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All Odin's Past armors can be enchanted 3 times, with the final enchant (2nd slot) can be special enchanted with better effects including the newly introduced Soutane Blessings.
To enchant, you'll need to speak with Susan Grey {{#navi:hu_in01|97|322}}. She's inside the Hugel Weapon building, on the second floor.
{{#item:25767}} (dropped by the monsters in the field) and  {{#item:6909}} (can be bought via Cash Shop or [[Nyangvine_Trader]])
'''Normal Enchant (All 3 slots):'''
Cost: 3  {{#item:25767}} and 500,000 zeny
'''Special Enchant (Only for 2nd slot):'''
Cost: 3  {{#item:6909}} and 500,000 zeny
'''Refine Requirement:'''
{{#item:20947}}: +7 or above
{{#item:22209}}: +7 or above
{{#item:15397}}: +9 or above
'''Resetting Enchants'''
All Ancient Odin equipments enchants can be reset with no chance of breaking the equipment. There are 2 kinds of reset available.
'''Full Reset'''
Remove enchantments from all 3 slots.
NPC: Susan Grey {{#navi:hu_in01|97|322}}
Normal: 500,000 zeny (30% chance of failure, no break)
Expensive: 1  {{#item:6909}}
Individual Re-roll
Reset individual enchantment. You can pick which one specifically you want to remove, and a new random enchantment for the specified slot will be given.
'''To re-roll for a special enchantment for 2nd slot, you need to select the Special option when talking to the npc.'''
NPC: Odin Weapon Master {{#navi:hu_in01|99|322}}
<u>4th slot:</u> 15  {{#item:25767}} and 500,000 zeny
<u>3rd slot:</u> 50  {{#item:25767}} and 1,500,000 zeny
<u>2nd slot:</u>
Normal: 75  {{#item:25767}}, 1  {{#item:6909}} and 2,000,000 zeny
Special: 75  {{#item:25767}}, 5  {{#item:6909}} and 2,000,000 zeny
===== '''Normal Enchants''' =====
{| class="wikitable mw-collapsible" style="width: 100%;" data-mce-style="width: 100%;"
|- style="background-color:#FFE4E1; text-align: center;" data-mce-style="background-color: #daa520; text-align: center;"
| colspan="3" |Normal Enchant
| style="width: 30%;text-align: center;background-color:#FFE4E1;" data-mce-style="width: 15%;"|Second Slot
| style="width: 30%;text-align: center;background-color:#FFE4E1;" data-mce-style="width: 15%;"|Third Slot
| style="width: 30%;text-align: center;background-color:#FFE4E1;"data-mce-style="width: 10%;"|Fourth Slot
* {{#icon:4700}} Str / Agi / Dex / Vit / Int / Luk +6 ~ +8
* {{#icon:4890}} Def +12 / +18
* {{#icon:4786}} Mdef +2 / +4
* {{#icon:4861}} Max HP +3% / +5%
* {{#icon:4801}} SP +100 / +150
* {{#icon:4764}} Crit +5 / +7 / +10
* {{#icon:4762}} Flee +6 / +10
* {{#icon:4700}} Str / Agi / Dex / Vit / Int / Luk +6 ~ +8
* {{#icon:4890}} Def +12 / +18
* {{#icon:4786}} Mdef +2 / +4
* {{#icon:4861}} Max HP +3% / +5%
* {{#icon:4801}} SP +100 / +150
* {{#icon:4764}} Crit +5 / +7 / +10
* {{#icon:4762}} Flee +6 / +10
* {{#icon:4700}} Str / Agi / Dex / Vit / Int / Luk +6 ~ +8
* {{#icon:4890}} Def +12 / +18
* {{#icon:4786}} Mdef +2 / +4
* {{#icon:4861}} Max HP +3% / +5%
* {{#icon:4801}} SP +100 / +150
* {{#icon:4764}} Crit +5 / +7 / +10
* {{#icon:4762}} Flee +6 / +10
===== '''Special Enchants''' =====
{| class="wikitable mw-collapsible" style="width: 100%;" data-mce-style="width: 100%;"
|- style="background-color:#FFE4E1; text-align: center;" data-mce-style="background-color: #daa520; text-align: center;"
| colspan="2" |Soutane Blessings
|style="width: 15%; text-align: center;" data-mce-style="width: 15%;"|[[File:41076strb2.png|center|frameless]] {{#item:310076}} <br>
|style="width: 15%; text-align: center;" data-mce-style="width: 15%;"|[[File:41077agib2.png|center|frameless]] {{#item:310077}} <br>
|style="width: 15%; text-align: center;" data-mce-style="width: 15%;"|[[File:41078vitb.png|center|frameless]] {{#item:310078}} <br>
|style="width: 15%; text-align: center;" data-mce-style="width: 15%;"|[[File:41079dexb.png|center|frameless]] {{#item:310079}} <br>
|style="width: 15%; text-align: center;" data-mce-style="width: 15%;"|[[File:41080intb.png|center|frameless]] {{#item:310080}} <br>
|style="width: 15%; text-align: center;" data-mce-style="width: 15%;"|[[File:41081lukb.png|center|frameless]] {{#item:310081}} <br>
{| class="wikitable mw-collapsible" style="width: 100%;" data-mce-style="width: 100%;"
|- style="background-color:#FFE4E1; text-align: center;" data-mce-style="background-color: #daa520; text-align: center;"
| colspan="3" |Special Enchant (2nd slot only)
| style="width: 30%;text-align: center;background-color:#FFE4E1;" data-mce-style="width: 15%;"|  +7 {{#item:20947}}
| style="width: 30%;text-align: center;background-color:#FFE4E1;" data-mce-style="width: 15%;"|  +7 {{#item:22209}}
| style="width: 30%;text-align: center;background-color:#FFE4E1;"data-mce-style="width: 10%;"| +9 {{#item:15397}}
* {{#icon:4700}} Str / Agi / Dex / Vit / Int / Luk +7 ~ +8
* {{#icon:4890}} Def +18 / +20
* {{#icon:4786}} Mdef +6 / +8
* {{#icon:4861}} Max HP +3% / +5%
* {{#icon:4801}} SP +100 / +150
* {{#icon:4700}} Str / Agi / Dex / Vit / Int / Luk +7 ~ +8
* {{#icon:4890}} Def +18 / +20
* {{#icon:4786}} Mdef +6 / +8
* {{#icon:4861}} Max HP +3% / +5%
* {{#icon:4801}} SP +100 / +150
* {{#icon:4700}} Str / Agi / Dex / Vit / Int / Luk +7 ~ +8
* {{#icon:4890}} Def + 21
* {{#icon:4786}} Mdef + 10
* {{#icon:4861}} Max HP + 5%
* {{#icon:4801}} SP + 150
* {{#icon:4764}} Crit + 10
* {{#icon:4762}} Flee + 10
* {{#icon:4820}} Fighting Spirit|5|6
* {{#icon:4827}} Spell|4|5
* {{#icon:4832}} Expert Archer|4|5
* {{#icon:4816}} Sharp|4|5
* {{#icon:4807}} ASPD Lv. 3, 4
* {{#icon:310076}} Str Blessing
* {{#icon:310077}} Agi Blessing
* {{#icon:310078}} Vit Blessing
* {{#icon:310079}} Dex Blessing
* {{#icon:310080}} Int Blessing
* {{#icon:310081}} Luk Blessing

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