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| Weapon || EXO: +12 [A] {{#item:550089}} <br> EXO: +11 [A] {{#item: 550092}} <br> Talisman: +12 [A] {{#item:550131}} or +12 [A] {{#item:550132}} || Dim: {{#item:311458}}{{#item:311320}}{{#item:311320}} <br> Flush: {{#item:311393}}{{#item:311404}} <br> Time Dim: For the Dimensions Weapon, use the enchant you prefer.  
| Weapon || EXO: +12 [A] {{#item:550089}} <br> EXO: +11 [A] {{#item: 550092}} <br> Talisman: +12 [A] {{#item:550131}} or +12 [A] {{#item:550132}} || Dim: {{#item:311458}}{{#item:311320}}{{#item:311320}} <br> Flush: {{#item:311393}}{{#item:311404}} <br> Time Dim: For the Dimensions Weapon, use the enchant you prefer.  
| Shield || +9 to +12 [A] {{#item:460020}} <br> +10 to +12  [C] {{#item:460040}} || {{#item:310860}} or {{#item:310872}}. <br> Your choice on the enchants for the Glacier Guard.
| Shield || +9 to +12 [A] {{#item:460020}} <br> +10 to +12  [C] {{#item:460040}} || MB: {{#item:310860}} or {{#item:310872}}. <br> Glacier: Your choice on the enchants for the Glacier Guard.
| Garment || +11 [A] {{#item:480233}} <br> +11 [A] {{#item:480284}} || {{#item:310925}}{{#item:4714}} Second Slot Enchant is your choice. <br> {{#item:312157}}, {{#item:312156}}, {{#item:312136}}
| Garment || +11 [A] {{#item:480233}} <br> +11 [A] {{#item:480284}} || DRM: {{#item:310925}}{{#item:4714}} Second Slot Enchant is your choice. <br> Dim: {{#item:312157}}, {{#item:312156}}, {{#item:312136}}
| Shoe || +12 [A] {{#item:470204}} ||
| Shoe || +12 [A] {{#item:470204}} ||
| Accessory (Right) || {{#item:490136}} <br> {{#item:490304}} || {{#item:310711}}{{#item:310711}} <br> {{#item:311958}}{{#item:311998}} If you don't need the VCT Reduction from Stellar Spell Seal you can use a Temple Rune Ring instead.  
| Accessory (Right) || {{#item:490136}} <br> {{#item:490304}} || SSS: {{#item:310711}}{{#item:310711}} <br> TRR: {{#item:311958}}{{#item:311998}} If you don't need the VCT Reduction from Stellar Spell Seal you can use a Temple Rune Ring instead.  
| Accessory (Left) || {{#item:490307}} || {{#item:311958}}{{#item:311998}} Second Slot Enchant is your choice. Best is {{#item:311943}}
| Accessory (Left) || {{#item:490307}} || TMR: {{#item:311958}}{{#item:311998}} Second Slot Enchant is your choice. Best is {{#item:311943}}



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