The Complete Elemental Master Guide by Goldie: Difference between revisions

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*<span style="color:purple;">Serpens</span> for the most part is only really used for Varmundt's Biosphere Depth 2.
*<span style="color:purple;">Serpens</span> for the most part is only really used for Varmundt's Biosphere Depth 2.
*In Depth 2, all the mobs, with the exception of the Valkyrie, are made up of <span style="color:red;">Fire</span>, <span style="color:blue;">Water</span>, <span style="color:green;">Wind</span>, and <span style="color:brown;">Earth</span> properties, and if you still remember from the previous section we've talked about how <span style="color:purple;">Poison</span> is strong against the 4 basic elements. Levels 1 & 2 monsters of these elements take '''150% damage''' against <span style="color:purple;">Poison</span>, while Levels 3 & 4 mobs receive '''125% damage'''. <span style="color:purple;">Serpens</span> is perfect for this dungeon.
*<span style="color:purple;">Serpens</span> outside of Depth 2 is not technically bad; you may still use him but there are just better High Elementals for those areas. <span style="color:purple;">Poison</span> element is also mostly for coverage where it's there to hit the mobs that the 4 basic elements resist.
*When using Serpens, avoid using '''Lvl. 2''' '''{{#skill:2456}}''' ('''Defensive Mode)'''. While <span style="color:purple;">Poison</span> element is strong offensively against <span style="color:red;">Fire</span>, <span style="color:blue;">Water</span>, <span style="color:green;">Wind</span>, and <span style="color:brown;">Earth</span>, it is also weak against them defensively. If you endow your armor to <span style="color:purple;">Poison</span>, you'll receive '''125% damage'''~'''150% damage'''. Better to just leave him in Passive Mode or Waiting Mode.
* [[Varmundt's Biosphere Depth 2]]
* [[Varmundt's Biosphere Depth 2]]
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'''<center><span style="color:darkblue;">DILUVIO</span></center>'''
'''<center><span style="color:darkblue;">DILUVIO</span></center>'''
*<span style="color:darkblue;">Diluvio</span> is best used for places like '''Thanatos Tower Flr. 12''' where <span style="color:blue;">Water</span> element damages all mobs there, '''Constellation Tower''' for surviving the 2nd Phase's <span style="color:blue;">Water</span>-elemental traps and resist the 3rd Phase's <span style="color:red;">Fire</span>-elemental traps, and on '''Varmundt's Biosphere (Fire & Soul)''' where <span style="color:blue;">Water</span> hits the hardest.
*Use the skill '''Lvl. 2''' '''{{#skill:2456}}''' ('''Defensive Mode)''', so you can endow your armor to the Water property. That way, you could survive Constellation Tower.
*<span style="color:darkblue;">Diluvio</span> is a close contender for '''The Immortal instance''' next to <span style="color:darkred;">Ardor</span>, she can withstand Lasgand's '''{{#skill:83}}s''' and''' {{#skill:89}}''' skill. Use her if <span style="color:darkred;">Ardor</span> is died and your skill to summon him is on CD.
* [[Constellation Tower]]
* [[Constellation Tower]]
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'''<center><span style="color:chocolate;">TERREMOTUS</span></center>'''
'''<center><span style="color:chocolate;">TERREMOTUS</span></center>'''
*<span style="color:chocolate;">Terremotus</span> placed a bit higher than <span style="color:limegreen;">Procella</span>. You must be surprised as to why the neglected <span style="color:brown;">Earth</span> element weighs more importance, but that's because he is honestly really strong in '''Varmundt's Biosphere (Temple)'''. Two of the mobs there are <span style="color:green;">Wind 4</span>, and with an <span style="color:brown;">Earth</span>-endowed '''{{#skill:5380}}''', you can pretty much kill them and Temple mobs are generally much tankier than your regular Biospheres so take advantage of those elemental weaknesses as a true Elemental Master!
*<span style="color:brown;">Earth</span> element hits all mobs too '''Thanatos Tower Flr. 11''', and one of them are <span style="color:green;">Wind</span> element.
* [ Varmundt's Biosphere (Temple)]
* [ Varmundt's Biosphere (Temple)]
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'''<center><span style="color:limegreen;">PROCELLA</span></center>'''
'''<center><span style="color:limegreen;">PROCELLA</span></center>'''
*<span style="color:limegreen;">Procella</span> is not necessarily bad but there are just better High Elementals to use in other farming maps. She performs  best in <span style="color:blue;">Water</span>-infused areas like '''Varmundt's Biosphere (Ice)'''. You can still use her though, especially if you got bored of using <span style="color:darkred;">Ardor</span> and be enamored around her gleaming elegance~
* [ Varmundt's Biosphere (Ice)]
* [ Varmundt's Biosphere (Ice)]


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