEF to 0.
  • 396.png Marionette Control
    Max Level: 1
    Requirement: Musical Lesson 5,
    Requirement: Dancing Lesson 5,
    Improve Concentration 10

    Skill Form: Active
    Type: Supportive
    Target: 1 Character
    Cast Time: None
    After Cast Delay: None
    Cool Down: None
    Description: Targeted party member
    receives a bonus to all
    Stats equal to
    half of the
    Stats of the caster.
    However, each of the target's
    cannot exceed 99. This skill is
    canceled if this party member is more
    than 7 cells away from the caster.
  • 150.png Back Slide
    Requirement: Finish Quest
    Skill Form: Active
    Type: Supportive
    Target: Caster
    Description: Quickly move 5 cells
    backwards to position yourself safely away
    from threats.
  • 286.png Deluge
    Max Level: 5
    Requirement: Frost Weapon 2
    Skill Form: Active
    Type: Supportive
    Target: Ground
    Cast Time: 1s Fixed / 4s Variable
    After Cast Delay: None
    Cool Down: None
    Description: Enchants an area of 7x7 cells
    so that it will amplify all
    elemental attacks and the
    MaxHP of Water
    elemental targets in it's range. This area will
    also enable the use of
    Water Ball and
    Aqua Benedicta. Other Sage skills that target
    the ground can't be cast over
    Deluge. Initial
    cast requires 1
    Blue Gemstone, but multiple
    casting of this skill will not consume
    Deluge's active duration.
    [Lv 1]: Water Damage +10%, MaxHP +5%
    [Lv 2]: Water Damage +14%, MaxHP +9%
    [Lv 3]: Water Damage +17%, MaxHP +12%
    [Lv 4]: Water Damage +19%, MaxHP +14%
    [Lv 5]: Water Damage +20%, MaxHP +15%



  • Glorious equipment and weapons
  • WoE equipment
  • Bellum weapons
  • WoE and WoE2 God Items
Castle Number Name Entrance Dungeon Entrance Entrance Object Godly Drop
Gloria 1 Gaebolg (131, 65) (96, 200) Podium 6595.png Velund's Hammer (6595)
Gloria 2 Richard (240, 126) (83, 72) Statue 6596.png Velund's Anvil (6596)
Gloria 3 Wigner (153, 139) (5, 70) Statue 6594.png Magic Bronze Bullion (6594)
Gloria 4 Heine (109, 240) (56, 281) Bull's Head 6597.png Velund's Bracelet (6597)
Gloria 5 Nerious (210, 240) (213, 94) Weapon Shelf 6602.png Secret of Rune (6602)
Kafragarten 1 Leilah (49, 81) (212, 179) Statue 6603.png Skin of Hraesvelg (6603)
Kafragarten 2 Pavianne (95, 251) (194, 139) Statue 6599.png Spirit of Hugin (6599)
Kafragarten 3 Jasmine (142, 83) (199, 177) Statue 6598.png Jormungandr's Rib (6598)
Kafragarten 4 Roxie (241, 242) (75, 64) Book 6601.png Chisel of Giant (6601)
Kafragarten 5 Curly Sue (261, 90) (23, 207) Fountain 6600.png Spirit of Munin (6600)

Rental Gear System

Special Rental Equipments are provided for 24-hours period that can only be used in WoE:TE. Common traits are extra damage/resistance against other player and frozen resistance.


1319.png TE WoE Axe (1319) 1591.png TE WoE Book (1591) 18118.png TE WoE Bow (18118) 1834.png TE WoE Fist (1834) 13185.png TE WoE Gatling Gun (13185) 1932.png TE WoE Guitar (1932) 13187.png TE WoE Grenade Launcher (13187)
13317.png TE WoE Huuma Shuriken (13317) 1299.png TE WoE Katar (1299) 13083.png TE WoE Knife (13083) 1437.png TE WoE Pike (1437) 13117.png TE WoE Gun (13117) 1495.png TE WoE Lance (1495) 16025.png TE WoE Mace (16025) 13184.png TE WoE Rifle (13184)
1987.png TE WoE Rope (1987) 13186.png TE WoE Shotgun (13186) 1667.png TE WoE Staff (1667) 13439.png TE WoE Sword (13439) 1399.png TE WoE Two-Handed Axe (1399) 2019.png TE WoE Two-Handed Staff (2019) 21006.png TE WoE Two-Handed Sword (21006)


2178.png TE WoE Buckler (2178) 2180.png TE WoE Magic Guard (2180) 2179.png TE WoE Shield (2179)


18733.png TE WoE Bone Helm (18733) 18732.png TE WoE Cap (18732) 18734.png TE WoE Magic Eyes (18734)


15062.png TE WoE Coat (15062) 15064.png TE WoE Mink Coat (15064) 15063.png TE WoE Chain Mail (15063)


20703.png TE WoE Manteau (20703) 20704.png TE WoE Magic Manteau (20704) 20702.png TE WoE Muffler (20702)


2497.png TE WoE Boots (2497) 2498.png TE WoE Magic Sandals (2498) 2496.png TE WoE Shoes (2496)


2946.png TE Defiance Ring (2946) 2944.png TE Ring of Protection (2944) 2945.png TE Rage Ring (2945)