Translations:Miyu's Magical Adventures Mage Guide/26/en

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Power (POW) [Useless]
▷ As mentioned earlier, this stat offers no practical benefit for Mages, so it's best to avoid investing in it.
Status physical attack increases by 5 per point.
P.ATK increases by 1 per 3 points.

Stamina (STA) [Optional]
▷ This trait stat boosts physical resistance (RES). While not highly recommended, it can be useful for hybrid builds.
RES increases by 1 per point.
RES increases by 5 per 3 points.

Wisdom (WIS) [Optional]
▷ This trait stat increases magic resistance (MRES). Similar to Stamina, it's not highly recommended but can be useful for hybrid builds.
MRES increases by 1 per point.
MRES increases by 5 per 3 points.

Spell (SPL) [Essential]
▷ This is your primary trait stat, directly increasing your status magic attack and Spell Magic Attack (S.MATK).
Status Magic Attack increases by 5 per point.
S.MATK increases by 1 per 3 points.

Concentration (CON) [Essential]
▷ This secondary trait stat increases accuracy (HIT), evasion (FLEE), physical attack (P.ATK), and Spell Magic Attack (S.MATK).
S.MATK increases by 1 per 5 points.

Creative (CRT) [Useless]
▷ As with Power, this stat provides no significant benefit for Mages, so it is best to avoid it.
H.PLUS increases by 1 per point.
C.RATE increases by 1 per 3 points.