The Performer's Life By Conga Lyne: Difference between revisions

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|[[Shadow Gear|Full Tempest Shadow Gear]] (Accessories)
|[[Shadow Gear|Full Tempest Shadow Gear]] (Accessories)<br>
|[[Shadow Gear|Full Tempest Shadow Gear]] (Accessories)
Note: You will ultimately transition into full Master Shadow Gear as it provides significantly higher damage for our class.</br>
[[Shadow Gear|Spell/Full Spell Shadow Gear]] (Weapon/Armor/Shield/Boots)
Full Tempest will be good if you need a middle ground between full master shadow gear and wanting to take of wickebine's black cat ears; as master shadow gear needs +9 on all set pieces to obtain 100% mdef pierce in order to be better than full tempest.</br>
[[Shadow Gear|Spell/Master Shadow Gear]] (All slots)
|[[Shadow Gear|Spell/Master Shadow Gear]] (All slots, metallic fury & spl enchantments)
|Costume Enchants
|Costume Enchants


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