Maikoa's Magic Abyss Chaser Guide: Difference between revisions

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Line 84: Line 84:
{{#skill:5321}} - Our main source of damage, can be hard casted or autocasted when {{#skill:5317}} is activated
{{#skill:5321}} - Our main source of damage, can be hard casted or autocasted when {{#skill:5317}} is activated

Abyss Flame - Alternate source of damage. can only be hard casted and is super strong (Caster AC is now 100% viable)
{{#skill:6515}} - Alternate source of damage. can only be hard casted and is super strong (Caster AC is now 100% viable)

{{#skill:5318}} - B I G  Buff
{{#skill:5318}} - B I G  Buff


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