The Performer's Life By Conga Lyne: Difference between revisions

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Taking the raw zeny gained from killing monsters (18m) and assuming you earn 200 Zelunium sold at 85k each (17m)</br>
Taking the raw zeny gained from killing monsters (18m) and assuming you earn 200 Zelunium sold at 85k each (17m)</br>
It isn't unreasonable to gain 65m per hour on average depending on the market rate for each item.
It isn't unreasonable to gain 65m per hour on average depending on the market rate for each item.
|Varmundt Death Sphere
|100m dps
|All Biosphere unique item drops's_Biosphere
|Varies depending on market price.</br>
Most of the items dropped here won't immediately be for zeny gain, but rather for materials to work towards crafting and enchanting a {{#item:480233}}, which will be a critical piece of equipment for the endgame.</br>
You may need a {{#item:50035}} to farm here until you gain better equipment to easily deal with mobs without the need of buff items.


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