Both pendants can be enchanted by using
Dark Stone (100580) as enchant material. Dark Stone can be bought at NPC Muzaszir with 1m zeny or 2 Nyangvine Fruits.
2 options will be given randomly as following table.
If you get unwanted options. You can re-enchant it as much as you want as long as you have enough zeny or Nyangvine Fruit to buy
Dark Stone (100580) .
1st enchant list
2nd enchant list
reduces delay after attack 3-5%
reduces variable casting time 5-8%
increases critical damage 5-8%
reduces damage taken from fire property 3-5%
reduces damage taken from water property 3-5%
reduces damage taken from earth property 3-5%
reduces damage taken from wind property 3-5%
reduces damage taken from non-neutral property 1-3%
reduces SP consupmtion of skills 3-5%
MaxHP 1-3%
MaxSP 1-3%
Atk 1-3%
Matk 1-3%
reduces delay after attack 3-5%
reduces variable casting time 5-8%
increases critical damage 5-8%
reduces damage taken from fire property 3-5%
reduces damage taken from water property 3-5%
reduces damage taken from earth property 3-5%
reduces damage taken from wind property 3-5%
reduces damage taken from non-neutral property 1-3%
reduces SP consupmtion of skills 3-5%
MaxHP 1-3%
MaxSP 1-3%
Atk 1-3%
Matk 1-3%