The Performer's Life By Conga Lyne: Difference between revisions

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When jitterbug activates, it increases your damage towards neutral element enemies by 200%; and by extension betelguese.<br>
When jitterbug activates, it increases your damage towards neutral element enemies by 200%; and by extension betelguese.<br>
This will let you shred him with ease and contribute effectively to your party's damage output.
This will let you shred him with ease and contribute effectively to your party's damage output.
|Hall of Life (DPS)
|10b dps
|All items
|Varies depending on market price.</br>
Hall of Life is currently the most difficult content in the game and you should have the strongest gear you can get before attempting to run it.<br>
If you do decide to run, as a performer you'll have two jobs: DPS and support.<br>
If you're a male performer then you should get Apple of Idun and use it in combination with friggs song to boost the party's health; if you're a female performer then you can use a Soul Linker to access the Apple of Idun song. Just be weary that you'll need the Bard and Dancer soul link before Golem soul, as golem soul will override it.<br>
Make sure everyone has friggs song and even more importantly than that dodge everything.<br>
Even if you think you can tank an attack don't, everytime someone gets hit Rigel will get stronger, so make sure you dodge everything.<br>
Additionally try to have at least 200k hp, you can achieve this with the aforementioned songs as well as using {{#item:11592}} to boost your health further.<br>
You may also prefer to use a card that boosts your health in either your garment or headgear slot such as {{#item:4573}} or {{#item:3000174}}, items from Alice Twisted Madness can also be enchanted for further HP boosts but are not ideal.<br>
Try to stay connected to your devotion target at all times and avoid dying at all costs.<br>
This instance is a group effort so you'll need a strong team to reach the higher levels.



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