Translations:Temple God/47/de

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Prize of Hero

The equipment listed below are attainable only through opening Prizes of Hero. They all require Base Level 160 to be worn, and each of the armor pieces are exclusive to their respective classes. The footgear items are wearable by all classes.

Item Description
15093.png Heroic Plate [1] (15093) Honorable plate given to those who fought Satan Morocc. There is strong power that protects this plate.
MaxHP +5%
MaxSP +5%
ATK +10
MATK +10
HIT +10
FLEE +10
Increases damage of Banishing Point by 10%.
Increases damage of Storm Blast by 10%.
Random chance to auto-cast Level 10 Heal or Level 10 Stormgust when dealing physical damage.
chance is increased with a higher Refine Level.
Class Restrictions:
Rune Knight and Royal Guard
Type: Armor
Position: Armor
Defense: 120
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 400
Required Level: 160
15095.png Heroic Judgement Shawl [1] (15095) Honorable robe given to those who fought Satan Morocc. The robe is enhanced with powers to increase concentration and spirit, occasionally it will release unpredictable attacks.
MaxHP +5%
MaxSP +5%
ATK +10
MATK +10
HIT +10
FLEE +10
Increases damage of Dragon Combo, Sky Net Blow and Earth Shaker by 10%.
Increases damage of Judex and Adoramus by 10%.
Random chance to auto-cast Level 1 Lex Aeterna when performing magical attacks.
chance is increased with a higher Refine Level.
Random chance to auto-cast Level 10 Kyrie Eleison when performing physical attacks.
chance is increased with a higher Refine Level.
Class Restrictions:
Archbishop and Sura
Type: Armor
Position: Armor
Defense: 77
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 50
Required Level: 160
15094.png Heroic Magic Coat [1] (15094) Honorable magic coat given to those who fought Satan Morocc. The power of this robe changes based on Refine Level.
MaxHP +5%
MaxSP +5%
MATK +10
FLEE +10
Increases damage of Crimson Rock and Psychic Wave by 10%.
If the Refine Level is an odd number, protects from skill cast interruption and the Variable Casting Time is increased by 20%.
If the Refine Level is an even number, MDEF +1 and the Variable Casting Time is reduced by 1% for every 2 Refine Level.
Class Restrictions:
Warlock and Sorcerer
Type: Armor
Position: Armor
Defense: 50
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 80
Required Level: 160
15098.png Heroic Target Suit [1] (15098) Honorable suit given to those who fought Satan Morocc. This clothes makes its wearer to attack faster.
All Basic Stats +1
MaxHP +5%
MaxSP +5%
Increases Ranged Physical Damage by 3%.
Random chance to auto-cast Level 10 Improve Concentration or Level 10 Double Strafe when dealing physical damage.
auto-cast rate is increased depend on Refine Level.
Class Restrictions:
Ranger, Minstrel and Wanderer
Type: Armor
Position: Armor
Defense: 60
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 20
Required Level: 160
15097.png Heroic Hidden Clothes [1] (15097) Honorable clothes given to those who fought Satan Morocc. This clothes exerts the power of wearer.
MaxHP +5%
MaxSP +5%
Increases damage of Fatal Manace, Triangle Shot by 10%.
Increases damage of Cross Impact and Cross Ripper Slasher by 10%.
Random chance to increase Critical by 20, FLEE by 20, physical damage against all classes by 10% and MATK by 10% for 10 seconds when dealing physical damage.
chance is increased depend on Refine Level.
Class Restrictions:
Guillotine Cross and Shadow Chaser
Type: Armor
Position: Armor
Defense: 70
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 20
Required Level: 160
15096.png Heroic Trade Mail [1] (15096) Honorable trade mail given to those who fought Satan Morocc. This mail enhances wearer abilities.
MaxHP +5%
MaxSP +5%
ATK +10
MATK +10
Random chance to inflict Stun, Poison, Silence, Curse status on the target when dealing physical damage.
chance is increased depend on Refine Level.
Base STR at least 90:
For each 2 Refine Levels:
STR +1
Base INT at least 90:
For each 2 Refine Levels:
INT +1
Base VIT at least 90:
For each 2 Refine Levels:
VIT +1
Base AGI at least 90:
For each 2 Refine Levels:
AGI +1
Base DEX at least 90:
For each 2 Refine Levels:
DEX +1
Base LUK at least 90:
For each 2 Refine Levels:
LUK +1
Class Restrictions:
Mechanic and Genetic
Type: Armor
Position: Armor
Defense: 100
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 50
Required Level: 160
22035.png Heoric Nepenthes Shoes [1] (22035) This technology will help you to be faster. Made with nepenthes leaves, known for their effect to alleviate muscle tension.
Decreases Variable Casting Time by 10%.
Refine Level +8:
Decreases Variable Casting Time by additional 5%.

For each Refine Level above +8:
Decreases Variable Casting Time by additional 1%. (Upt to +10)
Refine Level +11:
Decreases Variable Casting Time by additional 3%.

For each Refine Level above +11:
Decreases Variable Casting Time by additional 3%. (Up to +13)

Type: Armor
Position: Shoes
Defense: 10
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 30
Required Level: 160
22036.png Heroic Silver Fox Leather Boots [1] (22036) A boots made of silver fox fur that able to increase wearer's traction.
Increases Ranged Physical Damage by 5%.
For each Refine Level equal or above +8:
Increases Ranged Physical Damage by additional 1%.
(Up to +13)

Type: Armor
Position: Shoes
Defense: 15
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 30
Required Level: 160
22037.png Heroic Ungoliant Upgrade Boots [1] (22037) Boots stained with body fluids Ungoliant extract that may improve the capacity to Reduces concentration.
Decreases SP Consumption by 5%.
For each Refine Level equal or above +8:
Decreases SP Consumption by additional 1%.
(Up to +13)

Type: Armor
Position: Shoes
Defense: 10
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 30
Required Level: 160