Mango's guide to leveling and farming with SA: Difference between revisions

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Farming charts
(Farming charts)
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* At this point, dump all your trait points into SPL and you'll see that you're easily doing more than 1 million damage, while still wearing Paradise gear. That's it for the levelling, folks!
* At this point, dump all your trait points into SPL and you'll see that you're easily doing more than 1 million damage, while still wearing Paradise gear. That's it for the levelling, folks!

== What to farm, when and how ==
== The journey to becoming a farming machine ==

=== Earlygame ===
=== Earlygame ===
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==== Complete some easy upgrades ====
==== Complete some easy upgrades ====
Note: Due to recent changes in drop rate in illusion dungeons, these upgrades are not THAT easy anymore, but I still consider them valid and worth getting. It just takes longer now.
If you've been following what I said up until now, you should be missing a few gear pieces. To farm these, I recommend spending Eden Coins on {{#item:12264}}. As you've seen, it's not hard to get them and they'll save you a lot of time.
If you've been following what I said up until now, you should be missing a few gear pieces. To farm these, I recommend spending Eden Coins on {{#item:12264}}. As you've seen, it's not hard to get them and they'll save you a lot of time.

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=== Endgame ===
=== Endgame ===
It's a bit hard to pinpoint exactly where the endgame begins. Some people consider they're only in the endgame when they're farming the hardest content there is, some people would say they're in the endgame when they start making pieces of gear that they're not going to replace and I'm sure there's other definitions. I'll just consider everything after this point a part of the endgame for the purpose of sectioning the guide.
== Farming chart ==
{| class="wikitable mw-collapsible"
!Farming location
!Expected zeny per bubblegum
!Required damage
!Recommended gear to farm comfortably
|10-20 million
|Eden gear will do
|Gefenia can be a very good farming spot, but SA is not the right class for it. That being said, you'll make good use of this dungeon at the start. Great for Eden Coins early game.
|Istana Cave
|10-20 million
|Eden gear will do
|Income totally depending on selling Elunium to other players. If you have 20% increased drop chance you can skip using Bubblegum, since bbg drop rate is capped at 90% and you'll reach that much with just gear.
|Illusion Underwater
|10-30 million
|Grace set + Glacial weapon
|Still a good spot early. Most of your zeny will come from making +10 certificates and raw zeny from killing mobs. Deliver the quest everytime up until 15 times a day, to get extra illusion stones.
|Old Thanatos 7-12
|20-30 million
|Eden gear will do
|Great for early zeny, great for early Eden Coins. One of my favourite spots to farm the first day or two of playtime. Use guyak to farm here and try to minimize the time you spend in town. You can use kafra cards from the eden vending machine and @storeall to speed up the farming a lot.
|Oz Dungeon 2
|20-40 million
|Glacial weapon + Convertible magical wing
|Main source of zeny is Amethyst Fragments, so the income is not instantaneous, as you'll have to sell them to players in #trade or via merchant shop. Good spot to start building up some Shadowdecon and Zelunium, although not great for it. Possible to skip guyak if you just teleport + Leap. The more fragments you get per bbg, the more income, but you'll start at around 400 only, so there's a big range. Money made also depends on fragment price, but it should always oscillate close to 40k.
|Snake's Nest
|25-45 million
|Glacial weapon + midgame gear
|Here you can get Etel Dust, Dim Glacier Weapon Box and Flower Petals, mostly. You can either sell the weapon boxes directly to NPC, or recycle the weapons to get Dim Glacier materials to sell to other players. Materials net you more zeny, but selling directly to NPC is faster.
|New Thanatos 12
|30-45 million
|Glacial weapon + Convertible magical wing
|Great spot if there's not many people, but unfortunately it tends to get toxic in here as it's a very small map. Mostly raw zeny, with some Shadowdecon and Zelunium drops. Guyak mandatory because of enemies casting Agi Down. Don't go to town and walk back every time you have to sell, or half of your time is wasted. Use kafra cards + @storeall or a Tool Dealer Bell from the Muh Shop.
|Clock Tower Basement
|30-50 million
|Dimensions combo + Ignore MDEF shadow gear + midgame armor
|This is one of the first great spots to farm Shadowdecon and Zelunium. Equipment dropped here also sells for decent amounts to NPC.
|Niffleheim Dungeon 2
|30-60 million
|Dimensions combo + Ignore MDEF shadow gear + midgame armor
|Main source of income here will be Bloody Brances, followed by the selling of equipment the monsters here drop, and then some extra from Etel Dust, Shadowdecons and Zeluniums.
|Biosphere A
|40-60 million
|Endgame gear
|Monsters here have 90% damage reduction, so you won't be able to farm comfortably until you have very good gear. Main income is essences, followed by equipment sold to tool dealer, raw zeny from killing mobs and Shadowdecon and Zelunium. Each Biosphere has a daily quest that you can do 15 times for extra loot, and I only recommend farming here if you're doing these.
|Mjolnir Underground Cave
|30-90 million
|Dimensions combo + Ignore MDEF shadow gear + midgame armor + pasana card
|One of the best spots to farm. Main source of income here is Bloody Branches. All enemies that are not Timbers should be only killed as collateral damage. All you should care about killing is those little blue guys. Set up a killcount with "@kc timbers 1" before starting, and when you're done check how many Timbers you killed with "@kc status". You should be aiming for  approximately 1500 Timbers per 30min. As you replace pieces of gear for increased loot gear, you'll get more out of this dungeon. Additionally you'll get around 200 Shadowdecon and Zelunium and very good zeny per monster killed.
|Biosphere Temple
|35-90 million
|Endgame gear
|One of the best spots. Main source of income here is the high amount of Zelunium and Shadowdecon, followed by very high amounts of zeny per mob killed. As SA, you can average 600 Shadowdecon and 550 Zelunium per 30min once you have decent gear, although you'll probably start at around 300 of each.
|Garden of Time Zones
|Endgame gear
|Currently great spot, as the Wrath of Polluted ???? materials are very sought after. Zone 1 also drops materials for Grading, which is a bonus. Zone 2 has better Wrath of Polluted ???? drops. Zones should only be farmed while the respective contamination event is going on.

== Things I wish I knew from the start ==
== Things I wish I knew from the start ==


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