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[[Category:Elemental Master]]
[[Category:Elemental Master]]
[[File:Elemental Master Chibi.v3.png|thumb|320x320px|Male and Female Elemental Master]]
<div style="float:right; margin-left:20px;">
{| class="infobox" style="border: 1px solid grey;
! colspan=2 style="background:#80EF80;"| <center> [[File:Elemental Master Class Icon.png]] <big> Elemental Master </big></center>
| colspan=2 style="text-align:center; color:red;" | [[File:Elemental Master Official Artwork.png|280px]]
| style="width:10em;" | '''Job Base(s):'''
|| [[The_Complete_Elemental_Master_Guide_by_Goldie#Sorcerer|Sorcerer]]
| '''Job Type:'''
| 4-2
| '''Job Level:'''
| 60
| '''Number of Skills:'''
| 18
| '''Total Skill Points:'''
| 246
| '''Total Quest Skills:'''
| 0
! colspan=2 style="background:#80EF80;" | <big> Job Bonuses </big>
| colspan=2 |
{| style="width:100%;"
| '''STR'''
| '''AGI'''
| '''VIT'''
| '''INT'''
| '''DEX'''
| '''LUK'''
| +4
| +4
| +8
| +14
| +10
| +5
! colspan=2 style="background:#80EF80;" | <big> Talent Bonuses </big>
| colspan=2 |
{| style="width:100%;"
| '''POW'''
| '''STA'''
| '''WIS'''
| '''SPL'''
| '''CON'''
| '''CRT'''
| +3
| +8
| +8
| +14
| +6
| +3
'''<big>Elemental Master</big>''' (<small>''abbrev''.</small> as '''<big>EM</big>''') is the 4th class of the [[The_Complete_Elemental_Master_Guide_by_Goldie#Sage|Sage]], [[The_Complete_Elemental_Master_Guide_by_Goldie#Professor|Professor]], and [[The_Complete_Elemental_Master_Guide_by_Goldie#Sorcerer|Sorcerer]] line-up. It's a versatile class that can be played as DPS, tank, support, or whatever your preference is. It is arguably one of the strongest magical class at the moment.  
'''<big>Elemental Master</big>''' (<small>''abbrev''.</small> as '''<big>EM</big>''') is the 4th class of the [[The_Complete_Elemental_Master_Guide_by_Goldie#Sage|Sage]], [[The_Complete_Elemental_Master_Guide_by_Goldie#Professor|Professor]], and [[The_Complete_Elemental_Master_Guide_by_Goldie#Sorcerer|Sorcerer]] line-up. It's a versatile class that can be played as DPS, tank, support, or whatever your preference is. It is arguably one of the strongest magical class at the moment.  

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== Introduction ==
== Introduction ==
[[File:Elemental Master Chibi.v3.png|center|320x320px|Male and Female Elemental Master]]
You're probably wondering why you should play Elemental Master at all. In this section, I'll be pointing out key points of both its pros and cons to help you get ready for the class, get yourself accustomed to it, and decide as early as now if you still wanna pursue playing the class after knowing its strengths and weaknesses. But first, let me share some of my wild and wistful unfiltered diaristic expression marked with brutal honesty about the class in the past in relation to now.  
You're probably wondering why you should play Elemental Master at all. In this section, I'll be pointing out key points of both its pros and cons to help you get ready for the class, get yourself accustomed to it, and decide as early as now if you still wanna pursue playing the class after knowing its strengths and weaknesses. But first, let me share some of my wild and wistful unfiltered diaristic expression marked with brutal honesty about the class in the past in relation to now.  



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