Winter Event

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Winter Event

To enter the winter event @go xmas and walk to the blue portal which is waiting for you (xmas 128, 165).

In this event you have to kill several monster waves before they destroy the emperium.
- teamplay!
- teamplay!!
- teamplay!!!


If you are not yet clear about how and when to trigger the special (forest) wave of monsters, please refrain from entering the west gate near the Emperium. Wait for other players to trigger that wave, and only enter the forest after you see the announcement: "A horde is nearing from the forest!"

Event Basics

In this event, your objective is to defeat several waves of monsters before they can destroy the Emperium. For helpful tips, refer to Elisia's General Autocasting Guide. Note that some skills are disabled during this event.

Disabled Items

Monster waves will appear simultaneously from the south and east. There are barricades separating them from the Emperium, located in the southern, eastern, and central areas. The best way to deal with the waves is to eliminate all monsters before they reach the barricades. There are 10 waves total, each subsequent wave gets stronger. All mobs are plant protocol, meaning they only take 1 damage from all sources. Their HP scales with the number of participating players.

Mobs can inflict chaos, crystallization, and freezing. To avoid freezing, use the 4105.png Marc Card (4105) . To avoid chaos, use 4087.png Giearth Card (4087) or 300236.png Intrepid Giearth Card (300236) . High VIT reduces the duration of crystallization.

Important: If there are Mystcases in a wave, prioritize them. They self-destruct in an AoE explosion that one-shots the Emperium, barricades, and nearby players.
Amount of healing on barricades is limited to one HP per cast (use turbo here for quick spam).

Special Wave

The special forest wave is both risky and rewarding. Unlike other waves, there are no barricades to protect the Emperium from monsters. This wave also includes Mystcases that can destroy the Emperium in a single explosion. However, summoning this wave is necessary to obtain the 41026.png Winter Event Box (41026) reward.

Only summon the forest wave if you see enough players around ready to defend the west gate and protect or heal the Emperium, and only summon if this has been previously agreed upon in the map chat.

How to Trigger

You can summon the forest wave once the 3rd wave is announced, or at any time later but only until the final 10th wave is announced. The most common tactic is to summon it as soon as possible, once enough players gather near the west gate.

The wave is triggered by exiting town through the west gate into the forest. Only a player who has previously won the event can trigger the forest wave. Once a player triggers the wave, the Lumberjack NPC in the forest announces the player's name, so the player takes responsibility. Please, coordinate with everyone in map chat first before triggering it!


Everyone in the event receives the participation reward: 15x 50000.png Muh Coin (50000) and 5x 25655.png Event Coin (25655) . This is a default reward available regardless of the outcome, everyone gets it even if the defense fails.

By defeating 10 waves from the south and east, players earn 50x 50000.png Muh Coin (50000) and 25x 25655.png Event Coin (25655) .

To receive the 41026.png Winter Event Box (41026) , players must additionally summon and defeat the special forest wave, usually triggered after the wave 2, then defeat the remaining south and east waves. 41026.png Winter Event Box (41026) contains random rewards, including the winter event costumes.

Good luck hunting for costumes, everyone!~


Fashion Point Winter

The following costumes can be purchased at the FP Winter Vending Machine in our Fashion Paradise (muh_mark_in 77, 349).

Category 1
31432.png Costume Floating Ice (31432) 31905.png Costume Snow Ice Hair (31905)
20240.png Costume Gift of Snow (20240) 61167.png Costume Snow Monster Hood (61167)
61169.png Costume Ice Servant Circlet (61169) 60804.png Costume Snow Owl (60804)
400074.png Costume Lost Time (black) (400074) 31588.png Costume Snowflake on Head (31588)
60803.png Costume Snow Bunny (60803) 400558.png Costume Snowman Experience (400558)

Event Coin Shop

The following costumes can be purchased from Snowi in our Fashion Paradise (muh_mark_in 64, 329).
Each costume costs 150x 25655.png Event Coin (25655) .

Costumes 2024
60819.png Costume Teddy Ear Muffs (60819) 90254.png Costume Star Wing (90254)
61104.png Costume Ribbon Cape (Blue) (61104) 90432.png Costume Starlight Cape (blue) (90432)
61120.png Costume Dark Heart Ribbon (61120) 400100.png Costume Leon Wig (400100)
61269.png Costume Winged Halo (61269) 400258.png Costume Wanderer Curl (400258)
90130.png Costume Glacial Wing (blue) (90130) 61510.png Costume Winter Teddy Hat (61510)

Video Guide

🎥 Video Guide: Winter Event (Walkthrough / Tips / Mechanics)
Need help mastering the Winter Event? This video guide will walk you through everything, from navigating the Christmas Village to fighting monster waves and unlocking rewards. Whether you're a newcomer or a veteran, this guide has you covered!

LINK: (Credits to Miyu)