Solfernia's guide to multi-client farming: Difference between revisions

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Heriloom explanation, daily reward, etc etc
Getting started:
Pc and wide monitor/2-3 monitors
Windows settings
2 folders settings
3, 5, and 8 clients
Alt + m commands, lastearp, nc ns
The right click magic, so it doesn’t break your auto follow.
Consumables needed:
Giant flywing 1 hour
Alts jobs(performers, priest and biolo)
Most important is biolo, as their homunculus let you take aggro immediately after using giant flywing, while your characters are still on a 5 seconds invulnerable state.
Side note you can choose any classes you want like 7 imperial guard abd etc rtc, butif you want to tackle multi clienting on harder content like depth 1(300 kills) and depth 2, I suggest to get those classes.
Save point: a town that lets you see the daily quest without moving. Ie. Lasagna town.
Starting out:
Illusion dungeon:
You can do all illusion dg except for abyss
Rewards: illu stones and heirloom
Rewards: elu ori heirloom
Thanatos 7-12
Rewards: piece of sin, good will and heirlooms
Rewards: Dynite and heirlooms
Rewards: lava essence and heirloom
Vardmunt dungeon lost valley
Rewards: varmeal ticket and heirloom
Now on the hardier parts
All biosphere
Rewards: essences and heirlooms
Depth 1
Rewards: d1 stuffs, reputation and heirlooms
Rewards: d2 stuffs, rep abd heirlooomsszs


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