The Performer's Life By Conga Lyne: Difference between revisions

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|100k damage with Metallic Fury
|100k damage per Metallic Fury
|Almost everything
|Almost everything
|Every item earned here is NPC vendable, it is recommended to have a fully leveled haggler pass or have a merchant character you can move your items to before selling for 24% extra zeny per item.</br>
|Every item earned here is NPC vendable, it is recommended to have a fully leveled haggler pass or have a merchant character you can move your items to before selling for 24% extra zeny per item.</br>
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You may need a {{#item:50035}} to farm here until you gain better equipment to easily deal with mobs without the need of buff items.</br>
You may need a {{#item:50035}} to farm here until you gain better equipment to easily deal with mobs without the need of buff items.</br>
Note that the monsters here have a very high amount of MDEF, so you will need some source of 100% mdef pierce to properly fight the monsters here.
Note that the monsters here have a very high amount of MDEF, so you will need some source of 100% mdef pierce to properly fight the monsters here.
|Any Varmundt BioSphere
|150m dps
|All Biosphere unique item drops</br>
For example: {{#item:1001141}}, {{#item:1000641}} and {{#item:1000638}}</br>'s_Biosphere
|Varies depending on market price.</br>
As of writing, 23m raw zeny can be earnt per hour, combined with an average of 60 essences (at 300k ea) and 200 runes (at 29k ea), it shouldn't be unreasonable to make at least 47.6m per hour with an undergeared setup.</br>
However, this is not taking into account the various Upgrade Stones which can drop from the biospheres which can be sold for additional profit.</br>
Moreso, you'll obtain a significantly high drop rate on all items once you can begin to 1-hit kill the biosphere monsters.</b>
I do not have the data for endgame zeny/hr as of writing this, but this will be updated in the future once I have more data.
Be sure to check which biosphere items sell best on the market before farming.</br>
You may need a {{#item:50035}} to farm here until you gain better equipment to easily deal with mobs without the need of buff items.</br>
Note that the monsters here have a very high amount of MDEF, so you will need some source of 100% mdef pierce to properly fight the monsters here.
|Thanatos Tower Floor 12
|7m damage per Metallic Fury
|{{#item:25729}}, {{#item:25731}} and raw zeny
|70m raw zeny per hour</br>
200 Zelunium per hour, assuming they're sold at 82,000 zeny each, gives 16.4m zeny</br>
200 Shadowdecon per hour, assuming they're sold at 38,000 zeny each, gives 7.6m zeny</br>
Combining everything together, it shouldn't be unreasonable to farm at least 94m zeny per hour here</br>
You can increase your Zelunium and Shadowdecon gained by equipping [[Increase_item_drop_gears|Item Drop Rate Gear]]</br>
To enter this area, you'll need to do a [[Thanatos_Tower|Short Quest]].


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