Shadow Gear
Schattenausrüstung kann mit Shadow (50033) und einigen anderen Gegenständen (MVP-Beute,
Zelunium (25731) ,
Shadowdecon (25729) ...) im Keller des Hauptbüros gekauft werden.
Es stehen insgesamt fünf NPCs zur Verfügung. Clark verkauft Klassen-Schattenausrüstung und Dala-Fertigkeits-Schattenausrüstung.
Eno, Gina und Milo teilen sich die restlichen kleineren Kategorien, wie das Nachladeset.
Shadow (50033) sind in
Shadow Crate (50034) enthalten.
Shadow Crate (50034) kann durch das Töten von Feld-/Dungeon-MVPs und von Rayja (main_office 84, 179) im Tausch gegen
Shadowdecon (25729) erhalten werden.
MVP-Beute, wie z. B. Fire Dragon Scale (7451) , erhält man durch das Töten von Feld-/Dungeon-MVPs, durch Öffnen von
Forgotten Heirloom (50001) oder durch Kauf von Hwaran (paramk 116, 100).
Shadow Gear:
- Kann gegen eine bessere (blaue Schattenausrüstung) eingetauscht werden. Dafür benötigst du eine Schattenschlagbox. Diese findest du in der Unterkategorie „Umbau/Upgrade“. Beim Benutzen einer Schattenschlagbox erhältst du einen zufälligen Gegenstand zurück. Du kannst ihn in derselben Kategorie gegen 1x
Shadowdecon (25729) und eine zufällige Schattenausrüstung deiner Wahl eintauschen.
- Hinweis: Schattenausrüstung der Klassen- und Fertigkeitsstufe kann nicht eingetauscht werden!
- Goldene Schattenausrüstung kann auch direkt hergestellt werden und ist in manchen Sets eine gute Alternative zur normalen Ausrüstung.
- Kann verfeinert werden, wobei jeder Verfeinerer seine eigenen Erfolgsraten hat. (Siehe: Refinement)
- Du kannst dein Glück auch mit
Hollgrehenn's Shadow Refine Hammer (23436) versuchen, das bei Rayja erhältlich ist.
- Du kannst dein Glück auch mit
- Kann verzaubert werden, weitere Informationen hier: Shadow Gear Enchanting

Shadow (50033) Austausch für Shadow Equipment Refinement/Enchantment sowie
Bloody Branch (12103) .
Rayja bietet auch Dienstleistungen im Zusammenhang mit dem Austausch und Recycling von Shadow-Geräten an.
Enchant Shop
Enchant | with ![]() |
with Zeny |
![]() |
2x | 1,000,000 |
![]() |
1x | 500,000 |
![]() |
2x | 1,000,000 |
![]() |
2x | 1,000,000 |
![]() |
2x | 1,000,000 |
![]() |
2x | 1,000,000 |
![]() |
2x | 1,000,000 |
![]() |
2x | 1,000,000 |
![]() |
2x | 1,000,000 |
![]() |
2x | 1,000,000 |
![]() |
2x | 1,000,000 |
![]() |
2x | 1,000,000 |
![]() |
4x | 2,000,000 |
![]() |
6x | 3,000,000 |
![]() |
6x | 3,000,000 |
![]() |
6x | 3,000,000 |
![]() |
6x | 3,000,000 |
Special Shop
Item | Costs |
![]() |
40x ![]() |
![]() |
150x ![]() 150x ![]() |
![]() |
5x ![]() |
![]() |
200x ![]() 5,000,000 Zeny |
![]() |
15x ![]() |
![]() |
5x ![]() 10x ![]() 1,000,000 Zeny |
![]() |
200x ![]() 200x ![]() |
![]() |
200x ![]() 200x ![]() |

Mit Shadow Exchange Ticket (1000854) kannst du ein Teil der fortgeschrittenen (blauen) Shadow-Ausrüstung gegen ein anderes Teil desselben Typs eintauschen (z. B. Maximum Mammoth Shadow gegen ein anderes Maximum Mammoth Shadow-Teil).
Die ausgetauschten Teile sind NICHT ZUFÄLLIG und garantiert. Diese werden basierend auf dem Shadow-Ausrüstungstyp zwischen allen verfügbaren Teilen ausgetauscht.
Beispiel: Maximum Mammoth:
Earring -> Boots -> Pendant -> Armor -> Earring
Recycling von Schattenausrüstung
Jede Schattenausrüstung kann hier recycelt werden. Jedes Teil gibt dir x20 Shadow (50033) zurück.
Recycle Shadow Scrolls
Für alle, die noch Class Shadow Scrolls besitzen (z. B. Doram-Shadow Scroll), tauscht Rayja diese gegen 1x Shadow Crate (50034) ein.
Applicable Scrolls:
Rune Knight Shadow Scroll (50011) ,
Arch Bishop Shadow Scroll (50012) ,
Warlock Shadow Scroll (50013) ,
Sorcerer Shadow Scroll (50014) ,
Ranger Shadow Scroll (50015) ,
Minstrel Shadow Scroll (50016) ,
Wanderer Shadow Scroll (50017) ,
Guillotine Cross Shadow Scroll (50018) ,
Mechanic Shadow Scroll (50019) ,
Royal Guard Shadow Scroll (50020) ,
Sura Shadow Scroll (50021) ,
Shadow Chaser Shadow Scroll (50022) ,
Genetic Shadow Scroll (50023) ,
Star Emperor Shadow Scroll (50024) ,
Soul Reaper Shadow Scroll (50025) ,
Kagerou Oboro Shadow Scroll (50026) ,
Rebellion Shadow Scroll (50027) ,
Super Novice Shadow Scroll (50028) ,
Doram Shadow Scroll (50029)
Exchange Shadow Books
Für alle, die noch fortgeschrittene (blaue) Shadow Gear Spellbooks besitzen, tauscht Rayja diese gegen 1x Advanced Shadow Spellbook (101177) ein.
Applicable Spellbooks: Reload Shadow Spellbook (101178) ,
Spell Caster Shadow Spellbook (101179) ,
Trait Status Shadow Spellbook (101180) ,
Advanced Shadow Spellbook (Melee) (101261) ,
Advanced Shadow Spellbook (Range) (101262) ,
Advanced Shadow Spellbook (Magic) (101264) ,
True Gemstone Shadow Spellbook (101308) ,
Experience Shadow Spellbook (101309) ,
Clever Shadow Spellbook (101310) ,
Infinity Shadow Spellbook (101311)
Major Auto Spell Shadow Spellbook (101359) ,
Hasty Shadow Spellbook (101360) ,
Durable Shadow Spellbook (101361) ,
Perfect Siye Shadow Spellbook (101362) ,
Almighty Shadow Spellbook (101564) ,
Advanced Shadow Spellbook (Support) (101260)
Job Class Shadow Gear

Für jede Class Shadow Gear benötigen Sie 80x Shadow (50033) , 5x
Fire Dragon Scale (7451) und 15x
Shadowdecon (25729) .
Rune Knight
Item | |
Arch Bishop
Item | |
Item | |
Item | |
Item | |
Item | |
Item | |
Guillotine Cross
Item | |
Item | |
Royal Guard
Item | |
Item | |
Shadow Chaser
Item | |
Item | |
Star Emperor
Item | |
Soul Reaper
Item | |
Kagerou and Oboro
Item | |
Item | |
Super Novice
Item | |
Item | |
Skill Shadow Gear

Für jede Skill Shadow-Gear benötigst du Shadow (50033) , 10x
Zelunium (25731) und 15x
Shadowdecon (25729) .
Rune Knight
Items | |
![]() A pair of gloves that can draw the wearer's potential ability. _______________________ Physical melee attacks have a low chance to auto-cast Level 3 Ignition Break. (If you have learned a higher Level, auto-cast that instead.) _______________________ Refine Level +7: Increases the chance to auto-cast Ignition Break by additional 1%. _______________________ Refine Level +9: Increases the chance to auto-cast Ignition Break by additional 2%. _______________________ When equipped with Ignition Shadow Pendant and Ignition Shadow Earring: For each Refine Level of entire set: Increases damage of Ignition Break by 1%. _______________________ When equipped with Rune Knight Shadow Shield: Ignores physical defense of every race, except Players, by 40%. For each Refine Level of entire set: Ignores physical defense of every race, except Players, by additional 1%. _______________________ Class Restrictions: Rune Knight _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Weapon Refinable Required Level: 99 |
![]() A sacred necklace which is believed to protect its wearer. It also draws the wearer's potential abilities. _______________________ Increases damage of Ignition Break by 5%. _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: Increases damage of Ignition Break by additional 2%. _______________________ Class Restrictions: Rune Knight _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Left Accessory Refinable Required Level: 99 |
![]() A sacred earring which is believed to protect its wearer. It also draws the wearer's potential abilities. _______________________ Decreases Ignition Break skill cooldown by 0.2 seconds. _______________________ For each 3 Refine Levels: Decreases Ignition Break skill cooldown by additional 0.1 seconds. _______________________ Class Restrictions: Rune Knight _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Right Accessory Refinable Required Level: 99 |
![]() A suit of armor worn on top of normal armor for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ Increases damage of Dragon Breath - Water by 5%. _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: Increases damage of Dragon Breath - Water by additional 2%. _______________________ Class Restrictions: Rune Knight _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Armor Refinable Required Level: 99 |
![]() A small shield worn on the arm for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ Increases Ranged Physical Damage by 3%. _______________________ Refine Level +7: Increases Ranged Physical Damage by additional 3%. _______________________ Refine Level +9: Increases Ranged Physical Damage by additional 4%. _______________________ When equipped with Cold Breath Shadow Armor and Cold Breath Shadow Shoes: For each 2 Refine Levels of entire set: Decreases After Cast Delay by 1%. _______________________ When equipped with Rune Knight Shadow Weapon: For each Refine Level of entire set: Increases damage of Dragon Breath - Water by 1%. _______________________ Class Restrictions: Rune Knight _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Shield Refinable Required Level: 99 |
![]() A pair of shoes worn on top of normal shoes for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ Decreases SP Consumption of Dragon Breath - Water by 2%. _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: Decreases SP Consumption of Dragon Breath - Water by additional 1%. _______________________ Class Restrictions: Rune Knight _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Shoes Refinable Required Level: 99 |
![]() A pair of gloves that can draw the wearer's potential ability. _______________________ Increases Ranged Physical Damage by 3%. _______________________ Refine Level +7: Increases Ranged Physical Damage by additional 3%. _______________________ Refine Level +9: Increases Ranged Physical Damage by additional 4%. _______________________ When equipped with Fire Breath Shadow Pendant and Fire Breath Shadow Earring: For each 2 Refine Levels of entire set: MaxHP and MaxSP by 1%. _______________________ When equipped with Rune Knight Shadow Shield: For each Refine Level of entire set: Increases damage of Dragon Breath by 1%. _______________________ Class Restrictions: Rune Knight _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Weapon Refinable Required Level: 99 |
![]() A sacred necklace which is believed to protect its wearer. It also draws the wearer's potential abilities. _______________________ Increases damage of Dragon Breath by 5%. _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: Increases damage of Dragon Breath by additional 2%. _______________________ Class Restrictions: Rune Knight _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Left Accessory Refinable Required Level: 99 |
![]() A sacred earring which is believed to protect its wearer. It also draws the wearer's potential abilities. _______________________ Decreases SP Consumption of Dragon Breath by 2%. _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: Decreases SP Consumption of Dragon Breath by additional 1%. _______________________ Class Restrictions: Rune Knight _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Right Accessory Refinable Required Level: 99 |
![]() A suit of armor worn on top of normal armor for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ Increases damage of Sonic Wave by 5%. _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: Increases damage of Sonic Wave by additional 2%. _______________________ Class Restrictions: Rune Knight _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Armor Refinable Required Level: 99 |
![]() A small shield worn on the arm for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ Increased Ranged Physical Damage by 3%. _______________________ Refine Level +7: Increased Ranged Physical Damage by additional 3%. _______________________ Refine Level +9: Increased Ranged Physical Damage by additional 4%. _______________________ When equipped with Sonic Shadow Armor and Sonic Shadow Shoes: For each Refine Level of entire set: Increases damage of Sonic Wave by 1%. _______________________ When equipped with Rune Knight Shadow Weapon: Ignores physical defense of every race, except Players, by 40%. For each Refine Level of entire set: Ignores physical defense of every race, except Players, by additional 1%. _______________________ Class Restrictions: Rune Knight _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Shield Refinable Required Level: 99 |
![]() A pair of shoes worn on top of normal shoes for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ Decreases SP Consumption of Sonic Wave by 2%. _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: Decreases SP Consumption of Sonic Wave by additional 1%. _______________________ Class Restrictions: Rune Knight _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Shoes Refinable Required Level: 99 |
Arch Bishop
Items | |
![]() A suit of armor worn on top of normal armor for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ Increases damage of Duple Light by 5%. _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: Increases damage of Duple Light by additional 2%. _______________________ Class Restrictions: Archbishop _______________________ Type: ShadowGear Position: Shadow Armor Refinable Required Level: 99 |
![]() A small shield worn on the arm for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ Increases Physical Damage against all sizes by 1% and Increases Magical Damage with Holy element by 1%. _______________________ Refine Level +7: Increases physical and magical Holy elemental damage against all sizes by additional 2%. _______________________ Refine Level +9: Increases physical and magical Holy elemental damage against all sizes by additional 2%. _______________________ When equipped with Duplex Shadow Armor and Duplex Shadow Shoes: For each Refine Level of entire set: Increases damage of Duple Light by 1%. _______________________ When equipped with Arc Bishop Shadow Weapon: Ignores physical and magical defense of all race, except Players, by 40%. For each Refine Level of entire set: Ignores physical and magical defense of all race, except Players, by additional 1%. _______________________ Class Restrictions: Archbishop _______________________ Type: ShadowGear Position: Shadow Shield Refinable Required Level: 99 |
![]() A pair of shoes worn on top of normal shoes for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ Increases Critical Damage by 5%. _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: Increases Critical Damage by additional 1%. _______________________ Class Restrictions: Archbishop _______________________ Type: ShadowGear Position: Shadow Shoes Refinable Required Level: 99 |
![]() A pair of gloves that can draw the wearer's potential ability. _______________________ Increases Magical Damage with Holy element by 3%. _______________________ Refine Level +7: Increases Magical Damage with Holy element by additional 3%. _______________________ Refine Level +9: Increases Magical Damage with Holy element by additional 4%. _______________________ When equipped with Adora Shadow Pendant and Adora Shadow Earring: For each Refine Level of entire set: Increases damage of Adoramus by 1%. _______________________ When equipped with Arc Bishop Shadow Shield: Ignores magical defense of all race, except Players, by 40%. For each Refine Level of entire set: Ignores magical defense of all race, except Players, by additional 1%. _______________________ Class Restrictions: Archbishop _______________________ Type: ShadowGear Position: Shadow Weapon Refinable Required Level: 99 |
![]() A sacred necklace which is believed to protect its wearer. It also draws the wearer's potential abilities. _______________________ Increases damage of Adoramus by 5%. _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: Increases damage of Adoramus by additional 2%. _______________________ Class Restrictions: Archbishop _______________________ Type: ShadowGear Position: Shadow Left Accessory Refinable Required Level: 99 |
![]() A sacred earring which is believed to protect its wearer. It also draws the wearer's potential abilities. _______________________ Decreases SP Consumption of Adoramus by 2%. _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: Decreases SP Consumption of Adoramus by additional 1%. _______________________ Class Restrictions: Archbishop _______________________ Type: ShadowGear Position: Shadow Right Accessory Refinable Required Level: 99 |
![]() A suit of armor worn on top of normal armor for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ Increases damage of Judex by 5%. _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: Increases damage of Judex by additional 2%. _______________________ Class Restrictions: Archbishop _______________________ Type: ShadowGear Position: Shadow Armor Refinable Required Level: 99 |
![]() A small shield worn on the arm for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ Increases Magical Damage with Holy element by 3%. _______________________ Refine Level +7: Increases Magical Damage with Holy element by additional 3%. _______________________ Refine Level +9: Increases Magical Damage with Holy element by additional 4%. _______________________ When equipped with Judex Shadow Armor and Judex Shadow Shoes: For each Refine Level of entire set: Increases damage of Adoramus by 1%. _______________________ When equipped with Arc Bishop Shadow Weapon: Ignores magical defense of all race, except Players, by 40%. For each Refine Level of entire set: Ignores magical defense of all race, except Players, by additional 1%. _______________________ Class Restrictions: Archbishop _______________________ Type: ShadowGear Position: Shadow Shield Refinable Required Level: 99 |
![]() A pair of shoes worn on top of normal shoes for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ Increases Magical Damage against all sizes by 3%. _______________________ For each 3 Refine Levels: Increases Magical Damage against all sizes by 2%. _______________________ Class Restrictions: Arch Bishop _______________________ Type: ShadowGear Position: Shadow Shoes Refinable Required Level: 99 |
![]() A pair of gloves that can draw the wearer's potential ability. _______________________ Increases Magical Damage with Holy element by 3%. _______________________ Refine Level +7: Increases Magical Damage with Holy element by additional 3%. _______________________ Refine Level +9: Increases Magical Damage with Holy element by additional 4%. _______________________ When equipped with Magnus Shadow Pendant and Magnus Shadow Earring: For each Refine Level of entire set: Increases damage of Magnus Exorcismus by 1%. _______________________ When equipped with Arc Bishop Shadow Shield: Ignores magical defense of all race, except Players, by 40%. For each Refine Level of entire set: Ignores magical defense of all race, except Players, by additional 1%. _______________________ Class Restrictions: Archbishop _______________________ Type: ShadowGear Position: Shadow Weapon Refinable Required Level: 99 |
![]() A sacred necklace which is believed to protect its wearer. It also draws the wearer's potential abilities. _______________________ Increases damage of Magnus Exorcismus by 5%. _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: Increases damage of Magnus Exorcismus by additional 2%. _______________________ Class Restrictions: Archbishop _______________________ Type: ShadowGear Position: Shadow Left Accessory Refinable Required Level: 99 |
![]() A sacred earring which is believed to protect its wearer. It also draws the wearer's potential abilities. _______________________ Decreases SP Consumption of Magnus Exorcismus by 2%. _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: Decreases SP Consumption of Magnus Exorcismus by additional 1%. _______________________ Class Restrictions: Archbishop _______________________ Type: ShadowGear Position: Shadow Right Accessory Refinable Required Level: 99 |
Items | |
![]() A suit of armor worn on top of normal armor for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ Increases damage of Jack Frost by 5%. _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: Increases damage of Jack Frost by additional 2%. _______________________ Class Restrictions: Warlock _______________________ Type: ShadowGear Position: Shadow Armor Refinable Required Level: 99 |
![]() A small shield worn on the arm for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ Increases Magical Damage with Water element by 3%. _______________________ Refine Level +7: Increases Magical Damage with Water element by additional 3%. _______________________ Refine Level +9: Increases Magical Damage with Water element by additional 4%. _______________________ When equipped with Jack Shadow Armor and Jack Shadow Shoes: For each Refine Level of entire set: Increases damage of Jack Frost by 1%. _______________________ When equipped with Warlock Shadow Weapon: Ignores magical defense of all race, except Players, by 40%. For each Refine Level of entire set: Ignores magical defense of all race, except Players, by additional 1%. _______________________ Class Restrictions: Warlock _______________________ Type: ShadowGear Position: Shadow Shield Refinable Required Level: 99 |
![]() A pair of shoes worn on top of normal shoes for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ Decreases Jack Frost skill cooldown by 0.1 second. _______________________ For each 3 Refine Levels: Decreases Jack Frost skill cooldown by additional 0.1 second. _______________________ Class Restrictions: Warlock _______________________ Type: ShadowGear Position: Shadow Shoes Refinable Required Level: 99 |
![]() A pair of gloves that can draw the wearer's potential ability. _______________________ Increases Magical Damage with Earth element by 3%. _______________________ Refine Level +7: Increases Magical Damage with Earth element by additional 3%. _______________________ Refine Level +9: Increases Magical Damage with Earth element by additional 4%. _______________________ When equipped with Strain Shadow Pendant and Strain Shadow Earring: For each Refine Level of entire set: Increases damage of Earth Strain by 1%. _______________________ When equipped with Warlock Shadow Shield: Ignores magical defense of all race, except Players, by 40%. For each Refine Level of entire set: Ignores magical defense of all race, except Players, by additional 1%. _______________________ Class Restrictions: Warlock _______________________ Type: ShadowGear Position: Shadow Weapon Refinable Required Level: 99 |
![]() A sacred necklace which is believed to protect its wearer. It also draws the wearer's potential abilities. _______________________ Increases damage of Earth Strain by 5%. _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: Increases damage of Earth Strain by additional 2%. _______________________ Class Restrictions: Warlock _______________________ Type: ShadowGear Position: Shadow Left Accessory Refinable Required Level: 99 |
![]() A sacred earring which is believed to protect its wearer. It also draws the wearer's potential abilities. _______________________ Decreases Earth Strain skill cooldown by 0.2 seconds. _______________________ For each 3 Refine Levels: Decreases Earth Strain skill cooldown by additional 0.1 second. _______________________ Class Restrictions: Warlock _______________________ Type: ShadowGear Position: Shadow Right Accessory Refinable Required Level: 99 |
![]() A suit of armor worn on top of normal armor for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ Increases damage of Crimson Rock by 5%. _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: Increases damage of Crimson Rock by additional 2%. _______________________ Class Restrictions: Warlock _______________________ Type: ShadowGear Position: Shadow Armor Refinable Required Level: 99 |
![]() A small shield worn on the arm for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ Increases Magical Damage with Fire element by 3%. _______________________ Refine Level +7: Increases Magical Damage with Fire element by additional 3%. _______________________ Refine Level +9: Increases Magical Damage with Fire element by additional 4%. _______________________ When equipped with Crimson Shadow Armor and Crimson Shadow Shoes: For each Refine Level of entire set: Increases damage of Crimson Rock by 1%. _______________________ When equipped with Warlock Shadow Weapon: Ignores magical defense of all race, except Players, by 40%. For each Refine Level of entire set: Ignores magical defense of all race, except Players, by additional 1%. _______________________ Class Restrictions: Warlock _______________________ Type: ShadowGear Position: Shadow Shield Refinable Required Level: 99 |
![]() A pair of shoes worn on top of normal shoes for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ Decreases SP Consumption of Crimson Rock by 4%. _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: Decreases SP Consumption of Crimson Rock by additional 1%. _______________________ Class Restrictions: Warlock _______________________ Type: ShadowGear Position: Shadow Shoes Refinable Required Level: 99 |
![]() A pair of gloves that can draw the wearer's potential ability. _______________________ Increases Magical Damage with Wind element by 3%. _______________________ Refine Level +7: Increases Magical Damage with Wind element by additional 3%. _______________________ Refine Level +9: Increases Magical Damage with Wind element by additional 4%. _______________________ When equipped with Chain Shadow Pendant and Chain Shadow Earring: For each Refine Level of entire set: Increases damage of Chain Lightning by 1%. _______________________ When equipped with Warlock Shadow Shield: Ignores magical defense of all race, except Players, by 40%. For each Refine Level of entire set: Ignores magical defense of all race, except Players, by additional 1%. _______________________ Class Restrictions: Warlock _______________________ Type: ShadowGear Position: Shadow Weapon Refinable Required Level: 99 |
![]() A sacred necklace which is believed to protect its wearer. It also draws the wearer's potential abilities. _______________________ Increases damage of Chain Lightning by 5%. _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: Increases damage of Chain Lightning by additional 2%. _______________________ Class Restrictions: Warlock _______________________ Type: ShadowGear Position: Shadow Left Accessory Refinable Required Level: 99 |
![]() A sacred earring which is believed to protect its wearer. It also draws the wearer's potential abilities. _______________________ Decreases SP Consumption of Chain Lightning by 4%. _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: Decreases SP Consumption of Chain Lightning by additional 1%. _______________________ Class Restrictions: Warlock _______________________ Type: ShadowGear Position: Shadow Right Accessory Refinable Required Level: 99 |
Items | |
![]() A suit of armor worn on top of normal armor for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ Increases damage of Diamond Dust by 5%. _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: Increases damage of Diamond Dust by additional 2%. _______________________ Class Restrictions: Sorcerer _______________________ Type: ShadowGear Position: Shadow Armor Refinable Required Level: 99 |
![]() A small shield worn on the arm for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ Increases Magical Damage with Water element by 3%. _______________________ Refine Level +7: Increases Magical Damage with Water element by additional 3%. _______________________ Refine Level +9: Increases Magical Damage with Water element by additional 4%. _______________________ When equipped with Dust Shadow Armor and Dust Shadow Shoes: For each Refine Level of entire set: Increases damage of Diamond Dust by 1%. _______________________ When equipped with Sorcerer Shadow Weapon: Ignores magical defense of all race, except Players, by 40%. For each Refine Level of entire set: Ignores magical defense of all race, except Players, by additional 1%. _______________________ Class Restrictions: Sorcerer _______________________ Type: ShadowGear Position: Shadow Shield Refinable Required Level: 99 |
![]() A pair of shoes worn on top of normal shoes for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ Decreases SP Consumption of Diamond Dust by 2%. _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: Decreases SP Consumption of Diamond Dust by additional 1%. _______________________ Class Restrictions: Sorcerer _______________________ Type: ShadowGear Position: Shadow Shoes Refinable Required Level: 99 |
![]() A pair of gloves that can draw the wearer's potential ability. _______________________ Increases Magical Damage with Earth element by 3%. _______________________ Refine Level +7: Increases Magical Damage with Earth element by additional 3%. _______________________ Refine Level +9: Increases Magical Damage with Earth element by additional 4%. _______________________ When equipped with Grave Shadow Pendant and Grave Shadow Earring: For each Refine Level of entire set: Increases damage of Earth Grave by 1%. _______________________ When equipped with Sorcerer Shadow Shield: Ignores magical defense of all race, except Players, by 40%. For each Refine Level of entire set: Ignores magical defense of all race, except Players, by additional 1%. _______________________ Class Restrictions: Sorcerer _______________________ Type: ShadowGear Position: Shadow Weapon Refinable Required Level: 99 |
![]() A sacred necklace which is believed to protect its wearer. It also draws the wearer's potential abilities. _______________________ Increases damage of Earth Grave by 5%. _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: Increases damage of Earth Grave by additional 2%. _______________________ Class Restrictions: Sorcerer _______________________ Type: ShadowGear Position: Shadow Left Accessory Refinable Required Level: 99 |
![]() A sacred earring which is believed to protect its wearer. It also draws the wearer's potential abilities. _______________________ Decreases Earth Grave skill cooldown by 0.2 seconds. _______________________ For each 3 Refine Levels: Decreases Earth Grave skill cooldown by additional 0.1 second. _______________________ Class Restrictions: Sorcerer _______________________ Type: ShadowGear Position: Shadow Right Accessory Refinable Required Level: 99 |
![]() A suit of armor worn on top of normal armor for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ Increases damage of Psychic Wave by 5%. _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: Increases damage of Psychic Wave by additional 2%. _______________________ Class Restrictions: Sorcerer _______________________ Type: ShadowGear Position: Shadow Armor Refinable Required Level: 99 |
![]() A small shield worn on the arm for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ Increases Magical Damage with Neutral element by 3%. _______________________ Refine Level +7: Increases Magical Damage with Neutral element by additional 3%. _______________________ Refine Level +9: Increases Magical Damage with Neutral element by additional 4%. _______________________ When equipped with Psychic Shadow Armor and Psychic Shadow Shoes: For each Refine Level of entire set: Increases damage of Psychic Wave by 1%. _______________________ When equipped with Sorcerer Shadow Weapon: Ignores magical defense of all race, except Players, by 40%. For each Refine Level of entire set: Ignores magical defense of all race, except Players, by additional 1%. _______________________ Class Restrictions: Sorcerer _______________________ Type: ShadowGear Position: Shadow Shield Refinable Required Level: 99 |
![]() A pair of shoes worn on top of normal shoes for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ Decreases SP Consumption of Psychic Wave by 4%. _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: Decreases SP Consumption of Psychic Wave by additional 1%. _______________________ Class Restrictions: Sorcerer _______________________ Type: ShadowGear Position: Shadow Shoes Refinable Required Level: 99 |
![]() A pair of gloves that can draw the wearer's potential ability. _______________________ Increases Magical Damage with Wind element by 3%. _______________________ Refine Level +7: Increases Magical Damage with Wind element by additional 3%. _______________________ Refine Level +9: Increases Magical Damage with Wind element by additional 4%. _______________________ When equipped with Varetyr Shadow Pendant and Varetyr Shadow Earring: For each Refine Level of entire set: Increases damage of Varetyr Spear by 1%. _______________________ When equipped with Sorcerer Shadow Shield: Ignores magical defense of all race, except Players, by 40%. For each Refine Level of entire set: Ignores magical defense of all race, except Players, by additional 1%. _______________________ Class Restrictions: Sorcerer _______________________ Type: ShadowGear Position: Shadow Weapon Refinable Required Level: 99 |
![]() A sacred necklace which is believed to protect its wearer. It also draws the wearer's potential abilities. _______________________ Increases damage of Varetyr Spear by 5%. _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: Increases damage of Varetyr Spear by additional 2%. _______________________ Class Restrictions: Sorcerer _______________________ Type: ShadowGear Position: Shadow Left Accessory Refinable Required Level: 99 |
![]() A sacred earring which is believed to protect its wearer. It also draws the wearer's potential abilities. _______________________ Decreases SP Consumption of Varetyr Spear by 4%. _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: Decreases SP Consumption of Varetyr Spear by additional 1%. _______________________ Class Restrictions: Sorcerer _______________________ Type: ShadowGear Position: Shadow Right Accessory Refinable Required Level: 99 |
Items | |
![]() A suit of armor worn on top of normal armor for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ Increases damage of Cluster Bomb by 5%. _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: Increases damage of Cluster Bomb by additional 2%. _______________________ Class Restrictions: Ranger _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Armor Refinable Required Level: 99 |
![]() A small shield worn on the arm for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ Increases damage of Cluster Bomb by 3%. _______________________ Refine Level +7: Increases damage of Cluster Bomb by additional 3%. _______________________ Refine Level +9: Increases damage of Cluster Bomb by additional 4%. _______________________ When equipped with Cluster Shadow Armor and Cluster Shadow Shoes: For each Refine Level of entire set: Increases damage of Cluster Bomb by 1%. _______________________ When equipped Ranger Shadow Weapon: Ignores physical defense of all race, except Players, by 40%. For each Refine Level of entire set: Ignores physical defense of all race, except Players, by additional 1%. _______________________ Class Restrictions: Ranger _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Shield Refinable Required Level: 99 |
![]() A pair of shoes worn on top of normal shoes for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ Increases damage of Cluster Bomb by 5%. _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: Increases damage of Cluster Bomb by additional 2%. _______________________ Class Restrictions: Ranger _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Shoes Refinable Required Level: 99 |
![]() A pair of gloves that can draw the wearer's potential ability. _______________________ Increases Ranged Physical Damage by 3%. _______________________ Refine Level +7: Increases Ranged Physical Damage by additional 3%. _______________________ Refine Level +9: Increases Ranged Physical Damage by additional 4%. _______________________ When equipped with Aimed Shadow Pendant and Aimed Shadow Earring: For each Refine Level of entire set: Increases damage of Aimed Bolt by 1%. _______________________ When equipped with Ranger Shadow Shield: Ignores physical defense of all race, except Players, by 40%. For each Refine Level of entire set: Ignores physical defense of all race, except Players, by additional 1%. _______________________ Class Restrictions: Ranger _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Weapon Refinable Required Level: 99 |
![]() A sacred necklace which is believed to protect its wearer. It also draws the wearer's potential abilities. _______________________ Increases damage of Aimed Bolt by 5%. _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: Increases damage of Aimed Bolt by additional 2%. _______________________ Class Restrictions: Ranger _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Left Accessory Refinable Required Level: 99 |
![]() A sacred earring which is believed to protect its wearer. It also draws the wearer's potential abilities. _______________________ Increases Physical Damage against all sizes by 3%. _______________________ For each 3 Refine Levels: Increases Physical Damage against all sizes by additional 2%. _______________________ Class Restrictions: Ranger _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Right Accessory Refinable Required Level: 99 |
![]() A suit of armor worn on top of normal armor for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ Increases damage of Arrow Storm by 5%. _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: Increases damage of Arrow Storm by additional 2%. _______________________ Class Restrictions: Ranger _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Armor Refinable Required Level: 99 |
![]() A small shield worn on the arm for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ Increases Ranged Physical Damage by 3%. _______________________ Refine Level +7: Increases Ranged Physical Damage by additional 3%. _______________________ Refine Level +9: Increases Ranged Physical Damage by additional 4%. _______________________ When equipped with Arrow Shadow Armor and Arrow Shadow Shoes: For each Refine Level of entire set: Increases damage of Arrow Storm by 1%. _______________________ When equipped with Ranger Shadow Weapon: Ignores physical defense of all race, except Players, by 40%. For each Refine Level of entire set: Ignores physical defense of all race, except Players, by additional 1%. _______________________ Class Restrictions: Ranger _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Shield Refinable Required Level: 99 |
![]() A pair of shoes worn on top of normal shoes for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ Decreases SP Consumption of Arrow Storm by 2%. _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: Decreases SP Consumption of Arrow Storm by additional 1%. _______________________ Class Restrictions: Ranger _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Shoes Refinable Required Level: 99 |
![]() A pair of gloves that can draw the wearer's potential ability. _______________________ Increases Ranged Physical Damage by 3%. _______________________ Refine Level +7: Increases Ranged Physical Damage by additional 3%. _______________________ Refine Level +9: Increases Ranged Physical Damage by additional 4%. _______________________ When equipped with Shooting Shadow Pendant and Shooting Shadow Earring: For each 2 Refine Levels of entire set: Increases Critical Damage by 1%. _______________________ When equipped with Ranger Shadow Shield: Ignores physical defense of all race, except Players, by 40%. For each Refine Level of entire set: Ignores physical defense of all race, except Players, by additional 1%. _______________________ Class Restrictions: Ranger _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Weapon Refinable Required Level: 99 |
![]() A sacred necklace which is believed to protect its wearer. It also draws the wearer's potential abilities. _______________________ Increases damage of Sharp Shooting by 5%. _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: Increases damage of Sharp Shooting by additional 2%. _______________________ Class Restrictions: Ranger _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Left Accessory Refinable Required Level: 99 |
![]() A sacred earring which is believed to protect its wearer. It also draws the wearer's potential abilities. _______________________ Decreases SP Consumption of Sharp Shooting by 2%. _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: Decreases SP Consumption of Sharp Shooting by additional 1%. _______________________ Class Restrictions: Ranger _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Right Accessory Refinable Required Level: 99 |
Minstrel and Wanderer
Items | |
![]() A suit of armor worn on top of normal armor for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ Increases damage of Metallic Sound by 5%. _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: Increases damage of Metallic Sound by additional 2%. _______________________ Class Restrictions: Minstrel and Wanderer _______________________ Type: ShadowGear Position: Shadow Armor Refinable Required Level: 99 |
![]() A small shield worn on the arm for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ Increases Magical Damage with Neutral element by 3%. _______________________ Refine Level +7: Increases Magical Damage with Neutral element by additional 3%. _______________________ Refine Level +9: Increases Magical Damage with Neutral element by additional 4%. _______________________ When equipped with Metallic Shadow Armor and Metallic Shadow Shoes: For each Refine Level of entire set: Increases damage of Metallic Sound by 1%. _______________________ When equipped with Minstrel Shadow Weapon or Wanderer Shadow Weapon: Ignores magical defense of all race, except Players, by 40%. For each Refine Level of entire set: Ignores magical defense of all race, except Players, by additional 1%. _______________________ Class Restrictions: Minstrel and Wanderer _______________________ Type: ShadowGear Position: Shadow Shield Refinable Required Level: 99 |
![]() A pair of shoes worn on top of normal shoes for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ Decreases SP Consumption of Metallic Sound by 2%. _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: Decreases SP Consumption of Metallic Sound by additional 1%. _______________________ Class Restrictions: Minstrel and Wanderer _______________________ Type: ShadowGear Position: Shadow Shoes Refinable Required Level: 99 |
![]() A suit of armor worn on top of normal armor for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ Increases damage of Severe Rainstorm by 5%. _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: Increases damage of Severe Rainstorm by additional 2%. _______________________ Class Restrictions: Minstrel and Wanderer _______________________ Type: ShadowGear Position: Shadow Armor Refinable Required Level: 99 |
![]() A small shield worn on the arm for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ Increases Ranged Physical Damage by 3%. _______________________ Refine Level +7: Increases Ranged Physical Damage by additional 3%. _______________________ Refine Level +9: Increases Ranged Physical Damage by additional 4%. _______________________ When equipped with Rainstorm Shadow Armor and Rainstorm Shadow Shoes: For each Refine Level of entire set: Increases damage of Severe Rainstorm by 1%. _______________________ When equipped with Minstrel Shadow Weapon or Wanderer Shadow Weapon: Ignores physical defense of all race, except Players, by 40%. For each Refine Level of entire set: Ignores physical defense of all race, except Players, by additional 1%. _______________________ Class Restrictions: Minstrel and Wanderer _______________________ Type: ShadowGear Position: Shadow Shield Refinable Required Level: 99 |
![]() A pair of shoes worn on top of normal shoes for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ Decreases SP Consumption of Severe Rainstorm by 2%. _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: Decreases SP Consumption of Severe Rainstorm by additional 1%. _______________________ Class Restrictions: Minstrel and Wanderer _______________________ Type: ShadowGear Position: Shadow Shoes Refinable Required Level: 99 |
![]() A pair of gloves that can draw the wearer's potential ability. _______________________ Increases Ranged Physical Damage by 3%. _______________________ Refine Level +7: Increases Ranged Physical Damage by additional 3%. _______________________ Refine Level +9: Increases Ranged Physical Damage by additional 4%. _______________________ When equipped with Arrow Vulcan Shadow Pendant and Arrow Vulcan Shadow Earring: For each Refine Level of entire set: Increases damage of Arrow Vulcan by 1%. _______________________ When equipped with Minstrel Shadow Shield or Wanderer Shadow Shield: Ignores physical defense of all race, except Players, by 40%. For each Refine Level of entire set: Ignores physical defense of all race, except Players, by additional 1%. _______________________ Class Restrictions: Minstrel and Wanderer _______________________ Type: ShadowGear Position: Shadow Weapon Refinable Required Level: 99 |
![]() A sacred necklace which is believed to protect its wearer. It also draws the wearer's potential abilities. _______________________ Increases damage of Arrow Vulcan by 5%. _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: Increases damage of Arrow Vulcan by additional 2%. _______________________ Class Restrictions: Minstrel and Wanderer _______________________ Type: ShadowGear Position: Shadow Left Accessory Refinable Required Level: 99 |
![]() A sacred earring which is believed to protect its wearer. It also draws the wearer's potential abilities. _______________________ Decreases Arrow Vulcan skill cooldown by 0.1 second. _______________________ For each 3 Refine Levels: Decreases Arrow Vulcan skill cooldown by additional 0.1 second. _______________________ Class Restrictions: Minstrel and Wanderer _______________________ Type: ShadowGear Position: Shadow Right Accessory Refinable Required Level: 99 |
![]() A pair of gloves that can draw the wearer's potential ability. _______________________ Increases Magical Damage with Neutral element by 3%. _______________________ Refine Level +7: Increases Magical Damage with Neutral element by additional 3%. _______________________ Refine Level +9: Increases Magical Damage with Neutral element by additional 4%. _______________________ When equipped with Reverberation Shadow Pendant and Reverberation Shadow Earring: For each 2 Refine Levels of entire set: Increases damage of Reverberation by 1%. _______________________ When equipped with Minstrel Shadow Shield or Wanderer Shadow Shield: Ignores physical and magical defense of all race, except Players, by 40%. For each Refine Level of entire set: Ignores physical and magical defense of all race, except Players, by additional 1%. _______________________ Class Restrictions: Minstrel and Wanderer _______________________ Type: ShadowGear Position: Shadow Weapon Refinable Required Level: 99 |
![]() A sacred necklace which is believed to protect its wearer. It also draws the wearer's potential abilities. _______________________ Increases damage of Reverberation by 5%. _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: Increases damage of Reverberation by additional 2%. _______________________ Class Restrictions: Minstrel and Wanderer _______________________ Type: ShadowGear Position: Shadow Left Accessory Refinable Required Level: 99 |
![]() A sacred earring which is believed to protect its wearer. It also draws the wearer's potential abilities. _______________________ Decreases SP Consumption of Reverberation by 2%. _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: Decreases SP Consumption of Reverberation by additional 1%. _______________________ Class Restrictions: Minstrel and Wanderer _______________________ Type: ShadowGear Position: Shadow Right Accessory Refinable Required Level: 99 |
Guillotine Cross
Items | |
![]() A suit of armor worn on top of normal armor for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ Increases damage of Rolling Cutter by 5%. _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: Increases damage of Rolling Cutter by additional 2%. _______________________ Class Restrictions: Guillotine Cross _______________________ Type: ShadowGear Position: Shadow Armor Refinable Required Level: 99 |
![]() A small shield worn on the arm for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ Increases Physical Damage against all sizes by 3%. _______________________ Refine Level +7: Increases Physical Damage against all sizes by additional 3%. _______________________ Refine Level +9: Increases Physical Damage against all sizes by additional 4%. _______________________ When equipped with Rolling Shadow Armor and Rolling Shadow Shoes: For each Refine Level of entire set: Increases damage of Rolling Cutter by 1%. _______________________ When equipped with Guillotine Cross Shadow Weapon: Ignores physical defense of all race, except Players, by 40%. For each Refine Level of entire set: Ignores physical defense of all race, except Players, by additional 1%. _______________________ Class Restrictions: Guillotine Cross _______________________ Type: ShadowGear Position: Shadow Shield Refinable Required Level: 99 |
![]() A pair of shoes worn on top of normal shoes for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ Decreases SP Consumption of Rolling Cutter by 2%. _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: Decreases SP Consumption of Rolling Cutter by additional 1%. _______________________ Class Restrictions: Guillotine Cross _______________________ Type: ShadowGear Position: Shadow Shoes Refinable Required Level: 99 |
![]() A pair of gloves that can draw the wearer's potential ability. _______________________ Physical melee attacks have a chance to increase critical damage by 10% and physical damage against all sizes by 10% for 5 seconds. _______________________ Refine Level +7: Increases the chance to increase critical damage by additional 5% and physical damage against all sizes by additional 5% for 5 seconds. _______________________ Refine Level +9: Increases the duration of increased critical damage and physical damage against all sizes by additional 5 seconds. _______________________ When equipped with Katar Shadow Pendant and Katar Shadow Earring: For each Refine Level of entire set: ATK +1 _______________________ When equipped with Guillotine Cross Shadow Shield: Ignores physical defense of all race, except Players, by 40%. For each Refine Level of entire set: Ignores physical defense of all race, except Players, by additional 1%. _______________________ Class Restrictions: Guillotine Cross _______________________ Type: ShadowGear Position: Shadow Weapon Refinable Required Level: 99 |
![]() A sacred necklace which is believed to protect its wearer. It also draws the wearer's potential abilities. _______________________ Increases Critical Damage by 5%. _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: Increases Critical Damage by additional 1%. _______________________ Class Restrictions: Guillotine Cross _______________________ Type: ShadowGear Position: Shadow Left Accessory Refinable Required Level: 99 |
![]() A sacred earring which is believed to protect its wearer. It also draws the wearer's potential abilities. _______________________ Increases Physical Damage against all sizes by 5%. _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: Increases Physical Damage against all sizes by additional 1%. _______________________ Class Restrictions: Guillotine Cross _______________________ Type: ShadowGear Position: Shadow Right Accessory Refinable Required Level: 99 |
![]() A suit of armor worn on top of normal armor for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ Increases damage of Counter Slash by 5%. _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: Increases damage of Counter Slash by additional 2%. _______________________ Class Restrictions: Guillotine Cross _______________________ Type: ShadowGear Position: Shadow Armor Refinable Required Level: 99 |
![]() A small shield worn on the arm for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ Increases Physical Damage against all sizes by 3%. _______________________ Refine Level +7: Increases Physical Damage against all sizes by additional 3%. _______________________ Refine Level +9: Increases Physical Damage against all sizes by additional 4%. _______________________ When equipped with Slash Shadow Armor and Slash Shadow Shoes: For each 2 Refine Levels of entire set: Decreases After Cast Delay by 1%. _______________________ When equipped with Guillotine Cross Shadow Weapon: Ignores physical defense of all race, except Players, by 40%. For each Refine Level of entire set: Ignores physical defense of all race, except Players, by additional 1%. _______________________ Class Restrictions: Guillotine Cross _______________________ Type: ShadowGear Position: Shadow Shield Refinable Required Level: 99 |
![]() A pair of shoes worn on top of normal shoes for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ Decreases SP Consumption of Counter Slash by 2%. _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: Decreases SP Consumption of Counter Slash by additional 1%. _______________________ Class Restrictions: Guillotine Cross _______________________ Type: ShadowGear Position: Shadow Shoes Refinable Required Level: 99 |
![]() A pair of gloves that can draw the wearer's potential ability. _______________________ Increases Ranged Physical Damage by 3%. _______________________ Refine Level +7: Increases Ranged Physical Damage by additional 3%. _______________________ Refine Level +9: Increases Ranged Physical Damage by additional 4%. _______________________ When equipped with Ripper Slasher Shadow Pendant and Ripper Slasher Shadow Earring: For each Refine Level of entire set: Increases damage of Cross Ripper Slasher by 1%. _______________________ When equipped with Guillotine Cross Shadow Shield: Ignores physical defense of all race, except Players, by 40%. For each Refine Level of entire set: Ignores physical defense of all race, except Players, by additional 1%. _______________________ Class Restrictions: Guillotine Cross _______________________ Type: ShadowGear Position: Shadow Weapon Refinable Required Level: 99 |
![]() A sacred necklace which is believed to protect its wearer. It also draws the wearer's potential abilities. _______________________ Increases damage of Cross Ripper Slasher by 5%. _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: Increases damage of Cross Ripper Slasher by additional 2%. _______________________ Class Restrictions: Guillotine Cross _______________________ Type: ShadowGear Position: Shadow Left Accessory Refinable Required Level: 99 |
![]() A sacred earring which is believed to protect its wearer. It also draws the wearer's potential abilities. _______________________ Increases Physical Damage against all sizes by 5%. _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: Increases Physical Damage against all sizes by additional 1%. _______________________ Class Restrictions: Guillotine Cross _______________________ Type: ShadowGear Position: Shadow Right Accessory Refinable Required Level: 99 |
Items | |
![]() A suit of armor worn on top of normal armor for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ Increases damage of Axe Tornado by 5%. _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: Increases damage of Axe Tornado by additional 2%. _______________________ Class Restrictions: Mechanic _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Armor Refinable Required Level: 99 |
![]() A small shield worn on the arm for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ Increases Physical Damage against all sizes by 3%. _______________________ Refine Level +7: Increases Physical Damage against all sizes by additional 3%. _______________________ Refine Level +9: Increases Physical Damage against all sizes by additional 4%. _______________________ When equipped with Tornado Shadow Armor and Tornado Shadow Shoes: For each 2 Refine Levels of entire set: Decreases After Cast Delay by 1%. _______________________ When equipped with Mechanic Shadow Weapon: Ignores physical defense of all race, except Players, by 40%. For each Refine Level of entire set: Ignores physical defense of all race, except Players, by additional 1%. _______________________ Class Restrictions: Mechanic _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Shield Refinable Required Level: 99 |
![]() A pair of shoes worn on top of normal shoes for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ Decreases SP Consumption of Axe Tornado by 2%. _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: Decreases SP Consumption of Axe Tornado by additional 1%. _______________________ Class Restrictions: Mechanic _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Shoes Refinable Required Level: 99 |
![]() A pair of gloves that can draw the wearer's potential ability. _______________________ Increases Ranged Physical Damage by 3%. _______________________ Refine Level +7: Increases Ranged Physical Damage by additional 3%. _______________________ Refine Level +9: Increases Ranged Physical Damage by additional 4%. _______________________ When equipped with Boomerang Shadow Pendant and Pendant Shadow Earring: For each 2 Refine Levels of entire set: Increases damage of Axe Boomerang by 1%. _______________________ When equipped with Mechanic Shadow Shield: Ignores physical defense of all race, except Players, by 40%. For each Refine Level of entire set: Ignores physical defense of all race, except Players, by additional 1%. _______________________ Class Restrictions: Mechanic _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Weapon Refinable Required Level: 99 |
![]() A sacred necklace which is believed to protect its wearer. It also draws the wearer's potential abilities. _______________________ Increases damage of Axe Boomerang by 5%. _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: Increases damage of Axe Boomerang by additional 2%. _______________________ Class Restrictions: Mechanic _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Left Accessory Refinable Required Level: 99 |
![]() A sacred earring which is believed to protect its wearer. It also draws the wearer's potential abilities. _______________________ Decreases Axe Boomerang skill cooldown by 0.1 second. _______________________ For each 4 Refine Levels: Decreases Axe Boomerang skill cooldown by additional 0.1 second. _______________________ Class Restrictions: Mechanic _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Right Accessory Refinable Required Level: 99 |
![]() A suit of armor worn on top of normal armor for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ Increases damage of Vulcan Arm by 5%. _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: Increases damage of Vulcan Arm by additional 2%. _______________________ Class Restrictions: Mechanic _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Armor Refinable Required Level: 99 |
![]() A small shield worn on the arm for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ Increases Ranged Physical Damage by 3%. _______________________ Refine Level +7: Increases Ranged Physical Damage by additional 3%. _______________________ Refine Level +9: Increases Ranged Physical Damage by additional 4%. _______________________ When equipped with Vulcan Shadow Armor and Vulcan Shadow Shoes: For each 2 Refine Levels of entire set: Increases damage of Vulcan Arm by 1%. _______________________ When equipped with Mechanic Shadow Weapon: Ignores physical defense of all race, except Players, by 40%. For each Refine Level of entire set: Ignores physical defense of all race, except Players, by additional 1%. _______________________ Class Restrictions: Mechanic _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Shield Refinable Required Level: 99 |
![]() A pair of shoes worn on top of normal shoes for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ Decreases SP Consumption of Vulcan Arm by 2%. _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: Decreases SP Consumption of Vulcan Arm by additional 1%. _______________________ Class Restrictions: Mechanic _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Shoes Refinable Required Level: 99 |
![]() A pair of gloves that can draw the wearer's potential ability. _______________________ Increases Ranged Physical Damage by 3%. _______________________ Refine Level +7: Increases Ranged Physical Damage by additional 3%. _______________________ Refine Level +9: Increases Ranged Physical Damage by additional 4%. _______________________ When equipped with Arm Shadow Pendant and Arm Shadow Earring: For each 2 Refine Levels of entire set: Increases damage of Arms Cannon by 1%. _______________________ When equipped with Mechanic Shadow Shield: For each 2 Refine Levels of entire set: Decreases Variable Casting Time by 1%. _______________________ Class Restrictions: Mechanic _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Weapon Refinable Required Level: 99 |
![]() A sacred necklace which is believed to protect its wearer. It also draws the wearer's potential abilities. _______________________ Increases damage of Arms Cannon by 5%. _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: Increases damage of Arms Cannon by additional 2%. _______________________ Class Restrictions: Mechanic _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Left Accessory Refinable Required Level: 99 |
![]() A sacred earring which is believed to protect its wearer. It also draws the wearer's potential abilities. _______________________ Decreases SP Consumption of Arms Cannon by 2%. _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: Decreases SP Consumption of Arms Cannon by additional 1%. _______________________ Class Restrictions: Mechanic _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Right Accessory Refinable Required Level: 99 |
Royal Guard
Items | |
![]() A suit of armor worn on top of normal armor for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ Increases damage of Over Brand by 5%. _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: Increases damage of Over Brand by additional 2%. _______________________ Class Restrictions: Royal Guard _______________________ Type: ShadowGear Position: Shadow Armor Refinable Required Level: 99 |
![]() A small shield worn on the arm for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ Increases Physical Damage against all sizes by 3%. _______________________ Refine Level +7: Increases Physical Damage against all sizes by additional 3%. _______________________ Refine Level +9: Increases Physical Damage against all sizes by additional 4%. _______________________ When equipped with rand Shadow Armor and GBrand Shadow Shoes: For each 2 Refine Levels of entire set: Decreases After Cast Delay by 1%. _______________________ When equipped with Royal Guard Shadow Weapon: Ignores physical defense of all race, except Players, by 40%. For each Refine Level of entire set: Ignores physical defense of all race, except Players, by additional 1%. _______________________ Class Restrictions: Royal Guard _______________________ Type: ShadowGear Position: Shadow Shield Refinable Required Level: 99 |
![]() A pair of shoes worn on top of normal shoes for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ Increases damage of Over Brand by 5%. _______________________ For each 3 Refine Levels: Decreases After Cast Delay by 1%. _______________________ Class Restrictions: Royal Guard _______________________ Type: ShadowGear Position: Shadow Shoes Refinable Required Level: 99 |
![]() A pair of gloves that can draw the wearer's potential ability. _______________________ Increases Physical Damage against all sizes by 3%. _______________________ Refine Level +7: Increases Physical Damage against all sizes by additional 3%. _______________________ Refine Level +9: Increases Physical Damage against all sizes by additional 4%. _______________________ When equipped with Chain Press Shadow Pendant and Chain Press Shadow Earring: For each Refine Level of entire set: Increases damage of Shield Chain and Shield Press by 1%. _______________________ When equipped with Royal Guard Shadow Shield: Ignores physical defense of all race, except Players, by 40%. For each Refine Level of entire set: Ignores physical defense of all race, except Players, by additional 1%. _______________________ Class Restrictions: Royal Guard _______________________ Type: ShadowGear Position: Shadow Weapon Refinable Required Level: 99 |
![]() A sacred necklace which is believed to protect its wearer. It also draws the wearer's potential abilities. _______________________ Increases damage of Shield Press by 5%. _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: Increases damage of Shield Press by additional 2%. _______________________ Class Restrictions: Royal Guard _______________________ Type: ShadowGear Position: Shadow Left Accessory Refinable Required Level: 99 |
![]() A sacred earring which is believed to protect its wearer. It also draws the wearer's potential abilities. _______________________ Increases damage of Shield Chain by 5%. _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: Increases damage of Shield Chain by additional 2%. _______________________ Class Restrictions: Royal Guard _______________________ Type: ShadowGear Position: Shadow Right Accessory Refinable Required Level: 99 |
![]() A suit of armor worn on top of normal armor for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ Increases damage of Banishing Point by 5%. _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: Increases damage of Cannon Spear by additional 2%. _______________________ Class Restrictions: Royal Guard _______________________ Type: ShadowGear Position: Shadow Armor Refinable Required Level: 99 |
![]() A small shield worn on the arm for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ Increases Physical Damage against all sizes by 3%. _______________________ Refine Level +7: Increases Physical Damage against all sizes by additional 3%. _______________________ Refine Level +9: Increases Physical Damage against all sizes by additional 4%. _______________________ When equipped with Banishing Cannon Shadow Armor and Banishing Cannon Shadow Shoes: For each Refine Level of entire set: Increases damage of Banishing Point and Cannon Spear by 1%. _______________________ When equipped with Royal Guard Shadow Weapon: Ignores physical defense of all race, except Players, by 40%. For each Refine Level of entire set: Ignores physical defense of all race, except Players, by additional 1%. _______________________ Class Restrictions: Royal Guard _______________________ Type: ShadowGear Position: Shadow Shield Refinable Required Level: 99 |
![]() A pair of shoes worn on top of normal shoes for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ Decreases Cannon Spear skill cooldown by 0.2 seconds. _______________________ For each 3 Refine Levels: Decreases Cannon Spear skill cooldown by additional 0.1 second. _______________________ Class Restrictions: Royal Guard _______________________ Type: ShadowGear Position: Shadow Shoes Refinable Required Level: 99 |
![]() A pair of gloves that can draw the wearer's potential ability. _______________________ Increases Magical Damage with Holy element by 3%. _______________________ Refine Level +7: Increases Magical Damage with Holy element by additional 3%. _______________________ Refine Level +9: Increases Magical Damage with Holy element by additional 4%. _______________________ When equipped with Genesis Shadow Pendant and Genesis Shadow Earring: For each 2 Refine Levels of entire set: Increases damage of Genesis Ray by 1%. _______________________ When equipped with Royal Guard Shadow Shield: Ignores magical defense of all race, except Players, by 40%. For each Refine Level of entire set: Ignores magical defense of all race, except Players, by additional 1%. _______________________ Class Restrictions: Royal Guard _______________________ Type: ShadowGear Position: Shadow Weapon Refinable Required Level: 99 |
![]() A sacred necklace which is believed to protect its wearer. It also draws the wearer's potential abilities. _______________________ Increases damage of Genesis Ray by 5%. _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: Increases damage of Genesis Ray by additional 2%. _______________________ Class Restrictions: Royal Guard _______________________ Type: ShadowGear Position: Shadow Left Accessory Refinable Required Level: 99 |
![]() A sacred earring which is believed to protect its wearer. It also draws the wearer's potential abilities. _______________________ Decreases Genesis Ray skill cooldown by 0.2 seconds. _______________________ For each 3 Refine Levels: Decreases Genesis Ray skill cooldown by additional 0.1 second. _______________________ Class Restrictions: Royal Guard _______________________ Type: ShadowGear Position: Shadow Right Accessory Refinable Required Level: 99 |
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![]() A pair of gloves that can draw the wearer's potential ability. _______________________ Increases Physical Damage against all sizes by 3%. _______________________ Refine Level +7: Increases Physical Damage against all sizes by additional 3%. _______________________ Refine Level +9: Increases Physical Damage against all sizes by additional 4%. _______________________ When equipped with Sky Blow Shadow Pendant and Sky Blow Shadow Earring: For each Refine Level of entire set: Increases damage of Sky Net Blow by 1%. _______________________ When equipped with Sura Shadow Shield: Ignores physical defense of all race, except Players, by 40%. For each Refine Level of entire set: Ignores physical defense of all race, except Players, by additional 1%. _______________________ Class Restrictions: Sura _______________________ Type: ShadowGear Position: Shadow Weapon Refinable Required Level: 99 |
![]() A sacred necklace which is believed to protect its wearer. It also draws the wearer's potential abilities. _______________________ Increases damage of Sky Net Blow by 5%. _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: Increases damage of Sky Net Blow by additional 2%. _______________________ Class Restrictions: Sura _______________________ Type: ShadowGear Position: Shadow Left Accessory Refinable Required Level: 99 |
![]() A sacred earring which is believed to protect its wearer. It also draws the wearer's potential abilities. _______________________ ATK +2% _______________________ For each 3 Refine Levels: ATK + 1% _______________________ Class Restrictions: Sura _______________________ Type: ShadowGear Position: Shadow Right Accessory Refinable Required Level: 99 |
![]() A suit of armor worn on top of normal armor for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ Increases damage of Knuckle Arrow by 5%. _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: Increases damage of Knuckle Arrow by additional 2%. _______________________ Class Restrictions: Sura _______________________ Type: ShadowGear Position: Shadow Armor Refinable Required Level: 99 |
![]() A small shield worn on the arm for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ Increases Ranged Physical Damage by 3%. _______________________ Refine Level +7: Increases Ranged Physical Damage by additional 3%. _______________________ Refine Level +9: Increases Ranged Physical Damage by additional 4%. _______________________ When equipped with Knuckle Arrow Shadow Armor and Knuckle Arrow Shadow Shoes: For each 2 Refine Levels of entire set: Decreases After Cast Delay by 1%. _______________________ When equipped with Sura Shadow Weapon: Ignores physical defense of all race, except Players, by 40%. For each Refine Level of entire set: Ignores physical defense of all race, except Players, by additional 1%. _______________________ Class Restrictions: Sura _______________________ Type: ShadowGear Position: Shadow Shield Refinable Required Level: 99 |
![]() A pair of shoes worn on top of normal shoes for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ Increases Physical Damage against all sizes by 3%. _______________________ For each 3 Refine Levels: Increases Physical Damage against all sizes by 2%. _______________________ Class Restrictions: Sura _______________________ Type: ShadowGear Position: Shadow Shoes Refinable Required Level: 99 |
![]() A pair of gloves that can draw the wearer's potential ability. _______________________ Increases Physical Damage against all sizes by 3%. _______________________ Refine Level +7: Increases Physical Damage against all sizes by additional 3%. _______________________ Refine Level +9: Increases Physical Damage against all sizes by additional 4%. _______________________ When equipped with Tiger Cannon Shadow Pendant and Tiger Cannon Shadow Earring: For each 2 Refine Levels of entire set: MaxHP and Max SP +1% _______________________ When equipped with Sura Shadow Shield: Ignores physical defense of all race, except Players, by 40%. For each Refine Level of entire set: Ignores physical defense of all race, except Players, by additional 1%. _______________________ Class Restrictions: Sura _______________________ Type: ShadowGear Position: Shadow Weapon Refinable Required Level: 99 |
![]() A sacred necklace which is believed to protect its wearer. It also draws the wearer's potential abilities. _______________________ Increases damage of Tiger Cannon by 5%. _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: Increases damage of Tiger Cannon by additional 2%. _______________________ Class Restrictions: Sura _______________________ Type: ShadowGear Position: Shadow Left Accessory Refinable Required Level: 99 |
![]() A sacred earring which is believed to protect its wearer. It also draws the wearer's potential abilities. _______________________ Decreases SP Consumption of Tiger Cannon by 2%. _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: Decreases SP Consumption of Tiger Cannon by additional 1%. _______________________ Class Restrictions: Sura _______________________ Type: ShadowGear Position: Shadow Right Accessory Refinable Required Level: 99 |
![]() A suit of armor worn on top of normal armor for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ Increases damage of Rampage Blaster by 5%. _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: Increases damage of Rampage Blaster by additional 2%. _______________________ Class Restrictions: Sura _______________________ Type: ShadowGear Position: Shadow Armor Refinable Required Level: 99 |
![]() A small shield worn on the arm for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ Increases Ranged Physical Damage by 3%. _______________________ Refine Level +7: Increases Ranged Physical Damage by additional 3%. _______________________ Refine Level +9: Increases Ranged Physical Damage by additional 4%. _______________________ When equipped with Rampage Shadow Armor and Rampage Shadow Shoes: For each Refine Level of entire set: Increases damage of Rampage Blaster by 1%. _______________________ When equipped with Sura Shadow Weapon: Ignores physical defense of all race, except Players, by 40%. For each Refine Level of entire set: Ignores physical defense of all race, except Players, by additional 1%. _______________________ Class Restrictions: Sura _______________________ Type: ShadowGear Position: Shadow Shield Refinable Required Level: 99 |
![]() A pair of shoes worn on top of normal shoes for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ Decreases Rampage Blaster skill cooldown by 0.1 second. _______________________ For each 3 Refine Levels: Decreases Rampage Blaster skill cooldown by additional 0.1 second. _______________________ Class Restrictions: Sura _______________________ Type: ShadowGear Position: Shadow Shoes Refinable Required Level: 99 |
Shadow Chaser
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![]() A suit of armor worn on top of normal armor for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ Increases damage of Triangle Shot by 5%. _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: Increases damage of Triangle Shot by additional 2%. _______________________ Class Restrictions: Shadow Chaser _______________________ Type: ShadowGear Position: Shadow Armor Refinable Required Level: 99 |
![]() A small shield worn on the arm for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ Increases Ranged Physical Damage by 3%. _______________________ Refine Level +7: Increases Ranged Physical Damage by additional 3%. _______________________ Refine Level +9: Increases Ranged Physical Damage by additional 4%. _______________________ When equipped with Triangle Shadow Armor and Triangle Shadow Shoes: For each 2 Refine Levels of entire set: Decreases After Cast Delay by 1%. _______________________ When equipped with Shadow Chaser Shadow Weapon: Ignores physical defense of all race, except Players, by 40%. For each Refine Level of entire set: Ignores physical defense of all race, except Players, by additional 1%. _______________________ Class Restrictions: Shadow Chaser _______________________ Type: ShadowGear Position: Shadow Shield Refinable Required Level: 99 |
![]() A pair of shoes worn on top of normal shoes for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ Decreases SP Consumption of Triangle Shot by 2%. _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: Decreases SP Consumption of Triangle Shot by additional 1%. _______________________ Class Restrictions: Shadow Chaser _______________________ Type: ShadowGear Position: Shadow Shoes Refinable Required Level: 99 |
![]() A pair of gloves that can draw the wearer's potential ability. _______________________ Physical melee attacks have a low chance to auto-cast Psychic Wave Lv.3. _______________________ Refine Level +7: Increases the chance to auto-cast Psychic Wave by 1%. _______________________ Refine Level +9: Increases the chance to auto-cast Psychic Wave by 2%. _______________________ When equipped with Ignition Shadow Pendant and Ignition Shadow Earring: For each Refine Level of entire set: Increases damage of Psychic Wave by 1%. _______________________ When equipped with Shadow Chaser Shadow Shield: Ignores magical defense of all race, except Players, by 40%. For each Refine Level of entire set: Ignores magical defense of all race, except Players, by additional 1%. _______________________ Class Restrictions: Shadow Chaser _______________________ Type: ShadowGear Position: Shadow Weapon Refinable Required Level: 99 |
![]() A sacred necklace which is believed to protect its wearer. It also draws the wearer's potential abilities. _______________________ Increases damage of Meteor Storm by 5%. _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: Increases damage of Meteor Storm by additional 3%. _______________________ Class Restrictions: Shadow Chaser _______________________ Type: ShadowGear Position: Shadow Left Accessory Refinable Required Level: 99 |
![]() A sacred earring which is believed to protect its wearer. It also draws the wearer's potential abilities. _______________________ Increases Magical Damage with Neutral and Fire element by 2%. _______________________ For each 3 Refine Levels: Increases Magical Damage with Neutral and Fire element by additional 2%. _______________________ Class Restrictions: Shadow Chaser _______________________ Type: ShadowGear Position: Shadow Right Accessory Refinable Required Level: 99 |
![]() A suit of armor worn on top of normal armor for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ Increases damage of Fatal Menace by 5%. _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: Increases damage of Fatal Menace by additional 3%. _______________________ Class Restrictions: Shadow Chaser _______________________ Type: ShadowGear Position: Shadow Armor Refinable Required Level: 99 |
![]() A small shield worn on the arm for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ Increases Physical Damage against all sizes by 3%. _______________________ Refine Level +7: Increases Physical Damage against all sizes by additional 3%. _______________________ Refine Level +9: Increases Physical Damage against all sizes by additional 4%. _______________________ When equipped with Menace Shadow Armor and Menace Shadow Shoes: For each 2 Refine Levels of entire set: Decreases After Cast Delay by 1%. _______________________ When equipped with Shadow Chaser Shadow Weapon: Ignores physical defense of all race, except Players, by 40%. For each Refine Level of entire set: Ignores physical defense of all race, except Players, by additional 1%. _______________________ Class Restrictions: Shadow Chaser _______________________ Type: ShadowGear Position: Shadow Shield Refinable Required Level: 99 |
![]() A pair of shoes worn on top of normal shoes for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ Decreases SP Consumption of Fatal Menace by 2%. _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: Decreases SP Consumption of Fatal Menace by additional 1%. _______________________ Class Restrictions: Shadow Chaser _______________________ Type: ShadowGear Position: Shadow Shoes Refinable Required Level: 99 |
![]() A pair of gloves that can draw the wearer's potential ability. _______________________ Increases Physical Damage against all sizes by 3%. _______________________ Refine Level +7: Increases Physical Damage against all sizes by additional 3%. _______________________ Refine Level +9: Increases Physical Damage against all sizes by additional 4%. _______________________ When equipped with Feint Shadow Pendant and Feint Shadow Earring: For each 2 Refine Levels of entire set: Increases damage of Feint Bomb by 1%. _______________________ When equipped with Shadow Chaser Shadow Shield: For each 2 Refine Levels of entire set: Decreases Variable Casting Time by 1. _______________________ Class Restrictions: Shadow Chaser _______________________ Type: ShadowGear Position: Shadow Weapon Refinable Required Level: 99 |
![]() A sacred necklace which is believed to protect its wearer. It also draws the wearer's potential abilities. _______________________ Increases damage of Feint Bomb by 5%. _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: Increases damage of Feint Bomb by additional 2%. _______________________ Class Restrictions: Shadow Chaser _______________________ Type: ShadowGear Position: Shadow Left Accessory Refinable Required Level: 99 |
![]() A sacred earring which is believed to protect its wearer. It also draws the wearer's potential abilities. _______________________ Decreases Feint Bomb skill cooldown by 0.2 seconds. _______________________ For each 3 Refine Levels: Decreases Feint Bomb skill cooldown by additional 0.1 second. _______________________ Class Restrictions: Shadow Chaser _______________________ Type: ShadowGear Position: Shadow Right Accessory Refinable Required Level: 99 |
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![]() A suit of armor worn on top of normal armor for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ Increases damage of Cart Tornado by 5%. _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: Increases damage of Cart Tornado by additional 2%. _______________________ Class Restrictions: Genetic _______________________ Type: ShadowGear Position: Shadow Armor Refinable Required Level: 99 |
![]() A small shield worn on the arm for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ Increases Physical Damage against all sizes by 3%. _______________________ Refine Level +7: Increases Physical Damage against all sizes by additional 3%. _______________________ Refine Level +9: Increases Physical Damage against all sizes by additional 4%. _______________________ When equipped with Tornado Shadow Armor and Tornado Shadow Shoes: For each Refine Level of entire set: Increases damage of Cart Tornado by 1%. _______________________ When equipped with Genetic Shadow Weapon: Ignores physical defense of all race, except Players, by 40%. For each Refine Level of entire set: Ignores physical defense of all race, except Players, by additional 1%. _______________________ Class Restrictions: Genetic _______________________ Type: ShadowGear Position: Shadow Shield Refinable Required Level: 99 |
![]() A pair of shoes worn on top of normal shoes for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ Decreases SP Consumption of Cart Tornado by 4%. _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: Decreases SP Consumption of Cart Tornado by additional 1%. _______________________ Class Restrictions: Genetic _______________________ Type: ShadowGear Position: Shadow Shoes Refinable Required Level: 99 |
![]() A pair of gloves that can draw the wearer's potential ability. _______________________ Increases Ranged Physical Damage by 3%. _______________________ Refine Level +7: Increases Ranged Physical Damage by additional 3%. _______________________ Refine Level +9: Increases Ranged Physical Damage by additional 4%. _______________________ When equipped with Cannon Cart Shadow Pendant and Cannon Cart Shadow Earring: For each 2 Refine Levels of entire set: Increases damage of Cart Cannon by 1%. _______________________ When equipped with Genetic Shadow Shield: For each 2 Refine Levels of entire set: Decreases Variable Casting Time by 1. _______________________ Class Restrictions: Genetic _______________________ Type: ShadowGear Position: Shadow Weapon Refinable Required Level: 99 |
![]() A sacred necklace which is believed to protect its wearer. It also draws the wearer's potential abilities. _______________________ Increases damage of Cart Cannon by 5%. _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: Increases damage of Cart Cannon by additional 2%. _______________________ Class Restrictions: Genetic _______________________ Type: ShadowGear Position: Shadow Left Accessory Refinable Required Level: 99 |
![]() A sacred earring which is believed to protect its wearer. It also draws the wearer's potential abilities. _______________________ Increases Physical Damage against all sizes by 5%. _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: Increases Physical Damage against all sizes by additional 1%. _______________________ Class Restrictions: Genetic _______________________ Type: ShadowGear Position: Shadow Right Accessory Refinable Required Level: 99 |
![]() A suit of armor worn on top of normal armor for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ Increases damage of Spore Explosion by 5%. _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: Increases damage of Spore Explosion by additional 2%. _______________________ Class Restrictions: Genetic _______________________ Type: ShadowGear Position: Shadow Armor Refinable Required Level: 99 |
![]() A small shield worn on the arm for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ Increases Physical Damage against all sizes by 3%. _______________________ Refine Level +7: Increases Physical Damage against all sizes by additional 3%. _______________________ Refine Level +9: Increases Physical Damage against all sizes by additional 4%. _______________________ When equipped with Spore Bomb Shadow Armor and Spore Bomb Shadow Shoes: For each Refine Level of entire set: Increases damage of Spore Explosion by 1%. _______________________ When equipped with Genetic Shadow Weapon: Ignores physical defense of all race, except Players, by 40%. For each Refine Level of entire set: Ignores physical defense of all race, except Players, by additional 1%. _______________________ Class Restrictions: Genetic _______________________ Type: ShadowGear Position: Shadow Shield Refinable Required Level: 99 |
![]() A pair of shoes worn on top of normal shoes for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ Decreases Spore Explosion skill cooldown by 0.2 seconds. _______________________ For each 3 Refine Levels: Decreases Spore Explosion skill cooldown by additional 0.1 second. _______________________ Class Restrictions: Genetic _______________________ Type: ShadowGear Position: Shadow Shoes Refinable Required Level: 99 |
![]() A pair of gloves that can draw the wearer's potential ability. _______________________ Increases Physical Damage against all sizes by 3%. _______________________ Refine Level +7: Increases Physical Damage against all sizes by additional 3%. _______________________ Refine Level +9: Increases Physical Damage against all sizes by additional 4%. _______________________ When equipped with Crazy Shadow Pendant and Crazy Shadow Earring: For each Refine Level of entire set: Increases damage of Crazy Weed by 1%. _______________________ When equipped with Genetic Shadow Shield: Ignores physical defense of all race, except Players, by 40%. For each Refine Level of entire set: Ignores physical defense of all race, except Players, by additional 1%. _______________________ Class Restrictions: Genetic _______________________ Type: ShadowGear Position: Shadow Weapon Refinable Required Level: 99 |
![]() A sacred necklace which is believed to protect its wearer. It also draws the wearer's potential abilities. _______________________ Increases damage of Crazy Weed by 5%. _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: Increases damage of Crazy Weed by additional 2%. _______________________ Class Restrictions: Genetic _______________________ Type: ShadowGear Position: Shadow Left Accessory Refinable Required Level: 99 |
![]() A sacred earring which is believed to protect its wearer. It also draws the wearer's potential abilities. _______________________ Decreases Crazy Weed skill cooldown by 0.2 seconds. _______________________ For each 3 Refine Levels: Decreases Crazy Weed skill cooldown by additional 0.1 second. _______________________ Class Restrictions: Genetic _______________________ Type: ShadowGear Position: Shadow Right Accessory Refinable Required Level: 99 |
Star Emperor
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![]() A small shield worn on the arm for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ Increases Physical Damage against all sizes by 5%. _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: Increases Physical Damage against all sizes by additional 1%. _______________________ Class Restrictions: Star Emperor _______________________ Type: ShadowGear Position: Shadow Shield Refinable Required Level: 99 |
![]() A suit of armor worn on top of normal armor for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ Increases damage of Prominence Kick by 5%. _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: Increases damage of Prominence Kick by additional 2%. _______________________ Class Restrictions: Star Emperor _______________________ Type: ShadowGear Position: Shadow Armor Refinable Required Level: 99 |
![]() A sacred earring which is believed to protect its wearer. It also draws the wearer's potential abilities. _______________________ Increases Melee Physical Damage by 3%. _______________________ Refine Level +7: Increases Melee Physical Damage by additional 3%. _______________________ Refine Level +9: Decreases SP Consumption of Full Moon Kick by 10%. _______________________ When equipped with Moonlight Shadow Pendant and 9Moonlight Shadow Shoes: For each 2 Refine Levels of entire set: Increases damage of Full Moon Kick by 1%. _______________________ When equipped with 99009Star Emperor Shadow Armor: Ignores physical defense of all race, except Players, by 40%. For each Refine Level of entire set: Ignores physical defense of all race, except Players, by additional 1%. _______________________ Class Restrictions: Star Emperor _______________________ Type: ShadowGear Position: Shadow Right Accessory Refinable Required Level: 99 |
![]() A sacred necklace which is believed to protect its wearer. It also draws the wearer's potential abilities. _______________________ Increases Physical Damage against all sizes by 5%. _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: Increases Physical Damage against all sizes by additional 1%. _______________________ Class Restrictions: Star Emperor _______________________ Type: ShadowGear Position: Shadow Left Accessory Refinable Required Level: 99 |
![]() A pair of shoes worn on top of normal shoes for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ Increases damage of New Moon Kick by 5%. _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: Increases damage of New Moon Kick by additional 2%. _______________________ Class Restrictions: Star Emperor _______________________ Type: ShadowGear Position: Shadow Shoes Refinable Required Level: 99 |
![]() A pair of gloves that can draw the wearer's potential ability. _______________________ Increases damage of Flash Kick by 3%. _______________________ Refine Level +7: Increases Attack Speed by 5%. _______________________ Refine Level +9: Increases Attack Speed (Decreases After Attack Delay by additional 5%). _______________________ When equipped with Stardust Shadow Shield and Stardust Shadow Armor: For each Refine Levels of entire set: Increases damage of Falling Star by 1%. _______________________ When equipped with Star Emperor Shadow Shoes: Ignores physical defense of all race, except Players, by 40%. For each Refine Level of entire set: Ignores physical defense of all race, except Players, by additional 1%. _______________________ Class Restrictions: Star Emperor _______________________ Type: ShadowGear Position: Shadow Weapon Refinable Required Level: 99 |
![]() A small shield worn on the arm for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ ASPD +1 _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: Increases damage of Falling Star by 3%. _______________________ Class Restrictions: Star Emperor _______________________ Type: ShadowGear Position: Shadow Shield Refinable Required Level: 99 |
![]() A suit of armor worn on top of normal armor for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ Increases Physical Damage against enemies of every element by 5%. _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: Increases Physical Damage against enemies of every element by additional 1% _______________________ Class Restrictions: Star Emperor _______________________ Type: ShadowGear Position: Shadow Armor Refinable Required Level: 99 |
Soul Reaper
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![]() A pair of gloves that can draw the wearer's potential ability. _______________________ MaxSP +5% _______________________ Refine Level +7: Increases damage of Esma by 10%. _______________________ Refine Level +9: Decreases SP Consumption of Espa by 10%. _______________________ When equipped with S Shadow Shield and S Shadow Armor: For each Refine Levels of entire set: Increases damage of Espa and Eswhoo by 1%. _______________________ When equipped with Soul Reaper Shadow Shoes: Ignores magical defense of all race, except Players, by 40%. For each Refine Level of entire set: Ignores magical defense of all race, except Players, by additional 1%. _______________________ Class Restrictions: Soul Reaper _______________________ Type: ShadowGear Position: Shadow Weapon Refinable Required Level: 99 |
![]() A small shield worn on the arm for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ Increases Magical Damage against all sizes by 5%. _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: Increases Magical Damage against all sizes by additional 1%. _______________________ Class Restrictions: Soul Reaper _______________________ Type: ShadowGear Position: Shadow Shield Refinable Required Level: 99 |
![]() A suit of armor worn on top of normal armor for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ Increases damage of Esma by 10%. _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: Increases damage of Espa and Eswhoo by additional 1%. _______________________ Class Restrictions: Soul Reaper _______________________ Type: ShadowGear Position: Shadow Armor Refinable Required Level: 99 |
![]() A sacred earring which is believed to protect its wearer. It also draws the wearer's potential abilities. _______________________ Increases Magical Damage with Shadow element by 3%. _______________________ Refine Level +7: Increases Magical Damage with Shadow element by additional 3%. _______________________ Refine Level +9: Increases Magical Damage with Shadow element by additional 4%. _______________________ When equipped with Evil Curse Shadow Pendant and 9Evil Curse Shadow Shoes: For each Refine Level of entire set: Increases damage of Curse Explosion by 1%. _______________________ When equipped with 99009Soul Reaper Shadow Armor: Ignores magic defense of all race, except Players, by 40%. For each Refine Level of entire set: Ignores magic defense of all race, except Players, by additional 1%. _______________________ Class Restrictions: Soul Reaper _______________________ Type: ShadowGear Position: Shadow Right Accessory Refinable Required Level: 99 |
![]() A sacred necklace which is believed to protect its wearer. It also draws the wearer's potential abilities. _______________________ Increases Magical Damage with Shadow element by 5%. _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: Increases damage of Curse Explosion by 3%. _______________________ Class Restrictions: Soul Reaper _______________________ Type: ShadowGear Position: Shadow Left Accessory Refinable Required Level: 99 |
![]() A pair of shoes worn on top of normal shoes for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ Decreases Curse of Wicked Soul skill cooldown by 1 second. _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: Decreases Curse of Wicked Soul skill cooldown by additional 0.1 seconds. _______________________ Class Restrictions: Soul Reaper _______________________ Type: ShadowGear Position: Shadow Shoes Refinable Required Level: 99 |
Kagero and Oboro
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![]() A pair of shoes worn on top of normal shoes for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ Increases Magical Damage against all sizes by 5%. _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: Increases Magical Damage against all sizes by additional 1%. _______________________ Class Restrictions: Ninja _______________________ Type: ShadowGear Position: Shadow Shoes Refinable Required Level: 99 |
![]() A pair of gloves that can draw the wearer's potential ability. _______________________ Increases Ranged Physical Damage by 3%. _______________________ Refine Level +7: Increases Ranged Physical Damage by additional 3%. _______________________ Refine Level +9: Increases Ranged Physical Damage by additional 4%. _______________________ When combined with Kunai Shadow Shield and Kunai Shadow Shadow Armor: For each 2 Refine Levels of entire set: Increases damage of Kunai Splash and Kunai Explosion by 1%. _______________________ When combined with Kagerou Shadow Shoes: Ignores physical defense of all race, except Players, by 40%. For each Refine Level of entire set: Ignores physical defense of all race, except Players, by additional 1%. _______________________ Class Restrictions: Ninja _______________________ Type: ShadowGear Position: Shadow Weapon Refinable Required Level: 99 |
![]() A small shield worn on the arm for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ Increases Physical Damage against Small, Medium and Large size by 5%. _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: Increases Physical Damage against Small, Medium and Large size by 1%. _______________________ Class Restrictions: Ninja _______________________ Type: ShadowGear Position: Shadow Shield Refinable Required Level: 99 |
![]() A suit of armor worn on top of normal armor for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ Increases damage of Kunai Explosion by 5%. _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: Increases damage of Kunai Explosion by additional 2%. _______________________ Class Restrictions: Ninja _______________________ Type: ShadowGear Position: Shadow Armor Refinable Required Level: 99 |
![]() A sacred earring which is believed to protect its wearer. It also draws the wearer's potential abilities. _______________________ Increases Ranged Physical Damage by 3%. _______________________ Refine Level +7: increases Ranged Physical Damage by additional 3%. _______________________ Refine Level +9: Decreases SP Consumption by 10%. _______________________ When combined with Cross Shuriken Shadow Pendant and Cross Shuriken Shadow Shoes: For each 2 Refine Levels of entire set: Increases damage of Swirling Petal by 1%. _______________________ When combined with Kagerou Shadow Armor: Ignores physical defense of all race, except Players, by 40%. For each Refine Level of entire set: Ignores physical defense of all race, except Players, by additional 1%. _______________________ Class Restrictions: Ninja _______________________ Type: ShadowGear Position: Shadow Right Accessory Refinable Required Level: 99 |
![]() A sacred necklace which is believed to protect its wearer. It also draws the wearer's potential abilities. _______________________ Increases damage of Swirling Petal by 5%. _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: Increases damage of Swirling Petal by additional 2%. _______________________ Class Restrictions: Ninja _______________________ Type: ShadowGear Position: Shadow Left Accessory Refinable Required Level: 99 |
![]() A pair of shoes worn on top of normal shoes for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ Increases damage of Cross Slash by 5%. _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: Increases damage of Cross Slash by additional 2%. _______________________ Class Restrictions: Ninja _______________________ Type: ShadowGear Position: Shadow Shoes Refinable Required Level: 99 |
![]() A pair of gloves that can draw the wearer's potential ability. _______________________ Increases damage of Exploding Dragon, Snow Flake Draft and First Wind by 5%. _______________________ Refine Level +7: Increases damage of Exploding Dragon, Snow Flake Draft and First Wind by additional 5%. _______________________ Refine Level +9: Increases damage of Exploding Dragon, Snow Flake Draft and First Wind by additional 5%. _______________________ When combined with First Exploding Draft Shadow Shield and First Exploding Draft Shadow Armor: For each Refine Level of entire set: Increases damage of Exploding Dragon, Snow Flake Draft and First Wind by additional 1%. _______________________ When combined with Oboro Shadow Shoes: Ignores magical defense of all race, except Players, by 40%. For each Refine Level of entire set: Ignores magical defense of all race, except Players, by additional 1%. _______________________ Class Restrictions: Ninja _______________________ Type: ShadowGear Position: Shadow Weapon Refinable Required Level: 99 |
![]() A small shield worn on the arm for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ Increases damage of Exploding Dragon, Snow Flake Draft and First Wind by 5%. _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: Increases damage of Exploding Dragon, Snow Flake Draft and First Wind by additional 2%. _______________________ Class Restrictions: Ninja _______________________ Type: ShadowGear Position: Shadow Shield Refinable Required Level: 99 |
![]() A suit of armor worn on top of normal armor for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ Increases Magical Damage against all elemental monsters by 5%. _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: Increases Magical Damage against all elemental monsters by additional 1%. _______________________ Class Restrictions: Ninja _______________________ Type: ShadowGear Position: Shadow Armor Refinable Required Level: 99 |
![]() A sacred earring which is believed to protect its wearer. It also draws the wearer's potential abilities. _______________________ Increases damage of Flaming Petals, Freezing Spear and Wind Blade by 3%. _______________________ Refine Level +7: Increases damage of Flaming Petals, Freezing Spear and Wind Blade by additional 3%. _______________________ Refine Level +9: Increases damage of Flaming Petals, Freezing Spear and Wind Blade by additional 4%. _______________________ When combined with Wind Spear Petal Shadow Pendant and Wind Spear Petal Shadow Shoes: For each 2 Refine Levels of entire set: Increases damage of Flaming Petals, Freezing Spear and Wind Blade by additional 1%. _______________________ When combined with Oboro Shadow Armor: Ignores magical defense of all race, except Players, by 40%. For each Refine Level of entire set: Ignores magical defense of all race, except Players, by additional 1%. _______________________ Class Restrictions: Ninja _______________________ Type: ShadowGear Position: Shadow Right Accessory Refinable Required Level: 99 |
![]() A sacred necklace which is believed to protect its wearer. It also draws the wearer's potential abilities. _______________________ MaxSP +2% _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: MaxSP +1% _______________________ Class Restrictions: Ninja _______________________ Type: ShadowGear Position: Shadow Left Accessory Refinable Required Level: 99 |
Items | |
![]() A pair of gloves that can draw the wearer's potential ability. _______________________ Increases Ranged Physical Damage by 3%. _______________________ Refine Level +7: Increases Ranged Physical Damage by additional 3%. _______________________ Refine Level +9: increases Ranged Physical Damage by additional 4%. _______________________ When combined with Tail Dragon Shadow Shield and Tail Dragon Shadow Armor: For each 2 Refine Levels of entire set: Increases damage of Dragon Tail by 1%. _______________________ When combined with Rebellion Shadow Shoes: Ignores physical defense of all race, except Players, by 40%. For each Refine Level of entire set: Ignores physical defense of all race, except Players, by additional 1%. _______________________ Class Restrictions: Gunslinger _______________________ Type: ShadowGear Position: Shadow Weapon Refinable Required Level: 99 |
![]() A small shield worn on the arm for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ Increases damage of Dragon Tail by 5%. _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: Increases damage of Dragon Tail by additional 2%. _______________________ Class Restrictions: Gunslinger _______________________ Type: ShadowGear Position: Shadow Shield Refinable Required Level: 99 |
![]() A suit of armor worn on top of normal armor for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ Increases damage against from Small, Medium and Large size by 5%. _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: Increases damage against from Small, Medium and Large size by 1%. _______________________ Class Restrictions: Gunslinger _______________________ Type: ShadowGear Position: Shadow Armor Refinable Required Level: 99 |
![]() A sacred earring which is believed to protect its wearer. It also draws the wearer's potential abilities. _______________________ MaxHP +5% _______________________ Refine Level +7: MaxHP +5% _______________________ Refine Level +9: MaxHP +2000, MaxSP +200. Increases Ranged Physical Damage by 7%. _______________________ When combined with Flare Dance Shadow Pendant and Flare Dance Shadow Shoes: For each 2 Refine Levels of entire set: Increases damage of Fire Dance by 1%. _______________________ When combined with Rebellion Shadow Armor: Ignores physical defense of all race, except Players, by 40%. For each Refine Level of entire set: Ignores physical defense of all race, except Players, by additional 1%. _______________________ Class Restrictions: Gunslinger _______________________ Type: ShadowGear Position: Shadow Right Accessory Refinable Required Level: 99 |
![]() A sacred necklace which is believed to protect its wearer. It also draws the wearer's potential abilities. _______________________ Increases damage of Fire Dance by 5%. _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: Increases damage of Fire Dance by additional 2%. _______________________ Class Restrictions: Gunslinger _______________________ Type: ShadowGear Position: Shadow Left Accessory Refinable Required Level: 99 |
![]() A pair of shoes worn on top of normal shoes for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ Increases Physical Damage against Small, Medium and Large size by 5%. _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: Increases Physical Damage against Small, Medium and Large size by 1%. _______________________ Class Restrictions: Gunslinger _______________________ Type: ShadowGear Position: Shadow Shoes Refinable Required Level: 99 |
![]() A pair of gloves that can draw the wearer's potential ability. _______________________ Increases Ranged Physical Damage by 3%. _______________________ Refine Level +7: Increases Ranged Physical Damage by additional 3%. _______________________ Refine Level +9: increases Ranged Physical Damage by additional 4%. _______________________ When combined with God Hammer Shadow Shield and God Hammer Shadow Armor: For each 2 Refine Levels of entire set: Increases damage of Hammer of God by 1%. _______________________ When combined with Rebellion Shadow Shoes: Ignores physical defense of all race, except Players, by 40%. For each Refine Level of entire set: Ignores physical defense of all race, except Players, by additional 1%. _______________________ Class Restrictions: Gunslinger _______________________ Type: ShadowGear Position: Shadow Weapon Refinable Required Level: 99 |
![]() A small shield worn on the arm for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ Increases damage of Hammer of God by 5%. _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: Increases damage of Hammer of God by additional 2%. _______________________ Class Restrictions: Gunslinger _______________________ Type: ShadowGear Position: Shadow Shield Refinable Required Level: 99 |
![]() A suit of armor worn on top of normal armor for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ Increases Physical Damage against all elemental enemies by 5%. _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: Increases Physical Damage against all elemental enemies by additional 1%. _______________________ Class Restrictions: Gunslinger _______________________ Type: ShadowGear Position: Shadow Armor Refinable Required Level: 99 |
![]() A sacred earring which is believed to protect its wearer. It also draws the wearer's potential abilities. _______________________ MaxSP +5% _______________________ Refine Level +7: Increases Ranged Physical Damage by 7%. _______________________ Refine Level +9: Decreases SP Consumption of Banishing Buster by 15%. _______________________ When combined with Shatter Buster Shadow Pendant and Shatter Buster Shadow Shoes: For each 2 Refine Levels of entire set: Increases damage of Shattering Storm and Banishing Buster damage by 1%. _______________________ When combined with Rebellion Shadow Armor: Ignores physical defense of all race, except Players, by 40%. For each Refine Level of entire set: Ignores physical defense of all race, except Players, by additional 1%. _______________________ Class Restrictions: Gunslinger _______________________ Type: ShadowGear Position: Shadow Right Accessory Refinable Required Level: 99 |
![]() A sacred necklace which is believed to protect its wearer. It also draws the wearer's potential abilities. _______________________ Increases damage of Shattering Storm by 5%. _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: Increases damage of Shattering Storm by additional 2%. _______________________ Class Restrictions: Gunslinger _______________________ Type: ShadowGear Position: Shadow Left Accessory Refinable Required Level: 99 |
![]() A pair of shoes worn on top of normal shoes for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ Increases damage of Banishing Buster by 5%. _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: Increases damage of Banishing Buster by additional 2%. _______________________ Class Restrictions: Gunslinger _______________________ Type: ShadowGear Position: Shadow Shoes Refinable Required Level: 99 |
![]() A pair of gloves that can draw the wearer's potential ability. _______________________ Increases Ranged Physical Damage by 3%. _______________________ Refine Level +7: Increases Ranged Physical Damage by additional 3%. _______________________ Refine Level +9: MaxHP +10% _______________________ When combined with Trip Shadow Shield and Trip Shadow Armor: For each 2 Refine Levels of entire set: Increases Round Trip damage by 1%. _______________________ When combined with Rebellion Shadow Shoes: Ignores physical defense of all race, except Players, by 40%. For each Refine Level of entire set: Ignores physical defense of all race, except Players, by additional 1%. _______________________ Class Restrictions: Gunslinger _______________________ Type: ShadowGear Position: Shadow Weapon Refinable Required Level: 99 |
![]() A small shield worn on the arm for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ Increases damage of Round Trip by 5%. _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: Increases damage of Round Trip by additional 2%. _______________________ Class Restrictions: Gunslinger _______________________ Type: ShadowGear Position: Shadow Shield Refinable Required Level: 99 |
![]() A suit of armor worn on top of normal armor for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ Increases damage against from Small, Medium and Large size by 5%. _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: Increases damage against from Small, Medium and Large size by 1%. _______________________ Class Restrictions: Gunslinger _______________________ Type: ShadowGear Position: Shadow Armor Refinable Required Level: 99 |
Super Novice
Items | |
![]() A small shield worn on the arm for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ Increases Neutral, Magical Damage with Water, Wind, Earth and Fire element by 5%. _______________________ Refine Level +7: Increases Neutral, Magical Damage with Water, Wind, Earth and Fire element by 5%. _______________________ Refine Level +9: Enables the use of Gravitational Field, skill Level based on learned Level of Water Ball. _______________________ When combined with Super Magic Shadow Shield and Super Magic Shadow Shoes: Enables the use of Level 5 Double Casting. For each Refine Level*2 of entire set: Increases damage of Fire Bolt, Cold Bolt, Lightning Bolt, Storm Gust, Lord of Vermilion, Heaven's Drive and Meteor Storm by 1%. _______________________ When combined with Super Novice Shadow Weapon: Ignores magical defense of all race, except Players, by 40%. For each Refine Level of entire set: Ignores magical defense of all race, except Players, by additional 1%. _______________________ Class Restrictions: Novice _______________________ Type: ShadowGear Position: Shadow Shield Refinable Required Level: 99 |
![]() A suit of armor worn on top of normal armor for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ Increases damage of Fire Bolt, Cold Bolt and Lightning Bolt by 10%. _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: Increases damage of Fire Bolt, Cold Bolt and Lightning Bolt by additional 4%. _______________________ Class Restrictions: Novice _______________________ Type: ShadowGear Position: Shadow Armor Refinable Required Level: 99 |
![]() A pair of shoes worn on top of normal shoes for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ Increases damage of Storm Gust, Lord of Vermillion, Heaven's Drive and Meteor Storm by 10%. _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: Increases damage of Storm Gust, Lord of Vermillion, Heaven's Drive and Meteor Storm by additional 4%. _______________________ Class Restrictions: Novice _______________________ Type: ShadowGear Position: Shadow Shoes Refinable Required Level: 99 |
![]() A pair of gloves that can draw the wearer's potential ability. _______________________ Increases Melee and Ranged Physical Damage by 5%. _______________________ Refine Level +7: Increases melee and Ranged Physical Damage by additional 5%. _______________________ Refine Level +9: Enables the use of Meltdown, skill level based on learned level of Weapon Research. _______________________ When combined with Super Power Shadow Earring and Super Power Shadow Pendant: Enables the use of Level 5 Shield Chain. For each Refine Level*2 of entire set: Increases damage of Back Stab, Raid, Shield Boomerang and Shield Chain by 1%. _______________________ When combined with Super Novice Shadow Shield: Ignores physical defense of all race, except Players, by 40%. For each Refine Level of entire set: Ignores physical defense of all race, except Players, by additional 1%. _______________________ Class Restrictions: Novice _______________________ Type: ShadowGear Position: Shadow Weapon Refinable Required Level: 99 |
![]() A sacred necklace which is believed to protect its wearer. It also draws the wearer's potential abilities. _______________________ Increases damage of Shield Boomerang and Shield Chain by 10%. _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: Increases damage of Shield Boomerang and Shield Chain by additional 4%. _______________________ Class Restrictions: Novice _______________________ Type: ShadowGear Position: Shadow Left Accessory Refinable Required Level: 99 |
![]() A sacred earring which is believed to protect its wearer. It also draws the wearer's potential abilities. _______________________ Increases damage of Back Stab and Raid by 10%. _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: Increases damage of Back Stab and Raid by additional 4%. _______________________ Class Restrictions: Novice _______________________ Type: ShadowGear Position: Shadow Right Accessory Refinable Required Level: 99 |
Items | |
![]() A pair of gloves that can draw the wearer's potential ability. _______________________ Increases Ranged Physical Damage by 3%. _______________________ Refine Level +7: Increases Ranged Physical Damage by additional 3%. _______________________ Refine Level +9: Increases Ranged Physical Damage by additional 4%. _______________________ When equipped with Picky Rush Shadow Shield and Picky Rush Shadow Armor: For each 2 Refine Levels of entire set: Increases damage of Picky Peck by 1%. _______________________ When equipped with Doram Physical Shadow Shoes: Ignores physical defense of all race, except Players, by 40%. For each Refine Level of entire set: Ignores physical defense of all race, except Players, by additional 1%. _______________________ Class Restrictions: Summoner (Doram) _______________________ Type: ShadowGear Position: Shadow Weapon Refinable Required Level: 99 |
![]() A small shield worn on the arm for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ Increases Physical Damage against all sizes by 5%. _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: Increases Physical Damage against all sizes by additional 1%. _______________________ Class Restrictions: Summoner (Doram) _______________________ Type: ShadowGear Position: Shadow Shield Refinable Required Level: 99 |
![]() A suit of armor worn on top of normal armor for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ Increases damage of Picky Peck by 5%. _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: Increases damage of Picky Peck by additional 1%. _______________________ Class Restrictions: Summoner (Doram) _______________________ Type: ShadowGear Position: Shadow Armor Refinable Required Level: 99 |
![]() A sacred earring which is believed to protect its wearer. It also draws the wearer's potential abilities. _______________________ Increases Ranged Physical Damage by 5%. _______________________ Refine Level +7: Increases Ranged Physical Damage by additional 5%. _______________________ Refine Level +9: Decreases SP Consumption of Lunatic Carrot Beat by 10%. _______________________ When equipped with Savage Rabbit Shadow Pendant and Savage Rabbit Shadow Shoes: For each Refine Level of entire set: Increases damage of Lunatic Carrot Beat and Spirit of Savage by 1%. _______________________ When equipped with Doram Physical Shadow Armor: Ignores physical defense of all race, except Players, by 40%. For each Refine Level of entire set: Ignores physical defense of all race, except Players, by additional 1%. _______________________ Class Restrictions: Summoner (Doram) _______________________ Type: ShadowGear Position: Shadow Right Accessory Refinable Required Level: 99 |
![]() A sacred necklace which is believed to protect its wearer. It also draws the wearer's potential abilities. _______________________ Increases damage of Lunatic Carrot Beat by 5%. _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: Increases damage of Spirit of Savage by 3%. _______________________ Class Restrictions: Summoner (Doram) _______________________ Type: ShadowGear Position: Shadow Left Accessory Refinable Required Level: 99 |
![]() A pair of shoes worn on top of normal shoes for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ Increases Physical Damage against all sizes by 5%. _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: Increases Physical Damage against all sizes by additional 1%. _______________________ Class Restrictions: Summoner (Doram) _______________________ Type: ShadowGear Position: Shadow Shoes Refinable Required Level: 99 |
![]() A pair of gloves that can draw the wearer's potential ability. _______________________ Increases damage of Catnip Meteor by 5%. _______________________ Refine Level +7: Increases damage of Catnip Meteor by additional 5%. _______________________ Refine Level +9: Decreases Variable Casting Time by 5%. _______________________ When equipped with Catnip Shadow Shield and Catnip Shadow Armor: For each Refine Level of entire set: Increases damage of Catnip Meteor by 1%. _______________________ When equipped with Doram Magical Shadow Shoes: Ignores magical defense of all race, except Players, by 40%. For each Refine Level of entire set: Ignores magical defense of all race, except Players, by additional 1%. _______________________ Class Restrictions: Summoner (Doram) _______________________ Type: ShadowGear Position: Shadow Weapon Refinable Required Level: 99 |
![]() A small shield worn on the arm for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ Decreases Nyang Grass skill cooldown by 4 seconds. _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: Increases damage of Catnip Meteor by 3%. _______________________ Class Restrictions: Summoner (Doram) _______________________ Type: ShadowGear Position: Shadow Shield Refinable Required Level: 99 |
![]() A suit of armor worn on top of normal armor for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ Increases Magical Damage against all sizes by 5%. _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: Increases Magical Damage against all sizes by additional 1%. _______________________ Class Restrictions: Summoner (Doram) _______________________ Type: ShadowGear Position: Shadow Armor Refinable Required Level: 99 |
![]() A sacred earring which is believed to protect its wearer. It also draws the wearer's potential abilities. _______________________ Increases Magical Damage with Earth, Fire, Water and Wind element by 3%. _______________________ Refine Level +7: Increases Magical Damage with Earth, Fire, Water and Wind element by additional 3%. _______________________ Refine Level +9: Decreases Variable Casting Time by 5%. _______________________ When equipped with Silvervine Shadow Pendant and Silvervine Shadow Shoes: For each 2 Refine Levels of entire set: Increases damage of Silvervine Stem Spear by 1%. _______________________ When equipped with Doram Magical Shadow Armor: Ignores magical defense of all race, except Players, by 40%. For each Refine Level of entire set: Ignores magical defense of all race, except Players, by additional 1%. _______________________ Class Restrictions: Summoner (Doram) _______________________ Type: ShadowGear Position: Shadow Right Accessory Refinable Required Level: 99 |
![]() A sacred necklace which is believed to protect its wearer. It also draws the wearer's potential abilities. _______________________ Decreases Variable Casting Time by 3%. _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: Decreases Variable Casting Time by additional 1%. _______________________ Class Restrictions: Summoner (Doram) _______________________ Type: ShadowGear Position: Shadow Left Accessory Refinable Required Level: 99 |
![]() A pair of shoes worn on top of normal shoes for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ Increases Magical Damage against enemies of every element by 5%. _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: Increases Magical Damage against enemies of every element by additional 1%. _______________________ Class Restrictions: Summoner (Doram) _______________________ Type: ShadowGear Position: Shadow Shoes Refinable Required Level: 99 |
All Classes
Items | |
![]() A suit of armor worn on top of normal armor for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ Refine Level at least +2: 1% chance to auto-cast Level (Refine Level/2) Cold Bolt when dealing melee physical attacks. _______________________ For each Refine Level: Increases trigger rate by 0.2% _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Armor Refinable |
![]() A suit of armor worn on top of normal armor for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ Refine Level at least +2: 1% chance to auto-cast Level (Refine Level/2) Fire Bolt when dealing melee physical attacks. _______________________ For each Refine Level: Increases trigger rate by 0.2% _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Armor Refinable |
![]() A suit of armor worn on top of normal armor for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ Refine Level at least +2: 1% chance to auto-cast Level (Refine Level/2) Lightning Bolt when dealing melee physical attacks. _______________________ For each Refine Level: Increases trigger rate by 0.2% _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Armor Refinable |
![]() A suit of armor worn on top of normal armor for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ Refine Level +2: 1% chance to auto-cast Level (Refine Level/2) Earth Spike when dealing melee physical attacks. _______________________ For each Refine Level: Increases trigger rate by 0.2% _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Armor Refinable |
![]() A suit of armor worn on top of normal armor for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ Refine Level +2: Random chance to auto-cast Level (RefineLv/2) Lightning Bolt, Cold Bolt, Fire Bolt or Earth Spike when dealing melee physical attacks. _______________________ For each Refine Level: Increases the chance by 0.1%. _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Armor Refinable |
![]() A suit of armor worn on top of normal armor for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ Refine Level at least +2: 1% chance to auto-cast Level (Refine Level/2) Cold Bolt when dealing melee physical attacks. _______________________ For each Refine Level: Increases trigger rate by 0.2% _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Armor Refinable |
![]() A suit of armor worn on top of normal armor for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ Refine Level at least +2: 1% chance to auto-cast Level (Refine Level/2) Fire Bolt when dealing melee physical attacks. _______________________ For each Refine Level: Increases trigger rate by 0.2% _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Armor Refinable |
![]() A suit of armor worn on top of normal armor for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ Refine Level at least +2: 1% chance to auto-cast Level (Refine Level/2) Lightning Bolt when dealing melee physical attacks. _______________________ For each Refine Level: Increases trigger rate by 0.2% _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Armor Refinable |
![]() A suit of armor worn on top of normal armor for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ Refine Level +2: 1% chance to auto-cast Level (Refine Level/2) Earth Spike when dealing melee physical attacks. _______________________ For each Refine Level: Increases trigger rate by 0.2% _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Armor Refinable |
Other Categories
Die folgenden NPCs sind in zwei Kategorien unterteilt: Shadow Gear-Ausrüstung und Umbau/Upgrade.
Eno (A–H), Gina (I–R) und Milo (S–Z) benötigen jeweils für eine Shadow Gear: 80x Shadow (50033) , 5x MVP-Gegenstände und 15x
Shadowdecon (25729) .
Eno (A-H)

Absorb Equipment | |
![]() A pair of gloves that can draw the wearer's potential ability. _______________________ Increases SP Recovery Rate by 5%. _______________________ Refine Level +7: Increases SP Recovery Rate by 5%. _______________________ When equipped with Spiritual Shadow Earring and Spiritual Shadow Pendant: 1% chance to absorb 1% physical damage infllicted on the target into SP. _______________________ Total Refine Level of entire set at least +10: Additional 1% of the damage absorbed as SP. _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Weapon Refinable |
![]() A sacred earring which is believed to protect its wearer. It also draws the wearer's potential abilities. _______________________ MaxSP +50 _______________________ Refine Level +7: MaxSP +1% _______________________ When equipped with Spiritual Shadow Weapon and Spiritual Shadow Pendant: 1% chance to absorb 1% physical damage infllicted on the target into SP. _______________________ Total Refine Level of entire set at least +10: additional 1% of the damage absorbed by SP. _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Right Accessory Refinable |
![]() A sacred necklace which is believed to protect its wearer. It also draws the wearer's potential abilities. _______________________ MaxSP +1% _______________________ Refine Level +7: MaxSP +1% _______________________ When equipped with Spiritual Shadow Weapon and Spiritual Shadow Earring: 1% chance to absorb 1% physical damage infllicted on the target into SP. _______________________ Total Refine Level of entire set at least +10: additional 1% of the damage absorbed by SP. _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Left Accessory Refinable |
![]() A pair of gloves that can draw the wearer's potential ability. _______________________ ATK +1% _______________________ Increases SP Recovery Rate by 5%. _______________________ Refine Level +7: ATK +1% _______________________ When equipped with Spiritual Shadow Earring and Spiritual Shadow Pendant: 1% chance to absorb 1% physical damage into SP when dealing physical attacks. _______________________ Total Refine Level of entire set at least +10: Additional 1% of the damage absorbed into SP. _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Weapon Refinable |
![]() A suit of armor worn on top of normal armor for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ MaxHP +100 _______________________ Refine Level +7: MaxHP +1% _______________________ When equipped with Malicious Shadow Shield and Malicious Shadow Shoes: 4% chance to absorb 2% HP damage when dealing physical damage. _______________________ For each 5 Refine Levels of entire set: Additional 1% of the damage absorbed by HP. _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Armor Refinable |
![]() A pair of shoes worn on top of normal shoes for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ MaxHP +1% _______________________ Refine Level +7: MaxHP +1% _______________________ When equipped with Malicious Shadow Shield and Malicious Shadow Armor: 4% chance to absorb 2% HP damage when dealing physical damage. _______________________ For each 5 Refine Levels of entire set: Additional 1% of the damage absorbed by HP. _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Shoes Refinable |
![]() A small shield worn on the arm for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ Increases HP Recovery Rate by 5%. _______________________ Refine Level +7: Increases HP Recovery Rate by 5%. _______________________ When equipped with Malicious Shadow Armor and Malicious Shadow Shoes: 4% chance to absorb 2% HP damage when dealing physical damage. _______________________ For each 5 Refine Levels of entire set: Additional 1% of the damage absorbed by HP. _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Shield Refinable |
![]() A suit of armor worn on top of normal armor for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ MaxHP +100 ATK +1% _______________________ Refine Level +7: ATK +1% _______________________ When equipped with Malicious Shadow Shield and Malicious Shadow Shoes: 4% chance to absorb 2% physical damage into HP when dealing physical damage. _______________________ For each 5 Refine Levels of entire set: Additional 1% of the damage absorbed into HP. _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Armor Refinable |
Absorb Conversion/Upgrade | ||
![]() Absorb Shadow Thump Box. This is used to create one Absorb Combination Shadow Equipment. _______________________ [Requirements] Refine Rate: +7 Amount of Items: 5 [Possible Items] Malicious Shadow Armor Malicious Shadow Armor II Malicious Shadow Shoes Malicious Shadow Shield Spiritual Shadow Weapon Spiritual Shadow Weapon II Spiritual Shadow Earring Spiritual Shadow Pendant _______________________ [Obtainable Items] Absorb Shadow Weapon Absorb Shadow Shield _______________________ The refine level of an item that becomes a material does not affect the result. _______________________ Type: DelayConsume Position: Unknown Weight: 1 |
![]() A small shield worn on the arm for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ MaxHP +3% MaxSP +3% _______________________ For each 3 Refine Levels: ATK +1% _______________________ Refine Level +7: Decreases Variable Casting Time by 3%. _______________________ Refine Level +10: Physical attacks have a 2% chance to absorb 2% of the inflicted damage as HP and 1% chance to absorb 2% of the inflicted damage as SP. _______________________ Type: ShadowGear Position: Shadow Shield Refinable |
![]() A pair of gloves that can draw the wearer's potential ability. _______________________ MaxHP +3% MaxSP +3% _______________________ For each 3 Refine Levels: ATK +1% _______________________ Refine Level +7: Decreases Variable Casting Time by 3%. _______________________ Refine Level +10: Physical attacks have a 2% chance to absorb 2% of the inflicted damage as HP and 1% chance to absorb 2% of the inflicted damage as SP. _______________________ Type: ShadowGear Position: Shadow Weapon Refinable |
Auto Spell Equipment | |
![]() A small shield worn on the arm for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ MATK +15 _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: MATK +1 _______________________ Refine Level +9: Physical melee attacks have a 7% chance to auto-cast Level 7 Napalm Beat. _______________________ Refine Level +10: Physical melee attacks have a 10% chance to auto-cast Level 10 Napalm Beat. _______________________ When equipped with Auto Spell Shadow Armor and Auto Spell Shadow Shoes: MATK +1% Total Refine Level of entire set at least +21: Physical melee attacks have a 4% chance to auto-cast Level 3 Napalm Vulcan. Total Refine Level of entire set at least +27: Physical melee attacks have a 8% chance to auto-cast Level 5 Napalm Vulcan. _______________________ Type: ShadowGear Position: Shadow Shield Refinable |
![]() A suit of armor worn on top of normal armor for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ HIT +10 _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: HIT +1 _______________________ Refine Level +9: Perfect HIT +5% _______________________ Type: ShadowGear Position: Shadow Armor Refinable |
![]() A pair of shoes worn on top of normal shoes for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ FLEE +10 _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: FLEE +1 _______________________ Refine Level +9: ASPD +1 _______________________ Type: ShadowGear Position: Shadow Shoes Refinable |
![]() A pair of gloves that can draw the wearer's potential ability. _______________________ ATK +15 _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: ATK +1 _______________________ Refine Level +9: Physical melee attacks have a 7% chance to auto-cast Level 7 Bash. _______________________ Refine Level +10: Physical melee attacks have a 10% chance to auto-cast Level 10 Bash. _______________________ When equipped with Auto Spell Shadow Earring and Auto Spell Shadow Pendant: ATK +1%, Total Refine Level of entire set at least +21: Physical melee attacks have a 4% chance to auto-cast Level 7 Sonic Blow. Total Refine Level of entire set at least +27: Physical melee attacks have a 8% chance to auto-cast Level 10 Sonic Blow. _______________________ Type: ShadowGear Position: Shadow Weapon Refinable |
![]() A sacred necklace which is believed to protect its wearer. It also draws the wearer's potential abilities. _______________________ HIT +10 _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: HIT +1 _______________________ Refine Level +9: Perfect HIT +5% _______________________ Type: ShadowGear Position: Shadow Left Accessory Refinable |
![]() A sacred earring which is believed to protect its wearer. It also draws the wearer's potential abilities. _______________________ FLEE +10 _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: FLEE +1 _______________________ Refine Level +9: ASPD +1 _______________________ Type: ShadowGear Position: Shadow Right Accessory Refinable |
Auto Spell Conversion/Upgrade | |
![]() Major Auto Spell Shadow Thump Box. This is used to create one Major Auto Spell Combination Shadow Equipment. _______________________ [Requirements] Refine Rate: +7 Amount of Items: 6 [Possible Items] Auto Spell Shadow Weapon Auto Spell Shadow Armor Auto Spell Shadow Shoes Auto Spell Shadow Shield Auto Spell Shadow Pendant Auto Spell Shadow Earring _______________________ [Obtainable Items] Major Auto Spell Shadow Armor Major Auto Spell Shadow Shoes Major Auto Spell Shadow Earring Major Auto Spell Shadow Pendant _______________________ The Refine Level of the materials does not affect the result. It is possible to exchange several of the same part. _______________________ Type: DelayConsume Position: Unknown Weight: 1 |
![]() A suit of armor worn on top of normal armor for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ MATK +3% _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: Increases Magical Damage with every element by 1%. _______________________ Refine Level +9: ASPD +1 _______________________ Refine Level +10: Physical melee attacks have a 7% chance to auto-cast Level 3 Frost Misty. (If you learned a higher Level, it will auto cast that Level instead.) _______________________ When equipped with Major Auto Spell Shadow Shoes: MATK +2% Total Refine Level of entire set at least +18: Physical melee attacks have a 4% chance to auto-cast Level 2 Jack Frost. (If you learned a higher Level, it will auto cast that Level instead.) Total Refine Level of entire set at least +20: Physical melee attacks have a 8% chance to auto-cast Level 4 Jack Frost. (If you learned a higher Level, it will auto cast that Level instead.) _______________________ Type: ShadowGear Position: Shadow Armor Refinable |
![]() A pair of shoes worn on top of normal shoes for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ MATK +3% _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: Increases Magical Damage with every element by 1%. _______________________ Refine Level +10: Increases Attack Speed by 3%. _______________________ Type: ShadowGear Position: Shadow Shoes Refinable |
![]() A sacred earring which is believed to protect its wearer. It also draws the wearer's potential abilities. _______________________ ATK +3% _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: Increases Melee Physical Damage by 1%. _______________________ Refine Level +9: ASPD +1 _______________________ Refine Level +10: Physical melee attacks have a 7% chance to auto-cast Level 7 Fatal Menace. (If you learned a higher Level, it will auto cast that Level instead.) _______________________ When equipped with Major Auto Spell Shadow Pendant: ATK +2% Total Refine Level of entire set at least +18: Physical melee attacks have a 4% chance to auto-cast Level 4 Power Swing. (If you learned a higher Level, it will auto cast that Level instead.) Total Refine Level of entire set at least +20: Physical melee attacks have a 8% chance to auto-cast Level 8 Power Swing. (If you learned a higher Level, it will auto cast that Level instead.) _______________________ Type: ShadowGear Position: Shadow Right Accessory Refinable |
![]() A sacred necklace which is believed to protect its wearer. It also draws the wearer's potential abilities. _______________________ ATK +3% _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: Increases Melee Physical Damage by 1%. _______________________ Refine Level +10: Increases Attack Speed by 3%. _______________________ Type: ShadowGear Position: Shadow Left Accessory Refinable |
Bearer's Equipment | |
![]() A suit of armor worn on top of normal armor for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ MDEF +1 _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: MDEF +1 _______________________ When equipped with Bearer's Shadow Weapon, Bearer's Shadow Shield, Bearer's Shadow Shoes, Bearer's Shadow Earring and Bearer's Shadow Pendant: All Basic Stats +1 _______________________ Total Refine Level of entire set at least +45: Enables unlimited effect of Endure. MaxHP -60% _______________________ For each Refine Level of entire set: MaxHP +1% _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Armor Refinable |
![]() A small shield worn on the arm for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ DEF +5 _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: DEF +1 _______________________ When equipped with Bearer's Shadow Weapon, Bearer's Shadow Armor, Bearer's Shadow Shoes, Bearer's Shadow Earring and Bearer's Shadow Pendant: All Basic Stats +1 _______________________ Total Refine Level of entire set at least +45: Enables unlimited effect of Endure. MaxHP -60% _______________________ For each Refine Level of entire set: MaxHP +1% _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Shield Refinable |
![]() A pair of gloves that can draw the wearer's potential ability. _______________________ MaxHP +100 _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: MaxHP +10 _______________________ When equipped with Bearer's Shadow Armor, Bearer's Shadow Shield, Bearer's Shadow Shoes, Bearer's Shadow Earring and Bearer's Shadow Pendant: All Basic Stats +1 _______________________ Total Refine Level of entire set at least +45: Enables unlimited effect of Endure. MaxHP -60% _______________________ For each Refine Level of entire set: MaxHP +1% _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Weapon Refinable |
![]() A pair of shoes worn on top of normal shoes for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ MaxSP +50 _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: MaxSP +5 _______________________ When equipped with Bearer's Shadow Weapon, Bearer's Shadow Armor, Bearer's Shadow Shield, Bearer's Shadow Earring and Bearer's Shadow Pendant: All Basic Stats +1 _______________________ Total Refine Level of entire set at least +45: Enables unlimited effect of Endure. MaxHP -60% _______________________ For each Refine Level of entire set: MaxHP +1% _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Shoes Refinable |
![]() A sacred earring which is believed to protect its wearer. It also draws the wearer's potential abilities. _______________________ MATK +5 _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: MATK +1 _______________________ When equipped with Bearer's Shadow Weapon, Bearer's Shadow Armor, Bearer's Shadow Shield, Bearer's Shadow Shoes and Bearer's Shadow Pendant: All Basic Stats +1 _______________________ Total Refine Level of entire set at least +45: Enables unlimited effect of Endure. MaxHP -60% _______________________ For each Refine Level of entire set: MaxHP +1% _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Right Accessory Refinable |
![]() A sacred necklace which is believed to protect its wearer. It also draws the wearer's potential abilities. _______________________ ATK +5 _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: ATK +1 _______________________ When equipped with Bearer's Shadow Weapon, Bearer's Shadow Armor, Bearer's Shadow Shield, Bearer's Shadow Shoes and Bearer's Shadow Earring: All Basic Stats +1 _______________________ Total Refine Level of entire set at least +45: Enables unlimited effect of Endure. MaxHP -60% _______________________ For each Refine Level of entire set: MaxHP +1% _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Left Accessory Refinable |
![]() A sacred necklace which is believed to protect its wearer. It also draws the wearer's potential abilities. _______________________ ATK +5 MaxHP +1% _______________________ Refine Level +7: MaxHP +2% _______________________ When equipped with Bearer's Shadow Weapon, Bearer's Shadow Armor, Bearer's Shadow Shield, Bearer's Shadow Shoes and Bearer's Shadow Earring: All Basic Stats +1 _______________________ Total Refine Level of entire set at least +45: Enables unlimited effect of Endure. MaxHP -60% _______________________ For each Refine Level of entire set: MaxHP +1% _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Left Accessory Refinable |
![]() A suit of armor worn on top of normal armor for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ MaxHP +1% MDEF +1 _______________________ Refine Level +7: MaxHP +2% _______________________ When equipped with Bearer's Shadow Pendant II and Bearer's Shadow Shoes II: All Basic Stats +1 _______________________ Total Refine Level of entire set at least +25: Enables unlimited effect of Endure. MaxHP -35% _______________________ For each Refine Levels of entire set: MaxHP +1% _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Armor Refinable |
![]() A pair of shoes worn on top of normal shoes for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ MaxSP +50 MaxHP +1% _______________________ Refine Level +7: MaxHP +2% _______________________ When equipped with Bearer's Shadow Armor II and Bearer's Shadow Pendant II: All Basic Stats +1 _______________________ Total Refine Level of entire set at least +25: Enables unlimited effect of Endure. MaxHP -35% _______________________ For each Refine Levels of entire set: MaxHP +1% _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Shoes Refinable |
Bearer's Conversion/Upgrade | |
![]() Lord Bearer's Shadow Thump Box. This is used to create one Lord Bearer's Combination Shadow Equipment. _______________________ [Requirements] Refine Rate: +7 Amount of Items: 6 [Possible Items] Bearer's Shadow Pendant Bearer's Shadow Earring Bearer's Shadow Weapon Bearer's Shadow Shoes Bearer's Shadow Shield Bearer's Shadow Armor Bearer's Shadow Armor II Bearer's Shadow Pendant II Bearer's Shadow Shoes II _______________________ [Obtainable Items] Lord Bearer's Shadow Armor Lord Bearer's Shadow Shoes Lord Bearer's Shadow Earring Lord Bearer's Shadow Pendant _______________________ The Refine Level of the materials does not affect the result. It is possible to exchange several of the same part. _______________________ Type: DelayConsume Position: Unknown Weight: 1 |
![]() A pair of shoes worn on top of normal shoes for additional defense. _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: MaxHP +1% _______________________ Refine Level +7: Increases Damage against all sizes by 5%. _______________________ Refine Level +9: MaxHP +5% _______________________ Type: ShadowGear Position: Shadow Shoes Refinable |
![]() A suit of armor worn on top of normal armor for additional defense. _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: MaxHP +1% _______________________ Refine Level +7: Increases Damage against all sizes by 5%. _______________________ Refine Level +9: MaxHP +5% _______________________ When combined with Lord Bearer's Shadow Shoes: All Basic Stats +2 Total Refine Level of entire set (Armor, Shoes) at least +18: MaxHP -20% Enables unlimited effect of Endure. Total Refine Level of entire set (Armor, Shoes) at least +20: MaxHP +25% _______________________ Type: ShadowGear Position: Shadow Armor Refinable |
![]() A pair of gloves that can draw the wearer's potential ability. _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: MaxHP +1% _______________________ Refine Level +7: Increases Damage against all sizes by 5%. _______________________ Refine Level +9: MaxHP +5% _______________________ Type: ShadowGear Position: Shadow Left Accessory Refinable |
![]() A sacred earring which is believed to protect its wearer. It also draws the wearer's potential abilities. _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: MaxHP +1% _______________________ Refine Level +7: Increases Damage against all sizes by 5%. _______________________ Refine Level +9: MaxHP +5% _______________________ When combined with Lord Bearer's Shadow Pendant: All Basic Stats +2 Total Refine Level of entire set (Earring, Pendant) at least +18: MaxHP -20% Enables unlimited effect of Endure. Total Refine Level of entire set (Earring, Pendant) at least +20: MaxHP +25% _______________________ Type: ShadowGear Position: Shadow Right Accessory Refinable |
Blitz Equipment | |
![]() A suit of armor worn on top of normal armor for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ DEF +25 _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: DEF +5 _______________________ Refine Level +7: ASPD +1 _______________________ Refine Level +9: Decreases After Cast Delay by 1%. _______________________ When equipped with Blitz Shadow Weapon: For each Refine Level of entire set: MDEF +1 _______________________ Total Refine Level of entire set at least +15: ASPD +1 Decreases After Cast Delay by additional 1%. _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Armor Refinable |
![]() A pair of gloves that can draw the wearer's potential ability. _______________________ Increases Attack Speed by 5%. _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: Decreases After Attack Delay by additional 1%. _______________________ Refine Level +7: ASPD +1 _______________________ Refine Level +9: Decreases After Cast Delay by additional 1%. _______________________ When equipped with Blitz Shadow Armor: For each Refine Level of entire set: MDEF +1 _______________________ Total Refine Level of entire set at least +15: ASPD +1 Decreases After Cast Delay by additional 1%. _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Weapon Refinable |
![]() A small shield worn on the arm for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ CRI +5 _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: CRI +1 _______________________ Refine Level +7: ASPD +1 _______________________ Refine Level +9: ASPD +1 _______________________ When equipped with Blitz Shadow Shoes: FLEE +5 _______________________ Total Refine Level of entire set at least +15: ASPD +1 _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Shield Refinable |
![]() A pair of shoes worn on top of normal shoes for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ FLEE +5 _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: FLEE +1 _______________________ Refine Level +7: ASPD +1 _______________________ Refine Level +9: ASPD +1 _______________________ When equipped with Blitz Shadow Shield: FLEE +5 _______________________ Total Refine Level of entire set at least +15: ASPD +1 _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Shoes Refinable |
![]() A sacred necklace which is believed to protect its wearer. It also draws the wearer's potential abilities. _______________________ ATK +5 _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: ATK +1 _______________________ Refine Level +7: ASPD +1 _______________________ When equipped with Blitz Shadow Earring: For each Refine Level of entire set: ATK +1 _______________________ Total Refine Level of entire set at least +15: ASPD +1 _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Left Accessory Refinable |
![]() A sacred earring which is believed to protect its wearer. It also draws the wearer's potential abilities. _______________________ HIT +5 _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: HIT +1 _______________________ Refine Level +7: ASPD +1 _______________________ When equipped with Blitz Shadow Pendant: For each Refine Level of entire set: ATK +1 _______________________ Total Refine Level of entire set at least +15: ASPD +1 _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Right Accessory Refinable |
Blitz Conversion/Upgrade | ||
![]() Mega Blitz Shadow Thump Box. This is used to create one Mega Blitz Combination Shadow Equipment. _______________________ [Requirements] Refine Rate: +7 Amount of Items: 6 [Possible Items] Blitz Shadow Pendant Blitz Shadow Earring Blitz Shadow Weapon Blitz Shadow Shoes Blitz Shadow Shield Blitz Shadow Armor _______________________ [Obtainable Items] Mega Blitz Shadow Weapon Mega Blitz Shadow Shield _______________________ The Refine Level of the materials does not affect the result. It is possible to exchange several of the same part. _______________________ Type: DelayConsume Position: Unknown Weight: 1 |
![]() A small shield worn on the arm for additional defense. _______________________ CRI +5 _______________________ For each 3 Refine Levels: CRI +2 C.Rate +1 _______________________ Refine Level +7: ASPD +1 CRI +3 _______________________ Refine Level +9: Increases Attack Speed by 8%. Increases Critical Damage by 5%. _______________________ Refine Level +10: C.Rate +3 Increases Critical Damage by 3%. _______________________ Type: ShadowGear Position: Shadow Shield Refinable |
![]() A pair of gloves that can draw the wearer's potential ability. _______________________ Increases Attack Speed by 5%. _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: Decreases After Cast Delay by 1%. _______________________ Refine Level +7: ASPD +1 Increases Attack Speed by 3%. _______________________ Refine Level +9: Decreases After Cast Delay by 2%. _______________________ Refine Level +10: P.ATK +2 S.MATK +2 _______________________ Type: ShadowGear Position: Shadow Weapon Refinable |
Cloaking Equipment | |
![]() A suit of armor worn on top of normal armor for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ Enables the use of Level 1 Cloaking. _______________________ Increases SP Consumption of Cloaking by 50. _______________________ For each Refine Level: Decreases SP Consumption of Cloaking by 5. _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Armor Refinable |
![]() A pair of shoes worn on top of normal shoes for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ Enables the use of Level 1 Cloaking. _______________________ Increases SP Consumption of Cloaking by 50. _______________________ For each Refine Level: Decreases SP Consumption of Cloaking by 5. _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Shoes Refinable |
![]() A small shield worn on the arm for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ Enables the use of Level 1 Cloaking. _______________________ Increases SP Consumption of Cloaking by 50. _______________________ For each Refine Level: Decreases SP Consumption of Cloaking by 5. _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Shield Refinable |
![]() A pair of gloves that can draw the wearer's potential ability. _______________________ Enables the use of Level 1 Cloaking. _______________________ Increases SP Consumption of Cloaking by 50. _______________________ For each Refine Level: Decreases SP Consumption of Cloaking by 5. _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Weapon Refinable |
![]() A sacred earring which is believed to protect its wearer. It also draws the wearer's potential abilities. _______________________ Enables the use of Level 1 Cloaking. _______________________ Increases SP Consumption of Cloaking by 50. _______________________ For each Refine Level: Decreases SP Consumption of Cloaking by 5. _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Right Accessory Refinable |
![]() A sacred necklace which is believed to protect its wearer. It also draws the wearer's potential abilities. _______________________ Enables the use of Level 1 Cloaking. _______________________ Increases SP Consumption of Cloaking by 50. _______________________ For each Refine Level: Decreases SP Consumption of Cloaking by 5. _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Left Accessory Refinable |
Critical Equipment | |||
![]() A suit of armor worn on top of normal armor for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ CRI +5 _______________________ Refine Level +7: CRI +5 _______________________ When equipped with Critical Hit Shadow Weapon: For each Refine Level of entire set: ATK +1 _______________________ Total Refine Level of entire set at least +15: Increases Critical Damage by 1%. _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Armor Refinable |
![]() A pair of gloves that can draw the wearer's potential ability. _______________________ ATK +10 _______________________ Refine Level +7: Increases Critical Damage by 1%. _______________________ When equipped with Critical Shadow Armor: For each Refine Level of entire set: ATK +1 _______________________ Total Refine Level of entire set at least +15: Increases Critical Damage by additional 1%. _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Weapon Refinable |
![]() A pair of shoes worn on top of normal shoes for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ FLEE +5 _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: FLEE +1 _______________________ Refine Level +7: CRI +2 _______________________ Refine Level +9: CRI +2 _______________________ When equipped with Critical Shadow Shield: For each Refine Level of entire set: ATK +1 _______________________ Total Refine Level of entire set at least +15: Increases Critical Damage by 1%. _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Shoes Refinable |
![]() A small shield worn on the arm for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ CRI +5 _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: CRI +1 _______________________ Refine Level +7: Increases Critical Damage by 1%. _______________________ Refine Level +9: Increases Critical Damage by additional 1%. _______________________ When equipped with Critical Shadow Shoes: For each Refine Level of entire set: ATK +1 _______________________ Total Refine Level of entire set at least +15: Increases Critical Damage by additional 1%. _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Shield Refinable |
Critical Conversion/Upgrade | ||
![]() Critical Hit Shadow Thump Box. This is used to create one Critical Hit Combination Shadow Equipment. _______________________ [Requirements] Refine Rate: +7 Amount of Items: 2 [Possible Items] Critical Shadow Weapon Critical Shadow Shoes Critical Shadow Shield Critical Shadow Armor _______________________ [Obtainable Items] Critical Hit Shadow Armor Critical Hit Shadow Weapon _______________________ The Refine Level of the materials does not affect the result. It is possible to exchange several of the same part. _______________________ Type: Delayconsume Position: Unknown Weight: 1 |
![]() A pair of gloves that can draw the wearer's potential ability. _______________________ ATK +15, CRI +7 _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: Increases Critical Damage by 1%. _______________________ Refine Level +7: CRI +7 _______________________ Type: ShadowGear Position: Shadow Weapon Refinable |
![]() A suit of armor worn on top of normal armor for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ ATK +15 CRI +7 _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: Increases Critical Damage by 1%. _______________________ Refine Level +7: CRI +7 _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Armor Refinable |
Elegant Equipment | ||
![]() A pair of gloves that can draw the wearer's potential ability. _______________________ MaxHP +100 _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: MaxHP +150 _______________________ When equipped with Elegant Shadow Earring and Elegant Shadow Pendant: 1% chance to restore 100 HP per second for 5 seconds when dealing magical attacks. _______________________ Total Refine Level of entire set at least +15: Increases trigger rate by 1%. _______________________ Total Refine Level of entire set at least +25: Increases restored HP by 150. _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Weapon Refinable |
![]() A sacred necklace which is believed to protect its wearer. It also draws the wearer's potential abilities. _______________________ MATK +5 _______________________ Increases recovery amount gained from Healing skills and Restorative items by 2%. _______________________ For each 3 Refine Levels: Increases recovery amount gained from Healing skills and Restorative items by 1%. _______________________ When equipped with Elegant Shadow Weapon and Elegant Shadow Earring: 1% chance to restore 100 HP per second for 5 seconds when dealing magical attacks. _______________________ Total Refine Level of entire set at least +15: Increases trigger rate by 1%. _______________________ Total Refine Level of entire set at least +25: Increases restored HP by 150. _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Left Accessory Refinable |
![]() A sacred earring which is believed to protect its wearer. It also draws the wearer's potential abilities. _______________________ MaxHP +1% MATK +5 _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: MaxHP +50 _______________________ When equipped with Elegant Shadow Weapon and Elegant Shadow Pendant: 1% chance to restore 100 HP per second for 5 seconds when dealing magical attacks. _______________________ Total Refine Level of entire set at least +15: Increases trigger rate by 1%. _______________________ Total Refine Level of entire set at least +25: Increases restored HP by 150. _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Right Accessory Refinable |
EXP Equipment | |
![]() A small shield worn on the arm for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ VIT +2 _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Shield Refinable Required Level: 100 |
![]() A pair of shoes worn on top of normal shoes for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ AGI +2 _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Shoes Refinable Required Level: 100 |
![]() A pair of shoes worn on top of normal shoes for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: Increases experience gained from defeating monsters by 1%. _______________________ When equipped with Rookie Shadow Shield: Increases experience gained from defeating monsters by additional 5%. _______________________ Total Refine Level of entire set at least +15: Increases experience gained from defeating monsters by additional 5%. _______________________ Class Restrictions: Maximum Base Level 99 _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Shoes Refinable Required Level: 50 ~ 99 |
![]() A small shield worn on the arm for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: Increases experience gained from defeating monsters by 1%. _______________________ When equipped with Rookie Shadow Shoes: Increases experience gained from defeating monsters by additional 5%. _______________________ Total Refine Level of entire set at least +15: Increases experience gained from defeating monsters by additional 5%. _______________________ Class Restrictions: Maximum Base Level 99 _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Shield Refinable Required Level: 50 ~ 99 |
![]() A pair of shoes worn on top of normal shoes for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ For each 3 Refine Levels: Increases experience gained from defeating monsters by 1%. _______________________ When equipped with Advanced Shadow Shield: Increases experience gained from defeating monsters by additional 2%. _______________________ Total Refine Level of entire set at least +15: Increases experience gained from defeating monsters by additional 2%. _______________________ Class Restrictions: Maximum Base Level 149 _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Shoes Refinable Required Level: 100 ~ 149 |
![]() A small shield worn on the arm for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ For each 3 Refine Levels: Increases experience gained from defeating monsters by 1%. _______________________ When equipped with Advanced Shadow Shoes: Increases experience gained from defeating monsters by additional 2%. _______________________ Total Refine Level of entire set at least +15: Increases experience gained from defeating monsters by additional 2%. _______________________ Class Restrictions: Maximum Base Level 149 _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Shield Refinable Required Level: 100 ~ 149 |
![]() A pair of shoes worn on top of normal shoes for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ For each 4 Refine Levels: Increases experience gained from defeating monsters by 1%. _______________________ When equipped with Expert Shadow Shield: Increases experience gained from defeating monsters by additional 1%. _______________________ Total Refine Level of entire set at least +15: Increases experience gained from defeating monsters by additional 1%. _______________________ Class Restrictions: Maximum Base Level 175 _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Shoes Refinable Weight: 10 Required Level: 150 ~ 175 |
![]() A small shield worn on the arm for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ For each 4 Refine Levels: Increases experience gained from defeating monsters by 1%. _______________________ When equipped with Expert Shadow Shoes: Increases experience gained from defeating monsters by additional 1%. _______________________ Total Refine Level of entire set at least +15: Increases experience gained from defeating monsters by additional 1%. _______________________ Class Restrictions: Maximum Base Level 175 _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Shield Refinable Required Level: 150 ~ 175 |
EXP Conversion/Upgrade | ||
![]() Experience Shadow Thump Box. This is used to create one Experience Combination Shadow Equipment. _______________________ [Requirements] Refine Rate: +7 Amount of Items: 5 [Possible Items] Novice Shadow Weapon Novice Shadow Shield Rookie Shadow Weapon Rookie Shadow Shield Advanced Shadow Weapon Advanced Shadow Shield Expert Shadow Weapon Expert Shadow Shield _______________________ [Obtainable Items] Experience Shadow Shield Experience Shadow Weapon _______________________ The refine level of an item that becomes a material does not affect the result. _______________________ Type: DelayConsume Position: Unknown Weight: 1 |
![]() A small shield worn on the arm for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ Base Level less than 175: Increases experience gained from monsters by 20%. _______________________ Base Level at least 175: Increases experience gained from monsters by 10%. _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: Increases experience gained from monsters by additional 1%. _______________________ Refine Level +10: Increases experience gained from monsters by additional 5%. _______________________ Type: ShadowGear Position: Shadow Shield Refinable |
![]() A pair of gloves that can draw the wearer's potential ability. _______________________ Base Level less than 175: Increases experience gained from defeating monsters by 20%. _______________________ Base Level at least 100: Increases experience gained from defeating monsters by 10%. _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: Increases experience gained from defeating monsters additional by 1%. _______________________ Refine Level +10: Increases experience gained from defeating monsters additional by 5%. _______________________ Type: ShadowGear Position: Shadow Weapon Refinable |
Force and Spirit Equipment | |
![]() A pair of gloves that can draw the wearer's potential ability. _______________________ ATK +10 _______________________ Refine Level +7: Increases physical damage against all classes by 1% _______________________ Refine Level +9: Increases physical damage against all classes by 1% _______________________ When equipped with Force Shadow Earring and Force Shadow Pendant: ATK +10 _______________________ Total Refine Level of entire set at least +20: Increases physical damage against all classes by 1% _______________________ Total Refine Level of entire set at least +25: Increases physical damage against all classes by 1% _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Weapon Refinable Required Level: 70 |
![]() A sacred earring which is believed to protect its wearer. It also draws the wearer's potential abilities. _______________________ ATK +5 _______________________ For each Refine Level: ATK +1 _______________________ Refine Level +7: MaxHP +1% _______________________ Refine Level +9: ATK +1%. _______________________ When equipped with Force Shadow Weapon and Force Shadow Pendant: ATK +10 _______________________ Total Refine Level of entire set at least +20: ATK +1%. _______________________ Total Refine Level of entire set at least +25: ATK +1%. _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Right Accessory Refinable Required Level: 70 |
![]() A sacred necklace which is believed to protect its wearer. It also draws the wearer's potential abilities. _______________________ ATK +5 _______________________ For each Refine Level: ATK +1 _______________________ Refine Level +7: MaxHP +1% _______________________ Refine Level +9: Increases physical damage against all classes by 1% _______________________ When equipped with Force Shadow Weapon and Force Shadow Earring: ATK +10 _______________________ Total Refine Level of entire set at least +20: Increases physical damage against all classes by 1% _______________________ Total Refine Level of entire set at least +25: Increases physical damage against all classes by 1% _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Left Accessory Refinable Required Level: 70 |
![]() A pair of gloves that can draw the wearer's potential ability. _______________________ ATK +10 _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: Increases physical damage against all classes by 1% _______________________ When equipped with Force Shadow Earring and Force Shadow Pendant: Increases physical damage against all classes by 1% _______________________ Total Refine Level of entire set at least +20: Increases physical damage against all classes by 1% _______________________ Total Refine Level of entire set at least +25: Increases physical damage against all classes by 1% _______________________ Class Restrictions: 3rd classes _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Weapon Refinable Required Level: 100 |
![]() A pair of gloves that can draw the wearer's potential ability. _______________________ MATK +1% _______________________ Refine Level +7: MATK +1% _______________________ Refine Level +9: MATK +1% _______________________ When equipped with Soul Shadow Earring and Soul Shadow Pendant: MATK +10 _______________________ Total Refine Level of entire set at least +20: MATK +1% _______________________ Total Refine Level of entire set at least +25: MATK +1% _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Weapon Refinable Required Level: 70 |
![]() A sacred earring which is believed to protect its wearer. It also draws the wearer's potential abilities. _______________________ MATK +5 _______________________ For each Refine Level: MATK +1 _______________________ Refine Level +7: MaxHP +1% _______________________ Refine Level +9: MATK +1% _______________________ When equipped with Soul Shadow Weapon and Soul Shadow Pendant: MATK +10 _______________________ Total Refine Level of entire set at least +20: MATK +1% _______________________ Total Refine Level of entire set at least +25: MATK +1% _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Right Accessory Refinable Required Level: 70 |
![]() A sacred necklace which is believed to protect its wearer. It also draws the wearer's potential abilities. _______________________ MATK +5 _______________________ For each Refine Level: MATK +1 _______________________ Refine Level +7: MaxHP +1% _______________________ Refine Level +9: MATK +1% _______________________ When equipped with Soul Shadow Weapon and Soul Shadow Earring: MATK +10 _______________________ Total Refine Level of entire set at least +20: MATK +1% _______________________ Total Refine Level of entire set at least +25: MATK +1% _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Left Accessory Refinable Required Level: 70 |
![]() A pair of gloves that can draw the wearer's potential ability. _______________________ MATK +10 _______________________ For each Refine Level: MATK +1% _______________________ When equipped with Soul Shadow Earring and Soul Shadow Pendant: MATK +1% _______________________ Total Refine Level of entire set at least +20: MATK +1% _______________________ Total Refine Level of entire set at least +25: MATK +1% _______________________ Class Restrictions: 3rd classes _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Weapon Refinable Required Level: 100 |
Gemstone Equipment | |
![]() A suit of armor worn on top of normal armor for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ CRI +5 _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: CRI +1 _______________________ When equipped with Gemstone Shadow Weapon, Gemstone Shadow Shield, Gemstone Shadow Shoes, Gemstone Shadow Earring and Gemstone Shadow Pendant: All Basic Stats +1 _______________________ Total Refine Level of entire set at least +45: Nullifies gemstone from the requirement of skills. Increases SP Consumption by 100%. _______________________ For each Refine Level of entire set: Decreases SP Consumption by 1%. _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Armor Refinable |
![]() A pair of shoes worn on top of normal shoes for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ FLEE +5 _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: FLEE +1 _______________________ When equipped with Gemstone Shadow Weapon, Gemstone Shadow Armor, Gemstone Shadow Shield, Gemstone Shadow Earring and Gemstone Shadow Pendant: All Basic Stats +1 _______________________ Total Refine Level of entire set at least +45: Nullifies gemstone from the requirement of skills. Increases SP Consumption by 100%. _______________________ For each Refine Level of entire set: Decreases SP Consumption by 1%. _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Shoes Refinable |
![]() A small shield worn on the arm for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ DEF +5 _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: DEF +1 _______________________ When equipped with Gemstone Shadow Weapon, Gemstone Shadow Armor, Gemstone Shadow Shoes, Gemstone Shadow Earring and Gemstone Shadow Pendant: All Basic Stats +1 _______________________ Total Refine Level of entire set at least +45: Nullifies gemstone from the requirement of skills. Increases SP Consumption by 100%. _______________________ For each Refine Level of entire set: Decreases SP Consumption by 1%. _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Shield Refinable |
![]() A pair of gloves that can draw the wearer's potential ability. _______________________ HIT +5 _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: HIT +1 _______________________ When equipped with Gemstone Shadow Armor, Gemstone Shadow Shield, Gemstone Shadow Shoes, Gemstone Shadow Earring and Gemstone Shadow Pendant: All Basic Stats +1 _______________________ Total Refine Level of entire set at least +45: Nullifies gemstone from the requirement of skills. Increases SP Consumption by 100%. _______________________ For each Refine Level of entire set: Decreases SP Consumption by 1%. _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Weapon Refinable |
![]() A sacred earring which is believed to protect its wearer. It also draws the wearer's potential abilities. _______________________ MATK +5 _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: MATK +5 _______________________ When equipped with Gemstone Shadow Weapon, Gemstone Shadow Armor, Gemstone Shadow Shield, Gemstone Shadow Shoes and Gemstone Shadow Pendant: All Basic Stats +1 _______________________ Total Refine Level of entire set at least +45: Nullifies gemstone from the requirement of skills. Increases SP Consumption by 100%. _______________________ For each Refine Level of entire set: Decreases SP Consumption by 1%. _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Right Accessory Refinable |
![]() A sacred necklace which is believed to protect its wearer. It also draws the wearer's potential abilities. _______________________ ATK +5 _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: ATK +1 _______________________ When equipped with Gemstone Shadow Weapon, Gemstone Shadow Armor, Gemstone Shadow Shield, Gemstone Shadow Shoes and Gemstone Shadow Earring: All Basic Stats +1 _______________________ Total Refine Level of entire set at least +45: Nullifies gemstone from the requirement of skills. Increases SP Consumption by 100%. _______________________ For each Refine Level of entire set: Decreases SP Consumption by 1%. _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Left Accessory Refinable |
![]() A pair of gloves that can draw the wearer's potential ability. _______________________ HIT +5 _______________________ Decreases SP Consumption by 2%. _______________________ Refine Level +7: Decreases SP Consumption by additional 1%. _______________________ When equipped with Gemstone Shadow Shield II and Gemstone Shadow Earring II: All Basic Stats +1 _______________________ Total Refine Level of entire set at least +25: Nullifies gemstone requirement of certain skills. Increases SP Consumption by 70%. _______________________ For each Refine Levels of entire set: Decreases SP Consumption by additional 1%. _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Weapon Refinable |
![]() A small shield worn on the arm for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ DEF +5 _______________________ Decreases SP Consumption by 2%. _______________________ Refine Level +7: Decreases SP Consumption by additional 1%. _______________________ When equipped with Gemstone Shadow Weapon II and Gemstone Shadow Earring II: All Basic Stats +1 _______________________ Total Refine Level of entire set at least +25: Nullifies gemstone requirement of certain skills. Increases SP Consumption by 70%. _______________________ For each Refine Levels of entire set: Decreases SP Consumption by additional 1%. _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Shield Refinable |
![]() A sacred earring which is believed to protect its wearer. It also draws the wearer's potential abilities. _______________________ MATK +5 _______________________ Decreases SP Consumption by 2%. _______________________ Refine Level +7: Decreases SP Consumption by additional 1%. _______________________ When equipped with Gemstone Shadow Weapon, Gemstone Shadow Armor, Gemstone Shadow Shield, Gemstone Shadow Shoes and Gemstone Shadow Pendant: All Basic Stats +1 _______________________ Total Refine Level of entire set at least +45: Removes Gemstone requirement from certain skills. Increases SP Consumption by 100%. _______________________ For each Refine Level of entire set: Decreases SP Consumption by additional 1%. _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Right Accessory Refinable |
Gemstone Conversion/Upgrade | |
![]() True Gemstone Shadow Thump Box This is used to create one True Gemstone Combination Shadow Equipment. _______________________ [Requirements] Refine Rate: +7 Amount of Items: 6 [Possible Items] Gemstone Shadow Weapon, Gemstone Shadow Armor, Gemstone Shadow Shoes, Gemstone Shadow Shield, Gemstone Shadow Pendant, Gemstone Shadow Earring, Gemstone Shadow Weapon II, Gemstone Shadow Shield II, Gemstone Shadow Earring II. _______________________ [Obtainable Items] True Gemstone Shadow Armor True Gemstone Shadow Shoes True Gemstone Shadow Earring True Gemstone Shadow Pendant _______________________ The refine level of an item that becomes a material does not affect the result. _______________________ Type: DelayConsume Position: Unknown Weight: 1 |
![]() A suit of armor worn on top of normal armor for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ MATK +3% _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: Increases Magical Damage with every element by 1%. _______________________ Refine Level +10: Decreases Variable Casting Time by 3%. _______________________ When equipped with True Gemstone Shadow Shoes: MATK +2% Total Refine Level of entire set at least +18: Nullifies Gemstone requirement of certain skills. Increases SP Consumption by 40%. If total Refine Level of entire set at least +20: Increases Magical Damage against all sizes by 12%. _______________________ Type: ShadowGear Position: Shadow Armor Refinable |
![]() A pair of shoes worn on top of normal shoes for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ MATK +3% _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: Increases Magical Damage with every element by 1%. _______________________ Refine Level +10: Decreases Variable Casting Time by 3%. _______________________ Type: ShadowGear Position: Shadow Shoes Refinable |
![]() A sacred earring which is believed to protect its wearer. It also draws the wearer's potential abilities. _______________________ MATK +3% _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: Increases Magical Damage with every element by 1%. _______________________ Refine Level +10: Decreases Variable Casting Time by 3%. _______________________ When equipped with True Gemstone Shadow Pendant: MATK +2% Total Refine Level of entire set at least +18: Nullifies Gemstone requirement of certain skills. Increases SP Consumption by 40%. If total Refine Level of entire set at least +20: Increases Magical Damage against all sizes by 12%. _______________________ Type: ShadowGear Position: Shadow Right Accessory Refinable |
![]() A sacred necklace which is believed to protect its wearer. It also draws the wearer's potential abilities. _______________________ MATK +3% _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: Increases Magical Damage with every element by 1%. _______________________ Refine Level +10: Decreases Variable Casting Time by 3%. _______________________ Type: ShadowGear Position: Shadow Left Accessory Refinable |
Greed Equipment | |
![]() A suit of armor worn on top of normal armor for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ Enables the use of Level 1 Greed. _______________________ Increases SP Consumption of Greed by 100. _______________________ For each Refine Level: Decreases SP Consumption of Greed by 10. _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Armor Refinable |
![]() A pair of shoes worn on top of normal shoes for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ Enables the use of Level 1 Greed. _______________________ Increases SP Consumption of Greed by 100. _______________________ For each Refine Level: Decreases SP Consumption of Greed by 10. _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Shoes Refinable |
![]() A small shield worn on the arm for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ Enables the use of Level 1 Greed. _______________________ Increases SP Consumption of Greed by 100. _______________________ For each Refine Level: Decreases SP Consumption of Greed by 10. _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Shield Refinable |
![]() A pair of gloves that can draw the wearer's potential ability. _______________________ Enables the use of Level 1 Greed. _______________________ Increases SP Consumption of Greed by 100. _______________________ For each Refine Level: Decreases SP Consumption of Greed by 10. _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Weapon Refinable |
![]() A sacred earring which is believed to protect its wearer. It also draws the wearer's potential abilities. _______________________ Enables the use of Level 1 Greed. _______________________ Increases SP Consumption of Greed by 100. _______________________ For each Refine Level: Decreases SP Consumption of Greed by 10. _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Right Accessory Refinable |
![]() A sacred necklace which is believed to protect its wearer. It also draws the wearer's potential abilities. _______________________ Enables the use of Level 1 Greed. _______________________ Increases SP Consumption of Greed by 100. _______________________ For each Refine Level: Decreases SP Consumption of Greed by 10. _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Left Accessory Refinable |
Hard Equipment | ||
![]() A suit of armor worn on top of normal armor for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ MaxHP +50 _______________________ Refine Level +7: MaxHP +1% _______________________ When equipped with Champion's Shadow Shoes: For each Refine Level of entire set: MaxHP and MaxSP +1 _______________________ Total Refine Level of entire set at least +15: MaxHP +1% _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Armor Refinable |
![]() A pair of shoes worn on top of normal shoes for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ MaxHP +20 MaxSP +10 _______________________ Refine Level +7: MaxHP +1% MaxSP +1% _______________________ When equipped with Hard Shadow Armor: For each Refine Level of entire set: MaxHP and MaxSP +1 _______________________ Total Refine Level of entire set at least +15: MaxHP +1% _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Shoes Refinable |
![]() A sacred earring which is believed to protect its wearer. It also draws the wearer's potential abilities. _______________________ MaxHP +100 _______________________ Refine Level +7: MaxHP +1% _______________________ Refine Level +9: MaxHP +1% _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Right Accessory Refinable |
Hard Conversion/Upgrade | |
![]() Hard Champion Shadow Thump Box. This is used to create one Hard Champion Combination Shadow Equipment. _______________________ [Requirements] Refine Rate: +7 Amount of Items: 2 [Possible Items] Hard Shadow Armor Hard Shadow Earring Champion Shadow Shoes _______________________ [Obtainable Items] Hard Champion Shadow Shoes _______________________ The Refine Level of the materials does not affect the result. It is possible to exchange several of the same part. _______________________ Type: Delayconsume Position: Unknown Weight: 1 |
![]() A pair of shoes worn on top of normal shoes for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ MaxHP +200 MaxSP +100 _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: MaxHP +1% MaxSP +1% _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Shoes Refinable |
Hasty Equipment | ||
![]() A suit of armor worn on top of normal armor for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ DEF +5 _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: DEF +1 _______________________ When equipped with Hasty Shadow Shoes: FLEE +5 _______________________ Total Refine Level of entire set at least +15: Increases movement speed. _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Armor Refinable |
![]() A pair of shoes worn on top of normal shoes for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ FLEE +5 _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: FLEE +1 _______________________ When equipped with Hasty Shadow Armor: FLEE +5 _______________________ Total Refine Level of entire set at least +15: Increases movement speed. _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Shoes Refinable |
![]() A pair of shoes worn on top of normal shoes for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ FLEE +5 ATK +1% MATK +1% _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: ATK +1% MATK +1% _______________________ When equipped with Hasty Shadow Armor: FLEE +5 _______________________ Total Refine Level of entire set at least +15: Increases movement speed. _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Shoes Refinable |
Hasty Conversion/Upgrade | ||
![]() Hasty Shadow Weapon Box. This is used to create one Hasty Combination Shadow Equipment. _______________________ [Requirements] Refine Rate: +7 Amount of Items: 2 [Possible Items] Hasty Shadow Armor Hasty Shadow Shoes Hasty Shadow Shoes II _______________________ [Obtainable Items] Hasty Shadow Weapon _______________________ Type: Delayconsume Position: Unknown Weight: 1 |
![]() A pair of gloves that can draw the wearer's potential ability. _______________________ ATK +1% MATK +1% _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: ATK +1% MATK +1% _______________________ Refine Level +7: DEF +15 FLEE +15 _______________________ Refine Level +10: Increases Movement Speed. _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Weapon Refinable |
![]() A small shield worn on the arm for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ ATK +1%, MATK +1%. _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: ATK +1%, MATK +1%. _______________________ Refine Level +7: DEF +15, FLEE +15. _______________________ Refine Level +10: Increases Movement Speed. _______________________ Type: ShadowGear Position: Shadow Shield Refinable |
Heal Equipment | |
![]() A suit of armor worn on top of normal armor for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ Enables the use of Level 1 Heal. _______________________ Increases SP Consumption of Heal by 50. _______________________ For each Refine Level: Decreases SP Consumption of Heal by 5. _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Armor Refinable |
![]() A pair of shoes worn on top of normal shoes for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ Enables the use of Level 1 Heal. _______________________ Increases SP Consumption of Heal by 50. _______________________ For each Refine Level: Decreases SP Consumption of Heal by 5. _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Shoes Refinable |
![]() A small shield worn on the arm for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ Enables the use of Level 1 Heal. _______________________ Increases SP Consumption of Heal by 50. _______________________ For each Refine Level: Decreases SP Consumption of Heal by 5. _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Shield Refinable |
![]() A pair of gloves that can draw the wearer's potential ability. _______________________ Enables the use of Level 1 Heal. _______________________ Increases SP Consumption of Heal by 50. _______________________ For each Refine Level: Decreases SP Consumption of Heal by 5. _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Weapon Refinable |
![]() A sacred earring which is believed to protect its wearer. It also draws the wearer's potential abilities. _______________________ Enables the use of Level 1 Heal. _______________________ Increases SP Consumption of Heal by 50. _______________________ For each Refine Level: Decreases SP Consumption of Heal by 5. _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Right Accessory Refinable |
![]() A sacred necklace which is believed to protect its wearer. It also draws the wearer's potential abilities. _______________________ Enables the use of Level 1 Heal. _______________________ Increases SP Consumption of Heal by 50. _______________________ For each Refine Level: Decreases SP Consumption of Heal by 5. _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Left Accessory Refinable |
Healing Equipment | ||
![]() A small shield worn on the arm for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ MATK +10 _______________________ Refine Level +7: Increases Healing skills effectiveness by 3%. _______________________ Refine Level +9: Increases Healing skills effectiveness by additional 5%. _______________________ When equipped with Healing Shadow Weapon and Healing Shadow Shoes: Increases Healing skills effectiveness by additional 5%. _______________________ Total Refine Level of entire set at least +25: Increases Healing skills effectiveness by additional 15%. _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Shield Refinable |
![]() A pair of gloves that can draw the wearer's potential ability. _______________________ MATK +10 _______________________ Refine Level +7: Increases Healing skills effectiveness by 5%. _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Weapon Refinable |
![]() A pair of shoes worn on top of normal shoes for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ MATK +10 _______________________ Refine Level +7: Increases Healing skills effectiveness by 3%. _______________________ Refine Level +9: Increases Healing skills effectiveness by additional 5%. _______________________ When equipped with Healing Shadow Weapon and Healing Shadow Shield: Increases Healing skills effectiveness by additional 5%. _______________________ Total Refine Level of entire set at least +25: Increases Healing skills effectiveness by additional 15%. _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Shoes Refinable |
Hiding Equipment | |
![]() A suit of armor worn on top of normal armor for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ Enables the use of Level 1 Hiding. _______________________ Increases SP Consumption of Hiding by 50. _______________________ For each Refine Level: Decreases SP Consumption of Hiding by 5. _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Armor Refinable |
![]() A pair of shoes worn on top of normal shoes for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ Enables the use of Level 1 Hiding. _______________________ Increases SP Consumption of Hiding by 50. _______________________ For each Refine Level: Decreases SP Consumption of Hiding by 5. _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Shoes Refinable |
![]() A small shield worn on the arm for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ Enables the use of Level 1 Hiding. _______________________ Increases SP Consumption of Hiding by 50. _______________________ For each Refine Level: Decreases SP Consumption of Hiding by 5. _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Shield Refinable |
![]() A pair of gloves that can draw the wearer's potential ability. _______________________ Enables the use of Level 1 Hiding. _______________________ Increases SP Consumption of Hiding by 50. _______________________ For each Refine Level: Decreases SP Consumption of Hiding by 5. _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Weapon Refinable |
![]() A sacred earring which is believed to protect its wearer. It also draws the wearer's potential abilities. _______________________ Enables the use of Level 1 Hiding. _______________________ Increases SP Consumption of Hiding by 50. _______________________ For each Refine Level: Decreases SP Consumption of Hiding by 5. _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Right Accessory Refinable |
![]() A sacred necklace which is believed to protect its wearer. It also draws the wearer's potential abilities. _______________________ Enables the use of Level 1 Hiding. _______________________ Increases SP Consumption of Hiding by 50. _______________________ For each Refine Level: Decreases SP Consumption of Hiding by 5. _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Left Accessory Refinable |
Gina (I-R)

Infinity Equipment | |
![]() A sacred earring which is believed to protect its wearer. It also draws the wearer's potential abilities. _______________________ Increases Physical and Magical Damage against enemies of every size by 1%. _______________________ Refine Level +7: Increases Physical and Magical Damage against enemies of every size by additional 1%. _______________________ Refine Level +9: Increases Physical and Magical Damage against enemies of every size by additional 1%. _______________________ When equipped with Infinity Shadow Pendant: ATK +1% _______________________ Total Refine Level of entire set at least +15: Nullifies weapon damage penalty resulting from monster's size. _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Right Accessory Refinable |
![]() A sacred necklace which is believed to protect its wearer. It also draws the wearer's potential abilities. _______________________ Decreases damage taken from Small, Medium and Large size by 1%. _______________________ Refine Level +7: Decreases damage taken from Small, Medium and Large size by additional 1%. _______________________ Refine Level +9: Decreases damage taken from Small, Medium and Large size by additional 1%. _______________________ When equipped with Infinity Shadow Earring: ATK +1% _______________________ Total Refine Level of entire set at least +15: Nullifies weapon damage penalty resulting from monster's size. _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Left Accessory Refinable |
Infinity Conversion/Upgrade | ||
![]() Infinity Shadow Thump Box. This is used to create a Infinity Shadow Weapon or Infinity Shadow Shield. _______________________ [Requirements] Refine Rate: +7 Amount of Items: 2 [Possible Items] Infinity Shadow Earring Infinity Shadow Pendant _______________________ [Obtainable Items] Infinity Shadow Weapon Infinity Shadow Shield _______________________ The Refine Level of the materials does not affect the result. It is possible to exchange several of the same part. _______________________ Type: Delayconsume Position: Unknown Weight: 1 |
![]() A pair of gloves that can draw the wearer's potential ability. _______________________ For each 3 Refine Levels: Increases Physical Damage against all sizes by 1%. Decreases damage taken from all size enemies by 1%. _______________________ Refine Level +10: Nullifies weapon damage penalty resulting from monster's size. _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Weapon Refinable |
![]() A small shield worn on the arm for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ For each 3 Refine Levels: Increases Damage against all sizes by 1%. Decreases Damage taken from enemies of all sizes by 1%. _______________________ Refine Level +10: Nullifies weapon damage size penalty against all monsters. _______________________ Type: ShadowGear Position: Shadow Shield Refinable |
Immunity Equipment | ||
![]() A suit of armor worn on top of normal armor for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ Decreases damage taken from Neutral elemental attacks by 1%. _______________________ When equipped with Athena Shadow Shield: For each Refine Level of entire set: DEF +1 _______________________ Total Refine Level of entire set at least +15: Decreases damage taken from Neutral elemental attacks by additional 1%. _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Armor Refinable |
![]() A small shield worn on the arm for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ DEF +10 _______________________ Refine Level +7: DEF +10 _______________________ When equipped with Immune Shadow Armor: For each Refine Level of entire set: DEF +1 _______________________ Total Refine Level of entire set at least +15: Decreases damage taken from Neutral elemental attacks by 1%. _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Shield Refinable |
![]() A sacred earring which is believed to protect its wearer. It also draws the wearer's potential abilities. _______________________ DEF +10 _______________________ Refine Level +7: DEF +10 _______________________ When equipped with Resist Spell Power Shadow Pendant: Decreases damage taken from Neutral elemental attacks by 1%. _______________________ Total Refine Level of entire set at least +15: Decreases damage taken from Neutral elemental attacks by additional 1%. _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Right Accessory Defense: 10 Refinable |
Immunity Conversion/Upgrade | |
![]() Immune Athena Shadow Thump Box. This is used to create a Immune Athena Shadow Shield. _______________________ [Requirements] Refine Rate: +7 Amount of Items: 2 [Possible Items] Athena Shadow Shield Athena Shadow Earring Immune Shadow Armor _______________________ [Obtainable Items] Immune Athena Shadow Shield _______________________ The Refine Level of the materials does not affect the result. It is possible to exchange several of the same part. _______________________ Type: Delayconsume Position: Unknown Weight: 1 |
![]() A small shield worn on the arm for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ DEF +50 _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: DEF +20 _______________________ When equipped with Hard Champion Shadow Shoes: DEF +50 MaxHP +2% MaxSP +2% _______________________ Total Refine Level of entire set at least +16: DEF +50 MaxHP +2% MaxSP +2% _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Shield Refinable |
Kingbird Equipment | |
![]() A pair of gloves that can draw the wearer's potential ability. _______________________ ATK +10 _______________________ Refine Level +7: Increases Ranged Physical Damage by 1%. _______________________ When equipped with Ancient Shadow Armor: For each Refine Level of entire set: ATK +1 _______________________ Total Refine Level of entire set at least +15: Increases Ranged Physical Damage by additional 1%. _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Weapon Refinable |
![]() A suit of armor worn on top of normal armor for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ HIT +10 _______________________ Refine Level +7: HIT +10 _______________________ When equipped with Kingbird Shadow Weapon: For each Refine Level of entire set: ATK +1 _______________________ Total Refine Level of entire set at least +15: Increases Ranged Physical Damage by 1%. _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Armor Refinable |
Kingbird Conversion/Upgrade | ||
![]() Kingbird Ancient Shadow Thump Box. This is used to create one Kingbird Ancient Combination Shadow Equipment. _______________________ [Requirements] Refine Rate: +7 Amount of Items: 2 [Possible Items] Kingbird Shadow Weapon Ancient Shadow Armor _______________________ [Obtainable Items] Kingbird Ancient Shadow Weapon Kingbird Ancient Shadow Armor _______________________ The Refine Level of the materials does not affect the result. It is possible to exchange several of the same part. _______________________ Type: Delayconsume Position: Unknown Weight: 1 |
![]() A suit of armor worn on top of normal armor for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ ATK +15 HIT +15 _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: Increases Ranged Physical Damage by 1%. _______________________ Refine Level +7: HIT +15 _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Armor Refinable |
![]() A pair of gloves that can draw the wearer's potential ability. _______________________ ATK +15, HIT +15 _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: Increases Ranged Physical Damage by 1%. _______________________ Refine Level +7: HIT +15 _______________________ Type: ShadowGear Position: Shadow Weapon Refinable |
Magical Equipment | |
![]() A sacred necklace which is believed to protect its wearer. It also draws the wearer's potential abilities. _______________________ MaxSP +50 _______________________ Refine Level +7: MaxSP +1% _______________________ When equipped with Magical Shadow Weapon and Magical Shadow Earring: For each Refine Level: MATK +1 _______________________ Total Refine Level of entire set at least +23: MATK +1% _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Left Accessory Refinable |
![]() A sacred earring which is believed to protect its wearer. It also draws the wearer's potential abilities. _______________________ Decreases Variable Casting Time by 1%. _______________________ Refine Level +7: Decreases Variable Casting Time by 2%. _______________________ When equipped with Magical Shadow Weapon and Magical Shadow Pendant: For each Refine Level: MATK +1 _______________________ Total Refine Level of entire set at least +23: MATK +1% _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Right Accessory Refinable |
![]() A pair of gloves that can draw the wearer's potential ability. _______________________ MATK +10 _______________________ Refine Level +7: MATK +1% _______________________ When equipped with Magical Shadow Earring and Magical Shadow Pendant: For each Refine Level: MATK +1 _______________________ Total Refine Level of entire set at least +23: MATK +1% _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Weapon Refinable |
![]() A pair of shoes worn on top of normal shoes for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ Decreases Variable Casting Time by 2%. _______________________ Refine Level +7: Decreases Variable Casting Time by additional 3%. _______________________ Refine Level +9: Decreases Variable Casting Time by additional 3%. _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Shoes Refinable |
![]() A small shield worn on the arm for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ MaxSP +100 _______________________ Refine Level +7: MaxSP +2% _______________________ Refine Level +9: MaxSP +3% _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Shield Refinable |
![]() A suit of armor worn on top of normal armor for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ MATK +20 _______________________ Refine Level +7: MATK +2% _______________________ Refine Level +9: MATK +3% _______________________ When equipped with Magical Shadow Shield and Magical Shadow Shoes: For each 2 Refine Levels of entire set: MATK +1 _______________________ Total Refine Level of entire set at least +23: MATK +2% _______________________ Total Refine Level of entire set at least +25: MATK +3% _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Armor Refinable |
Magical Conversion/Upgrade | ||
![]() Clever Shadow Thump Box. This is used to create one Clever Combination Shadow Equipment. _______________________ [Requirements] Refine Rate: +7 Amount of Items: 6 [Possible Items] Magical Shadow Weapon Magical Shadow Armor Magical Shadow Shoes Magical Shadow Shield Magical Shadow Pendant Magical Shadow Earring _______________________ [Obtainable Items] Clever Shadow Weapon Clever Shadow Shield _______________________ The Refine Level of the materials does not affect the result. It is possible to exchange several of the same part. _______________________ Type: DelayConsume Position: Unknown Weight: 1 |
![]() A pair of gloves that can draw the wearer's potential ability. _______________________ Increases Magical Damage with every element by 2%. _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: MATK +1% _______________________ Refine Level +9: Decreases Variable Casting Time by 5%. _______________________ Refine Level +10: Increases Magical Damage with every element by additional 7%. _______________________ Type: ShadowGear Position: Shadow Weapon Refinable Required Level: 99 |
![]() A small shield worn on the arm for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ Increases Magical Damage with every element by 2%. _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: MATK +1% _______________________ Refine Level +9: Decreases Variable Casting Time by 5%. _______________________ Refine Level +10: Increases Magical Damage with every element by additional 7%. _______________________ Type: ShadowGear Position: Shadow Shield Refinable Required Level: 99 |
Mammoth Equipment | |
![]() A suit of armor worn on top of normal armor for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ CRI +10 _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: CRI +1 _______________________ Refine Level +9: Increases Critical Damage by 5%. _______________________ Type: ShadowGear Position: Shadow Armor Refinable |
![]() A pair of shoes worn on top of normal shoes for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ FLEE +10 _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: FLEE +1 _______________________ Refine Level +9: ASPD +1 _______________________ Type: ShadowGear Position: Shadow Shoes Refinable |
![]() A sacred necklace which is believed to protect its wearer. It also draws the wearer's potential abilities. _______________________ ATK +10 _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: ATK +1 _______________________ Refine Level +9: ATK +3% _______________________ Type: ShadowGear Position: Shadow Left Accessory Refinable |
![]() A sacred earring which is believed to protect its wearer. It also draws the wearer's potential abilities. _______________________ Increases Critical Damage by 1%. _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: Increases Critical Damage by additional 1%. _______________________ Refine Level +9: Increases Physical Damage by 3%. _______________________ When equipped with Mammoth Shadow Armor, Mammoth Shadow Shield, Mammoth Shadow Shoes, Mammoth Shadow Weapon, Mammoth Shadow Earring and Mammoth Shadow Pendant: ATK +1% Total Refine Level of entire set at least +45: Prevents knock-back effect. _______________________ Type: ShadowGear Position: Shadow Right Accessory Refinable |
![]() A pair of gloves that can draw the wearer's potential ability. _______________________ HIT +10 _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: HIT +1 _______________________ Refine Level +9: Perfect Hit +5% _______________________ Type: ShadowGear Position: Shadow Weapon Refinable |
![]() A small shield worn on the arm for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ DEF +5 _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: DEF +1 _______________________ Refine Level +9: Decreases After Cast Delay by 3%. _______________________ Type: ShadowGear Position: Shadow Shield Refinable |
Mammoth Conversion/Upgrade | |
![]() Maximum Mammonth Shadow Thump Box. This is used to create one Maximum Mammonth Combination Shadow Equipment. _______________________ [Requirements] Refine Rate: +7 Amount of Items: 6 [Possible Items] Mammonth Shadow Weapon, Mammonth Shadow Armor, Mammonth Shadow Shoes, Mammonth Shadow Shield, Mammonth Shadow Pendant, Mammonth Shadow Earring. _______________________ [Obtainable Items] Maximum Mammonth Shadow Armor Maximum Mammonth Shadow Shoes Maximum Mammonth Shadow Earring Maximum Mammonth Shadow Pendant _______________________ The refine level of an item that becomes a material does not affect the result. _______________________ Type: DelayConsume Position: Unknown Weight: 1 |
![]() A suit of armor worn on top of normal armor for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ ATK +3% _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: Increases melee and Ranged Physical Damage by 1%. _______________________ Refine Level +10: MaxHP +3% _______________________ When equipped with Maximum Mammoth Shadow Shoes: ATK +2% Total Refine Level of entire set at least +18: Prevents knock-back effect. If total Refine Level of entire set at least +20: Increases Physical Damage against enemies of every element by 12%. _______________________ Type: ShadowGear Position: Shadow Armor Refinable |
![]() A pair of shoes worn on top of normal shoes for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ ATK +3% _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: Increases melee and Ranged Physical Damage by 1%. _______________________ Refine Level +10: MaxHP +3% _______________________ Type: ShadowGear Position: Shadow Shoes Refinable |
![]() A sacred earring which is believed to protect its wearer. It also draws the wearer's potential abilities. _______________________ ATK +3% _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: Increases melee and Ranged Physical Damage by 1%. _______________________ Refine Level +10: MaxHP +3% _______________________ When equipped with Maximum Mammoth Shadow Pendant: ATK +2% Total Refine Level of entire set at least +18: Prevents knock-back effect. If total Refine Level of entire set at least +20: Increases Physical Damage against enemies of every element by 12%. _______________________ Type: ShadowGear Position: Shadow Right Accessory Refinable |
![]() A sacred necklace which is believed to protect its wearer. It also draws the wearer's potential abilities. _______________________ ATK +3% _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: Increases melee and Ranged Physical Damage by 1%. _______________________ Refine Level +10: MaxHP +3% _______________________ Type: ShadowGear Position: Shadow Left Accessory Refinable |
Mortal Equipment | ||
![]() A pair of gloves that can draw the wearer's potential ability. _______________________ Increases Critical Damage by 2%. _______________________ Refine Level +7: Increases Critical Damage by additional 2%. _______________________ Refine Level +9: Increases Critical Damage by additional 3%. _______________________ When equipped with Mortal Blow Shadow Earring and Mortal Blow Shadow Pendant: Increases Critical Damage by 2%. _______________________ Total Refine Level of entire set at least +25: Increases Critical Damage by additional 10%. _______________________ Total Refine Level of entire set at least +30: ASPD +3 _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Weapon Refinable |
![]() A sacred earring which is believed to protect its wearer. It also draws the wearer's potential abilities. _______________________ Increases Critical Damage by 1%. _______________________ Refine Level +7: Increases Critical Damage by additional 1%. _______________________ Refine Level +9: Increases Critical Damage by additional 1%. _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Right Accessory Refinable |
![]() A sacred necklace which is believed to protect its wearer. It also draws the wearer's potential abilities. _______________________ Increases Critical Damage by 1%. _______________________ Refine Level +7: Increases Critical Damage by additional 1%. _______________________ Refine Level +9: Increases Critical Damage by additional 1%. _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Left Accessory Refinable |
Penetration Equipment | |
![]() A sacred earring which is believed to protect its wearer. It also draws the wearer's potential abilities. _______________________ Ignores physical defense of all monsters by 5%. _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: Ignores physical defense of all monsters by additional 1%. _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Right Accessory Refinable |
![]() A sacred necklace which is believed to protect its wearer. It also draws the wearer's potential abilities. _______________________ Ignores physical defense of all monsters by 5%. _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: Ignores physical defense of all monsters by additional 1%. _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Left Accessory Refinable |
![]() A pair of gloves that can draw the wearer's potential ability. _______________________ Ignores physical defense of Demi-Human race by 5% (Except Players). _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: Ignores physical defense of Demi-Human race by additional 1% (Except Players). _______________________ When equipped with Penetration Shadow Pendant and Penetration Shadow Earring: ATK +5 _______________________ Total Refine Level of entire set at least +25: Ignores physical defense of Demi-Human race by 100% (Except Players). _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Weapon Refinable |
![]() A pair of gloves that can draw the wearer's potential ability. _______________________ Ignores physical defense of Demon race by 5%. _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: Ignores physical defense of Demon race by additional 1%. _______________________ When equipped with Penetration Shadow Pendant and Penetration Shadow Earring: ATK +5 _______________________ Total Refine Level of entire set at least +25: Ignores physical defense of Demon race by 100%. _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Weapon Refinable |
![]() A pair of gloves that can draw the wearer's potential ability. _______________________ Ignores physical defense of Brute race by 5%. _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: Ignores physical defense of Brute race by additional 1%. _______________________ When equipped with Penetration Shadow Pendant and Penetration Shadow Earring: ATK +5 _______________________ Total Refine Level of entire set at least +25: Ignores physical defense of Brute race by 100%. _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Weapon Refinable |
![]() A pair of gloves that can draw the wearer's potential ability. _______________________ Ignores physical defense of Insect race by 5%. _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: Ignores physical defense of Insect race by additional 1%. _______________________ When equipped with Penetration Shadow Pendant and Penetration Shadow Earring: ATK +5 _______________________ Total Refine Level of entire set at least +25: Ignores physical defense of Insect race by 100%. _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Weapon Refinable |
![]() A pair of gloves that can draw the wearer's potential ability. _______________________ Ignores physical defense of Fish race by 5%. _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: Ignores physical defense of Fish race by additional 1%. _______________________ When equipped with Penetration Shadow Pendant and Penetration Shadow Earring: ATK +5 _______________________ Total Refine Level of entire set at least +25: Ignores physical defense of Fish race by 100%. _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Weapon Refinable |
![]() A pair of gloves that can draw the wearer's potential ability. _______________________ Ignores physical defense of Dragon race by 5%. _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: Ignores physical defense of Dragon race by additional 1%. _______________________ When equipped with Penetration Shadow Pendant and Penetration Shadow Earring: ATK +5 _______________________ Total Refine Level of entire set at least +25: Ignores physical defense of Dragon race by 100%. _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Weapon Refinable |
![]() A pair of gloves that can draw the wearer's potential ability. _______________________ Ignores physical defense of Angel race by 5%. _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: Ignores physical defense of Angel race by additional 1%. _______________________ When equipped with Penetration Shadow Pendant and Penetration Shadow Earring: ATK +5 _______________________ Total Refine Level of entire set at least +25: Ignores physical defense of Angel race by 100%. _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Weapon Refinable |
![]() A pair of gloves that can draw the wearer's potential ability. _______________________ Ignores physical defense of Formless race by 5%. _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: Ignores physical defense of Formless race by additional 1%. _______________________ When equipped with Penetration Shadow Pendant and Penetration Shadow Earring: ATK +5 _______________________ Total Refine Level of entire set at least +25: Ignores physical defense of Formless race by 100%. _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Weapon Refinable |
![]() A pair of gloves that can draw the wearer's potential ability. _______________________ Ignores physical defense of Undead race by 5%. _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: Ignores physical defense of Undead race by additional 1%. _______________________ When equipped with Penetration Shadow Pendant and Penetration Shadow Earring: ATK +5 _______________________ Total Refine Level of entire set at least +25: Ignores physical defense of Undead race by 100%. _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Weapon Refinable |
![]() A pair of gloves that can draw the wearer's potential ability. _______________________ Ignores physical defense of Plant race by 5%. _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: Ignores physical defense of Plant race by additional 1%. _______________________ When equipped with Penetration Shadow Pendant and Penetration Shadow Earring: ATK +5 _______________________ Total Refine Level of entire set at least +25: Ignores physical defense of Plant race by 100%. _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Weapon Refinable |
![]() A pair of gloves that can draw the wearer's potential ability. _______________________ Ignores physical defense of Normal class by 5%. _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: Ignores physical defense of Normal class by additional 1%. _______________________ When equipped with Penetration Shadow Armor, Penetration Shadow Shield, Penetration Shadow Shoes, Penetration Shadow Earring and Penetration Shadow Pendant: Iftotal Refine Level is +54 or higher: Ignores physical defense of Normal class by additional 20%. _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Weapon Refinable |
![]() A suit of armor worn on top of normal armor for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ Ignores physical defense of Normal class by 5%. _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: Ignores physical defense of Normal class by additional 1%. _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Armor Refinable |
![]() A pair of gloves that can draw the wearer's potential ability. _______________________ Ignores physical defense of Demi-Human (except Players) and Undead race by 5%. _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: Ignores physical defense of Demi-Human (except Players) and Undead race by additional 1%. _______________________ When equipped with Penetration Shadow Earring and Penetration Shadow Pendant: ATK +5 _______________________ If Refine Level is total +25 or higher: Ignores physical defense of Demi-Human (except Players) and Undead race by 100%. _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Weapon Refinable |
![]() A pair of gloves that can draw the wearer's potential ability. _______________________ Ignores physical defense of Fish and Insect race by 5%. _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: Ignores physical defense of Fish and Insect race by additional 1%. _______________________ When equipped with Penetration Shadow Earring and Penetration Shadow Pendant: ATK +5 _______________________ If Refine Level is total +25 or higher: Ignores physical defense of Fish and Insect race by 100%. _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Weapon Refinable |
![]() A pair of gloves that can draw the wearer's potential ability. _______________________ Ignores physical defense of Animal (except players) and Plant race by 5%. _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: Ignores physical defense of Animal (except players) and Plant race by additional 1%. _______________________ When equipped with Penetration Shadow Earring and Penetration Shadow Pendant: ATK +5 _______________________ If Refine Level is total +25 or higher: Ignores physical defense of Animal (except players) and Plant race by 100%. _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Weapon Refinable |
![]() A pair of gloves that can draw the wearer's potential ability. _______________________ Ignores physical defense of Formless elemental enemies and Dragon race by 5%. _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: Ignores physical defense of Formless elemental enemies and Dragon race by additional 1%. _______________________ When equipped with Penetration Shadow Earring and Penetration Shadow Pendant: ATK +5 _______________________ If Refine Level is total +25 or higher: Ignores physical defense of Formless elemental enemies and Dragon race by 100%. _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Weapon Refinable |
![]() A pair of gloves that can draw the wearer's potential ability. _______________________ Ignores physical defense of Demon and Angel race by 5%. _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: Ignores physical defense of Demon and Angel race by additional 1%. _______________________ When equipped with Penetration Shadow Earring and Penetration Shadow Pendant: ATK +5 _______________________ If Refine Level is total +25 or higher: Ignores physical defense of Demon and Angel race by 100%. _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Weapon Refinable |
![]() A pair of gloves that can draw the wearer's potential ability. _______________________ ATK +5 _______________________ For each Refine Level: ATK +1 _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: Ignores physical defense of Demi-Human race monster (except player) by 1%. _______________________ When equipped with Executioner Shadow Earring and Executioner Shadow Pendant: Total Refine Level of entire set at least +25: Ignores 100% physical defense of Demi-Human race (Except Player). _______________________ When equipped with Force Shadow Earring and Force Shadow Pendant: ATK +10 _______________________ Total Refine Level of entire set at least +20: ATK +1% _______________________ Total Refine Level of entire set at least +25: ATK +1% _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Weapon Refinable |
![]() A small shield worn on the arm for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ Ignores physical defense of Normal class by 5%. _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: Ignores physical defense of Normal class by additional 1%. _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Shield Refinable |
![]() A pair of shoes worn on top of normal shoes for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ Ignores physical defense of Normal class by 5%. _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: Ignores physical defense of Normal class by additional 1%. _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Shoes Refinable |
![]() A suit of armor worn on top of normal armor for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ Ignores physical defense of Demi-Human (except Player) and Undead race by 5%. _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: Ignores physical defense of Demi-Human (except Player) and Undead race by additional 1%. _______________________ When equipped with Penetration Shadow Shield and Penetration Shadow Shoes: DEF +5 _______________________ Total Refine Level of entire set at least +25: Ignores physical defense of Demi-Human (except Player) and Undead race by 100%. _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Armor Refinable |
![]() A suit of armor worn on top of normal armor for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ Ignores physical defense of Demon and Angel race by 5%. _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: Ignores physical defense of Demon and Angel race by additional 1%. _______________________ When equipped with Penetration Shadow Shield and Penetration Shadow Shoes: DEF +5 _______________________ Total Refine Level of entire set at least +25: Ignores physical defense of Demon and Angel race by 100%. _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Armor Refinable |
![]() A suit of armor worn on top of normal armor for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ Ignores physical defense of Formless and Dragon race by 5%. _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: Ignores physical defense of Formless and Dragon race by additional 1%. _______________________ When equipped with Penetration Shadow Shield and Penetration Shadow Shoes: DEF +5 _______________________ Total Refine Level of entire set at least +25: Ignores physical defense of Formless and Dragon race by 100%. _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Armor Refinable |
![]() A suit of armor worn on top of normal armor for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ Ignores physical defense of Brute (except Player) and Plant race by 5%. _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: Ignores physical defense of Brute (except Player) and Plant race by additional 1%. _______________________ When equipped with Penetration Shadow Shield: Penetration Shadow Shoes DEF +5 _______________________ Total Refine Level of entire set at least +25: Ignores physical defense of Brute (except Player) and Plant race by 100%. _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Armor Refinable |
![]() A suit of armor worn on top of normal armor for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ Ignores physical defense of Fish and Insect race by 5%. _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: Ignores physical defense of Fish and Insect race by additional 1%. _______________________ When equipped with Penetration Shadow Shield and Penetration Shadow Shoes: DEF +5 _______________________ Total Refine Level of entire set at least +25: Ignores physical defense of Fish and Insect race by 100%. _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Armor Refinable |
Penetration Conversion/Upgrade | |
![]() Full Penetration Shadow Thump Box This is used to create one Full Penetration Combination Shadow Equipment. _______________________ [Requirements] Refine Rate: +7 Amount of Items: 10 [Possible Items] Penetration Shadow Shoes, Penetration Shadow Shield, Executioner Holy Water Shadow Armor, Corrupted Exorcist Shadow Armor, Vibration Dragon Killer Shadow Armor, Scissor Hunting Shadow Armor, Fishing Insect Net Shadow Armor, Penetration Shadow Earring, Penetration Shadow Pendant, Executioner Shadow Weapon, Exorcist Shadow Weapon, Hunting Shadow Weapon, Insect Net Shadow Weapon, Fishing Shadow Weapon, Dragon Killer Shadow Weapon, Corrupted Shadow Weapon, Vibration Shadow Weapon, Holy Water Shadow Weapon, Scissor Shadow Weapon, Force Executioner Shadow Weapon, Penetration Shadow Weapon, Penetration Shadow Armor, Executioner Holy Water Shadow Weapon, Fishing Insect Net Shadow Weapon, Scissor Hunting Shadow Weapon, Vibration Dragon Killer Shadow Weapon, Corrupted Exorcist Shadow Weapon. _______________________ [Obtainable Items] Full Penetration Shadow Armor Full Penetration Shadow Shoes Full Penetration Shadow Earring Full Penetration Shadow Pendant _______________________ The refine level of an item that becomes a material does not affect the result. _______________________ Type: DelayConsume Position: Unknown Weight: 1 |
![]() A sacred earring which is believed to protect its wearer. It also draws the wearer's potential abilities. _______________________ Ignores physical defense of all race, except Players, by 5%. _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: Ignores physical defense of all race, except Players, by additional 1%. _______________________ Refine Level +10: Increases Physical Damage against all races, except Players, by 3%. _______________________ When equipped with Full Penetration Shadow Pendant: ATK +2% Total Refine Level of entire set at least +18: Ignores physical defense of all race, except Players, by 100%. _______________________ Type: ShadowGear Position: Shadow Right Accessory Refinable |
![]() A sacred necklace which is believed to protect its wearer. It also draws the wearer's potential abilities. _______________________ Ignores physical defense of all race, except Players, by 5%. _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: Ignores physical defense of all race, except Players, by additional 1%. _______________________ Refine Level +10: Increases Physical Damage against all races, except Players, by 3%. _______________________ Type: ShadowGear Position: Shadow Left Accessory Refinable |
![]() A suit of armor worn on top of normal armor for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ Ignores physical defense of all race, except Players, by 5%. _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: Ignores physical defense of all race, except Players, by additional 1%. _______________________ Refine Level +10: Increases Physical Damage against all races, except Players, by 3%. _______________________ When equipped with Full Penetration Shadow Shoes: ATK +2% Total Refine Level of entire set at least +18: Ignores physical defense of all race, except Players, by 100%. _______________________ Type: ShadowGear Position: Shadow Armor Refinable |
![]() A pair of shoes worn on top of normal shoes for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ Ignores physical defense of all race, except Players, by 5%. _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: Ignores physical defense of all race, except Players, by additional 1%. _______________________ Refine Level +10: Increases Physical Damage against all races, except Players, by 3%. _______________________ Type: ShadowGear Position: Shadow Shoes Refinable |
Physical Equipment | |
![]() A sacred necklace which is believed to protect its wearer. It also draws the wearer's potential abilities. _______________________ MaxHP +100 _______________________ Refine Level +7: MaxHP +1% _______________________ When equipped with Physical Shadow Weapon and Physical Shadow Earring: For each Refine Level: ATK +1 _______________________ Total Refine Level of entire set at least +23: ATK +1% _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Left Accessory Refinable |
![]() A pair of gloves that can draw the wearer's potential ability. _______________________ ATK +10 _______________________ Refine Level +7: Increases physical damage against all classes by 1% _______________________ When equipped with Physical Shadow Earring and Physical Shadow Pendant: For each Refine Level: Increases physical damage against all classes by 1% _______________________ Total Refine Level of entire set at least +23: Increases physical damage against all classes by 1% _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Weapon Refinable |
![]() A sacred earring which is believed to protect its wearer. It also draws the wearer's potential abilities. _______________________ Increases Attack Speed by 1%. _______________________ Refine Level +7: Decreases After Attack Delay by 2%. _______________________ When equipped with Physical Shadow Weapon and Physical Shadow Pendant: For each Refine Level: ATK +1 _______________________ Total Refine Level of entire set at least +23: ATK +1% _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Right Accessory Refinable |
![]() A pair of shoes worn on top of normal shoes for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ Increases Attack Speed by 2%. _______________________ Refine Level +7: Decreases After Attack Delay by additional 3%. _______________________ Refine Level +9: Decreases After Attack Delay by additional 3%. _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Shoes Refinable |
![]() A small shield worn on the arm for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ MaxHP +200 _______________________ Refine Level +7: MaxHP +2% _______________________ Refine Level +9: MaxHP +3% _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Shield Refinable |
![]() A suit of armor worn on top of normal armor for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ ATK +20 _______________________ Refine Level +7: ATK +2% _______________________ Refine Level +9: ATK +3% _______________________ When equipped with Physical Shadow Shield and Physical Shadow Shoes: For each 2 Refine Levels of entire set: ATK +1 _______________________ Total Refine Level of entire set at least +23: ATK +2% _______________________ Total Refine Level of entire set at least +25: ATK +3% _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Armor Refinable |
Physical Conversion/Upgrade | ||
![]() Durable Shadow Thump Box. This is used to create one Durable Combination Shadow Equipment. _______________________ [Requirements] Refine Rate: +7 Amount of Items: 6 [Possible Items] Physical Shadow Weapon Physical Shadow Armor Physical Shadow Shoes Physical Shadow Shield Physical Shadow Pendant Physical Shadow Earring _______________________ [Obtainable Items] Durable Shadow Weapon Durable Shadow Shield _______________________ The Refine Level of the materials does not affect the result. It is possible to exchange several of the same part. _______________________ Type: DelayConsume Position: Unknown Weight: 1 |
![]() A pair of gloves that can draw the wearer's potential ability. _______________________ Increases Melee and Ranged Physical Damage by 2%. _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: ATK +1% _______________________ Refine Level +9: ASPD +1 _______________________ Refine Level +10: Increases Melee and Ranged Physical Damage by additional 7%. _______________________ Type: ShadowGear Position: Shadow Weapon Refinable Required Level: 99 |
![]() A small shield worn on the arm for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ Increases Melee and Ranged Physical Damage by 2%. _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: ATK +1% _______________________ Refine Level +9: ASPD +1 _______________________ Refine Level +10: Increases Melee and Ranged Physical Damage by additional 7%. _______________________ Type: ShadowGear Position: Shadow Shield Refinable Required Level: 99 |
Race Equipment | |
![]() A small shield worn on the arm for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ Decreases damage taken from Demi-Human race by 1%. _______________________ Refine Level +7: Decreases damage taken from Demi-Human race by additional 1%. _______________________ Refine Level +9: Decreases damage taken from Demi-Human race by additional 1%. _______________________ When equipped with Bloody Shadow Shoes: Increases experience gained from defeating Demi-Human race monsters by 3%. _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Shield Refinable |
![]() A small shield worn on the arm for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ Decreases damage taken from Boss class by 1%. _______________________ Refine Level +7: Decreases damage taken from Boss class by additional 1%. _______________________ Refine Level +9: Decreases damage taken from Boss class by additional 1%. _______________________ When equipped with Liberation Shadow Shoes: Increases Physical Damage against Boss class by 5%. _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Shield Refinable |
![]() A small shield worn on the arm for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ Decreases damage taken from Brute race by 1%. _______________________ Refine Level +7: Decreases damage taken from Brute race by additional 1%. _______________________ Refine Level +9: Decreases damage taken from Brute race by additional 1%. _______________________ When equipped with Clamorous Shadow Shoes: Increases experience gained from defeating Brute race monsters by 3%. _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Shield Refinable |
![]() A small shield worn on the arm for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ Decreases damage taken from Insect race by 1%. _______________________ Refine Level +7: Decreases damage taken from Insect race by additional 1%. _______________________ Refine Level +9: Decreases damage taken from Insect race by additional 1%. _______________________ When equipped with Insecticide Shadow Shoes: Increases experience gained from defeating Insect race monsters by 3%. _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Shield Refinable |
![]() A small shield worn on the arm for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ Decreases damage taken from Fish race by 1%. _______________________ Refine Level +7: Decreases damage taken from Fish race by additional 1%. _______________________ Refine Level +9: Decreases damage taken from Fish race by additional 1%. _______________________ When equipped with Fisher Shadow Shoes: Increases experience gained from defeating Fish race by 3%. _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Shield Refinable |
![]() A small shield worn on the arm for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ Decreases damage taken from Dragon race by 1%. _______________________ Refine Level +7: Decreases damage taken from Dragon race by additional 1%. _______________________ Refine Level +9: Decreases damage taken from Dragon race by additional 1%. _______________________ When equipped with Dragoon Shadow Shoes: Increases experience gained from defeating Dragon race monsters by 3%. _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Shield Refinable |
![]() A small shield worn on the arm for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ Decreases damage taken from Angel race by 1%. _______________________ Refine Level +7: Decreases damage taken from Angel race by additional 1%. _______________________ Refine Level +9: Decreases damage taken from Angel race by additional 1%. _______________________ When equipped with Seraphim Shadow Shoes: Increases experience gained from defeating Angel race monsters by 3%. _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Shield Refinable |
![]() A small shield worn on the arm for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ Decreases damage taken from Formless race by 1%. _______________________ Refine Level +7: Decreases damage taken from Formless race by additional 1%. _______________________ Refine Level +9: Decreases damage taken from Formless race by additional 1%. _______________________ When equipped with Beholder Shadow Shoes: Increases experience gained from defeating Formless race monsters by by 3%. _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Shield Refinable |
![]() A small shield worn on the arm for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ Decreases damage taken from Undead race by 1%. _______________________ Refine Level +7: Decreases damage taken from Undead race by 1%. _______________________ Refine Level +9: Decreases damage taken from Undead race by 1%. _______________________ When equipped with Divine Shadow Shoes: Increases experience gained from defeating Undead race monsters by 3%. _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Shield Refinable |
![]() A small shield worn on the arm for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ Decreases damage taken from Plant race by 1%. _______________________ Refine Level +7: Decreases damage taken from Plant race by 1%. _______________________ Refine Level +9: Decreases damage taken from Plant race by 1%. _______________________ When equipped with Chemical Shadow Shoes: Increases experience gained from defeating Plant race monsters by 3%. _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Shield Refinable |
![]() A pair of shoes worn on top of normal shoes for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ Increases Physical and Magical Damage against Dragon race by 2%. _______________________ Refine Level +7: Increases Physical and Magical Damage against Dragon race by 1%. _______________________ Refine Level +9: Increases Physical and Magical Damage against Dragon race by 2%. _______________________ When equipped with Dragoon Shadow Shield: Increases experience gained from defeating Dragon race monsters by 3%. _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Shoes Refinable |
![]() A pair of shoes worn on top of normal shoes for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ Increases Physical and Magical Damage against Plant race by 2%. _______________________ Refine Level +7: Increases Physical and Magical Damage against Plant race by 1%. _______________________ Refine Level +9: Increases Physical and Magical Damage against Plant race by 2%. _______________________ When equipped with Cadi Shadow Shield: Increases experience gained from defeating Plant race monsters by 3%. _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Shoes Refinable |
![]() A pair of shoes worn on top of normal shoes for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ Increases Physical and Magical Damage against Angel race by 2%. _______________________ Refine Level +7: Increases Physical and Magical Damage against Angel race by 1%. _______________________ Refine Level +9: Increases Physical and Magical Damage against Angel race by 2%. _______________________ When equipped with Satanic Shadow Shield: Increases experience gained from defeating Angel race monsters by 3%. _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Shoes Refinable |
![]() A pair of shoes worn on top of normal shoes for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ Increases Physical and Magical Damage against Formless race by 2%. _______________________ Refine Level +7: Increases Physical and Magical Damage against Formless race by 1%. _______________________ Refine Level +9: Increases Physical and Magical Damage against Formless race by 2%. _______________________ When equipped with Frame Guard Shadow Shield: Increases experience gained from defeating Formless race monsters by by 3%. _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Shoes Refinable |
![]() A pair of shoes worn on top of normal shoes for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ Increases Physical and Magical Damage against Undead race by 2%. _______________________ Refine Level +7: Increases Physical and Magical Damage against Undead race by 1%. _______________________ Refine Level +9: Increases Physical and Magical Damage against Undead race by 2%. _______________________ When equipped with Requiem Shadow Shield: Increases experience gained from defeating Undead race monsters by 3%. _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Shoes Refinable |
![]() A pair of shoes worn on top of normal shoes for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ Increases Physical and Magical Damage against Demi-Human race by 2%. _______________________ Refine Level +7: Increases Physical and Magical Damage against Demi-Human race by 1%. _______________________ Refine Level +9: Increases Physical and Magical Damage against Demi-Human race by 2%. _______________________ When equipped with Cranial Shadow Shield: Increases experience gained from defeating Demi-Human race monsters by 3%. _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Shoes Refinable |
![]() A pair of shoes worn on top of normal shoes for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ Increases Physical Damage against Boss class by 1%. _______________________ Refine Level +7: Increases Physical Damage against Boss class by 1%. _______________________ Refine Level +9: Increases Physical Damage against Boss class by 1%. _______________________ When equipped with Safeguard Shadow Shield: Increases Physical Damage against Boss class by 5%. _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Shoes Refinable |
![]() A pair of shoes worn on top of normal shoes for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ Increases Physical and Magical Damage against Brute race by 2%. _______________________ Refine Level +7: Increases Physical and Magical Damage against Brute race by 1%. _______________________ Refine Level +9: Increases Physical and Magical Damage against Brute race by 2%. _______________________ When equipped with Brutal Shadow Shield: Increases experience gained from defeating Brute race monsters by 3%. _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Shoes Refinable |
![]() A pair of shoes worn on top of normal shoes for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ Increases Physical and Magical Damage against Insect race by 2%. _______________________ Refine Level +7: Increases Physical and Magical Damage against Insect race by 1%. _______________________ Refine Level +9: Increases Physical and Magical Damage against Insect race by 2%. _______________________ When equipped with Gargantua Shadow Shield: Increases experience gained from defeating Insect race monsters by 3%. _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Shoes Refinable |
![]() A pair of shoes worn on top of normal shoes for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ Increases Physical and Magical Damage against Fish race by 2%. _______________________ Refine Level +7: Increases Physical and Magical Damage against Fish race by 1%. _______________________ Refine Level +9: Increases Physical and Magical Damage against Fish race by 2%. _______________________ When equipped with Homer's Shadow Shield: Increases experience gained from defeating Fish race by 3%. _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Shoes Refinable |
Race Conversion/Upgrade | ||
![]() Race Shadow Thump Box. This is used to create one all races Combination Shadow Equipment. _______________________ [Requirements] Refine Rate: +7 Amount of Items: 4 [Possible Items] Cranial Shadow Shield Safeguard Shadow Shield Brutal Shadow Shield Gargantua Shadow Shield Homer's Shadow Shield Dragoon Shadow Shield Satanic Shadow Shield Frame Guard Shadow Shield Requiem Shadow Shield Cadi Shadow Shield Bloody Shadow Shoes Liberation Shadow Shoes Chemical Shadow Shoes Clamorous Shadow Shoes Insecticide Shadow Shoes Fisher Shadow Shoes Seraphim Shadow Shoes Beholder Shadow Shoes Divine Shadow Shoes Dragon Shadow Shoes _______________________ [Obtainable Items] all races Shadow Shield all races Shadow Shoes _______________________ The Refine Level of the materials does not affect the result. It is possible to exchange several of the same part. _______________________ Type: Delayconsume Position: Unknown Weight: 1 |
![]() A small shield worn on the arm for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ Decreases damage taken from all monster races by 1%. _______________________ Refine Level +7: Decreases damage taken from all monster races by additional 1%. _______________________ Refine Level +9: Decreases damage taken from all monster races by additional 1%. _______________________ When equipped with All Races Shadow Shoes: Increases experience gained from defeating monsters by 3%. _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Shield Refinable |
![]() A pair of shoes worn on top of normal shoes for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ Increases Physical Damage against all monsters by 2%. _______________________ Refine Level +7: Increases Physical Damage against all monsters by additional 1%. _______________________ Refine Level +9: Increases Physical Damage against all monsters by additional 2%. _______________________ When equipped with All Races Shadow Shield: Increases experience gained from defeating monsters by 3%. _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Shoes Refinable |
Reload Equipment | |
![]() A pair of shoes worn on top of normal shoes for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ Decreases After Cast Delay by 1%. _______________________ Refine Level +7: Decreases After Cast Delay by additional 1%. _______________________ Refine Level +9: Decreases After Cast Delay by additional 1%. _______________________ When equipped with Reload Shadow Armor and Reload Shadow Shield: Decreases After Cast Delay by additional 1%. _______________________ Total Refine Level of entire set at least +25: Decreases After Cast Delay by additional 5%. _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Shoes Refinable |
![]() A small shield worn on the arm for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ Decreases After Cast Delay by 1%. _______________________ Refine Level +7: Decreases After Cast Delay by additional 1%. _______________________ Refine Level +9: Decreases After Cast Delay by additional 1%. _______________________ When equipped with Reload Shadow Armor and Reload Shadow Shoes: Decreases After Cast Delay by additional 1%. _______________________ Total Refine Level of entire set at least +25: Decreases After Cast Delay by additional 5%. _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Shield Refinable |
![]() A suit of armor worn on top of normal armor for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ Decreases After Cast Delay by 1%. _______________________ Refine Level +7: Decreases After Cast Delay by additional 1%. _______________________ Refine Level +9: Decreases After Cast Delay by additional 1%. _______________________ When equipped with Reload Shadow Shield and Reload Shadow Shoes: Decreases After Cast Delay by additional 1%. _______________________ Total Refine Level of entire set at least +25: Decreases After Cast Delay by additional 5%. _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Armor Refinable |
![]() A suit of armor worn on top of normal armor for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ VIT +3 _______________________ Increases HP Recovery Rate by 20%. _______________________ For each 3 Refine Levels: Decreases After Cast Delay by 1%. _______________________ When equipped with Reload Shadow Shoes and Reload Shadow Shield: Decreases After Cast Delay by additional 1%. _______________________ Total Refine Level of entire set at least +25: Decreases After Cast Delay by additional 5%. _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Armor Refinable |
Reload Conversion/Upgrade | |
![]() Reload Shadow Thump Box. This is used to create a Separate Reload Shadow Shield. _______________________ [Requirements] Refine Rate: +9 Amount of Items: 3 [Possible Items] Reload Shadow Armor Reload Shadow Shoes Reload Shadow Shield Reload Shadow Armor II _______________________ [Obtainable Items] Separate Reload Shadow Shield _______________________ The Refine Level of the materials does not affect the result. It is possible to exchange several of the same part. _______________________ Type: DelayConsume Position: Unknown Weight: 1 |
![]() A small shield worn on the arm for additional defense. _______________________ For each Refine Levels: Decreases After Cast Delay by 1%. _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: Increases Attack Speed by 3%. _______________________ Refine Level +9: ATK +3% MATK +3% _______________________ Type: ShadowGear Position: Shadow Shield Refinable |
Restore Equipment | |
![]() A sacred earring which is believed to protect its wearer. It also draws the wearer's potential abilities. _______________________ Increases HP Recovery Rate by 20%. _______________________ Refine Level +7: Increases HP Recovery Rate by additional 10%. _______________________ Refine Level +9: Increases HP Recovery Rate by additional 20%. _______________________ When equipped with Restore Shadow Pendant: Total Refine Level of entire set at least +15: Increases HP and SP Recovery Rate by 50%. _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Right Accessory Refinable |
![]() A sacred necklace which is believed to protect its wearer. It also draws the wearer's potential abilities. _______________________ Increases SP Recovery Rate by 20%. _______________________ Refine Level +7: Increases SP Recovery Rate by additional 10%. _______________________ Refine Level +9: Increases SP Recovery Rate by additional 20%. _______________________ When equipped with Restore Shadow Earring: Total Refine Level of entire set at least +15: Increases HP and SP Recovery Rate by 50%. _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Left Accessory Refinable |
Milo (S-Z)

Size Equipment | |
![]() A pair of gloves that can draw the wearer's potential ability. _______________________ Increases Physical and Magical Damage against Large size by 2%. _______________________ Refine Level +7: Increases Physical and Magical Damage against Large size by 1%. _______________________ Refine Level +9: Increases Physical and Magical Damage against Large size by 2%. _______________________ When equipped with Large Shadow Armor: MaxHP +1% MaxSP +1% _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Weapon Refinable |
![]() A suit of armor worn on top of normal armor for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ Decreases damage taken from Large size by 2%. _______________________ Refine Level +7: Decreases damage taken from Large size by 1%. _______________________ Refine Level +9: Decreases damage taken from Large size by 2%. _______________________ When equipped with Large Shadow Weapon: MaxHP +1% MaxSP +1% _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Armor Refinable |
![]() A pair of gloves that can draw the wearer's potential ability. _______________________ Increases Physical and Magical Damage against Medium size by 2%. _______________________ Refine Level +7: Increases Physical and Magical Damage against Medium size by 1%. _______________________ Refine Level +9: Increases Physical and Magical Damage against Medium size by 2%. _______________________ When equipped with Medium Shadow Armor: MaxHP +1% MaxSP +1% _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Weapon Refinable |
![]() A suit of armor worn on top of normal armor for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ Decreases damage taken from Medium size by 2%. _______________________ Refine Level +7: Decreases damage taken from Medium size by 1%. _______________________ Refine Level +9: Decreases damage taken from Medium size by 2%. _______________________ When equipped with Medium Shadow Weapon: MaxHP +1% MaxSP +1% _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Armor Refinable |
![]() A pair of gloves that can draw the wearer's potential ability. _______________________ Increases Physical and Magical Damage against Small size by 2%. _______________________ Refine Level +7: Increases Physical and Magical Damage against Small size by 1%. _______________________ Refine Level +9: Increases Physical and Magical Damage against Small size by 2%. _______________________ When equipped with Small Shadow Armor: MaxHP +1% MaxSP +1% _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Weapon Refinable |
![]() A suit of armor worn on top of normal armor for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ Decreases damage taken from Small size by 2%. _______________________ Refine Level +7: Decreases damage taken from Small size by 1%. _______________________ Refine Level +9: Decreases damage taken from Small size by 2%. _______________________ When equipped with Small Shadow Weapon: MaxHP +1% MaxSP +1% _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Armor Refinable |
![]() A sacred earring which is believed to protect its wearer. It also draws the wearer's potential abilities. _______________________ Increases Physical Damage against Large size by 1%. _______________________ Refine Level +7: Increases Physical Damage against Large size by additional 1%. _______________________ Refine Level +9: Increases Physical Damage against Large size by additional 2%. _______________________ When equipped with Titan Shadow Pendant: ATK +5 _______________________ If total Refine Level of entire set at least +15: Increases Physical Damage against Large size by additional 2%. _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Right Accessory Refinable |
![]() A sacred necklace which is believed to protect its wearer. It also draws the wearer's potential abilities. _______________________ Increases Physical Damage against Large size by 1%. _______________________ Refine Level +7: Increases Physical Damage against Large size by additional 1%. _______________________ Refine Level +9: Increases Physical Damage against Large size by additional 2%. _______________________ When equipped with Titan Shadow Earring: ATK +5 _______________________ If total Refine Level of entire set at least +15: Increases Physical Damage against Large size by additional 2%. _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Left Accessory Refinable |
![]() A sacred earring which is believed to protect its wearer. It also draws the wearer's potential abilities. _______________________ Increases Physical Damage against Medium size by 1%. _______________________ Refine Level +7: Increases Physical Damage against Medium size by additional 1%. _______________________ Refine Level +9: Increases Physical Damage against Medium size by additional 2%. _______________________ When equipped with Boned Shadow Pendant: ATK +5 _______________________ If total Refine Level of entire set at least +15: Increases Physical Damage against Medium size by additional 2%. _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Right Accessory Refinable |
![]() A sacred necklace which is believed to protect its wearer. It also draws the wearer's potential abilities. _______________________ Increases Physical Damage against Medium size by 1%. _______________________ Refine Level +7: Increases Physical Damage against Medium size by additional 1%. _______________________ Refine Level +9: Increases Physical Damage against Medium size by additional 2%. _______________________ When equipped with Boned Shadow Earring: ATK +5 _______________________ If total Refine Level of entire set at least +15: Increases Physical Damage against Medium size by additional 2%. _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Left Accessory Refinable |
![]() A sacred earring which is believed to protect its wearer. It also draws the wearer's potential abilities. _______________________ Increases Physical Damage against Small size by 1%. _______________________ Refine Level +7: Increases Physical Damage against Small size by additional 1%. _______________________ Refine Level +9: Increases Physical Damage against Small size by additional 2%. _______________________ When equipped with Gigantic Shadow Pendant: ATK +5 _______________________ If total Refine Level of entire set at least +15: Increases Physical Damage against Small size by additional 2%. _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Right Accessory Refinable |
![]() A sacred necklace which is believed to protect its wearer. It also draws the wearer's potential abilities. _______________________ Increases Physical Damage against Small size by 1%. _______________________ Refine Level +7: Increases Physical Damage against Small size by additional 1%. _______________________ Refine Level +9: Increases Physical Damage against Small size by additional 2%. _______________________ When equipped with Gigantic Shadow Earring: ATK +5 _______________________ If total Refine Level of entire set at least +15: Increases Physical Damage against Small size by additional 2%. _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Left Accessory Refinable |
Size Conversion/Upgrade | ||
![]() Perfect Size Shadow Thump Box. This is used to create one Perfect Size Combination Shadow Equipment. _______________________ [Requirements] Refine Rate: +7 Amount of Items: 3 [Possible Items] Large Shadow Weapon Large Shadow Armor Medium Shadow Weapon Medium Shadow Armor Small Shadow Weapon Small Shadow Armor _______________________ [Obtainable Items] Perfect Size Shadow Weapon Perfect Size Shadow Armor _______________________ The Refine Level of the materials does not affect the result. It is possible to exchange several of the same part. _______________________ Type: Delayconsume Position: Unknown Weight: 1 |
![]() A pair of gloves that can draw the wearer's potential ability. _______________________ Increases physical and Magic Damage against all sizes by 2%. _______________________ For each Refine Level: ATK +3 _______________________ Refine Level +7: Increases physical and magic damage to enemies of every size by additional 2%. _______________________ Refine Level +9: Increases physical and magic damage to enemies of every size by additional 3%. _______________________ When equipped with Perfect Size Armor Shadow: MaxHP +2%, MaxSP +2%. _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Weapon Refinable |
![]() A suit of armor worn on top of normal armor for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ Decreases physical and magic damage from enemies of every size by 2%. _______________________ For each Refine Level: DEF +10 _______________________ Refine Level +7: Decreases physical and magic damage from enemies of every size by additional 2%. _______________________ Refine Level +9: Decreases physical and magic damage from enemies of every size by additional 3%. _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Armor Refinable |
Special Equipment | |
![]() A sacred necklace which is believed to protect its wearer. It also draws the wearer's potential abilities. _______________________ MDEF +3 _______________________ Refine Level +7: MDEF +3 _______________________ When equipped with Athena Shadow Earring: Decreases damage taken from Neutral elemental attacks by 1%. _______________________ Total Refine Level of entire set at least +15: Decreases damage taken from Neutral elemental attacks by additional 1%. _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Left Accessory Refinable |
![]() A suit of armor worn on top of normal armor for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ DEF +5 _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: DEF +1 _______________________ When equipped with Immortal Shadow Pendant: For each Refine Level of entire set: DEF +1 _______________________ Total Refine Level of entire set at least +15: Armor becomes indestructible (except in upgrade attempts). _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Armor Refinable |
![]() A sacred necklace which is believed to protect its wearer. It also draws the wearer's potential abilities. _______________________ MDEF +1 _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: MDEF +1 _______________________ When equipped with Immortal Shadow Armor: For each Refine Level of entire set: DEF +1 _______________________ Total Refine Level of entire set at least +15: Armor becomes indestructible (except in upgrade attempts). _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Left Accessory Refinable |
![]() A pair of gloves that can draw the wearer's potential ability. _______________________ ATK +5 _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: ATK +1 _______________________ When equipped with Solid Shadow Earring: For each Refine Level of entire set: ATK +1 _______________________ Total Refine Level of entire set at least +15: Weapon becomes indestructible (except in upgrade attempts). _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Weapon Refinable |
![]() A sacred earring which is believed to protect its wearer. It also draws the wearer's potential abilities. _______________________ HIT +5 _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: HIT +1 _______________________ When equipped with Solid Shadow Weapon: For each Refine Level of entire set: ATK +1 _______________________ Total Refine Level of entire set at least +15: Weapon becomes indestructible (except in upgrade attempts). _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Right Accessory Refinable |
![]() A sacred necklace which is believed to protect its wearer. It also draws the wearer's potential abilities. _______________________ Increases Attack Speed by 1%. _______________________ Refine Level +7: Decreases After Attack Delay by additional 1%. _______________________ Refine Level +9: Decreases After Attack Delay by additional 2%. _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Left Accessory Refinable |
![]() A sacred earring which is believed to protect its wearer. It also draws the wearer's potential abilities. _______________________ MaxSP +50 _______________________ Refine Level +7: MaxSP +1% _______________________ Refine Level +9: MaxSP +1% _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Right Accessory Refinable |
![]() A suit of armor worn on top of normal armor for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ FLEE +5 _______________________ Refine Level +7: FLEE +10 _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Armor Refinable |
Spellflow and Caster Equipment | |
![]() A small shield worn on the arm for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ Decreases SP Consumption by 1%. _______________________ Refine Level +7: MaxSP +1% _______________________ When equipped with Spell Flow Shadow Armor and Spell Flow Shadow Shoes: Protects from skill cast interruption. Increases SP Consumption by 40%. _______________________ For each Refine Level of entire set: Decreases SP Consumption by additional 1%. _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Shield Refinable |
![]() A suit of armor worn on top of normal armor for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ Decreases SP Consumption by 1%. _______________________ Refine Level +7: Decreases SP Consumption by additional 1%. _______________________ Refine Level +9: Decreases SP Consumption by additional 1%. _______________________ When equipped with Spell Flow Shadow Shield and Spell Flow Shadow Shoes: Protects from skill cast interruption. Increases SP Consumption by 40%. _______________________ For each Refine Level of entire set: Decreases SP Consumption by additional 1%. _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Armor Refinable |
![]() A pair of shoes worn on top of normal shoes for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ Decreases SP Consumption by 1%. _______________________ Refine Level +7: Increases SP Recovery Rate by 5%. _______________________ When equipped with Spell Flow Shadow Armor and Spell Flow Shadow Shield: Protects from skill cast interruption. Increases SP Consumption by 40%. _______________________ For each Refine Level of entire set: Decreases SP Consumption by additional 1%. _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Shoes Refinable |
![]() A suit of armor worn on top of normal armor for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ INT +3 _______________________ Increases SP Recovery Rate by 20%. _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: Decreases Variable Casting Time by 1%. _______________________ When equipped with Caster Shadow Shoes and Caster Shadow Shield: Decreases SP Consumption by 1%. _______________________ For each 5 Refine Levels of entire set: Decreases Variable Casting Time by additional 1%. _______________________ Total Refine Level of entire set at least +25: Decreases SP Consumption by additional 1%. _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Armor Refinable |
![]() A pair of shoes worn on top of normal shoes for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ MATK +5 _______________________ Decreases SP Consumption by 1%. _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: Decreases SP Consumption by additional 1%. _______________________ When equipped with Caster Shadow Armor and Caster Shadow Shield: Decreases SP Consumption by additional 1% _______________________ For each 5 Refine Levels of entire set: Decreases Variable Casting Time by 1%. _______________________ Total Refine Level of entire set at least +25: Decreases SP Consumption by additional 1%. _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Shoes Refinable |
![]() A small shield worn on the arm for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ MATK +5 _______________________ Decreases SP Consumption by 1%. _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: Decreases SP Consumption by additional 1%. _______________________ When equipped with Caster Shadow Armor and Caster Shadow Shoes: Decreases SP Consumption by additional 1% _______________________ For each 5 Refine Levels of entire set: Decreases Variable Casting Time by 1%. _______________________ Total Refine Level of entire set at least +25: Decreases SP Consumption by additional 1%. _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Shield Refinable |
![]() A suit of armor worn on top of normal armor for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ MATK +5 _______________________ Decreases SP Consumption by 1%. _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: Decreases SP Consumption by additional 1%. _______________________ When equipped with Caster Shadow Shield and Caster Shadow Shoes: Decreases SP Consumption by additional 1% _______________________ For each 5 Refine Levels of entire set: Decreases Variable Casting Time by 1%. _______________________ Total Refine Level of entire set at least +25: Decreases SP Consumption by additional 1%. _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Armor Refinable |
![]() A sacred necklace which is believed to protect its wearer. It also draws the wearer's potential abilities. _______________________ Decreases Variable Casting Time by 1%. _______________________ Refine Level +7: Decreases Variable Casting Time by additional 1%. _______________________ Refine Level +9: Decreases Variable Casting Time by additional 2%. _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Left Accessory Refinable |
![]() A small shield worn on the arm for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ MATK +1% _______________________ Refine Level +7: MATK +1% _______________________ Decreases SP Consumption by 1%. _______________________ When equipped with Spell Flow Shadow Armor and Spell Flow Shadow Shoes: Protects from skill cast interruption. _______________________ Increases SP Consumption by 40%. _______________________ For each Refine Level of entire set: Decreases SP Consumption by additional 1%. _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Shield Refinable |
![]() A sacred earring which is believed to protect its wearer. It also draws the wearer's potential abilities. _______________________ Decreases Variable Casting Time by 1%. _______________________ Refine Level +7: Decreases Variable Casting Time by 1%. _______________________ When equipped with Caster Shadow Weapon and Caster Shadow Pendant: Protects from skill cast interruption. Increases Variable Casting Time by 40%. _______________________ For each Refine Level of entire set: Decreases Variable Casting Time by 1%. _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Right Accessory Refinable |
![]() A pair of gloves that can draw the wearer's potential ability. _______________________ Decreases Variable Casting Time by 1%. _______________________ Refine Level +7: Decreases Variable Casting Time by additional 1%. _______________________ Refine Level +9: Decreases Variable Casting Time by additional 2%. _______________________ When equipped with Caster Shadow Earring and Caster Shadow Pendant: Protects from skill cast interruption. Increases Variable Casting Time by 40%. _______________________ For each Refine Level of entire set: Decreases Variable Casting Time by additional 1%. _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Weapon Refinable |
Spellflow and Caster Conversion/Upgrade | |
![]() Spell Caster Shadow Thump Box. This is used to create one Spell Caster Combination Shadow Equipment. _______________________ [Requirements] Refine Rate: +7 Amount of Items: 6 [Possible Items] Spell Flow Shadow Armor Spell Flow Shadow Shoes Spell Flow Shadow Shield Spell Flow Shadow Shield II Caster Shadow Pendant Caster Shadow Earring Caster Shadow Weapon Caster Shadow Shoes Caster Shadow Shield Caster Shadow Armor Caster Shadow Armor II _______________________ [Obtainable Items] Spell Caster Shadow Armor Spell Caster Shadow Shoes Spell Caster Shadow Earring Spell Caster Shadow Pendant _______________________ The Refine Level of the materials does not affect the result. It is possible to exchange several of the same part. _______________________ Type: DelayConsume Position: Unknown Weight: 1 |
![]() A pair of gloves that can draw the wearer's potential ability. _______________________ For each Refine Levels: Decreases Variable Casting Time by 1%. _______________________ For each 3 Refine Levels: ATK +1% MATK +1% _______________________ When combined with Spell Caster Shadow Shoes: Decreases SP Consumption by 10%. Total Refine Level of entire set (Armor, Shoes) at least +20: Decreases Fixed Casting Time by 0.3 second. _______________________ Type: ShadowGear Position: Shadow Armor Refinable |
![]() A pair of shoes worn on top of normal shoes for additional defense. _______________________ For each Refine Levels: Decreases Variable Casting Time by 1%. _______________________ For each 3 Refine Levels: ATK +1% MATK +1% _______________________ Type: ShadowGear Position: Shadow Shoes Refinable |
![]() A sacred earring which is believed to protect its wearer. _______________________ For each Refine Levels: Decreases Variable Casting Time by 1%. _______________________ For each 3 Refine Levels: ATK +1% MATK +1% _______________________ When combined with Spell Caster Shadow Pendant: Decreases SP Consumption by 10%. Total Refine Level of entire set (Earring, Pendant) at least +20: Decreases Fixed Casting Time by 0.3 second. (However, fixed casting time reduction doesn't stack with counterpart Spell Caster Set (Armor, Shoes)). _______________________ Type: ShadowGear Position: Shadow Right Accessory Refinable |
![]() A sacred necklace which is believed to protect its wearer. _______________________ For each Refine Levels: Decreases Variable Casting Time by 1%. _______________________ For each 3 Refine Levels: ATK +1% MATK +1% _______________________ Type: ShadowGear Position: Shadow Left Accessory Refinable |
Stability Equipment | |
![]() A small shield worn on the arm for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ DEF +3 _______________________ For each Refine Level: Increases resistance against Stone Curse, Sleep, Silence and Blind statuses by 1%. _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: Increases resistance against Stun, Frozen, Curse and Bleeding statuses by 1%. _______________________ When equipped with Plasterus Shadow Armor and Plasterus Shadow Shoes: DEF +5 Total Refine Level of entire set at least +20: Prevents Stone Curse status. _______________________ When equipped with Insomnia Shadow Armor and Insomnia Shadow Shoes: DEF +5 Total Refine Level of entire set at least +20: Prevents Sleep status. _______________________ When equipped with Peerless Shadow Armor and Peerless Shadow Shoes: DEF +5 Total Refine Level of entire set at least +20: Prevents Silence status. _______________________ When equipped with Adurate Shadow Armor and Adurate Shadow Shoes: DEF +5 Total Refine Level of entire set at least +20: Prevents Blind status. _______________________ When equipped with Unfreezing Shadow Weapon, Unfreezing Shadow Earring and Unfreezing Shadow Pendant: DEF +4 Total Refine Level of entire set at least +30: Prevents Frozen status. _______________________ When equipped with Neutral Shadow Earring, Neutral Shadow Pendant and Neutral Shadow Weapon: DEF +4 Total Refine Level of entire set at least +30: Prevents Stun status. _______________________ When equipped with Uncurse Shadow Earring and Uncurse Shadow Pendant: DEF +5 Total Refine Level of entire set at least +20: Prevents Curse status. _______________________ When equipped with Vitality Shadow Earring and Vitality Shadow Pendant: DEF +5 Total Refine Level of entire set at least +20: Prevents Bleeding status. _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Shield Refinable |
![]() A suit of armor worn on top of normal armor for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ DEF +1 _______________________ For each Refine Level: Increases resistance against Stone Curse status by 1%. _______________________ When equipped with Plasterus Shadow Shoes and Stability Shadow Shield: DEF +5 _______________________ Total Refine Level of entire set at least +20: Prevents Stone Curse status. _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Armor Refinable |
![]() A pair of shoes worn on top of normal shoes for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ DEF +1 _______________________ For each Refine Level: Increases resistance against Stone Curse status by 1%. _______________________ When equipped with Plasterus Shadow Armor and Stability Shadow Shield: DEF +5 _______________________ Total Refine Level of entire set at least +20: Prevents Stone Curse status. _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Shoes Refinable |
![]() A suit of armor worn on top of normal armor for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ DEF +1 _______________________ For each Refine Level: Increases resistance against Sleep status by 1%. _______________________ When equipped with Insomnia Shadow Shoes and Stability Shadow Shield: DEF +5 _______________________ Total Refine Level of entire set at least +20: Prevents Sleep status. _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Armor Refinable |
![]() A pair of shoes worn on top of normal shoes for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ DEF +1 _______________________ For each Refine Level: Increases resistance against Sleep status by 1%. _______________________ When equipped with Insomnia Shadow Armor and Stability Shadow Shield: DEF +5 _______________________ Total Refine Level of entire set at least +20: Prevents Sleep status. _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Shoes Refinable |
![]() A suit of armor worn on top of normal armor for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ DEF +1 _______________________ For each Refine Level: Increases resistance against Silence status by 1%. _______________________ When equipped with Peerless Shadow Shoes and Stability Shadow Shield: DEF +5 _______________________ Total Refine Level of entire set at least +20: Prevents Silence status. _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Armor Refinable |
![]() A pair of shoes worn on top of normal shoes for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ DEF +1 _______________________ For each Refine Level: Increases resistance against Silence status by 1%. _______________________ When equipped with Peerless Shadow Armor and Stability Shadow Shield: DEF +5 _______________________ Total Refine Level of entire set at least +20: Prevents Silence status. _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Shoes Refinable |
![]() A suit of armor worn on top of normal armor for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ DEF +1 _______________________ For each Refine Level: Increases resistance against Blind status by 1%. _______________________ When equipped with Adurate Shadow Shoes and Stability Shadow Shield: DEF +5 _______________________ Total Refine Level of entire set at least +20: Prevents Blind status. _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Armor Refinable |
![]() A pair of shoes worn on top of normal shoes for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ DEF +1 _______________________ For each Refine Level: Increases resistance against Blind status by 1%. _______________________ When equipped with Adurate Shadow Armor and Stability Shadow Shield: DEF +5 _______________________ Total Refine Level of entire set at least +20: Prevents Blind status. _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Shoes Refinable |
![]() A pair of gloves that can draw the wearer's potential ability. _______________________ DEF +1 _______________________ For each Refine Level: Increases resistance against Frozen status by 1%. _______________________ When equipped with Unfreezing Shadow Earring, Unfreezing Shadow Pendant and Stability Shadow Shield: DEF +4 _______________________ Total Refine Level of entire set at least +30: Prevents Frozen status. _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Weapon Refinable |
![]() A sacred earring which is believed to protect its wearer. It also draws the wearer's potential abilities. _______________________ DEF +1 _______________________ For each Refine Level: Increases resistance against Frozen status by 1%. _______________________ When equipped with Unfreezing Shadow Weapon, Unfreezing Shadow Pendant and Stability Shadow Shield:_ DEF +4 _______________________ Total Refine Level of entire set at least +30: Prevents Frozen status. _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Right Accessory Refinable |
![]() A sacred necklace which is believed to protect its wearer. It also draws the wearer's potential abilities. _______________________ DEF +1 _______________________ For each Refine Level: Increases resistance against Frozen status by 1%. _______________________ When equipped with Unfreezing Shadow Weapon, Unfreezing Shadow Earring and Stability Shadow Shield: DEF +4 _______________________ Total Refine Level of entire set at least +30: Prevents Frozen status. _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Left Accessory Refinable |
![]() A sacred earring which is believed to protect its wearer. It also draws the wearer's potential abilities. _______________________ DEF +1 _______________________ For each Refine Level: Increases resistance against Bleeding status by 1%. _______________________ When equipped with Vitality Shadow Pendant and Stability Shadow Shield: DEF +5 _______________________ Total Refine Level of entire set at least +20: Prevents Bleeding status. _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Right Accessory Refinable |
![]() A sacred necklace which is believed to protect its wearer. It also draws the wearer's potential abilities. _______________________ DEF +1 _______________________ For each Refine Level: Increases resistance against Bleeding status by 1%. _______________________ When equipped with Vitality Shadow Earring and Stability Shadow Shield: DEF +5 _______________________ Total Refine Level of entire set at least +20: Prevents Bleeding status. _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Left Accessory Refinable |
![]() A pair of gloves that can draw the wearer's potential ability. _______________________ DEF +1 _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: Increases resistance against Stun status by 1%. _______________________ When equipped with Neutral Shadow Earring, Neutral Shadow Pendant and Stability Shadow Shield: DEF +4 _______________________ Total Refine Level of entire set at least +30: Prevents Stun status. _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Weapon Refinable |
![]() A sacred earring which is believed to protect its wearer. It also draws the wearer's potential abilities. _______________________ DEF +1 _______________________ For each Refine Level: Increases resistance against Stun status by 1%. _______________________ When equipped with Neutral Shadow Pendant, Neutral Shadow Weapon and Stability Shadow Shield: DEF +4 _______________________ Total Refine Level of entire set at least +30: Prevents Stun status. _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Right Accessory Refinable |
![]() A sacred necklace which is believed to protect its wearer. It also draws the wearer's potential abilities. _______________________ DEF +1 _______________________ For each Refine Level: Increases resistance against Stun status by 1%. _______________________ When equipped with Neutral Shadow Earring, Neutral Shadow Weapon and Stability Shadow Shield: DEF +4 _______________________ Total Refine Level of entire set at least +30: Prevents Stun status. _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Left Accessory Refinable |
![]() A sacred earring which is believed to protect its wearer. It also draws the wearer's potential abilities. _______________________ DEF +1 _______________________ For each Refine Level: Increases resistance against Curse status by 1%. _______________________ When equipped with Uncurse Shadow Pendant and Stability Shadow Shield: DEF +5 _______________________ Total Refine Level of entire set at least +20: Prevents Curse status. _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Right Accessory Refinable |
![]() A sacred necklace which is believed to protect its wearer. It also draws the wearer's potential abilities. _______________________ DEF +1 _______________________ For each Refine Level: Increases resistance against Curse status by 1%. _______________________ When equipped with Uncurse Shadow Earring and Stability Shadow Shield: DEF +5 _______________________ Total Refine Level of entire set at least +20: Prevents Curse status. _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Left Accessory Refinable |
Stability Conversion/Upgrade | |
![]() Stability Shadow Thump Box. This is used to create one Stability Combination Shadow Equipment. _______________________ [Requirements] Refine Rate: +5 Amount of items: 3 [Possible Items] Plasteres Insomnia Peerless Adurate Unfreezing Neutral Uncurse Vitality _______________________ [Obtainable Items] Plasteres II Insomnia II Peerless II Adurate II Unfreezing II Neutral II Uncurse II Vitality II _______________________ The Refine Level of the materials does not affect the result. It is possible to exchange several of the same part. _______________________ Type: Delayconsume Position: Unknown Weight: 1 |
![]() A suit of armor worn on top of normal armor for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ DEF +1 _______________________ For each Refine Level: Increases resistance against Stone Curse status by 1%. _______________________ When equipped with Stability Shadow Shield: DEF +50 _______________________ Total Refine Level of entire set at least +15: Prevents Stone Curse status. _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Armor Refinable |
![]() A pair of shoes worn on top of normal shoes for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ DEF +1 _______________________ For each Refine Level: Increases resistance against Sleep status by 1%. _______________________ When equipped with Stability Shadow Shield: DEF +50 _______________________ Total Refine Level of entire set at least +15: Prevents Sleep status. _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Shoes Refinable |
![]() A suit of armor worn on top of normal armor for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ DEF +1 _______________________ For each Refine Level: Increases resistance against Silence status by 1%. _______________________ When equipped with Stability Shadow Shield: DEF +50 _______________________ Total Refine Level of entire set at least +15: Prevents Silence status. _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Armor Refinable |
![]() A pair of shoes worn on top of normal shoes for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ DEF +1 _______________________ For each Refine Level: Increases resistance against Blind status by 1%. _______________________ When equipped with Stability Shadow Shield: DEF +50 _______________________ Total Refine Level of entire set at least +15: Prevents Blind status. _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Shoes Refinable |
![]() A pair of gloves that can draw the wearer's potential ability. _______________________ DEF +1 _______________________ For each Refine Level: Increases resistance against Frozen status by 1%. _______________________ When equipped with Stability Shadow Shield: DEF +50 _______________________ Total Refine Level of entire set at least +15: Prevents Frozen status. _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Weapon Refinable |
![]() A sacred earring which is believed to protect its wearer. It also draws the wearer's potential abilities. _______________________ DEF +1 _______________________ For each Refine Level: Increases resistance against Bleeding status by 1%. _______________________ When equipped with Stability Shadow Shield: DEF +50 _______________________ Total Refine Level of entire set at least +15: Prevents Bleeding status. _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Right Accessory Refinable |
![]() A pair of gloves that can draw the wearer's potential ability. _______________________ DEF +1 _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: Increases resistance against Stun status by 1%. _______________________ When equipped with Stability Shadow Shield: DEF +50 _______________________ Total Refine Level of entire set at least +15: Prevents Stun status. _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Weapon Refinable |
![]() A sacred necklace which is believed to protect its wearer. It also draws the wearer's potential abilities. _______________________ DEF +1 _______________________ For each Refine Level: Increases resistance against Curse status by 1%. _______________________ When equipped with Stability Shadow Shield: DEF +50 _______________________ Total Refine Level of entire set at least +15: Prevents Curse status. _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Left Accessory Refinable |
Status Equipment | |
![]() A pair of gloves that can draw the wearer's potential ability. _______________________ LUK +1 _______________________ Refine Level +7: LUK +1 _______________________ Refine Level +9: LUK +1 _______________________ When equipped with Lucky Shadow Armor: LUK +1 _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Weapon Refinable |
![]() A sacred earring which is believed to protect its wearer. It also draws the wearer's potential abilities. _______________________ STR +1 _______________________ Refine Level +7: STR +1 _______________________ Refine Level +9: STR +1 _______________________ When equipped with Power Shadow Pendant: STR +1 _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Right Accessory Refinable |
![]() A sacred necklace which is believed to protect its wearer. It also draws the wearer's potential abilities. _______________________ INT +1 _______________________ Refine Level +7: INT +1 _______________________ Refine Level +9: INT +1 _______________________ When equipped with Intelligent Shadow Earring: INT +1 _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Left Accessory Refinable |
![]() A suit of armor worn on top of normal armor for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ DEX +1 _______________________ Refine Level +7: DEX +1 _______________________ Refine Level +9: DEX +1 _______________________ When equipped with Dexterous Shadow Weapon: DEX +1 _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Armor Refinable |
![]() A pair of shoes worn on top of normal shoes for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ VIT +1 _______________________ Refine Level +7: VIT +1 _______________________ Refine Level +9: VIT +1 _______________________ When equipped with Vital Shadow Shield: VIT +1 _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Shoes Refinable |
![]() A small shield worn on the arm for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ AGI +1 _______________________ Refine Level +7: AGI +1 _______________________ Refine Level +9: AGI +1 _______________________ When equipped with Athletic Shadow Shoes: AGI +1 _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Shield Refinable |
![]() A suit of armor worn on top of normal armor for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ LUK +1 _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: CRI +1 _______________________ When equipped with Lucky Shadow Weapon: LUK +1 _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Armor Refinable |
![]() A sacred necklace which is believed to protect its wearer. It also draws the wearer's potential abilities. _______________________ STR +1 _______________________ For each Refine Level: ATK +1 _______________________ When equipped with Power Shadow Earring: STR +1 _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Left Accessory Refinable |
![]() A sacred earring which is believed to protect its wearer. It also draws the wearer's potential abilities. _______________________ INT +1 _______________________ For each Refine Level: MATK +1 _______________________ When equipped with Intelligent Shadow Pendant: INT +1 _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Right Accessory Refinable |
![]() A pair of gloves that can draw the wearer's potential ability. _______________________ DEX +1 _______________________ For each Refine Level: HIT +1 _______________________ When equipped with Dexterous Shadow Armor: DEX +1 _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Weapon Refinable |
![]() A small shield worn on the arm for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ VIT +1 _______________________ For each Refine Level: DEF +1 _______________________ When equipped with Vital Shadow Shoes: VIT +1 _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Shield Refinable |
![]() A pair of shoes worn on top of normal shoes for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ AGI +1 _______________________ For each Refine Level: FLEE +1 _______________________ When equipped with Athletic Shadow Shield: AGI +1 _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Shoes Refinable |
Status Conversion/Upgrade | ||
![]() Status Shadow Thump Box. This is used to create one Allmighty Combination Shadow Equipment. _______________________ [Requirements] Refine Rate: +7 Amount of Items: 5 [Possible Items] Power Vital Athletic Intelligence Dexterous Lucky _______________________ [Obtainable Items] Almighty Shadow Earring Almighty Shadow Pendant _______________________ The Refine Level of the materials does not affect the result. It is possible to exchange several of the same part. _______________________ Type: Delayconsume Position: Unknown Weight: 1 |
![]() A sacred necklace which is believed to protect its wearer. It also draws the wearer's potential abilities. _______________________ For each Refine Level: All Basic Stats +1 _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Left Accessory Refinable |
![]() A sacred earring which is believed to protect its wearer. It also draws the wearer's potential abilities. _______________________ For each Refine Level: All Basic Stats +1 _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Right Accessory Refinable |
Steal Equipment | |
![]() A suit of armor worn on top of normal armor for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ Enables the use of Level 1 Steal. _______________________ Increases SP Consumption of Steal by 50. _______________________ For each Refine Level: Decreases SP Consumption of Steal by 5. _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Armor Refinable |
![]() A pair of shoes worn on top of normal shoes for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ Enables the use of Level 1 Steal. _______________________ Increases SP Consumption of Steal by 50. _______________________ For each Refine Level: Decreases SP Consumption of Steal by 5. _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Shoes Refinable |
![]() A small shield worn on the arm for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ Enables the use of Level 1 Steal. _______________________ Increases SP Consumption of Steal by 50. _______________________ For each Refine Level: Decreases SP Consumption of Steal by 5. _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Shield Refinable |
![]() A pair of gloves that can draw the wearer's potential ability. _______________________ Enables the use of Level 1 Steal. _______________________ Increases SP Consumption of Steal by 50. _______________________ For each Refine Level: Decreases SP Consumption of Steal by 5. _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Weapon Refinable |
![]() A sacred earring which is believed to protect its wearer. It also draws the wearer's potential abilities. _______________________ Enables the use of Level 1 Steal. _______________________ Increases SP Consumption of Steal by 50. _______________________ For each Refine Level: Decreases SP Consumption of Steal by 5. _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Right Accessory Refinable |
![]() A sacred necklace which is believed to protect its wearer. It also draws the wearer's potential abilities. _______________________ Enables the use of Level 1 Steal. _______________________ Increases SP Consumption of Steal by 50. _______________________ For each Refine Level: Decreases SP Consumption of Steal by 5. _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Left Accessory Refinable |
Tension Equipment | ||
![]() A pair of gloves that can draw the wearer's potential ability. _______________________ MaxHP +100 _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: MaxHP +150 _______________________ When equipped with Tension Shadow Earring and Tension Shadow Pendant: 2% chance to restore 100 HP per second for 5 seconds when dealing physical attacks. _______________________ Total Refine Level of entire set at least +10: Increases trigger rate by 1%. _______________________ Total Refine Level of entire set at least +25: Increases restored HP by 400. _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Weapon Refinable |
![]() A sacred necklace which is believed to protect its wearer. It also draws the wearer's potential abilities. _______________________ ATK +5 _______________________ Increases recovery amount gained from Healing skills and Restorative items by 2%. _______________________ For each 3 Refine Levels: Increases recovery amount gained from Healing skills and Restorative items by 1%. _______________________ When equipped with Tension Shadow Weapon and Tension Shadow Earring: 2% chance to restore 100 HP per second for 5 seconds when dealing physical attacks. _______________________ Total Refine Level of entire set at least +10: Increases trigger rate by 1%. _______________________ Total Refine Level of entire set at least +25: Increases restored HP by 400. _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Left Accessory Refinable |
![]() A sacred earring which is believed to protect its wearer. It also draws the wearer's potential abilities. _______________________ MaxHP +1% ATK +5 _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: MaxHP +50 _______________________ When equipped with Tension Shadow Weapon and Tension Shadow Pendant: 2% chance to restore 100 HP per second for 5 seconds when dealing physical attacks. _______________________ Total Refine Level of entire set at least +10: Increases trigger rate by 1%. _______________________ Total Refine Level of entire set at least +25: Increases restored HP by 400. _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Right Accessory Refinable |
Teleport Equipment | |
![]() A suit of armor worn on top of normal armor for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ Enables the use of Level 1 Teleport. _______________________ Increases SP Consumption of Teleport by 50. _______________________ For each Refine Level: Decreases SP Consumption of Teleport by 5. _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Armor Refinable |
![]() A pair of shoes worn on top of normal shoes for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ Enables the use of Level 1 Teleport. _______________________ Increases SP Consumption of Teleport by 50. _______________________ For each Refine Level: Decreases SP Consumption of Teleport by 5. _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Shoes Refinable |
![]() A small shield worn on the arm for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ Enables the use of Level 1 Teleport. _______________________ Increases SP Consumption of Teleport by 50. _______________________ For each Refine Level: Decreases SP Consumption of Teleport by 5. _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Shield Refinable |
![]() A pair of gloves that can draw the wearer's potential ability. _______________________ Enables the use of Level 1 Teleport. _______________________ Increases SP Consumption of Teleport by 50. _______________________ For each Refine Level: Decreases SP Consumption of Teleport by 5. _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Weapon Refinable |
![]() A sacred earring which is believed to protect its wearer. It also draws the wearer's potential abilities. _______________________ Enables the use of Level 1 Teleport. _______________________ Increases SP Consumption of Teleport by 50. _______________________ For each Refine Level: Decreases SP Consumption of Teleport by 5. _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Right Accessory Refinable |
![]() A sacred necklace which is believed to protect its wearer. It also draws the wearer's potential abilities. _______________________ Enables the use of Level 1 Teleport. _______________________ Increases SP Consumption of Teleport by 50. _______________________ For each Refine Level: Decreases SP Consumption of Teleport by 5. _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Left Accessory Refinable |
Tempest Equipment | |
![]() A sacred earring which is believed to protect its wearer. It also draws the wearer's potential abilities. _______________________ Ignores magical defense of Normal class by 5%. _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: Ignores magical defense of Normal class by additional 1%. _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Right Accessory Refinable |
![]() A sacred necklace which is believed to protect its wearer. It also draws the wearer's potential abilities. _______________________ Ignores magical defense of Normal class by 5%. _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: Ignores magical defense of Normal class by additional 1%. _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Left Accessory Refinable |
![]() A pair of gloves that can draw the wearer's potential ability. _______________________ Ignores magical defense of Demi-Human race by 5%. (Except Players) _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: Ignores magical defense of Demi-Human race by additional 1%. (Except Players) _______________________ When equipped with Tempest Shadow Pendant and Tempest Shadow Earring: MATK +5 _______________________ Total Refine Level of entire set at least +25: Ignores magical defense of Demi-Human race by 100%. (Except player) _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Weapon Refinable |
![]() A pair of gloves that can draw the wearer's potential ability. _______________________ Ignores magical defense of Demon race by 5%. _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: Ignores magical defense of Demon race by additional 1%. _______________________ When equipped with Tempest Shadow Pendant and Tempest Shadow Earring: MATK +5 _______________________ Total Refine Level of entire set at least +25: Ignores magical defense of Demon race by 100%. _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Weapon Refinable |
![]() A pair of gloves that can draw the wearer's potential ability. _______________________ Ignores magical defense of Brute race by 5%. _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: Ignores magical defense of Brute race by additional 1%. _______________________ When equipped with Tempest Shadow Pendant and Tempest Shadow Earring: MATK +5 _______________________ Total Refine Level of entire set at least +25: Ignores magical defense of Brute race by 100%. _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Weapon Refinable |
![]() A pair of gloves that can draw the wearer's potential ability. _______________________ Ignores magical defense of Insect race by 5%. _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: Ignores magical defense of Insect race by additional 1%. _______________________ When equipped with Tempest Shadow Pendant and Tempest Shadow Earring: MATK +5 _______________________ Total Refine Level of entire set at least +25: Ignores magical defense of Insect race by 100%. _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Weapon Refinable |
![]() A pair of gloves that can draw the wearer's potential ability. _______________________ Ignores magical defense of Fish race by 5%. _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: Ignoresmagical defense of Fish race by additional 1%. _______________________ When equipped with Tempest Shadow Pendant and Tempest Shadow Earring: MATK +5 Total Refine Level of entire set at least +25: Ignores magical defense of Fish race by 100%. _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Weapon Refinable |
![]() A pair of gloves that can draw the wearer's potential ability. _______________________ Ignores magical defense of Dragon race by 5%. _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: Ignores magical defense of Dragon race by additional 1%. _______________________ When equipped with Tempest Shadow Pendant and Tempest Shadow Earring: MATK +5 Total Refine Level of entire set at least +25: Ignores magical defense of Dragon race by 100%. _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Weapon Refinable |
![]() A pair of gloves that can draw the wearer's potential ability. _______________________ Ignores magical defense of Angel race by 5%. _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: Ignores magical defense of Angel race by additional 1%. _______________________ When equipped with Tempest Shadow Pendant and Tempest Shadow Earring: MATK +5 Total Refine Level of entire set at least +25: Ignores magical defense of Angel race by 100%. _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Weapon Refinable |
![]() A pair of gloves that can draw the wearer's potential ability. _______________________ Ignores magical defense of Formless race by 5%. _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: Ignores magical defense of Formless race by additional 1%. _______________________ When equipped with Tempest Shadow Pendant and Tempest Shadow Earring: MATK +5 Total Refine Level of entire set at least +25: Ignores magical defense of Formless race by 100%. _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Weapon Refinable |
![]() A pair of gloves that can draw the wearer's potential ability. _______________________ Ignores magical defense of Undead race by 5%. _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: Ignores magical defense of Undead race by additional 1%. _______________________ When equipped with Tempest Shadow Pendant and Tempest Shadow Earring: MATK +5 Total Refine Level of entire set at least +25: Ignores magical defense of Undead race by 100%. _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Weapon Refinable |
![]() A pair of gloves that can draw the wearer's potential ability. _______________________ Ignores magical defense of Plant race by 5%. _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: Ignores magical defense of Plant race by additional 1%. _______________________ When equipped with Tempest Shadow Pendant and Tempest Shadow Earring: MATK +5 Total Refine Level of entire set at least +25: Ignores magical defense of Plant race by 100%. _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Weapon Refinable |
![]() A pair of gloves that can draw the wearer's potential ability. _______________________ Ignores magical defense of Normal class by 5%. _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: Ignores magical defense of Normal class by additional 1%. _______________________ When equipped with Tempest Shadow Armor, Tempest Shadow Shield, Tempest Shadow Shoes, Tempest Shadow Earring and Tempest Shadow Pendant: Total Refine Level of entire set at least +54: Ignores magical defense of Normal class by additional 20%. _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Weapon Refinable |
![]() A suit of armor worn on top of normal armor for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ Ignores magical defense of Normal class by 5%. _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: Ignores magical defense of Normal class by additional 1%. _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Armor Refinable |
![]() A small shield worn on the arm for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ Ignores magical defense of Normal class by 5%. _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: Ignores magical defense of Normal class by additional 1%. _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Shield Refinable |
![]() A pair of shoes worn on top of normal shoes for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ Ignores magical defense of Normal class by 5%. _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: Ignores magical defense of Normal class by additional 1%. _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Shoes Refinable |
![]() A suit of armor worn on top of normal armor for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ Ignores magical defense of Demi-Human (except Player) and Undead race by 5%. _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: Ignores magical defense of Demi-Human (except Player) and Undead race by additional 1%. _______________________ When equipped with Tempest Shadow Shoes and Tempest Shadow Shield: MDEF +5 _______________________ Total Refine Level of entire set at least +25: Ignores magical defense of Demi-Human (except Player) and Undead race by 100%. _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Armor Refinable |
![]() A suit of armor worn on top of normal armor for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ Ignores magical defense of Demon and Angel race by 5%. _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: Ignores magical defense of Demon and Angel race by additional 1%. _______________________ When equipped with Tempest Shadow Shoes and Tempest Shadow Shield: MDEF +5 _______________________ Total Refine Level of entire set at least +25: Ignores magical defense of Demon and Angel race by 100%. _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Armor Refinable |
![]() A suit of armor worn on top of normal armor for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ Ignores magical defense of Formless and Dragon race by 5%. _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: Ignores magical defense of Formless and Dragon race by additional 1%. _______________________ When equipped with Tempest Shadow Shoes and Tempest Shadow Shield: MDEF +5 _______________________ Total Refine Level of entire set at least +25: Ignores magical defense of Formless and Dragon race by 100%. _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Armor Refinable |
![]() A suit of armor worn on top of normal armor for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ Ignores magical defense of Plant and Brute race by 5%. _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: Ignores magical defense of Plant and Brute race by additional 1%. _______________________ When equipped with Tempest Shadow Shoes and Tempest Shadow Shield: MDEF +5 _______________________ Total Refine Level of entire set at least +25: Ignores magical defense of Plant and Brute race by 100%. _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Armor Refinable |
![]() A suit of armor worn on top of normal armor for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ Ignores magical defense of Fish and Insect race by 5%. _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: Ignores magical defense of Fish and Insect race by additional 1%. _______________________ When equipped with Tempest Shadow Shoes and Tempest Shadow Shield: MDEF +5 _______________________ Total Refine Level of entire set at least +25: Ignores magical defense of Fish and Insect race by 100%. _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Armor Refinable |
![]() A pair of gloves that can draw the wearer's potential ability. _______________________ Ignore magic defense of Demi-Human (except Players) and Undead race by 5%. _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: Ignore magic defense of Demi-Human (except Players) and Undead race by additional 1%. _______________________ When equipped with Tempest Shadow Earring and Tempest Shadow Pendant: MATK +5 _______________________ If Refine Level is total +25 or higher: Ignore magic defense of Demi-Human (except Players) and Undead race by 100%. _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Weapon Refinable |
![]() A pair of gloves that can draw the wearer's potential ability. _______________________ Ignore magic defense of Fish and Insect race by 5%. _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: Ignore magic defense of Fish and Insect race by additional 1%. _______________________ When equipped with Tempest Shadow Earring and Tempest Shadow Pendant: MATK +5 _______________________ If Refine Level is total +25 or higher: Ignore magic defense of Fish and Insect race by 100%. _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Weapon Refinable |
![]() A pair of gloves that can draw the wearer's potential ability. _______________________ Ignore magic defense of Animal (except players) and Plant race by 5%. _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: Ignore magic defense of Animal (except players) and Plant race by additional 1%. _______________________ When equipped with Tempest Shadow Earring and Tempest Shadow Pendant: MATK +5 _______________________ If Refine Level is total +25 or higher: Ignore magic defense of Animal (except players) and Plant race by 100%. _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Weapon Refinable |
![]() A pair of gloves that can draw the wearer's potential ability. _______________________ Ignore magic defense of Formless elemental enemies and Dragon race by 5%. _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: Ignore magic defense of Formless elemental enemies and Dragon race by additional 1%. _______________________ When equipped with Tempest Shadow Earring and Tempest Shadow Pendant: MATK + 5 _______________________ If Refine Level is total +25 or higher: Ignore magic defense of Ghost elemental enemies and Dragon race by 100%. _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Weapon Refinable |
![]() A pair of gloves that can draw the wearer's potential ability. _______________________ Ignore magic defense of Demon and Angel race by 5%. _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: Ignore magic defense of Demon and Angel race by additional 1%. _______________________ When equipped with Tempest Shadow Earring and Tempest Shadow Pendant: MATK + 5 _______________________ If Refine Level is total +25 or higher: Ignore magic defense of Demon and Angel race by 100%. _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Weapon Refinable |
![]() A pair of gloves that can draw the wearer's potential ability. _______________________ MATK +5 _______________________ For each Refine Level: MATK +1 _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: Ignores 1% magical defense of Demi-Human race monster (Except Player). _______________________ When equipped with Tempest Shadow Earring and Tempest Shadow Pendant: Total Refine Level of entire set at least +25: Ignores 100% magical defense of Demi-Human race (Except Player). _______________________ When equipped with Spiritual Shadow Earring and Spiritual Shadow Pendant: MATK +10 Total Refine Level of entire set at least +20: MATK +1% Total Refine Level of entire set at least +25: MATK +1% _______________________ Type: Shadowgear Position: Shadow Weapon Refinable |
Tempest Conversion/Upgrade | |
![]() Full Tempest Shadow Thump Box. This is used to create one Full Tempest Combination Shadow Equipment. _______________________ [Requirements] Refine Rate: +7 Amount of Items: 10 [Possible Items] Tempest Shadow Shoes, Tempest Shadow Shield, Magic Executioner Holy Water Shadow Armor, Magic Corrupted Exorcist Shadow Armor, Magic Vibration Dragon Killer Shadow Armor, Magic Scissor Hunting Shadow Armor, Magic Fishing Insect Net Shadow Armor, Tempest Shadow Earring, Tempest Shadow Pendant, Magic Executioner Shadow Weapon, Magic Exorcist Shadow Weapon, Magic Hunting Shadow Weapon, Magic Insect Net Shadow Weapon, Magic Fishing Shadow Weapon, Magic Dragon Killer Shadow Weapon, Magic Corrupted Shadow Weapon, Magic Vibration Shadow Weapon, Magic Holy Water Shadow Weapon, Magic Scissor Shadow Weapon, Magic Spirit Executioner Shadow Weapon, Tempest Shadow Weapon, Tempest Shadow Armor, Magic Executioner Holy Water Shadow Weapon, Magic Fishing Insect Net Shadow Weapon, Magic Scissor Hunting Shadow Weapon, Magic Vibration Dragon Killer Shadow Weapon, Magic Corrupted Exorcist Shadow Weapon. _______________________ [Obtainable Items] Full Tempest Shadow Armor Full Tempest Shadow Shoes Full Tempest Shadow Earring Full Tempest Shadow Pendant _______________________ The refine level of an item that becomes a material does not affect the result. _______________________ Type: DelayConsume Position: Unknown Weight: 1 |
![]() A sacred earring which is believed to protect its wearer. It also draws the wearer's potential abilities. _______________________ Ignores magical defense of all race, except Players, by 5%. _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: Ignores magical defense of all race, except Players, by additional 1%. _______________________ Refine Level +10: Increases Magical Damage against all races, except Players, by 3%. _______________________ When equipped with Full Tempest Shadow Pendant: MATK +2% Total Refine Level of entire set at least +18: Ignores magical defense of all race, except Players, by 100%. _______________________ Type: ShadowGear Position: Shadow Right Accessory Refinable |
![]() A pair of shoes worn on top of normal shoes for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ Ignores magical defense of all race, except Players, by 5%. _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: Ignores magical defense of all race, except Players, by additional 1%. _______________________ Refine Level +10: Increases Magical Damage against all races, except Players, by 3%. _______________________ Type: ShadowGear Position: Shadow Shoes Refinable |
![]() A suit of armor worn on top of normal armor for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ Ignores magical defense of all race, except Players, by 5%. _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: Ignores magical defense of all race, except Players, by additional 1%. _______________________ Refine Level +10: Increases Magical Damage against all races, except Players, by 3%. _______________________ When equipped with Full Tempest Shadow Shoes: MATK +2% Total Refine Level of entire set at least +18: Ignores magical defense of all race, except Players, by 100%. _______________________ Type: ShadowGear Position: Shadow Armor Refinable |
![]() A sacred necklace which is believed to protect its wearer. It also draws the wearer's potential abilities. _______________________ Ignores magical defense of all race, except Players, by 5%. _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: Ignores magical defense of all race, except Players, by additional 1%. _______________________ Refine Level +10: Increases Magical Damage against all races, except Players, by 3%. _______________________ Type: ShadowGear Position: Shadow Left Accessory Refinable |
Traits Equipment | |
![]() A pair of gloves that can draw the wearer's potential ability. _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: POW +1 _______________________ Refine Level +7: P.Atk +3 _______________________ Refine Level +9: P.Atk +3 _______________________ When combined with Physical Power Shadow Shield: P.Atk +3 _______________________ Type: ShadowGear Position: Shadow Weapon Refinable |
![]() A small shield worn on the arm for additional defense _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: POW +1 _______________________ Refine Level +7: P.Atk +3 _______________________ Refine Level +9: P.Atk +3 _______________________ Type: ShadowGear Position: Shadow Shield Refinable |
![]() A pair of gloves that can draw the wearer's potential ability. _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: SPL +1 _______________________ Refine Level +7: S.Matk +3 _______________________ Refine Level +9: S.Matk +3 _______________________ When combined with Magical Spell Shadow Shield: S.Matk +3 _______________________ Type: ShadowGear Position: Shadow Weapon Refinable |
![]() A small shield worn on the arm for additional defense _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: SPL +1 _______________________ Refine Level +7: S.Matk +3 _______________________ Refine Level +9: S.Matk +3 _______________________ Type: ShadowGear Position: Shadow Shield Refinable |
![]() A pair of gloves that can draw the wearer's potential ability. _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: CON +1 _______________________ Refine Level +7: P.Atk +2 S.Matk +2 _______________________ Refine Level +9: P.Atk +2 S.Matk +2 _______________________ When combined with Concentration Shadow Shield: P.Atk +2 S.Matk +2 _______________________ Type: ShadowGear Position: Shadow Weapon Refinable |
![]() A small shield worn on the arm for additional defense _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: CON +1 _______________________ Refine Level +7: P.Atk +2 S.Matk +2 _______________________ Refine Level +9: P.Atk +2 S.Matk +2 _______________________ Type: ShadowGear Position: Shadow Shield Refinable |
![]() A small shield worn on the arm for additional defense _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: CON +1 _______________________ Refine Level +7: P.Atk +2 S.Matk +2 _______________________ Refine Level +9: P.Atk +2 S.Matk +2 _______________________ Type: ShadowGear Position: Shadow Shield Refinable |
![]() A pair of gloves that can draw the wearer's potential ability. _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: WIS +1 _______________________ Refine Level +7: Mres +30 _______________________ Refine Level +9: Mres +30 _______________________ When combined with Wisdom Shadow Shield: Mres +30 _______________________ Type: ShadowGear Position: Shadow Weapon Refinable |
![]() A small shield worn on the arm for additional defense _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: WIS +1 _______________________ Refine Level +7: Mres +30 _______________________ Refine Level +9: Mres +30 _______________________ Type: ShadowGear Position: Shadow Shield Refinable |
![]() A pair of gloves that can draw the wearer's potential ability. _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: STA +1 _______________________ Refine Level +7: Res +30 _______________________ Refine Level +9: Res +30 _______________________ When combined with Stamina Shadow Shield: Res +30 _______________________ Type: ShadowGear Position: Shadow Weapon Refinable |
![]() A small shield worn on the arm for additional defense _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: STA +1 _______________________ Refine Level +7: Res +30 _______________________ Refine Level +9: Res +30 _______________________ Type: ShadowGear Position: Shadow Shield Refinable |
![]() A pair of gloves that can draw the wearer's potential ability. _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: CRT +1 _______________________ Refine Level +7: C.Rate +2 H.Plus +2 _______________________ Refine Level +9: C.Rate +2 H.Plus +2 _______________________ When combined with Creative Shadow Shield: C.Rate +2 H.Plus +2 _______________________ Type: ShadowGear Position: Shadow Weapon Refinable |
![]() A small shield worn on the arm for additional defense _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: CRT +1 _______________________ Refine Level +7: C.Rate +2 H.Plus +2 _______________________ Refine Level +9: C.Rate +2 H.Plus +2 _______________________ Type: ShadowGear Position: Shadow Shield Refinable |
Trait-Enhanced Equipment | |
![]() Additional defensive effects can be obtained by wearing armor over armor. It can be used alone, but has little defensive effect. _______________________ Atk + 3%. For each 2 Refine Levels: Increases Physical Damage by 1%. _______________________ Refine Level +10: P.Atk + 2. _______________________ When equipped with Full Power Shadow Shoes: Atk + 2%, P.Atk + 2 Total Refine Level of entire set at least +18: Increases Physical Damage by 5% Increases physical damage against all size enemies by 10%. _______________________ When equipped with Physical Power Shadow Weapon: Atk + 3% Total Refine Level of entire set at least +18: POW + 3, P.Atk + 3. _______________________ Type: ShadowGear Position: Shadow Armor Refinable Required Level: 200 |
![]() Shoes that can be worn in addition to shoes. It can be used alone, but the effect is less. _______________________ Atk + 3%. For each 2 Refine Levels: Increases Physical Damage by 1%. _______________________ Refine Level +10: P.Atk + 2. _______________________ When equipped with Physical Power Shadow Shield: Atk + 3% Total Refine Level of entire set at least +18: POW + 3, P.Atk + 3. _______________________ Type: ShadowGear Position: Shadow Shoes Refinable Required Level: 200 |
![]() Additional defensive effects can be obtained by wearing armor over armor. It can be used alone, but has little defensive effect. _______________________ Crit + 3%. For each 2 Refine Levels: increases critical damage by 1%. _______________________ Refine Level +10: C.Rate + 2. _______________________ When equipped with Full Rate Shadow Shoes: Atk + 2%, C.Rate + 2 Total Refine Level of entire set at least +18: increases critical damage by 5% Increases physical damage against all size enemies by 10%. _______________________ When equipped with Creative Shadow Weapon: Atk + 3% Total Refine Level of entire set at least +18: CRT + 3, C.Rate + 3. _______________________ Type: ShadowGear Position: Shadow Armor Refinable Required Level: 200 |
![]() Shoes that can be worn in addition to shoes. It can be used alone, but the effect is less. _______________________ Crit + 3%. For each 2 Refine Levels: increases critical damage by 1%. _______________________ Refine Level +10: C.Rate + 2. _______________________ When equipped with Creative Shadow Shield: Atk + 3% Total Refine Level of entire set at least +18: CRT + 3, C.Rate + 3. _______________________ Type: ShadowGear Position: Shadow Shoes Refinable Required Level: 200 |
![]() A sacred necklace said to protect the wearer. Brings out the wearer's potential abilities. _______________________ Atk + 3% For each 2 Refine Levels: Decreases Variable Casting Time by 1%. _______________________ Refine Level +10: P.Atk + 2. _______________________ When equipped with Focusing Shadow Earring: Atk + 2%, P.Atk + 2 Total Refine Level of entire set at least +18: increases physical damage against all property enemies by 10%. _______________________ When equipped with Concentration Shadow Weapon: Atk + 3% Total Refine Level of entire set at least +18: CON + 3, P.Atk + 3. _______________________ Type: ShadowGear Position: Shadow Left Accessory Refinable Required Level: 200 |
![]() A sacred earring that is said to protect the wearer. Brings out the wearer's potential abilities. _______________________ Atk + 3% For each 2 Refine Levels: Decreases Variable Casting Time by 1%. _______________________ Refine Level +10: P.Atk + 2. _______________________ When equipped with Concentration Shadow Shield: Atk + 3% Total Refine Level of entire set at least +18: CON + 3, P.Atk + 3. _______________________ Type: ShadowGear Position: Shadow Right Accessory Refinable Required Level: 200 |
![]() A sacred necklace said to protect the wearer. Brings out the wearer's potential abilities. _______________________ Def + 30. For each 2 Refine Levels: Res + 3. _______________________ Refine Level +10: Res + 15. _______________________ When equipped with Stout Shadow Earring: Def + 15, Res + 25 Total Refine Level of entire set at least +18: MaxHP + 7%. _______________________ When equipped with Stamina Shadow Weapon: Res + 15 Total Refine Level of entire set at least +18: STA + 3, MaxHP + 5%. _______________________ Type: ShadowGear Position: Shadow Left Accessory Refinable Required Level: 200 |
![]() A sacred earring that is said to protect the wearer. Brings out the wearer's potential abilities. _______________________ Def + 30. For each 2 Refine Levels: Res + 3. _______________________ Refine Level +10: Res + 15. _______________________ When equipped with Stamina Shadow Shield: Res + 15 Total Refine Level of entire set at least +18: STA + 3, MaxHP + 5%. _______________________ Type: ShadowGear Position: Shadow Right Accessory Refinable Required Level: 200 |
![]() Additional defensive effects can be obtained by wearing armor over armor. It can be used alone, but has little defensive effect. _______________________ MATK + 3%. For each 2 Refine Levels: increases all elemental magical damage by 1%. _______________________ Refine Level +10: S.MATK + 2. _______________________ When equipped with Full Spell Shadow Shoes: MATK + 2%, S.MATK + 2 Total Refine Level of entire set at least +18: increases all elemental magical damage by 5% Increases magical damage against all size enemies by 10%. _______________________ When equipped with Magical Spell Shadow Weapon: MATK + 3% Total Refine Level of entire set at least +18: SPL + 3, S.MATK + 3. _______________________ Type: ShadowGear Position: Shadow Armor Refinable Required Level: 200 |
![]() Shoes that can be worn in addition to shoes. It can be used alone, but the effect is less. _______________________ MATK + 3%. For each 2 Refine Levels: increases all elemental magical damage by 1%. _______________________ Refine Level +10: S.MATK + 2. _______________________ When equipped with Magical Spell Shadow Shield: MATK + 3% Total Refine Level of entire set at least +18: SPL + 3, S.MATK + 3. _______________________ Type: ShadowGear Position: Shadow Shoes Refinable Required Level: 200 |
![]() A sacred necklace said to protect the wearer. Brings out the wearer's potential abilities. _______________________ MATK +3% For each 2 Refine Levels: reduces variable cast time by 1%. _______________________ Refine Level +10: S.MATK +2. _______________________ When equipped with Centering Shadow Earring: MATK +2%, S.MATK +2 Total Refine Level of entire set at least +18: Increases Magical Damage against all monsters of any element by 10% _______________________ When equipped with Concentration Shadow Weapon: MATK +3% Total Refine Level of entire set at least +18: CON +3, S.MATK +3. _______________________ Type: ShadowGear Position: Shadow Left Accessory Refinable Required Level: 200 |
![]() A sacred earring that is said to protect the wearer. Brings out the wearer's potential abilities. _______________________ MATK +3% For each 2 Refine Levels: reduces variable cast time by 1%. _______________________ Refine Level +10: S.MATK +2. _______________________ When equipped with Concentration Shadow Shield: MATK +3% Total Refine Level of entire set at least +18: CON +3, S.MATK +3. _______________________ Type: ShadowGear Position: Shadow Right Accessory Refinable Required Level: 200 |
![]() A sacred necklace said to protect the wearer. Brings out the wearer's potential abilities. _______________________ Mdef +10 For each 2 Refine Levels: MRES +3 _______________________ Refine Level +10: MRES +15 _______________________ When equipped with Witty Shadow Earring: Mdef +15, Mres +25 Total Refine Level of entire set at least +18: MaxSP + 7%. _______________________ When equipped with Wisdom Shadow Weapon: MRES +15 Total Refine Level of entire set at least +18: WIS +3, MaxSP +5%. _______________________ Type: ShadowGear Position: Shadow Left Accessory Refinable Required Level: 200 |
![]() A sacred earring that is said to protect the wearer. Brings out the wearer's potential abilities. _______________________ Mdef +10 For each 2 Refine Levels: MRES +3 _______________________ Refine Level +10: MRES +15 _______________________ When equipped with Wisdom Shadow Shield: MRES +15 Total Refine Level of entire set at least +18: WIS +3, MaxSP +5%. _______________________ Type: ShadowGear Position: Shadow Right Accessory Refinable Required Level: 200 |
Master-Shadow Gear
Erhältlich bei NPC Clark. Um ein einzelnes Teil der Meister-Schatten-Ausrüstung zu erhalten, muss die Kiste beim selben NPC gekauft werden.
Master Conversion | ||
![]() Master Shadow Shield Thump Box. This is used to create one Master Shadow Shield. _______________________ [Requirements] Refine Rate: +7 Amount of Items: 6 [Possible Items] Any Class Shadow Shield _______________________ [Obtainable Items] Master Shadow Shield _______________________ The Refine Level of the materials does not affect the result. It is possible to exchange several of the same part. _______________________ Type: Delayconsume Position: Unknown Weight: 1 |
![]() Master Shadow Armor Thump Box. This is used to create one Master Shadow Armor. _______________________ [Requirements] Refine Rate: +7 Amount of Items: 6 [Possible Items] Any Class Shadow Armor _______________________ [Obtainable Items] Master Shadow Armor _______________________ The Refine Level of the materials does not affect the result. It is possible to exchange several of the same part. _______________________ Type: Delayconsume Position: Unknown Weight: 1 |
![]() Master Shadow Shoes Thump Box. This is used to create Master Shadow Shoes. _______________________ [Requirements] Refine Rate: +7 Amount of Items: 6 [Possible Items] Any Class Shadow Shoes _______________________ [Obtainable Items] Master Shadow Shoes _______________________ The Refine Level of the materials does not affect the result. It is possible to exchange several of the same part. _______________________ Type: Delayconsume Position: Unknown Weight: 1 |
![]() Master Shadow Earring Thump Box. This is used to create a Master Shadow Earring. _______________________ [Requirements] Refine Rate: +7 Amount of Items: 3 [Possible Items] Any Class Shadow Earring _______________________ [Obtainable Items] Master Shadow Earring _______________________ The Refine Level of the materials does not affect the result. It is possible to exchange several of the same part. _______________________ Type: Delayconsume Position: Unknown Weight: 1 |
![]() Master Shadow Pendant Thump Box. This is used to create a Master Shadow Pendant. _______________________ [Requirements] Refine Rate: +7 Amount of Items: 3 [Possible Items] Any Class Shadow Pendant _______________________ [Obtainable Items] Master Shadow Pendant _______________________ The Refine Level of the materials does not affect the result. It is possible to exchange several of the same part. _______________________ Type: Delayconsume Position: Unknown Weight: 1 |
![]() Master Shadow Weapon Thump Box. This is used to create a Master Shadow Weapon. _______________________ [Requirements] Refine Rate: +7 Amount of Items: 6 [Possible Items] Any Class Shadow Weapon _______________________ [Obtainable Items] Master Shadow Weapon _______________________ The Refine Level of the materials does not affect the result. It is possible to exchange several of the same part. _______________________ Type: Delayconsume Position: Unknown Weight: 1 |
![]() A pair of gloves that can draw the wearer's potential ability. _______________________ ATK +2%, MATK +2% _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: Increases Physical Damage by 1%. Increases Magical Damage with every element by 1%. _______________________ Refine Level +7: MaxHP +3%, MaxSP +3% _______________________ Refine Level +9: P.ATK +2, S.MATK +2 _______________________ Class Restrictions: 4th and High Expanded Classes _______________________ Type: ShadowGear Position: Shadow Weapon Refinable Required Level: 200 |
![]() A small shield worn on the arm for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ ATK +2%, MATK +2% _______________________ For each 2 Refine Levels: Increases Physical Damage by 1%. Increases Magical Damage with every element by 1%. _______________________ Refine Level +7: MaxHP +3%, MaxSP +3% _______________________ Refine Level +9: P.ATK +2, S.MATK +2 _______________________ Class Restrictions: 4th and High Expanded Classes _______________________ Type: ShadowGear Position: Shadow Shield Refinable Required Level: 200 |
![]() A suit of armor worn on top of normal armor for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ When equipped with Master Shadow Shield: All Traits +2 _______________________ When equipped with Master Shadow Shield and Master Shadow Shoes: P.ATK +1, S.MATK +1 Total Refine Level of entire set is at least +27: Ignores physical and magical defense of every race, except Players, by 50%. _______________________ When equipped with Master Shadow Weapon, Master Shadow Shield, Master Shadow Shoes, Master Shadow Earring and Master Shadow Pendant: Ignores physical and magical resistance of every race, except Players, by 20%. _______________________ Class Restrictions: 4th and High Expanded Classes _______________________ Type: ShadowGear Position: Shadow Armor Refinable Required Level: 200 |
![]() A pair of shoes worn on top of normal shoes for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect. _______________________ When equipped with Master Shadow Shield: All Traits +2 _______________________ Class Restrictions: 4th and High Expanded Classes _______________________ Type: ShadowGear Position: Shadow Shoes Refinable Required Level: 200 |
![]() A sacred earring which is believed to protect its wearer. It also draws the wearer's potential abilities. _______________________ When equipped with Master Shadow Weapon: All Traits +2 _______________________ When equipped with Master Shadow Weapon and Master Shadow Pendant: P.ATK +1, S.MATK +1 Total Refine Level of entire set is at least +27: Ignores physical and magical defense of every race, except Players, by 50%. _______________________ Class Restrictions: 4th and High Expanded Classes _______________________ Type: ShadowGear Position: Shadow Right Accessory Refinable Required Level: 200 |
![]() A sacred necklace which is believed to protect its wearer. It also draws the wearer's potential abilities. _______________________ When equipped with Master Shadow Weapon: All Traits +2 _______________________ Class Restrictions: 4th and High Expanded Classes _______________________ Type: ShadowGear Position: Shadow Left Accessory Refinable Required Level: 200 |