The Performer's Life By Conga Lyne: Difference between revisions

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Combined with raw zeny earned from killing monsters, you can easily boost this up to 67m zeny per hour.
Combined with raw zeny earned from killing monsters, you can easily boost this up to 67m zeny per hour.
|Challenge Old Glast Heim
|Constellation Tower (Support)
|100m dps
|0m dps
|{{#item:25866}}, {{#item:25867}}
|All items
|Varies depending on market price.</br>
|Varies depending on market price.</br>
As of writing, 21 fragments can be consistently gained per run at Challenge 10.</br>
As of writing, CT stat fragment are in '''very high demand''' and will be for the foreseeable future.<br>
Assuming they're sold at 600,000 zeny each, this can earn 12.6m zeny per run</br>
You may need to get off performer temporarily, as Cardinal & Shadow Cross are in very high demand in Constellation Tower instances and require minimal gear.<br>
Additional item drops such as temporal circlet, spell fragments, temporal gemstones and NPC vendable items like {{#item:6610}} and {{#item:6609}} can also add to the zeny per run.</br>
Cardinal is desired for their buffs & healing the tank with Mediale Votum, while SX is in demand for their dark claw ability, which disabled the damage reflection from the Max Pain status Betelguese will cast.<br>
You will need to play the easier tiers to unlock the more difficult levels of the instance with more rewards, so you may need to do a few runs before you can gain the full rewards from this instance.
However if you're lucky, they may take you in even as an ungeared support performer, because Unlimited Humming Voice is a very powerful buff for magic dps.
|Niflheim Dungeon Floor 2
|Niflheim Dungeon Floor 2
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Like in the party section, I recommend using @aloottype +6, along with @autoloot 0 and @alootid +41245|1001555|1001556 to only pick up the useful crafting ingredients in this dungeon.
Like in the party section, I recommend using @aloottype +6, along with @autoloot 0 and @alootid +41245|1001555|1001556 to only pick up the useful crafting ingredients in this dungeon.
|Constellation Tower (DPS)
|5b dps
|All items
|Varies depending on market price.</br>
As of writing, CT stat fragment are in '''very high demand''' and will be for the foreseeable future.<br>
5b dps may sound like a high bar to reach at first but it is easily achievable with the {{#item:27109}} combo.<br>
When jitterbug activates, it increases your damage towards neutral element enemies by 200%; and by extension betelguese.<br>
This will let you shred him with ease and contribute effectively to your party's damage output.



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