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=== Insignia System ===
The insignias are an integral part of an Elemental Master's core gameplay, mechanics, and skill set. They impart offensive and defensive buffs to both the Elemental Master and Spirits, giving them strong advantage in fights against MVPs. They are divided into four (4) skills consisting of '''<span style="color:red;">{{#skill:2465}}</span>''', '''<span style="color:blue;">{{#skill:2466}}</span>''', '''<span style="color:green;">{{#skill:2467}}</span>''', and '''<span style="color:brown;">{{#skill:2468}}</span>''', each of which have three (3) levels that give different effects. On paper, insignias look complicated to understand but once you've  broken-down the utility for each one of them, you'll soon realize that they are actually pretty simple to understand. In most situations, insignias can only be realistically used in fights where your enemy only stands in one place such as MVP fights or boss fights. This is where the difficulty curve of the skills scales. Proper placement of insignias are important and knowing where and when to place them. It carefully needs patience, coordination, and setup and has a high skill requirement.
Here, I will be explaining more in-depth the Insignia system and I hope at the end of this section you can finally start incorporating the insignias in your gameplay as an EM.
{| class="wikitable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" border="1" style="width: 75%;"
! colspan="4" |<big>INSIGNIAS</big>
| style="background-color:#F79A9A;" |<center>'''{{#skill:2465}}'''</center>
| style="background-color:#B2D1FF;" |<center>'''{{#skill:2466}}'''</center>
| style="background-color:#D6EFD6;" |<center><nowiki/>'''{{#skill:2467}}'''</center>
| style="background-color:#E7E0C8;" |<center>'''{{#skill:2468}}'''</center>
| style="background-color:#F79A9A;" |'''Level 1''':
* Boosts Agni's ATK by 20%.
* Doubles Agni's natural recovery.
<small>Requires 1 {{#item:6360}}to cast.</small>
| style="background-color:#B2D1FF;" |'''Level 1''':
* Boosts Aqua's ATK by 20%.
* Doubles Aqua's natural recovery.
<small>Requires 1 {{#item:6361}}to cast.</small>
| style="background-color:#D6EFD6;" |'''Level 1''':
* Boosts Ventus's ATK by 20%.
* Doubles Ventus's natural recovery.
<small>Requires 1 {{#item:6362}}to cast.</small>
| style="background-color:#E7E0C8;" |'''Level 1''':
* Boosts Tera's ATK by 20%.
* Doubles Tera's natural recovery.
<small>Requires 1 {{#item:6363}}to cast.</small>
| style="background-color:#F79A9A;" |'''Level 2''':
* +50 ATK.
* +10% ATK
* Endows weapon with the Fire property.
<small>Requires 2 {{#item:6360}}to cast.</small>
| style="background-color:#B2D1FF;" |'''Level 2''':
* +10% Recovery effect
* +10% ATK
* Endows weapon with the Water property.
<small>Requires 2 {{#item:6361}}to cast</small>
| style="background-color:#D6EFD6;" |'''Level 2''':
* +10% ASPD
* +10% ATK
* Endows weapon with the Wind property.
<small>Requires 2 {{#item:6362}}to cast.</small>
| style="background-color:#E7E0C8;" |'''Level 2''':
* +500 MaxHP & +50 DEF
* Boost ATK by 10%.
* Endows weapon with the Earth property.
<small>Requires 2 {{#item:6363}}to cast.</small>
| style="background-color:#F79A9A;" |'''Level 3''':
* +50 MAtk
* +25% Fire property magical damage
<small>Requires 3 {{#item:6360}}to cast.</small>
| style="background-color:#B2D1FF;" |'''Level 3:'''
* Reduces VCT by 30% of Water property magical skills
* +25% Water property magical damage
<small>Requires 3 {{#item:6361}}to cast.</small>
| style="background-color:#D6EFD6;" |'''Level 3''':
* +50% ACD on Wind property skills
* +25% Wind property magical damage
<small>Requires 3 {{#item:6362}}to cast.</small>
| style="background-color:#E7E0C8;" |'''Level 3''':
* +50 MaxSP & +50 MDef
* +25% Earth property magical damage
<small>Requires 3 {{#item:6363}}to cast.</small>
=== What are Insignias & How to Use Them ===
[[File:Insignia AoE.png|center|thumb|389x389px|From left to right. 3x3 AoE of Fire, Water, Wind, & Earth Insignia.]]
Okay, we'll be starting first with the actual area of effect (AoE) of insignias. All four insignias have an <s>abysmal</s> short AoE of 3x3, and they are not used in a normal field farming scenario. They are used practically in "long" MVP fights. When placing insignias underneath an MVP, you'll always have to consider the distance between you and the MVP. Since an insignia has a 3x3 AoE, you'd want the MVP to be as close to you as possible to maximize its AoE. Additionally, insignias are stationary and can't be freely readjusted unlike your LP since it has a 1 minute cooldown. In line with this, only one of each elemental insignia can be placed at a time and each level of the elemental insignias don't share the same cooldown. You'll have to decide which level of insignias you're gonna use. If you've placed your insignias on the wrong cell, you will have to wait for a minute before it's off CD so don't recklessly cast your insignias all over the place. There's also no visual indicator if an MVP is standing or affected by your insignias. Timing and strategic estimation are important in placing an insignia.
The elemental insignias are also divided into '''three (3) levels''', each of which gives different buffs and debuffs. '''Level 1s''' are typically used to "debuff" the MVP standing on its AoE. '''Level 2s''' are for physical-oriented classes where they can stand on it to benefit from its "buffing effect" but that doesn't necessarily mean it can't be placed underneath the MVP too so you can maximize its "buffing effect" on you and its  "debuffing effect"  on the MVP (we'll talk more about what this as we push through). '''Level 3s''' are for the magic-oriented classes and just like Level 2s, it can be placed both on you and the MVP to full capitalize on the insignia's "buffing and debuffing effects."
'''Note''': '''ANY''' units standing inside the insignias will benefit from its effects including monsters and MVPs.
Furthermore, insignias provide one of the strongest debuff in the game. Each insignia has the ability to '''boost the counter element''' no matter which level you use. For example, if you use '''<span style="color:red;">{{#skill:2465}}</span>''' at any level, '''any units''' '''inside''' the insignias' 3x3 AoE will take 50% more damage against <span style="color:blue;">Water</span> elemental attacks. If EMs are standing inside the <span style="color:red;">Fire</span> insignias' AoE, they, too, will receive increased damage against <span style="color:blue;">Water</span> elemental attacks of the MVP. This rings true for the other elemental insignias. Okay this part is important, now if you use a '''Lvl. 2''' '''<span style="color:green;">{{#skill:2467}}</span>''' in a party because you have a melee class user and you plan on buffing him with its buffing effects ('''Endow weapon with the <span style="color:green;">Wind</span> property''', +10% ASPD & +10% ATK),  and since he is in melee range and you need to adjust so both of you stand inside <span style="color:green;">Wind</span> insignia as well as the MVP and you have a '''<span style="color:blue;">{{#skill:2466}}</span>''' placed underneath both of you and the MVP; the MVP will also have its weapon element endowed to <span style="color:green;">Wind</span> which means his attacks will hit like a truck and could possibly kill you both since you 2 are standing on a <span style="color:blue;">Water</span> insignia. This can be prevented if you just used a '''Lvl. 3''' '''<span style="color:green;">{{#skill:2467}}</span>''' instead and that way you could have avoided endowing the MVP's weapon to <span style="color:green;">Wind</span>. Conversely, if you wanna tank Lasgand's basic attacks, and you happen to use <span style="color:darkred;">Ardor</span> on '''Lvl. 2''' '''{{#skill:2456}}''' ('''Defensive Mode''')  you can place a '''Lvl. 2''' '''<span style="color:red;">{{#skill:2465}}</span>''' underneath Lasgand to forcibly endow his weapon attack to the <span style="color:red;">Fire</span> element so you can tank his hits head on.
So again, <u>be mindful and strategic as to how you will place your insignias and which level of insignias you're gonna use</u>.
Apart from those, each insignias also has the ability to heal or damage any unit by 1% HP every 5 seconds depending on their element. It will heal any units with the same element and damage any units with the opposite element. For example, if you have your High Elemental <span style="color:chocolate;">Terremotus</span> endow your armor to the <span style="color:brown;">Earth</span> property and you are standing on an Earth Insignia, you will heal 1% of your HP every 5 seconds. This goes both ways for the MVP too. If an <span style="color:brown;">Earth</span> element MVP like Maya is standing on your '''<span style="color:brown;">{{#skill:2468}}</span>''', she will also heal 1% HP of her HP, though this can be countered if you place a '''<span style="color:red;">{{#skill:2465}}</span>''', underneath her to nullify the healing effects of the elemental insignias. You can also use this effect for offensive measures too. If you're fighting a <span style="color:red;">Fire</span> element MVP like Ifrit, you can place '''<span style="color:blue;">{{#skill:2466}}</span>''' underneath him so he'll get damaged over time by taking away 1% of his HP. 
[[File:Insignia.Stand.png|center|thumb|386x386px|'''Level 3 Earth Insignia'''. MVP within range to debuff it and buff yourself with Earth Insignia.]]
Insignias can be overlapped with one another and I mean all four (4) of them. When you want to benefit from all effects of the insignias, you must be standing at least in one of the three (3) cells available. It doesn't matter which cells you stand on so long as you and the MVP are within its AoE. Depending how far apart the MVP away from you, it's ideal you place the insignias you wanna use to purely debuff the MVP underneath him. If you plan to use an insignia both offensively and defensively, you can place it in the middle between you and the MVP so that way you are debuffing him and at the same time buffing yourself. Remember that some insignias give good effects for you too (i.e. '''Lvl. 3''' '''<span style="color:brown;">{{#skill:2468}}</span>''' can give you +50 '''MDef''' and +25% <span style="color:brown;">Earth</span> property magical damage like in the image above).
=== Land Protector & Insignia Interaction ===
[[File:LP-Insignia.v2.png|thumb|557x557px|center|LP-Insignia interaction.]]
Now, let's talk about the interaction of insignias with Land Protector. Oftentimes, you will find yourself needing to place LP as a defensive layer to protect you and your Spirits from getting wiped out. But at the same time, you still want to place your insignias to speed up the fight. Well, you can do just that but it will require technique, patience, and a thorough understanding of the interaction between LP and Insignia. First, decide which level of LP you're gonna be using. If you still remember in the [[The_Complete_Elemental_Master_Guide_by_Goldie#Land_Protector|LP section]] of this guide, we've talked about how it's ideal to use Lvls. 1-2 LP when you're soloing instead of Lvls. 3-5. Well here, we're gonna be discussing the importance of one's [[The_Complete_Elemental_Master_Guide_by_Goldie#Proper_Placement_of_Land_Protector|mindful placement of LP]].
In the image above, '''11x11 LP''' despite adjusting the placement of LP three (3) cells below you, the MVP is still inside the AoE of your 11x11 LP which makes it impossible for you to put your insignias underneath the MVP. Meanwhile for the '''9x9 LP''' after readjusting the LP three (3) cells below you, the MVP is ''still'' inside LP's AoE and you still can't place your insignias underneath the MVP. Now look on the '''7x7 LP''', after readjusting the LP three (3) cells below you the MVP is now outside of LP and finally you can safely place your insignias, but this is the maximum limit you can go for and one wrong estimation and adjustment of your LP can determine the fate of you and your Spirit.
With all of those things considered, having a '''leeway''' or '''freedom to carefully readjust LP''' is always the safest decision to do when you're in a rigid scenario. In such cases, you'd either be in a panic or in a rush that I am sure you won't have the time to count cells and accurately place your LP below you! What I'm trying to say now is, always think ahead and give yourself a bit of freedom to readjust your LP should you encounter problems such as this. 7x7 LP proves to be more flexible than 9x9 and 11x11 and 7x7 fulfills this condition in most scenarios. If you're in a party and you have a tank, let the the tank go outside the LP and let him be the meat shield, then you can use 11x11 or 9x9 to your heart's content. You have a party to protect so prioritize that and you have tank to get the aggro, and you have freedom to safely place your insignias underneath the MVP.

==Elemental Master==
==Elemental Master==
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* Casual and General Farming
* Casual and General Farming
==Insignia System==
The insignias are an integral part of an Elemental Master's core gameplay, mechanics, and skill set. They impart offensive and defensive buffs to both the Elemental Master and Spirits, giving them strong advantage in fights against MVPs. They are divided into four (4) skills consisting of '''<span style="color:red;">{{#skill:2465}}</span>''', '''<span style="color:blue;">{{#skill:2466}}</span>''', '''<span style="color:green;">{{#skill:2467}}</span>''', and '''<span style="color:brown;">{{#skill:2468}}</span>''', each of which have three (3) levels that give different effects. On paper, insignias look complicated to understand but once you've  broken-down the utility for each one of them, you'll soon realize that they are actually pretty simple to understand. In most situations, insignias can only be realistically used in fights where your enemy only stands in one place such as MVP fights or boss fights. This is where the difficulty curve of the skills scales. Proper placement of insignias are important and knowing where and when to place them. It carefully needs patience, coordination, and setup and has a high skill requirement.
Here, I will be explaining more in-depth the Insignia system and I hope at the end of this section you can finally start incorporating the insignias in your gameplay as an EM.
{| class="wikitable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" border="1" style="width: 75%;"
! colspan="4" |<big>INSIGNIAS</big>
|style="background-color:#F79A9A;" |<center>'''{{#skill:2465}}'''</center>
|style="background-color:#B2D1FF;" |<center>'''{{#skill:2466}}'''</center>
|style="background-color:#D6EFD6;" |<center><nowiki/>'''{{#skill:2467}}'''</center>
|style="background-color:#E7E0C8;" |<center>'''{{#skill:2468}}'''</center>
| style="background-color:#F79A9A;" |'''Level 1''':
* Boosts Agni's ATK by 20%.
* Doubles Agni's natural recovery.
<small>Requires 1 {{#item:6360}}to cast.</small>
|style="background-color:#B2D1FF;" |'''Level 1''':
* Boosts Aqua's ATK by 20%.
* Doubles Aqua's natural recovery.
<small>Requires 1 {{#item:6361}}to cast.</small>
|style="background-color:#D6EFD6;" |'''Level 1''':
* Boosts Ventus's ATK by 20%.
* Doubles Ventus's natural recovery.
<small>Requires 1 {{#item:6362}}to cast.</small>
|style="background-color:#E7E0C8;" |'''Level 1''':
* Boosts Tera's ATK by 20%.
* Doubles Tera's natural recovery.
<small>Requires 1 {{#item:6363}}to cast.</small>
| style="background-color:#F79A9A;" |'''Level 2''':
* +50 ATK.
* +10% ATK
* Endows weapon with the Fire property.
<small>Requires 2 {{#item:6360}}to cast.</small>
|style="background-color:#B2D1FF;" |'''Level 2''':
* +10% Recovery effect
* +10% ATK
* Endows weapon with the Water property.
<small>Requires 2 {{#item:6361}}to cast</small>
|style="background-color:#D6EFD6;" |'''Level 2''':
* +10% ASPD
* +10% ATK
* Endows weapon with the Wind property.
<small>Requires 2 {{#item:6362}}to cast.</small>
|style="background-color:#E7E0C8;" |'''Level 2''':
* +500 MaxHP & +50 DEF
* Boost ATK by 10%.
* Endows weapon with the Earth property.
<small>Requires 2 {{#item:6363}}to cast.</small>
|style="background-color:#F79A9A;" |'''Level 3''':
* +50 MAtk
* +25% Fire property magical damage
<small>Requires 3 {{#item:6360}}to cast.</small>
|style="background-color:#B2D1FF;" |'''Level 3:'''
* Reduces VCT by 30% of Water property magical skills
* +25% Water property magical damage
<small>Requires 3 {{#item:6361}}to cast.</small>
|style="background-color:#D6EFD6;" |'''Level 3''':
* +50% ACD on Wind property skills
* +25% Wind property magical damage
<small>Requires 3 {{#item:6362}}to cast.</small>
|style="background-color:#E7E0C8;" |'''Level 3''':
* +50 MaxSP & +50 MDef
* +25% Earth property magical damage
<small>Requires 3 {{#item:6363}}to cast.</small>
=== What are Insignias & How to Use Them ===
[[File:Insignia AoE.png|center|thumb|389x389px|From left to right. 3x3 AoE of Fire, Water, Wind, & Earth Insignia.]]
Okay, we'll be starting first with the actual area of effect (AoE) of insignias. All four insignias have an <s>abysmal</s> short AoE of 3x3, and they are not used in a normal field farming scenario. They are used practically in "long" MVP fights. When placing insignias underneath an MVP, you'll always have to consider the distance between you and the MVP. Since an insignia has a 3x3 AoE, you'd want the MVP to be as close to you as possible to maximize its AoE. Additionally, insignias are stationary and can't be freely readjusted unlike your LP since it has a 1 minute cooldown. In line with this, only one of each elemental insignia can be placed at a time and each level of the elemental insignias don't share the same cooldown. You'll have to decide which level of insignias you're gonna use. If you've placed your insignias on the wrong cell, you will have to wait for a minute before it's off CD so don't recklessly cast your insignias all over the place. There's also no visual indicator if an MVP is standing or affected by your insignias. Timing and strategic estimation are important in placing an insignia.
The elemental insignias are also divided into '''three (3) levels''', each of which gives different buffs and debuffs. '''Level 1s''' are typically used to "debuff" the MVP standing on its AoE. '''Level 2s''' are for physical-oriented classes where they can stand on it to benefit from its "buffing effect" but that doesn't necessarily mean it can't be placed underneath the MVP too so you can maximize its "buffing effect" on you and its  "debuffing effect"  on the MVP (we'll talk more about what this as we push through). '''Level 3s''' are for the magic-oriented classes and just like Level 2s, it can be placed both on you and the MVP to full capitalize on the insignia's "buffing and debuffing effects."
'''Note''': '''ANY''' units standing inside the insignias will benefit from its effects including monsters and MVPs.
Furthermore, insignias provide one of the strongest debuff in the game. Each insignia has the ability to '''boost the counter element''' no matter which level you use. For example, if you use '''<span style="color:red;">{{#skill:2465}}</span>''' at any level, '''any units''' '''inside''' the insignias' 3x3 AoE will take 50% more damage against <span style="color:blue;">Water</span> elemental attacks. If EMs are standing inside the <span style="color:red;">Fire</span> insignias' AoE, they, too, will receive increased damage against <span style="color:blue;">Water</span> elemental attacks of the MVP. This rings true for the other elemental insignias. Okay this part is important, now if you use a '''Lvl. 2''' '''<span style="color:green;">{{#skill:2467}}</span>''' in a party because you have a melee class user and you plan on buffing him with its buffing effects ('''Endow weapon with the <span style="color:green;">Wind</span> property''', +10% ASPD & +10% ATK),  and since he is in melee range and you need to adjust so both of you stand inside <span style="color:green;">Wind</span> insignia as well as the MVP and you have a '''<span style="color:blue;">{{#skill:2466}}</span>''' placed underneath both of you and the MVP; the MVP will also have its weapon element endowed to <span style="color:green;">Wind</span> which means his attacks will hit like a truck and could possibly kill you both since you 2 are standing on a <span style="color:blue;">Water</span> insignia. This can be prevented if you just used a '''Lvl. 3''' '''<span style="color:green;">{{#skill:2467}}</span>''' instead and that way you could have avoided endowing the MVP's weapon to <span style="color:green;">Wind</span>. Conversely, if you wanna tank Lasgand's basic attacks, and you happen to use <span style="color:darkred;">Ardor</span> on '''Lvl. 2''' '''{{#skill:2456}}''' ('''Defensive Mode''')  you can place a '''Lvl. 2''' '''<span style="color:red;">{{#skill:2465}}</span>''' underneath Lasgand to forcibly endow his weapon attack to the <span style="color:red;">Fire</span> element so you can tank his hits head on.
So again, <u>be mindful and strategic as to how you will place your insignias and which level of insignias you're gonna use</u>.
Apart from those, each insignias also has the ability to heal or damage any unit by 1% HP every 5 seconds depending on their element. It will heal any units with the same element and damage any units with the opposite element. For example, if you have your High Elemental <span style="color:chocolate;">Terremotus</span> endow your armor to the <span style="color:brown;">Earth</span> property and you are standing on an Earth Insignia, you will heal 1% of your HP every 5 seconds. This goes both ways for the MVP too. If an <span style="color:brown;">Earth</span> element MVP like Maya is standing on your '''<span style="color:brown;">{{#skill:2468}}</span>''', she will also heal 1% HP of her HP, though this can be countered if you place a '''<span style="color:red;">{{#skill:2465}}</span>''', underneath her to nullify the healing effects of the elemental insignias. You can also use this effect for offensive measures too. If you're fighting a <span style="color:red;">Fire</span> element MVP like Ifrit, you can place '''<span style="color:blue;">{{#skill:2466}}</span>''' underneath him so he'll get damaged over time by taking away 1% of his HP. 
[[File:Insignia.Stand.png|center|thumb|386x386px|'''Level 3 Earth Insignia'''. MVP within range to debuff it and buff yourself with Earth Insignia.]]
Insignias can be overlapped with one another and I mean all four (4) of them. When you want to benefit from all effects of the insignias, you must be standing at least in one of the three (3) cells available. It doesn't matter which cells you stand on so long as you and the MVP are within its AoE. Depending how far apart the MVP away from you, it's ideal you place the insignias you wanna use to purely debuff the MVP underneath him. If you plan to use an insignia both offensively and defensively, you can place it in the middle between you and the MVP so that way you are debuffing him and at the same time buffing yourself. Remember that some insignias give good effects for you too (i.e. '''Lvl. 3''' '''<span style="color:brown;">{{#skill:2468}}</span>''' can give you +50 '''MDef''' and +25% <span style="color:brown;">Earth</span> property magical damage like in the image above).
=== Land Protector & Insignia Interaction ===
[[File:LP-Insignia.v2.png|thumb|557x557px|center|LP-Insignia interaction.]]
Now, let's talk about the interaction of insignias with Land Protector. Oftentimes, you will find yourself needing to place LP as a defensive layer to protect you and your Spirits from getting wiped out. But at the same time, you still want to place your insignias to speed up the fight. Well, you can do just that but it will require technique, patience, and a thorough understanding of the interaction between LP and Insignia. First, decide which level of LP you're gonna be using. If you still remember in the [[The_Complete_Elemental_Master_Guide_by_Goldie#Land_Protector|LP section]] of this guide, we've talked about how it's ideal to use Lvls. 1-2 LP when you're soloing instead of Lvls. 3-5. Well here, we're gonna be discussing the importance of one's [[The_Complete_Elemental_Master_Guide_by_Goldie#Proper_Placement_of_Land_Protector|mindful placement of LP]].
In the image above, '''11x11 LP''' despite adjusting the placement of LP three (3) cells below you, the MVP is still inside the AoE of your 11x11 LP which makes it impossible for you to put your insignias underneath the MVP. Meanwhile for the '''9x9 LP''' after readjusting the LP three (3) cells below you, the MVP is ''still'' inside LP's AoE and you still can't place your insignias underneath the MVP. Now look on the '''7x7 LP''', after readjusting the LP three (3) cells below you the MVP is now outside of LP and finally you can safely place your insignias, but this is the maximum limit you can go for and one wrong estimation and adjustment of your LP can determine the fate of you and your Spirit.
With all of those things considered, having a '''leeway''' or '''freedom to carefully readjust LP''' is always the safest decision to do when you're in a rigid scenario. In such cases, you'd either be in a panic or in a rush that I am sure you won't have the time to count cells and accurately place your LP below you! What I'm trying to say now is, always think ahead and give yourself a bit of freedom to readjust your LP should you encounter problems such as this. 7x7 LP proves to be more flexible than 9x9 and 11x11 and 7x7 fulfills this condition in most scenarios. If you're in a party and you have a tank, let the the tank go outside the LP and let him be the meat shield, then you can use 11x11 or 9x9 to your heart's content. You have a party to protect so prioritize that and you have tank to get the aggro, and you have freedom to safely place your insignias underneath the MVP.



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