WoE SE/de: Revision history

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6 March 2025

  • curprev 21:5321:53, 6 March 2025Reeen talk contribs 9,847 bytes −1 No edit summary
  • curprev 21:4321:43, 6 March 2025Reeen talk contribs 9,848 bytes −56 Created page with "! colspan=2 |''Navigation's Box Muh-Ragnarok Online'' |- ! Anfänger Hilfe (Basic) |''Einführung ins Spiel''<br>''Einführung in MuhRO''<br>''Attribute''<br>''Klassenwahl''<br>''Elemente'' |''Waffenmodifikationen''<br>''Level Strafen(Penalty)''<br>''Anfänger Anleitungen''<br>''Eden Quests''<br>''Main Office Quests'' |''Homunkulus..." Tags: Mobile edit Mobile web edit
  • curprev 21:4321:43, 6 March 2025Reeen talk contribs 9,904 bytes −23 Created page with " Sie steigen im Ranking auf, indem Sie WoE-Ziele erfüllen. Weitere Informationen hierzu, einschließlich der Web-Bestenliste, folgen zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt. {{:Trainingsraum}} {| class="wikitable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" style="width: 90%;text-align:center;" |- style="background-color:#FCA0BC;""
  • curprev 21:4321:43, 6 March 2025Reeen talk contribs 9,927 bytes −54 Created page with "== Rangliste == Der bestplatzierte Spieler in War of Emperium SE wird jetzt in Neustadt {{#navi:neustadt|182|141}} neben dem bestplatzierten Spieler für Schlachtfelder angezeigt."
  • curprev 21:4321:43, 6 March 2025Reeen talk contribs 9,981 bytes −95 Created page with "File:woebg1.png" Tags: Mobile edit Mobile web edit
  • curprev 21:4321:43, 6 March 2025Reeen talk contribs 10,076 bytes −56 Created page with "== Quests & Treasure Boxes =="
  • curprev 21:4321:43, 6 March 2025Reeen talk contribs 10,132 bytes −21 Created page with "=== Exklusives WoE-Kostüm === Durch den Handel mit {{#item:6615}} bei {{#navi:bat_room|165|144}} können Spieler eines der folgenden Kostüme auswählen: {{:PVP-Kostüme}} ''Diese Kostüme sind kontogebunden, ebenso wie die Kriegsabzeichen und Belagerungsmünzen.''" Tags: Mobile edit Mobile web edit
  • curprev 21:4321:43, 6 March 2025Reeen talk contribs 10,153 bytes −35 Created page with " „Um diese Teilnahmebelohnungen zu erhalten, gibt es noch immer eine Voraussetzung, z. B. die aktive Teilnahme an WoE und kein AFK-Zustand.“"
  • curprev 21:4221:42, 6 March 2025Reeen talk contribs 10,188 bytes −51 Created page with "== Belohnungen == === Teilnahmebelohnung === Die Teilnahme an WoE SE gewährt Spielern die folgenden Belohnungen: * 5x {{#item:50084}} (je nach Teilnahme) * bis zu 500x {{#item:7773}} (je nach Teilnahme) Weitere {{#item:50084}} werden je nach Folgendem belohnt: * Emp Break * Castle Defense Streak (+ extra, wenn Emp nicht gebrochen wurde)"
  • curprev 21:4221:42, 6 March 2025Reeen talk contribs 10,239 bytes −112 Created page with "==== Warlock ==== * {{#skill:2213}} will deal -70% damage * Magical Intoxication status decreases the resistances against all elemental attacks by 5% for 20 seconds. * {{#skill:2214}} will deal -30% damage * {{#skill:2202}} will deal -50% damage" Tags: Mobile edit Mobile web edit
  • curprev 21:4221:42, 6 March 2025Reeen talk contribs 10,351 bytes −56 Created page with "==== Shadow Chaser ==== * {{#skill:2299}} releases its target the moment it gets removed by other skill"
  • curprev 21:4121:41, 6 March 2025Reeen talk contribs 10,407 bytes −448 Created page with "==== Ranger ==== * {{#skill:2236}} will deal -50% damage and have -4 cells range * {{#skill:382}} will deal -30% damage * {{#skill:5002}} can be removed by Dispell, Clearance, Banishing Buster"
  • curprev 21:4121:41, 6 March 2025Reeen talk contribs 10,855 bytes −111 Created page with "==== Genetic ==== * {{#skill:2477}} will deal -50% Damage * {{#skill:2478}} will not increase speed movement past WoE Buff speed * {{#skill:2483}}: ** Levels 1-5 will deal the same damage as levels 6-10, have a 2 second cooldown cap and will remove floor effects ** Levels 6-10 will have no cooldown cap and will not remove floor effects"
  • curprev 21:4121:41, 6 March 2025Reeen talk contribs 10,966 bytes −112 Created page with "* Plant protocoll 700 HP"
  • curprev 21:4121:41, 6 March 2025Reeen talk contribs 11,078 bytes −40 Created page with "* Größe, Rasse, Klasse und Langstreckenresistenz sind auf 90 % begrenzt."
  • curprev 21:4121:41, 6 March 2025Reeen talk contribs 11,118 bytes −25 Created page with "=== Resistenzen ==="
  • curprev 21:4121:41, 6 March 2025Reeen talk contribs 11,143 bytes −56 Created page with "{| class="wikitable" |- style="background-color:#E1C7C1;" | Type || % |- | Normal Attacks|| 92% |- | Skills|| 96% |}" Tags: Mobile edit Mobile web edit
  • curprev 21:4021:40, 6 March 2025Reeen talk contribs 11,199 bytes −56 Created page with "== Ausrüstungs-Verleih-System == n/a"
  • curprev 21:4021:40, 6 March 2025Reeen talk contribs 11,255 bytes −103 Created page with "== Mechanics =="
  • curprev 21:4021:40, 6 March 2025Reeen talk contribs 11,358 bytes −75 Created page with "=== Skills === {| class="wikitable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" style="width: 100%;text-align:center;" |- style="background-color:#E1C7C1;" | colspan="4" | Disabled Skills |- | {{#skillDesc:26}} | {{#skillDesc:27}} | {{#skillDesc:87}} | {{#skillDesc:150}} |- | {{#skillDesc:219}} | {{#skillDesc:336}} | {{#skillDesc:361}} | {{#skillDesc:462}} |- | {{#skillDesc:395}} | {{#skillDesc:409}} | {{#skillDesc:410}} | {{#skillDesc:491}} |- | {{#skillDesc:530}} | {{#skillDesc:69..."
  • curprev 21:4021:40, 6 March 2025Reeen talk contribs 11,433 bytes −56 Created page with "=== Equipment ==="
  • curprev 21:4021:40, 6 March 2025Reeen talk contribs 11,489 bytes −56 Created page with "* {{#icon:300245}} All MVP Cards * {{#icon:300245}} All Episode 20 Cards * {{#item:12103}} * {{#item:604}} * {{#item:605}} * {{#item:12218}} * {{#item:14590}} * {{#item:12710}} * {{#item:23475}} * {{#item:100008}} * {{#item:14766}} * {{#item:100007}} * {{#item:50082}} * {{#item:50035}} (and all Potions contained within) * {{#item:50036}} (and all Potions contained within)"
  • curprev 21:4021:40, 6 March 2025Reeen talk contribs 11,545 bytes −100 Created page with " * Keine Allianzen * Charaktere pro Hauptkonto auf allen Burgkarten sind auf 1 begrenzt * Charaktere pro Gilde auf allen Burgkarten sind auf 12 begrenzt" Tags: Mobile edit Mobile web edit
  • curprev 21:4021:40, 6 March 2025Reeen talk contribs 11,645 bytes −90 Created page with "=== Guild ==="
  • curprev 21:4021:40, 6 March 2025Reeen talk contribs 11,735 bytes −23 Created page with "=== Statusbezogen ==="
  • curprev 21:4021:40, 6 March 2025Reeen talk contribs 11,758 bytes −10 Created page with " * Burgregion 1 Andlangr: Sonntags 15:00 Serverzeit"
  • curprev 21:3921:39, 6 March 2025Reeen talk contribs 11,768 bytes −93 Created page with " === Spielerhandbücher === Handbücher, die von der Community erstellt werden."
  • curprev 21:3921:39, 6 March 2025Reeen talk contribs 11,861 bytes −89 Created page with "=== Community === Betreten Sie unseren PvP-Discord-Server, um die neuesten Informationen, bevorstehenden Änderungen und laufenden Diskussionen zu allen Themen rund um PvP zu erhalten. * https://discord.gg/FFcSMwg64Y"
  • curprev 21:3921:39, 6 March 2025Reeen talk contribs 11,950 bytes −30 Created page with " == Übersicht == Die zweite Ausgabe des War of Emperium-Systems ist für alle Klassen außer dem 4. Beruf mit einem Höchstlevel von 200."
  • curprev 21:3921:39, 6 March 2025Reeen talk contribs 11,980 bytes −93 Created page with " == Regeln == Durch die Teilnahme an WoE SE stimmen Sie den PvP-Regeln zu." Tags: Mobile edit Mobile web edit
  • curprev 21:3921:39, 6 March 2025Reeen talk contribs 12,073 bytes +12,073 Created page with "WoE SE"