Translations:Temple God/48/de

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Heroic Ring

The 2981.png Heroic Ring (2981) can be purchased with 30 6684.png Token Of Hero (6684) by the NPC Hero Token Exchanger.
(moro_cav 32, 73)

The 2981.png Heroic Ring (2981) can be enchanted and reset enchantments with 6684.png Token Of Hero (6684) by the NPC Expert Enchanter Byrnes.
(moro_cav 34, 65)

Heroic Ring Enchantment

There are 4 slots available to enchant, Byrnes will ask you what kind of enchant category you want for each slot.
Once chosen, Byrnes will give a random enchant from the desired category.
To reset the enchant, you need to give him 3 6684.png Token Of Hero (6684) .
Be careful since resetting means wiping ALL ENCHANT SLOTS.
Below is the enchant category available for each slot and each respective enchants:

Slot 1 Slot 2 Slot 3 Slot 4
Stats Random Enchant Stats Random Enchant Stats Random Enchant Stats Random Enchant
STR +1~+5 ATK +1%~+5% MAX HP +1%~+5% DEF +3 +6 +9 +12 +15
INT +1~+5 MATK +1%~+5% MAX SP +25 +50 +75 +100 +150 MDEF +1 +2 +3 +4 +5
AGI +1~+5
VIT +1~+5
DEX +1~+5
LUK +1~+5