Translations:Miyu's Magical Adventures Mage Guide/402/en
1 Desert Wolf Card (4082)
|An egg in which a Desert Wolf pet rests.
Can be hatched by using a Pet Incubator.
When intimacy is Awkward or Shy:
Int + 1
MaxSP + 50
When intimacy is Neutral:
Int + 2
MaxSP + 75
When intimacy is Cordial:
Int + 3
MaxSP + 105
Increases earth property magical damage by 3%.
When intimacy is Loyal:
Int + 4
MaxSP + 130
Increases earth property magical damage by 5%.
Diet: Pet Food
Type: PetEgg
Position: Unknown
Dokebi (1110)
| Old Broom (637)
|An egg in which a Dokebi cute pet rests.
Can be hatched by using a Pet Incubator.
When intimacy is Cordial:
MATK +1%
When intimacy is Loyal:
MATK +2%
Diet: Pet Food
Type: Petegg
Position: Unknown
Familiar (1005)
| Assorted Fruit Trap (101331)
|An egg in which a Familiar pet rests. Can be hatched by using a Pet Incubator.
When intimacy is Cordial:
INT +3
Increases resistance to Curse status by 10%.
When intimacy is Loyal:
INT +5
Increases resistance to Curse status by 20%.
Diet: Complex Fruit Juice
Type: PetEgg
Position: Unknown
Giant Hornet (1303)
|Evolved Hornet
80x Honey (518)
50x Royal Jelly (526)
200x Honey Pot (7121)
300x Hard Feeler (7163)
10x Hornet Card (4019)
|An egg that contains a Giant Hornet Pet.
Can be hatched by using a Pet Incubator.
When intimacy is Awkward or Shy
Decreases Variable Casting Time by 2%.
When intimacy is Neutral
Decreases Variable Casting Time by 3%.
When intimacy is Cordial
Decreases Variable Casting Time by 4%.
Increases Magical Damage with Wind element by 3%.
When intimacy is Loyal
Decreases Variable Casting Time by 5%.
Increases Magical Damage with Wind element by 5%.
Diet: Pet Food
Type: PetEgg
Position: Unknown
Gloom Under Night (1768)
|Evolved Hodremlin
3 Agav Card (4409)
3 Echio Card (4410)
3 Isilla Card (4412)
3 Hodremlin Card (4413)
3 Seeker Card (4414)
50 Will of the Darkness (7340)
|An egg in which a Gloom Under Night pet rests.
Can be hatched by using a Pet Incubator.
When intimacy is Awkward:
MATK +10
When intimacy is Neutral:
MATK +20
When intimacy is Cordial:
MATK +30
Increases Magical Damage with Ghost and Fire element by 5%.
When intimacy is Loyal:
MATK +40
Increases Magical Damage with Ghost and Fire element by 7%.
Diet: Luxurious Pet Food
Type: Petegg
Position: Unknown
Hornet (1004)
| Beehive Box (102723)
|An egg that contains a Giant Hornet Pet.
Can be hatched by using a Pet Incubator.
When intimacy is Cordial
Decreases Variable Casting Time by 1%.
Increases Magical Damage with Wind element by 1%.
When intimacy is Loyal
Decreases Variable Casting Time by 2%.
Increases Magical Damage with Wind element by 2%.
Diet: Apple Pudding
Type: PetEgg
Position: Unknown
Copo (21965)
| Chubby Ice Gangu (102202)
|An egg that contains a Copo Pet.
Can be hatched by using a Pet Incubator.
When intimacy is Cordial, Atk + 1%, Matk + 1%.
When intimacy is Loyal, Atk + 2%, Matk + 2%.
Diet: Pet Food
Type: PetEgg
Position: Unknown
Mutating White Knight (20574)
- OGH CM Machine
- Egg drops from Mutated White Knight
|An egg that contains a Mutating White Knight Pet.
Can be hatched by using a Pet Incubator.
When intimacy is Cordial, Atk + 1%, Matk + 1%.
When intimacy is Loyal, Atk + 2%, Matk + 2%.
Diet: Pet Food
Type: PetEgg
Position: Unknown
Munak (1026)
| No Recipient (636)
|An egg in which a Munak cute pet rests.
Can be hatched by using a Pet Incubator.
When intimacy is Cordial:
INT +1
DEF +1
When intimacy is Loyal:
INT +2
DEF +2
Diet: Pet Food
Type: Petegg
Position: Unknown
Miyabi Ningyo (1404)
| Girl Doll (12366)
|An egg in which a Miyabi Ningyo cute pet rests.
Can be hatched by using a Pet Incubator.
When intimacy is Cordial:
INT +1
Decreases Variable Casting Time by 3%.
When intimacy is Loyal:
INT +2
Decreases Variable Casting Time by 5%.
Diet: Well Ripened Berry
Type: Petegg
Position: Unknown
Rigid Nightmare Terror (20373)
|Evolved Nightmare Terror
100 Blue Herb (510)
100 Shell (935)
500 Burning Horseshoe (7120)
1 Nightmare Terror Card (4166)
| An egg in which a Rigid Nightmare Terror pet rests.
Can be hatched by using a Pet Incubator.
When intimacy is Awkward:
INT +1
When intimacy is Neutral:
INT +2
When intimacy is Cordial:
INT +3
MaxSP +1%
Prevents Sleep status.
When intimacy is Loyal:
INT +4
MaxSP +3%
Prevents Sleep status.
Diet: Pet Food
Type: Petegg
Position: Unknown
Roween (1782)
| Stinky Rotten Meat (23258)
| An egg in which a Roween cute pet rests.
Can be hatched by using a Pet Incubator.
When intimacy is Cordial:
Increases Magical Damage with Wind element by 2%.
When intimacy is Loyal:
Increases Magical Damage with Wind element by 3%.
Diet: Rotten Meat
Type: Petegg
Position: Unknown
Willow (1010)
| Old Tree's Dew (23257)
|An egg in which a Willow cute pet rests.
Can be hatched by using a Pet Incubator.
When intimacy is Cordial:
INT +2
When intimacy is Loyal:
INT +3
Diet: Fine-grained Trunk
Type: Petegg
Position: Unknown
White Knight (20390) ⭐️
|Evolved Mutated White Knight
100 Shiny Round Shell (25509)