Choi's Magic and Support Cardinal Guide: Difference between revisions

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| Accessory (Right) || {{#item:490133}} || [[Constellation_Tower#Faint_and_Nebula_Armors|Obtained through Constellation Tower]]. <br> {{#item:310721}} or {{#item:310726}}
| Accessory (Right) || {{#item:490133}} || [[Constellation_Tower#Faint_and_Nebula_Armors|Obtained through Constellation Tower]]. <br> {{#item:310721}} or {{#item:310726}}
| Accessory (Left) || {{#item:490163}} <br> {{#item:2864}} || Hero: [[Hero's_Badge|Obtained from Biolabs 3 or 4 MVPs]]. To be paired with {{#item:470094}}. {{#item:310918}}, {{#item:4812}}, {{#item:4744}} or {{#item:4714}} <br> LoC: [[Mora_Equipment#Master_of_Relics_(Arch_Bishop)|Obtained in Mora]] {{#item: 4803}}, {{#item: 4721}}
| Accessory (Left) || {{#item:490163}} <br> {{#item:2864}} <br> {{#item:32231}} || Hero: [[Hero's_Badge|Obtained from Biolabs 3 or 4 MVPs]]. To be paired with {{#item:470094}}. {{#item:310918}}, {{#item:4812}}, {{#item:4744}} or {{#item:4714}} <br> LoC: [[Mora_Equipment#Master_of_Relics_(Arch_Bishop)|Obtained in Mora]] {{#item: 4803}}, {{#item: 4721}} <br> King Schmidt: [[King_Schmidts_Insignias|Obtained as part of Fall of Glast Heim.]] {{#item:4826}}, {{#item:4744}} or {{#item:4724}}



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